HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-26N A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Vir-
ginia was held on September 26, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County
Courthouse, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J.T. Henley, Jr.,
William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Absent: None.
Officer Present: County Attorney.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked if any of the Board
members would like to hear comments from the staff before voting on the first
two matters on the agenda. These were special permit requests from the City of
Charlottesville for landfill operations in the County.
Mr. John Humphrey read the following letter from the Department of High-
"September 26, 1973
Mr. John L. Humphrey
County Planner
County Office Building
Charlottesville', Virginia
Dear Mr. Humphrey:
The following comments are offered with regard to Route 20
and Route 29 relative to traffic capabilities.
Route 20 is a two lane facility which was designed and
constructed under standards in effect in the mid 1950's. The
grades and alignment are not considered to be inferior but could
pose some problems as traffic volumes increase.
Route 29 is presently a two lane facility in the area of
the Massie site. A contract has been let to four lane this
last two lane section and this work should be completed by early
1975. When this facility is completed it will be capable of
handling increased traffic loads by the nature of its design.
From a traffic standpoint it is my opinion that a four
lane facility such as Route 29 will be able to handle increased
volumes much better than the two lane facility on Route 20.
I would like to point out however that a traffic study
will have to be made at either site before a fair evaluation
can be made.
Very truly yours,
(signed) R.G. Warner
Resident Engineer"
Mr. Fisher said the Board had received a revised soil analysis on the Massey
tract. It shows there are approximately 26 acres of soil which are considered
to have only slight limitations for landfill use. He said that more than
one-third of that total lies to the southwest Of the ridge nearest to Route 29
and therefore under the plans of Metcalf and Eddy and also those proposed by
the County Planner it would not be usable for landfill operations. He said it
appeared to him that approximately 10 acres of this cOuld not be used because
they lay close to the roadside.
Mr. Fisher asked how much of the frontage of this property will be taken
by the widening of 29 South. Mr. Humphrey said he was not aware of any
additional right of way being taken at this point. Mr. Fisher then asked the
City Attorney a question concerning ownership of the property.
Mr. Roger Wiley said the City had an option agreement with the owners of the
tract on which they gave notice of execution within the time period specified in
the option. To date the City has not received a deed for this tract. He said'
their attorney in this land transaction assured him that if the City received the
special permit the owners would give the deed. They are somewhat reluctant,for
the City to have the land if it cannot be used for the intended purpose.
Mr. Fisher asked if the City no longer had a contract to purchase or a title
to this land. Mr. Wiley said they have an option contract which the City can
take steps to execute within the time of the original option. Mr. Fisher then
asked Mr. St. John if in his mind that satisfied the requirements of having a
legal interest in the property. Mr.' St. John replied yes. Mr. Fisher said that
before a vote was taken on either site he felt there were a number of conditions
that would apply to e~ther site that should be discussed. He had sent
copies of some conditions he proposes to the Board members and Mr. Humphrey had
also proposed certain conditions on the individual sites.
Mr. Carwile said he felt all the Board members had received a memo from
the County Planning department dated September 26th and he then read the
following into the record:
"SUBJECT: Recommended Alternative for Landfill Site
The Albemarle County Planning Staff respectively requests your
consideration of the following:
That in lieu of selecting one of the two sites that are presently
before you under Special Permit applications, that consideration
be given to the continuing use of the Ivy landfill by the City
of Charlottesville for a period not to exceed five (5) years. It
is suggested that there be established a committee to pursue the
problem of solid waste disposal as it affects the City of
Charlottesville, the County of Albemarle, and the University of
Virginia. Said agency being charged to report back to the bodies
within a year, on the methods, financing and structure of an agency
or authority ko administer a regional approach. That the Thomas
Jefferson Regional Planning District act as an advisory and
staff to the proposed body.
An investigation of the laws in the County Ordinances indicate
no deterrent to the City continuing the use of' the Ivy landfill.
In view of the critical situation regarding access to the
landfill at Ivy, it is suggested that the capital outlay
involved in the preparation of the two proposed sites, which
the City is willing to commit to, be allotted to the improve-
ments of Route 637. This improvement would be in conjunction
with the proposed Virginia Department of Highways improvements
of Route 637.
We realize these are general statements and the actual plans
for long term utilization of the Ivy site are not readily
available. However, we feel it is the only alternative that
is aVailable under the circumstances to the City and to the
County of Albemarle."
He also read the following from the staff report on the Massey site:
"The Ivy landfill would be an ideal location for a joint
landfill operation. With more than two hundred acres of
useable land still available, the site has a lifetime of
more than thirty years with joint usage. The Ivy landfill
is also located near enough to the city as no
collection truck use impractical. The additi
time to and from Ivy, however, will force the
and operate two or three more collection truc
Route 637 from the Interstate to the landfill
to be improved to accommodate the increased t
With the landfill and, hopefully in the futur
disposal under one authority, the City, Count
University of Virginia will have a great deal
in the future to change to more advanced meth
t to make city
onal driving
city to purchase
ks. State
will also have
tuck traffic.
a, all waste
y, and the
of flexibility
~ds of waste
With that planning and economic observation presented, the
staff is of the opinion that the City should join with the
County in utilizing the Ivy Landfill to meet the objectives
of the Comprehensive Plan and economic reasoning with the
additional objective of involving the third separate juris-
diction, the UniverSity of Virginia."
Mr. Carwile said he felt that some of these commen
to the Board's attention sometime ago, yet it was
received a recommendation for an alternative from
he was committed to helping the City solve their
not feel that a prerequisite of this means that th
another landfill in the County. He felt the Board
the problems of landfills for all with the interes
the City of Charlottesville. He suggested that t~
ts had been brought
on this day that they
the staff. He said
)roblem and he did
Board should place
of Supervisors must consider
ts of its own citizens and
e Board consider the use
of the Ivy landfill on long term permanent basis
authority, ideally an expansion of the Rivanna Aut
staff that the capital outlays the City would have
would be money that could be expended by the authc
to operate a landfill, for the maintenance of the
Mr. Wheeler asked if all the Board had had a
received this date.
Mr. Fisher said the prospect of improving Rt
studied. The estimated cost given by the Highway
that section from 1-64 to the landfill. At that
~nder the auspices of an
hority. He agreed with the
to use at another landfill site
rity, or whatever vehicle was chosen
road to the Ivy landfill site.
chance to review the staff report
637 to the Ivy landfill had been
Department was $475,000 to improve
lme, the Board did not feel
this made economical sense. He felt Mr. Carwile was right in stating that the Board
made assurances to the citizens of Ivy when this use was instituted as a temporary
measure. He said since the Board is under court order there, he feels they must
consider carefully what they are going to do and how they will raise the money to
proceed if they go in that direction.
Mr. Carwile said he was not aware of any assurances given to the
citizens of Ivy by the Board and he did not state that. He felt assurances
were given by individual members of the Board to citizens not only in Ivy
but in other sections of the County with respect to landfills in general.
Mr. Fisher said he did not remember the exact terminology but he felt
the Board had agreed to give the City only temporary use of the Ivy landfill
from January through June.
Mr. Wheeler said there is a sizable piece of land at Ivy and the Board
may want to use this site in the future, however, at this time Rt. 637 has
not been improved and he did not feel this could be accomplished in the near
future. He said the Board's agreement with Continental Can for use of this land
will expire soon and if this is to be a joint usage the Board may have to
condemn the land. He also said if the County and City want to have a joint
landfill operation they most likely will need more than one landfill site.
Mr. Henley said it was an appealing ideal_but it had a couple of small
flaws, namely, time and money. He did not see how these could be overcome.
Mr. Thacker said he agreed although he felt Mr. Carwile and the Planning
Staff had found another possibility. He said the time was unfortunate, both
from the standpoint of not having an opportunity to have reports prepared on
the Ivy landfill site and surveys made. He said the road situation is one
that prohibits the continued use at this time, although it may have to be
considered later in the evening. He felt the idea merits long range consi-
Mr. Fisher said he did not know how Rt. 637 could be improved while it
is receiving the present traffic usage.
Mr. Wood said the conditions Mr. Fisher had forwarded to the
Board earlier in the week would apply to any site located in the County.
He felt the Board should discuss their basic philosophy for use of any site.
The first of Mr. Fisher's conditions is that the use be for five years, but
if the Board decides they will approve for five years they have set a pattern.
If they decide on a long term site, then he felt this had set a pattern and it
would effect which way he voted on which site. He said a solution could
not be found in a short time span and he did not feel that five to
ten years is long enough for %he Board to find a true solution.
Mr. Wood said five years ago the Board went to a temporary site at Ivy
and they now knOw it was a mistake. He said if the Board approves a five
year situation on any site, in four years they will be considerating the same
matter and the Board will have different segments of the County up in arms
over the same circumstances. He thought Mr. Carwile had summarized this
very well. No one will want a landfill a~d he felt the Board needs a
permanent solution or a landfill site for a 20 to 25 year minimum time period.
If another solution to solid waste disposal is found in the interim, that
site could be abandoned or covered over and re-seeded.
Mr. Wheeler said the only way to abandon any site-in five or ten years would
be to have conditions attached which the Board of Supervisors can control. He
said that one of these sites would be eliminated if a 25 year condition were
attached because there is not that much usable land. Mr. Wheeler then asked the
expected life span of the Massey site. Mr. Guy Agnor said the Massey site had
a prospective life of 20 years and the Cason site has an estimated life of ten
years. There are additional acres within the Cason tract which could be used
for a landfill operation but this tract is not under any type of lease agreement
by the City at this time.
Mr. Henley asked Mr. Agnor if he had the cost preparation figures for the
two sites. Mr. Agnor said for the Cason site it would be $445,035 and for the
Massey site, $411,400.
Mr. Carwile asked if the County Engineering Department had ever computed
what the additional.site preparation costs would be if there were joint usage at
the Ivy landfill. Mr. J. H. Bailey replied no.
Mr. Agnor said the City had not made calculations on this, but would re-
commend that funds to be used for site preparation on the other two sites be channeled
toward highway improvements. If the City were allowed continued use of the Ivy
landfill the funds that were earmarked for site improvements would have ~to be
used for either the installation of a transfer station (at approximately one-half
million dollars) or additional trucks which were calculated a number of months
ago at two or three. The capital costs of the additional vehicles would have
to be approved by City Council.
Mr. Thacker asked the travelling distance to the Ivy Landfill site as
compared to the Massey site. Mr. Agnor said it had been measured from the
City limits as sixteen miles, almost twice the distance to the Massey site.
Mr. Wood said .if one-half million dollars is to be invested in either a
transfer station or improvements to Route 637, the City could not justify this
cost for only a five year period. He felt the Board should decide if approval
would be given for five years or longer.
Mr. Wheeler said the Cason site only has a ten year life and that is the
length of the City's lease.
Mr. Fisher said the reason he suggested the term of any landfill for the
City be for five years is that is has been his impression over the last year
and three-quarters that no one in the City is concerned abou~ this problem
except City Council and their staff. He said if there is going to be a serious
look at solving this problem there must.be some reason for a cooperative effort
to be made to study new methods of solid waste disposal during the next two
years; to make a thorough study and recommendations as to a better way, how this
should be implemented, what sort of regional body is to be formed to control
this and this is the reason the Board of Supervisors should limit the permit.
He said he had outlined other proposals also, namely that a resource
recovery study committee be appointed jointly by the University of Virginia, the
City and the County. The University would have two members, the City would have
five members, three of whom would be private citizens and the County would have
five members, three of whom would be private citizens. He had also set out
several goals in the conditions, such as the cleaning of roads leading to the.
landfill site, a complaint procedure and review and he felt these conditions
should apply to any sanitary landfill in Albemarle County.
Mr. Wheeler said the Board should add a renewal stipulation to any five
year condition. He did not believe the City could clean all the roads in the
County which lead to a landfill site and felt it was only reasonable to require
that they keep the main route cleaned.
Mr. Fisher said this was intended for private haulers from the City if they
do not follow the same route the City follows.
Mr. Wheeler reiterated his original thought.
Mr. Wood said to have this amount of discussion over a minor detail at
this point was immaterial. He said Mr. Fisher and Mr. Wheeler had just pointed
out one of the major problems in approving any permit for only five years. He
felt this would cause a continued disruption to the citizens in the County and
he did not feel the Board was being fair by saying that they would approve for a
five year period and then add a condition that they might renew for an additional
period of time.
Mr. Wheeler said those were not his words or his intention.
Mr. Thacker said the conditions placed on any site would effect the way he
voted and he would like to proceed with the vote on the two sites and place the
conditions later.
Mr. Wood said he felt the conditions posed by Mr. Fisher would pertain to
any site.
Mr. W~eeler said the Board must get to a vote in some way and he sUggested that
whoever made the motion would state his conditions of approval and if the motion
was for denial, no conditions would be needed and he asked the pleasure~ of the Board
on Special Permit 203.
Mr. Wood offered motion to deny SP-203 and. the motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher.
Mr. Carwile said he felt it was only fair to tell an applicant why you are
denying his request. He said his reservation on the Massey tract was principally
related to the traffic situation on Route 29 South coupled with the inopportune
timing with respect to initiation of use and the fact that Route 29 South is slated
for extensive road widening. He felt this would seriously interrupt the traffic flow
and he was also concerned about water quality and water control as presented in
Mrs. Deal's report at the original hearing on this matter.
Mr. Thacker said he would support the motion to deny. In addition to the
reasons given by Mr. Carwile he feels.strongly that any landfill site in the County
should benefit the County of Albemarle and its citizens and he could see no benefit
to the County at the Massey site. He said this would put two landfill sites within
three and one-half miles of each other and this would be a detriment to the County.
Mr. Wood said for the record that the reasons given by Mr. Thacker and Mr. Carwile
were the reasons he made the motion to deny SP-203. He felt all these were valid
objections and were given at the hearing at Red Hill School and they had been
lingering in the back of his mind ever since.
Mr. Wheeler said the Board could object to this site however there has to be
a solution and he could not understand the direction which the Board was taking.
Vote was taken at this point and the motion carried by the following recorded
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
The next matter under discussion was SP-281 for the City of CharlOttesville.
Mr. Wood said the Board had not clarified the five-year situation before
voting on the last petition and he would now like to have clarification before
voting on SP-281. He felt that five years is not long enough. He agreed with the
recommendation of a resource recovery study commission and felt that this must be
accomplished regardless of the action taken tonight and he said it is probably five
years too late. He said the Board had made a five year mistake five years ago
W~ they went to the Ivy landfill site.
'- Mr. Wheeler said after listening to the reasons used to refuse SP-203 he
di'd not feel any conditions would be needed for SP-281 because all reasons given
apply to that site also. He said he could not believe the Board would vote for
a site that has worse conditions.
Mr. Wood said his vote would be influenced by a five year or longer condition
being attached to the petition.
Mr. Fisher asked if he would vote for SP-281 if more than five years were
attached to the conditions.
Mr. Wood said he would be so inclined.
Mr. Fisher said he could not understand Mr. Wood's reasoning since he felt
both sites have their problems. He said experts had testified both ways on both
sites and this is one of those cases where in a democracy it comes down to what six
people sitting here tonight think is the right thing to do at this point in time.
He said the landfill committee had investigated sites to the north of the City.
since that is were the majority of the growth in the County is at this time. He
did not know if the Cason site will service that need but since the landfill sites
would then be separated he felt these would provide all the population of the City
and County Without having to transport refuse to one small area and he felt there
are some differences between the two sites.
Mr. Wheeler-said Mr. Fisher was right and read the following comparison
prepared by the Planning staff:
Massey-Cason Landfill Sites Con~parison
General Characteristics
1. Travel Distance
2. Travel Time
3. Road conditions:
a) Width of Pavement
b) Traffic Counts
c) Hazards:
1) Bad grades
2) Site Distance
.3) Narrow Shoulders
d) No. Travel Lanes
e) Proposed Travel Lanes
4. Existing Land Use
5. Proposed Land Use
6. Impact on Historic Facilities
Massey Cason
11.02 3.3
20 min. 9 min.
24' 20'
5,755-10,340 2,900-13,030
None Yes
Good Fair
No Yes
2 2
4 2 .~ ~
Rural-Agricultural Rural-Suburban
Rural-Agricultural Urban-Suburban
Little Extreme
Site Characteristics
Massey Cason
1. Topography
2. Traffic Count
3. Soils:
a) Workability
b) Erosive Potential
c) Depth
4. Foliage-Tree Cover
5. Screening Potential
6. Entrance Sight Distance
7. Streams, Ground Water & Well
Contamination Potential
8. Nearest Home
2-15% 8-40%
5,775 2,900
Good Poor
Moderate High
Good Poor
Little Most of Site
Excellent Fair
Good Fair
Slight w/care
Moderate w/care
Mr. Wheeler said the Board had turned down a site which had some good and fair items
in it's favor. From the indication the Board is going to vote for a site which
has worse conditions and he refused to believe that.
Mr. Wood said the Board did not have a motion yet and Mr. Wheeler said that was
the indication which he received and he could not believe it.
Mr. Wood again asked for clarification on a five year condition.
Mr. Fisher said the site is estimated to have only a ten-year life and there is
no way that he could consider stipulating 20 years in a motion~
Mr. Carwile then offered motion to deny special permit 281, and motion was
seconded by Mr. Thacker in order to hold discussion. He said that the Cason site
is not at it's best desirable as a landfill site, however, there had been many
conflicting reports on this matter. There were reports which indicated that the Cason
site, while it is not particularly good, is at least not as bad as the information
contained on the comparison sheet which Mr. Wheeler read and he referred to the report
of E.O. Gooch and Associates. He said there is no site in Albemarle County which would
receive an excellent rating on all aspects.
Mr. Fisher said using the comparison sheet, it shows that travel distance to
county citizens and on county roads is more than three tmes as great, and he felt
there is as much validity in voting for the Cason site as there is on the other.
Mr. Carwile said he felt the Board had been remiss in not further looking into
the Ivy site. He said from his inquiries to people in the engineering field and
reports from the County staff that it behooves the Board to further explore the
possibilities of the Ivy site before the Board votes to put a landfill in another
section of the county.
Mr. Fisher said your motion is not to defer and Mr. Carwile said the motion
was not to defer.
Mr. Henley said unless someone could convince him that the Ivy site is usable
and the road could be repaired quickly, he could not support that use. He did not
feel the County would be able to obtain money from the City for repairs to the road
but he felt the Board should give the City an answer since they have applied for a
permit for the Cason site. After viewing the Cason property and reading the reports
he questioned the wise judgment in approving that permit however, he said if the City
felt they could use this site the Board should approve the permit for the Cason site
for at least ten years with an option to renew for five additional years.
Mro Wheeler asked if there were any further discussion before calling for a
vote on SP-281.
Mr. Wood said he felt he was being misunderstood. He felt it was a mistake to
approve any landfill site for only five years.
Mr. Wheeler said that was not under consideration in this motion.
Mr. Wood said he was going to vote against the motion because he felt it was
a mistake to approve any landfill site for only five years and know that you would
renew for an additional five. He felt this was unfai~ to the citizens in any section
of the County.
Mr. Wheeler said he was certainly going to support the motion and he did not
want to support five years and certainly would not support anything longer than
than five years.
Vote was taken at this point and the vote was as follows:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: Messrs. Fisher, Henley and Thacker.
Mr. Wheeler then asked Mr. St. John to advise the Board. Mr. St. John said to
let the records show that all the Board members were present and there was a 3-3
tie vote, and that the tie breaker appointed by the Circuit Court of Albemarle County
within the last four years is Harry L. Garth. Section 15.1-540 of the Code of
Virginia says the Clerk shall record this tie vote and immediately call the tie
breaker to come and give a casting vote at this meeting if that be practicable, and
if not practicable, this meeting should be adjourned on this question until a date
fixed in the minutes of the Board. In the event of a failure to agree upon a date,
the Clerk shall fix a date. Mr. St. John said the Clerk should see if it is practicable
for Mr. Garth to attend this meeting and whether he comes here tonight or not he ~--n
has 30 days in which to advise himself of the nature of the matter on which he is to
cast the tie breaking vote.
Mr. Thacker said he felt the Board was elected by the citizens to make decisions
for the citizens and if they do not make these decisions they have forsaken their
duty and he asked Mr. St. John what was the recourse of the Board on reconsideration
of a tie vote.
Mr. St. John said he thought it was the same as any tie vote on a motion Snd
he read from the rules, "any member may move for reconsideration if it is at the
same meeting." Mr. Thacke~ asked if that meant the matter would have to be recon-
sidered at the same meeting, or at another meeting or date set for reconsideration.
Mr. St. John said you must have a motion to reconsider at the same meeting or an
adjournment of that meeting.
Mr. Thacker offered motion that this Board reconsider the matter of Special
Permit 281 at a special meeting to be called at a later date. Mr. Wood said the
matter could be reconsidered tonight. Mr. Thacker said he would like to have
some time before reconsidering. Mr. St. John said the effect of this motion is
to place the original question in the same position that is occupied before it was
ever voted upon.
Mr. Carwile said you mean the same motion stands. Mr. St. John said it puts
it in the exact position which it occupied before the Board voted on it. Mr. Carwile
said you feel our rules of procedure give us the leeway to do this even though
the Code says that in the event of a tie you shall call in the tie breaker. Mr.
St. John said yes I do.
Mr. Thacker then offered motion to reconsider the matter of SP-281 at a meeting to be
held at 3:00 P.M., Friday. September 28, 1973 in the Board Room of the County Office
Building. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and the motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
None. --]
The next item under discussion was a request from the City Manager for an extension~
Motion to
of the deadline on a contract allowing the City use of the Ivy landfill site.
extend the deadline from September 30, 1973 for 60 days was offered by Mr. Carwile,
seconded~by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
At this time the Chairman called for public hearings on zoning matters as advertised
in the Daily Progress on September 5 and September 12, 1973:
(1) SP-283. Franklin Jones has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
to locate a permanent mobile home on three acres of land zoned A-1
Agricultural. Property is situated on west side of Route 663, two and
one-half miles southeast of Nortonsville. Property is described as
County Tax Map 18, Parcel 29A. White Hall Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey gave the staff's report and stated that the applicant wishes to place
a mobile home on his property for the use of a relative. He said the Planning Commission
recommended approval for a period of two years with administrative approval thereafter
for a period up to five years; a 100-foot setback from the right of way; Health Depart-
ment approval; screening left to discretion of the Planning staff along the right of way
of the road; and the-permit is to become void if Mr. Jones' sister moves from the site.
Mr. Jones brother was present in support of the petition. No one from the public
spoke in opposition. Motion was offered by Mr. Henley to accept the recommendation of
the Planning Commission and approve SP-283. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and
carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
Franklin Jones has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
to lo~ate a permanent mobile home on 10.9 acres of land zoned A-1
Agricultural. Property is situated at the intersection of Route 604 and
817. Property is described as County Tax Map 19, Parcel 40A-1. White
Hall Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey gave the staff's report and stated that the applicant wishes to locate
a mobile home on his property for the use of a relative. He stated that the Planning
Commission recommended a temporary permit of two years with administrative renewal
for one additional year; restricted to the.occupancy of Carroll Jones; a 100-foot set-
back from the right of way of the public road; and Health Department approval of a septic
tank system.
No one from the public spoke for or against the petition. Motion was offered by
Mr. Henley to accept the recommendations of the Planning Commission and approve SP-284.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(3) SP-287. Christopher Taylor. It was ascertained that no one was present in support
of this petition, therefore, motion was offered by Mr. Thacker to defer any action on
this petition until the next regular zoning meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(4) SP-291. Lorraine M. Schroyer. It was ascertained that no one was present in support
of this petition, therefore, motion was offered by Mr. Thacker to defer any action on this
petition until the next regular zoning meeting of the Board. Motion was seconded by
Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote:
NAYS: None.
(5) SP-292.
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors to locate a second skeet field on 71.5 acres of land zoned
A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on west side of Route 631 (Old
Lynchburg Road) about six miles south of Charlottesville. Property is
described .as County Tax Map 89, Parcel 84. Scottsville Magisterial
Mr. Humphrey said the club is not visible from the road and is surrounded by densely
wooded land. There are scattered dwellings along Route 631, with a community of dwellings
on small parcels further south. A conditional use permit was granted in September, 1968
for a clubhouse and indoor range and the applicant now wishes to add a second outdoor
skeet field. He stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval.
At this time, it was ascertained that no one was present for the petitioner, however,
since several people were present to voice objections, the Board continued. The first
to speak was Mrs. Jan Romer. She said this skeet range is a constant source of irri-
tation and she asked that the Board deny this request and recommended that the rifle
club select a new location. She gave to the Board a petition containing 71 signatures
of persons voicing opposition to .this permit.
Mr. Warren Chandler also spoke in opposition. He stated that he had built next
to the range and that after 10 o'clock at night there is still shooting. Expansion of this
facilitY does not seem wise since there are five new homes being built in the area.
He asked that the restrictions placed on their previous permit be enforced and that
the Board deny any further expansion.
Mrs. Virginia Dwyer and an unidentified lady both expressed opposition, stating
that they attended Chestnut Gro've Baptist Church which is located across from this
property and they object to the shooting which occurrs on Sunday mo~nings. They
asked that the permit be denied.
Mrs. Romer said she felt they were using not only target guns but also automatic
rifles and this should not be alIowed.
Mr. Thacker asked Mr. Humphrey if the conditional use permit issued in 1968 was
only for the skeet range. Mr. Humphrey said it was for the skeet range and the indoor
range. The other range was existing prior to zoning in Albemarle County.
Mr. Henley then offered mo%ion to defer any actiOn on this petition until the next
regular zoning meeting of the Boa~rd in order to allow the petitioner to be present.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wood said he felt that when there is no one present to speak in favor and there
are people present to object that it may be a disadvantage to the Board not to vote on the
matter tonight.
(6) SP-294. Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority haS petitioned the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors to locate an interceptor sewer line from Albemarle
High School pumping station to the existing Meadow Creek interceptor.
Jack Jouett and Charlottesville Magisterial Districts.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the proposed line will extend from the Albemarle High School
pumping station along Route 657 to Route 743, then in a northeasterly direction to
Four Seasons, then southeast through Berkeley community, generally following a stream
across Route 29 North south of the Branchland's entrance, then in a southerly direction
to connect to the existing Meadow Creek interceptor at the city limits. This request
i~ for the improvement of the existing line which connects Four Seasons to the
Berkeley Treatment plant. The intent is to connect to the Meadow Creek interceptor in
order that the surplus from the Four Seasons area can bypass the Berkeley plant. The
Berkeley plan will continue to be used in conjunction with the Meadow Creek plant until
the new advanced waste treatment plant is completed in five or six years. The Meadow
Creek plant is scheduled for updating by April 1, 1974. In addition to the improvement
of the existing line, a new line will be created to serve Albemarle High School, Jack
Jouett Jr. High School and the proposed northside elementary school. The new line
will be sized to serve other development in the area. It is expected that this inter-
ceptor line will be completed after the Meadow Creek plant is updated. He s~ated that
the Planning Commission recommended unanimous approval of the line as delineated.
Mr. J. Harvey Bailey and Mr. George Williams were present in support of the
petition. No one from the public spoke for or against. Motion was offered by Mr.
Carwile to accept the recommendations of the Planning Commission and approve SP-294.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
(7) SP-295. Ray and Velma Shifflett have petitioned the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors to locate a permanent mobile home on 3.6 acres of land zoned
A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on west side of Route 627 in
Porter's Precinct. Property is described as County Tax Map 128A-1,
Parcel 35. Scottsville Magisterial District.
Mr Humphrey gave the staff's report and stated that the Planning Commission recommended
approval for a period Of' five years and Health Department approval of a septic tank
system. Mrs. Shifflett was present in support of the petition. No one from the
public spoke for or against. Motion to accept the recommendations of the Planning
Commission was offered by Mr. Thacker, seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
At this time the Chairman called for a public hearing on an amendment to Chapter 4,
Article II, Section 4-13.1 relating to dogs by the addition of Georgetown Green as one
of those areas designated where dogs may not run at large. Notice of this public
hearing was published in the Daily Progress on September 12 and September 19, 1973.
Mr_. Robert Wood, sponsor of the petition was present. No one from the public
spoke against. Motion was offered by Mr. Carwile to adopt the following amendment:
Georgetown Green as platted and put to record in the Clerk's office of
Albemarle County: Section 4, Deed Book 440, Page 93.
The foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and~Wood.
Mr. Fisher said he had received a call concerning a building permit in West Leigh
for Mrs. C. A. Ballard.
Mr. Carwile suggested that the Board allow this building permit to be issued.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher, however, after numerous questions arose, the motion was
withdrawn and this matter was ordered to be placed on the agenda of September 28.
Mr. Wheeler said there was another matter which should be discussed. The Board
had received information from the staff that they will begin taking applications under the
land use tax ordinance on October 1 and they have asked that they be given some direction
in which to~proeeed. Mr. Thacker offered motion to have the Land Use Tax Ordinance placed
on the agenda for Friday, September 28, 1973 for discussion. Motion was seconded by Mr.
Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Motion was offered by Mr. Thacker to adjourn this meeting until 3:00 P.M. on
September 28, 1973 in the Board Room of the County Office Building. Motion was seconded
by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.