HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-12 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held on Decem~er'12, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. ~n tke 'Albemarle Count~ Cou~tkQu~e,
Charlottesville, Virginia.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The Chairman called the meeting to order.
The first item under discussion was SP-292 for the Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club.
Action on this matter was deferred from October 10, 1973.
Mr. John Humphrey, County Planner, read the following letter into the record:
,November 21, 1973
Mr. Richard E. Carter
435 Park Street
Charlottesville 22901
Dear Mr. Carter:
In reply to your letter of 9 November 1973, the Board of Trustees
of the Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club has authorized me to advise
you concerning our proposed hours of operation of our range on
Old Lynchburg Road. They are:
Lower Range (Outdoor rifle and pistol)
8:00 a.m. to sunset, Monday through Saturday
8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to sunset on Sunday,
in cooperation with the Church.
Skeet Field
8:00 a.m. to sunset, Monday through Saturday, except
on Wednesday from April through.September, inclusive,
when the range is open to the public until 10:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m. to sunset on Sunday
Sunday Exception
Occasionally matches will occur on Sundays in which event the
date and time of operation will be coordinated with the Church
so as to fall on their least active Sundays and then to
cease shooting for one hour for services.
We feel that this is a reasonable schedule that will meet the
Church's requirements and is in conformance with practices at
several other ranges where Churches and populated areas are
near their facilities. During the week there are only a couple
of shooters on the rifle and/or pistol ranges at one time before
5:00 p.m. You can expect as many as six to twelve on occasion
in the evenings during mild weather. Skeet fields permit only
one shooter to fire at a time per field. With the second field
no more than two shotguns could be fired simultaneously.
Saturdays and Sundays are the only days that many members can
use the range because of work schedules. In many cases Saturdays
are also work days. Serious rifle work such as developing
accuracy loads, checking bedding effects, sighting-in and target
practice necessitates firing in the morning and the evening to
reduce shadow, heat wave and wind effects.
Sincerely yours,
(Signed) H. I. Taylor
Member, Board of Trustees"
Mr. Fisher said he felt it was the position of the Board to try to resolve
some of the conflict which exists in this matter. Since these conditions were recom-
mended by one of the parties to the conflict, he asked that the Board be allowed to
hear reaction from other people involved as to whether they felt these are reasonable
Mrs. Romer said these new hours would not help the situation at all.
Another lady, unidentified, said if shooting started at 1:00 p.m. on Sundays,
there would still be problems during night services at the Chruch.
be no shooting on Sundays.
Mr. Dave Stokes said he was opposed to shooting on Sundays. He said the people
~- in this section have complained about all shooting and they asked that the Board
consider the commUnity first.
Mr. Rod Shannon said he owned property near the Club and he asked that there
be no second skeet~ field and there be no shooting on Sundays.
Mr. Wheeler said he had contacted Mr. Carter to see if the Club would consider
different hours and he was informed that they would not.
Mr. Fisher asked if in a situation where the applicant wishes to expand existing
facilities and the citizens in the area wish to curtail the total operation, if the
Board can impose conditions on the total operation and let the Club accept those
conditions or not.build the second skeet field.
Mr. St. John said the Board cannot impoSe conditions on the range as it exists
now, but they can say the Club will have to accede to certain conditions on the total
operation or they will not grant a permit for a second skeet field.
Mr. Fisher said he is concerned about the operation of this facility on Sunday
mornings. He said the Sunday exceptions will have to be coordinated with the Church.
The conditions given did not say how this will be resolved when there are events
at the Church which cannot be programmed a month or more in advance. If matches
have been scheduled and there is a funeral, there is no way this can be scheduled in
Mr. Henley suggested that the conditions contain a statement that there would
be no firing during funerals.
Mr. Fisher felt the statement concerning Sunday exceptions is vague. He then
offered motion that the Board allow construction of a second skeet field range on
condition that there be no operation on Sunday mornings until 1:00 p.m on any of
the rifle pistol or skeet fields. That the hours of operation for other days he
as set out above. That the Sunday matches be limited to three per year and that
on notification from the Church as to funerals, that there will be a cease fire
for two hours at the arranged time. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile.
After a short discussion of the hours of operation, Mr. Fisher restated his
motion that the Board allow construction of a second skeet field range, conditioned
on the following hours of operation:
a) Lower Range (Outdoor rifle, pistol).
1) 8:00 A.M. to sunset, Monday through Saturday.
She asked that there
2) 1:00 P.M. to sunset on Sunday, in cooperation with
the Chestnut Grove Baptist Church.
Skeet Field.
1) 8:00 A.M. to sunset, Monday through Saturday. Except,
on Wednesday from April through September, inclusive,
when the range is open to the public until 9:00 P.M.
2) 1:30 P.M. to sunset on Sunday.
Sunday Exceptions (Maximum - three per year).
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Matches will be scheduled so as to fall on the least
active Sunday of the Chestnut Grove Baptist Church
and then the club will be required to cease shooting
for one hour for services.
d) When notified by the Church that a funeral is being con-
ducted, there will be a cease fire of all operations for
two hours.
This motion was. seconded by Mr. Wood and the motion carried by the following recorded
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: Mr. Thacker.
The next item under discussion was request for SP-304 for T. J. Snead. Public
hearing on this petition was continued from November 28, 1973. Mr. Humphrey said this
matter was continued from the November meeting in order to allow for an investigation
of the four mobile homes which now exist on the property. He then read the following
communication into the record:
"December 7, 1973
TO: John L. Humphrey
FROM: Ruth Miller, Andy Evans, and Donnie Woodson
SUBJECT: Detailed investigation involving MHP's
issued to T. J. Snead
On December 3, 1973, at approximately 12:30 P.M., Donnie Woodson
visited property owned by T. J. Snead on Route 784, approximately
one mile north from Stony Point further described as County Tax
Map 48, Parcel 6. At that time, he spoke with Mrs. Robert Newman,
occupant of mobile home $1. Mrs. Newman informed Mr. Woodson
that she and her husband are renting the mobile home from Mr.
Snead and are not related to him.
On December 6, 1973, at 7:14 p.m., Mr. Donnie Woodson and Mr.
Andy Evans visited the subject property again and spoke to
Mrs. Larry Snead, daughter-in-law of Mr. T. J. Snead, and
occupant of mobile home $3. They found that permit #MHP-246
as issued for #3 on May 18, 1972. Mrs. Snead informed them
that all three mobile homes are on separate septic tank systems.
No one was at home in mobile home $2, therefore, Mr. Woodson
and Mr. Evans proceeded to Mr. T. J. Snead's home.
It was determined that MHP$248 was issued on 5/18/72 for
David Morris, stepson of Mr. Snead Who occupies mobile
home ~2 part time. It was further determined that MHP~247
was issued on 5/18/72 for Barbara Snead, daughter of Mr.
Snead; that the mobile home (referred to as $1), is
presently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Newman under a six
months lease and Barbara plans to return to occupy that
mobile home .when the six month lease expires.
Mr. Snead stated that the fourth trailer is unoccupied
at present but he plans to move his nephew into it; that
the nephew will be working part time on the farm in return
for housing.
No permit has been issued for trailer ~4, however, Mr. Snead
has made application for a special use permit."
Mr. Humphrey said that there are three mobile homes now in existence and
occupied. Two were issued on the basis of the lineal relative provisions. The fourth
is SP-304 under discussion. The Planning Commission recommended approval by a 7-0 vote,
with one abstaining for a five-year period, with a 150 feet setback from Route
784 and Health Department approval for a septic tank system.
Mr. Wheeler asked if trailer ~1 is in violation of the' zoning ordinance. Mr.
Humphrey said yes, that is the one being leased for six months. Mr. Wood asked if there
Were some reason why this was being leased for only six months. Mr. Snead said his
daughter had moved out of the mobile home with plans to move into a home at Zion's
Crossroads. However, they had been unable to get electricity run across the property
and when this lease expires they want to move back. He said he had bought a license
to rent for six months. Mr. Wheeler asked what ~ype of license he bought. Mr. Snead
said he did not know, but he had paid $20 for a license to rent a mobile home.
Mr. Batchelor asked Mr. Snead when he made application for the license. Mr
Snead said a man had called him, asked if he were going to rent the mobile home and
told him he must buy a license. He brought a check to the County Building, left it
with the switchboard operator and the license was mailed to him. Mr. Wheeler said
he would like to see a copy of the license. He said the Board had asked Mr. Snead at
the public hearing in November if there were members of his family living in these
three trailers and he remembered Mr. Snead had answered in the affirmative. Mr.
Snead said he had been asked if the permits were issued for members of his family
and they were.
Mr. Wood said if there were a mix-up, he would like to see it straightened out
as soon as possible. He said the Board had been approving such permits and he felt
the request is legitimate. Mr. Wheeler said it was not the policy of this Board to
approve permits for rental purposes and he did not expect to support the application.
Mr. Henley said the application is for five years and he felt it should only
be for one or two years. Mr. Wood said that was no problem. He offered motion
to approve the application, as recommended by the Planning Commission, and with
the additional stipulation that the permit be renewed annually.
Mr. Fisher said he interpreted the intent of this provision in the zoning
ordinance to be for one or two lineal permits or agricultural uses and he felt that
free use of a trailer in exchange for services is the same as a rental contract.
Mr. Carwile offered second to Mr. Wood's motion. Vote was taken and the motion
~-- carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley and Wood.
NAYS: Mr. Thacker and Mr. Wheeler.
Rachel A. Brown. Public hearing on this petition was deferred from
November 28, 1973. Mr. Humphrey said the Planning Commission had recommended denial
since it was not their policy to grant a special permit involving uses where there are
deed restrictions which prohibit same.
Mr. Lloyd Smith, was present to represent Mrs. Brown. He said this use was not
detrimental to the character or development of the adjacent property.
Mrs. Brown was present and read a prepared statement.
Mr. Noel Stevens said he knew of eight houses in Farmington which have similar
situations and he felt this would have no adverse effect on the value of the neighbor-
Mr. Smith said the deed restriction is a matter for the courts and not the job
of the Board of Supervisors to enforce. He said this whole matter is a neighborhood
squabble with a lot of petty bickering.
Mr. Eaton Brooks asked Mr. St. John if he felt the Board can consider that there
are restrictive covenants. He said if the attorney for the petitioner feels they
can go to court on these restrictions, they should.
Mr. St. John said that the decision of the Board in granting or denying special
permits would have no effect on any court decision. If the Board granted the permit,
then anyone who wants to go to court to enforce the covenants would have that
prerogative. He said the Board was not bound to deny the permit because there
are restrictions.
Mr. Wheeler said permits of this type for rental which he had supported in
the past had not been in the same situation and had been on larger acreages. He
felt that if the Board granted this permit, it would cause others to apply for
similar permits and would change the character of this subdivision.
Mr. Wood. said he did not think he had ever voted against deed restrictions. He
always felt that they take precedence over zoning. He said if the deed restrictions
are to challenged, it is not up to the Board to cause them to be challenged. He offered
motion to deny SP-306.
Mr. Fisher said he had lived in a subdivision which did change from single to
multi-family through a similar process and he felt approval of this permit would be
detrimental to this subdivision. He gave second to Mr. Wood's motion. Vote was
taken as follows:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and WoOd.
NAYS: Mr. Carwile.
The next item under discussion was a request from Elijah Agee for a 50 feet
access easement to serve a division of Tax Map 121, Parcel 127, consisting of Lots
A, B, and the residual acreage. This land is off of State Route 715 and shown on
plat drawn by Mackie Engineering Co., designated as Drawing No. ~t12 and da~ed
May 16, 1973. Mr. Humphrey said the Planning Commission has reviewed this request
and recommend approval subject to the easement serving only lots A and B and the
residual acreage. The 50 feet right of way, shown on the plat, is not to constitute
a subdivision-of the entire parcel 29 on Tax Map 121. This would be an access ease-
ment and not a restricted road. Motion to approve this request as recommended by
the Planning Commission was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
The next item was a request for a 50 feet access easement to serve Parcels C and
D, a portion of Tax Map 45, Parcel 59A, as show on plat of Mackie Engineering Company,
drawing No. 4083-1 and dated March 7, 1973 for BLB Corporation. Mr. Humphrey said
the Planning Commission recommended that the 50 feet right of way indicated on the
plat, be approved as an access easement as opposed to a dedicated restricted road.
They also recommended that the right of way be for the exclusive use of Parcels
C and D.
Motion to approve this request as recommended by the Planning Commission was
offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
~'~ Mr. Humphrey said the next request involves a subdivision known as Brinnington.
The request was for a restricted road for two lots, however, a moratorium was estab-
lished by the Board on restricted road requests and the applicant has submitted final
pla~s and now shows the proposed road as a joint access easement as opposed to a
dedicated restricted road. The Planning Commission has recommended that this be
approved as a restricted road, not an access easement, governed by the existing
subdivision ordinance and with the Class A standards for restricted roads. The
Planning Commission recommended the restricted road be approved to serve four lots,
13, 14, 15 and 16.
Mr. Wheeler said this subdivision is already planned for 20 lots and he felt
the Board should either approve or deny the request for an access easement and let
the owners apply for a restricted road.
Mr. Carwile offered motion to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission
and deny the request for a joint access easement. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Request was received from Clarence McClure for a special appropriation of
$25,000 for preliminary.~lans for a western high school. Mr. Thacker asked that
this matter be deferred.
Mr. Batchelor said the staff has been studying the taking over of the operation
of the sanitary landfills by county staff. He requested that the Board approve
the negotiation of the present landfill operator contracts on the present level
of payment. Motion was Joffered by Mr. Thacker to extend the two contracts, on the
present level of payment, until June 30, 1974. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile
and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wheeler said the Board was notified some time ago that Mr. George Palmer
had requested that he be relieved of his duties as Chairman of the Rivananna Water
and Sewer Authority on December 30. Upon motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Fisher,
the Clerk was ordered to write Mr. Palmer noting that the Board had accepted his
resignation and expressing the appreciation of this Board and the community for
services rendered to same. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
As a replacement for Mr. Palmer, Mr. Wheeler said he and the Mayor recommend
the appointment of Lawrence Quarles to fill out the unexpired term. Motion to this
effect was offered by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wheeler said there will be a meeting in Abingdon on December 17, and in
Roanoke on December 18, by the State Water Control Board, regarding the Ground
Water Act of 1973, there will also be a meeting on December 19 regarding the Water
Resources policy.
Mr. Wheeler said he had received a letter from Bill Clover asking that he dis-
qualify himself on any further action on a petition for a special permit on Collina.
Mr. Clover also asked that he offer motion to reconsider vote taken on this petition.
He said he would not disqualify himself and he would not offer motion to reconsider.
He asked if any member of the Board would like to offer such a motion. No one. spoke.
Mr. Wheeler said.he had received a copy of a letter from Allen Kindrick, required
by the Virginia Conflict of Interest Act, stating that he is construction project
manager of R. E. Lee & Sons and they will be bidding on renovations to the Levy Opera
House. Mr. Kindrick stated that he does not hold any ownership or interest in the
company and does not have a conflict of interest.
Mr. Wheeler said he had received a letter from the Ivy Citizens Association
stating that they were not in any way responsible for the conflict of interest statement
left on the Board table at the November 28, 1973, meeting.
Mr. Wheeler said Albemarle High School has presented an Albemarle County Youth
and Government day proposal and they have asked that the Board members make comments.
At 9:34 P.M., Mr. Wheeler said the Board had legal matters, concerning landfills
and tax reassessments, to discuss with the county attorney and he asked that the
~'~ Board adjourn into executive session. Motion to this effect was offered by Mr. Carwile,
seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
The Board reconvened at 10:20 P.M.
Upon motion by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Fisher, this meeting was adjourned
until December 19, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse.
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.