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A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was
held on January 9, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottes-
ville, Virginia.
Present: Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., William C. Thacker, Jr.,
Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Absent: Mr. Stuart F. Carwile.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
Mr. Batchelor introduced Miss Page Godsey, new administrative assistant in charge
of research.
Mr. Batchelor entertained motion for nominations for Chairman of the Board. Motion
was offered by Mr. Fisher to reelect Mr. Wheeler as Chairman for the year 1974. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Wood. Mr. Fisher asked the Clerk to show that an unanimous
ballot was cast. This was seconded by Mr. Henley, with all members voicing aye.
Mr. Batchelor entertained motion for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Motion was
offered by Mr. Wood to reelect Mr. Thacker as Vice-Chairman for the year 1974. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wheeler expressed his appreciation on being elected Chairman of the Board
for another year.
Mr. Wheeler expressed the Board's appreciation to the press for the coverage given
the Board of Supervisors in their business transactions during the past year. He said
the press rendered the Board an invaluable service and without the press the job would
be ten times harder. He said that during 1974 every effort will be made to keep the
press informed and only in extreme cases will the Board conduct business in executive
session. When the Board adjourns into executive session, the press will be notified of
what will be discussed and only those matters will be discussed. If the press does not
feel the Board is handling matters as they should, he asked that the press communicate
with the Chairman or other Board members.
Mr. Wheeler said the Board expects to give the citizens, in 1974, honest and
efficient goverment, as they have in the past. All citizens will be allowed an oppor-
tunity to express their opinions on matters pending before the Board.
Mr. Wheeler expressed the Board's appreciation to the staff for their fine job and
hard work in 1973. He said Mr. Batchelor's relationship to the Board and the County is
quite different tonight than it was this time last year. The Board knows that he has
and-will make every effort to keep the Board informed and in return the Board will give
Mr. Batchelor their support and confidence.
Mr. Wheeler expressed his appreciation to the Board members for their help, coop-
eration, and willingness to work with him during the past years and he asked that during
reorganization the Board members express their preference for committee appointments.
He said he will noH promise that there will not be crises during the coming year, but
if such do arise, he will make every effort to get the information needed to the Board
members when making decisions. If information is not available, he will support post-
ponement or deferment unless it is an emergency.
The first item before the Board was a request for a restricted road and access
easement off of State Route 781, to serve four parcels A, B, C, and D, a portion of
Parcel 46 on Tax Map 76; the request from CFM Corporation.
of B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates, dated February 9, 1973.
Mr. Bob Tucker, Assistant County Planner, was present.
The land is shown on plat
He said the Planning
Commission had approved this request some two months ago. Mr. Ronnie Schools was
present to represent CFM Corporation. After quite a lengthy discussion, the Board
feeling that insufficient information.was available for a decision, this matter was
referred back to the staff for further study. Motion was then offered by Mr. Wood
to defer this matter until January 23. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
SP-311. Robert Pollard. Public hearing on this matter was continued from
December 19, 1973. Mr. Pollard was present. Mr. Tucker said this property is
situated on the west side of Route 795, about two miles northrof Scottsville. Two
single-family residences are located adjacent to the property in question. Several
homes and two mobile homes are located in the area between Route 622 and Route 618.~
In January, 1972, David Pollard requested a mobile home permit (MHP-204) for his son,
under the lineal relative clause. His son, Robert, is now requesting a special use
permit to relocate the above mobile home on about 40 acres of land which his father
will deed to him. The Planning Commission recommended approval with an 80 foot set-
back from Route 795, health department approval, removal of as few trees as possible
and for a period of five years. No one from the public spoke for or against the
petition. Motion was offered by Mr. Thacker to approve this permit, as recommended
by the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
SP-312. Isaac Lantz. Public hearing on this matter was continued from December
19, 1973. Mr. Lantz was present. Mr. Tucker said this property is located off of
Route 806, about four miles east of Nortonsville. This area is rural in character and
sparsely developed. Access to the property is by means of a dirt road which forks off
the end of Route 806. This road provides access to other properties also. The adjacent
property contains ~ne frame house, outbuildings and two new brick houses Which are all
located on the southernmost fork of the road. The property-is largely wooded. The
Planning Commission recommended approval for five years, health department approval,
a minimum setback from the access road of 50 feet and removal of as few trees as
possible. No one from the public spoke for or against the petition. Motion was
offered by Mr. Henley to approval SP-312 as recommended by the Planning Commission.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
SP-314. Richard Points. Public hearing on this matter was continued from
December 19, 1973. Mr. Points was present. Mr. Tucker said the property is situated
on the east side of Route 671 and the north side of Route 668, about two and one-half
miles northwest of Free Union. The area is rural in character. This property contains
a dilapidated home and the property is largely open with some trees along both roads.
To the west is the Wesley Methodist Church and cemetery. To the south there are three
frame dwellings located near Route 671. The properties to the immediate east and
north are vacant. The Planning Commission recommended approval for six years, with
staff renewal every two years and the petition is to be returned to the Planning
Commission and Board for additional approval at the end of the six years; a 100
foot setback from Route 671; and health department approval.
Mr. Cecil Maupin was present to speak for the petitioner. He said there is a
house on this land which is unfit for habitation and there is no way Mr. Points can
build a house at this time. He said his land adjoins the property and he is not
opposed to the petition.
Mr. Bill Perkins spoke in opposition. He said he represents several large land
owners in the vicinity and they are worried about the placement of a mobile home at
this intersection. He said the Points family does own other land on this road and
he feels that placement of the trailer at the other location would not be as detri-
mental as at this location.
Mr. Henley offered motion to approve SP-314 with a 100 foot setback, health
department approval and the permit to be for five years. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Perkins asked if the Board would place a condition on this permit that the
old house on this land would have to be torn down and the property cleaned. Mr.
Wheeler asked Mr. Henley to ch~ck this and make a report to the Board at the
January 23 meeting.
The next item under discussion was a request for a restricted road to serve three
parcels, located at Bucks Elbow Farm on the north side of Route 682, about one mile
south of Route 250 West, at Mechums River; land shown on plat of Wm. M~rris Foster
dated November 28, 1973. Mr. Foster was present. Mr. Tucker said the Planning
Commission recommended approval of the request conditioned on a home owners assoc-
iation, deed restrictions and the road being built to County-standards (Class A).
Motion was offered by Mr. Fisher to.approve as recommended.by the Planning Commission.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wood said there was included in the budget for this year, $6,000 for the
Highway Safety Commission for installation of fencing around ~he driver education
range adjacent to Jack Jouett Junior High School property. The fence is estimated
to cost $12,000. At the time this was included in the budget, the Commission thought
there would be matching funds available from the State. These were not approved.
There is a serious problem with vandalism and he asked the Board's approval to expend
the funds available for fencing. Mr. Clarence McClure has indicated that the schools
will pay the other 50% of the cost from the school budget. Mr. Wheeler did not.feel
a fence is the solution to this problem. He asked if guards employeed by.the School
Board during the summer months could be used for protection. Mr. Henley felt a
cheaper fence could be installed. Mr. Fisher said the question of security belongs
to the School Board and he felt this matter should be turned over to them for their
Motion was offered by Mr. Thacker to advertise for a public hearing, the
inclusion of Sherwood Manor and~Camelot Subdivision, under the dog leash law. This
is to be advertised for January 23 at 7:30 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Henley and carried by the following recorded vOte:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
The Clerk was ordered to place a request from the citizens of Crozet,~ concerning
the dog leash law, on the agenda of January 17, 1974, at 9:30 A.M.
Motion was offered by Mr. Wood to appoint William Thacker, Ray Jones, June Moon,
Charles Long, T. M. Batchelor and George St. John to an Insurance Committee to study
a request for a change in the County's hospitalization plan.for employees. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the .following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Thacker, the staff was ordered to
advertise for a public hearing on ~t'he proposed subdivision ordinance on March 6,
1974. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley,. Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wheeler announced that there will be a legislative meeting of the National
Association of Counties on February 27, 19.74, in Washington, D. C.
Mr. Wheeler announced that the Board is to meet with student leaders of the
University of Virginia, on January 23, 1974, at 4:00 P.M. in Newcomb Hall.
Mr. St. John said he cannot be sure that the school bond referendum can be held
on March 5, 1974. Mr. Wheeler said it is not necessary to have this on March 5,
but the Board would like to have this held before the end of March.
On motion by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was offered for adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that $19,575 be, and the
same hereby is, transferred from the General Fund to
the General Operating, Capital Outlay Fund for
payment of expenditures on the ILS project at the
Airport and expenditure of this is hereby approved
subject to r~epayment of this money from FAA funds.
The foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wood said the Planning Commission had recently changed their meeting
place to the Piedmont Community College auditorium. He felt that since the Board
meets in the Courthouse, this will result in confusion for those having zoning
petitions before both bodies. Mr. Wheeler suggested_that this be placed on the
January 23 agenda for a decision.
Mr. Wood thanked Mr. St. John for his of
-_~ suit brought before the Court by Charlottesville Shopping World.
Mr. Wheeler said he will be working on the budget as concerns compensation
and expenses paid the various boards and commissions appointed by this Board. He
said he will also be making recommendations on the portion of the budget relating
to the Board of Supervisors.
Upon proper motion, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.