HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-07March 7, ~ 972
An adjourned meeting was held.at ?:00 P.M. on this.date at Albemarle High
School, Charlottesville, Virginia. This. meeting was adjourned from February 16
until February 29, 1972; and changed t.o March 7, 1972 by resolution adopted
February 17, 1972. Notice of such~date and.~place of meeting was.published in the
Daily Progress on February 23 and March 3, 1972 and posted at the Court House on
February 24, 1972.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
r~illiam C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. ~eeler and Lloyd F. '~ood, Jr.
A~sent: None.
The Chairman explained the purpose of the meeting and introduced those persons
present who would make presentations For the County. First on the agenda was Mr.
Myro~ Tremain,. Chairman of the Albemarle County Service Authorit~ followed by
John L. Humphrey, County Plamuer; John McNair, consulting engineer on both County
and Service Authority Projects; Bay B. Jones, Executive Director of the Service
Authority; and J. Harvey Bailey, County Engineer.
Upon completion of statements made by the foregoing persons with reg~d to
history of the Service Authority and its projects, Mr. John Humphrey read the
boundary description of the two proposed jurisdictional areas as spread in reso-
lution adopted by this Board on February 17, 1972.
The public was then invited to speak. A brief summary of general comments
htr. ~Terrance Miller, plant manager of Morton Frozen Foods, advised that over
the past two summers the present water system was barely able to meet peak needs
of their industry which is the very liulihood of approximately sixteen hundred
employees. He stressed the need of adequate water supplies in the County.
Mr. C. E. Parker, a professional engineer, advised that he had witnessed
similar situations in Arizona. He felt it would be more economical if the two
governing bodies, County and City, got together. However, if the present system
continued, each jurisdictional area should stand on its own merits and the users
of an area should support it. He also stated that the Authority should be staffed
with full-time qualified staff members from the director on down.
Mr. Les Bea,arline, an English professor, stated that the Supervisors and the
Service Authority members have too little interest in placing responsibility on
land developers and speculators. He reQuestei that the Ivy and Hollymeade projects
be reconsidered.
Dr. F. A. Iachetta expressed the opinion that growth will not pay for itself..
Mr. W. B. Chris,an expressed opposition to the Ivy project which he felt would
cause definite development of s~u urban area not desired by the residents there.
Christian posed several questions which Mr. Lloyd -Wood felt should be answered by
staff members present.
Nr. Francis Duke ~appe~red on behal~ of Ivy Citizens Association. He stated
they wanted prompt action~ta relieve water sitnationin Flordon and West Leigh
Subdivisions ~but would~reques~ a moratorinm,~on future expansion. They also
requested the formation of~a Co.unty~ utility department to strengthen control and
urged abandonment of the ,Ivy Jurisdictional Area.
Nr. ~illiam Colony spoke in. oppo, sition~
Nr. Hugo Nainford expressed opposition to too much growth.
Nr. Jack Darrell presented request, of~ the Board of Directors of Citizens for
Albemarle requesting (1) appointment of 'a committee to evaluate the structure and
operations of the Service Authority; (2) consideration of each project separately
on its merits and specifically to withdraw approval of the PQwell Creek plant
pending full evaluation of the ~alcolm Pirnie report and its release to the public;
and (3) ~slay of vote on establishing,the Ivy district of the Service Authority until
an evaluation of the ser~ce authority is completed as requested.
Nr. ~artin Valentine stated that he does not want growth but areas such as
~est Leigh need water.
Nr. Gerald Slade suggested that the Service Authority increase water rates to
pay for its projects.
Nr. Boy Patterson asked for enlarged plant in Crozet and stated that he sup-
ports the watershed programs. He also stated that he would support the appointment
of a committee to make a study of overall projects.
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Nfs. ElizabeZh/expressed certain reservations with regard to operations of the
Service Authority and urged appointment of a committee to study with a committee
from the City the establishment of join~ utility services.
Nr. Thomas Kelly appeared on behal~ of residents of Flordon Subdivision and
requested the Board to support action by the Service Authority to relieve the
critical water shortage existing in Flordon and urging installation of the Still
House Eountain transmission line or an equivalent suitable solution. He also sub-
mitted petition signed by the residents.
Nr. Charles Echols recommended that the County go ahead with projects as soon
as po ssible.
Nr. Joseph Gibson urged citizens to support the Board in its efforts to provide
adequate water, not only for the good of the County but as a means of combatting
Nr. Jo'hu Em~ree submitted prepared statement in which he questioned authority
of this Board to adVance funds to the Service Authority.
Nfs. Sally Thomas appeared on behalf of the League of Women Voters requesting
appointment of a joint committee to study a joint operation.
Mr. Walter Young appeared in support of the ~roposals. He stressed the ne~d
for water and sewer in the Croze~ .area.
A Mrs. Seldon recommended joint City-C~otun_ty facilities and~ expressed a re-
luctance to trust the fu~ue of the Connty to the Service .Authority.
Mr. Jack Narzano questioned the difference in cost of eight inch and twelve
inch lines.
Nfs. Joan Graves questioned follow-up on.payment of delinquent water accounts.
At the conclusien of the public hearing, the Chairman advised that all com-
ments made before this meeting would, be given serions~..consideration before the
Board makes a decision and. he stressed, the. point that the County stands ready to
join with the City in furnishing water and sewer services.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:00 P'.~.