HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-08Narch 8, 1972
An adjourned mee.ting of the Board of Connty Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at ?:30 P.~-. on. this date at the Albemarle Connty Court House,
said meeting being reschedule~ ~th regard to public hearings from February 23,
1972, because of inclement~ weather.
Present: Nessrs.. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald. E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
· illiam C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Absent: None~
0fFice~s present~ County Executive and County Attorney.
The Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as follows:
(~) 'Z~P-196 - Application of Alvin L. Toms to rezone 32.64 acres located on the
north side of Route 691 from A-1 Agrioultural to R-1 Residential.
Nr. John Humphrey reported that the staff felt rezoning of the subject property
to R-1 was premature and out of character with the area at this time. He reported
that the Planning Commission, by an eight to one vote, recommended that this land
be rezoned to ES-1 in lieu of the R-1 requested. Nr. Alvin Toms appeared in his
own behalf and advised that he would be willing to go along with the RS-1 zone.
Nr. Norman Gillum and Nr. James ~it appeared in support of the request, pointing
out the need in the Crozet area for the type development proposed by Nr. Toms.
Communications in support were also received from Dr. T. H. Bain and Nr. Gillum.
Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission also received six communications
from residents expressing no opposition to the z~quest. Nr. Forbes l~iback, At-
torney, appeared in opposition representing himself and" neighbors in the Crozet
and Greenwood areas. He also ~submitted petition of opposition signed by 116 persons.
Request was received Ik~om Citizens of Albemarle urging the Board to carefully con-
sider rezoning any land to a higher density per acre. Speaking in opposition were
Carolyn ~ilcox, Elizabeth Greenleaf, Dick Brandt, Sam Clark, Nonty ~Vood, Roy
Bradley, Bill Colony, Nfs. Seldon and George ~orthington. At conclusion of public
hearing, Nr. Carwile made motion to deny this application on the basis of staff
recommendation ~and comments made before this meeting. Notion was seconded by ~k~.
Fisher and adopted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, ~eeier and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(2) Z~P-199 - Application of C. G. and Audrey C. Allen to rezone 6.706 acres from
A-1 Agricultural to RS-1 Residential and a strip of land paralleling ~est
Drive from B-1 to RS-1 Residential.
~r~ Humphrey advised that the staff was concerned with the ability of the central
water supply of the Glenaire Subdivision to serve additional lots. He reported
that the P~tanning Commission recommended granting RS-1 as requested by unanimous
vote. Nr. Lewis ~artin, attorney, appeared with Nr. Allen in support of the request.
They submitted letter from engineers of the State ~ater Control Board supporting
sufficient water supply. Petition containing signatures of resi~ents in Glenaire
was received in opposition. Also~ speaking in opposition and expressing concern
over the water supply were Bill Herford, Bill Colony, Edie Singh, Nrs. Greenleaf,
and Nrs.'Elizabeth Rosenblum. Communication was received from Citizens for
Albemarle stating they felt it would not seem to be good planning to increase the
density per acre in.an area which is outside of a community cluster of the Compre-
hensive Plan and one limited in water supply. ~otion was offered by Nr. Wood to
defer the application sixty days to allow Nr. Allen time to supply the County
Engineer with information supporting adequate water supply. After some discussion,
Nr. ~ood withdrew this motion. Nr. Allen then requested permission to withdraw
his application without prejudice. 0n motion by Nm. Carwile, seconded by Nm.
Thacker, ~r. Allen's request was granted. ~otion carried by the following re-
corded vote:
~S: Nessrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, '~eeler and ~ood.
NAYS: None.
(3) ~-1~5 - Application of Georgetown Veterinary Hospital, Inc. to loca~e an
animal hospital in an A-1 zone on ~.~04 acres situated on the west side of
Route 743 north of the City t~eservoir.
Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval
of the request, subject to the following conditions:
1. De-acceleration lane be provided on l~oute 743 and approved by State
Highway Department and a widening so that .~ehicles going north on Route
743 will have access or movement around cars turning.
2. Standard Health Department approval of a septic system.
3- Screen on north side of property on Route 743 and additional screening
on south side where there is no tree cover. Six foot white pine or cedar
trees be planted.
4. 200 foot setback from Route 743.
5- Access be of dust proof material and maintained as a dust proof surface.
Nr. Bill Perkins, attomney for Dr. Flynn (applicant), stated that Dr. Flynn could
not comply with the first condition since this could not be done on his property,
but would rather that the Highway Department set conditions required. Nr. Haywood,
architect, and Nfs. Kitty Fisher ~l~o appeared in support of the application. Dr.
F. A. Iachetta questioned use of incin~erator and was advised by Dr. Flynn that·
he uses the medical type incinerator used by hospitals. Communication in support
of the application was received from Peter J. Gaar, President of the Charlottesville-
Albemarle Kennel Club. Appearing in opposition were Nancy 0'Brien, Nr. Haviland
and Elva Nelson. Nfs. Elizabeth Bosenblum read prepared statement lis~ing problems
to be considered. Communications in opposition were received from Nartha B.
Lowrance and Annie R. & Robert C. Wood. After some discussion, motion was offered
by Nr. Carwile, to approve this request subj~ect to conditions recommended by the
Planning staff and .~u~bject to (1) site plan coming before the Board of Super-
visors and (2) 200 foot rear setback. This motion was seconded by Nr. Henley
and adopted by the following recorded.vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and 'Mood.
NAYS: None.
SP'-1~6 - Application of North Corporation to establish a Planned Community
on land situated east of Route 29 North in the immediate area known as
Hollymead, located generally between Route 649, 29 North and 643 and con-
taining 270.0 acres.
Er. Carwile requested that the minutes shoW that he did not participate in the
discussion or action on this matter as his firm represents North Corporation.
Er. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the
application subject to the following conditions, the same being modified staff
That access to the proposed commercial area, if approved, should have no access
from Route 29 North other than the two present entrances which are now in
place, and access from these-two:;existing entrances to the designated com-
mercial area be no closer than 300 feet to the Route 29 North right-of-way.
That provision be made for parallel service roads Go Route 29 North, ex-
tending south from the south existing entrance and extending north from the
northern most entrance. In addition, prior to any activity of any kind taking
place on the commercial area, an approval of a site plan by the Commission
will be required. That adequate access from the proposed collector road to
the proposed nine plus acre community park be provided and that adequate
parking be made available to serve the community recreation area and the
proposed club facility ~ch is to be housed in the existing structure.
That the residential area density as proposed in the different sections be
the maximum permitted density, and that prior to, and in addition to, any
subdivision of land or development of any apartment area, a site development
or preliminary subdivision plan be submitted for Commission approval. Said
site plan for apartment, commercial,, and residential (prior to subdivision
submittal) shall show the following information and data:
Prior to A. General grading plan at two foot contour intervals with exist-
Construction ing and proposed contours and spot elevations given.
Prior to B. Work limit lines and acreage of areas to be disturbed by grad-
Construction ing of site.
Prior to
Con struc ti on
C. General building outlines: locations with floor grades, ele-
vations of entry areas and finish grading at building perimeter
except for single family.
Prior to
D. Location and plan outlines of all special use areas and facili-
ties, such as roads, driveways, walks, trails, recreation areas,
play yards, and other facilities with existing and proposed grades.
Subdivi si on
E. Grade elevations of drainage inlets, man-holes, and out-falls
of storm drainage and sanitary sewer lines.
Prior to
F. All proposed open ditches, drainage s~ales, and-erosion con-
trol meamures, including surfacing, grass cover, and planting
areas, both temporary and permanent.
Prior to G. Tree covered areas, field areas, and natural slopes to remains
Construction with protection measures shown.
Prior to
H. Planting plan, showing location, description, and size of all
trees, including seeding, sOdding, and major shrub plants for all
open spaces and park land.
That all storm drainage systems be designed to receive not only the storm
water run-off expected from a given block of development, but any area con-
tributing to the run-off from the watershed above the subject site.
4. That all sanitary sewer lines be sized to meet not only a given block de-
velopment, but sized to receive ~the drainage from the area abo~et~he site.
5. That all water lines be sized to meet ultimate needs relative to the ulti-
mate needs of the development..
6. That all telephone and electrical service be located uuderground.
7. That a Site Plan.Technical Coordination Committee, composed of the County
Engineer, Soil Scientist, Area~ Conservationist, Resident Highway Engineer,
County Planner, and utility representatives, be established to review with
the developer the site development plans.
8. That the recreation facilities on _the 9 .~ acre community park, which is to
house the swimming pool, tennis, and related~activity, be ready For use by
the inhabitants of Phase I of Hollymead when Fifty residential units have
been constructed and inhabited. All sectional park areas as shown in the
designated blocks be ready For use by the residents in a given block, with
recreational facilities to be approved by the county, when ~0% of the
d~elling units contemplated are completed and occupied~
9. That the applicant maintain the community park until such time as an active
citizens' association is in being at which time the operation and maintenance
will be turned over to a citizens' association. A proposal for the operation
and maintenance of that Facility should be made a part of any approval of
this Special Permit.
10: A. That the entr~uce streetS ex~ending from t~oute 29 through the commercial
area to their intersection with one,another be of a 60 foot right-of-way,
provided the northern most entrance is made one way out and the southern
entrauce is made one way in. Both to be dedicated to public use, and sub-
ject to Virginia Highway Department approval.
B. That sidewalks be provided on at least one side of the major collector~
roads herein described as the North=South major collector and East-'~est
C. That all right-of-way widths and cross-sections of the roads as shown
on the preliminary plan of Hollymead are to be designed and approved by the
Virginia Department of Highways for inclusion into the state highway system.
11. That no further activity take place on this site or any adjacent site prior
to proper approvals.
That any approval of the Special Permit be contingent upon a water and sewer
service agreement between the Albemarle County Service Authority and the
developer and/or developers.
NOTE: The Staff has requested from the Soil Conservationist an-evaluation of
watershed in which this development lies, relative to storm water run~ff
and facilities required for accommodating urban type development with the
watershed. This information is to be the basis in &etermining storm sewer
facility needs and both permanent and temporary soil and sedimentation
measures. This proposal lies in a watershed containing approximately ~10
acres and it is estimated that about t5% of the area will have highly im-
pervious surfaces.
Due to the lateness of the hour, the Chairman recommended that this application
be deferred, re-advertised for a date after the Board has been over the Pirnie
report, and that one night be devoted to this hearing. Er. Wood requested that
the hearing continue as scheduled due to the number of citizens present for this
hearing. Other Board members expressed agreement with ~r. Wood. Dr. Hurt, appli-
cant, introduce& Nr. Nax Evans, architect, who reviewed the proposed development.
Dr. F. A. Iachetta expressed the fact that developments should be initiated
developers and referred to a statement made by Dr. Hurt which insinuated that
Batchelor, County Executive, was behind the Hollymeade Development. Er. Lloyd
Wood made lengthy reply to this advising that the school site selection committee,
~ whiahhe was a member, had approached Dr. Hurt with regard to negotiations for
the location of the school at the Hollymead site. He reviewed the costs, etc. ia-
volved at this location as compared to other locations which were under considera-
tion. Nfs. Kate 'Sandusky read a prepared statement of the League of 'Women Voters
urging Dr. Hurt t8 include in the Plagued Community homes for citizens from the
lower income bracket. ~otion was offered by Nr~ Fisher, seconded by Nr. Henley,
to defer this application for thirty days and ordering the re-advertisement of
public hearing on same.~ ~otion~.~carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, ~neeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
NOT VOTING: Nr. Carwile.
(5) 'Z~P'-203 - Application of Downing and Eunice N. Cox to rezone 0.89 acres
located on north side of Route 768 from A-1 Agricult{zral to R-1 Residential.
Nm. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission unanimously recommended appro-
val of this request. Nr. Cox appeared in support of his request. No one appeared
in opposition. On motion by Nr. rWood, seconded by Nr. Carwile, the recommendation
of the Planning Commission was accepted. ~otion carried by the following recorded
~essrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, ~heeler and Wood,
Communication, addressed to the Board of Supervisors and City Council, was
received from the Perry Foundation offering to give to the County and City the
Old Town Hall Build/rig located on the corner of Park and High Streets, advising
that the only condition to be placed upon this gift will be contained in the deed
of conveyance and shall read as follows:
"This gift is made upon the condition and understanding that the Old
Town Hall Building shall not be demolished but shall be renovated
and used for public purposes with exterior remodeling to be in con-
fortuity with the architectural design for which the building was
considered wort~and appropriate to be classified as a historical
Nr. Carwile offered the following resolution which was seconded by Nr. Thacker,
and adopted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
WHEREAS, the Perry Foundation has offered to give to the County of
Albemarle and the City of Charlottesville the old Town Hall Building
located at the corner of Park and High Streets in said City; and
~F~EBEAS, said gift is being offered upon the condition that said
building "shall not be demolished but shall be renovated and used for
public services with exterior remodeling to be in confoiumity with the
architectural design for which the building was considered Worthy and
appropriate to be classified as a ~s$orical landmark; and
~AS, the Boar& of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
deems said gift to ~b.e of great value to it and the City of Charlottes-
ville and that the condition of said gift is acceptable;
HE IT THEREFOP~ RESOLVED by the Board of Sup~erviso~s. of Albemarle
County, Virginia, pursuant to the requirements of Virginia Code Section
1 5.1-286, that the conveyance of an undivided one-half interest in and
to the aforedescribed, real estate to the County of Albemarle is hereby
accepted and the Board of Supervisors of said County does hereby express
its gratitude 'to the Perry Foundation for its generosity.
The meeting was adjourned shortly after 12:00 midnight.