HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-04-04 April 4, 1972 An adjourmed meeting of the Beard of Goumty Supervisors of Albemarle Comnty, Virginia, was held at ?:30 P .M. on this date in the Albemarle ¢~mmty Court House, said meeting being adjourned from March 29, 1972. Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T~ Hen~ley, Jr., William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. Absent: None. Officers present: County Attorney, Comnty Executive. Mr. Wheeler recognized Lettie E. Neher, interim Clerk of the Board. Mr. Wheeler asked Mr. John Humphrey, County Planner, to present the Ivy Service Area, Project of the Albemarle C~umty Service Authority, for discussion. He then asked Mr. Humphrey for recommendations of the County Planning Department. Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Department felt the detimeation generally follows the adopted plau of the channelization ~r~ogram in this area with the addition of Glenaire amd Flordon, which are separate entities in this ease in that they exist and that as far as the Planning Beard is concerned amy?plamming in this area shemld be comprehemsive emough, along with sewer smd water, and should emcompass the ultimate development in Ivy as presently approved smd adopted~ Mr. Fisher them made a motion that the service district be as outlined hy Mr. Humphrey, for the section north of U.E. Route 250 smd that the area south of U.S. Route 250 be eEcluded at this time.~H~halso-~a~ke~fthat~the~ea~inort~?ef U.S. Route 250 be limited to the supply of water smd mot sewerage. This motion having been seeomded by Mr. Henley, the Chairman then called on members of the Board for comment. Mr. Wood commented that to limit this area to water service only is te deceive the people Who live in this area and he did not thimk the Board could designate the area either north or south of 250 for only water service amd still have the Service Authority carry oat the comprehensive plan. Mr. Carwile felt that if the area south of 250 is included it should exclude the area purchased ~y General Electric since no formal agreement has been entered into with General Electrie~ however, he felt that it shomld include both water amd sewer. Mr. Henley did not agree that Route 250 is the proper boundary and did mot believe that Ivy should be split in two. He felt that the project should ~e approved without sewer facilities, if same could be reinstated. Mr. Batchelor stated that if this were approved without sewer facilities at this time~ the Supervisors would have to approve sewer facilities before the start of such a proj oct. Mr.~ wheeler stated that he did not believe that to desigmate this area gives up amy right of control, by the Smpervisers, and thought it would be a mistake not to designate both water smd sewer for this area. At this time, he called upon the public for comment. Mr. William Colony spoke im opposition. He thought service should be limited to size of facilities of present property owners amd platted lots and that service should Be extended no further. Mr. W. B. Christian spoke in opposition. He asked-if the Comnty and the Health Department were enforcing the Septic Tam~ 0rdinamce. He also thought, that the Co-~aty 'had purchased water systems that are depleted im water. Mr. Walter Yo~mg spoke in'~favor of the project. He felt that septic tanks are~ not feasible for the entire County and thatthe Commty does meed sewer service. He ~rged passage of the resolution. Capt. Gates spoke in opposition. He did not understand why he should pay for water amd sewer service for Crozet and Ivy. He felt that the County shomld adopt public utility districta~ Mr. Jack Tagga~rt felt that the supervisors Had ,~approved subdivisions with imade~ate water facilities. Mrs.r Churchill felt that the resolution should include the General Electric area if they' are goimg, to. pay a portion of the cost. Mr. Joh~ Wolfe asked if the County smd City are to set up a cooperative wa ~ter amd sewer plan~ Mr...Tony IaChetta felt that the Service Authority should be in the charge ~f a water resources engineer~ Mr. Wheeler then called f~r a vote om the motion of Mr. FisHer. The vote was as folicws: AYES: NAYS: Mr. Fisher. Messrs. Carwile, Henley, Thaeker, Wheeler amd Wood. Upon motiemby Nr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Thacker, the following res,olmtiom was offered for consideration: WHEREAS this Board, by resolution adopted at its regmlar meeting on Febrmary 16, ~972, stated its intemtion to desigmate certain water and sewer projects to ibe undertakem by the Albemarle County ~erviee Amthority; amd WNEREAS, a public hearimg om said projects was held on March 7,1972 pursEamt to notice thereof published ome~ om February 23,1972 and once on Nareh 3, 1972, in The ~ailyProgress, a newspaper published im Charlottesville, Virginia, having general circulation in Albemarle County, Virginia; N~, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co~uty Supervisors ~f Albemarle County, Virgimia, as follows: Sectiom 1: That this Board, havimg created the A~bemarle County Service Authority pursuamt te the Virginia Water amd Sewer AutHorities Act (Chapter 28 of ~itle 15.1 ef the. Cede of Virginia ef 1950) as amended, hereby designates the followimgwa~er amd sewer projects to be mmderta~en by the said A~therity, which are set forthin more detail ia Attaehmemt "A" to a report dated. December 16, 197t, from Ray B~ James, Executive Director of said Authority, to this Board: PROJECT To acqmire, construet~ maimtain a~d operate water am~ sewerage system in area ~escribed as follows: IVY SERVICE AREA--Commencimg north of the immediate area known as Ivy at the intersection ef Routes 676 amd 677; thence in a southerly direction alomg the eemter line of Route 676 to its interseetiom with the center line of ROute. 678; thence in a southerly direction alomg the eemterL lime ef Route-678 to its~ interSeCtion' with~Route 676; thence im~ a ~esterly direction along the center line of Route 676 approximately 3500 feet to am unnamed, road bed; thence in a seUthwesterly~ direction following a ridge line approximately ~ 600 feet te the center· line of 2Oute' 676; thence in a southerly direction along the 'center line of'~P~mte 676~ ~ Route~ 250 West; thence along the center lime of Romte 250 West im an easterly' direction to the~imtersectien of ~Route 250 West~th Route 676; thence along the centerlime of Route 676 in a southerly direction to its imtersection with the center-line of Route 738; themce in a' southge line of Route 738 to its imterseotiom · thence ima I with-~th~ ~nter line northern right-el-way line of the southerly ' ~ C&O~Railroad; thence along said nJrtherm boundary way in am easterly direction direction along ! te its intersection with the center line of Route 679; thence along the center the center line ! lime~ 'of Route 679 in a southerly direction to its intersection with the of Route 708 | northern boundary of land known as County Tax Map 74~ ParCels 14 and 15; thence along the~'merthern property lime of said Parcels te its intersectiom with Route' 637; thence in a northeasterly direction along the eemter lime of Route 637 to its interseCttom with the center lime of Route 677; ~hemee alomg the center line of Route 677 in a northeasterly direction ~e its imter- section with the center line ef Route 250 West; themce in a lime extending ima mertherly direction to. the northerm right-of-way lime of the C&O Railroad; thence along said railroad right-of-way in an easterly direction along the C&0 Railroad to its intersection with the center line of Route 677; themce ima mortherly directiom alomg the center line of Route S77 approximately 2800 feet to a point described as being the boundary of the subdivision knowm as Flerdon, as indicated om Tax Nap 59; themce ima westerly a~d northerly direction with a line para!lelimg said su~divisi,m alomg' am unnamed ~zeek 'to the intersection o'f the unnamed cree~With Ivy Creek;. thence along Ivy Creek im a westerly ~rectiem to the first urmamed stream; thence ima Westerly directiom to the intersection of said ummamed stream with the center line of Route 677; thence ima morthwesterly directiom along 'the center line of Route 677 to the point of beginning. Section 2~ No other aUthority has beem create~ under the provisions ef said Act servimg the whole or part of the same area, amd momeof the powers granted by said Act shall be exercised by the Authority in the constrmction, maimtenance, extension or operation of amy Project or projects which in whole or in part shall duplicate or.compete with existimg utilities, public or private, serving z~bstantially the same purposes a~d area. The foregoing resolution was approved by the following r~corde~ vote: AYES: M~ssrs~ Carwile, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: Mr. Fisher. Upom motiom by Mr. Thaeker, seconded by Mr. Carwile, the following resolution was approved by the followimg recorded .vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Henley, Tha~ker, Wheeler amd Wood. N~YS: Mr. Fisher. WHEREASothis Board, by resolution adopted at its regular meeting on February 76, 1972, stated its intention to designate certaim water amd sewer projects to be undertaken by the Albemarle Coumty Service Authority; and WHEREAS, a p~blic hearing on Said projects was 1972 pursuant to notice thereof published omoe on February 23, 1972 and omce om Narch 3, 1972, in The Daily Progress, a mewspaper published im Charlottesville, Virginia, having general circulation in Albemarle Co~ty, Virginia; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE~OLVED by the Board of Co~tySupervisors of Albemarle Cemmty, Virginia, as follows: $~¢tiom ~I: That this 'Beard~ haVing created the Albem_arl~e Co~nty Service Authority pursuamt to the Virgimia Water amd Sewer A~thorities Act (Chapter28 of Title 15.1 ~f the Code of Virginia of 1950) as amemded, hereby desigmate~ the followimg water and ~ewer project~to be mnder- taken-~y the said Authority, said project being set forth im more detail in Attachmemt "A" to a report dated December 16, 1971, from Ray B. Jones, Executive Director of ~aid Authority, to this Board: PROJECT To acquire, eonstrmct, maimtain amd operate water and sewerage systems im area described as follows: REVISIONS TO SERVICE AREA ENGWN AS AREA 4 AND AS DESCRIBED IN BOARD OF SUPERVISOR~ MLN~TE BOOK #8 COMMENCING ON PAGE 298~-Commem~ing at the 'center.lines~ of %he intersection of' ROutes. 65A amd 601; thence in a southeasterly ~irectiOn along the center line of Route ~0t to its imter- section wi~h the center tine of ROute 75A; thence in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with ~the western right-$f,way line of Route 250-29~By~Pass~ thence along said right-cf-way line in a northerly directi°n to a'point where the wes%ern~boundary line of the subdivision --~kmown as ¢~nterb-~ Hills intersects with~ the RoUte 2~0-29 By-Pass; thence along said western bomumdary line of Canterbury Hills imasa northerly direction thence anertheas%erly direction to Route 65~ thus ex¢ludi~ Ca~terburY~ills as described en TaX.Map 6OD; thence along the center line of R0utei654 in a northwesterlY~ ~direction to the point of beginning. This description serves to extend the Service Area known as Area 4 and as described in the' Board of Smpe~sors Minute Book #8 commencing om ~age 298. Wheeler then calle~ for discussion on water amd s~wer projects and asked John McNair, consulting engineer 'to Present the following water and sewer projects for consideration of the Board. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12" water main from Stillhouse MoUmtaim - $350,000 Expansion-82 the Crozet Filter Plant-to 2.0 M.G.D. - $205,000 2,000,000 gallom storage tank, Cro~et -$190,000 ~ Extension of t2" water main in~CrOzet - $135,000 8" water main - Hollymeade - $50,000 Powell's Creek Waste Treatment Plant - $1,755,000 Hollymeade sewerage plamt- $370,000 Mr. McNair advised the Board that if action were not takem before April 28, it would cause the loss of an antieipated FRA allocation. Upon motion ~y Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Henley, the following resolutiom was carried by the following recorded vote: AYE$~: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thaeker, Wheeler amd Wood. NAYS: Nome. RESOLVED, that the Albemarle Coum~y Board of S-mpervisors hereby respectfully requests the Albemarle 0oumty Service Authority to accept the commitment of the Farmers Home A~mimistration for a loan in the amount of $t,970,000, to the Albemarle County Service Authority, and BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle County Service Authority is hereby respectfully requested to proceed with the mecessary engineering design andbid information on the following projects: 1. Expansion of Crozet Water Plant to 2.0 M.G.D. 2. Addition efa 2,000,000 gallon storage tamk at Crozet. 3.- Extension of water main in Crozet (12" lime-8,50Oft.) Mr. Batehelor presented to the Board a lease agreement betweem the FAA., the City of Charlottesville amd Albemarle County for the locatiom of amtenna towers at the Charlottesville- Albemarle Airport. ~pon. motion ~y Mr. Wood, seconded byMr. ThaCker, the Ce~tyExeeutive was amthorimed t& sign this agreement on behalf of the County. ~lThe motion carried by the following reoorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler amd Wood. NAYS: None. Hr. Wheeler presented to the Board a lette'r from Mr. Harold J. McGee, President of Piedmont Virginia Community College, acknowledging receipt of~ County check i~ the amount of $53,712.50. This cheek completes the. Cosmty's share of the preliminary east. distribution for ~and acq~isition and site development as determined by the Ad Hoe Committee. Upon motion By .Mr. Thacker, seconded by Mr. Wood, the ~meeting was adjourned ~ntil 7:30 B .M. on April 12, 1972, for a pmblic hearing om Hollymeade. The metiem carried by the followimg recorded vote: AYES: MeSsrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile. Chairman