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Eay 8, 1972
An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, was held at 7:30 P.~. on this date in the Albemarle County
Court House, said meeting being adjourned from April 26, 1972.
Present: ~essrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
'William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. ~¥ood, Jr.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The Chairman ann~ounced that the first item of business was Conditional Use
Permit #150, application of Walter Cushman. He requested that this matter be
deferred until 7:39 P.~. on ~ay 10, 1972. The County Executive noted in reply
to inquiry that there was insufficient staff information available at this time.
On motion by ~r. Carwile, seconded by Nr. Henley, action on CUP-1 )0 was deferred
until 7:30 P.~. on ~ay 10, 1972. Eotion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, ~heeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Prior to
Prior to
Er. 'Wheeler announced that the application of Nr. Cushman would be the only item
of business at the ~ay 10 meeting.
SP-156 - Application of Dr. Charles Hurt for special permit for Hollymead
Planned Community -- deferred from meeting of April 20, 1972:
The Chairman called on Nr. John Humphrey, County Planner, to review recommen-
dation of the Planning Commission. Nr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Com-
mission recommended approval of EP-156 with the following conditions:
1. That access to the proposed commercial area, if approved, should have no
access from Boute 29 North other than the two present entrances which are
now in place, and access from these two existing entrances to the designated
commercial area be no closer th~n 300 feet to the Route 29 North right-of-way.
That provision be made for parallel service roads to Route 29 North, extend-
ing south from the south existing entrance and extending north from the
northern most entrance. In addition, prior to any activity of any kind
taking place on the commercial area, an approval of a site plan by the
Commission will be required. That adequate access from the proposed collec-
tor road to the proposed nine plus acre community park be provided and that
adequate parking be made available to serve the community recreation area and
the proposed club facility which is to be housed in the existing structure.
2. That the residential area density be no more than 740 units as proposed in
the different sections as maximum permitted density, and that prior to, and
in addition to, any subdiv~ision of land or development of any apartment area,
a site development or preliminary subdiviSion plan be submitted for Commission
approval. Said site plan for apartment, commercial, and residential ~prior
to subdivision submittal) shall show the following information and data:
A. General grading plan at two foot contour intervals with exist-
ing and proposed contours and spot elevations given.
B. ~ork limit lines and acreage of areas to be disturbed by grading
of site.
Prior to
Con struc ti on
C. General building outlines: locations with floor grades, eleva-
tions of entry areas and finish grading at building perimeter except
for single family.
Prior to
D. Location and plan outlines of all special use areas and
facilities, such as roads, driveways, walks, trails, recreation
areas, play yards, and other facilities with existing and pro-
po seal grade s.
Subdivi si on
E. Grade elevations of drainage inlets, man-holes, and out-falls
of storm drainage and sanitary sewer lines.
Prior to
Con struc ti on
F. All proposed open ditches, drainage swales, and erosion con-
trol measures, including surfacing, grass cover, and planting
areas, both temporary and permanent.
Prior to
G. Tree covered areas, field ~ ,as, and natural slopes to remain,
with protection measures shown.
Prior to
Con struc tion
H. Planting plan, showing location, description, and size of all
trees, including seeding, sodding, and major shrub plants for all
open sDaces and park land.
That all storm drainage systems be designed to receive not only the s~orm
water run-&fl expected from a given block of development, but any area
contributing to the ~-off from the watershed above the subject site.
That all sanitary sewer lines be sized to meet not only a given block develop-
ment, but sized to receive the drainage ~rom the area above the site.
That all water lines be sized to meet ultimate needs relative to the ultimate
needs of the development.
That all telephone and electrical service be located underground.
That a Site Plan Technical Coordination Committee, composed of the County
Engineer, Soil Scientist, Area Conservationist, l~esident Highway Engineer,
County Planner, and utility representatives, be established to review with
the developer the site development plans.
That the recreation facilities on the 9.54 acre community park, which is to
house the swimming pool, tennis, and related activity, be ready for use by
the inhabitants of Phase I of Hollymead when fifty residential units have
been constructed and inhabited. All sectional park areas as show~ in the
designated blocks be ready for use by the residents in a given block, with
recreational facilities to be approved by the county, when 50% of the
dwelling units contemplated are completed and occupied.
That the applicant maintain the community park until such time as an active
citizens' association is in being at which time the operation and maintenance
will be t~ned over to a Gitizens' Association. A proposal for the operation
and maintenance of that facility should be made a part of any approval of
this Special Permit.
A. That the entrance streets extending from Boule 29~ through the commercial
area to their intersection ~rlth one another be ox a 60 foot right-of-way,
provided the northern most entrance is made one way out and the southern en-
trance is made one way in. Both to be dedicated to public use, and subject
to Virginia Highway Department approval.
B. That sidewalks be provided on at least one side of the major collector
roads herein desor/ibed as the North-South major collector and East-West
C. That all right-of-way widths and cross-sections of the roads as sho~m on
the preliminary plan of Hollymead are to be designed and approved by the
Virginia Department of Highways for inclusion into the State Highway System.
That no further activity take place on this site or any adjacent site prior
to proper approvals.
That any approval of the Special Permit be contingent upon a water and sewer
service agreement between the Albemarle County Service Authority and the
developer and/or developers.
Humphrey reported that in subsequent work session, additional conditions
were recon~mended, which follow:
Septic system should be limited and the use of sgptic tanks be approved by
the Health Department on a minimum size lot of 20,000 square feet as required
within the present Zoning Ordinance for new development. There should be a
limitation of the number of units which could utilize this apparent Luterim
That permits for residential construction within this phase of Hollymead
Planned Community be limited to a total of 8~ units. No permits are to be
issued beyond the 8~ units or 600 V.T.D. until such time as the present roads
are up-graded to meet the vehicle per day count, as may be proposed by a
developer or developers by virtue of additional housing development within
this phase of Hollymead. Such improvement is not to be the duty~ of the
Virginia Department of Highways or the County of Albemarle, but the individual
or individuals involved in the development of this area. Said improvement
is to be approved by the Virginia Department of Highways prior to any im-
provement taking place and is contingent upon the Virginia Highway Depart-
ment's accepting the existing road as mentioned.
l~eference was also made to memo of undersD'anding between the County and the
Highway Department. ~?aid memo is spread on pages 88-89 of this Einute Book but
is again spread below in order that all pertinent information relating to Hollymead
may be combined and readily available for reproduction if needed:
State Highway Department
Albemarle County Planning Department
SUBJECT: Hollymead
April 17, 1972
From Route 29 easterly to Hollymead School will have a 60 foot right of way.
The road intersecting this road leading north and south in front of the Holly-
mead School will have an 80 foot right of way with the exception of that
portion which in the future will cross the now constructed dam, and the right
of way on that will be 60 feet.
The right of way on the road as mentioned in #2 v~l! be 80 feet in the future
extension of this road northward to the Proffit Road, and southerly to the
~oute 643.
The dam that has been constructed will be tested and plans and specifications
will be submitted for inclusion into the highway system with the next PUD
addition in this area.
The entrances from 29 North into Hollymead will be made one-way or widened
at the ov~ers expense at such time as the Highway Department determines
commercial area is developed to a sta~e of congestion requiring better
That no bulldozing, grading, or physical movement of the land for roads take
place on any of the lands known as Hollymead or within the vicinity of Holly-
mead until the proper land plan and road plans are s~bmitted and approved
by A~bemarle County and the Virginia Department of Highways.
Hollymead ~UD #~ road system is so designed to have the maximum carrying
capacity of 740 dwelling units. The first 8~ dwelling units may be located
on roads that now exist.
No permits will be issued until one of the following steps takes place:
l a)
Increase the existing thickness of pavement by the addition of 3"
330 lbs. ) of Bituminous concrete, type B1 or B-3 and a surface primer and
double seal. We feel that this pavement will closely approximate item 6 of
category IV with the base and surface types of Bituminous concrete reversed
and proved a seal and travel coat on the base concrete for protection from
infiltration and an acceptable riding surface. No regrading of the road
cross-section is contemplated in the intermediate step. The shoulder width
~ll remain the same with the slope increased from 1": 1' to I .~'~: 1 '.
(b) The final step will require the regr~ading of the shoulders to obtain
a 10' shoulder width on fill sections and 8' plus ditch on cut sections,
plus an increase of pavement thickness to obtain the equivalent of category
V design.
(c) The intermediate step provided 8" of select material, 220 lbs. of
Bituminous concrete and 330 pounds of B-t or B-3, a total of ~0 pounds.
If we equate the 8" select material as 6" of select material and 1~0 pounds
of B-1 - B-3 Bituminous concrete, by adding 220 pounds of type S~4 or S-5
to the Intermediate Step, the equivalent of Item 6 of Category V is obDained.
(Signed) Eobert G. Warner,
State Department of Highways
John L. Humphrey, County Planner
Albemarle County Planning Dept.
~' Har~ey Bailey,
Albemarle Co~ty Engineer"
Mr. J. Harvey Bailey, County Engineer, was called upon for staff recommenda-
tions with regard to sewer. Mr. Bailey went into the history of proposed sewer
for t~is area after which he proposed the following recommendations:
1. The County should instruct the Service Authority to construct interceptor to
serve northside school and should guarantee financing if the Authority is
unable on its own to obtain a loan for this purpose.
2. The County should require an escrow fund of the owner to guarantee the connec-
tion of the projected 85 dwellings which are authorized to build, as if septic
systems, to the central sewer system.
3- No further septic systems are to be installed after the interceptor is
available for use by employing gravity collector lines even if not all of
the authorized 85 have been built. Collector lines are the responsibility
of the owner.
4. The escrow fund shall be held for five years ~or until all the septic systems
have been connected, whichever is the lesser, and then dispersed, the County
to receive the amount stipulaled per connection for each house built.
After hearing from the County Planner and Cotuuty Engineer, discussion was
given to several phases. Mr. Fisher questioned Mr. Bailey regarding escrow plan.
Mr. Henley voiced concern over the timing of the Hollymead project. ~r. Thacker
suggested that the BoRrd exp~o~e the possibility of obtaining Health Department
approval of a larger sewer facility to serve HollYmead temporarily to which the
85 dwellings could connect, on the basis that th.~s larger temporary facility
could be used to serve two southside schools at a future date on a permanent basis.
At conclusion of discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Wood to approve EP-~56 with
conditions as outlined by the County Planner and County Engineer. This motion was
seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Thacker, '~heeler and ~ood.
NAYS: Nr. Henley.
NOT VOTING: Mr. Carwile.**
**Mr. Carwile did not sit v~lth the Board during any portion of the Hollymead hear-
ing, nor did he participate in any discussion or action on this matter.
The following resolution -was offered by Mr. Fisher~ seconded by Mr. Wood, and
adopted by the follo~,dng recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs; Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, '~.~eeler and ~ood.
NAYS: None.
BESOLVED, that the Board of County Supervisors of iklbemarle
County, Virginia, hereby respectfully requests the. Urban Institute,
a non-profit research organization located in '~ashington, D. C., to
study the economic impact of the development of the North Bivanna
Cluster as proposed in the County's Comprehensive Plan.
Cla'~mms against the County amount to $1,22~,230.79 were presented,
examined and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and
charged against the following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Textbook Rental Fund
Mental Health Services Fund
Town of Scottsville-l% Local Sales Tax
Commonwealth of Virginia-Current
Credit Account
On motion, ~.~he meeting was adjourned.