HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-15 A.regular meeting of the Board of COunty Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on June 15, 1972at 9:00 A.M.-in the Board Room ef the County
Office Building.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J.T. Henley, Jr,,
Wm. C. Thacker~ Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. WOod, Jr.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Wheeler.
Mr. Fisher offered motion to approve the minutes of May 8, May 10, May 18 and
May 22, with the following changes: Page 1~8 - Minutes of May 10-~n:motion to
apDrove.mCushman well lot- in 5th line of agreement after 2nd wore "system",'insert
the words ~rovided ~uBli~. water is available to said lots. Page 123, Minutes of
May 18 on motion ~or approval of a special appropriation for the operation of the
~arks, add revenues from entrance fees are expected to ~ay all or most of these
amounts~ Page 118 - Minutes of May 10, Line 39, change wor~a.nn~n~ Commission
to Planning Department. Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Ca,wile, Fisher, Thac~er and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley and Mr. Wood.
At 9:30 A.M. the Chairman called for a public hearing on abandonment of a
portion of the cul-de-sac at the end of Berkmar Drive. Said public hearing having
been advertised in the Daily Progress on May 23 and May 30~ 1972. Upon motion by
Mr. Tha~ker, seconded by Mr. Carwile, the following resolution was adopted by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwlle, Fisher, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley and Mr. Wood.
WHEREAS, certain ~wners of land west of Berkmar Drive in Albemarle
County~ Virginia, have petitioned the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County~ Virginia to abandon a portion of the cul-de-sac at the end ef
Berkmar Drive, which portion is hereinafter described~ and
WHEREAS, said abandonment is deemed appropriate by said petitioners
as it is not necessary for the new location of Berkmar Drive which is
being extended t.o Hydraulic Road~ and
WHEREAS, this Board gave all notices required by Virginia Code
Section 3~.1-1~I, with the newspaper notices published May 23 and
May 30, 1972, of its intention to abandon the portion of the cul-de-sac
located approximately 720 feet north of the intersection of Berkmar
Drive with the ~orthern margin of U.S. High~ay 29, fronting on
Lots 8, 9 and 10 of the Berkmar 'Subdivision, (see attached copy of pl.at
with subject area denoted with hash marks) and
' WHER. EAS, after a public hearing was held on June 1~, 1972, the Board
has determined that no public necessity exists for continuance of the
said section of road as a public road and that the welfare of the public
will be served best by the abandonment of such section of road;
NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED .that the section of the road
aforedescribed be, and the same hereby is~ abandoned as a public
road pursuant to Section ~.~1 of the Code of Virginia~ as
BE I~ FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
certified to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County-
for recordation in said office.
Mr. Batchelor' presented' the following request:
"'May 8, 1972
Board of Supervisors of.
Albemarle County
County Office Building
Charlottesville, Virginia
Re: Berkmar Drive Extension
Caleb Stowe, Ray Long, Joseph M. Wood, II, and I are the owners of
the land west of the extension of Berkmar Drive in Albemarle County,
Virginia. We are planning to extend Berkmar Drive through the land to
Hydraulic Road, and I am enclosing a plat of the same. This plat
has received preliminary approval of the Planning Commission.
Before we can complete the construction of the street, it is
necessary that we obtain a release of the easement for, the well at the
end of Berkmar Drive. This well was established by Commonwealth
Utilities, Inc., as a part of the development of the Berkeley Community.
I don't believe the well has ever been used and is not now necessary
for the Berkeley water system. If the enclosed street plan meets with
your approval, I would appreciate it if you would take such action as
may be necessary to abandon and release the easement for the well.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) David J. Wood, Jr."
Mr. Thacker then offered the following resolution for release of the well
WHEREAS owners of property adjacent to Lot 7 in the Berkmar Subdivision,
Albemarle County, Virginia, have petitioned this Board to abandon its rights
to acquire the fee simple title to the well and an area within a ~0 foot
radius of said well located on Lot 7 in said subdivision, and
WHEREAS said right was acAuired by the County from Commonwealth
Utilities by virtue of deed recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit
Court of said in Deed Book
County . ~2 page 7, and more particularly
described in Deed Book-411 page ~61, and
WHEREAS the rights to obtain title to said well and land have never
been exercised and it is the opinion of the Albemarle County Service
Authority, which operates the County's water lines in that area(based
upon certification of its Engineer), that said well and parcel are not
necessary to the County's utility interests, and
WHEREAS after a public hearing held on June 1~, 1972, this Board
has determined that no public necessity exists for the exercise of the
aforementioned rights~
That the rights of this Board in and to the aforementioned well and
the land within a ~0 foot radiums thereof~ be released, and the Ghairman
of the Board of Supervisors and its Clerk are hereby authorized to execute
such quitclaim and release deed as may be necessary to give effect to this
The above motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and passed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley
Communication was received from Ray B. Jones requesting that the County release
it's rights to Lot 9, Block C of the Flordon Subdivision. (Mr. Carwile did not
participate in dis'aussion of this matter.) After lengthy discussion, ~was decided
that further information was needed for cl&rification and the Clerk was asked te place
this item on the agenda at the appropriate time.
MP~. Warner~ Resident Highwa~ Engineer~ 'asked that road viewers be
notified of the date and time for this years meeting.
Mr'. Warner advised the Board that the status of Rt. 660 had not changed.
He has written to Richmond asking for consideration for spot improvements
on this road but has not received an answer at this time.
Mr. Warner also stated that a speed limit study had been made 6n Rout'e 660
in three sections between Route 753 andRoute 676. The study showed that~8~%
of the traffic moved at speeds over ~5 m.p.h, and therefore he could not
recom-mend a change.
Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways
advising that in accordance with resolution of this Board adopted on
April 20, 1972, the following additions to the Secondary S~tem of Albemarle
County w~r~ approved~ effective May ~ 1972:
Key West Subdivision
Key West Drive - From Int. Route 816 to Int. of Northwest Drive.
Northwest Drive - From Int. George Rogers Road to Key
West Drive - 0.23 Mi.
mGeorge Rogers Road - From Int. of Key West DriVe to Int~.
Bollingbrook Drive. - 0.25 Mi.
Bo~lingbrook Drive-- From Int. George Rogers Road to End.
0.28 Mi.
Communication was received from the Virgiria Department of Highways
advising that in accordance with resolution of this Board adopted on
April 20, !.972, the following addition to the Secondary system of Albemarle
County was.,:a:dopted, ~ffective May 1, 1972:
Cedar Hills Subdivision
Blueberry Road - From Key West Drive to 0.32 mile northeast of
in.terse~:tion Ke.y West Drive' - 0.32 Mi.
Juniper Lane - From Intersection of BlUeberry Road to cul-de-sac - O.05Mi.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Wood', to accept into the
Secondary System of HigHways, the following sections of roads in Canterbury
Hills_Subdivision, subjec$ to:final inspection and approval by the Highway
BE IT RESOLVED by. the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of
Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary
System of Highways, subject to final i.ns~ection and approval by.
the Resident Highway Department-, the following sections of roads
in Canterbury Hills Subdivision:
Approximately 175 feet - Lancaster Court from Bennington
Road to cul-de-sac
Approximately 525 feet - Surrey Road from Bennington
Road to cul-de-sac
Approximately 200 feet - Smithfield Road~ South~ to
the end of the cul-de-sac
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Virginia Department of
Highways be and is hereby .guaranteed a ~0 ft. unobstructed right
of way and drainage easements along these requested additions as
~reCorded by plats in,the ,Office of the Clerk of the,Circuit Court
of Albemarle County in Deed Book 392, page 37~; Deed Book ~5%,
pages 1~8 & 1~9; and Deed Book ~9~, page ~22.
The above motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded
AYES: Messrs. Fisher~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley.
Mr. Fisher stated that the Transportation Committee of the Chamber of Commerce
had recently issued a statement concerning Rt. 637 at I-6~ Interchange and 250 West.
He felt that this statement was not in the best interest ef the citizens who would
be serviced by this road. In reply~ Mr. Warner stated that Richmond was taking a
closer look at the recommendations and although another location, into I~y, might have
a better alignment~ there were other matters to be considered. He was reqmested to
inform this Board before plans are finalized~.
Mr. Thacker asked about proposed improvements to Route 20 South. Mr. Warner
informed the BOard that~these are to be advertised in-.September or October. ' '~
Mr. Wood asked about construction on Rio Road and Mr. Warner state~ that ~his
project will be advertised in July and improvement to Route 602 will be'advertised
at the same time.
Mr. Warner stated that improvements' at Howa~dsville will be advertised-oR July 7.
Mr. Wheeler asked about a drainage problem, under 2~0 East on road leading into
Magruder Heights Subdivision. He stated that the subdivider is now Paying that road
and asked if the HighWay Department would check into this problem.
Mr. Carwile asked about the current status of plans for an interehange eoming
off the 2~0 By-?ass at Barracks Road. Mr."Warner S~ated tha~,-nO~moneYh~s-'been
allocated to get this project started but he will investigate further. "~
Communication was recei'ved from Mr. John HUmphrey~ CoUnty Planner.~ asking that
the Board request Recreat'iOnal Access Funds for the improvement of'Route 68~ to serve
Mint Springs Park. Upon motion by Mr. Wood~ seconded/Mr. Fisher~ the'folloWing
resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley.
WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle is~desirous of having
improvements made to Route 684~ Mint~Springs Recreation Area
access road~ and
WHEREAS~ after field inspection by the Resident Highway
Engineer and the County Engineer an estimate of the cost of
........ these improvements has been ascertained at $1~9,479.00~
NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ef County
Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia, thatthe Virginia
Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to allocate
Recreational Access Funds for the immediate improvement of
Route 684 for 1.1~ miles~ which represents the distance f'=em
the internal access road on Mint Springs property on Route~684
to Star Route 789'at Crozet~ Virginia.
Mr. Wheeler stated that at the June 12th meeting of the Planning
Commission~ a request was made for this Board to review a request For
subdivision restricted road. Mr. Wood then offered a motion to have th~s
item put on the agenda for June 28,. Motion was seconded~by Mr. Thacker
and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley.
A new easement was presented by Virginia Te~0hone and TelegraPh Company
for right of'way on property located on Star Route 684, known as Mint Spring
Recrea~tion Area. Mr. Thacker offered motion to authorize the Chairman to
sign this lease~ subject to release of previous ~asement signed on March 22~
Motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded
Messrs.~ Carwile~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
~BSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley.
Notice of application for a rate increase by The Potomac Edison Company
of Virginia was received from the State Corporation C~mmission and ordered
Upon motion by Mr. Wood~ seconded by Mr. Thacker~ the following
resolution was adopted by the following re~or'ded vote;
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley
WHEREAS, the Director of Finance for Albemarle County~ Vi~ginia~
has petitioned this Board for authorization to destroy all bonds and
coupons paid by him~ or his predecessors, prior to July 1, 1967~ and
WHEREAS, Virginia Code Section ~8-919,~, as amended, enables this
Board to designate a committee of three parsons te supervise and witness
the destruction of such bonds.and coupons and to thereafter execute a
certificate setting forth the means by which the same were destroyed~
together with the issue, series~ number and maturity date of the paid-
bonds so destroyed, and the fiscal year in which paid~ with the exception
that coupons paid in fiscal years prior to,.June ~0~ 1958, need not be
listed in such certificate, although ~said certificate shall Set forth.
the amount of. the coupons paid in such fiscal years~
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Director of Finance of Albemarle
County, Vi~ginia~ be authorized to proceed with the destruc$ion of~ such
bonds and coupons as aforementioned, and for the purpose of supervising
and witnessing the destruction of such bonds and coupons, ~the ~irect~r
of Finance~ Thomas M. Batchelor, Jr., together with Margo Hornblower~ and
Ray Cary are appointed to the committee for such purpose; and
BE IT-FURTHER RESOLVED~ t'hat said c. ommittee shall execute a
certificate meeting the requirements as set out above~ causing such
certificate to be executed and acknowledged by them in the manner prescribed
for ack_nowledgment.of deeds. Said cer~i£ication shall be prepared, in
duplicate~ Mith the original being made a part of the minutes of this
Board, and a copy to be retained as a permanentrecord in the Office ~ef the
Director of Finance~
Mr. Carwile ~tated that it had come to the attention of~the Board that the
present County Zoning Ordinance does not require a site plan review in R-3 zoning
districts, by the Planning Commission, and that the Code of Virginia requires that
before the Planning Commission can take any action on amending the zoning ordinance
that the matter has to be referred to them by the Board of S~persivors. He then
offered a. motion to refer to the Planning Commission a proposed amendment to the
County Zoning Ordinance to amend the ordinance to require site plan review inthe
R-3 zoning district by the Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Mr.
Fisher and passed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley
A new contract was presented from ~he Towers Hospital. Dr. GeOrge Moore from
the Health Department was present and stated that his recomm~ dations of April 20~
were still the same. Mr. Carwile made motion to denF this contract, motion
was seconded by Mr. Thacker and passed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher~ Henley, Thaeker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
The following communication was received from Mr. Robert D. Franklin,
Director of McIntire Public Library:
"May 24, 1972
Mr. Herbert Pickford
Albemarle County Attorney
230 Court Square
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Mr. Pickford:
Following up o~r oonversation, here is a copy of the present
City-County Library Service Contract.
Chapter II, Title 42.1-39 of the Virginia Code says that all
members of regional library boards shall be appointed for four-year
terms~ and since the'County had appointed the present four members
for three-year terms, and since part of our support comes through
the State Library,-it seems desirable to-correct the existing
appointments, to four years.
And since one appointee~ James Sandridge of Crozet is serving
a term that would ex~pire in-June (he was appointed in July 1969) it
is especially requested that this be extended to the full four
years, that is June 1973.
The other County members are as fOllows:
Miss Virginia Moore~ Scottsville, appointed June 1971 to be
extended to June 30~ 197~, Mr. Kenneth 0. Lee, 14 Oak Circle~
appointed June 1969, and to be extended to June 30, 1973, and
Mrs. Harold Hallock, Keswick, appointed July 1971~ to be extended
to June 30, 197~.
Sincer'ely yoUrs~
(Signed) Robert D. Franklin
In accordance with recommendations of Mr. Franklin and the County Attorney
the terms of the Library Board members were extended as outlined above.
Motion was offered by Mr. Fishery seconded by Mr. Thaeker an~ passed by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fishery Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
The Board was advised that the term of Mr. Alvin Toms as a member of the
Welfare Board expires on June 30~ 1972. Mr. Henley then offered motion that
Mr. Toms be reappointed tO a new term of three years. Motion was seconded
by Mr.Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
None. ~-
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Upon motion by Mr. Carwil~ seconded~'by Mr. Thacker~ Lettie E. Neher was
appointed as permanent Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and June T. Moon
was appointed as Deputy Clerk. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher,'Henley~Thacker· and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Statements of expenses of the Department of Finance~ the Sheriff's~office and
the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the Month Of May, 1972~
On motion by Mr. Fisher~ seconded by Mr. Thacker~ these statements were~approved.
Motion carried by the following recorded v~te:
AYES: Messrs. Carwlle~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker ~and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood~.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the Month of May,
I972. On mo~i'on by Mr~ Carwile, seeonded~by Mr. Thacker~these statements were
approved by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher~ Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: Non~.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Claim of the Jail ~hysician was submitted for the Month of May~ 1972, in the
a~nt of $3~.00 Bf which two-thirds is reimbursable by the State. On motion
by Mr. Carwile~ seconded by Mr. Thacker~:~this claim was app'roved for payment
by the following reoorded'vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Report of the County Executive for the Mohtho~f May~ 1972~ was submitted as
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the Month of
May, 1972, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
On motion--by Mr..Henley~ seconded by Mr. Carwile~ S.P.C.A. report for the Month
of April~ 1972, was approved by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Guy A. Via for (1) lamb
killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Fisher, Mr. Via was
allowed $2~.00 for this claim. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Virgil Mi Grinstead
for one (1) buck and one (1) lamb killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Carwile,
seconded by Mr. Henley~ Mr. Grinstead was allowed $65.00 for this claim.
Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher, Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Claim in the amount of $2,524.72 was received from the UniversitF of
Virginia Hospital for hospitalization of indigent patients under S.L.H.
for the Month :
this claim was '~ i'i -'!' ''
.~' ~ .... PUBL'I C AuoTi 0N ' · -
vote: "-' " 00~S KEAL ES~ . ~
::': :-' 12:00 .Noon Nay 24, 1972
~S: Messrs. -
NAYS: None. ~ The ~d of Cowry ~pe~i~rs of ~bem~le Co~ty~ ~irg~a; ~ll
ABSENT: Mr. W~:' o~ for ~le, at pubic auction, at 12:00 Noon on ~e~ue~ay, Nay
The follo 1972, ~ont of J~he ~!e Co~ty Co~t ~uSe, ~t ~u~e, Ch~-
on recent Coun :. .lotte~ille, Vir~ia, tracts of real estate o~ed~by ~d ~dY as ~st~
~low. ~l ~id ~racts of l~d ~e locat~ Lu ~b~le Cowry,
dra~ after Cc
~1 de~ ~ok refer~ces ~ the de~riPtion of tracts to be offered ~e
~ER ,~j; the recor~ in the Clerk's 0~ce of the C~c~t Co~t of ~bem~ie
parcels C V~ia. ~:.~les ~ll be ~bjeCt on~ to coition ~ the circ~t
were offe. ~t cf ~b~le
The cowry rescues the ri~t to-reject ~y bids. t~t it does:not
and hand feel to be ~cient or ~ the best ~terest of the
. Te~s: Ca~.u~n de~e~ of ~ecial w~ty deed. ~ ~er, ten
D~c~t ca~ de, sit req~ed ~n accept~ce of bid. ~l tracts ~e
parcels ~ ~ o~e~ed for ~le. ~ ~ss ~d not ~ the a~e. '
by the Ci~
Elect~ o~icialS, deponent heads ~d all e~loyees of ~m~le
NOW~. 0o~ty, as we~ as members of the~ f~lies, ~e precluded :~om biting
on tMs real estate...P~t to V~ia Oo~ct of ~terest..Act,
said thre ~c. 2.i-]49, 19~0 Co~e of Virginia as
~act One: Appro~ate~ 79.1~ acres ~ ~ott~lle ~sterial District,)'
on Green ~eek. west. of ~berene. ~cated ap~ow~mately.one.'
, ' ~le o~ Rte. 630 ~d ap~O~imabely 1-3/4 ~les ~Uthwes~
and to ti ~berene, T~ ~ap Shee~ 119, p~cel 3- ' Conv~yed to' Cowry
~ 1 ~ ~ ~str~t dated ~ 31, 19~5, Deed ~ok 26S, page 303.
Court of · Tract Two:
Tract Three:
Lot 20 on plat of ~ite Hall Lake Development Subdivision,
Beserved area "A", Deed Book 246, pages 164-166. Located at
end of Rte. 675. Tax Mag Sheet 41A, parcel 20 Conve~y~ed to "i
County ~by instrument dated April 17, 1961, Deed Book 3o5, 1
~age 17~.. , · ""
Approximately one-half acre-in HowardSVil~le, shown.as Lot One..
on plat of record in Deed Book 7t, page 3~?. Located on nort~
and Cler]
deeds~ co~
to whome~
title~ t
The above mot
NOTE: Auction of six (6) police cars will also be included in this sale.
Information on said vehicles may'be obtained from the office of the
'~County Executive, Boom 202 County Office B~ilding, Charlottesville,
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley~ Thacker'and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
The following communication was received concerning proposed library~contract~:
"June 5, 1972
Mr. Thomas Batchelor
County Executive
County Office Building
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Tom:
Here are two copies of the proposed contract form that Harry
Marshall has drawn up largely based on the existing one. I will
be distributing it to each party, including the Nelson and Louisa
officials~ and Cole Hendrix has copies.
- If a meeting is necessary of course it could be held, but maybe
none will be needed, if the four parties have no objection. The
Library Board was unanimous in recommending that the number of repro-~-
sentatives of Albemarle and Charlottesville on the future Board not
be redu¢~d~ so it is proposed to have a ~-~-1-1 membership~ with
alternates named by Louisa and Nelson who could attend as non-
voting representatives, or vote for an absent one.
Sincerely yours~
(Signed) Robert D. Franklin
Director~ McIntire Public Library"
After lengthy discussion, it was decided that no action should be take~ on this
matter until after a meeting of the Region 10 Planning District.
Mr. Batchelor stated that he had a petition on file from approximately 12~
citizens of Porter's Precinct requesting street lights. No action of the Board
· being necessary on this matter it was referred to Mr. J.H. Bailey, County Engineer.
Mr. Carwile asked about the current status of the Georgetown Veterinary
Hospital special use permit. Mr. Batchelor stated that he had been informed that
a site plan must come to this Board for a complete review before final approval
can be given.
The Chairman requested the Board to go into executive session to discuss
personnel and personnel salaries with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Motion was
offered by Mr. Thacker, seconded by Mr. Henley and passed by the following recorded
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
,ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
The Board.reconvened at 2:00 P.M. ~
At 2:00 P.M. the Chairman called for a public hearing on reorganization of
the operation of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. Mr. F. R. Lentzsch and
Mr. Charles Ancona~ members of the Airport Commission, were present. No one from
the public appeared.
After a prolonged discussion, Mr. Carwile offered a motion to instruct
the County' Attorney to participate in the negotiations with Horizon Aviation
jointly with the City to force termination of the present contract with Horizon
Aviation and in the preparation of any new or revised lease that might be
considered with Horizon., The motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and passed
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Henley, Thicker and Wheeler.
NAYS: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Wood.
At 2:~0 P.M.~ Mr. Carwile made motion to adjourn into executive session.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded uote:
A~ES: Messrs. Carwile~. Fisher, Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
The Board reconvened'.
The Chairman .then requested a motion to adjourn until 7:30 PoM.--on
June 19~ 1972, in the Albemarle Co~ty Court House for a public hearing on
the proposed 1972-73~budget. Motion mwas offered by Mr..Thacker~ seconded by
Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES. Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: No~e.