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211 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia~ was held on JUly 1'2~ 1972~ at 7:30 P,M. in the Albemarle County Court House~ Charlottesville~ Virginia. Present: Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher,~J. T. Henley~ Jr.~ William C. Thacker~ Jr. Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood¢ Jr. Absent: Mr. Stuart F. Carwile Officers Present: County Executive~ County Attorney. The Chairman called for public hearings onthe following zoning requests as advertised in the Daily Progress on June 29 and July 6~ 1972. (1) ZMP-226. William Stevenson. To rezone 6 acres from R-2 Residential to A-1 _ Agriculture, Applicant wishes to expand existing mobile home park. Property is Aituated at the end of Greenfields Court j.ust north of the intersection of Greenfields Court with Hydraulic Road. Property is described as County Tax Map 4~ Parcel 9~ Charlottesville Magisterial District. Mr. Humphrey stated that the property abuts B-1 strip commerical on the east and R-2 zoning at all other po~t:s. Single family and duplex development is taking place to the west on property having access to Route 6~9 (S.P.C.A. Road). To the south exists a mixture of uses~ some ~ingle family but generally commerieal. To the east exists vacant strip commerical land. The present use is non-conforming. The staff is of the opinion this request as spot zoning in the reverse~and indicates the probability that zoning in the area was premature~ however~ the area is of mixed usage with some expansion for residential development. The staff is of the opinion that the presentmzoning would be more compatible with the future of the area with reference to some obnoxious usage that is permitted in the A-1 zoning cateEory. The Planning Commission has recommended unanimously approval of this petition. Mr. Stevenson was present in support of his petition. On motion by Mr. Wood~ seconded by Mr. Henley the zoning request was approved. Motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: (2) Messrs. Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. None. SP-I?~. William Stevenson. To expand a mobile home park in a proposed A-1 zone (ZMP-226). Property is situated at the terminus of Greenfield Court just north of Rio Road. P~operty is described as County Tax Map ~5~ Parcel 94~ Charlottes- ville Nagisterial District. Mr. Humphrey stated that the ~lanning Commission has approved this petition. Based upon this recommendation~ Mr~ Wood made motion to approve with the following conditions: (1) proper policing of area~ (2) dust-proofing or road~ These conditions to be drawn by the County Planner. Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Flsh~r~ Henley~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. 212 (3) SP-173A. Dennis Barnes. To lobate a mobile home on ~2;0 acres situat:e~ on Route 691~ southwest of Batesville. Property is described as County Tax Map 84~, Parcel 67A~ Samuel Miller Magisterial DiStrict. Mr. Humphrey stated that the area is conducive to mobile,home development. The Planning .Staff recommended 'a 100 foot setback from Route 691 and Health Department approval of a septic system. Mr. Humphrey stated that'the Planning'Commission had unanimously recommended approval with conditions as stated. He also advised that the adjoining property owners had beennotified. Mr. Fisher.made motion to approve with conditions as~stated. Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and passed by the following recorded vote:- AYES: Messrs. Fishery Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood, NAYS: None. (k) SP-1~79. Hazel D. Kesler. .TO locate a-~ermanent mobile, home on 2.0 acres in an A~I zone located on Route 784 at Stony Point. Property is described as County ,Tax' Map ~8~ Parcel ~,~(part thereof)~ Rivanna Magisterial District. Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Staff recommends a set~ack of 50 feet from Route 78~ and would also recommend a row of screen ~rees be left 30 feet wide so as to seclude the mobile-home from the road. They also recommend Health Department ,approval of a septic system~ Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Commission has recommended approval. Motion to approve with above conditions was made by Mr. Henley~ seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: ~Messrs. Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. (~) SP-180. Lee A. Shelby. To locate a permanent mobile home on a lot zoned A-1 AgricultUre. Property~ which is located on the east side of Route 62~ approximately 900 feet north of ~ts~interse'ctiou *with Eoute 6~ is described as County-Tax Map 128: -Parcel lOOG~"Scottsville Magisterial District. Mr.~Humphrey~ stated that the Planning Commission had recommended approval of this .,p~i'hion with Planning Staff conditions of a 100 foot setback from Route, 627 and Health Department approval of a septic system. Motion to approve as per above conditions.was offered by Mr. Thacker~ seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs~ Fisher~ ~Henley~ ~Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. (6) SP-182. ~T~..E. Wood,Albemarle County~Zoning 0ffice~ To temporary public ga~age~ for ~he storage of junk vehicles~in connection with a program of removal of. junk autos sponsored by the ~County of Albemarle ~nd local civic groups. Property is located on the east side of Route 29~ four miles south of the Charlottesville City limits just aorth of its inter- section with Route 7~ Property which contains 10.8~ acres is zoned A-1 Agriculture and is described as County Tax Map 7~ Parcel 18~ Samuel Miller Magisterial District.~ Mr. Humphrey stated that the Albemarle Coumty Zoning Office in conjunction with the Cove-Garden Ruritan Club and other interested civic clubs and ~itizens in the North Garden Area is conducting a junk car clean-up~ campaign in relation to the Crozet Program. In order to successfully remove these vehicles from the © 2.13 landscape, a central storage area is needed~in order ~ohave a central pickup station'fOr the local scrap dealer. This parcel of property, Since it contains over ten acres affords an area with adequate space for this program. This-~pr~ject is expected to.take six months to complete. After this time period the property will be cleaned up,~ seeded~ and left in a bettering. ~han found condition by the Parks Division of Albemarle County. This car removal program is following the same procedures as that of .the Crozet program and other~that this office hopes will follow~ Motion to.approve was offered by Mr. Fishery seconded ~, Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. (7) Albemarle County Planning Commission, upon the adoption of a resolution of intent, is proposing an amendmenb to the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to provide £or the use labeled "bulk~storage of fertilizer" or""bulk storage of materials" as a special permit use provision. It is the intent of the Commission to render a decision as to what zoning classification the use should be placed under after this .public hearing. Mr. Humphrey stated that the. Planning Commission recommended the inclusion of this within the B-.I Business and ~he A-1 Agriculture zones, both. wi~ a special permit. The use to be known as Bulk Storag.~ of Fertilizer and the Related Stora~e-pf AEriculture Materials. After lengthy discussion, motion to approve this amendment was offered by M~r~ Henley, seconded by Mr..~ Thacker and passed by 'the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood. NAYS: None. ABSENT: (8) Mr. Wheeler ..... Albemarle County Planning Commission~ upon the' adoption of a resolution of intent, is proposing an amendmment to. the R-3 Residential zoning classification as found in the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. The inten~ of .t~he Planning Commission is to require Planning Commission review and ap.~roval of site, plans relative to multi-family development similar ~o the silte plan requirements as exist in the B-1 Business, M*~ and M-2 Manufacturing zoning classifications as found in the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Commission_recommended the following change to be known as Section 6.$?.Additional Requirements for Permitted Uses: 6-9-1 · 6-9-2. Before a building permit sha~l be issued or construction dommenced on apartments or other rental units in this district, or a permit issued for a new use~ the. plans, in sufficient detail to show th~ proposed structures including any enclosure or fence, the landscaping and the operations and processes to be conducted on the premises, .shall be submitted .to the zoning ~dmi~istra~or for~stud¥. The a~min- istrator shall, together witS. his Written.recommendation.~ refer these plans to the PlaAnAng Commission for their recom- mendation. Modifications of the plans maybe required.- Landscaping may be.required within an established or · requi~ed'front setback area.[ The plans and execution mus't take into consideration t.raf~ic hazards. Landscaping. may: be permitted up to a height df three (3) feet within fifty (~O)--feet from the corner of any intersecting streets. 6-9-3. Sufficient area shall be provided (1) to adequately screen pa~Aitted uses from adjacent residential districts and (~) for off-street parking of vehicles indide~tal to the rental property. 6-9-¥. Automobile graveyards and junkyards in existence at the time of the, adoption'~of this amendment are to be considered as nonconforming uses. They shall be allowed up to eighteen (18) months after adoption of this amendment in which to completely screen~ on any side open to view from a public road~ the oper- ation or use by a masonry wall~ a uniformly painted solid board fence~ an evergreen hedge, or such other fencing or screening as the Planning Commission shall recommend in order to effect the purposes of this ordinance. 6-9-5. The administrator shall act on mny application within thirty (3G) days after receiving the application. If formal notice in writing is given to the applicant~ the time for action may be extended for an additional thirty (30) day period. Failure on the part of the administrator to act on the application within the established time limit~shall be deemed to constitute approval of the application. Motion to approve the above amendment was offered by Mr. Fisher~ seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. T~e Chairman then entertaine~ a motion to adjourn into executive session. Motion was offered by Mr. Henley~ seconded by Mr. Wood and carried~by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. The Board reconvened. On motion~ the meeting was adjourned. Chairman