HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-17SPECIALJuly 17, 19~2 Pursuant .to the Following waiver, the Board of County "Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session at .8:1 ~ ~A.N. on this date, in the County Office Building, charlottesville, Virginia, ~ m~lth the following .members present; Ees~rs~ Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., ~illi~am C. Thacker, Jr. ,' Gordon L. Wheeler and LlOyd ~. ~ood, Jr. Absent: Nr. Stuart F. Carwile. · e, the undersigned, mmembers of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 8:15 A.M. on the 1?th day of July, 1972, for the purpose of discussing measures nee~for flood ~amage repairs, and we do hereby consent to any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting ~upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto. Stuart F. Car~il~e O~rald. E. -Fi sher Gordon L. ~e~er loyal F~ ~ood, ~. ~eeler called the meeting to order e~laining the p~pose of t~s meeting was to info~ the ~d members, the Cowry staff ~d the news me~a o~f a briefing he attended at the '~te House on ~iday, July 1~, 1972 conceding the recent d~age ~om H~ic~e ~es. He e~lained that the President was requesti~ 1.7 billion dollars ~ ~ecial ~propriations ~ a bill that goes to Con~ess on t~s date. The bill~is ~ two parts, mainly: (1) supplemental ap~opriat~ions ~d (2) ~ecial law. The theme of the meeting was the movement of people, to~s ~d even cities out of the flood pla~. He e~lained that they e~ect the localities adopt flood plain or~n~ces to help ~ t~s situation The adoption of a flood plain ore,ce ~ll help the Cowry quali~ for flood ~ance, the rate for t~s in~ce to be lowered to $25.00 for each $5,000 of coverage. The se~nd part of the bill concerns a ~t ~ovision ~d a lower interest rate on reDa~ent of flood lo~s. As E~ as the Cowry is concerned, repairs for ~ter ~d sewer d~aEe ~ll be fin~ced by a ~00% ~t. Federal ~ways in the state ~ll be repaired ~om Federal ~ghway ~ds, ~d state roads ~ll be ~epa~ed t~ou~the Presidents ~saster ~d. Debris removal ~ll be h~dled t~ou~ the of Engineers. Damage to Scottsville School totaled $203,000. Noney for this damage does not have to be used to repair the scho~i~if it is in the flood plain but can be used to replace the school at s~uother location~'~ At this time, he did not know if additional money would be available for ~eplacing at a new location. He stated that individuals should be encouraged to file an amended 1971 income tax return if their tax has been paid the the person is in need of fun~, however, this can be filed with the individuals 1972 return. Also, he explained that under the new portion of the bill being considered today, an individual would make application for a loan for damages sustained, however, the first $~,000 would be a grant and the remainder would be repaid at only 1% interest. This also applies to churches and private schools. Large businesses can obtain ~oans~up to $~,000,000 but the interest rate would be ~ 1/8%. The agencies involved in the processing of loan applications would like to have these applications within 90 days. Mr. Wheeler explained that this Board needs to take action in the near future on ( 1 ) flood plain ordinance (2) flood insurance (3) applications needed for funds for public facilities and (4) the hiring efa person qualified to help individuals in processing applications for federal funds. Nr. Thacker asked Nr. Humphrey several quastions concerning the flood plain ordinance. He then offered motion to recommend to the Planning Commission, at their meeting this night, to consider strongly the flood plain ordinance in order that it might come to the Board in August. Notion was seconded by ~r. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Nessrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Mr. Wood then offered the following resolution for the consideration of the Bo ard: WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of June, t972, the President declared a ~major disast~er~" in the State of Virginia under the provisions of Public Law 60~, 91st Congress, and WHEREAS, Albemarle County is a public entity within said State: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Office of Emer~by~meDaredness be and hereby is requested to arrange to have the appropriate Federal Agency perform the removal and ~sposal of debris located at the confluence of James and Rockfish River mn Albemarle County, Virginia, and defined in Damage Survey Report ~-CE-9. Work and services shall be confined to ~hat which is defined as eligible under the Act~ This body certifie~ that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the requested work is eligible under Public Law 606, 91 st Congress, and agrees to (a) provide without cost to the United Stated all lands, easements, and ~ri~ht, of-way necessary for accomplishment of the approved work; and ~ b) hold and save the United States free from damages due to the approved work and with respect to de~ris removal shall indemnify the Federal ~overnment against any claim arising from such removal. Mr. Wood's motion was seconded by Mr. Th~er and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: ~eszrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. 217 Mr. Wood then offered motion to adopt 1tile .following resoiut~on. HE IT RESOLVED that .as a result of severe flooding of many areas of this County during the passage of Hurricane Agnes during June, 1972, this Board declares that an emergency existed/the County of Albemarle for ~he period l~rom about June 21, 1972 until approximately June 27, 1972. HE IT F~R~~LVED that the Director of Divil Defense be authorized and directed to take such action, and to make such applications that may be necessary, to insure that maximum assistance is rendered to the inhabitants of the Cou~y of Albemarle by County Agencies. Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: ~essrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, 'Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. "~ at Mr. Fisher stated tha~a meeting of the State Compensation Board which he attended on July 14, they requested that job classification forms for County employees be sent to them as soon as possible. These will help the Compensation Board in determin~j~nt of State participatiOn in salaries. On motion, the meeting was adjourned. Chairman