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A regular meeting of the Board of County rSupervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on July 20, 1972, at 9:00 A.M. in the Board Room of the
County Office Building.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Wheeler.
Nr. Henley offered motion to approve the minutes of ~ay 23 (afternoon
session), Nay 23 (night session), Nay 24, Nay 30, (Afternoon session),
May 30 (night session), June 2, June 7, June 13, June 14, June 1~, June
June 21, June 22, June 28 (afternoon session) and June 25 (night session),
with the following corrections: Page 142, lease #1 - add: 12 sq. ft. of space,
Page 179, on budget hearing should read" a proposed savings of $80,000 in
school expenses, not sehool salaries. Notion was seconded by Mr. Wood and
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Warner stated that he had received a response from the Secretary of
Roads in Richmond stating that Industrial Funds allocated for Route 660 could
not be used for safety feature improvements. He stated that funds to purchase
rights-of-way have been allocated in secondary highway funds for the next year,
this being approxima~ly $100,000. The Board thanked Nr. Warner for his work
on this matter, however, no resolution was adopted authorizing Mr. Warner to
initiate this project.
Mr. 'Wheeler questioned Nr. Warner concerning a portion of Route 777 near
the Orange Cotmty line which was to have been turned over to Orange County
for. maintenance. Mr. ~Varner stated that this had been done and Mr. Wheeler
a~ked that a letter to this effect be sent to the Board.
Mr. Warner reported that the roads in Albemarle County did not sustain
as much damage during Hurricane Agnes as was sustained ~ring the 1969 flood.
He stated that the more extensively damaged roads and bridges have been
~emporarily repaired, however, the b~-.idge at Milton (Route 729) will have a
very D~stricted load limit and oa~i not be used by school buses this fall.
He stated that Federal funds can be obtained for the amount of the dam2ge
and that state funds For this project can be almost completely financed next
The following report ~ffrom the road viewers was received:
"Board of County S~pervisors
Albemarle County, Virginia
On ~.~uly 12, 1972, we the undersigned Road Viewers, visited Four roads
For which applications were received For acceptance into the Secondary
Road System. We were accompanied by R. G. Warner, Resident Highway
After visiting these roads, we wish to make the Following recommenda-
(l) Extension of Route 734 2rom end of State maintenance approximately .2 mile north -- recommend acceptance.
(2) Extension of Route 748 from end of State maintenance approximately
1 mile south -- recommend not to accept since there are no houses
on this se~'tion of rOad.
(3) Road off of service road No. 3 which runs off of Route 690, approxi-
mately . 1 mile of roadway from service road No. 3 to railroad
track -- recommend not to aceept due to steep grade which would not
donform to minimum standards for secondary roads.
(4) 01d sec tion of Route 2~0 from Route 796 approximately .l~ mile east
to present U.S. 250 -- recommend acceptance.
RespectfUlly submitted,
Signed) Edward Chapman
Signed) John 0. Higginson
(Signed) .P~a.t~li.h~'~. ancey
Ar. Thacker offered motion to accept the recommendations of the road viewers
and the adoption of the following resolution:
BE IT I~ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of
Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary
System of Highways the Following sections of roads in Albemarle
(1) Extension of Route 734 from end of State maintenance
approximately . 2 mile no~th.
(2) Old section of Route 2~0 From Route 796 approximately .1~ mile east to present U.S. 2~0.
HE IT ~THER P~SOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby guaranteed a .~0 Ft. unobstructed right of ~ay along
these requested additions.
Notion was seconded by Ar. Henley and carried by the Following recorded vote:
AYES: Ness~s. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Ar. Thacker asked about the situation which had arisen concerning the Ferries
at Warren and Hatton. Ar. 'Warner stated that the Highway Department in Richmond
had initiated resolutions to go before the Highway Commission, this date, to
discontinue zervice to both of these locations permanently, however, he Felt
that this matter would have to come back to the counties involved For public
hearings. Ar. Thacker then offered the Following resolution and asked that.'.a
telegram to this effect be sent immediately:
BE IT tKESOLVED that the Albemarle Connty Board,~of Supervisors
does hereby request that the, Virginia Department of Highways consider
strongly the situation in relation to the ferries at Warren and
Hatton; and
BE IT FURTHEE BESOLVED that the Albemarle Corm,fy Board of
Supervisors does hereby request that these ferries not be removed
from service on a permanent, basis.
Mot~:on was seconded by Mr. Wood and,, carried by the. following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, 'Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. ~heeler asked if the Highway Bepartment would check Route 640 through
to the railroad tract at Gilbert. He also asked if they would check a drainage
problem for Mr. Gilbert Milks who lives on Route 2~0 East.
Nr. Bourne Wayland asked if the Highway Department would check the situation
caused by the flood on the approach road to Mint Springs Parks.
Mr. Wheeler acknowledged Mr. George Cason. The Board had invit~. Nr. Cason
to this meeting to discuss problems which have arisen concerning his proposed
Azalea Park Apartment project which lies in the Moore s Creek flood plain.
After considerable discussion, Mr. Wheeler asked Mr. Humphrey if he would try
to work out an equitable solution with ~r. Cason.
Mr. Batchelor presented a cooperative agreement between Albemarle County
and the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service relative to acceleration of soil
surveys for land use planning in Albemarle County. A Mr. L. Randolph was
the only member of the public who stated an objection. Motion was th~n offered
by Mr. Carwile to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute this contract
on behalf of the County. Notion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and passed by the
fo.~lowing recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and 'Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSEET: Mr. Wood.
Cooperative Agreement
Albemarle County, Virginia
and the
Soil Conservation Service
United States Department of Agriculture
Relative to:
Acceleration of soil surveys for land use planning
in Albemarle County, Virginia
Authority: PL-$6 - 74th Congress, 16 U.S.C. (~90 a-f)
THIS AGREE~, made and entered into this 20th day of JUly, 1972,
by and between Albemarle County~ Virg,'~inia (hereinafter
referred to as the "Cooperator") and Zhe United States of
America, acting by and through the Soil Conservation Service
of the United Department of AgriCulture (hereinafter referred
to as the "Service").
THE SERVICE, in carrying out its assigned responsibilities under
applicable legislation, has need for certain information that
may be obtained as a result of this cooperation; has certain
resources available, But does nothave sufficient resources
available to obtain the desired information within the period
specified in this agreement.
THE COOPERATOR, for planning purposes, has requested certain soil survey
information that is presently unavailable, and ~imthin the limits of
its resources, is willing to re~se the Service for a portion of
the costs of obtaining such information within the period specified
in this agreement upon receipt of a properly p~epared, billing.
THEREFORE, both the Cooperator and the Service deem it mutually advantageous
to_~ cooperate in this undertaking and hereby agree as follows:
That all information obtained under the terms of this agreement is
public property and is to be used only in the develolEeht of a
master plan for Albemarle County, Virginia.
To reimburse the Service for a portion of~i.;the costs incurred in the
acceleration of the soil survey to include:
Technical services of Service personnel - included herein are
the costs of salaries and allied benefits such as leave, holidays,
retirement, health benefits, and li~ insurance. This reimburse-
ment shall not exceed a total of $50,000.00
The actual costs of the laboratory testing of soil samples
through the facilities of Virginia Polytechnic~Institute and
State University. This reimbursement shall not exceed a total
of $10,000.00.
To provide, at no cost to the Service, necessary clerical and typing
servi ce s.
To provide, at no cost to the Service, necessary office space for
the Soil Survey Party and clerical personne~
Reimburse the Service $60,000.00 for the Cooperator's share in this
~ooperative effort based on a total cost estimate for the job of
$500,000.00. If the actual cost of the job does not equal or exceed
this estimate, the Cooperator's share may be renegotiated.
That the signature of the authorize& representative of the Cooperator
on this agreement is official notice for the Serviceto commence work.
To make payment to the Service upon receipt of a quarterly billing in
the amount of $2,500.00 for technical services of Service personnel
described in b(1), plus the actual cost of laboratoNy services
de scribed in b(2)
To provide the Cooperator with a detailed soil s~zrvey of Albemarle
County, Virginia, in twenty-five copies.
To provide the Cooperator with two copies of each fiel& sheet as they
are completed.
To provide the necessary technical services, o ' ' '
n site ~ assistance,
equipment and materials normally needed to produce, edit, and compile
a soil survey.
To make availa~e to the Cooperator, in preliminary form only, the
interpretations for various uses of the survey on or before July 1, 1~72.
To provide the Cooperator a progress report of the survey on January 1
and July 1 of each year until the completion of the survey.
To absorb f~om its own appropriations that portion of the estimated
costs of this undertaking not covered by the amounts to ~be reimbursed
the Service as agreed to above.
To prepare and su~mit to the Cooperator a quarterly billing in the
amount of $2,500.00 for the Oooperator's share of technical services
of Service personnel described in b(1), plus the actual cost of
laboratory services described in b(2) .
Comoletion D~te~ - All work under this agreement is to.~be
completed and in the pos. session of the Cooperator on or
about June 1, 1~79.
.Area Co. vered - All of Albemarle County, Virginia, excluding
any Federal lands.
Nethod of Payment - The Service will bill the Coop~erator at
the times and in the manner set forth in b(1) and b(2). Such
type billing shall continue for a period of five years a~er
execution of this agreement. Total reimbursement to the
Service shall not exceed $60,000.~00.
Intent to Coooer..~te.- It is the intent of the Service to
fulfill its obligations under this agreement. However,
commitments cannot be made beyond the period for which funds
have been appropriated by Congress. in event funds from mbich
the Service may fulfill its obligations are not appropriated,
t~e agreement will automatically terminate. Reimbursement
will then be for work completed that is otherwise eligible
for reimbursement prior to the effective date of termination.
l~.e. new~ls - This agreement will remain in force until June 30, 1975.
It may be ~affirmatively renewed each fiscal year by the parties
through an exchange of correspondence until the purposes of the
agreement are complete - but not later than the en~ of the fiscal
year in which the work is completed.
Nodification.- This agreement may be modified by amendment duly
executed by authorized officials of the Cooperator and the
Service, provided such modification does not extend the agreement
beyond the close of the ~iscal year in which the work is
0fficia~s Not to Benefit - No ~ember of or delegate to Congress
or Besi~entCC~ssioner shall be admitted to .any share or part
of th~i~ agreement, or to,any benefit that may arise ~here~rom;
but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this
agreement if made with a corporation for its general benefit.
IN WITNESS ~0F the Cooperator and the Service have executed this agreement
as of the date first above-written.
state Conservatio~i st
Discussion of the City Penn Park master plan was ta~led since ~ufficient
information was not available at this time.
Nr. J. Harvey Bailey, County Engineer,ga~e the following report on storm
damage from Hurricane Agnes:
(1) For the Albemarle County Serv~ice Authority:
I~t Berkeley Sewer Plant inundate~
Najor break~ in the water line at the Rivanna l~iver. The Health
Department i~ helping the Service Authority to access repairs.
(c) To~e~ Reservoir,at Scottsville. The back waters of the James
Biver were as high as the crest of the spillway, but di~ not
spill over into the dam thereby water was not contaminated.
However, there was damage to the service road amd the raw war,mr
line and for several days the plant was on a 24-hour production
(d) Total estimate of repairs for the Service Authority is $27,430.
Debris removal along the James River is being h~andl~ed by the Army
CorP. of Engineers and will cost approximately $3~,~00. The contract
will be handled by the Corp.
(3) At Scottsville School, estimate of damages is $203,000. This includes
three electric classrooms which were swept away, 'mdamage to books,
heating system, etc. 0f this amount $169,000 was assessed against the
building itself.
~r. Bailey stated that total damages approach $~,980,000 not including electric
facilities, telephone facilities and railroads. He also stated that two summer
interns were allowed to go from the ~County to work with HUD. He then-furnished
the Board with a copy of preliminary inventory of flood damage along~, the James.
Scottsv. ille: Damaged or destroyed - 1 business building, 20 residences, 2 churches,
44 commercial buildings, 1 industrial building, 1 school, ~ mobile oiass ~rooms,
2 municipal buildings.
H0wardsville: Damaged or destroyed - 2 residences, 3 vacant residences, 1
business, 2 mobile homes, 1 sawmill-planing mill.
Htr: Damaged or destroyed - 1 business building, 2 storage ~l~dings.
Warren: 1 residence ~damaged.
Scottsville: $141 ,~0 damage to residences, $1,126,2~0 damage to business
property, $25,500 da~ge to church property, $125,000 damage to SChool, $2,~00,000
damage to manufacturers, $8,~00 damage to municipal buildings making a~ to~al of
$3,926,700 damage to Scottsville.
Howardsville: $3~,090 damage-to residences, $17,000 damage to business making
a total of $48,090~damage to Howardsville.
H t~~o: $1~,000 damage to business. ~ ....
~arren: $7,500 damage to residences.
Total of all above damages $3,997,290.00. Nr. Wheeler thanked Nr. Bailey for the
above report.
In connection with the report on flood damages on July 17, questions were
asked concerning the following:
(1) Flood plain ordinance. Nr. Humphrey reported that the first draft is in the
process of being typed. This will probably go before the Planning Commission on
August 7 to be advertised and come to this Board on August 23. He reported that ~e
City is also working on a similar ordinance.
(2) Nr. Fisher asked the status of the new zoning ordinance. Nr. Humphrey
stated that there are two interns in the Planning Office who are working on the new
zoning maps and when completed the Planning Commission and ~r. Humphrey will make
recommendations. He stated that it will probably bethree months beforeadoption of
this ordinance.
(3) Nr. Wheeler stated that the School Board will be making a ~epoE$ on the
damages to Scottsville School. ·
(4) =Nr. Wheeler entertained a~motion to approve the employment of a qualified
person, experienced in mortgages and loans, for a period of time up to six months,
at an amount not toexceed $10,000 to help individuals and businesses to make
application for flood relief loans. Nr. Carwile felt that this idea would have to
be broughh back -to this~Board for an appropriation before this individual
could begin work, however, he 2eli that~ the attempt should be made ~o hire
such a person. Motion was offered by Nr. Fisher, seconded by Nr. Thacker
and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwi!e, Fisher, ~Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and 'Wood.
NAYS: None.
The Chairman asked the Clerk to place the release for the Ftordon Well
lot on the agenda for August 17.
Mr. Henley offered a motion to instruct the Planning SSaff to make it a
policy to notify the adjoining property owners of requests fOrm site plan
review, special permits, conditional use perunite and zoning map petitions.
The County Attorney--stated that the petitioner could not be. made ko send
this notification, however, the Planning Department could mail these by
regular mail. If the petition involves over 25 parcels of if the petition
is for other than the property owner they must be sent by certified mail.
Notion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and ~carried by the following recorded
AYES: Nessrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
The following con-tract for the operation of the NcIntire Library was
~WHEREASi~.the City of Charlottesville, hereinafter referred to as City,
and theCounty of~A!bemarle, hereinafter referred to as Albemarle, have
heretofore established, ~lrsuant to-law, a regional library known as the
McIntire Public Library~ and
~EREAS, the Counties of Louisa, and Nelson, hereinafter referred to
as Louisa sad Nelson, have requested that they be admitted to membership in
the said regional library system, to. include membership on the governing
board thereof; and
WHEREAS, the City and Albemarle are willing to admit the additional
members to the regional library under certain terms and conditions,
NOW, THEREFORE, this Contract made and entered into this_ . day of
~gust, 1972, by and between the City, Albemarle, Louisa and Nelson.
THAT for and in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements to
be performed respectiVely as hereafter set forth, the City, Albemarle, Louisa,
and Nelson, contract among themselves as follows:
12 The regional ~blic library heretofore established as the McIntire
PUblic Library-Shall be designated as The Thomas Jefferson Regional Libary,
with its principal office in the McIntire Library at the corner of-Second and
East Jefferson Streets in Charlottesville, and shall continue to'operate as
a regional library, as provided in Chapter 2, Title $2.1, Code of Virginia
(19~0) as amended.
2. The management and control of the regional libary shall be vested in
a~Library Board created and appointed pursuant to the aforesaid Chapter ~, and
whioh shall have all the powers vested in such boards by the said Chapter. The
City shall appoint four members, Albemarle four members, Louisa onemember and
Nelson one member. Nelson and Louisa are each authorized to appeint one alternate
member, who may attend all meetings but may vote only in the absence of the
principal member. The members presently appointed to the McIntire Regional
Library Board are hereby confirmed and continued in office as members appointed
by the City and Albemarle to the Thomas Jefferson Regional Library Board for the
balance of the terms for which they were originally appointed. The procedure for
determining staggered terms and the length of terms shall be as provided by
Section 42.1-39, Code of Virginia.
3o Library service will be provided to the residents of Albemarle,
Louisa and Nelson Counties to the same extent, so far as the Library Board finds
it practicable, as it is provided to residents of the City. Regulations concerning
such service, including branch libraries and bookmobiles shall be promulgated
by the Library Board.
$. The operational costs of the regional library shall be assessed to the
subscribing political subdivisions, on the basis of the percentage of circulation
pertaining to the subscribing political subdivisions, for the preceding calendar
year. The Counties shall pay such assessments, so determined~ quarterly to the
City Director of Finance~ whose office shall act without charge until further notice
as the Library System's accounting and disbursing office, maintaining payroll and
purchasing accounts and rendering monthly statements.
~. Operational funds received from the United States or from the State of
Virginia~ as well as fines collected~ shall be credited to each participatinE
member on the same circulation percentage basis.
6. The Library Board shall determine hours and places of livery service and
determine all policies in accordance with the statutes~ and with the State Library
Board's regulations regarding employment of the Library Director. The Library
Board's policieE$ formulated on recommendation of its members and the Directory
shall govern the selection, emphasis~ and distribution of library books, periodicals~
r~cOrds, films and other medi~ and guide all supplementary services such as to
schools and other institutions, public meeting rooms~ and every other question of
service policies or expenditures within the annual appropriation. Regulahions
concerning such services, including branch libraries and bookmobiles, shall be
promulgated by the Library Board.
7. ~ll Library employees including custodial are to receive compensation
equal to rates paid by the City~ and are to receive retirement~ insurance and
other benefits at least equal to those for City employees~ provided however that
schedules, work assignments and conditions of employment shall be as fixed by
the Library Board.
.... 8. The Library Board shall submit copies of its proposed budget by
December 31st for the next fiscal year beginning July 1st, to the governing bodies
of the subscribing political ~ubdivisions. The participating authorities shall
appoint a Joint Library Committee to meet by January l~th with representatives
of the Library Board and thereafter to recommend allocation of funds.
9. Gifts of money, books or other useful donations (other than those made
to the Friends of the Library~ Inc. on behalf of the Library ) may be accepted
by the Library Board for general use in the Library syStem~ or-at the Library
Board's discretion~ for particular use in the library branch or participating
counties preferred by the donor. Such gifts of money are to be paid in to the
City Finance Office, credited for use as the Library Board decides. Removal or
re-allocation of such particular gifts or funds~, where permitted under terms of the
original acceptance, may be ordered only the the Lib=ary Board.
10. The buying and maintenance of bookmobiles shall be the responsibility
of the localities in which they operate, such costs to be allocated to the
localities based on the circulation of books from the bookmobiles within such
localities. Funds for purchase of bookmobiles may come from the general fund
to b~ repaid over a period of four ($) years on the basis of circulation as above
11. In the event that dissolution or termination of this agreement is desired
by any participating body, the distribution or allocation of buildin~ books and
eGUipment within the system shall be negotiated by a joint ~ommittee appointed by
the subscribing political subdivisions, provided~ however, that library books or
other media permanently assigned to any particular branch library er agency within
a county at the time that negotiation for dissolution bsgins~ shall~remain in
that county for its use or disposal.
~' ' This Contract shall be in ~orce and effect upon its ratification by all of the
parties named herein.
IN.WITNESS WHEREOF, the subscribing political subdivisions have caused their
names to be signed and attested by their duly a~thorized officials. ·
Motion to approve the library contract was offered by Mr. Carwile, seconded
by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote:
AI~S: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Mood.
NAYS: None.
Claim in the amount of $797.76 was received From the University of
Virginia Hospital for hospitalization of in~igent;;patients under S.L.H. for
the Month of June, 1972., On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Thacker, this
claim was approved for payment subject to availability of funds. Motion
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Woo&.
NAYS: None.
Upon motion by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Henley, the following
resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote;
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
BE IT P~ESOLVED by the 'Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the sum of $13,952.3% be and
the same is hereby appropriated for payment of the Malcolm
Birnie ~eport.
Claim aga~st the Dog Tax Fund was received From Mannis R. Wesley for
(2) pigs, (1) ewe, and (2) lambs killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Henley,
seconded by Mr. Wbod, Mr. 'Wesley was allowed $70.00 for this claim, however,
the Clerk was instructed to bill Mr. Terry Fitz, owner of one of the dogs
involved in th_is incident, for one-half of this amount. Motion carried by
the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and
NAYS: None.
Mr. Sam l~obertson, County Dog '~arden, was present to discuses the need for
addition personnel in his department. The Chairman asked that a committee
composed of Mr. Wood, Mr. ,Henley, Mr. Pickford and Mr. l~obertson give this
matter study and make a r, port at the August meeting.
Statement of expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office
and the Office of the Commonwealth'~s Attorney were submitted for the Month of
June, 1972. On motion by Mr. ~ood~ seconded by Mr. Thacker, these statements
were approved. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, ~hacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days fore-the Month of June,
1972. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by ~r. Fisher, these statements were
approved by the following recorded vote:
AYES: N2ssrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted for the Month.of June, 1972,
in the amount of $24.00 of which two-thirds is reimbursable by the State. On
motion by Mr. Thacker, seconded by Mr. Carwile, this claim wes ~proved for
payment by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrso Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, '~eeler and
NAYS: None.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the Month of
May, 1972, in accordance with Sections 63=67ol and 63=67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
S.P.C.A. report for the Month of May, 1972, was presented as information.
Agreement for the use of the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Detention Home was
presented. Since there were numerous questions still to be answered this matter
was deferred until a later meeting.
At this time, the Chairman entertained a motion to go into executive
session for lunch and to discuss litigation with the County Attorney. Motion was
offered by Mr. H2nley, seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None o
The Board reconvened at 1:30 P.M.
Mr. 'Wheeler stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Humphrey concerning
damage to the Farinholt property next to the new Hollymead School. He asked
Mr. Humphrey to give a progress report on this at the meeting scheduled for
July 26.
Mr. Wheeler stated that he had received a letter from Mr. W. J. Copeland,
Executive Secretary of the Criminal Justice Planning Unit. This will be brought
to the Board at a later meeting.
N~. Wheeler asked Mr. Batchelor and Mr. Thacker 'to set a date with the
Industrial Commission to discusz~'~ .'~ budgeted appropriation for 1972-73~
Mr. Batchelor gave a rLeport on the operation of County parks. After lengthy
discussion, He was asked to give a more detailed report on this at the July 26
The Chairman entertained a motion to adjourn this meeting until 4:00 P.N:
on July 26 in order to discuss annexation p~oceedings with Nr. Robert Fitzgerald.
Motion was offered by Nr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Carwile and carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler amd Wood.
NAYS: None.