HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-26N230 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors was held en July 26~ 1972~ at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Court House~ Charlottesville, Virginia. Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile~ Gerald E. Fisher~ J. T. Henley~ Jr.~ William C. Thacker~ Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Woed~ Jr. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney. The Chairman called for ~ublic hearings on the following ~ zoning requests as advertised in the Daily Progress on July 13 and July 20~ 1972. (1) ~MP-~b. W. I. Mawyer. The Chairman announced that this petition would not be heard this hight as the Planning Commission had not acted on same. (2) ZMP-229. Lester R. Terry, Charles S. Terry and Lester B. Terry. To rezone ~?.1 acres from A-1 Agriculture to RS-1 Residential. Property is situated on north side of Route 649~ across from "Jefferson Village Subdivision." Property is described as Tax Map 3.2, Parcel 2~ and 2~D. Rivanna Magisterial Distz~ct. Mr. Humphrey stated that R-I zoning exists across Route 649 which is developing as "Jefferson Village." The Comprehensive Plan indicates that the "North Rivanna Cluster" should be terminated in the general area of this request. It indicates that the RS-1 category with its maximum density of one. (1) dwelling unit per acre would be considered for the parcel. The granting of this request would be parallel to the recent rezoning in the same area. However to go much beyond the ridge of the "Cluster'~ in this area~ in the staff's opinion could prove to be an error in the future. Public services could only be provided by pumping operation when it becomes available to the entire North Rivanna area. The applicants proposed to use County public water as opposed to well. This is good. Septic tanks will have to be utilized indefinitely. He ~lso stated that the request can be generally in cem~liance with the "Plan" with all-things considered. ~e not~ that this rezoning if granted should be the dividing line from urban type density and large lots developing. Any further disruption of this area outside the watershe~ will be detrimental to the ecology and the habitat of wildlife in this watershed which is generally known as the "Preddy Creek Watershea.~ Mr. Charles Terry was present in support of the petiti~u~ No one spo~e in opposition. Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Commission had recommended unanimous approval of the petition. Mr. Wood offered motion to approve as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion was seconded ~y~sMr. Henley and passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. (3) SP-181. Evelyn C. Cassell. To locate a permanent mobile home on 4.98 acres located east of Route 618 near the Fluvanna County line in southeast Albemarle County. Property is described as County Tax Map 116~ Parcel 4 (Dart thereof), Scottsville Magisterial District. Mrs. Cassell was present. No one appeared in opposition. Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Staff recommended Health Department approval of a septic system-and a 100 ft. setback from all property lines. He stated that the Planning Commission had unanimously recommended approval with the conditions stated. 231 Mr. Thacker offered motion to approve as recommended by the Planning Staff and the Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the- following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher, Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. SP-184. Boar's Head Club~ Inc. To locate a swim and tennis club on 6.0 acres situated on the south side of Route 2~0 West on land known as "Greencroft." Property is described as County Tax Map ~8, Parcel 91A and~91B (part thereof), Samuel Miller Magisterial District. Mr. Gerald Tremblay was present on behalf of the petitioners. Mr. Humphrey stzted that the staff found the site plan in order~ however~ the staff would suggest a deacceleration lan~ at the entrance to the facility, where very minimal grading is required. He also stated that the Planning Commission had made a field inspection of the site and have recommended approval with the following condit2ons. This ~pDroval was by unanimous vote of those members present. CONDITIONS: As recommended by the Planning ~ommission. 1) No outside music, amplifiers, or loud speakers are to be used in the operation of the facility. 2) That subdued lighting be utilized in all outside.areas and around the prime building to the satisfaction of the County Planner. 3) Strict compliance with the site plan as filed with the petition. That a deacceleration lane be installed to the satisfaction of the Virginia Department of Highways and 'that inVestiEation be made by the Highway Department for the need for lane markin~a for left turn movements and any other marking necessary for the safety of traffic in the area. That the access road be restricted to the membership and service of of the Boar's~Hea;d Club~ .Inc. 6) That the entrance road at Route 2~0 be raised syfficiently to brin'g it to the level of Route 2~0 a sufficient length to improve the sight distance at this intersection.. Mr. Humphrey stated that since the Planning Commission hearing he had received the following letter from the Department of Highways in reference to Condition No. 4: "July 26~ 1972 Mr. John Humphrey County Planner County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Humphrey: On Friday, July 21, 1972, Mr. J.'W. Nicholson~ District Traffic Engineer and I reviewed the entrance at Greencroft with Mr. Bill Bascom. The GreenCroft property~ I understand~ ~s the future site of the Boar.'s Head Club. We recommended to Mr. Bascom that the existing entrance be raised to provide a better connection to Route 2~0-. He. indicated this Was to be done. At this time it is hard to determine what effect this turning traffic will have on the throughmovement in the area. We recommended that nothing be done at this time' to the existing payement markings. After the club is in operation we will study the traffic patternS~ If a need for changes then exists we will do what we can to help with the problem. As you'know th'is is one of two passing lanes on 2~0 between 'the Albemarle Playhouse and Ivy he~ding west. To provide left turn slots at Greencroft would mean dO{ng away with any passing zone in this area since the remaining sections Would not allow adequate distance for passing. Mr. Bascom indicated that traffic from the west entering the site would be slight. If this is the case a deceleration: land would not be necessary at'this time. You should~ however, reserve the right to require a deceleration lane at a later date if traffic movements so warrant. 232 If I can be of further assistance,-please advise. Very truly yours, (Signed) R. O. Warner Resident Engineer" Mr. Humphrey then read'the following letter into the re~erd: "July ~0, 1972 Albemarle County Planning Commission County. Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 In re: Special Use Permit~- Boar,s Head Club - Greencroft Dear Mr. Chairman and memebers of the Commission: Subsequent to the meeting with you with regard to obtaining a Special Use Rermit to operate the Boar's Head Club at Greencroft in Albemarl~ County, the Board of Director's of the Club had a meeting and authorized me to write this letter to you. I am very happy that the Commission has taken its time to become informed with respect to the property which will be used as club facilities and also to observe the distances of the neighboring properties to the proposed club facilities. It is the inten$ion of the Boar's Head Club Board to operate a private, social and recreational club with eating facilities~ recreational facilities~. i.e. swimming and tennis,and an ABC cI~b~lic~nse. The main complaint we heard from four of the land owners in the area concerned principally lighting and the possibility or'noise. This is to advise that any lighting installed at the club and parking areas, or along the roadway wilI be directed toward the club facilities and no lighting will be directed toward adjoining properties'. No noises or sounds made on the club facilities will be of-such nature as to interfere with the reasonable enjoyment of the Surrounding properties. I am submitting an enlargement from the U.S. Geologic Sur'vey of the area showing Greencroft and the relative location of the surrounding properties. Using the proposed club facilities as a center~ circles have been projected outwardly from the club facilities which are spaced at one-tenth of one mile intervals~ ~It appears that the Harper property, which is the closest to' the facilities, is in excess of .lg miles away. The Directors of the Boar's Head Club intend to operate a first class facility for the enjoyment of~ its members, the majority of whom reside in western Albemarle County. Thank you for your time and effort spent on this Special Use 'oPermit and we sincerely hope ~that you will give it favorable recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. Very truly yours, Signed (E. Gerald Tremblay)" ~t this time, the Chairman called on the public for discussion. Mr. & Mrs.- Michael Harper and Mr. Albert D. Groh, adjoining property owners spoke in opposition~ citing noise as their main o~jection. Mr. Jack Taggard an adjoining property owner spoke in favor. There were approximately 3~-40 people present who rose to indicate they were in favor of the petition. After lengthy discussion by the Board it was the general consensus of opinion that condition #5 was unnecessary. Mr. Fisher then offered motion to approve with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4 (to be amended to "has right reserved to require deacceleration lane if recommended by the Highway Department), 6 and with the following'added conditions: 1) This permit is to be issued only to the Boar's Head Club, Inc., for the purposes '2'33 of operating a dining and minor sports recreationaT-facility for use"by- permanent members and member-accompanied guests only. 2) ~ATION. This permit shall remain in effect for an indefinite periOd~ unless in the considered opinion of the COunty Planner and, the Planning Commission of Albemarle County~ there has been a substantial change in the operation of this Cluby which change causes a detrimental effect on the m~pUblic safetyy healthy or general welfare of the citizens of Albemarle County. In such an eventy this permit shall be null and void ninety (90) days follOwing notification by Registered Mail of at least one official of the Club. 3) EXPANSION. Any expansion of land area for the use of this CSub will necessitate application for a new permit for the entire operationy and this'~'rmit,m.~will become null and void upon the granting of a new permit. This motion did not receive a second. Mr. Wood then offered motion to approve the application withtthe following conditions: 1) 2) No outside activities past 1:OO A.M. That this permit be limited to this particular Boar's Head Club as its articles of incorporation are now set up. That subdued lighting be utilized in all outside areas and around the prime building to the satisfaction of the CoUnty Planner. Strict compliance with the site plan-as filed with~the~petition. That a deacceleration lane and lane markfngs for left turn movements'and any other marking necessary for the safety of traffic in this area be left to the discretion of.the~Virginia Department~of Highways as per their letter-addressed to Mr. John Humphreyy County Plannery under date of ~uly 26y 1972, If at some future date~ the Virginia~Department~of Highways deema this to"be necessaryy same will be installed by the Boar's Head Cluby Inc. 6) That the entrance road at Route 2~O be raised sufficiently to bring it io the level of Route-2~0 a Sufficient length b~ improve the sight distance at this intersection. Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker amd passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs.~ Henleyy Thackery Wheeler and Wood,. Mr. Fisher. ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile.(Mr. Carwile did not participate in any of the discussion- concerning this petition). After the vote was. takeny discussion followed, in which Mr.'Wheeler Stated that ~e not had/intended to vote for condition #1 as stated above~ but rather for "no activities past I:OO.A.M.~,' He the~ asked~that the Vote be ,reconsidered,. Mr. FiShsr made a motion to reconsider the action taken, motion was seconded by Henley and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fishery Henley~ ~hd,,.'Whmee~er. NAYS: Messrs. Thacker and Wood. ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile. Another discussion followed on this condition. Mr. Wood then amended his motion to read that "ALL ACTIVITIES STOP AT 1:00 A.M," Mr. Thacker agreed to the amendment and seconded this motion. This passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Henleyy Thackery Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: Mr. Fisher. ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile. (53 SP-18~. ~Kenneth G. Maupin. To expand an existing General Store. Property is situated on west side of Route 29 North just south of the intersection of Route 29 North and Route 649. Property is described as CoUnty Tax Map 32~ Parcel 43~ Char- lottesville Magisterial District. 234 Mr. Humphrey stated the Staff had recommended that parking spaces be marked for convenience and to prevent congestion on the lot. They were also desirous in hav~ng a deacceleration lane~ however, there is not sufficient land frontage of~.the ownership of the store to,accommodate the deacceleration lane. The staff had recommended that the Planning Commission Site Plan~,~Coordinating Committee review the site plan as a condition Of approval. Mr. Humphrey stated that after the committee had visited the site and made their report that the Planning Commission had unanimously approved this petition subject to the following condition: 1) Marked parking spaces on site for 21 vehicles. 2) Highway Department approval. 3) Health Department approval of a septic tank ~ystem. H~ also stated that the Commission had instructed the Secretary to investigate with the Board of Supervisors and-the Highway Department the possi~bility of closing off the median cut in Route 29 North for northbound traffic access to the facility to eliminate the safety hazard that exists there. Mr. Maupin was present in support of the petition. Mfs.Mary Jo Lovelace spoke stating that she felt approval of this petition without requiring the deacceleration lane would be a hazard for south-bound traffic in this area. AFter considerable discussion~ Mr. Wood offered metion to approve application for special permit subject to delineation of parking spaces as recommended by the Planning Commision~ approval of septic tank system by the Health Department and the matter pertaining to deacceleration lane and closing of median cu~ in Route 29 North be left to the discretion of the Highway'Department. Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. ~arwile~ Fi,sher~ Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. ~ NAYS: None. The Chairman called an end t.o the public hearings on zoning matters, and the following items were discus~sed. Mr. Batchelor stated that a committee composed of Mr. Gerald E. Fisher~ Mr. William C. Thacker~ Jr.~ Mr. John Humphrey and himself had met to discuss the Master plan for the City's Pen Park. They gave a lengthy report and' stated~ that they recommended the following conditior~a,~ 1) The City grant a reservation for future alignment of Meadow Creek Road between Redte 29 and Rio Road which traverses northern ~ extension of this property and to be described by the County PlannerY 2) That the City grant a general easement te the County or the Rivanna ~ Jurisdictional Water and Sewer Authority for the location of future pump line which is to traverse and parallel the Rivanna River. Discussion followed as to how the City planned to upgrade Route 768 which is the entrance road to the park. Mr. Francis Fife and Mr. Tom Cenger were present on behalf of the City. Mr. Conger stated that the County could apply for Virginia Outdoor ~Recreation Funds for this purpose. Mr. Wheeler stated that he could not ~up~ort thins petition under these circumstances since the County~badly needed these funds for the several county parks which are now in operation. Mr. Carwile then offered motion tO accept the recommendations of the committee and to add that "the City agrees to acquire a 50-ft. right of way and to install 22-feet of asphalt pavement, according to State specifications, ~ithou~ the use of Secondary Highway Funds or Virginia Outdoor Recreation Funds." Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. In reference to a complaint from Mr. Joseph J. Farinholt, adjoining property owner, Hollymead School site, Mr. Humphrey stated that this had been investigated by the zoning administrato~ and the damage was being cleared. Mr. Joseph Goldsmith was present to tell the Boazd that on Monday, Mr. Horace C. Miller, Sr., property owner of land adjacent to Chris Greene Lake, had disrupted tree cover on this land. Mr. Goldsmith felt that this was a serious threat to the lake and had Soil Conservation Service investigate this. from their engineer: Following is letter "July 26~ 1972 Mr. Joseph M. Gol~i~h, Ac~ing Director Parks & Recreation Albemarle County, Va. Dear Mr. Goldsmith: Pursuant to our investigation of the land adjoining Chris Greene Lake which you and I made this morning at your request~ the following information is submitted. The parcel of land-which is now being cleared is definitely considered to be a potential erosion problem and a source of pollution to Chris Greene Lake unless protective measures are taken. Since I have not discussed the situation with the land owner I am not sure what his intentions are, but I do recommend that some erosion prevention measure be implemented. If further land clearing operations are~continued, I would highly recommend that a silt basin be installed in the draw leading to the lake and that all runoff water be diverted into the silt basin. I would suggest that the basin be located below the woods line and above the lake, This would probably be best as an excavated pit with an earthen dam on the lower side with a perforated pipe as recommended in the Albemarle County Soil' Erosion Handbook (See page 38-~6). The area cleared should be seeded to a mixture as recommended on page 17 of the haddhook. If we can be of further assistance, please contact Mr. Ro O. Anderson of our Albemarle County Office. Sincerely, (Signed) H. Tillman Marshall Area Engineer" Mr. Goldsmith explained that after checking with the C~ty Attorney, warrants had been issued to Mr. Miller and his son for violation of the soil erosion ordinance, however, these warrants will probably be dismissed if Mr. Miller declares this clearing as an agriculture operation since this is not covered in the soil erosion ordinance. The County Attorney advised the Board that the only immediate action that could be taken~ would be to seek a court injunction against Mr. Miller. Mr. Carwile offered motion to authorize the County Attorney to seek a temporary court injunction against Horace C. Miller, Sr. Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Mr. '~neeler asked Mr. Humphrey and Mr. Goldsmith to contact the Virginia Department of Outdoor Recreation representative in Richmond to fiz~d~if funds would be available to acquire a buffer zone for additional property development.~ Report on the'operation of the county parks and recreation was presented as information. The following certificate certifying the destruction of bonds and coupons was presented as £nformation. CERTIFICATE AS TO DESTRUCTION ,, o? ONDS COUPONS ,,, The undersigned having been appointed to a committee of three persons to supervise and witness the destruction of bonds and coupons in accord with resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, adopted June l~, 1972 pursuant to the provisions of Virginia Code Section ~8-919.3, do hereby certify that we did on July 1W, 1972 supervise and witness the destruction of the bonds~and coupons Ils~ed~. on the attached Exhibit "A", which exhibit has been duly initialled by each ~f us. Said bonds and coupons were destroyed by fire. The total amount of bonds destroyed-was $$70,00Oo00 and the total of the coupons $1~9,$10.~0, making a total of~des~royed bonds and coupons of $629,~10.50. The issue,~ series, number and maturity date of the paid bonds and coupons is set forth on the attached Exhibit "A". Witness the following signatures and seals this 20th day of July, 1972: (Signed) (Signed) (Signed) Margot Hornblower Ray Cary Thomas M. Batchelor, Jr., Director of Finance Albemarle County, Virginia BOND NUMBERS ISSUE: CROZET SANITARY DIST. RICT.- .$150,000. SERIES: 1947 t2-1-47) FISCAL MATURITY YEAR COUPON ~ DATE .... PAID . · NUMBERS 4t~-45 5,000. O0 2-1- 5'8 6-30-58 46-50 5 ~ 000. O0 10,000.00 51-60 2-1-59 6-30-59 2-1-60 6-30-60 61-70 10,000.00 2~1-61 6-30-61 10,000.00 71-80 81-90 101-1~O 10~000.00 10,000.00 ~o,ooo.o6 2-1-62 6-30-62 2-1-63 6-30-~3 2-1-65 6-30-65 71-80 87.50 ~i~86-90 43.75 96-100 43.75 111-12o 87.5o 131-140 87.5'0 41-70 262.50 81-85 g3- 75 91-15o 525. oo 71-80 8 7.5.0 86-9o 43.75 )+6-15'0 918.75 N6-70 218.75' 81-85 43.75. 91-15'0 5~5. oo 71-80 87.5o 86-90 43.75 51-15,O 875. OO 51-70 175.00 81-85 ¥3.75 91-15'o 5'2~.oo 71-80 87.50 86-90 43.75. 61-15'0 787.5'0 61-150 787.5.0 71-150 700. O0 71-150 700. OO 81-150 612.50 81-150 612.50 101-15,o 437.5o lOl-150 437; ~0 9,975.00 MATURITY . DATE, 8-1-57 8-1-57 8-1-57 8-1-57 2-1,-58 2-1-5'8 2-1-~8 2-1-5'8 2-1-5,8 8-1-58 2-1-5'9 2-1-59 2-1-5,9 2-1-59 2-1-5,9 8-1-5,9 2-1-60 2-1-60 2-1-60 2-1-60 2-1-60 8-1-60 2-1-61 8-1-61 2-1-62 8-1-62 -i-63 -1-6N 2-1-65' FISCAL YEAR .PAID 6-30-58 6-30-5'8 6-30-58 6-30-5.8 6-30-58 6-30-5.8 6-30-5,8 6-30-5,8 6-30-59 6-30-59 6-30-59 6-30-5'9 6-30-59 6-30-59 6-30-60 6-30-6.0 6-3o-60 6-30-60 6-30-60 6-3o-6o 6-30-61 6-30-61~ 6-30-61 6-30-61 6~0-62 6-30-62 6-3O-63 6-30-63 6-30-65' 6-30-65 BOND 11-1 16-20 .26-30 31-35 36-~+0 46-50 5,000. O0 5,OO0.00 ~000..00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000-.00 ~,000.00 335,000.00 ISSUE: CROZET SERIES: 195g MATURITY ,DAT. E. 12-1-57 12-I-58 12-1-60 12-1-61 12-1-62 12-1-64 SANITARY FISCAL YEAR PAID 6-30-58 6-30-59 6-30-60 6-30-61 6-30-62 6-30-63 6-30-65 DISTRICT - (12-1-~) COUPON NUMBERS ll-lO0 16-1OO 16-1OO 21-100 21-1OO 26-1OO 26-100 31-100 31-1OO 36-100 36-100 41-lO0 g6-100 $100,000. FISCAL MATURITY YEAR . AMT,, .,, . DATE PAID 1,305.00 12-1-57 6-30-58 1,232.50 6-1-58 6-30-58 1,232.50 12-1-58 6-30-59 1,160.00 6-1-59 6-30-59 1,160.O0 12-1-%9 6-30-60 1,087.50 6-1-60 6-30-60 1,O87.50 12-1-60 6530-61 1~015.00 1-1-61 6-30-61 !~O15.OO 12-1-61 6-30-61 9~2.50 6-1-62 6-30-62 992.%0 12-1-62 6-30-62 870.00 6-1-63 6-30-63 797.50- 12-1-6~ 6-30-65 13,8¥7.50 ISSUE: ALB. SERIES: 1950 BOND MATURITY NUM'~, ERS AMT. DAT~, ,, 176-200 25,000.00 1-1-58 201-225 25,000.00 1-1-59 226r250 25,000.00 l-l-60 251-275 25,000.00 1-1-61 276-300 25,000.00 ~-1-62 301-325 25,000.00 1-1-63 351-375 25,000.. Q9 1-1-65 175,000.00 CO. SCHOOL BOARD -$500,000. (1-1-5o) PAID 6.30-58 6-30-59 6-30-60 6~3'0-61 6-30-62 6-30-63 6-30-65 COUPON NUMBERS FISCAL t~LTURITY YEAR AMT... DATE . PAID .... 2,¥37.50 1-1-58 6-30-58 2,250.00 7-1-58 6-30-59 2,250.00 1-1-59 6-30-59 2,062.50 7-1-59 6-30-60 2,062.5,0 1-1-60 6-3Q-60 1,875,~00 7-1-60 6.30-61 1,875.00 1-1-61 6-30-61 1,687.50 7-1-61 6-30-62 1,687.5o 1-1-62 6-30-62 1,500.00 7-1-62 6-30-63 1,500.00 1-1-63 6-30-63 1,125.00 7-1-6~+ 6-30-65 1.125.00 1-1-65 6-30-65 23, b~37.50 176-500 2Ol-5OO 201-500 226-500 226-5'00 25'1-5'00 25'1-5'oo 276-500 276-500 3Ol-5OO 301- 500 351-5'oo 351-5oo BOND Nm~Rs 1-35 36-70 71-1o5 1%1-175 ISSUE: ALB. CO. SCHOOL BO~ - $700,000. SERIES: 1960 (5-1-60)' FISCAL MATURITY YEAR DATE PAID 35,000o00 5-1-61 6-30-61 35,~000. O0 5-1-62 6-30-62 35,000.00 5-1-63 6-30-63 140~000o00 6-30-65 COUPON NLTMBERS,,. AMT. 1-700 11,900.O0 1-700 11,900.00 36-700 11,305.00 36-~20 6,5~+5.00 446-700 4,335.00 421-4~5 42 5. oo 71- 700 10,710. O0 71-700 10,710.00 506=525 340. O0 141-420 $,760.00 446-5'23 1,326.00 525-700 2,992.00 141-380 ~,080.00 386-~2o 595.oo ~46-W9o 765.00 W96-5o5 17o.oo 526-610 !,~gS.00 616-625 170.00 631-700 ~i~190..00 85,663.00 MATURITY FISCAL YEAR PAID 11-1-60 5-1-61 11-1-61 5-1-62 5-1-62 11-1-62 5-1-63 :;5-1-64 1i-1-64 11-1-64 11-1-6~ 5-1-65 5-1-65 5-1-65 5-1-65 5-1-65 6-30-61 6r30-61 6-3O-62 6-30-62 6-30-62 6-30-63 6-30-63 6-30-63 6-30-65 6-30~6~ 6-30-65 6-30-65 6-30-65 6-3~-65 6-30-65 6-30-65 6-30-65 6-30-65 6-30-65 241 ISSUE: 1961 (6-1-61) 1-20.' +60 Atff. DATE PAID 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00 6-1 -62 6-1-63 6-1-64. 6-3e-62 6-3o-63 6-3o-65 COUPON NIBERERS 1-3oo 1-3oo 21-300 21-27O 281-300 4-1-28o 61-3oo 4,875.00 12-1-61 4,875.00 6-t-62 ~,550.00 12-1-62 4,062.50 6-1-63 325.00 6-1-63 3,900.00 ~6~=64 3,900.00 12-1-64 26,4-87.50 FI SCAL YEAR PAID 6-30-62 6-30-62 6-30-63 6-30-6~ V 6'30-6~ 6-30 -65 242 Mr. Humphrey was instructed to send to the Board members a copy of report on permits issued for the Month of JuA~ 1972 At 10:45 P.M. the Chairman entertained a motion to adjourn into executive session to discuss litigation with the County Attorney. Motion was offered by Mr. Thacker~ seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher, Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. The Board reconvened. ing Claims agains~t/~he. County.-amo~,.~to $9~7~979.05 were presented, examined and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Revenue Fund: General Operating School Operating Cafeterias Virginia ~blic Assistance Capital Outlay Dog Tax Fund Textbook Rental Fund Town of Scotts~ille-Local Sales Tax Commonwealth of Virginia: Current Credit Account $ 35.33 1 71,731.63 3oF,858.o2 527. ~ 7 80,633.20 271,7~+1.65 1,2~0. ¥8 1,41 9. ~5 1,)+9.56 124~ 642.46 On motion~ the meeting adjourned. Chairman