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A regalar meeting of the Board of County Supervisors'of Albemarle County~
Virginia~ was held on August 17~ 1972~ at 9:00 A.M. in the Board Room of the
County Office Building.
Present: Messrs. Stua~t F. Carwile~ Gerald E. F±sher~ J. T. Henley~ Jr.~
William C..Thacker~ Jr.~ GordOn L. _Wheeler and Lloyd F. Woody Jr. (Mr. Wood arrived
at 10:30 A.M.)
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Wheeler,.
Mr. Fisher offered motion to approve the minutes of July 12~ July 17 and July 20.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by,the following recordedvote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher; Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Mr. R. G. Warner~ Resident Engineer of the Virginia Department of Highways
presented to the Board members a copy of The.Secondary-System Maintenance~ Maintenance
~e~lacement and ConStruction Budget for the fiscal year .July 1~. 1..972..to June..~O~ 1~73.
Mr. Warner said he had been asked by Mr. Batchelor to-give a report on the
Rt. 6kO access road to AT&T. He said the highway department would try to have this
hard-surfaced before winter. He also stated that the bridge at Milton had been
opened with a ~-ton limit to see if there were any adverse effects. He felt that
this bridge would be restored to capacity before the beginning QFm the school ~ar.
Mr. Warner stated that a man from the highway department was proCeeding~
this ~te~ to obtain right~ of way for the improvement of Rb. 660.
Mr. Fisher asked if a decision on Rt. 6~7 had been received and was informed that
no further word had been received on this project.
Mr. Thacker again a~ked about improvements to Route 20 South. Mr. Warner s, tated
that this will be advertised on September 6. .
Mr. Henley stated that he has had a request 'concerning the pavement of Virginia
Avenue in Cro~zet. Mr. Warner stated that this project had'been set u,p ink'the budget
and work on this should have been completed.
Mr. Wheeler stated that he has had several complaints concerning the weight limit
of the bridge on Rt. 631. He asked Mr. Batchelor to have the Sheriff check the
traffic at this point. He also asked Mr. Warner to check the guard rails at the
corner of Rt. 676 and Rt. 7~3 were there was an accident this past week end. Several
citizens had called him to say they felt the rails were too low at this point to
prevent a car g~ing over into the reservoir.
Mr. Fisher offered motionto approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS the Electoral Board of Albemarle County
has determined that there is a need for additional precincts
in the Samuel Miller and Rivanna Magisterial Districts of Albemarle~-County~
and has petitioned the Board of Supervisors to. establish such~ designating a
polling place in each such new precinct in accord with the provisions of
Virginia.Cede Section 24.1-37, and
WHEREAS]the Electoral Board of Alb.ema~e County has determined
~.~hat ~her~e~-.~'~ii'!~ ~ ~ need to.change the polling place in White
Hall Magisterial District~ and' has petitioned the Board of Supervisors
to make such change in accord ~ith.the provisions of Virginia'Code-
BE I-T THEREFORE RESOLVED that a public hearing be
set for September ~ ~972 at ~:00 P.M. to be held in
the Board Room of. the County 0ff~ce Building for the purpose 1
of considering such changes~ and the Clerk of this Board
~rected to cause newspaper publication of a notice of such
hearing once a week for two successive~weeks prior to said
hearing in accord with the provisions of Virginia Code Section
Motion to approve the above resolution was offered by Mr. Fisher,-seconded
by Mr. Thacker and carried by_the following-recOrded~vote:
AYES:' ~Messrs... Carwi!e~ F~sher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None ....
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.._ ·
Mr. Batche!or presented a request from the Virginia Association of ~ .-
Counties for an increase in annual-~ues:
"Mr.~Gordon L. Wheeler'~ 'Chairman
Albemarle County Board of .Ed'p~rvisors
Keswick, Virginia 22947
Dear Mr. Wheeler:
The Executive Board.of the Virginia Association of Counties at. its~meeting
on April 22~ 1972, reviewed the financial condition of the Association and the
prospects for funding its operations in the ~future. The~Executive Board found
that despite the additional revenues provided by the increase in membership
dues authorized at the 1970 Annual Meeting, the need t° f~nance' a .portion of,
this year's operations from next year's revenues-had continued. While it has
been possible to reduce the amount of the temporary loans from lending institutions
from $1~,000 in 1970-71 to $~,000 in 1~71-72, a portion of the dif'ference had
been offset by Fairfax and Prince William Counties which, at..their oE. suggesti~n$?
had prepaid a portion of their membership dues in the amount of $7,991.~67. Thus,
added together, the Association had expended $12,991.67 out. o~ the ~971-72 y~'ar's
revenues before the year began.
Several changes ~n the pattern of. the Association's expenditures-brought
about by inflation and other causes have occurred:
1. Under the new Virginia Constitution of 1971, the General Assembly meets
every year~ i.e., annually, instead of every other year, i.e., biennially. This
means that the cost of the maintenanc~ o.f the office and a staff representative
in Richmond at the Capitol has been increased by~one and one-half times.. (This
presumes that the odd year General Assembly Session will be limited to thirty
days.) Fuhhher~ the costs of food and lodging have followed the inflationary
tre~d found in all areas.
2. Merit increases in both the staff and legislative consultant fees have
added to operating costs. Despite the elimination of one secretarial position in
the Charlottesville office~ the fact that the Executive 'Director and the ~Legal
Counsel have served ten years with the Association has caused salary and fee costs
to increase in order to obtain the benefit from their competence and experience
on the job and to meet the competition of the labor market.
3. Costs of operations have followed the trend of the rising costs of operation
of county government and industry generally. The As'sociation~N office equipment -
e.g. the newest typewriter is ten years old - requires considerable maintenance and
some of the older equipment needs to be replaced. The more frequent mailings and the
need to mail ~heavier mailings couple~d with the two cents increase in postage rates
have caused mail costs to increase by approximately 30%.
4. At the 1971 meeting of the Na~ onal Association of Counties, Virginia counties
representation on the NACO Board of Directors was increased from one.to 'two members.
Prior to this time representati~n~on the NAC0 Board ef Directors from Virginia was
limited to those county officers from counties which would reimburse~them for expenses
incurred in attending NACO Board of Directors meetings. This eliminated representation
from many counties both rural and suburban and' often proved a disadvantage to the
incumbent at election time. Thus, the Executive Board adopted a policy which provides
that nominees to the NACO Board of Directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting as
are other Association officers and henceforth the Association shall reimburse them
for their expenses. This .policy opens the opportunity for service in '.NACO offices to
all Virginia County Supervisors but obligates the Assocation to considerable additional
expenditures Which had formerly been borne~by individual bounties.
~. Every four years, the Association publishes a Directoryof County Officials
(elected officers). Your copy will be mailed to you in the near futures. For the
first time the Directory is being prepared in.'loose,leaf form so that changes in the
form of substitute sheets may be inserted from time to time as they occur. Some
additional expense for the loose-leaf binders--is involved and'~the costs of mailing have
increased to 53¢ per copy, constituting a further drain on the revenue of the Association.
The ~irginia Cou~ SuperM.isors' Man~al was last revised to include the 1966
Session of the General ASsembly.; Since.that time there have been five'-sesSions of-,the
General AssembIy, some of which passed legislation quite important to counties. In
addition, a new ConstitutiOn'for the Commonwe'alth became effective on July 1, 1971;' Thus,
a need Eo"revi~-e the Supervisor&' Manual is quite urgent. The re~ision has been directed
by the ExecutiVe Board and the-work on it has begu~. Judging from the ~966 revision~ this
one will take two to th~eme years to complete and ap'proximately $10,000, exclusive of
staff time, to have printed and mailed.
6. The Association continues to be concerned with improving its image before
both State and Federal officers and agencies. The Association is invited in many
different ways to represent the Virginia Counties in both Federal and State activities
in addition to its work with the General Assembly. Through the counties' representation
on legislative and other study commissions, on the Governor';s Advisory Commibtee on
State and Local Cooperation, the MOratorium Study Commission on Annexation and
Incorporated Counties as Cities, the eounties'-"image is developedland~improved.
Further, the need to maintain good relationships with sister organizations and
institutions of ~higher education often requires additional traveT;and ether'expenses.
While the Executive Board was most reluctant to propose an in¢'reas'e' in membership
dues~ after a review of the tight control exercised by the officers and staff over
expenditures, the continuing deficit and the anticipated increase in--expe~ditures
including capital outlay for equipment, and the cost of publication and mailing~ it
ultimately concluded that such a recommendation is necessary.- 'I~, 't'hus, ~a.ss'ed
unanimouslya resolution to propose that the annual membership dues be increased from
3¢ to ~¢ per capita. Inasmuch as the membership dues are.set in the AssociatiOn'~'s
By-Laws~ and theBy-Laws can be changed only by a ma'jority vote of the member..'counties
assembled in the Annual Business Meeting, the Executive Board"s recommendation isbeing
referred to you and your. Board of: Supervisors for consideration at that time.-
The Executive Board and I ~ill appreciate your Board's earnest consideration of
this recommendation. 'We trus.t-"'that .you'wil'l keep in :mind that the AssOciati.on is'
the only organization-which officially represents- the counties of the Commonwealth.
We trust', too,' that you will consider the need for a continuing qUalityand~v01ume~of
the Association's services in the immediate future as the counties face demands for-.
public labor-management negotiations, environmental improvement, real estate and
personal property tax.reform~ and the financing of public-quality education on
revem~es other than property taxes. More than ever the cohnti'es stand to pro,it from
a strong organization with resources and services available to help them meet the
increased resp-onsibili,ti-es of county government.
The 0fficers~ Executive Board and I will be grateful for your earnest~.c.ons'ideration
of this matter so important to virginia counties and their continued existence.
Sincerely yours,
(Signed) Eugene L. "Dick" Campbell
Motion ~o ~pprove the request for an-inczease in dues and to adopt the following'
resolution was offered by Mr. Carwile:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County~ Virginia, that the sum of $$~0.00 be and the Same. i~ hereby
appropriated for payment closed, increase in Virginia Association. of
Counties dues.
Motion was seconded by Mr'. Henley and~carried by the following recorded vo~e:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Mr. Batchelor stated that one of the interns had been werking for the past
two summers with the post office department and the City on a house numbering
system. They have formulated a list of streets which need to be re-named due to
duplication of names and-have a list of streets which have never been named.
He suggested that a committee be appointed to do this. The Clerk was asked to
place this item on the agenda at a later date.
It was brought to the attention'of the Board that the County needed to appoint
a third member to the Region 10 Planning District. Mr. Carwile placed the name
of Mrs. George (Sally) Thomas in nomination. Mr. Fisher stated that a number
of names had been recommended but that he and Mr. Carwile'had given this matter
much thought and they felt that Mrs. Thomas was the most qualified. The Chairman
then asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mrs. Thomas. The Vote was as follows:
For Mrs. Thomas: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Hehley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
AgainstMrs. Thomas: None.
Not~Voting: Mr, Wood.
Gheck No. 3914 dated June 12~ 1972, made payable to Robert P. Boyle in
the amount of $2~.00 was submitted with~advise that this fee had been paid~by
his client 'and CheEk No. ~626~ dated July 24, 1972 made payable to01iv~ & L~zzuri,
Inc.~ in the amount'of $24.00 was submitted with advise that this was a duplicate
payment. On motion by Mr. Fisher~ seconded by Mr. Thacker~ it was ordered that~
these checks be cancelled. The motiOn carried by the following recorded Vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~' Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
Nays. None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Statements' of expenses of the Department of Finance~ the Sheriff's Office
and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the Month of
July~ 1972. On motion' by Mr. Carwile~ seconded by Mr. Thacker~ these statements
were approved. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the Month of July~
1972~ On motion by Mr. Henley~ seconded by Mr. Carwile~ these statements were
approved by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
Mr. Wood.
Claim of the Jail Physician was-submitted for the Month of July~ 1972~ in the
amount of $73.00~ of which two-thirds- is reimbursable by the State. On motion by
Mr. Fisher~ seconded by Mr. Henley~ this claim was approved for payment by the
following recorded vote: -
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher.~ Henl.ey~ Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None;~
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Re~o~t of the County Executive was submitted as information.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the Month of
July, 1972~ in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
S.P.C.A.. report for the Month of June, 1972~ was received and ordered filed.
Mr.' Henley stated that a committee appointed to discuss the hiring of an
additional person to assist the Dog Warden had met and had also dicUssed several
possibilities in reference to the County's dog ordinance, however, they were not
ready to give a report at this time. . .
At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for a public hearing on a zoning matter as
advertised in.The Daily Progress on AugUst 4 and August 11~ 1972:
CUP-I~2. o Central Virginia Electric Cooperative has petitioned the~Board of Supervisors
to locate an electrical sub-station on land containing 0.194 acres situated
with frontage on Route 680. Property is described as County Tax'MaP ~71~
Parcel 2~ White Hall Magisterial District.
Mr. Joseph Goldsmith~ Zoning Adminstrator~ presented the petition stating that the
Planning Commission had approved the petition with a double row of white pines and
contingent upon the sale of the property by the owner and other screening to be
decided by the County Planner. Mr. Richard Carter~ Attorney and' Mr~ Walter L.
Tucker, Manager~ Central Virginia Electric Cooperative were present in behalf of
the petition. No one from the public appeared in opposition. It having been brought
to the attention of the Board that Central Virginia had no interest in the land under
question~ Mr. Wheeler stated that this Board had established a policy that no petition
would be heard unless the petitioner had some interest in the property for which the
permit was being acquired. Mr. Carwile then offered motion to table this request
until Central Virginia had some vested interest in the prgperty. Motion was seconded
by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Mr. Wheeler asked Mr. Goldsmith to give a report on a drowning at Chris Greene
Lake on August 13. Mr. Goldsmith stated that a-young man dived off of the diving
platform in approximately 20 feet of water and did not come to the surface. This
was not reported to the life-guards for approximately two minutes and it took
the life guards approximately 30 seconds to bring him to the surface. Mr. Goldsmith
stated that he had not received an autopsy report and therefore was not certain
death was due to drowning.
He also gave a report on the closing of Mint Spr~ings Park. He stated
that a number of illnesses were reported to the life guards and the office.
· n view of this the Health Department thought it~best to close the la~. After
investigation it was determined that there had been generalthro~t infections
throughout the Central Virginia area and that ~ases of "sWimmers ~ear" reported
is caused by an air borne bacteria. The lake is scheduled to b8 reopened
on August 19.
Mr. Francis Duke and Miss Virginia Moore were present to ask the Board
of Supervisors to approve an Historical Landmarks Commission. After lengthy
discussion, Mr. Carwile offered motion to have a joint City/County Commission
and that the Chairman coordinate this and work with the Mayor of the~City
in deciding how this should be accomplished. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wood
and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES:~ Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood~
NAYS: None.
Mr. Frederick Noble and several University of Virginia Students presented
a filmed slide-show of work performed by Volunteer Community Services, Madison
Hall. A few of these programs are: SCRUB, Housing rehabilitation; Big Brother-
Big Sister Program; Companionship Therapy Program; Professional Services;
Action Line$ and Consumer Information Center. They stated that they fett the
benefits to the community from these programs were substantial and asked the
Board to consider th~ granting of a $4,000 appropriation for this work. Mr. Noble
stated that he believed these programs will be self-supporting by 1975. The
Chairman ~anked them for the program and stated that the Board would have to
give this more consideration and it would be placed on the agenda for action
at a late~r date.
On motion by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Henley~ the following
over-expenditures for the year~.e~nding June 30, 1972, were approved by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None'.
General Revenue Fund
~lanning Department
County Court
Commonwealth Attorney's Office
Juvenile Court
Policing and Investigating
Operation of LandFill #1
Operation of Landfill #2
Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds
Administration-School Board
17.1 Instruction
I7.4 Co-Ordinate Activities
17.6 ~peration of School Plants
17.61 Maintenance of School Plants
17.7 Fixed Charges
3 50.73
1 63.60
, 230.20
1, 59 30
17.15 Vocational Eehabilitation ~+_~1,211.794
17.16 Elementary & Secondary Education, Title II~ ,3~6.79
19.19 School Constr~ction, Albemarle High 23,145.77
19.22 School Construction, Northside Elementary 89~,077.88
School Construction~ Red Hill Elementary
School Construction, Stony Point Elementary
· School Construction, SouthsideJr. High
School Construction, Westside Br. High
School Construction, Broadus Wood Elementary
County Jail
North Rivenna Sewerage Facilities
Driver Education Range
Chris Greene Lake.Recreational .Project
V.P.A. - Administration
V.P,A, - Services-ADC Day Care
Mental Health Services
Dog Tax Fund
McIntire TrustmF~lnd
County Water Systems Fund
$ 45,334. ~9
45'~ 061'. O0
1 , 672.29
1 5', 749.80
5', ~. o3
5', ffTff- 83
1,245'. 27
_ __ 1., 41 2.03
$ -1 ~ ~-70 i 22¥. 5'2
On motion by Mr. Thacker, seconded by Mr. Fisher, the following amounts were
re-appropriated as of July 1, 1972', by the following 'recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher~ Hentey~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wood..
NAYS: None.
IAA-75'0 Comprehensive Plan
7-299.5' Scottsville Volunteer Fire Company
17.~-400 Replacement of Buses
17.8-400.1 'New School Buses
1 9J
1 9P
1 9v
Watershed Projects
Joint Airport Improvements
Community College
Vocational Technical Center
Shenandoah Valley Detention Home
Mint Springs Valley Recreation Project
13 , 300. O0
1 2 ~000. O0
5'1 ~403.30
22 ~ 5'83. O0
100 000.00
131. ,9~7.19
31, 83.8.0o'
9, 5'25'. 03
':$96~., 616.11
Mr. Wheeler stated that the Board had a personnel matter to discuss and
entertained a motion to adjourn into executive session for lunch'. Motion was
offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following
recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Ffsher~ Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
The Board reconvened at 1:5'0 P.M.
Mr. Wheeler stated that he had this date received a letter 'from Virginia
Electric & Power Company in reference to Certificates. of Convenience & NeC.~ssity
in Albemarle and Louisa Countie~ in connection with CUP-149 issued to VEPC0 in ~
March, 1972. He stated that if the public would like to object to or ask for a
public hearing on the above application which has been filed with the State
Corporation Commission, they must do so by October 2~ 1972. Copies of this
communication were distributed to the Board.
On August 9 it was~i~brought to the attention of the Board that Virginia Electric &
Power Company had brought court action against the County concerning a building permit
they wished to obtain for enlarging their existing facilities throughout~the entire
western section of Albemarle County. At that time the Board was advised that the
Court had decided in favor of VE?C0 and they had 30 days in Which to appeal the
decision. Mr. Wheeler asked the County Attorney to give hi~ recommendations for
further action. Mr. Plckford stated that he did not .feel that an appeal was the
proper action to take and presented the following resolution for consideration:
BE IT RESOLVED by theBoard of Supervisors of Albemarle County
Virginia~ that they do.hereby request the Albemarle County Planning
Commission to consider the following amendments to the Zoning and
subdivision ordinances as presently written and to make recommendations
on these amendments to this Board:
(1) Section 11-3-~ would be amended to read as follows:
"Any use~ building~ or activity legally in existence on the
effective date of this ordinance or for which a building permit was
issued prior to the effective date of this ordinance~ shall not
require a conditional use permit or a special use permit~ so long
as such existing use, building or activity .is not expanded or
enlarged beyond the boundaries of the parcel~ or parcels, of land
on which it was located on the effective date of this ordinance.
This exception shall not be applicable~ however~ to enlargement
and/or expans.i6n~ of existing facilities of public utilities or
public service corporations."
(2) Deletion of conditional use permits, from the zoning
ordinance with provision that all uses heretofore included thereunder
be made subject to special use permits.
(3) Incorporate into the present zoning and subdivision
ordinances appropriate fees for review of plans, plats~ inspections,
issuance of permits, etc: as permitted by the Code of Virginia.
Mr. Fisher offered motion to approve the above resolution. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Carwile and passed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrm: Carwile~ Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wheeler stated to Mr. P~ G. Morrisette, Manager~ VEPCO in Charlottesville
and Mr. Bill Perkins who were present to discuss action which was to be taken
on this matter, that in light of the above recommendation~ the County did
not expect to note an appeal.
Mr. Wheeler stated that he had received a copy of the following letter
from Mr. James S. Parks:
"Dr. Avery Catlin~ Chairman
Thornton Hall,_University of Virginia
Charlottesville~ Virginia
July 26, 1972
Dear Avery: '
I have recently purchased a farm in'Louisa County and plan to change my residence
permanently on or before November 1~ 1972. Consequently, I feel compelled to
tender my resignation from the Albemarle County Planning Commission as of
July 31, 1972. I realize this decision comes with very short notice and I will
be happy to serve on the Commission until a replacement is obtained. ,However,
I feel that you~ the other members of the Commission and the Board of Supervisors
should be informed of my plans.
Avery, I want 'to thank you, Mr. Lloyd Wood who recommended my appointment~
Mr. John Humphrey and his staff, the members of the Planning Commission;~and the
Board of Supervisors for the opportunity of serving on the Commission the past
2½ years. I feel I have seen democracy in action at its best and know the citizens
of Albemarle County appreciate the hard work, t~mme, and integrity:that accompanies
every zoning and planning request through its entire process.
Sincerely yours,
(Signed) James S. Pakks"
Motion was offered by Mr. Wood to accept the resignation of Mr. Parks and to have
prepared a Certificate of Appreciation for his work as a member of the Planning
Commission. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wheeler stated that appointment of a replacement for Mr. Parks would be
considered at a later date.
The Chairman stated that he had received a letter of resignation from Mrs. Noel S.
Draine, County Extension Agency. Mr. Henley offered motion accepting Mrs. Draine's
resignation and instructing the Clerk to send a letter of appreciation. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. CarWile, Fishery Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr~J~Francis Martin stated that many citizens are concerned about the appointment
of members to the Planning Commission and asked that the Board consider carefully
the qualifications of the person who replaces Mr. Parks. She felt that this person
should have technical knowledge such as: legal, surveying, real estate, etc.
The Chairman thanked her for her comments.
Mr. Pickford stated that although an agreement with Albemarle Development
Corporation was approved and signed by the Board on June 13~ 1972~ it has not ~een
executed by Albemarle Development Corporation. Since it is still outstanding he
felt it would be appropriate for the Board of Supervisors to declare that the offer
is withdrawn and submitted the following resolution for consideration:
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County on
June 13, 1972~ as a result of negotiations deemed mutually beneficial
by both parties, offered to provide water and sewerage services to
Albemarle Development Corporation for certain of its properties~and
WHEREASJiAlbemarle Development Corporation subsequently called
upbn the City of Charlottesville, Virginia~ to serve the said
properties under a previously negotiated contract which it now
considers binding, and in doing so has in effect rejected the County's
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the County's offer be and it hereby
is withdrawn, with the Board expressing to Alhemarle~Development
Corporation its continued' willingness to furnish it with the services
it seeks.
Motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was 'offered by Mr. Carwile, seconded
by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher., Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
Mr. Batchelor stated that he had received the following correspondence
from the State Water Control Board:
"July 11, 1972
Mr. Thomas~M. Batchelor, Jr.
County Executive
Albemarle County
Charlottesville, Virginia
Letter BallOt No. 2607-
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority - Request for Transfer
of funds to the Authority from theiCity Of Charlottesville
and the Albemarle County Service Authority
Dear Mr. Batchelor:
The Board by Letter Ballot No. 2607, unanimously approved a request by the
City ef Charlottesville and the Albemarle'County Service Authority to
transfer previously allocated construction grant funds to the Rivanna
Water and Sewer Authority. This approval~is in accordance with the staff~'~s
memorandum dated June 21~ 1972.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please fe~l free to call
or write this office.
~ery truly yours~
(Signed) A. H. Paessler
Executive Secretary"
Mr~ Batchelor presented the following communication from Virginia Electric &
Power Company:
"Aug~g~t 7, 1 972
Mr. T. M. Ba~aelor
County Executive
County of Albemarle
Court Square
Charlottesville~ Virginia
Parcels 260 and 28~ A&B
Dear Mr. Batchelor:
The Virginia Electric & Power Company propeses to enlarge and expand the
existing 115KV Charlottesville to Dooms ~ectri¢ transmission line to a 230KV
The. existing towers will .be replaced with lattice steel towers averaging
approximately 115 in height. The new towers will be made of steel alloy material
that oxidizes to a russet brown color to blend with the landscape.
In the existing lO0-foot corridor the center line of the 11~KV transmission
towers is 2~ feet from the southern edge of the right of way. The center line of
the new transmission line will be shifted 2~ feet north and the new towers placed
as close to the existing towers in an east or west direction as constructionwill
permit. This will place the 230KV transmission-in the center of the existing
lO0-foot right of way.
Our records indicate that the County of Albemarle owns two tracts of land
crossed by the aforementioned transmission line. One tract lies in Ivy Magisterial
District and is designated as our Parcel No. 260. The other tract lies in White
Hall Magisterial District and is designated as our Parcel No. 284 A&B. The two
towers on Parcel No. 260 and the th~mee towers on Parcel No. 284 A&B will be replaced.
We are attaching a portion of an Albemarle County map designating the locations of
these properties for your convenience.
The Company is responsible for damages to the county property ca~ed by the
rebuilding of the transmission line. Damages~ if any~ will be handled by the
Manager of our Charlottesville 0ffice~ Mr. P. G. Morrisette.
We ar~ notifying all property owners on t ~'~ Project as a matter of courtesy
since the original easements granted us the right ~ replace the existing facility.
If additional information is required please contact us.
Yours Very truly,
(Signed) John W. Smith, Jr.
S~or Right of Way Agent"
Mr. Batchelor presented the following communication from the Virginia Association
of Counties:
"August 1~ 1972
Mr. Gordon L. Wh~eler~ Chairman
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
Keswick~ Virginia 22947
Dear Mr. Wheeler:
The Executive Board of the Virginia Association of. Counties at its regular'
quarterly meeting on July 22: 1972~ at VirgiNa Beach~ Virginia~ voted unanimously
to compile a list of highway priorities ~or each district by county and to forward
this compilation to the' State Highway Commission.
The opinion was expressed by members of the Executive Board that such a list of
priorities woul~ be helpful to the Commission in discussing allocation of~funds~for
highways before the next budget year.
Since highway funds are limited and in order not to overwhelm the Commission
with our requests~ it was suggested that each Supervisor specify one priority project
within his respe~ive district. Projects should include arterial: primary and/or
secondary roads and highways.
Once the requests are submitted~ they will be compiled by county and su~bmitted
to the State' Highway Commission.
Please accept my warmest and kindest regards.
Cordially yours~
(Signed) George R. Long
Executive Director"
It was the concensus of the Board that this matter should have further discussion and
would be placed on the agenda at a later date.
Mr. Wood stated that Mike Gleason had informed him that there was an opening on
the Bi-Centennial Commission and that it is the Coun~ty's turn to appoint a member.
He then offered the name of MR. John Rogan for nomination~ due to his interest-in.
h&storical matters~ including restoration of the George Rogers Clark ~house ~nd other
activities. Motion was not seconded and Mr. Wood withdrew his motion. The Clerk
was asked-to place this item on the agenda for August 23.
Mr. Batchelor~stated that he had a matter to discuss with the Board~which might
concern litigation. Mr. Thacker then offered motion to adjourn into executive~session.
Motion was Seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwi!e~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~-Wheeler and Wood.
Nays: None.
The BOard r.econvened.
On motion~ the meeting was adjourned.