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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County
Virginia, was held at 7:30 P.M. on September 27, 1972, in the Albem~mte County
Court House.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley,
William C. Thacker,-Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman.
As requested by the Board on September 21, 1972, the following resolution
was presented for consideration:
this matter.~)'
(Mr. Carwile abstained during discussion of
WHEREAS, the developer of Hollymead, North Corporation, has
requested clarification of certain conditions heretofore imposed by
this Board in its issuance of Special Use Permit No. 1~6, in particular
the conditions concerning~sewage disposal and the number of building
~~ermits to be issued pending the availability of a uublic sewerage
NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that condition No. 1 as found on
Page 114, Minute Book No. 9 of this Board is hereby amended to require
that the developer (I) provide a central.sgwerage disposal system at
his expense and subject to approval by this Board and the State Health
Department of (2) in the alternative, said developer, its successors
and assigns shall not permit construction on any two adjacent lots
wherein the lot subject of construction contains less than 20,000
square feet, until a public sewerage system is available, it being
the intent of this Board that a unit constructed upon one' lot shall be
served by an individual septic tank system running onto the adjacent
lot, and that the lot so served together with the servient lot shall
.~.~'~J6ontain in the aggregate a minimum of 20,000 square feet. The subdivision
plat as finally approved and to be recorded for this develOpment shall
designate the lots so restricted if the developer elects the septic
system formof disposal.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that~no building permits beyond 8~ dwelling
units are to be issued for units served by septic tanks. Upon avail-
abilfty of public sewer, owned and operated by the Albemarle County
Service Authority or the Rivanna Regional Service Authority, permits may
be issued up to 740 dwelling units, ~der Special Permit 1~6, as approved,
with public sewer and water conditioned upon the up-grading of reads
to meet the vehicle per day count and standards of the Virginia Department
of Highways as originally approved by the Board of Supervisors at their
meeting 8f April 26, 1972, under Condition No. 2 of approval found on
Page 11~, Minute Book No. 9.
Dr. Charles Hurt was present and stated that he has read the resolution and does
not object to same. He also stated that a bond in the amount of $7~,000 has
been placed for roads and he felt that at this time, he has complied with
all conditions of approval. Motion was offered by Mr. Fisher, seconded by
Mr. Henley to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwite.
In the matter of a Street Naming Committee, Mr'. Fisher nominated MaryHouseman
Lupton. The other Board members not having a name ready for nomination, the Clerk
was ordered to putA~ this item on the agenda for October 19.
At 7:$~ P~.M.-, the Chairman called for public hearings on zoning matters as
advertised in the Daily Progress on September 8 and September I~, 1972:
(1) ZMP-2~O. Messrs. William S. Roudabush, John W. Smith, Leroy W. Leizear, William C.
Smith, W. C. Norford, M. E. Crawford~ Eva S. Davis, James L. Smith, Donald W.
Norman, Benton Patterson and Allen Spit'zer have Detiti0ned the Albemarle COunty
Board of Supervisors to rezone 22.~1 acres of land from A-I Agriculture to
RS-1 Residential. Property is situated on south side of Route 6~1 eight tenths
of a mile east of Route 29 North and is generally known as "Sandy Branch
~.'.'Re~ort Farm". Property is described as County Tax'Map. 21A, Parcel I (part
thereof), Parcels lA, 2A, 3A, SA, 6A, 7A, lB, 2B, 3B, %B, IC, 2C~ 3C and ~C.
Rivanna MaEisterial. District.
Mr. Humphrey gave the following staff report:
The present land use consists of an established residential neighborhood with
lot sizes =onforming~ to RS-1 zoning, and the petitioning residents desire the protection
of such zoning, however, the Comprehensive Plan indicates this area to be developed
under the two acre land use category. The lots are presently nonconforming. This
Parcel is in no way rela~tive to any "Village" or community cluster. While a one acre
category would be the residential objectives relative to establishing one acre, it
would not meet the intent of the "Comprehensive Plan" in its objective to channel
growth and if granted would tend to open this area to sprawl and defeat the-pi.an and
its intent. The Staff recommends denial because of the detrimental effect it would
have in defeating the "Plan" as adopted. Mr. Humphrey then stated that the Planning
~ommission unanimously recommended denial.
Mr. Paul Peatross spoke in favor of the petition. He gave a short history
in 19~8
stating that this subdivision was developed/before zoning. After zoning wezt into
effect it was a non-~onforming use. The lots average one acre, the roads are maintained
by the residents and water has already been installed. He feels that the zoning
ordinance language is discretionary, not mandatory. He did not feel that this is
spot zoning, since there are 2~ acres involved.
Mrs. Earl Andrews spoke in opposition stating that maintenance of the rural area
is for the betterment of all.
Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Humphrey about the question of re-building. Mr'. Humphrey
Stated that all non-conforming lots recorded prior to zoning are re-buildable (Zoning
Ordinance Section 10-6 and 10-6-1). Mr. Fisher stated that he could not see where
this re-zoning provides any protection to the property owners. Mr. Carwile felt-
that this Board san better protect the citizens by seeing petitions as they come up
and made motion to accept the recommen~zon of the Planning Commission and deny.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
28 3
(2) ZM?-251. Massie and Boatw~ight have petitioned the Albemarle County Board
of Supervisors to rezone 30.0 acres from A-1 Agriculture to R-I Residential.
~roperty is situated on west side of Route 726 approximately one mite west
of the town of Scottsville. Property is described as County Tax Map 130,
~arcel 39. Scottsville Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey stated t~at the staff had found this parcel to be within the Scottsville
C~lster in an area indicating medium density (2.~ dwellings per acre) with public
~ewer and water. This property is also located in the immediate watershed of
"Totier Reservoir." Residential development in this watershed should b~,main-
tained at a low density without both utilities~ especially without public sewer.
A density development involving septic tanks should not be permitted in a watershed
housing a water supply. Therefore~ the staff recommended RS-1 zoning on this property
in keeping with the desire to maintain the "Totier Res'ervoir" in proper fashion~
relative to contamination and to meet the residential objectives of the adopted
plan. Mr. Humphrey then stated that t-he Planning Commission recommends ~pproval
of RS-1 in lieu of R-$ and the applicants haVe agreed to this. Motion to approve
RS-1 a~ recommended by the Planning Commission was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded
by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fishery Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(3) ZMP-2k2. John F. Kellog_has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors to rezone 0.~ acre from A-1 Agriculture to B-1 Business.
Applicant wishes to place a woodworking shop. on the subject property.
Property is situ~ated'on east side of Route I~21 (old Route 20 north)
one half mile north of Route 2~0. Property is described as County Tax
Map 78~ ?arcel ~aB. Rivanna Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey gave the following .staff report:
Although the staff ~eels that woodworking is a worthwhile and necessary
occupation and should be encouraged inAAlbemarle County~ we feel that a zoning
change to B-I Business is not the proper course of action in this case. B-1
zoning of this property would permit general business uses not limited to wood-
working shops. This type of land use would be out of character with the existing
development in the area and also with the development designated in the Comprehensive
~lan. There are several alternate courses that may be followed to establish a
woodworking shop on this or another site. A very limited shop could be established
in the present A-I zoning as a home occupation~th no further permit. For
absentee resident, a s~ecial~ermit could be a~plied for as a "craft shop~ in the
&-I zone. This property .is-~ocated within the 100 year flood plain. The staff
recommends denial of B-1 zoning. Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Commission
hearing it was determined that Mr. EeIlog wishes to rent this property-to a person
as a business.
who wishes to establish a woodworking shop/ Several people a~peared in opposition
and he presented a petition signed by thirteen neighbors. He stated that in keeping
with the staff report~ the ?lanning Commission had unanimously recommended denial.
Mr. John Tisdale~ a property owner to the south of subject land, spoke in opposition.
Mr. Woo~Eoffered motion to accept recommendations of the Planning Department and
. h
the Planning Commission and deny. Motion was seconded by Mr T a~ker and carried
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ZEP~3~.~ ~¥irginia National Bank, Trustee, S. W. Heishman and Wendell W. Wood
have petitioned the Board of Supervisors to reZone 29.26 acres from R-2 Residential
to B-I Business. Property is situated in the northeast corner of Route 29 north
and Route 631. Property is described as County Tax Map 61, Parcel 123. Charlottes-
ville Magisterial District.
(Note: Mr. Carwile did not participate in discussion or any action taken on this matter.)
Mr. Humphrey stated that the adopted land use~map indicates the parcel to be in an area
designated for high density residential. The consultant did not recognize the existing
zoning of B-1 in the area, although B-1 zoning en this prqpeh~y would be in keeping with
the written commercial objectives relative to locating commercial centers. It is the
staff's understanding that plans for the parcel involve a planned shopping center. The
key to development of this parcel as commercial is that it be a planned shopping center
and not piece meal develoPment'~ The Planning Department was informed that county
sewer and~water would be utilized, therefore, the staff recommends approval finding
the request in keeping with the written objectives of the adopted plan/in keeping with
the existing zoning pattern and land use.
Mr. Humphrey then stated that the Planning Commission had deferred action on this
matter until a staff'report could be written on the different alternativesfor disposal
of sewage. The staff had arrived at three solutions, namely~ (1) tie into the Woodbrook
lagoon, (2) possible use of a septic tank system, or (3) provide public sewerage by
a pumping operation across Rio Road into the Berkeley-Meadow Creek System, this to be
a '~emporary measure until public sewer isavailable. When this report was presented to
the Planning Gommission they felt that there were enough alternatives, and had recommended
approval of the petition. Mr. Wendall Wood was present on behalf of the petition. H~
stated that he would be willing to locate the sewage facilities anywhere ~he was advised.
Mr. Curtis Tompkins, a resident of Woodbrook spoke concerning a petition signed
by 62 residents of Woodbrook Subdivision. The petition is as follows:
"As property owners in the Woodbrook Subdivision, we are not opposing the application
for ~MP24~ to 2~.1 acres from R2 to BI, Parcel 123-Tax Map ~631, but we feel that the
proposed project should have restrictions to protect us as property owners.
Approximately three years ago, a correspondence received by the County from the late
State Health Commissioner, Mr. Meredith, now replaced ~.Mr. Oscar Adams, stated that
no more buildings for sewage could be put into the present lagoon. We are therefore
recommending that the ~action be delayed until this can b~.f~rther investigated. We,
the property owners, propose:
1. A sewage disposal system should be installed. The present lagoon was
eight feet deep when Woodbrook was first developed. At the present
- ~.-time, it is approximately three feet, due to the excess sewage
build-up into the lagooon.
2. One hundred feet joining Woodbrook residents should remain the same,
keeping all trees, shrubbery, etc. A County Zoning Regulation states
that RI and BI are to be separated by R2. However, there are no plans
for an R2 development in this proposal. This buffered zone would:
A. Help absorption of surface water.
B. Eliminate view of automobiles, trash receptacles, and other objects
which could abound Woodbrook.
3. No lighting should be directed at Wo~dbrook.
~. No paths, bike trails or walkways should be made from-Woodbrook to the MtioD~inE Center, unless instructed to do so by residents."
Mr. Bob Johnson~ another resident of Wo~brook, stated that he felt the traffic
in the Rio Road Intersec:tion would be similar to that generated at the K-Mart. He
felt that this would cause traffic to slow down and would add more traffic lights
on Route 29.
Mrs. Frances Martin asked how the storm-run off would be handled. She felt
there should be a decision on this and the sewage problem before the petition is
acted on.
Mr. Fisher stated that due to the lack of public sewerage~ he felt this petiiion
was premature and could not in good conscience support same.
Mr. Thacker fel~t that the run-off problem was even more serious than the
sewage problem.
Mr. Wheeler felt that since there was a conflict concerning the sewage
problem this matter should be deferred until some solution was found.
Mr. Wood stated that he felt it was ridiculous to even consider approving
this petition to be put on either the Woodbrook lagoon or for the use of a septic
tank system. Mr. Wood also stated that he had no conflict of interest in this
oetition. This had been checked by the County Athorney with the State Attorney
General~/ For this reason he had not disqualified himself.
Mr. Henley offered motion to defer action on this petition until further
information could be received concerning the sewerage problem and the problem
of drainage. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile.
(~) N. B. Mortgage Corporation has petitioned the Board of Supervisors to rezone
I6.0 acres from A-1 Agriculture to B-1 Business. Property is situated with
frontage on Route 726 and Route 6~ at the intersection of Route 6 and 726.
Property also has frontage on Route 737- Prooerty is described as County
Table,Map 130, Parcels 2~ (part thereof), ~3 an~ 2~A. Scottsville
Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the subject property under the request for B-I Business
is in keeping with the adopted land use plan for the Scottsville C~uster. The
general business category under our existing ordinance is samewhat broad in-scope
relative to usage~ however, the intent is in keeping With the objectives. Apparently
there is immediate use to be made of the property. The staff recommended approval
of this'request. County water and sewer are to utilized. The Planning Conmmission
recommended approval of a~plication as proposed~ Mr. W..A. Pace-was present in
behalf of the petition. He stated that they are working ~ith the Service Eu~h6rity
to bring water and sewer to this property, however, there may be need to use one
temporary septic tank system until public sewerage is availabe. Mr. Forrest
Paulett also spoke in favor of the petition. Mr. Thakker stated that looking back
over the l~st three years he is amazed that the business~ave survived and he felt
this was a worthwhile project. Motion was offered by Mr. Thacker to approve the
petition. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
~,.B SENT:
Mr. Wood.
~MP-245. Alexander H. Moore has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of_
Supervisors to rezone 2.033 acres from A-1 Agriculture to R-1 Residential.
Property is situated at the terminus of State Route 68~ in the KeSwick area.
'Property is described as County Tax Map 80~ Parcel 156. Rivanna MagiSterial
Mr. Humphrey stated that the Comprehensive Plan indicates this property ~o be located
in an area designated for one acre density. The staff having found the proposal in
keeping with the land use and residential objectives for the Keswick area recommended
approval~of RS-1 in lieu of R-1. M~. Humphrey stated that the Planning Commission
unanimously recommended approval of RS-I on a 1.1~1 acre tract. Mr. Moore was ~esent
and had agreed to the RS-! zoning. Motion was offered by Mr. Fisher to approve as
recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
SP-198. Janice Pilcer has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
to locate a permanent mobile home on approximately one-half acre~ Property is
situated north of Route 2~0 in the Crozet area. Property is described as County
Tax~Map ~6, Parcel 81(3). White Hall Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the staff recommended approval conditioned upon Health Department
approval. He stated that the Planning Commission also recommended approval conditioned
upon the mobile home being connected to a public water supply and Health Department
approval of a septic tank system. Motion to acce~t recommendations of the Planning
Commission and the Planning Staff was offered by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Carwile
and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwite~ Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
SP-199. Quincy Offield has petitioned the Board of Supervisors to locate a
permanent mobile home on 10.69 acres situated at the intersection of Route 720
and Route 20 South approximately one and three quarter miles south of Carters
Bridge. Property is described as County Tax Map 112, Parcel 33D (1'). Scottsville
Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the property is located adjacent to Harris Creek. Th~
applicant's house fronts on Route 720 and the proposed site for the m~b~te home
is approximately. 7~ feet from this house.. Much of the property is low land and
rises where the hous. e is located. The p~operty is larEely an open field and the
mobile home would be clearly visible from both main roads. There are other
similar small dwellings and mobile hOmes near the property on Route 720, The
staff recommended Health Department approval of a septic tank system and adjacent
property owners' approval and setback be the same as the house, if the-petition
were approved. Mr. Humphrey stated that at the Planning Commission public hearing
it had been determined that Mr. 0ffield desired approval 'of the mobile home for
his son, but would rent same during an interim period. In light of this, the
Planning ~ommission had recommended denial of the petition. Mr. 0ffield was
present. He stated that he felt there had been a misunderstanding concerning
the rental of the trailer. It is his intention that it would be rented to his
son. Mr. 0ffie~ was then informed that the mobile home could be located on this
property without a special use permit if he would sign an affidavit stating
that his son would be residing in the mobile home. Mrs? Thacker offered motion
to allow Mr. 0ffield to withdraw the petition without ~rejudice. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
SP-200. Willis J. Martin has petitioned to locate a permanent mobile home
on 3.~5 acres situated on Route 20 approximately one mile south of Carters
Bridge. Property is described as County Tam Map 112~ Parcel ~SA. Scottsville
Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the applicant wishes to place the mobile home on a rise
behind his home and adjacent body shop. A neighboring frame house is located
1~0 yardz southeast of the proposed site. The site is not clearly visible from
Route 20. The applicant recently cleaned up a car junkyard on the site and intends
to make further improvements. The staff recommends that this petition be granted
conditioned upon Health Department approval. Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning
Commission recommended approval with~the fallowing conditions: (1) administrative
review at the end of one year and renewal administratively if conditions warrant,
(2) subject to purchase of 0.6~ acres, and (3) Health Department approval. Mr. Martin
was present and stated that the Health Department had approved, but that he could
not afford to buy any additional land at this time. Mr. Carl Tomlinson, adjoining
property owner spoke in favor and stated that he would let Mr. Martin have the
land with or without money. Mr. Martin then stated that earlier this year he
received bodily injuries which had not allowed him to work and since he could no
longer afford to live in his house he had purchased a mobile home. He plans~ to
move into the mobile home and rent his house to students. Mr. Thacker offered
motion to deny the petition and motion was seconded by Mr.' Carwi!e. During discussion
before vote was taken on the motion, Mr. Martin stated that he had purchased the
mobile home several months ago and that after receiving letter saying that ~the
Planning ComMission recommended approval 'or'the petition, Southwood Mobile Homes
had moved the mobile home onto his property, The motion and the second were then
withdrawn. Motion was then offered by Mr. Carwile to defer action on this petition
until the County Planner could contact Southwood Mobile Homes~. Motion was seconded
b~ Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs.. Carwite, Fisher~ Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
(Note: The County Planner was instructed to rewrite the l~tter which is
NAYS: None. mailed to petitioners notifying same of Planning Commission action.)
(10) SP-205. Orlando Dunnhas petitioned the Board of Supervisors to locate a permanent
mobile home on 3-~ acres on property situated on Route 601, six (6) miles from
Free Union. Property is described as Colmty Tax Map 7~ Parcel 37. White Hall
Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Staff and the Planning Commission recommended
approval conditioned upon Health Department approval of a septic tank system. Mr. Dunn
was not presant. Mr. Wood offered motion to approve. Motion was seconded by ~
Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, 'Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(11) SP-206. Florence C. Norvell has petitioned the Board of Supervisors to locate
a permanent mobile home on 2.-0 acres situated in CoveSville'area on Route 29
South. Property is described as County Tax Map 108, Parcel 2~ (part thereof).
Sc~{tsville Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the property fronts on old Route 29, approximately a twelve
foot drop below the new road. There is a two-story frame'dwelling approximately
100 yards north of the proposed site, also a two-story frame dwelling approximately
100 yards southeas~ across old Route 29. The proposed site is visible to both these
hOUses but is not visible from new Route 29. The staff recommended approval~of the
Health Department. Mr. Humphrey stated that at the PlaRning Commission public hearing,
action on this petition had ~en deferred for a site review. After site review, the
Planning Commission recommended approval with ~30-ft. set back from right-of-way and
standard Health Department approval of a septic tank system. Mrs. Norvell was present.
Mr. James Beck spoke stating that this was a true hardship case. Mrs. Norvell had
been forced to vacate her dwelling when Route 29 South was improved and had be~n unable
to find land on which to set her trailer. Mr. Humphrey stated that it might be hard
to get a septic tank system on this property because of the terrain and he understood
the Health Department had looked at the property for a site for a pit privy. After
a lengthy discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Wood to approve therpermit with best
sanitary facilities ~ossible, subject to approval of the Health Department and that
the permit be for Mrs. Norvell's lifetime only. Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley
~nd carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwite, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wbod.
NAYS: None.
aP. 19%. Daniel D. Shifflett has petitioned the Board of Supervisors to
locate a permanent mobile home on 3.0~ acres situated on Route 824,. south
of Route 2~0 west. PreDerty is described as County Tax Map 71, Parcel 34A~3).
Samuel Miller District.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Staff and the Planning Department recommended
approval with a 200 ft. set back from Route 824 and Health Department approVal of
a Septic tank system. Mr. Shifflett was present. Motion to approve was offered
by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote}
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Upon request of the County Attorney,the following resolution was offered:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that Harry Frazier, III, Attorney, be and is
hereby authorized to continue to conduct, to its conclusion, in
the Supreme Court of Virginia, the ease of W. A. Perkins vs. the
County of Albemarle, Virginia.
Motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was offered by Mr. Carwile, seconded
by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded v~te:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, %~eeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Lloyd Wood brought to the attention of the Board that two appointments
to the Highway Safety Commission expired on. December 31', 1970. The Clerk was
then instructed to send a list of present ~embers and criteria for appointing
same to the Board~ This item $~ be on th$ agenda at a later date.
Motion was offered byMr. T~cker, seconded by Mr. Carwile to adjourn this'
meeting until 6:30P.M. on September 28, 1972, in the Board Room to discuss land
acquisition with the School Board. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
· ..... Left out above.
Claims against the County amounting to $1,321,624.01 were presented, examined
and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged
against the following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating
School Operating
Capital Outlay
Virginia Public Assistance
Dog Tax Fund
~, ~9~. 63
1 ~6,766.18
96, ~99.1 6
Textbook Rental Fund
Local Sales Tax-Town of Scottsvilte
Commonwealth of Virginia-Current
Credit Account
$ 8,071 . 06
30~, ~65. ~8
$1 ~321,62~.01