HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-19299 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors was held on October 19, 1972, at 9:00 A.M. in the County Office Building, Charlottesville~ Virginia. Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher~ J. T. Henley, Jr., William C. Tha~ker~ Jr.~ Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney. The meeting was opened with The Lord's Prayer led by the Chairman. Mr. Jame§ Ritchie, Director of the County Welfare Department was preset to Eive an up-dated report on recent actions of the Welfare Board. They have toied to establish the most fair and equitable welfare program for the County:-and have begun participation in the Work Incentive Program. They now refer all healthy adults to the Virginia Employment Commission, before considering for welfare aid. He also stated that they are now working with the Commonwealth's Attorney and the Sheriff in prosecuhing to the full extent of the law, those persons who try to defraud. Mr. R. G. Warner, Resident Highway Engineer was Present. He stated that due to flood conditions, the last three months had been very frustrating, however, they had been able'to keep the roads passable.. He stated that Albemarle Countys roads had not been as severely damaged as ~uring the 1969 flood. Concerning a question about the bridge ht Milton, he stated that it was in good condition and is now in use. He also stated~that preparation of aunotice for a public hearing on the ~eplacement of this Bridge is being prepared, hopefully work will start in ~pril, 197~. In answer to a questio~ about Rio Road, he stated that work on this should have started in October. He will check into this matter° Mr. Batchelor advised the Board that a communication had been received from the Department of Highways advising of their willingness to hold a public hearing concerning the proposed improvement of Route 29 in Albemarle CountyTrom 0.251 mile south of the North Fork of the Hardware River to 0.561 mile south of Interstate Route 65. It was the concensms of the Board that no public hearing on this matter was necessary since rights-of-way were obtained for future expansion some time ago. Mr. Fisher expressed his satisfaction with the improvements made to the Miller School Road. Mr. Thacker thanked Mr. Warner for the work performed by the Highway Department in Scottsville during the recent floodings. Mr. Wood stated that per his request at the September board meeting, Dr. Hurt had ordered, at his expense~ signs to be erected to eliminate parking along Greenbrier Drive until this section of road is taken into the Secondary System'. " ~:Mr. Carwile again spoke of a traffic problem at the intersection of Barracks and Georgetown Roads. Mr. Warner stated that there is no place to store east bound traffic at this section, unless the road is widened. He does not believe there is 3OO 10-19-72 any way to work this out without a project of major.consequence. Mr. Wheeler stated that he had received a communication from the 'Department of Highways inviting the Board to the Annual Highway Conference in Lexingtion on October 26 and October 27, 1972. Mr. Wheeter asked that a problem on Route 600 near Cismont.be checked. Mr. Wheeler stated that there was an amount in the new Highway budget for Route 621 off of Route 20. He asked if this road.would be hard-surfaced. Mr. Warner replied that this road is to be widened and have stone put on the surface only. Mr. Wood inquired about the surfacing of the S.P.C.A. Road. Mr. Warner stated that this had been prepared for surfacing several times~ but each time it had rained before work could be performed. Mr. Clarence S. McClure~ Superintendent of Albemarle County Schools presented a resolution Passed by the Albemarle County School Board requesting the Board to authorize the'Site Selection Committee of the School Board to proceed with preliminary negotiations to obtain an appropriate site for moving Scottsville School out of the flood plain. He shated that the Department of Healthy Education and~Welfare had allocated $152~000 for repair and replacement of Scottsville School. After holding a public hearing~ the School Board~had decided'that it was more feasible to move the school. He also stated that an application had been submitted asking H.E.W. to transfer the $152,000~'~to new construction funds and that an additional $80~000 would be needed from the County to accomplish this. Mr. Wood then offered motion to ~mthorize the School Board to proceed with their request to the Federal Government for ~' transfer of the $1~2~000 and to adopt the following resolution~ The resolution to be conditioned u~on approval of the transfer of funds by H,E.W. BEIT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of AIbemarle County, Virginia~ that $80~000 be and is hereby appropriated for the moving of Scottsville School out of the flood plain. The foregoing~motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs~ Carwile, Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Mr. McClure stated that he also needed approval for the purchase of school buses for the~next fiscal year~ and asked that approval be given'for-the purchase of 25 buses instead of the 20 which had been anticipated. Mr. Thomas Hurlburt was ~resent to answer questions concerning this increase. He stated that the School Board wants to put the buses on a lO-year replacement basis instead of the 12-year basis which the County is now on. He established that the purchase of 25 buses will not place the County on a lO-year replacement schedule~ but should help to accomplish this within two or three years. 10-19-72 301 He informed the Board that the Federal EAfety Highway Standards Act~ Section 17~ will probably'be implemented next year or the following year and this allows for absolutely no standees. The School Board has a critical situation concerning the number of back-up buses for emergencies and they need authorizatiOn-to'proceed with the purchase of buses as soon as the State specifications are avaiIabIe.- Motion was offered by Mr. Carwile to authorize the School Board to proceed 'with the purchase of these buse§. Mr. Wood made the second and commended the School Board for thinking ahead. Motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs~ Carwite, Fisher, Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood:- NAYS: None. In answer to an inquiry, Mr. McClure stated that he felt there was no way to get kindergarten in the schools next September. Southside Junior High SchOol will not be ready for occupancy in September, 1973. The School Board ~feels that it would be better to wait a year if they are unable to occupy the new school within two months of school beginning. Mr. Wood presented to Mr. James S. Parks, a certificate of appreciation for his work on the County Planning Commission. Mrs. Mary Jo Lovelace spoke concerning seating arrangements of buses going to Hollymead SchOol. She was advised to contact ~ither Mr. John Biller or Mr. Glenn Thomas with her complaint. - ..... 0n motion by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Wood, the Clerk was ordered to advertise for-a public hearing on November 16 at t0:30 A.M.~ an amendment to the Code Codes Section 2-NO, to increase the membership of the Highway Safety be Commission from five to nine members. Actual number of members to/set by resolution or'the Board from tim~ to time. Motion carried by the~following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs~ Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood: None. At 10:00 A.~., the Chairman called for a public hearing as ~dvertised in the Daily Pro§ress on October N and October 11~ 1972, in reference to driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicants. No one from the public spoke. Motion was offered by Mr. Wood to adopt the following 'Ordinance: AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE W6.1 AND ARTICLE 6 OF CHAPTER 2 OF TITLE 18.1 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA~ AS AMENDED~ RELATING TO MOT~R VEHICLES ~AND TRAFFIC GENERALLY AND TO DRIVING W~HILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, DRUGS OR INTOEICANTS, AND TO REPEAL AND RENUMBER CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: Section 1. Sections 12-1 through 12-%~ 12-9, 12-11, 12-12, 12-13~ 12-1~ through 12-57 and 12-59 through 12-80 of the Albemarle County Code are hereby repealed. 302 0-1 9-72 Section 2. Section 12-~8 of the Albemarle County Code'is renumbered as .: ~ .:.Sectio~12-2. iSec~ion 3. A new section numbered 12-1 is hereby added to the Albemarle County Code, to read as follows: "Sec. 12-I. Adootion of state law. "Pursuant to the authority of section $6.1-188 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, all of the provisions and requirements of the laws of the state contained in Title $6.1 and Article 6 of Chapter 2 of Title 18.1 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and in force on July 2,1972, except those provisions and requirements the violation of which constitutes a felony, and except those provisions and requirements which by their very nature can have no application to or within the county, are hereby adopted .and incorporated in this chapter by reference and made applicable within the county. References to "highways of the state"'~ontained in such provisions and requirements hereby adopted shall be deemed to refer to the streets, highways and other public ways within the county. Such provisions and requirements are hereby adopted, mutatis mutandism ahd made a part of this chapter as fully as though set forth at length herein, and it shall be unlawful for any person, within .the county, to violate or fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any provision of Title $6.1 or Article 6 of Chapter 2 of Title I8.1 of the Code of Virginia which is adopted by this section; provided, that in no event shall the penalty imposed for the violation of any provision or requirement hereby adopted exceed the penalty imposed for a similar offense under Title $6.1 or'Article 6 of Chapter 2 of Title 18.1 of the Code of Virginia. "EFFective January 1, 1973, the provisions of Chapter 7~6 of the 1972 Acts of the Virginia General Assembly, which amend section 18.1-~.1 of the Code of Virginia, are adopted and incorporated in this chapter by reference and made applicable within the County." Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. At 10:10 A.M., the Chairman called for a public hearing as advertised in the Daily Progress on October k and October 11, 1972, on an amendment to the County Code to include the following: AN ORDINANCE TO DESIGNATE AGENCIES WHOSE MEMBERSHIP SHALL BE ENTITLED TO BENEFITS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE VIRGINIA LINE OF DUTY ACT (VIRGINIA CODE SECTION 1~.1-136.1 et seq) AS BEING INTEGRAL PARTS OF THE OFFICIAL SAFETY ?ROGRAM OF ALBENd~RLE COUNTY BY THE ADDITION OF ARTICLE VIII~ SECTION 2-~a+ TO THE COUNTY CODE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County that the Code of the County of Albemarle be and it hereby is amended by the addition of the following article and section to Chapter 2 thereof: .j 10-19-72 3'03 ARTICLE VIII SECTION 2-$~ OFFICIAL SAFETY PROGRAM The Official Safety Program of this County shall be carried into effect by the following organizations or departments whose membership shall be deemed to be an integral part of the Safety Program of this County: (a) The Sheriff's Department together with all of its law enforcement personnel. (b) All volunteer fire companies in the County, there presently being the Earlysville Volunteer Fire Company, the East Rivanna Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., the Crozet Volunteer Fire Company~ Inc., the North Garden Volunteer Fire Company, and the Scottsville Volunteer Fire Company. (c) The Charlottesvjlle-Albemarle Rescue Squad, Inc. (d) All other law enforcement personnel of this County not included in (a) above. No one from the public spoke. Motion to adopt the foregoing ordinance was offered by Mr. Carwile~ seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Communication was received from Clarence S. McClure stating that an additional sum of money has been received for the Title VI grant. He therefore requested an appropriation of $1~32~. Motion to adopt the following resolution was offered by Mr. Carwile: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that $1~,325 be and is hereby appropriated for expenditures under the Title VI program. The foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Wood. Communication was received from Mr. Ray Jones requesting that a resolution be adopted by the Board of Supervisors to eliminate a balance of $51.9~ from the County's Over and Short Account. Motion was offered by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Thaeker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. 10-19-72 304. Upon motion by Mr. Fishery seconded by Mr. Carwile, the Clerk was ordered to advertise for a public hearing on January 18~ 1973 at 10:O0 A.M. an ordinance to amend and re-enact Section 12-93 of the Albemarle County Code so as to impose a license tax on occasional use trailers~ such as campers, boat trailers, horse trailers~ utility trailers and other occassional use trailers and to amend the rate of the annual license tax upon all vehicles in Section 12-93. Motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fishery Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Mr. Batchelor stated: "Since the budget was prepared, the work load of the County has exceeded that which was anticipated. There have also been more demands on the various offices for in-depth material and information than anyone had foreseen. The planning and engineering section has been particularly hit hard with the work load that they have. To handle the work load there, we have had to move an additional clerk So this department and have found in the last thirty days that we are barely able to keep up with the work load with this additional ~rson. "We need one more secretary to handle the overflow needs of the various offices as well as to do the typing of the research that Nancy Talmont and Bob Sampson are generating. At the present time, we do not have clerical staff bo handle the work load that is demanded of us." He then recommended that the following transfers of funds be made to. accommodate the necessary expenditures outlined above: From To Amount 1AA700.~ 1Ck03 Office Furniture $ 8~O~'O0 IAA700.5 1C~0¢ Office Equipment 650°00 1AAT00.~ 1C109.2 Clerk,Secretaries,Appriasers ~,200.O0 1K102o2 1G109 Compensation of Secretaries 3,300.00 " ~'1G102;~ 1G109 Compensation of Secretaries 1~00.00 $1 O, ~00 o O0 Mo~ion was offered by Mr. Carwile~ seconded by Mr. Thacker~ to approve this transfer of funds. Motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Mr. Wheeler brought to the attention of the Board an article in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on October 1% 1972, concerning the operation of the Ivy Landfill~¢ Mr. Batchelor stated that the report written by John Pollock had not been approved for release to the press. Mr. Wheeler implied that ~e is concerned about statements that the landfill is not being operated properly and requested Mr. Batchelor to have representatives from the State come for a review of the two landfills. He also requested that John Pollock be present for this meeting and that a copy of the report in question be mailed to the Supervisors. 9-72 305 Mr. Fisher stated that Greene County is now trying to establish a landfill operation and asked Mr. Batchelor to talk with the Secretary. of Greene County. He felt it might be to our mutual advantage to consider a joint operation for the northern end of the County. Mr. Fisher stated ~at after discussion of the Ivy Landfill and after being informed by the Highway Department that they spend~ over $1 million per ~ear to clean up the highways and while the Board has under consideration allowing the consumption of beer in the County Dark system~ he would like the County Attorney to invemtiga~e the possiblity of banning non-returnable bottles for sof~drinks and beery county wide. If this proved to be feasible~ it should be discussed with the City at a later date. MarEo Hornblower~.from the Daily Progress~ questioned the Board concerning the r~port on the Ivy Landfill. She asked why the Times-Dispatch had received the report and the Board members had not and also a~ked about a press release concerning scenic highways which had been mailed to the Jefferson Journal and not released to the other news media. Mr. Batchelor was asked to instruct the staff that there would be no favoritism shown any of the news media. Statements of expenses of the Department of Finance~ the Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted forthe month of September~ 1972. On motion by Mr.~Thacker, seconded by Mr. Fisher, these statements were approved by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Wood. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month of August~ 1972~ in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the month of S~ptember~ 1972. Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted for the month of September~ 1972~ in the amount of $34.00, of which two-thirds is reimbursable by the State. On motion by Mr. Thacker~ seconded by Mr. Carwile~ these statements were approved for payment by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler. NAYS~ None ABSENT: Mr. Wood. Report of the County Executive was submitted for the month of September~ 1972~ as-information. Mr. Wheeler reminded the Board members that there is a meeting of the Industrial Commission on October 26~ 1972, at ~:00 P.M. in the Municipal Court Room. Below is an excerpt from communication of J. Harvey Bailey: "As part of the current program for the provision of a glide approach facility and MALSAR system at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, the Federal Aviation Agency are requiring the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle, who are sponsors, to protect tb~ airport approach zone and the approach and departure surface above it. "On behalf of the sponsors, the County Engineer respectfully requests that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution of intent to propose an amendment defining the said airport clear zones and approach and departure surface and limiting the use of the land in such a way as to pr~v~ut the piercing of the approach and departure surface by any object on the airport clear zone." Motion to request that the Planning Commission draft an amendment to the zoning ordinance to define the limits of the runway approach zones for the Charlottesville- Albemarle Airport and to prevent the incursion of the approach and departure surface above same was offered by Mr. Wood. He also added that the property owners who would be affected by this, should be invited to attend a meeting before the Planning Co~mission public hearing on same. Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fishery Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. The Chairman entertained a motion to adjourn into executive session to discuss personnel matters and for purchase of land with Mr. Wood. Motion was offered by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler. NAYS: None. ABSENT: M~ess~s. Carwile and Wood. The Board reconvened at 1:30 P.M. The members of the Board wanting clarification of a report read for the Tax Relief Committee at their September 21 meeting, had asked all members of the committee to be present on this date. The following report, as signed by Mr. M. Y. Sutherland~ Jr., Chairman of the committee was read: "That no action be taken on property tax relief for the aged in Albemarle County until after the meeting of the General Assembly in 197~ at which time it is hopeful that assistance will be provided at the State level." Mr. A. L. Scott appeared and elaborated on a report as prepared by him as a member of the committee. Mr. Carwile commended Mr. Scott for his presentation and thanked the whole committee for their work on the report. He stated that he felt the Board should enact tax relief for the aged, but was uncertain of the next step. He asked Mr. Pickford to take a model ordinance and prepare a draft for this board to consider~ Mr. Wood stated that he was impressed by the report. He felt there is a need to proceed with tax relief and he felt the local government should enact some type of ordinance. Mr. Wood asked that a copy of the report be sent to our local representatives for consideration of the State committee working on same. 10-19-72 307 Mr. Thacker felt the report was thorough and also felt there is a need for tax relief for the aged. Mr. Fisher stated that he was concerned about the problem and~felt from the n~mber of people he had talked to, an adjustment was needed where ability to pay had sloped off at age 6~. He also would like to see a model ordinance and a report from the staff pinning ~own the number of families who would be affected by this and the amount of money involved. Mr. Wheeler stated that he had felt there was a difference of opinion among the committee members, but, he felt the committee had enough knowledge to recommend tax relief on the county level. He also recommendedthat a model ordinance and a staff report be drawn. Mr. Carwile then offered motion to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS~ this B~ard had felt that there is a need for tax relief for the elderly, and appointed a committee of six citizens of Albemarle Gounty to study this need and make a report to this Board; and WHEREAS, said committee submitted two reports, neither of which had unanimous support of its entire membership; and WHEREAS, this Board feels that it should' look into the possibility of implementing tax relief for the aged, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Attorney is directed. to draft a model o~dinance for consideration by this Board, and county staff is directed to prepare a report showing ramifications if this ordinance is adopted~ both of these to be accomplished in sufficient time to allow adoption of an ordinance to be effective for the tax year 1973. · he foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Mr. Wood stated that he had to leave in order to attend a meeting out of town. However, he ~elt the County should proceed with the Airport project which was to be discussed later in the meeting. He felt the additional cost at this time is preferable since a south taxiway may be double the present cost if put off until a later date. Mr. Wheeler stated that a public work wession would be held on ZMP-2~3 for Virginia National Bank, Trustee at 8:00 P.M. on November 2, 1972 in the Board Room. The following resolution was offered: WHEREAS, the Charlottesville-Albemarle Bar Association has requested that the City Council of the City of Charlottesville and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County "'take whatever action is desirable to implement the s~ate wide courts not of record plan in Charlottesville and Albemarle as soon as possible, including a study of the desirability and feasibility of appointing more than one full-time judge for the municipal 308 and county courts", NOWy THEREFOREy BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTYy VIRGINIA, that a joint city-county committee on courts not of record be constituted to study implementation of the recommendations of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Bar Associationy and that said committee shall be jointly appointed by the Mayor of the City of Charlottesville and the Chairman of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, and shall consist of one member of each govern- ing bOdy and three attorneys so appointed, and that said committee shall consult with its judges of courts of record and consider said recommendations and report thereon to the City Council and the Board of Supervisors on or before December 1, 1972. Motion to adopt the foregoings' resolution was offered by Mr. Henley with provision that Mr. Carwile be appointed to the committee. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwiley Fishery Henley, ThaCker and Wheeler. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Wood. Mr. Wheeler appointed a committee composed of Mr. Henley, Mr. Thacker and Mr. Batchelor to work with the Town of Scottsville in their bid for annexation proceedings and return recommendations to'the Board. Mr. Wheeler stated that the Virginia Association of Counties had recommended that Boards of Supervisors throughout the State adopt rules of precedures. He then appointed Mr. Fisher and Mr. Pickford to draft such rules and return for Board consideration ~rior to January 1, 1979o Mr. Wheeler stated that he had received a letter from Esmont Housing Developmenty Inc., who propose a ~-lot non-profit-housing subdivis±on in Esmont. They are concerned over the cost of having water lines run to this piece of land. Mr. Wheeler appointed a committee composed of Jo Harvey Baileyy Ray Jones~ T. Mo Batchelor and himself to work with them on this problem. A request was received from the Criminal Justice Planning Unit, in June of this yeary asking that a time limit be established for the terms of the members. Mr. 'Wheeler had worked on a committee c~rning this and recommended that John Camblos and Stephen Helvin be appointed to terms to coincide with their term of office. Mr. Alexander Scotty Mr. John deKoven Bogen and Mr. Wyatte J. Copeland be appointed reSroactively for a four-year term from the date of their original appointments'. Motion to approve this recommendationy with the concurrence of the City~ was offered by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded voZe: AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fishery Henley, Thacker and Wheeler NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Wood. Mr. Batchelor presented a request for another extension of the ILS project at~the Airport. He stated that FAA felt it would be more economical to perform additional removal of dirt while the contractor still haa his equipment at the Airport. This dirt will have to be moved in approximately two years to allow for a parallel southbound taxiway. Representatives of FAA present felt this project should be completed at this time since there is a zufficient sum of money available from the original project to accomplish this. There followed a lengthy discussion in which the Board expressed dissatisfaction with the firm of Dewberry~ Nealon and Davis~ Engineers for this project~ however, motion was offered by Mr. Thacker to allow the amendment of the contract for a maximum of $11~000, 25% of which is the County's share. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher, Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler. NAYS: None. ABSEt~: Mr. Wood. Mr. Fisher stated that in line with a request to have Route ~West declared a scenic highway~ he had asked Mr. Humphrey to give a report on means for doing this. Mre Humphrey stated that he had written to Virginia Commission on Outdoor Recreation to see what~steps are needed to implement this. Several items mentioned were: (1) roads to be considered must be requested by resid~ts of those roads; (2) zoning ordinance would have to be re~i~ed to eliminate bill boards; (3) if road meets criteria it would be recommended to the Highway Commission and the district engineer would make a list of necessary improvements; ($) can be revoked at any time if management is not in line; (~) the Board may have to prevent undesirable development along these roads; (6) scenic easements may be needed; (7) guidelines by state agencies involved have not been worked out; and (8) financial aspects are not availa~e at this time. Mr. Fisher felt that since the Bi-Centennial is near~ something should be worked out concerning billboards. Mr. Wheeler presented several letters requesting that Routes 22, 20 and ~3 be designated as scenic highways,~ Mr. Carwile stated that he would like to see preliminary zoning drawn to make billboards non-conf~rming uses. Mr. Batchelor suggested that Mr. Pickford work with the University of Virginia Research Council to see what changes should be made in the zoning ordinance and what effect this would have on the citizens of Albemarle. Mr. Wheeler stated that it was the desire of the Board that Mr. Humphrey continue communication with the Virginia Commission on Outdoor Recreation concerning this matter. 310 1 O- 1 9-72 Mr. Fisher brought to the attention of the Board a subdivision plat of Quandry Farms which the Planning Commission had recently reviewed during request for a mobile Some permit. He stated that there are twelve tracts of i&nd with essentially no road, only a 2~-foot pipe stem road. He felt this is flagrant disregard of the intent of the zoning ordinance, however, preliminary opinion of the County Attornwy stated that this is legal. Mr. Carwile suggested that the ~lanning Office not issue any building permits if the subdivider has failed to comply with access easements? Mr. Thacker offered motion to invite property owners to meet with this Board on the First Wednesday in November and that the the matter of easements be investigated by the Planning Office. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Wood. Notices for the I972 re-assessment of real estate were discussed. In the past there have been two notices sent. The County Attorney informed the Board that this is not necessary and it was the concensus of the Board that only one notice should be sent in the future. Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned. Chairman