HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-22 A regular meeting of the Board of~ County Supervisors was held on November 22,
1972~ at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Virginia.
PreSent: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile~ Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood,_ Jr.
Absent: None
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
At ?:30 P.M. the Chairman called for public hearings on zoningL matters as
advertised in the Daily Progress on November I and November 8, 1972:
(1) ZMP.2$8. carleten"wood and Joyce R. Wood. The petitioners were~-present to
request the withdrawal of this petition until further study could be made of this
property. Motion to allow withdrawal of the petition, without prejudice, was
offered by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
(2) SP-200. Willis J. Martin. Action on this petition had been deferred from
September 27, 1972~, Minute Book Pages 290-291. At the September meeting,
motion was offered to defer~ action on this petition until John Humphrey, County
Planner,could contact Southwood Mobile Homes to see if they would accept return
of this mobile home. Mr. Humphrey stated that due to a change in management ef
this business, he had been unable to ascertain if they would take back. the trailer
and refund Mr. Martin's money. Mr. Thacker stated that he was concerned, because,
basically, this is the same as p~'acing a trailer on a site and then leasing same
and he did not feel this is the desire of this Board. He stated that he could
appreciate Mr. Martin's hardship and would be more inclined to approve on a
temporary basis instead of a permanent basis. Mr. Thacker then offered motion
to approve a temporary permit for a period of one year subject to the following
conditions: (1)purchase of 0.6~ acre of land and (2) Health Department approval
of a septic tank ~ystemo Motion was seconded by Mr. Wood. Mr. Wheeler stated
that he expected to vote against the petition and he did net want to encourage
mobile homes for rental purposes in the County and he felt that by prolonging
this for one year was not helping the petitioner. Mr. Henley stated that he
felt the same and would be more inclined toward the petition if there were no
hoUse'on this site. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Fisher, Thacker and Wood.
AYES: MESSRS. Carwile,
(S) SP,211. James R. Armstrong. Action on this petitio$ had been deferred
from November 8, 1972, Minute Book 9, Pages ~18-~19, for a site review of the
land in question. Mr. Wheeler asked if anyone present had new comments to make.
A Mrs. Payne stated that she felt it would help the community, since if she had
trouble with her car she was forced to call Charlottesville for help.
11 -22-72
Mr. Thacker stated that he had heard comments from' both sides.and· offered motion
Not more than six (6) vehicles which are in Mr..Armstrong's care for
repair, maintenance or restoration be garaged on the property at
any one time'.
2. Any vehicles which are on the site for repair, maintenance or restoration
be located in a specifically designated parking area approved by the
Planning Staff and this area be screened from public view as. approved
by the-Planning Staff.
· ~spe~i~l
3- This/permi~ is not transferrable.
$. This special permit shall become void if the use of the property creates
a ~ublimc nuisance in the opinion of this Board,¢f Supervisors, from the
standpoint of appearance or excessive noise created.
~. Bond in a specific amount, as determined by the County Attorney, be posted
to insure clearing the site if the special permit becomes voided and/or
the property vacated.
Mr. Pickford stated that he had reservations about!..the bond portion of the
to approve this special permit subject to thefollowing conditions:
conditions, however, if Mr. Armstrong accepted the conditions imposed on the special
use permit, he was thereby consenting to the disposal of his vehicles.
There followed a lengthy discussion of the bonding condition. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Carwile.
Mr. Wood felt the bond should be limited to the cost of moving six cars, if
that was the intent of the motion, and not impose an undue hardship on the petitioner.
Mr. Thacker stated that this was the intent of his motion.
Mr. Wh~eeler suggested that the amount of the bond be fixed in the motion.
Mr. Batchelor asked if the intent of the motion was that there would be only
six cars parked outside of the building, or only six cars being worked on and parked.
Mr. Thacker stated that he did not feel the Board could limit the number of cars
on the property during the day, but could limit the number of cars garaged or held
Mr. Fisher stated that with the conditions imposed on this special permit to
insure the citizens of Esmont that it would not become a seve~ detraction and with
the bond for disposal of automo'bile~,he would support the motion. He suggested that
the bond be for $300.00. (This figureG ~ $2~.00 for wrecker charge plus cost of
crushing and $2~.O0 for hauling or a total of $~0.00 for each automobile times
six cars,)
Mr. Thacker amended condition ¢5 to read as follows: Bond in the amount of
$300.OO be posted to clear the site if this special permit becomes voided or the
property vacated. Mr. Carwile accepted this amendment and the motion carried by
the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
1 1-22- 72
(5) ~MP~257. Geerge Benoit has petitioned the Board of Supervisors 'to-rezone
10.O acres from A-1 Agricultural to M-1 Manufacturing. Property is. situated
on Route 6~9 just east of-the'Charlettesville-Albemarle Airport. Property
is described as County Tax Map 32, Parcel 17 (part thereof). Rivanna
.Magisterial Di-strict.
Mr. Humphrey gave the following staff report. The property is situated, with
359.99 feet of frontage on the north side'of Route 659 (Airport Road). The.
property is located approximately 1600 'feet east of the entrance into the airport.
The property abuts M-~ zoning to the west, with A+I zoning existing in all other
points. Deerwood Subdivision is located diagonally across from this site; The
nearest dwelling in Deerwood is approximately four hundred feet from the southwest
corner of the subject property. There is a dwelling abutting the property to the
west and east. The property is in-a subwater shed contributing to the north fork
of the Rivanna River and clear of any wood cover. The land has generally the
same.characteristics of ZMP-2$6 with the exception of the tree cover. A county
waterline traverses the property along Route 659.
The applicant proposes to develop a commerdial greenhouse and nursery on the
property. The subject landties well within an area designated fore. light
industry and research.
Mr. Humphrey stated that according to the adopted land use policy, th~ M-1
request generally is in keeping with future land use. The proposal of the applic-ant
to utilize the property for a less intensive use does.not jeopardize the intent
in that it could be considered as an intense use. In view of existing land use,
this would be in keeping with the concept of protecthn to the dwelling Which now
exists but'-finding themselves in a transitional area. The ideal zone for this
land, in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan, would be the proposed industrial
Res earch District. The staff is of the opinion that the requested zoning is
generally in keeping with the intent of the adopted plan and with the previous
Board of Supervisors policy regarding this area. The staff recommends approval
with the suggestion that the suDject property be considered at a later date
for the Industrial, Research District. Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning
Commission had unanimously recommended approval of this rezoning.
Mr. Benoit was present in support of his petition and stated that they had
tried for a design compatible with what was necessary to operate a garden center
and they have a definite need to-proceed due to a contract which is pending
for construction on this site. He stated that they have tried to create
something other than a utilitarian approach that would be an asset to this area.
This will be a garden center, the plants being grown elsewhere and shipped here
for sale. Approximately four acres of the ten heres in this rezoning will serve
their purposes for the pres~t time. At some future-date, another four to four and
one-half years, approximately nine of the ten acres will be utilized.
1-1 -22-72
N~. Carwile asked Mr. Benoit if he objec~ted to the staff comment that'~this
land, at some future date, be included in the~Industrial Research Zone. Mr. Behoit
stated that he did not know the particulars on this, but~ if he found t-he land too
valuable to use, he would move. Mr. Carwile told Mr'. Benoit that once he had his
rezoning this new zone would not interfere with his operation, so long as it remained
a garden center. Mr. Benoit said that he had no limit~on the time he would be at
this location.
Mr. Wood asked' if this use could be allowed under a special use permit and not
rezone this land. Mr. Humphrey said the Planning Staff had evaluated the petition
in light of an A-I zone, however, it did not fit this particul~ar operation~ Mr.. Pickford
stated that a special permit is a different Ease and would have to be .readvertised.
Mr. Carwile offered motion to approve the rezoning from A-1 to M-1 on-the four
acres~ approximately, that would be utilized initially and shown on the initial
site plan. Motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker.
Mr. Wood felt the~motion should state the intent for ~he rest of the ~property.
Mr. HumphreM felt this might prejudice Mr. Benoit's next'~application. There being
no further discussion, the motion carried by the following recorded~ ~ete:
AYES: Messrs. Car~ile, Eisher~ Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
SP-212. Charles Moon has petitioned for a Special Permit to locate a ~e~manent
mobile home on 2.78 acres of land in an A-1 zone situated on Route 620 in the
Scottsville area, .Property is described as County Tax Map 105,. ~Par~.el'l~ (10).
Scotts~ille~:Magisterial District.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Office had found that the property belongs to
Mr. Moon's in-laws and they have signed his petition. The mobile home is approximately
1~0 feet from the right-cf-way and Mr. Moon will live in the mobile home. The Health
Department has Eiven verbal approval of a septic tank system. Mr. Humphrey stated that
the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to Health Department approval
of a septic tank system and a minimum set back of ~0 feet. Mr. Moon was not present.
Mr. Fisher offered motion to defer action on this petition until Mr. Moon could be
Present. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(6) SP-21~. Evalyn A. Brown has petitioned the Board of Supervisors to locate a
permanent mo~ile home on 2.0 acres of land in an A-1 Agricultural zone Situated
on Route 708 near Carter's Brid~e Prop.erty is described as County Tax Map 101
Parcel 23~ Scottsville Magister~ District~ '
Mr. Humphrey stated that the applicants' property and the ad~'aCent properties to the
east and south across Route 708 are wooded. To the west there are. ~several .small lots
developed along Route 708 with Brick dwellings. Further west there are several~mobile
homes, clearly vis~ible from the road. Also located in.this vicinity are the Hard, are
Baptist Church and the KOA Campgrounds. Much of the remaining land is large tracts.
The Planning Staff recommended approval be conditioned upon health department approval.
and a 100 foot setback to permit sufficient screening. Mr. Humphrey stated that the
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to 100 foot set back and Health
338 1-1-22-72 '
Department approval of a septic tank system.
of her~-ition..
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs~ Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS:~ None.
Mrs. Brown was present in support
Mr. Wood offered motion to approve subject to Planning Commission
Motion ~was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following
SP-215. Dr. Charles Hurt has petitioned for a Special Permit to locate a
~ravel-trailer sales and service facility on land located on east side of
Route 20, just north of its intersection with Route 2~0 east and~ zoned~B-1
Business. Property is described as County Tax Map 78, Parcel ~C and ~D.
Rivanna Magisterial District. _
(Mr. Carwile did not participate nor t~ke any action pertaining to the following
matter). Mr. Frank Burke~was present in support of the 'petition. Mr. Humphrey
stated that the applicant propose~ te providea facility to sell travel trailers~
A one story office and showroom of masonry constr~ction is p~opoSed~ith the
dimensions of 60 x 100 (6~O00~square feet). Said building is~indicated as
being 67 feet from the right-of-way ef Route 20 North at the. neares~ point. The
eXisting riEht-of.way of Route 20 at this point is 80 feet. The Comprehensive~'
Plan calls for 90 feet minimum for State primary roads, howe~e~, we ~eel the
setback is sufficient to accommodate an additional five feet~if ultimately ~
needed, without destruction to the proposed parking and storage a~ea. The plan
designates ~ parking spaces including nine spaces required by the ordinance.
The plan indicates landscaping in the form of trees. Alt informatio~~ has been
supplied and reviewed b~ the Site PlanCommittee. Th~ s~te:~P~an:wa~ a~pro~ed
by~.~he.~Commission as a site' plan and inadvertently, the special permit was not.
Mr. H~u~ph~y stated that the conditions of approval shonld be in com~liance~ith
the .conditions of approva~on the site plan which are:
1. Subject to removal of e~2sting house from the proposed meptic s~stem before
hook up to this facil&ty,
2. ~ According to site p~an~ and infonmation contained~therein dated October ~
1972 prepared by M.~Cox which is a part of this application.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval, unanimously,
with the two~conditions stated above. Motion to approve a~ recommended by
the Planning ~ommission was offered by Mr. Wood~ seconded by Mr. Henley and
carried~by the'~.following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher~ Henley., Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
~i. Carwile.
SP-21~. Roger Morris has petitioned the Board of Supervisors to locate a
permanent mobile home on 2.0 acres of land zoned A-1 Agricultural and located
on west side of Route 621~ four miles east of Route 20 north. Property is~
described as County Tax Map 6~, Parcel 55 (27) (part thereof). Rivanna
Magisterial Distr~ct.
Mr. Humphrey stated that ~the Morris property isbeing divided from a 10.1'~ acre
parcel which contains a frame d~e~ling. This property is located about 2/~ mile
along Route-621 from Route 20. In.this area there are. only two other dwellings.9
each on, large_tracts. The Morris property being about 300 feet'back from Route 6219
reached by a proposed resBric~ted right-of-way and is wooded. Near Route. 209~'
Route 621 is developed with several dwellings on two acre lots. Mr. Humphrey stated
that the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to Health Department
approval of a septic tank system. Mr. Wood offered motion to approve as per
Planning Commission recommendations,. 'Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher9 Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(9) SP~217, MED-Park, Ltd.-has petitioned the Board of Supervisors to locate a
mobile home sales and service facility on land zoned B-1 Business containing
37,75 acres and .situated in the northeast quadrant of.,the intersection of
Route 250 and I-6~ with frontage on a service road. Property is described as
CountyT.ax.-Map 789 Parcel 53, Rivanna Magisterial District.
Mr. D. H.. Turner~ owner of-the property~ Mr. Robert Boyle , Attorney and Mr. Aubrey
Huffman9 surveyor~ were present in support of the petition. Mr. Humphrey gave the
followingreport as to the location of this property: This proposal is'lobated
in the northwes% quadrant of I-6~ and Route 250 east interchange with frontage on
Route 2~O~and a service road, Recess to the property is presently located off O~
the service drive just west.of the'interchange. High banks prevent.access from
Route 2¢O.. A-1 zoning exists 'to the east9 north and west, B-1 zoning exists~to
the south..across the large area of the interchange..Gtenorchy Subdivision abuts
the property to the west. Qne dwelling in Glenorchywould have a direct-view
the site and sales area. The dwelling is near the west property line'of~sub~'ect
facility. _T~o other dwellings would have a view. Both to the east. One'approximately
300 yamds away and the other approximately ~00 yard~ east of'the site. The subject
site is visible from 1-65 and from Route 2~0 east~ as you pass under the I~65
overpass. In fact9 in the staff's opinion it is visible, or noticeable fro~-I-6~.
There presently exists on the site a-substantial stone dwelling which is apparently
being used as an-office or apartment-. Seven vehicles were Observ%d. There ame
other-accessory structures including a barn on the property.
Mr. Humphrey then gave the fellow, ing staff comment: In view of the abundance
of vacant commercial land in Albemarle'County which i~more accessible9 both visually
and vehicularly9 and in consideration of compatibility with adjacent residential-area
and the area being one of the main entrances to Charlottesvilteg~the staff is of the
opinion that this permit request be denied, Location of signs will prove to b'e a
problem as well as patronage having problems of findinE it.--In summary9 the Staff
feels the activity-could be better located with similar use on Route 29 North or
closer in on Route 250 and be considered compatible. There are presently four major
mobile home dealerships in the county. All are located on 250 and Route 29.' However~
~he staff had recommended the following conditions, if the request were-approve~:
1) No flag, pennants, or attraction devices be permitted on site,_other
than the one free standing sign as normally permitted.
2) That the sales area or dispIay area be located~'behind the existing
dwelling and no,Closer-to the western;property line thaH 200 feet
with screen provided consisting of two staggered rows of evergreens
with .a minimum planting height Jof five feet along the western limits
of the sales lot.
3) That screening be,provided along the eastern sales area in the same
manner as Item (2).
4)Health Department approval or (reappreval) of a septic tank system
to serve the office.
~) That the access drive and sales area be paved or graveled and main-
tained fre~ from dust.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the first time this petition Came, before the Planning
Commission¢ action had. been deferred until a field study trip could be made,,
After this trip~ She Planning Commission had recommended denial by a majority
vote. .Although they felt the site for sales could be mov.ed in accord with the
staff's recommendation, they were concerned about the amount of grading nece,ssary,
They did not feel this piece'of property should be developed piece Real.
~ Mr.,Boyle spoke in support stating that since, the Planning CommisSion meeting,
they had redrawn the map and. moved the .sales area as, recommended by the Planning
Staff. By_doing ,,this~ it is virtually impossible to see thesales'-area from
Glenorchy Subdivision. He remarked that the staff had stated there ~ere, other
sites more:,.~itable, for this operation~ and he,agreed, h0wever~ ,this.~.'is the~land
Mr. Turner owns and he, wants something to help defray cost while ~he'~8 acres
ar, e being developed.. With the purchase price of this land, this would,~mbe only
a tempo.rary use. . .
Mrs. Frances Martin spoke in opposition asking that the Boardconsider what
is best for the County and asked that the Board uphold the Plannimg commis,sion's
Mr. Wood stated that valid points had been raised about the intended.use of
this land~ but with the changes proposed he could be receptive to approving this
use. Mr. Wood then offered motion to approve this special permit¢ with a two year
limit~ renewable administratively,, with a 600 foot setback from Glenorchy and
necessary screening.
.Mr. Carwile,seconded-the .motion and stated that he-felt some of the objections
in the staff report were not valid .... He.,stated that orig.inally~he did,'not support,,
but now felt he could support on a temporary basis.
The Chairman then called for.a vote on the motion,
AYES: __,Messrs. Carwite~ Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: Messrs. Fisher~ Henley and Wheeler.
Mr.. Fisher stated that he did,not feel this is a very good end use for ~his
Mr. Wheeler stated that he felt the same. He was also concerned about the
residents and there not being any adjacent property owners present to supply input.
Vote was recorded as follows:
1 1-22'72
He suggested that .action be reconsidered. :
Mr. Carwile offered motion to reconsider the vote and have this petition
returned to the Planning Commission and that the Plz=
adjoining property owners to their next meeting. Mot
Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded rot
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fishery Henley, Thacker~ Whe~
NAYS: 'None
(10) SP-219. John and Katherine Hudson have petitio
ko locate a permanent mobile home on 2~.61 acre~
and situated west of Route 729, north of Route
Said property is located on a private access ea
as C~ounty-Tax Map 93~'Parcel 1~ Rivanna Magist~
.ning commission invite
ion was'seconded by
ler and Wood.
ed the Board of Supervisors
of land zoned A-1 Agricultural
3 'in:the Milton' Airport Area.
Dement. Property is described
~rial District~.
Mr. Humphrey stated that the property 'is situated on north side of RoUte ~3, entrance
road to the property being about one mile west of-Nix Post Office. Access to the
property 'is a dirt road about 1/2 mile long which at one time continued through
to Route ?29. The road is presentlyused bY one other-dwelling near'mR°Ute ~3-
The surround'ing area is thickly wooded, The applicant is presently living in the
mobile home,under an emergency permit MHP-291. The applicants' home on the property
is:,notli~eable. The~Planning Staff recommended approval be. conditiene~ upon
Health Depig~tment' approval of a septic t'ank system. The Planning Commission
recommended-approval fOr a two year permit, administratively renewable for'each
year thereafter and Health Department approval of:~ septic tank system. Mr~ & Mrs.
Hudson were present in-support of'the petition.' No one from the public spoke.
Mr. Wheel~er stated that seVeral people had contacted'him cohcerning th~~s permit,
however~ he felt that if the permit were on a temporary basis it would be acceptable
and he would urge the Board to approvethis. MotiOn, to approve as ~r the Planning
CommissiOnreCommendations was offere~ by Mr. Wood, ~'econded: by Mr. Henley and
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES:' Messrs. Carwile~ Fi~sher~ Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None. '~
Mr. ,'Pickford stated that the' Highway Department is'taking ?';~ acres on Route 752,
a part;of the old landfill site. Originally there were-l~ acres, but the'Highway
Department took 7 acres, landlocking 1/2 acre which is to be used in the joint
jail complex. In 1~67 we were offered $3~$87, now the Highway Department offers
$~,000 forthis l~nd. The County's appraiser~ ~im Nunley, recommends that this
offer be accepted. Motion to .accept this offer and authorize the Chairman to
execute the following agreement was offered by Mr. Wood:
THIS AGREEMENT~ made this 22nd day of November~ 1972~ by andbetween
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County~' partyof the first part (even though
more than one), and the Commonwealth of Virginia~ acting by and~throug~' the
State Highway Commissioner, partyof the second part,
1 1-22- 72
WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, in connection~with Route' 6~, Projec~
0065-002-102~ RW-20~ in Albemarle County~ the partyof the second part,
in accordance with the provisions of Title 33ol, Chapter I, Article 7~
of the 19~0 Code of Virginia~ as amended~ has lodged with.the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Albemarle County~ Certificate No. C-13292~ in the
amount of $~$87.00, for the benefit of the partyof the first part; and~
WHEREAS, the party of the second part has appointed Mr. Henry B. Gordon
as his attorney to institute condemnation proceedings for the purpose of
determining the amo~mut to be paid for the land~ or interest therin~
described in the Certificate aforesaid~ and damages to the remaining
lands~ if any~ of the party of the first part; and
WHEREAS, the parties have now agreed upon the following compensation
for the said land and damages to the remainder, if any; $~,000.OO for .land~
all appurtenance~ thereon~ and all damages~ if any. There have been no
other promises~ consideration hereinabove mentioned represents the value
of all estates or interests in such land/the damage to the remaining
property, if any, and is in lieu of any and all claims to compensation
and damages by reason of the location, construction and maintenance of
said highway including such drainage facilities as may be necessary. The
partyof the first part agrees to accept his legally proportionate share of ~
such total consideration for his interests and rights ~ said land.
The parties hereto agree that the total consideration set forth
above shall be reduced to the extent of any payment made pursuant to
the provisions of Section ~.1-12~ of the Code of Virginia of 19~0, as
The party of the first part does by general warranty covenant that
he is seized of the land described in the aforesaid certificate and that
he has done no act to encumber it; that the partyof the second part shall
have quiet possession of the land free from all encumbrances, and that
he will execute such further assurance of the said land as may be requisite.
!.....:'. ?... q y .... ., f.:. ,.., , .... ,.., ........
The foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following
recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher~ Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
1 1 -~22-72
Cl~'s agai'nst the County amounting to ,$1,181~875.59 were presented, examined
and allowed 'and certified to the Director of Finance' for 'payment .and charged
against the following funds:
General Revenue- Fund
General Operating Fund
~':School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay
Virginia Public Assistance
Dog .Tax Fund
Textbook Rental Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia-Current
Credit Account
Town of Scottsville-Sales Tax
622,1 ¢9.20
19,141 .k6
2Y8,9' 6.6 ¢
,21 7.5'0
1 W8. kW
Motion was offered by Mr. Thacker to adjourn into executive session for
discussion of papers served this date.
by the following recorded vote:
Motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS. None.
The Board reconvened.
Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned.