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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on January 18, 1973, at 9:00 A.M. in the Board Room of the
County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Present were: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E~ Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
'William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with The Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Wheeler.
Upon motion by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Thacker, the minutes of December 13,
1972, were approved. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Carwile.
Mr. Wheeler advised the Board that he had requested a public hearing concerning
improvements to Route 729 (Milton Airport Road).
Mr. Humphrey stated that he had presented to~the Planning Commission a request
for vat, ion of a portion of Wakefield Road. The Planning Commission recommended that
the road not be closed at this time. They felt that it might be necessary to purchase
this right-of-way at a later date.
Mr. Wood stated that he agreed with the Planning Commission since in the past
they tried to keep a connector between subdivisions for the good of the community.
However~ he stated that two citizens had maintained a 50-foot~strip of road in which
they had no ownership and there is opposition against opening this road to cre~e a
thoroughfare. This is now a developed and established type of community and he
urged that this road be closed.
Mr. Wheeler recommended that this board view this property during lunch recess
on February 1~ and invite the property owners to attend that meeting and have this
item placed on the agenda for 1:30 P.M.
Mr. Humphrey stated that in reference to a request for extension of Route 826,
this was originally a one plat subdivision with two acre tracts. The Planning
Commission felt there was sufficient control to permit a restricted~/ho~ver, the
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developer wants to have these houses financed by~A-A-and this requires that the
houses face on a state maintained road.
Mr. R. W. Warner, Resident Highway Engineer, stated that a portion of this
road had been taken into the state system but existing policy states that any
extension of the road must serve at least three families per mile.
Mr. Roger Eord said there must be a misunderstanding. He did not know this
road would be considered in two sections. He also stated that there is dedicated
right of way to the foot of the hill.
Mr. Wheeler asked if the road viewers recommended this section if it dould be
taken ~to the system now.
Mr. Warner replied that there was still money in the current year's budget to
perform this worky if same were recommended.
Mr. Wheeler recommended that this matter be carried over to the afternoon session
to allow the County Attorney time to ~h~k/'the Code of Virginia on this matter.
A request for Industrial Access Funds was again presented from Stromberg Carlson
Corp. After discussion of this mattery Mr. Wheeler recommended appointment of a
committee composed of Messrs. Thackery Wood, Warner, Humphrey and Kindrick give a
detailed report at the February l~y 1973 meeting of this Board. Motion to approve
this committee was offered by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwiley Fishery Henleyy Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Warner stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Fisher concerning the
Miller School~. This had been investigated and~e had submitted a report on
the situation.
Mr. Carwile again asked about the intersection of Georgetown and Barracks Roads.
Mr. Warner stated that the Highway ~epartment had studied the situation and had put
up additional signs. He also stated that they would need to review the type of
accident that occurs at this intersection and would then make further recommendations.
At 10:00 A.M.~ the Chairman c~lled for a public hearing on an ordinance to amend
and re-enact Section 12-93 of the Albemarle County Code so as to impose a license tax on
occasional use trailers~ such as campers~ boat trailersy horse trailers~ utility trailers
and other occasional use trailers and to amend the rate of the annual license tax upon
all vehicles in Section 12-93. This public hearing was advertised in the Daily Progress
on November 8y November lgy November 22 and November 29, 1972.
Mr. Robert Merrill asked if the county received a license fee from every person
who buys a state license.
Mr. Batchelor stated that Albemarle County was the first county to use a data
to pre-register automobiles
strip from the Division of Motor Vehicles/and collections had risen since this practice
Mr. Merrill stated that he had no objection~to the raising of this license, howevery
he hoped the additi6nal money would be used to help reduce the property tax.
M~s. Rosenblum asked if the state put a restriction on the amount of the license.
Mr. Pickford stated that it could be equal to or less than the state license, but
not more than the state license.
Mr. Henry Tiffany stated that he represented the Western Albemarle Taxpayors and
stated that the purpose of this group is to reduce taxes now. He questioned the need
for additional services. Referring to revenue sharing moneyy he felt a great portion
of this money would be used to construct a new county office building in order to let
the courts have the present county office building. He contended that this expenditure
was unnecessary. He stated that in the pasty the Board of Supervisors~ had been guided
by a vocal minority who have time to come to Board meeting~ while the majority of the
citizens are out making a living.
At this timer several members of the Board questioned Mr. ~iffany's remarks
in relation to the question under discussion, After a short discussion~ it was
decided that Mr. Tiffany could Continue~with his remarks.
Mr. Tiffany stated that the Western Albemarle Taxpayors do not feel that the
County Planner needs a staff of five or that there should be two people in the
engineering department. He stated that the people at the taxpayers meeting composed
over 50% of the vote in that district and they were angry concerning the "reckless
spending habits" of the County. They did not object to the increase in this tax
if the Board planned to reduce another tax. He requested a per capita study and
justification on the planning and engineering departments and on the sheriff's
Mr. Earl Davis~'a minister from Crozet~ stated that he worked with elderly
people in the area and this extra $5.00 auto tax would hurt these elderly people.
A Mr. Pollard~ from Free Union, stated that.since he bought proper~in Albemarle
County his taxes had been raised twice and he had just received a notice raising
them again. He asked how~ with this increase in the auto license tax~ the Board
expected ~eople to live.
Mr. Fisher stated that during the making of the 1972-73 budget, this increase
in the auto license tax had been proposed in order to alleviate the necessity of
raising the real property tax rate. The tax rate ~Would have been increased on the
1972 real estate and personal property tickets if this had not been decided at that
Mr. Pollard questioned the word "improvements" on his tax notice.
Mr. Wheeler stated that in the future this notice would carry the wording
Mr. Fisher offered motion to adopt the following amendment to the Albemarle
County Code. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County that
Section 12-93 of the Albemarle County Code entitled~ "Vehicle Lic~ses -
License Taxes - Amounts" shall be and hereby is amended and re-enacted
to read as follows:
(a) On every passenger vehicle~ there shall be an annual license
tax of fifteen dollars.
(b) On every motorcycle there shall be an annual license tax of
eight dollara~ and an additional license tax of three dollars for each
side car for each motorcycle.
(c) On every truck~ trailer, semitrailer or autowagon not designed
and used for the transportation of passengers and not exempt from taxa-
tion as otherwise provided in this article~ there shall be a license tax
of fifteen dollars.
(d) On every occasional use trailer, such as campers, utility~
boat and horse trailers with a load weight of 1~500 pounds or less and
a width not greater than the width of the motor vehicle to which it is
attached at any time of operation and to be attached to a passenger motor
vehicle or truck with a gross weight of less than 5~000 pounds and used
only for carrying property belonging to the owner of such trailer~ there
shall be a license tax of five ~ollara.
(e) In the case of a combination of a tractor-tailer or semi-
trailer~ each vehicle constitutinE a part of such combination shall be
licensed as a separate vehicle and separate license indicia shall be
issued therefor.
(f) On every motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer upon which well-
drilling machinery is attached and which is permanently used solely for
transporting such machinery~ there shall be an annual license tax of
fifteen dollars.
(g) On every motor vehicle~ trailer or semitrailer used or intended
to be used for transporting persons to and from school~ Sunday school~ or
other place of divine worship~ there shall be an annual license tax of
fifteen dollars.
This ordinance shall become effective on all licenses issued for the
· license year 1973 and each year thereafter.
Mr. Wood stated that he was opposed to this increase in the auto license tax.
He felt that an automobile is a necessity for people working in the County, Since
you pay a 2% tax when the car is purchased~ are taxed at the full fair market value
at $5.90 a hundred and already are required to purchase a $10.O0 tag over and above
the state tag~ that to increase the auto ~i~ense tax at this time is taxing an auto-
mobile too heavily.
Mr. Carwile stated that he would prefer to see the County go to another type
of tax other than property tax. He felt that this increase in the auto license tax
~ts the burden on a larger number of people and imposes a proportional share of the
tax burden on other then real property owners.
Mr, Bob~ from White Halls asked if there had been a study on fees by users
of off-read vehicles.
Mr.,Clarence Dudley of Greenwood stated that he felt the Board was taking the
tax from one pocket and putting in another and he hoped the Board had heard Mr.
~iffany's remarks.
Vote was taken at this point and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: Mr. Wood,
Mr. Wheeler told Mr. Tiffany that he could have several more minutes to continue
his speech, Mr, Tiffany restated that the Western Albemarle Taxpayors represented
some ~0% of the voters in that district. He reiterated that the Board must cu~'~the
budget by 10-15% across the board from last year's expenses. Since approximately
91% of the budEet is allocated to the schools~ cuts must be made in that budget.
Mr. ~ffany did not feel that education is necessarily proportional to the building it
is taken in~ and that classes need not have as few as 20 pupils. He felt that the
radar which is operated by the Sheriff's Department is a duplication of services
run by the State Police and the County cannot afford this duplication. He stated
that the people composing the Western Albemarle Taxpayors will withhold their real
property taxes until their ~roperty is advertised for sale.
Mr. Tiffany then spoke about a new county office building and asked how the revenue
sharing money would be spent. He stated that it is the expressed intent of the
"Taxpayors" to stop a new office building and also stated that they wish to help prepare
the new (73-7~) budget,
Mr. Wood stated that he had not made any. commitment for the revenue sharing
money and if any member of the Board had, it was out of context.
Mr. Tiffany asserted that a decision to spend this money for a new county'
office building comes on slow~ but like a steam roller,once it is made, there is
no way to stop it. ~hat he hoped to do was step in this morning and stop the new
office building. With that is~:~mind, this"taxpayors" group would like to go into
the budget as it comes to the Board and discuss each and every item with the
department heads. He stated that there will be a lot of volunteers and they hoped
that throughout this, that the Board would feel that all were on the same side.
He assured the Board that when they had lost the confidence of the electorate,
there had been great harm done.
Mr. Wood asked that this group go through the same channels -,used by the Board.
He recommended that they attend the School Board budget hearing and assured Mr.
Tiffany that this'Board would welcome their input.
Mr. Wheeler said that each department submits a budget and over the next two
or three months the Board will have public work sessions.and will welcome any input
from the public.
At 11:00 A.M. the Chairman called for a public hearing on an ordinance entitled
"Real Estate Tax Exemption for Elderly Persons" as advertised in the Daily Progress
on January 3 and January 10~ 1973. !~-~
of six persons
Mr. Wheeler stated that the Board had appointed a committee/to study this matter
and the majority report had recommended no ordinance be drawn at this time. The
minority report recommended that such relief be offered. After consideration, the
Board decided to present such an ordinance for a public hearing and he declared the
floor open for comments.
An unidentified man stated that the Board is asking all the older people to
live in substandard housing when they quote a net worth of $20,000 and are also
asking to rum'. off all children who live in the house~ otherwise~ no tax relief.
He knew personally some people who paid $100 - $200 in taxes before the reassessment
and now their taxes are from $500 - $700. He felt the money part of the ordinance
was goody but the $203000 net worth was not good. Also~ he felt that the Board
invites every eligible person to move in and get one acre of land to get tax relief.
Mr. Fisher asked for a clarification by Mr. Pickford.
Mr. Pickford stated that in order to see if you qualify for tax relief under
this ordinance, you compute the net worth of everything owned~ exclusive of the
house and one acre on which the house is located. For examole: if you have a
~:~100 acre farm worth $3~,000, exclude the house and one acre~ghis would leave
and~nothing else,
a net worth of $1 5,000../~u ~ have the land :Gmz~ ~'~ ~would
qualify. The taxes attributable to the house and one acre are reduced. It does
not mean that you must live on one acre.
Mr. John English asked if this was the maximum that could be done under State
law and asked if there were not a bill under consideration by the legislature that
would change this law.
Mr. RHy Jones stated that there was a prefiled bill in the General Assembly~
however~ he had not seen same.
Mr. Tiffany stated that he felt the idea of an ordinance is good~ however~ this is
really an-expanse of the County and someone has to pick up this expense. He felt that
if a man is 6~ and his wife is 62~ he should not be precluded but that the tax should
be prorated°
Mr. ?ickford stated that if the husband and wife own property jointly~ and he is
6% and ~e is not~ he can qualify~ but she cannot. Anyone living in that household
who/has an interest in the property would qualify if age 6%.
Mr. Edgar ?aige co~ended the Board for considering the people never considered
by the Board of Supervisors in his time and suggested that the Board follow their own
conclusions and do what they think is right.
Mr. Carwile stated that the Board has time to see what changes will be made by
the legislature and then take s~eps to qualify for this taxable year.
An unidentified lady commended the Board for initiating this ordinance.
Mr. Wheeler felt that before taking action on this ordinance~ the Board should be
brought up to date on matters in the General Assembly and also talk with our local
Mr. Carwile offered motion to defer this matter until February 1%. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: Nome.
Mr. William A. Perkins~ Jr. was present to speak to the Board concerning taxes.
He stated that he felt it was proper at this point to indicate to the Board that there
is overwhelming evidence that the piece-meal~ creeping assessment of Albemarle County
is insidious and offensive to the citizens. He asked the Board to look at the way
land is assessed or appraised and stated that he came to the Board because it is time
to consider the 1973-?~ budget. He stated that taxation is coming to the point where
it is more burdensome than the citizens feel they can pay. He asked.the Board to
look for a way to cut expenses and since 80-905 of funds are u~.ed in the education
field, a ~-10~ reduction would be meaningful there. He also asked that the use of
funds provided by the Federal government through revenue sharing~ be givem careful
Mr. Wheeler stated that the revenue sharing money has been deposited ~d is drawing
interest. Before any decision is made~ the Board will hold public hearings.
Mr. Shield Critzer~ fro~ Afton~ stated that he had worked for ~upont for thirty-
seven years and he had dealt with many budget requests. He knows that any budget can be
trimmed and asked the Board to consider the difference between needs and wants.
Mr. Wheeler asked that the citizens not leave this meeting feeling that past
Boards have not wrestled with budget requests. In the five years that he has been -~
on the Board of Supervisors, he has attended hundreds of meetings and approximately
50% of those pertained to preparation of the budget. He stated that the Board does
not take spending lightly.
Mr. Henley stated that he was glad to see the interest of the people in local
affairs. ~
Mr. Thacker said that b~ State code, the county ~is~required to appraise at
fair market value and that the Board has no control over this. The control~ is on
assessment/the tax rate and the~e are rates that the Board should investigate.
Ha~.reminded all those in attendance at this meeting who are unhappy with their
appraisal of real property that they have recourse to the Equalization Board.
Mr. Fisher stated that he has had questions about the methods used to~e~r~i~e
fair market value. He has heard that the citizens want the assessors to be County
residents and'the previous Board tried to implement this. He felt that to reappraise
the entire county at one ~ime is impossible, and that one of the main problems is
that the land has never been appraised at 100% of the fair market value. The new
State constitution requires that this practice end. He said that some changes need
to be made in the property tax structure, however, this is the major tax source. !-~
Mr. Wheeler stated that two years ago the Board was concerned abo-~the appraisals
~being made at that time. The Board had hired Roundtree Appraisers to che~k and. the
biggest difference they had found was 6%, therefore, it was decided that our
with his assessment
appraisers must be correct. He reiterated that if a citizan is not satisfied/that
he should go to the equalization board.
The Board adjourned for lunch and reconvened at 1:20 P.M.
Mr. J. H. Bailey was present to state that John Pollock had prepared a report on
the closing of the landfills at night or at times when there is not an attendent
present. The current operating contract calls for a person present eight hours
a day and since the Keene landfill is open continuously, a great deal of material
comes in and is not covered immediately. This makes poor working conditions for
the contractor. This procedure will be against/regulations going into effect on
July 1, 1973, and the State may not issue a permit under these circumstances, i l
Mr. Bailey said that there is better control at Ivy. Two haulers were given permission
to use the Ivy landfill during off hours, these being, Schneider's Disposal and the
hauler for Morton's Frozen Foods.
Mr. Carroll Sacre, hauler for Schneider's Disposal and Mr. Bob Lauffenburger, -~
plant manager at Morton's and Mr. Jim Slosson, Hauler for~Morton's were present. ~
After a discussion of the problems involved with the new regulations that go into
effect in July, it was the concensus of the Board that Mr. Bailey should meet with
a representative from the University of Virginia and those haulers present at this
meeting and give a more detailed report at the February 15 meeting.
Mr. Fletchar Simms was present at the request of the Board to give a verbal
report of this office proceedings. He stated that his office is charged with
appraising all real property at fair market value and since 1968 his office has
studied sales in every area in order to determine what the property in any area sells
for. This is the method used for establishing land values. Building values are
established from reproduction costs less depreciation. Sometimes it is necessary to
allow some additional depreciation.
Since 1968 the assessor's office has appraised some 12~216 parcels of land, which
leaves approximately 3~000 parcels to be completed. During this reappraisaly a schematic
drawing of each piece of property has been made and all buildings have been Daped and
drawn. This is to be a permanent record which will be kept up to date. In the future
this office expects to review the entire county wihhin a three year period.
Mr. Fisher questioned the method of establishing fair market value. Mr. Simms
explained that they do not try to determine value by any one site. They use all sales
in the area in which they are working and they use/sales in other areas.
Mr. Carwile asked if the formula used had been set by this officer to which
Mr. Simms replied that this is a nationally recognized formula.
Mr. Henley asked if the taxpayer must come into the office to fill out a form
for the Equalization Board. Mr. Simms said noy he would mail them upon request.
Mr. Batchelor stated that they do encourage the citizens to come'bo the office
and talk to Mr. Simms as occasionally they do find that mistakes have been made.
Mr. Simms was'requested to keep a list, from now until June 307 of properties which
sell for less than the assessed value.
Mr. Fisher asked if zoning is recorded on the appraisal form or if his office had
any records relating these two values. Mr. Simms stated that they are including this
on their worksheet~ but this does not show on the land book. In answer to another
question from Mr. Fisher~ Mr. Simms stated that only the land book is public information.
All other records are confidential between the assessing officer the taxpayer and
certain other government agencies.
Statements of expenses of the Department of Finance~ the Sheriff's Office a~ the
Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the month of December~ 1972.
On motion by Mr. Wood~ seconded by Mr. Carwiley these statements were approved by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwiley Fishery Henleyy Thacker, Wheeler and Wobd.
NAYS: None.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted
along with summary statement of prisoner days for the month of!-December, 1972. On motion
by Mr. Woody seconded by Mr. Carwile, these statements were approved for payment by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fishery Henleyy Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted for the month of December~ 1972, in
the amount of $3~.00 of which two-thirds is reimbursable by the State. O~ motion
by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Fisher, this claim was approved for payment by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Communication was received ~rom Joseph S. James~ Auditor of ~blic Accounts~
stating that he had received copies of audit for fiscal year ended June 30, 1972~
from Dulaney~ Salley & Company~ Certified Public Accounts. He stated that this
report had been prepared in accordance with specifications furnished by the Auditor
of Public Accounts and had therefore been accepted by his office.
Report was received from Bulaney~ Salley & Company on audit of the County's
accounts for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1972.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Guy A. Via for two (2) ewes
and one (1) buck killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Henley~ seconded by'Mr. Wood~
Mr. Via was allowed $180.00 for this claim. Motion carried by the following recorded
Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from E. L. Sutherland £or two (2)
ewes killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Henley~ seconded by Mr. Wood~ Mr. Sutherland
was allowed $28.00 for this claim. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wodd.
NAYS: None.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Page B. Sutherland for three
(3) ewes and one (1) lamb killed by dogs. On motion by M~. Henley~ seconded/~r.
Wood~ Mr. Sutherland was allowed $76.00 for this claim. Motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher, Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from T. S. Edwards for fourteen
(1~) ewes killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Henley~ seconded by Mr. Wodd~ claim
of Dr. Edwards was denied. The dog suspected of the killing was an unlicensed
female housed on this same farm. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher~ Henley~ Thacker~ ~gheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Upon motion by Mr. Wood~ seconded by Mr. Carwile~ the following resolution
was adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County~
Virginia~ that $10~963.20 be and is hereby appropriated to the District
Home for construction of a new laundry building.
The foregoing motion carried by the following recorded vote:
t -18-73
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Report of the County Executive was submitted for the month of Decembery 1972,
as information.
Appointments to the EqualizatiOn Board were deferred until February 1~.
Appointments t~ the IndUstrial Commission were deferred until January 24. Mr. Henley
stated that the County paid this Commission, $3~00 last year and the Chamber of Commerce
another $1,000. This represents the tax collected on a $~00~000 tax base, and he
stated that he is in favor of abolishing this Commission.
Upon motion by Mr. Woody seconded by Mr. Carwile, Mrs. Grace Ordel was reappointed
to a three-year term as a member of the Community Mental Health & Retardation Services
Board. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwiley Fishery Henley~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wodd.
NAYS: None.
Upon motion by Mr. Thacker seconded by Mr. Henley, Edward Chapmany John O. Higginson~
Edgar Paige, William L.REnnolds and Franklin W. Yancey were appointed as road viewers
for the year 1973. ~Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwiley Fisher, Henley~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
The Chairman made the following committee appointments for the year 1973:
Intergovernmental - County Executive,~.~ounty Attorney.s/Chairman
Library Budget - Thacker and Henley
Joint Jail - Thacker and Wood
Juvenile Court - Carwile as Chairman~ Thacker and Batchelor
Bi-Centennial - Wood
Industrial Commission - Thacker
Planning Commission - Wood
Welfare - Henley
Community Action Organization - Robert Po Sampson
Expansion - Thacker as Chairman, Wood and Carwile
Landfill - Fisher as Chairman~ Henley and Bailey
Motion was offered by Mr. Carwile to accept the Chairman's ~ecommendations and
appoint th~se committees. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley~ Thacker~ Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Easement from Virginia Telephone & Telegraph Company was deferred.
Proposed Rules of Procedure were discussed and action was deferred until February
Upon motion by Mr. Wood~ seconded by Mr. Thacker, Paragraph 6 of the Annual
Appropriation Ordinance was amended to read as follows:
Allowances out of any of the appropriations made in this ordinance
by any or all county departmentsy bureausy or agencies under the
control of the Board of Supervisors to any of their officers and
employees for expenses on account of the use of such officers and
employees of their personal ~aU$omobiles in the discharge of their
official duties shall be paid at the same rate as that established
by the State of Virginia for its employees and shall be subject to
change from time to time to maintain like rates.
~ -18-73
Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thackery Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
On motion by Mr. Carwile, ~econded by Mr. Wood, the following timeSy dates and
placesl~were set for regular meetings of this Board:
7:30 P.M. - Second Wednesday of each month-Albemarle County Courthouse
9:00 A.M. - Third Thursday of each month-Board Roomy County Office Building
7:30 P.M. - Fourth Wadnesday of each month-Albemarle County Courthouse
The foregoing motion carried by the following~recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile~ Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
on zoning matters
Mr. John Humphrey was directed to advertise public hearing~/for the second
be heard at
Wednesday in March ~o~McIntire School.
Mr. Batchelor stated that the Airport Board had met and heard recommendations
for providing security service at the Airport. He stated that there are no officers
availa~eto ~ro~ide this service on a regular basis and they had recommended that
the Sheriff write to the State ComPensation Board requesting their participation in
the salaries of security people to be hired. They felt it would be helpful if the
Board would support this request. The Board was of the concensus that this was not
the proper way to handle this matter and would not endorse the request.
The Clerk was ordered to enter as Item ~1 on the agenda for January 2~y a
contract for joint City/County operation of LandEill #1 at Ivy.
Mr. Fisher inquired of Mr. Batchelor about the job classification schedule
being drawn by the State. Mr. Batchelor stated that this would be ready for the
Board by Wedne~Ray, ~h~ 24th.
At 3:4~ P.M., Mr. Carwile made motion to adjourn into executive session to
discuss a legal matter concerning papers served on the Chairman this date and also
to discuss a matter of land acquisition. Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwiley Fishery Henley, Thackery Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
The Board reconvened.
Upon p~oper motion~ the meeting was adjourned.