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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle OoLu~ty, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of June, 1969. Present: Nessrs. E. N. Garnett, Peter T. Way, Gordon L. lVheeler, Lloyd F. ~Wood, Jr. and R. A. Yancey. Absent: Mr. Joseph E. Gibson. Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney'. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by ~r. Garnett. Ninutes of the meetings of Nay 8 and Nay 15, 1969, were approved as sub- mitted on motion of ~Nr. Way, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, and unanimously carried. Coramunication was received from Nr. 1~. G. ~arner, I~esident Engineer, ad- vising that it would be necessary for the Board to adopt a new resolution updating one adopted October 20, 1966, with regard to acceptance of right-of- way through property of the C & 0 Railway in Crozet. On motion of ~r. Yancey, seconded by ~r. ~neeter, and unanimously carried, this Board's previous reso- lution was reaffirmed as follows: BE IT P~SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways 40-ft. right-of-way beginning at a point in existing right-of-way line 90 feet more or less, S.26© 10'~'. from center line of main tract of the Nountain Subdivision of the C & 0 Railway at Station 657+65.3 and continuing for a distance of 278.91 feet, as recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 421, page 275. At the suggestion of ~r. 1~. ~.G. Warner, the following resolution was offered by Nr. Yancey, seconded by ~r. ~heeier, and unanimouslyado~ed'~'~ .' 'WNEREAS, this Board has been advised by ~k~. I~. G. Warner, lqesident Engineer, that the ¥irginia Department Of Highways intends to finance a project in the ~969~70 Secondary Budget for installing a railroad protection device on P~oute 859 at the entrance to Sherwood Farms; and WHEREAS, this Board has urged the installation of a rail- road signal at said location for a number of years; NOW, THEREF0i~E, BE IT iLESOLVED %~at the Board of Couu~.ty Supervisors of Albemarle COunty, Virginia, hereby concurs with the ~Virginia Department of Highways in the aforementioned project and the use of 1969-70 Seconiary Funds for financing this project. 2 Communication dated April 8, t969, from Oak Hill Corporation was again submitted and communication dated Jtuue 18, 1969, was also received, request- ing acceptance of certain streets in Oak Hill S~bdivision into the Secondary System. ~fter discussion with Mr. Warner, the following resolution was offered b~ Mr. Wheeler, seconded by lat. 'Way, and unanimously adopted: ~ IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, subject to compliance with standards of said Department, the follow- ing roads located in Oak_ Hill Suixiivision, Albemarle County: Oak Hill Drive - from iloute 631 to a point approximately 100 feet past intersection of Maymount Circle - length 3900 feet. (Deed Book 363, page 22.) Pinehurst Court - from Route 631 to cul-de-sac, length t?00 feet. (Deed Book 401, page 228.) Wind_field Circle - ±~rom Route 631 to cul-de-sac - length 4~0 feet. (Deed Book 396, page 291 .') Southwood Court - from Oak Hill Drive to cul-de-sac - length 97~ feet. (Deed Book 441, page 299.9 BE IT ~NffRT~ RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby guaranteed a ~0-ft. unobstructed right-of-way on these requested additions, along v~.th 'drainage easements, the same having been recorded by plats in the office of the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Books as shovm above. Co~ntuuication was received from Dr. Charles W. Hurt requesting accep- tance into the Secondary System of certain streets in Section Four of Canter- bury Hills Subdivision. ~r. ~arner advised that the streets are in good shape but the occupancy specifications have not been met and there are a few d~ainage problems to be corrected. After discussion, the following reso- lution was offered by I~r. ~ee!er, seconded by Mr. Way, sm_d unanimously adopt ed: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that the Virginia Department of Highv~ys be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, subject to compliance with standards of said Department, the follow- ing roads located in Section flour, Canterbury Hills Subdivision, Albemarle County: '~estminster Road - beginning at its intersection with Smit~ield Road to its intersection with Bennington Road - length approximately %36 feet. Chaucer Road - beginning at its intersection with Smithfield Road to it~ intersection with Bennington Road, length approximately 60% feet. Smithfield Road - beginning at its intersection with Westminster Road to its intersection with Chaucer Road - length approximately 401 feet. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby guananteed a ~0-ft. unobstructed right-of-way on this requested addition, along with drainage easements~ the same having been recorded by plat in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 4~4, page 14~. Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways vising that in accordance with resolution passed by this Board on March 20, 1969~ changes in the Primary and Secondary S~ffstems made necessary by the relocation and construction on Route 20 were confi~ned by the Highway Com- mission on May ~, 1969, as follows: Section transferred to the Secondary System as provided under Section 33-27 of the 19~0 Code of Virginia - Section l, Old location of Route 20, east of the new location, from the inter- section of ttoute 6 southerly, 0.10 ~mile to the north end of the old James River Bridge. The County Executive advised that he had been informed by ~r. Warner that _.his department is working on the request received at the laSt~.~meeting from O. ~ ~. mud S. H. Woodson but does not have a recommendation at this time. Mr. Way invited Board m~mbers to go v~th a delegation from Scottsvilte to Richmond on June 20th regarding improvements to Route 20, South. ~r. Way asked if anything at all can be done about the intersection at Keene where road comes into Route 20. Mr. Warner stated that he has requested money on the 1969-70 budget to do some site improvement at this intersection. ~M~. Wheeler stated that Route 6~ 6 from Route 22 at Kesv~ck to Route 2~0 at Boyds Tavern is very narrow and being unmarked, the speed limit is ~ mph. He a2so stated that it is difficult to get out on Route 6~6 from driveways. ~r. F~aeeler requested tha~ a traffic survey be made on this road and Mr. Warner advised that this v~!l be done. Mr. Wheeler also requested that the entrance to Stony Poin~ School be added to the list of needed improvements. Mr. Yancey asked if there is any chance of anything being done on Route 684 and was advised by Mr. Warner that he is working on this and expects to get it done after July ~st. Mr. Garnett asked if residents would be sent a notice of the hearing on improvements to Route 8~0 scheduled for July 16th. Mr. Warner advised that notices have been posted at several locations in Crozet. ~r. Garnett also asked about road t~rough lumber yard to Route ~210 and was advised by ~r. Warner that his department is going to get this road in better shape. The County Executive inquired about road by the airport. ~. Warner vised that work on this road will be continued after July 1 st. ~V~r. W. A. Townes appeared with regard to the amount of traffic and speeG limit on Hyd~aulic Road and was advised that a study had been made at this location. Communication was received from Miss Bessie Jones exi~essing appreciation of to the Board for "certificate/appreciation" awarded her upon retirement. Con~aunication was received from Mr. Dean P. Agee, Executive Secretary of Louisa County, advising that the Louisa Board of Supervisors adopted this Board's resolution on state and local governments sharing directly in the federal in- come tax. l~r. Garnett presented to Mr..Paul H. Cale, who will be retiring as Super- ~ntendent of Schools on June 30th, a certificate of appreciation for thiHty- eight years of service to the County of Albemarle. ~r. Cale expressed his deep appreciation for this recog~uition and for the support given him through the years by the offic2al governing body, b~is associates and the citizens of the County. Communication was received from Mr. Jack D. Pollock, President of the Lions Club of Crozet, requesting immediate mud~ positive action be taken to place a deputy in the co~mnunity of Crozet, to be confined to the patro!ing of only Crozet and its environs. Appearing in support of this request were I~r. Pollock, I~r. Norman Gitt,mm, Mr. D. ~. Sandridge and Mr. Carl Van~ossen. The County Executive advised that the Compensation Board had been requested to approve one additional deputy to replace a part-time deputy and also three deputies to be used as process servers, thereby relieving experienced men for other v~ork~ He further advised that the Compensation Board had approved the one full-time posit~ion requested and only one of the three process servers. He stated, that not only Crozet but other more densely populated areas need additional protection. The Sheriff was asked to come in for discussion of this matter but was unavailable. The County Executive was directed to set up a special meeting of the Sheriff with the Board to discuss this matter further and the residents of Cro-zet asked that they be advised of the time mud place set for said special meeting. At the request of Mr. D. B. Marshall, County Attorney, the fo!bwing resolution was offered by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way, mud unanimously adopted: BE IT ~[ESOLV~ by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board are hereby directed to execute and deliver on behalf of this Board a certain deed dated June 10, 1969, by and between Robert Shoffner, Trustee, the City of Charlottesville an~ the Board which provides for relocation of easements for water anG gas lines to serve the property which was purchased from Shoffner, Trustee~ by the City and this Board as the site for the proposed StAte Com- munity College; and the County Executive is also authorized to accept delivery on behalf of this Board of the conveyances to it included in that deed. The County Executive requested the County Attorney to submit such matters to the County's Engineer in the future for his inspection and approval prior to submission to this body for action. At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on the fo!!ov,~ng zoning requests in accordance with notice published in the Daily Progress on May 30, June 11~ mud June l~, 1969: (1) 'ZMP-0~. Request of Walter B. Halley to rezone 11.7 acres from Agri- cuitaral A-1 to M-~ I~anUfacturing - located at S~adwe!!~ south of Rou~e 2~0 near Stone-Robinson School. No one £~om the public appeared v~th regard to this application, l~r. Humph- rey advised that the staff would recommend R-3 Residential zoning for the portion ff~£onting on Routes 2~0 and ?29 based on the fact that R-3 zoning is mor~ comparable in view of what exists in the area. However, after public hearing at which many appeared in oppisition, the P!arLuing Commission recom- mended denial of the request. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Wo~'l, unanimously carried~ recommendation of the Planning Commission was ap- proved. (2) 22[P-0~6. Request of Investments Diversified, Inc. to rezone 2.6 acres f~om B-1 Business to R-3 Residential - located on northeast side of Hydraulic Road near intersection of Route 6%6 across from Georgetown Green. Ra~mdy 'Wade appeared in support of this application; no one appeared in sition. ~[r. Humphrey advised that the staff and ~lanning Oon~r~ission recom- mended approval of this request. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Ymucey, unanimously carried, recommendation of the !~lar~uing Commission was approved. (3) ZMP-0~9. Request of Gor~on Burton to rezone approximately 20 acres from Agricuittk~at A~I to Residential ~.-~ - located at the intersection of Routes 684 and 688, south of Route 2~0 'West. ~. Burton appeared in support of hi~. app!ication; no one appeared in op- position. Mr. Humphrey advised that tlhe staff recommended RS-~ zone on this parcel in keeping with its origin~l recommendation, noting that one acre zoning in the area at tb~s time when a Comprehensive Plan is being ievelopei could be considered and that further expansion of I:{-1 zoning should require 'a detailed analysis of the entire area. M~. Humphrey advised that the ~:ian~ning Commission concurred in this recommendation. ~iotion ~s made by .~r. Wheeler to accept the recommendation of the Ptaz~uing CommissiOn. No second was re- ceived to this motion. .~fter discussion, motion was offered by Mro Yancey to approve the request as made. This motion was seconded by ~r. Wood and unani- mous!y adopted. (4) Z~P-060. Application of James R. and Clara B. \Vhyte to rezone 9.41 acres from Agricultural A-1 to Residential R-1 - located at Earlysvilie on north side of Route 743. ~[r. Whyte's son appeared in support of this appiication;~ no one appeared in opposition. ~Mr. Humphrey stated that the staff would recommend approval of this application with the comment that this petition is one that could be con- sidered while the preparatiSn of the Comprehensive ~ian is being prepared. He further advised that the ?!annZng Commission recommended approval. On motion Of Mr. ~eeier, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried, the recOmmenda- tion 'of the Planning Commission was approved. Communication was received from the ~iller School of Albemarle advising that in order to improve its water supply to meet health standards, a nee~ existed for a 1~,000 to 3~000 gallon storage tank, a hypochiorinator system, and some piping modification. The letter ftrther requested that if~ the County has excess water tre2tment equipment that could be used by the school, a donation would be appreciated, Mr. Helmandoi!ar appeared with regard to this request. The County Executive advised that the only thing the County has that might be av2iiab!e is the ~torage tank at Berkeley and he would be hesita~nt to let this go until he could determine that it definitely will not be needed. He recommended that if it is found that this tank v~ll not be needed that it be given to ~[ilier School if they pay for moving it. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wood, the recommendation of the County Executive was unani- mously accepted. Mr. Lloyd Wood~ Chairman of the Albemarle Cotuuty Highway Safety Commis- sion, gave a six month report on the progress, of the coFm~ission. He advised that a study of accident prone locations revealed the most serious to be at Mechums River on Route 2~0 West, and others in order to be Route 20 on each end of Carter's Bridge'i~: Route 2~0 West ff~£om Charlottesville City Limits to Ivy and the areas arot~ud K-~art and the industries on Route 29 North. He also stated that stacking lanes into Berme~ey and Carrsbrook SubdivisiOns woul~ be he!p~al. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. ~heeier, an~ unani- mously carried, it was ordered that a letter be forwarded to the Department of Highways requesting that traffic studies by made at the foregoing loca- tions and that report on same be made to this Board within a reasonable length ~f time. Mr. Woo~ further reported that the Commission applied for three grants, all of which were allowed. The Commission is in the process of having specs drawn for the driving range and has obtained information on having deputies trai~ed by personm, el ~£om Northwestern University° Mr. Way nominated the R~verend John A. Wright~ Jr. of Scottsvi!le to serve the unexpired term of Dr. Marks on the Planning Commission, which-~ term runs through December 31, 1970. This nomination was seconded by ~r. Wood and tuuanimou sly approved. The Board~attention was called to the fact that the term of ~r. Alvin Toms on the Welfare Board will expire June 30th. On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey, unanimously carried, Mr. Toms was reappointed to the Welfare Board for a three-year term, subject to his acceptance of ttzis appoint- ment. The County Executive advised that the terms of ~r. Ker~ueth O. Lee and Mr. Walter ~. Scott on the Library Board would expire June 30th. ~Lr. Wood advised that he had contacted Mr. Lee and he was willing to continue to serve. On motion by ~Ar. ~ood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously carried, ~r. Lee was re-appointed to the Library Board for a term of three years. Garnett and Mr. Yancey are to confer 6bot~t~ the appointment i~om their area and requested that this appointment be deferred tuutil the July meeting. On motion of Mr. '~eeier, seconded by ~Ar. Way', the fo!lo~ng were unani- mously appointed to the Community Action Board: ,Dr. F. A. Iachetta to replace ~gr. Joseph E. Gibson. Mr. William C. Porter to replace Mr. Lloyd ff. Wood, Jr. M~,' Clifton ~T~cCiure to replace ~. Peter T. Way. ~Lr. ~heeler requested that ~r. Louie Scribner be advised of these appointments and that the new Board members be informed of meeting to be held at 8:00 P.M. on Jtune 23, 1969, at the Joint Health Department. Mr. Yancey requested that the Co~nunity Action request be deferred until the July meeting for discussion with the full Board. This was seconded by ~r. V~aeeier and unanimously approved. The County Executive presented proposed Annual Appropriation O~dinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19~0. This ordinance, which fo!tows~ was offered for adoption by Mr. ~heeier, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: ~ess~s. Garnett, Way~ V~aeeler~ Vfood a,ud Yancey. Nayes: None. Absent: ~r. Gibson. 8 M~UAL .~Pi~R01~qIATION 0!LDINiYNCE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEM2%3JY~, VIRGINIA FOR THE FI SC.~ YEAR ENDING JULrE 30, 1970 An oriinance making appropriation of stems of money for all necessary expendi- tures of the COUNTY OF ALS. ~KRLE, V-L~GINIA, for the fiscal year ending June 30, ~970; to prescribe the provisos, terms, conditions and provisions v~th respect to the items of appropriation and their payment; and to repeal all ord/nances wholly in conflict with tkis ordinance and all ordinances inconsistent v~th this ordinance to the extent of such inconsistency. Be it ordained by the Board of County Supervisors of the CO~ OF ALBEM~,RLE, ViRGiNIA: SECTION I That the foilo~.~ng st%ms of money be and the same are hereby appropriated from the General Revenue ~tund for the purposes specified herein for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970: 1. Refunds $ 11,270.00 SECTION II That the following su~ns of money, be and the same hereby are appropriated from the General i~)nue Fund. and transferred to the General Operating Fund for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1 . 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 1. Board of Supervisors $ 26,850.00 2. County Executive 10,1 50.00 3. Planning Commission 44,200.00 4 ngmneermng Department 11,600.00 5 Board of Equalization an~ Assessment 6,200.00 [ Dept. of Finance & Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes Recording of Documents Circuit Court County Court Commonwealth Attorney' s Office Juvenile Court ~olicing and Investigating Confinement and Care of Pti soner s Fire ~revention and Extinction Operation of County Landfills Lunacy C omni s sion ?ubtic Health Advancement of Agricuit~are & Home Economics Elections Mainten@mce of Buildings and Grounds Contribution te Charlottesville-Albemarle Library ~mployee Benefit s Other Miscellaneous items 220,145.00 3,755.oo 5,900.00 2,600.00 19,555.00 2,300.00 184,545.oo 1,120.00 5,740.00 44,245.00 6,000.00 64,8 5 oo 26,6go.oo 10,900.00 30,630.00 ~5,070.00 44,000.00 34,610.00 Total GENERAL OPERATING FLq~D appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970 ,041,610.00 SECTION III That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated from the General Revenue Fund and transferred to the School Operating ~%und for SCHOOL PURPOSES herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970: 1. AS/r~inistration - School Board $ 100,964.00 2. Instruction 3,2~6,012.00 3- Evening, Part-time Salaries 3~,[~0.00 4. Other Instructional Costs 2~4,~44.00 6~ Co-Ordinate Activities 6,000.00 [ Auxiliary Agencies-Transportation of Pupils 369,86~.00 . Other Am%!iary Agencies . Operation of School Pl~t 292,6 0 00 9. i~ainten~ce of School Pl~t 138,100[00 10. Fixed Ch~ges 46,550 00 11. Capital Outlay 84~000.00 12. Debt Service ~03~176.00 Vocational Rehabilitation Unit $ 54,000.00 Elem. and Sec. Education Act - Title I 150~000.00 Office of Economic Opportunity & Head Start 30 ~ 500.00 Elem. and Sec. Education Act - Title III 100,000.00 S%~RY Total SJHOOL OPERATING FL%NED appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970 5,426,291.00 SECTION IV That the following s~ums of money be and the same hereby are appropriated ~rom the General Revenue Fund and transferred to the Capital Outlay Fund for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970: ~. Watershed Zrojects ~ 2. Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Improvements 3. County Jail 4. Land Acquisition - Community College [. ~urchase of Burley High School 290,000.00 4,100.00 100,000.00 125,000.00 700,000.00 SUU~5:~Y Total ~k?ITAL OUTLAY ED%YD appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970 ~ 1,219,100.00 SECTION V That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated from the General Revenue Fund and transferred to the VIRGINIA ~I~LI0 ASSiS- TanCE FUND for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, ~970: I. Administration 2. Public Assistance 3. Institutional Care 122,680.00 318,272.00 20~200~00 TOTAL. VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSiST~kN~E FU~VD appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970 $ 461,t52..0q SECTION VI That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated from the General Revenue Fund and transferred to the TFD[TB00K FUND for the p~mrposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970: Sale of Textbooks 40,000.00 SECTION Vii That the following sums of money be and the s~me are hereby appropriated from the General Revenue Fund and transferred to CAFETERIAS for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970: 1. Cafeterias~ ~ 45,000.00 SUMMARY Tozal appropriations from the General Revenue Fund: Section I - General Revenue Fund Section II - General Operating Fund Section III - School Operating ~und Section IV - Capital Outlay ~-knad ~ection V - Virginia Public Assistance Fund Section Vi - Textbook Fund Section VII - Cafeterias Total 11,270.00 1,041,610.00 5,426,291.00 1,219,100.00 152.0o 40,000.00 _ 5,ooo. co 8,244,423.00 SECTION' VIII lO That the following sums of money be sm_d the same are heret~y appropriated from the ~CINTIRE TRUST FUND for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970: 1. l~cIntire Trust 3, ~00. O0 SECTION IX That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated from the GROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUI\rD for the purposes herein specified for the fi scal year ending June 30, 1970: 1. Debt Service $_.__ 5,797.~0 SE3TION X That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated from the DOG TAX ~WffND for the purposes herein specif%ed for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19701:~ 1. Protection of Livestock and Fowls ~ i~,%20.00 SECTION XI That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated from the COUNTY 'W.~i~f~ ~STEMS FUND for the purposes herein specified for the fi scal year ending June 30, 1970: Ad_mini stration 2. Systems mhd W~quipment 3. Repair s and Replacement s 4. Capital Outlay 4,500.00 19,200.00 4,200.00 19,200.00 SU~Y Total COUNTY WATER SqfS~TE~fS F~D appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970 ~ 47,100.00 Gt~ AN D S UIi t~ AirY Total Appropriations from Ail Funds: From General Revenue Fund From ~cIntire Trust ~und From Crozet Sanitary District ~ond From Dog Tax Fund ~rom County Water Systems ~and Total Appropriations ~8,244,423.00 3,500.00 5,797.50 15,520.00 4?, ooooq 8,316,3 o. o SECTION XII All of the monies appropriated as shown by the contained items in Sec- tions I through XI are appropriated upon the provisos, terms, conditions and provisions herein set forth in connection with said items and those set forth in this section. Paragraph One Subject to the qualifications in this ordinance contained, all appro- priations made out of the General Revenue Fund, the General Operating ~tuad, the School Operating ~ond~ the Capital Outlay ~kuad, the Virginia Public Assistance Fund, the Textbook ~und, ~e Cafeteria ~tm~d, the McIntire Trust Fo_nd, the Crozet Sanitary District Fo_nd, the Dog Tax ~and and the County Water Systems Fund are declared to be maximum, conditional and proportionate appropriations--the purpose being to make the appropriations payable in full in the amount namei herein if necessary and then only in the event the aggregate revenues collected and available during the fiscal year for which the appropriations are made are sufficient to pay all the appropriations in full. Otherwise, the said appropriations shall be deemed to be payable in such proportion as the total s~m of all realized revenue of the respective funds is to the tot.al amount of revenue estimated to be available in the said fiscal year bY the Board of Supervisors. Para~aph Two Ail revenue received by any agency under the control of the Board of Supervisors or by the School Board or by the Board of Public Welfare not cluded in its estimate of revenue for the financing of the fund budget as sulmmitted to the Board of Supervisors may not be expended by the said agency under the control of the Board of Supervisors or by the School Board or by the Board of Public ~elfare without the consent of the Board of Supervisors being first obtained. Nor may any of these agencies or boards make expendi- tures v~ich will exceed a specific item of an appropriation or make trans- fers between specific items of appropriation without the consent of the Board of Supervisors being first obtained. Paragraph Three All balances of appropriations payable out of the ~anera! Operating ~-kmd, the School Operating ~and, the Capital Outlay ~mud, the Virginia Public As- sistance Ftmd, the Taxtbook ~Mnd, the Cafeteria Fund and the ~)gg Taxx Fund of the county treasury at the clos~ of business on the thirtieth [30th) day of Jtme, 1969, except as otherwise provided for, are hereby declared to be lapsed into the county treasury and shall be used for the payment of the ap- propriations wb~tch may be made in the appropriation ordinance for the next fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1969. ~aragraph flour No obligations for goods, materials, supplies, equipment or contractura! services for any purpose may be incurred by any department, bureau, agency or individual under the direct control of the Board of ~dpervisors except by requisition to the director of finance; provided, however, no req~misition for contractural services--such as communications, travel, freight, express--and membership fees and subscriptions shall be required; and provided f~rther that no requisition for contractural services involving the issuance of a contract on a competitive bid basis shall be required, but such contract shall be approved by the head of the contracting department, bureau~ agency, or individual and the director of finance, who shall be responsible for securing such competitive bids on the basis of specifications furnished by the contracting department, bureau, agency, or individual. In the event of the failure for any reason of approval herein required for such contracts, said contracts shall be awarded t~ough appropriate action of the Board of Supervisors. Any obligations incurred contrary to these requirements shall not be considered obligations of the county and the director of finance shall not issue any warrants in payment of such obligations. ~aragraph Five Allowances out of any of the appropriations made in th_is ordinance by any or all county departments, bureaus, or agencies under the control of the Board of Supervisors to any of their officers and employees for exp. enses on account of the use of such officers and employees of their personal auto- mobiles in the discharge of their official duties shall not exceed nine cents (9~) a ~mile of actual travel. Paragraph Six All travel ek~pense accounts shall be submitted on forms mud according to regulations prescribed or approved by the director of finance. Paragraph Seven All ordinances a~ud parts of ordinances inconsistent v~th the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. THIS ORDINANCE SI~dkL tlECO~[E Effi~.OTIVE ON JULY FIRST, NINETEEN ~D .'MN]) SIXTY-NII~E. The County Executive called the Board's attention to the fact that the te~ of l~r. Hedley M. Bowen on the Service Authority expired April ~6th and his re-appointment was overlooked. On motion by ~r. Yancey, seconded by M~. Wood, Mr. Bowen was unanimously appointed to the Service Authority for a term 12 of four years ending ,~ril 16, 1973. Mr. Batcheior advised that the preliminary study of sewerage facilities for the Route 29 North area would cost ~6,000.00 and_ recommended a special appropriation for this study. On motion by M~r. Wood, seconded by ~ro Ys_ucey, rules v~th regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolu- tion was unanimously adopted: BE IT IqESOLVED by the Board of Cou.uty Supervisors of Albemarle ~ounty~ Virginia, that ~6,000.00 ~e and the same is hereby appropriated to cover Sewerage Study of the populated portion of the County north of Charlottesville, to the South fork of Rivarm~a River, and to the west of Route 29 to and including the Hessian Hills and ~ontvue areas, said study to be made by John ~cNair & Associates. Request was received from the School Board for an appropriation not to exceed ~1 ,~00 to defray the cost of preparing plans and specifications for a proposed enlargement of the present shower and locker rooms at the Scottsville Jva~ior High School. The County Executive stated that he felt the School Board coUld fin~ sufficient funds within its budget to cover this ~em. At the r~- quest of the Board~ Mr. Walton appeared to discuss this matter. After dis- cussion, motion was made by Mr. ~eeier, seconded by ~. Way, and t~uanimousiy adopted, authorizing the School Board to proceed with plans and specifications for ~he shower and locker rooms at the Scottsvi!le School. The following resolution, dated June 9, 1969, was received from the School Board: "~hereas, on April 9, ~968, this Board recommended to the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County that this Board should purchase from the Charlottesville City School Board the latter Board's one- half interest in the land, buildings and equipment of the Jackson P. Burley.High School located in the City of Charlottesville at the price of ~?00,000.00; And ~ereas, on April 9, 1968, the Board of Supervisors agreed with City officials to purchase said property at that price; _&nd Whereas, this Board is now using said property for school pur- poses, the same being known as the Jack Jouett Junior High School ~qnnex, ~e proposes to continue to use it for school purposes; And '~ereas, this Board has no funds available to pay the purchase price for said property; Now, Therefore, B~[:~it Resolved that this Board hereby requests the Board of Supervisors to appropriate and make available, on or before June 30, 1969, the sum of ~?00,000.00 in cash for payment of the purchase price due %o said City School Board for its one-half interest in said property, and that, upon payment of said purchase price to the proper officials of the City of Charlottesville, a proper con- 'veyance of said property shall be delivered to and accepted by this Board." The County Executive explained that it would be necessary to make a short- term loan from now until December 1 [th and to re-borrow on february ~th. After discussion, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by ~r. Yancey, and uma~imous!y adopted: V~EAS, by resolution adopted April 9, 1968, upon recommendation of the County School Board of Albemarle County~ this Board resolved to purchase from the School Board of the City of Charlottesville the City's one-ha~lf ~uudivided interest in the land, buildings and equipment of Jackson P. Burley High School located in said City for the sum of ~700,000.00 in cash; and ~AS, by the terms of the agreement with the City for said purchase, payment is to be made and deed delivered on June 30, 1969; and ~V~EAS, neither this Board nor the County School Board has' funds on hand to pay said purchase price, although it is anticipated that sufficient revenue for that purpose will be forthcoming from 1969 tax collections on or before December ~ ~, 1969; ~ N0W~ T~ERE~0~, B~ IT t~ESOL~ t~at this Board shall borrow from the four banks in Charlottesville and Albemarle County the principal sum of ~?00,000.00, at a rate of interest not to exceed six per centum per annum; and that said loan shall be repaid not later than December ~, ~969; ~ND ~ IT E~RTHER I~ESOLVEI) that said sum of ~?00,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of purchasing the City School Board's interest in said Bu~!ey High School property and shall be paid to the City of Charlottesville or to its School Board as consideration for conveyance by the City School Board of its interest in said property to the County School Board of Albemarle County by deed subject to approval by the Coumty Attorney who shall examine and approve the title to the real estate so conveyed. Aud the Chairman of this Board and the Co~uty ~xecutive are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate said iaan from the banks, to execute and deliver a~note in behalf of this Board evidencing said loan, to collect the loan proceeds~ and to take such other action as may be necessary or advisable to carry out the pmrpose of this resolution and to conclude the purchase from the City School Board, all in cooperation with the County School Board. Statements of ~xpenses of the ~epartment of.~ina~ce, the Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonweaith~s Attorney were submitted for the month of ~ay, 1969. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by l~r. Vfay, tt~ese statements were tuuanimously approved. Statement oF expanses inct~rred in the maintenance of the County Jail was sui~nitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the month of May, 1969. On motion of M~r. ¥;~ee!er, seconded by ~r. Yancey, these statements were unanimously approved. Report on S.L.H. was received from Dr. Sturkie for the month of May, ~969, and was ordered filed. Reports of the Department of l~ublic Welfare were submitted for the month of ~[ay, 1969, in accordance v.~[th Sections 63-67.~ and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amotunt of ~ ~[66.72 was submitted for hospitalization of indigent patients under S.L.H. for the month of ~ay, ~969. On motion of Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Yancey, this claim was tunanimously approved for payment. Report of the County Executive was received for the month of May, ]969, and was ordered filed. The County Executive recommended an appropriation of ~8~0.00, to match like appropriation by the City of Charlottesville, for expansion of parking facilities at the Joint Air~.ort. He pointed out that recent construction of the rescue building has provided excavation work which will .'~ require only a minimum of work to get approximately fifteen parking spaces. On motion by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. V[heeler, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution ~muanimous!y adopted: ~E IT ~-F. SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that ~8~0.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated as the County's one-half s~are of expanding parking facilities at the Joint Airport. The Oou~.ty Attorney reported that if the Board so desires, it can regulate dogs in County-owned recreation areas in any way deemed necessary and advisable. In response to inqUiry from the Board, the County Executive advised that he ha~~ received approximately half a dozen complaints about dogs in our recreation areas. On motion by l~r. ~hee!er, seconded by Mr. Way and unanimously carried, this matter was tabled. S.~.C]A. report for the month of ~ay, ~969, was received mud om motion by Mr. Wheeler~ seconded by .Mr. '~fay~ was unanimously approved. Claim against the Dog Tax ~und was received from Mr. Dan Maupin for one bull calf killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Yancey, seconded by ~.~r. Way, ~aupin was allowed ~30.00 for this cain. Communication was received from the Albemarle County Farm Bureau advising that they did not feel we have a thistle problem in Albemarle County but rather the areas of great concern are abandoned far~s or those owned by absentee landlords. The Bureau recommended that the Board urge all landovmers, including public utility companies, to make every effort to control the thistle but recoF~nended against the adoption of an ordi- nance at this time. On motion by ~r. Wheeler, seconded by ~r. Yancey, it was ordered that the Farm Bureau be thmnked for its study and recommendation sand the following resolution was unanimously adopted: V~AS, the Agriculture Committee of the Scottsville Lions Club early thais year requested this Board to give consideration to the adoption of sm ordinance which would require landowners to spray for the control of musk and curled thistle[; mhd ~YTa~EAS, this Board in an extensive study has obtained ~a~ies of ord_inances mud the effectiveness thereof from all known counties who have experienced the problem of thist~la control and has also requested the cooperation of the Southern and Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Companies in spraying their rmghts-of-way; and ¥~2~EAS, this Board has also sought the advice of the County A~ent and the Albemarle Co,story ffarm Bureau in its study~ and WHEREAS, report from the ~arm ~ureau of its study of this matter does not recommend the adoption of such an ordinance at this time but rather solicits the cooperation of our landavmers; NOW, THEREfrOm, ~E IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, ¥irginia, that this Board does hereby accept the recommendation of the Albemarle County ~arm Bureau and ~ges the cooperation of all landowners in Albemarle Oounty in the control of musk and curled thistle on a voluntary basis. Communication was received from Mr. Comer ~nith, Chairman of the Wei- fare Board, with re~ard~.~to.request from the Child[ren's Home Society 0~ ¥irginia~ which was referred to that body for reco~mendation. Mr. Smith advised that it was the consensus that the Welfare Board should not recom- mend that the Board of Supervisors use tax funds to support a private charitable organization. On motion by Mr. Way, seconded by ~r. ~heeler~ and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Welfare Board was ac- cepted. Communication was received from Mr. James E. Board with regard to the intent of the University of.~irginia to cease operation of the University- ov~ed airport at Milton. T~[~ County ~xecutive advised that the Airport Commission is willing to give the Universit~ any assistance they can to help in this regard. The Clerk was directed to acknowledge Nr. Board's communication and to advise that the Airport Commission is aware of this situation and is taking the matter under consideration. Nr~ Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission had considered the recommendations of Rosser H. Payne for adoption of policy with regard to processing rezoning cases and how the policy should ~be administered until the comprehensive plan is formally adopted by this Board. He advised that the Planning Commission does not feel that it should be encumbered with a written policy as such at this time and did not see fit to adopt same. No formal action was taken by this Board. At 1:30 P.~. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as advertised in the Daily Progress on Nay 30, June 11 and June 1~, 1969, as follows: (1) CU-103. Bequest of Waverly Harris for conditional use permit to locate a mobile home on five acres on l~oute 6644~ Just north of Route 776. Nr. Harris appeared in support of his application; no one appeared in opposi- tion. ~r. Humphrey advised that the staff and Planning Commission recommended approval of this application subject to Health Department approval of septic system. On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by ~r. Way and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. (2) CU-106. Application of Julia ~. '~aiting for conditional use permit to lOcate a mobile home on three acres on Route 689 near Niller School. No one appeared regarding this application. Nr. Humphrey advised that the staff and Planning Commission recommended approval of this application subject to Health Department approval of septic system. On motion by Er. Wheeler, seconded by Er. Yancey, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. (3) CU-Special Permit 07. Application of Thelma Vest to place a mobile home on two acres off Route 29 South. Ers. Vest appeared in support of her application; no one appeared in opposi- tion. Nr. Humphrey advised that the staff and Planning Commission recommended approval of this application subject to Health Department approval .of septic system. On motion by Er. Way, seconded by Er. Wheeler, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. Claims against the County amounting to $1,682,643.0~ were presented, examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General l~evenue Fund General Operating ~-kuud School ODerating Fund ¥irg~a Public Assistance Fund Cafeterias Capital Outlay CroZet Sanitary District County Water Systems Dog Tax Fund Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account On motion, the meeting was adjourned. Total $ 101,685.U3 471.,886.05 39,9¢0.~ 14,~97.6U 783,327.20 435.00 963.26 73.31 266,905.2t $1,682,643.05 Oh~airman