HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-30SPECIAL June 30, 1969
Pursuant to the following waiver, the Board of County Supervisors met
in special session on this date. with the following members present: ~essrs.
E~,.~N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, ~eter T. Way, Gordon L. ~neeler, Lloyd F.
Wood, Jr. and l~. A. Yancey. Absent: None.
~We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special
service thereof of a meeting to be held at 2:30 P.N. on the 30th
day of June, 1969, in the County Office Building, for the purpose
of considering request for additional police protection, and a~
meeting to be held jointly with City Council at 3:30 P.E. at City
Hall for the purpose of considering request from the Charlottesville-
Albemarle Community Nental Health Services Board, and we do hereby
consent to any and all business and the taking of such action at
said meetings upon the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be law-
ful, incident and necessary thereto. ~ ~..~ ~~
E. N. Garnett
Pe~e~ T. Way~ ~
Gordon L.~Wheeler
Lloyd . ood, Jr.
The Chairman explained that this meeting was called to discuss with the
~eriff request received at the re~l~ J~e meet~g ~om the Crozet ~ons
Club for a deputy to be confined ~o the patrolling of only :~ozet ~d its
environs. Several merch~ts ~d interested citizens ~om the Crozet ~ea
were present. ~. Norm~ Gill~, acting as spoke~ for the ~oup, advised
that there had been eleven bre~-~s in the Crozet ~ea s~ce J~u~y lsD.
He stated that a deputy assi~ed to Crozet ~d the s~ro~ding ~ea between
the ho~s of 10:00 P.~. ~d 6:00 A.N. ~uld be help~l in prevention of crime.
The Cowry Executive reiterated the Co~ty's request of the Comp~sation Bo~d
~d that body's denial of part of o~ request as recorded in ~nutes of the
meeting of J~e 19th. The Sheriff s~ated that he a~eed~hat there is a need
for a deputy in Crozet ~d felt that Compensation Bo~d approval of the
positions requested would solve the problem. ~. ~eeler suggested p~t-time
dispatchers rather th~u pull~g deputies off duty for t~s p~pose. ~. ~ood
stated that he felt the 'Sheriff's Department is completely under-staffed.
Mr. Walter Young of Greenwood s~ted that he is also interested in adequate
police protection in his area. The Cottuty Executive recommended that he
and the Sheriff be authorized to appear before the Compensation Board to
request allowance for retaining McCormick as part-time, for employing two
additional process servers and for employing relief man for dispatching
and jail work. Mr. Gibson stated that he would like the Sheriff to pro-
ceed with interviews regardless of State participation. On motion by Mr.
Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, and unanimously carried, the Sheriff was
authorized to employ su~.~icient personnel to free three deputies and the
~neriff and County Executive were authorized to seek State participation
through the Compensation Board.
At 3:30 p.M. the Board adjourned to City Hall for joint meeting with
City Council.
Mr. Clyde Gouldman read interim application for funding of Community
Mental Health and Mental RetardatiOn Programs under Chapter 10, Title 37.1,
Code of Virginia for FY 1971-72. Mr. George Gilliam, Chairman Of the local
Mental Health Services Board, intrOduced Mr. Hilton Hedrick, who has estab-
lished four such programs in other localities, and advised that Mr. Hedrick
is being considered as administrator for planning' the local program.
Hedrick reviewed the application, proposed budget and matters relating to
the proposed program. Mr. Hedrick also answered questions from members of
this Board and Council. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Wood,
seconded by Mr. Gibson, authorizing the Chairm~ to sig~ the interim appli-
cation as submitted in conjunction with the City of Charlottesville. Mr.
Yancey called for roll call vote on this motion which follows:
Ayes: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Wood.
Nays: Messrs. Way, Wheeler, Yancey.
The County Executive pointed out that if the County does not approve this
application today, the Co~muty will be excluded from entering this program
for the next two years. After discussion by members of this Board, the
Chairman declaimed the motion on the iloOr to be killed by the three-three
vote. Motion was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, authoriz-
ing the Chairman to execute the interim application as submitted 'in conjunc-
tion with the City. This motion carried with Mr. Way cas~ing the only vote
against it. (Similar motion was unanimously adopted by City Council. )
On motion by Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, rules with regard to
second reading were suspended and the following resolution was unanimously
adopted: (City Council made similar appropriation. )
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $7,500.00 be and the same is hereby appro-
riate& to cover the County's one-halF share of sala~y for eleven
months of an~ administrator for planning local Nental Health Program.
On motion, ~he meeting was adjomrned.
~ Dhairman