HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-172 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Co~nty, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day of July, 1969. Present: Nessrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Peter T. ~Way, Gordon L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. and ~R. A. Yancey. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Garnett. Minutes of the meetings of June 19, June 30 and Jfuly 10, 1969, were ap- proved as submitted on motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way and unani- mously approved. Mr. Warner advised that there is not sufficient right-of-way on the con- nection of Route 1202 and the Chesapeake & 0hi~ Railway Company property in Crozet, but his office is attempting to resolve this. Mr. Garnett requested Mr. 'Warner to contact Mr. Dabney Sandridge regarding this matter. Mr. Wood advised that the intersection of Route 29 and Rio Road is be- coming progressively worse and was advised by Mr. Warner that he hoped to get an island constructed at this intersection within the next week. Mr. Wood also requesting "no Dark.ing" signs where cars au~ pulling off the road and dumping trash on Barracks road just past Cotthurst Farms and on the right near Ivy Creek. He stated that he has also recieved complaihts re- garding the dumping of trash on subdivisions, particularly in 'Westmoreland and Northfields. Mr. Wood advised that he had received complaint regarding drainage into yards from new construction ~/mst p~st the 7-11 on Hydraulic Road. Mr. Warner advised that the l~y of the land makes piping impossibl~ but there are drainage easements over the property at the property line in question. Mr. Wheeler asked if work at the Broadus Wood School entrance had been completed. He stated that people in the area don't think there is much im- provement and requested Mr. Warner to make an inspection before blacktopping. Mr. Way made inquiry regarding Reynovia Lake Road and was advised by Mr. Warner that he is trying to get the contractor to finish this job. Mr. Yancey advised that a short stretch of Route 684 is almost impassible. Mr. Warner advised that he went over this section of road with the superin~ tendent on the job yesterday and gave orders for the work to be done today. Two Communications were received from Dr. Charles hurt requesting the in- clusion into the Secondary System of Huntington Road and Carrsbrook Drive. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way and unanimously adopted: HE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County.Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, subject to compliance with standards of said Department, the follow- ing roads located in Northfields~ Subdivision, Albemarle Cotmty: Huntington Road from the intersection with D~lwood Road to intersection with Northfields Road, ~?a~ength of approxi- mately 6132 feet. Carrsbrook Drive from the intersection with North_fields Road to its intersection with Huntington Road, a length of approximately 500 feet. BE IT KGRTNER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of High- ways be and is hereby guaranteed a ~0-ft. tuuobstructed right-of-way on these requested additions, along with drainage easements, ~he same having been recorded by plats in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 3~2, pages 23~, 237 and 239~ Deed Book 3~7, page ~39; Deed Book 3~8, page 467; Deed Book 360, page 2~; Deed Book 368, page 432; and Deed Book 376, page 187. ~ 1969-70 Secondary Budget was presented, copies of which were mailed to each Board member prior to this meeting. Action on this budget was deferred until the regular August meeting. Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways ad- vising that as requested in resolution of this Board dated Narch 20, 1969, the following addition and abandonment were approved, effective July 7, 1969: Addition - Tobacco Street and Harrison Street in the Town of Scottsville, Section 4 of new connection, from Route T-130~ to Route T-1307, project 0020-002-102,C-~01, length 0.1~ mile. Abandonment - Section 3 of Route T-1306, from Route T-1307 to Route 6, having been taken into new location of Route 20, pro- ject 0020-002-102,C-~01, length 0.04 mile. Copy of 1969-70 final allocations for interstate and rural primary con- struction was submitted, Xerox copies of which were forwarded to each member prior to this meeting. The request of C. C. and S. H. Woodson for the abandonment of a section of the old Lyncl~burg Road was again brought before the Board. The County Executive recommended that any consideration by this Board should be brought to this body by attorneys. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted, directing the CotuUty Executive to explain by letter that this is a civil matter and attorneys should be em- ployed to resolve the matter. Nr. John Humphrey, County Planner, gave a status report on the State Thoroughfare Planning Process. He advised that traffic engineers have submitted tentative agreements and there is no need for aotion by the Board at this time but he would recommend that the Planning Commission be requested to continue its study of this matter. The recommendation of Nr. Humphrey was accepted. Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office mud the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the month of June, 1969. On motion of Nr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. 'Wheeler, these statements were unanimously approved. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail ..... ~s~-~tted along with s~mmary statement of prisoner days for the month of June, 1969. On motion of Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. ~heeler, these statements were unanimously approved. Report on inspection of the jail was received from the Department of Wel- fare and Institutions and on motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey and unanimously carried, was accepted. At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearings on zoning requests as advertised in the Daily Progress on June 27, July 4 and July 11, 1969, as follows: (1) ZMP-058. Request of Forrest E. Paulett to rezone 8.55 acres from Agri- cultural A-1 to Residential R-1 to develop single fa.mily dwellings. Mr. Paulett was present; no one appeared in opposition. Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff recommended approval on the basis that this area is located in the environs of Scott~sville which can be considered logical extension of resi- development under the R-1 zoning and noted that this petition is one that can be heard while developing the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission unanimously approved this application. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, this application was unanimously approved. (2) Z~P-04~. Request of J. F. Bishop to rezone 9.50 acres from Agricural A-1 to Residential R-1 for rental houses. Located on Route 606 and access road to A.T.T. Station on Piney Mountain. No one from the pUblic appeared regarding this application. Mr. Humphrey ad- vised that the staff recommended denial of this application for three reasons. (1) Undue density which would be out of character with the area and conditions of topography. (2) To allow R-1 density at this location without proper facili- ties to serve it would not be in the best interest of the immediate community and CountY as it relates to safety, health and general Welfare. (3) The zoning of the parcel to R-1 would not provide for the conservation of the County's natural resources and amenities, Mr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission accepted the staff's recommendation by a 6-2 vote. On motion by Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, and unanimously carried, this application was denied. (3) ZMP-061. Request of Lloyd D. McDan&el to rezone ~.32 acres from Agri- cultural A-1 to Residential R-1 to construct single family dwellings. Located north of Route 691 near Greenwood on Beagles Gap Road. Nr. Humphrey advised that Nfs. ~cDaniel had informed him by telephone that Nr. NcDaniel was ill and neither of them could be present for this meeting. No one i~om the public appeared. Nr. Humphrey further advised that the staff is of the opinion that the RS-1 zone is proper on this parcel because of its topography, the present status of Beagle Gap's Road, and that the proper delineation of residential development in the area hn lots less than two acres should terminate at the Railroad and Tuckedaway Branch to the north.He noted that this petition could be heard while the Comprehensive Plan is being prepared. H~· reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval as requested by the applicant. AFter discussion, motion was offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted, that action on this application be deferred until the regular August meeting. (4) 'ZNP-062. Bequest of l~. W. Proffitt, I~I to rezone three acres from Agricultural A-I to Residential RS-1 for single family dwellings. Located on Route 660 at western end of Charlottesville Reservoir. Nr. Prof~itt was present; no one appeared in opposition. Nr. Humphrey advised that the staff felt one acre development at this location will establish policy which will tend to allow lots of lesser density between the reservoir and the existing urban area and suggested deferral until the Naster Plan has sufficient information to determine the validity of this request. He reported that the Planning Commission, by a ~-3 vote, recommended approval as requested. Notion wa~ offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, accepting recommendation ~ of the Planning Commission. Substitute motion was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, approving RS-1 for one acre and ~A-I For two acres, The substitute motion was unanimously adopted. (5) Z~P-063. Request of Floyd F~eming, Sr. to rezone two acres ITom Agri- cultural A-1 to Residential 1~-1 for single family development. Located on Route 20 North behind and adjoining Key West Subdivision on Bt. 769. Nr. Fleming was present; no one appeared in opposition. Er. Humphrey advised that the staff felt RS-1 zoning is proper. However, in view of the granting of R-1 zoning across l~t. 769 on the addition to Key West Subdivision and since the property would front on a road across from existing R-1 zoning, the staff would recommend R-1 zoning. He further advised that the Planning Commission gave unanimous approval to the application as submitted. On motion by Er. Wheeler, seconded by Er. Gibson, this application was unanimously approved. (6) z~P-064. Request of Wayland Nac~ne Co., Inc. to rezone 8.412 acres from Agricultural A-1 'to ~-1 Nanufacturing for the purpose of making a nonconforming use conforming. Nr. Powell and Nr. Junius Fi shburne appeared on behalf of the petitioner; no one appeared in opposition. Er. Humphrey advised that if the Planning Commis- sion and this Board are of the opinion that this is an error and oversight on the original zoning map, then it should be corrected on that basis, provided it is the opinion of the two bodies that it would be in the best interest of the County as it relates to the welfare, health and safety of the immediate area. The only other recourse open to the applicant, he stated, is through a special exception to permit them to make the existing structure sound and to expand the operation. Nr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended unanimously approval as submitted. On motion of Nr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. (7) Application of Lester W. Carter (Z~P-06~) to rezone 3.82 acres from Agri- cultural A-1 to Residential RS-1 for single f~m~ly use. Located on south side oS Route 67~ (Albemarle Lake Road). No one appeared with regard to this application. Nr. H'~phrey advised that the staff is of the opinion that this could be considered a petition to await the outcome of the Comprehensive study before establishing a policy, noting that the division which has taken place, other than Albemarle Lake with its half acre lot average, is almost two acres. He reported that the Planning Commission tied in its vote on this application. Az%er discussion, motion was offered by Er. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, and unanimously carried, to grant the request as submitted. (8) Application of Cecil J. Shifflett (ZEP-067) to rezone one acre 1*rom Agri- cultural A-1 to Residential R-1. Located in the Woodridge area on Route .620. No one appeaCed in opposition, Er. Shifflett was present. Nr. Humphrey advised that the staff has considered this area as a possible village center to channel growth in this area, its road system tending to support the possibility., and suggested RS-1 one acre in the immediate area due to the inavailability of public sewer and water at present. If R-1 is granted, he stated, the policy will have been established for other 1~-I zoning, thereby creating the poSsi- bility of undue density which n~y press the County to provide unwarranted ex- penditure to accomodate this intense residential use. He further advised that RS-1 with septic field and well would tend to prevent this possibility, and recommended RS-1 instead of 1~-1 as requestedk: Nr. Humphrey reported that the Pla~_~!ng Commission unanimously approved this request in keeping with the staff report. On motion by Er. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Way, and unanimously adopted, l~S-1 zoning was approved for this applicant. (9) ZNP-068. Application of Charlie W. Patterson to rezone t .30 acres I'rom Agricultural A-I to Residential RS1 for single family dwellings. Located on Route 726, South of l~oute 6. Nr. Way reported that he received a call from Nr. Patterson advising that he had to be away today a~ud could not be present. No one appeared in opposition. Nr. Humphrey advised that both the staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval of this application. On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously adopted, the application was approved as submitted. (t0) Z~P-069. Application of Thomas M. Flint to rezone 5.0 acres from Agri- bultural A~I to R-1 Residential. Located at Stony Point on Route 20. No one appeared with regard to this application. Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff would suggest approval of a RS-1 zone on this property for reason that it appears to meet the Statement of Intent of the RS-1 Zone. He reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval in keeping with the staff report. On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was unanimously accepted. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month of June, 1969, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. Report on S.L.H. was received from Dr. Sturkie for the month of June, 1969, and was ordered filed. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $358.16 was subm~_tted for hospitalization of indigent patients under ~E for the month of June, 1969. On motion of Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Yancey, this claim was uuanimously approved for payment. The Board~ attention was again called to vacancy on the Library Board due to the expiration on June 30th of the term of Mr. Walter Scott. Nr. Garnett advised that he and Mr. Yancey had met regarding this matter. On motion by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, and unanimously adopted, Mr. James R. San&ridge was appointed to the Library Board for a three-year term expiring June 50, 1972, and the Clerk was directed to write Mr. Scott thanking him for his services. The County Executive submitted communication from The Nichie Company re- garding request from Judge Zehler of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court for additional office space. Mr. Batchelor advised that he had reviewed the need for this space with Judge Zehler and the City Manager and recommended that the County participate in i~s one-half of".Dhe $150.00 per month which the additional offices will cost. On motion by Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, the recommendation of the County Executive was unanimously accepted. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. George W. Ellinger for one lamb killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, Mr. Ellinger was allowed $18.00 for this lamb. The County Executive submitted list of over-expenditures for the year ended June 30, 1969, as follow~ 28 6,~33.~6 lA Board of County B~upervisors $ 8,773.74 1AA Niscellaneous Services 1 C Department of Finance 2,552.51 1G County Planning Commission 2,507 · 70 5A Circuit Court ~32.17 6~A Juvenile Court 1,825.90 Policing and Investigating ~ ~ 7C Operation of County Landfill #2 , 20.54 , 81.51 13 Elections 2,05~2.92 14 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds I ,02U.40 17 Administration, School Board 1,293.27 11.2 Evening, Part-time, etc. 21,307.19 6 1 .3 Other InStructional Costs 3,707. 6 17 ~ Auxiliary Agencies, Transportation of Pupils 3,640.96 17~ Operation of School P~ant 4,982.97 17.8 Capital Outlay 17 12 Elementary & Secondary Education ACT TITLE I 52464'14 · ,357.55 19.14 Construction - Brownsville Elem. School 7,500.00 19 1~ Construction - Charlottesville Jr. High School 7,500.00 19~1v Construction - Stone Robinson Addition 59,598.89 19.H Crozet Sewerage Facilities Engineering 9,370.00 19.N North l~ivanna Water Facilities 117,376.01 20 Textbooks 1,59~6.52 25 Cafeterias 1 5,384.02 60.4 County Water Systems- Capital Outlay ........ 85.67 Total $308,274.07 On motion by Nr. Way, seconded by Nr.~neeler, and unanimously adopted, the fore- going over-expenditures were approved. The County Executive requested approval of the following re-appropriations of funds aDpropriated d~ring the year ending June 30, 1969 and as yet not ex- pended: 1AA-219.2 Shelving, etc., Crozet Library $ 1,800.00 laa-219.7 Mental Health 7~00.00 1aa-700.4 North 29 Sewer Study 6,000.00 laa-750 County Comprehensive Plan 12,175.00 11-219 Soil Survey 11,323.90 14-602 County Office Building Renovations 2,173.40 19.19-226 Architects Fees-Study of over-crowded conditions at high schoo~ level '7,500.00 Watershed Projects-Construction Contracts 227,193.82 Capital Outlay - County's share of land for Joint Jail Water System Acquisition &Improvements 19E-410 19L 19~v Total 8,660.00 25~000.00 $309,326.12 On motion by Nr.Yancey, seconded by-Nr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted, the foregoing amounts were re-appropriated. S.P.C.A. report was submitted for the month of June, 1969, and on motion of Nr. Way, seconded by Nr. Yancey, was unanimously approved. The request from Community Action Organization for an appropriation in the amount of $3,000.00 which has been deferred for some months ~ras again brought up for consideration. Nr. Wheeler, who serves on the CA0 Board stated-~that in his opinion the child development centers are most worthwhile and since Federal funds have been curtailed for this project and local residents have beeq~ making '.an effort to raise funds, he moved approval of an appropriation of $3,000.00 for one year to be designated for use at the Esmont and Union I~un Centers, and con- tingent upon sufficient funds being raised to continue this project. This motion was seconded by Nr.. Way. Nr. Gibson, in discussion following the motion, stated that he agrees with Nr. Wheeler but is deeply concerned about the managerial structure and the priorities which were locally recommended. He cited $30,000 request for emergency medical needs and the cost of $1~,000 for hiring three people to find the need and distribute these emergency funds. Nr. 'Wood stated that he agreed with Nr. Gibson but will vote a qualified yes. This motion carried by a 3-2 vote, with Nr. Gibson and Nr. Yancey voting against the appropriation. At 1:30 P.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as advertised in the DailyProgress on June 27, July 4 and July 11, 1969, as follows: (1) Gtl;,,l~l;O. Request of Robert B. Albee to locate a campground for travel trailers on land located 0.~ miles west of Yancey Nills and containing 47.11 acres. Due to some confusion existing over hearing by the Planning Comm~ ssion as reported in the newspaper, this hearing was deferred until the regular August meeting on motion by Nr. Way, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, and unanimously adopted. CU-111. Application of Daley Craig for approval of a master plan of develol~nent in an area designated for a Planned Community in an A-1 Agricultural Zone. Located on Hydraulic-Bio Road on property presently known as the Blue Ridge Golf Course. representative was pr~e.z~ent for Nr. Craig. No one appeared~ in opposition. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval sub- ject to the following conditions: Staff recommendations: A drainage structure be shown at the tie in to Route 631 and that a deceleration lane be shown as suggested, serving the major entrance on Route 631. The system of public and privately maintained roads as shown with the lo,owing exceptions: That the 60 foot road to be dedicated extending from the major internal road to the south property line be realigned to inter- sect said property line approximately 1~0 feet further south of the existing alignment. bm A waiver under subdivision control would have to be given for 3 of the proposed private roads as it relates to minimum length of cul-de-sac streets. That dedication of 3~ feet from the center line of Route 631 be shown in keeping with the adopted Charlottesville-Albemarle Thoroughfare Plum and that the two cul-de-sacs be so arranged to prevent' access to Route 631 and glare from headlights of vehicles. The Highway DeRartment has requested a setback to accomodate a ninty foot r/wwhich may require a reduction in the length Of cul-de-sac. de That an additional pedestrian underpass be placed under the internal public street near the line between the commercial area and apartment area if topography is such to permit its installation. That the permit be approved for a density not to exceed 682 units as proposed and that sidewalks be installed in the areas desig- nated for patio houses and townhouses. fe That the doct~ment establishing the Home Owner's Association for maintenance of the private streets and common areas be reviewed by the County Attorney and Planning Consultant, Nr. Rosser Payne, before approval of the document. County Engineer's recommendations: a~ Drainage: No pipe or intake structure sizes are shown. It is assumed the~e will be sized in accordance with the applicable standards of the Virginia Department of Highways. Also, street ditches and lead-off ditches to natural waterways ~with grades of ~% or greater should be paved. Wherever it is convenient down- spouts from buildings should be piped directly into the stOrm- drainage systems. Water Mains: The County is to be given adequate rights-of-way in the several private streets shown for the servicing and maintain- ing of water lines ~_ncluding the reading of meters. Water main~.'~ which are to be taken over by the County. of albemarle for main- tenance and operation shall be subject to County review of plans and inspection of construction. T~e water system should be sized for fire protection and fire hydrants provided where needed. Pro- visions for blowing off of lines should be made at all deadends. Ce Sewer: Sewer lines which are to be taken over by the County for maintenance and operations shall be subject to the review of plans and inspection of construction by the County. The County shall be granted adequate rights-of-way over private lands or streets for the servicing and maintaining of sewers. On motion by Nr. ~ood, seconded by ~r. Gibson, unanimously adopted, Nr. Craig was commended for the master plan submitted and approval was given subject to the foregoing conditions and subject to review and approval of subdivision plat by the County Attorney and Zoning Administrator and with consideration to ad- ditional right-of-way width on Route 631. (3) 0U-107. Application of Daniel G. VanClief for conditional use permit to to allow temporary office and storage of vehicles in an A-1 zone in con- junction with'the installation of a public utility. Located on Route 20 South, one mile north of Scottsville. Er. Edward Bidwell appeared on behalf of Nr. VanClief. No one appeared in op- position. Nr. ~mphrey advised that the Planning Commission approved this ap- plication subject to the following conditions as recommended by the staff: t. That the parking of employee vehicles and any storage of equipment be no closer to the right-of-way of Route 20 than 120 feet. That the location of the office trailer comply with the/minimum set- back in an A-1 zone of 30 feet from the right-of-way of Route 20. That the lot on which the subject application ~has been applied for be cleaned up after termination of the activity to a state it was in prior to the location of the activity. On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded bYNr. Way, unanimously adopted, this appli- cation was approved subject to the foregoing, conditions. (14) 0U-108. Application of Daniel G. VanOlief for conditional use permit to allow a public garage in an A-~ zone on Route 20 ~outh, one mile north of Scott sville. Nr. Bidwell-also appeared in support of this application. No one appeared in opposition. Nr. Humphrey rep~Qrted that the Planning Commission recommended ap- proval subject to the following staff recommendations: 1. All activity to be condUcted within the e~olosed building. 3!' 2. To be conducte& no longer than one year. On motion by Nr. Way, seconded by Nr. Yancey, the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission was unanimously accepted. (5) CU109. Application of Virginia Electric & Power Co. for conditional use permit to expand an existing substation located on l~oute 810 north of Crozet. Nr. Lionel Key appeared on behalf of VEPC0. No one appeared in opposition. Mr. Humphrey reported that the Staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to landscaping being provided aroun~ the proposed addition in keeping with such landscaping that already exists. On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. (6) Special Permit - 02. Application of Harry N. Pri~e to locate a mobile home on 31.0+ acres located on Route 649 next to Jefferson Village ~ub- divi sion. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended ~enial based on the opinion that the location of a mobile home in this area would be incom- patible with the existing and emerging conventional housing development. No one appeared with regard to this application. Co~mmunication was received From Nr. Price advising that the house presently on the property is maintained as a home for his mother and is in need of repairs which would prove too costly. After discussion, motion was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, and ~do.~pted, approving this special permit for the lifetime of Nr. Price's mother, subject to location of the mobile home being approved by the Zoning Administrator and subject to annual review to determine that the mobile home is being used by Nr. Price's mother. Nr. Wheeler voted against this motion. (7) Special Permit - 0d. Application of Clara Jones to locate a mobile home on 2.0 acres located on Route 666 in the Earlysville area. No one appeared with regard to this application. Nr. Humphrey advised tD~t the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to approval of sanitary facili- ties by the Health Department. On motion by Er. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commi~ssion was accepted. Nr. Humphrey advised that the County is in need of an~~. Industrial Park Zone and recommended that the Planning Commission be requested to study and make recommendation at earliest possible date rather than await the Compre- hensive Plan. On motion by Nr. Way, seconded by ~. ~neeler, and unanimously adopted, Er. Humphrey wa~s directed to request the Planning Commission to pro~ ceed with this matter as outlined. The County Executive reported that the Compensation Board agreed to partici- pate in the salary of two additional process servers in the SherifF's Office but no other requests were granted. The County Executive was directed to continue efforts with the Compensation Board along with the Sheriff and to make a report 32: at the next regular meeting. It was also ordered that the Sheriff be requested to appear at the regular August meeting $o give a progress report on persons interviewed, persons employed and any pertinent information with regard to acquiring additional personnel for his o£fice. Nr. Garnett stated that he had received inquiries regarding the status of the Crozet sewer study. Nr. Batchelor advised that he is trying to get ad- ditional grant money in view of up-dated financial picture. ~laims against the County amounting to $573,348.93 were presented, examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following: ~g funds: General Revenue Fund General Operating Fund School Operating Fund Virginia Public Assistance Fund Cafeterias Capital Outlay Dog Tax Fund County ~Fater Systems Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax Total $ 75,010.11 26~,436.68 2~,724.20 7~,347.75 911.47 109,09~.21 ..... 9o.8 $ 573,348.93 On motion, the meeting was adjourned. - Chairman~