HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-18 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 18th day of
September, 1969.
Present: Messrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Donald Carroll, Gordon
L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. and R. A. Yancey.
.Absent: None..
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Garnett.
Minutes of the meeting of August 21, 1969 and of September 4, 1969, were
approved as submitted on motion of Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Gibson, and
unanimously carried.
Mr. B. G. Warner, Besident HighwayEngineer, reported on the status of
flood damage. He stated that the only through Boad still blocked is Route 602
into Nelson County and his department is in the process of clearing the debris
on this road. All other roads are in maintainable condition. He reported that
the Warren Ferry needs repair and also the bridge to get across to the ferry
needs corrective repairs. All other bridges have either been temporarily or
permanently re stored.
Mr. Warner submitted plat showing the recommended disposition of old
rights-of-way as a result of new construction on Route 678 and requested reso-
lution approving said recommendations. The following resolution was o~fered
by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, certain changes have resulted in the Secondary System
due to relocation and construction on Route 678; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that no public hearing will be
necessary in this instance due to the fact that the property owners
involved have access to the new locations and/or own the property
on both sides of the old locations;
NOW, THERE--, BE IT BESOLVEDby the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle Cou~ty, Virginia, that the following additions, abandon-
memts and discontinuances be and'they are hereby approved, each section
listed being indicated on sketch presented to this meeting and made a
part of the Board's permanent file:
Section 1 - 0.19 mile shown in blue to be abandoned.
Section 2 - 0.20 mile shown in blue to be abandoned.
Section 3 - 0.10 mile shown in blue to be abandoned.
Section 4 - 0.14 mile shown in red to be added to the Secondary
Section 5 - 0.14 mile shown in red to be added to the Secondary
Section 6 - 0.09 mile shown in red to be added to the Secondary
Section 7 - 0.15 mile shown in yellow to be discontinued.
BE IT Ft~THER RESOLVED that copy of this resolution be forwarded
to the Virginia Department of Highways.
Operational and fiscal summary for the fiscal year 1967-68 was also re-
ceived from the Highway' Department and on motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by
Mr. Yanoey, was acknowledged and ordered file&.
'Secondary System Budget for the year 1969-70 which was deferred since the
July meeting was again brought up for discussion. Mr. Wheeler questioned Mr.
Warner about construction on Route 643 and was advised that this was programmed
for construction in the 1971-72 fiscal year but was not included in the budget
submitted. With assurance from Mr. Warner that Route 643 is scheduled for
construction to begin in the 1971-72 fiscal year, Mr. Wheeler.offered the
following resolution which was seconded by Mr. Gibson and unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Secondary System Budget for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 19~0, as submitted by Mr. R. G. Warner, Resi-
dent Engineer, be and the same is hereby approved as follows:
Ordinary Maintenance ...........
Maintenance Replacement s .........
Incidental Construction .........
State Funds Project Construction .....
Total ..... $ !, 192,042.00
Nr. Wheeler inquired about traffic surrey on Route 616. Mr. Warner ad-
vised that this survey had been completed and it was found that 85% of the traf-
fic checked at 39 m.p.h, and that the maximum speed had also been checked and it
was found that no curve needed to be posted at less than 45 m.p.h. Mr. Warner
reported that the curves would be posted with this speed limit.
In answer to question by Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Warner advised that plans are
being dragon on Route 640 so that A.T.&T. can start working on rights-of-way.
Mr. Wheeler asked about the Board's requests for signals at three railroad
crossings. Nr. Warner stated that the signal had been approved for the crossing
into Sherwood Farms and funds allocated in the budget. The Keswick a~nd West
Leigh crossings were also discussed and Mr. Warner advised Mr. Gibson that he
would meet with him regarding the West Leigh crossing.
Mr. Wheeler requested Mr. Warmer to check holes on t~oute 743.
Mr. Carroll asked Mr. Warner if any consideration has been given to temporary
ferry at Howardsville. Mr. Warner stated that this has not been~.~brought up so
the matter has not been considered. T~e possibility of moving one of the other
ferries to this location temporarily was also brought up. Mr. Warner was requested
to look into this matter.
Mr. Gibson asked whose responsibility it is when mud slides i~rom a new road
into secondary roads. Mr. Warner advised that this is the responsibility of the
developer but quite often the Highway Department ends up doing the work when it
becomes a traffic hazard and they can't wait on the developer.
~r. Yancey made inquiry regarding RoUte 684 entrance onto Route 64. I~r.
~Warner advised that as soon as the contractor is finished at this location,
his department would try to eliminate the problem.
~ommunication was received from Dr. Charles Hurt requesting acceptance
into the secondary su~stem of Ricky Road and ~iddlesex Drive in Queene Charlotte
B~abdivision. The County Executive recommended that these roads be recommended
for acceptance into the System since he felt the landowners involved ~bought
the property in good faith and were entitled to State maintained roads. The
question of a drainage problem that has existed for some years was brought to
the attention of the Board and also the fact that these would have to tie in
with a Secondary System road. Nr. Gibson stated that he could not support a
recommendation for acceptance until the developer resolves the matter with the
Highway Department. After much discmssion, it was ordered ~that Dr. Hurt be
requested to get with Nr. Warner to resolve the matter before action by this
Communication was received i~rom Nfs. T. Nation Dozier regarding fence
that was torn down a number of years ago for construction of a road by the
property of her parents. ~r. Warner advised that he had received a copy of
this letter and apparently there was correspondence relating to this matter
some time before he came to Albemarle and he was not at this time f~amiliar
with the matter. This communication was deferred until the regular October
One citizen called to Nr. Warner's attention weeds on fence causing blind
curves on Route 640 to Cobham.
Nr. Richard Ingerick, recently appointed flood damage coordinator, re-
ported that most of his time had been spent getting temporary housing for flood
victims and he expects everyone to be relocated by the end of this week. ktr.
Wheeler stated that he felt the Board should request Farmers Home Administration
to reopen its temporary office in Scottsville and also to make a report on loans
made. Nr. Batchelor advised that he would contact Nr. Baker of FHA regarding
these requests. Er. Ingerick further advised that he p~anned to follow up by
a door-to-door check. Nr, Gibson offered motion requesting the County Attorney
to draft a resolution of appreciation for assistance rendered after the August
19-20 flood to the~fOity~?o~Oharlo~tte~vitle, ~ivic~orga~uizations, students and
individuals, which motion was seconded by Nr. Wood and unanimously adopted.
(Note: This resolution was not complete at the time of recording these minutes
and will be added at the end of this meeting.)
Nr. Bob Brugh appeared with a large delegation with regard to rate increases
by the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company and the services rendered by
said company. The Chairman pointed out that it was now time for public hearings
on zoning requests in accordance with legal notices published and he did not
feel there would be sufficient time for hearing this matter. After some dis-
cussion it was decided that this meeting would be adjourned until 7:30 P.M. to
hear the subject matter.
At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as
advertised in the ~aily Progress on August 29, September ~ and September 25,
(1) Z~P-061 - Request of Lloyd EcDaniel to rezone 5.32 acres £~om A-1 to
to construct single family dwellings. (Carried over from August meeting. )
Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff had recommended l~S-1, however, the Planning
Commission recommended R-1. He further advised that the road through ~ the sub-
ject property is not in the Secondary System and as far as he knows, Mr. Young
still has not obtained all the necessary rights-of-way. No one appeared for Mr.
McDaniel who has been ill through the course of hearings on this application.
After discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and
unanimouslYbcarried, deferring action on this application until the October meet-
ing and requesting Mr. Humphrey to contact Mr. EcDaniel to determine if he would
desire to withdraw his application without predjudice.
(2) ZMP-072 - Bequest of Pauline Harlow to rezone 20 acres from A-1 Agricul-
tural to R-2 Residential to accommodate duplex units. Located on Route
702 west of intersection with Route 29 South.
No one appeared in support of this application. Mr. Henderson Heyward appeared
in opposition. Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff is of the opinion that the
granting of this rezoning would result in an undue density of population in an
area which does not have proper facilities to serve the type of development
permitted in the R-2 zone and no program of services is available at this time.
He advised that R-2 zoning is considered premature and not in the best interest
of the County and suggested deferral until sufficient information and Compre-
hensive Plan is available. Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission
recommended denial on the basis of staff recommendations. On motion by Mr.
'Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson, unanimously carried, the application of
Pauline Harlow was denied on the basis Of staff report and Planning Commission
(3) Z~P-079 - Application of Robert H. Green to rezone 2.77 acres from
Agricultural to RS-1 Residential. Located at Newtown sear Greenwood and
southeast of Route 690.
Mr. Green appeared in support of his application; no one appeared in opposition.
Mr. Humphrey advised that the topograhy of the area is steep and rocky and the
staff is of the opinion that before any zone to a lesser lot size occurs in the
area, an evaluation under the Comprehensive Plan is needed to determine proper
land use based upon the capacity of the land to receive lots of less than tw~
acres from a health standpoint. Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Com-
mission recommended that the application be approved as requested. On motion
by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, unanimously approved, the recommendation
of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(4) ZMP-080 - Application of W. R. Walker to rezone 9.6~ acres from Residen-
tial R-2 to N-1 Nanufacturing. Located on east side of Hydraulic Road,
Route 743, 1,800 feet south of the intersection o~ Routes 743 and 631.
It was pointed out that the request for rezoning is to accomodate a facility
of the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company. Mr. Phillip Walker appeared
on behalf of the applicant and Mr. Lloyd appeared on behalf c~ the ~lephone
company, both in support of this application. Those appearing in opposition
were R. C. Garlick (who presented petition), Mr. Benton Patterson and Mrs.
Bedford Noore. Mr. Daley Craig appeared and suggested that the Board exandne
the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Humphrey/that the staff study revealed trend of
construction in this area is residential of an intense nature. He stated that
the staff analysis indicates a need for an internal road to serve a possible
school on property abutting this land and the staff would suggest deferral of
the petition because of the involvement at this time with the Comprehensive
Plan. The staff's present thinking would indicate that a N-1 zone would not
be compatible with future land use. Nr. Humphrey reported that the Planning
Co~nission recommended denial in keeping with the staff report and recommen-
dation. Euch discussion v~s given to this application after which motion
was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, accepting the recommendation
of the Planning Commission. This motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Ayes: ~essrs. Garnett~ Gibson, Wheeler and Wood.
Nays: Messrs. Carroll and Yancey.
(5) 72gP-082 and . Application ~by resolution of this Board to rezone-
Parc'el ~SK,_Map 78, containing 3.75 cares and Parcel ~gA, Nap 78, con-
taining ~,7~$ acres, from B-1 Business to ~-3 l~esidential, owned by Herman
H. Dorrier and Dr. Charles Hurt, respectively. Located on east side of
Route 20 North about one-half mile from its intersection with Route 2~0 E.
Mr. Humphrey advised those present that the Board initiated action to determine
whether or not errors in this area had occured after public hearing last month
on land in the immediate area. He reiterated the staff's feeling that there is
definitely an over abundance of commercially zoned land and that the two parcels
in question were zoned in error. He further reported that the Planning Commis-
sion recommended that the parcel owned by Mr. Dottier be rezoned but the parcel
owned by Dr. Hurt remain B-1. Mrs. Dottier was present and endorsed the Boardas
application. No one appeared on behalf of Dr. Hurt but Mr. Humph~ey advised
that Dr. Hurt was present s~±: the Commission's meeting and requested that his
property not be rezoned.
Separate motions were made on these applications as
Motion by Mr'. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously carried to
rezone Parcel ~SK to R-3 Residential in keeping with Planning Commission
(b) Lotion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously carried, to
accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to leave Parcel
in B-1 Business.
Discussion was given to question raised with regard to permitted use for
public utilities' storing mud housing meters and other equipment which appears
throughout the Zoning Ordinance. It was the feeling of the Board that the
ordinance should be clarified in this regard and Mr. Humphrey was directed to
draw an~ amenU~nent of clarification to be submitted to the Planning Commission
for consideration and recommendation, motion being made by Mr. Gibson, seconded
by Mr. Wheeler, and unanimously carried. This matter arose from discussion by
Mr. Daley C~aig during hearing of ~EP-080.
Rev. Roger Ford appeared and presented petition signed by 297 citizens
which read as follows:
"WEEEEAS: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors claims a legitimate concern
with all issues which affect citizens in their role as citizens, it has not con-
cerned itself with the issues and legitimate concerns of Negro citizens, and
~WK~CEAS, The Albemarle County Board of S~pervisors has denied Negro citizens
of Albemarle County an effective role in shaping policy and determining
direction for the general conduct of the government of Albemarle County, and so
Be it resolved that we, the Negro citizens of Albemarle County, Virginia, de-
nounce the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors as a racist and irresponsible
Be it resolved that the Negro citizens of Albemarle County, Virginia goes on
record as recommending
(1) that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors appoint immediately a Negro
citizen of Albemarle County, Virginia to serve on the Albe~le County
Board of Education and
(2) that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hold its public meetings on
the first and third Thursday evenings of each month of the year, and that
each meeting commence at 7:00 P.M."
Mr. Ford stated that he had been promised a 7th School Board member by the County
Executive and Mr. George Palmer. However, }~r. Batchelor stated that no such
promise was made but Mr. Ford was advised that a seventh member could be appointed
under law. A sizeable delegation appeared with Mr. Ford and Mr. Wesley Harris
also spoke in behalf of the requests. Mr. '~eeler advised that he would go along
with as many meetings as necessary and that he had asked for recommendations
from the public with regard to his appointment to the School Board but had re-
ceived no recommendations from the Negro citizens. Mr. Wood said he questioned
a seventh member being needed. Mr. Gibson advised that he felt he gave represen-
tation regardless of color. Nr. Carroll stated that he would be in favor of
a seventh member and he feels it might lead toward a better understanding.
Garnett advised Nr. Ford that these requests will be taken under consideration
and reply made to him.
At 1:30 P.~. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as
advertised in the Daily Progress on August ~9, September ~ and September 12,
(1) HP-06 - Application of E. N. Jackson to locate a mobile home on 78'!~acres
located on Route 6~7.
No one appeared with regard to this application. Nr. Humphrey advised that the
application was made for a mobile home on the location for the duration of con-
struction of permanent home and that the Planning Commission recommended ap-
proval subject to compliance with Health Department regulations regarding
sanitary facilities. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, unani-
mously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted, sub-
ject the time limit being fixed by the Zoning Administrator.
(2) ~P-08 - Application of Ernest and l~uth Bannister to locate a mobile home
on 3.7~ acres located on Route 708, 4 miles west of Route 29 South.
No one appeared with regard to this application. Nr. Humphrey advised that the
Planning Con~nission recommended approval subject to compliance with Health De-
partment regulations concerning sanitary facilities. On motion by Nr. Gibson,
seconded by Nr. Wood, unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning
Commission was accepted and this application was approved subject also to annual
review by the Zoning Administrator.
Annmal review of special permits was discussed and motion was offered by
Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously adopted, that all future
special permits be subject to annual review by the Zoning Administrator and
Humphrey was directed to have this printed on all such applications.
(3) EP-09 - Application of Joseph F. Thomas to locate a mobile home on 2.0
acres located on Route 606.
No one appeared with regard to this application. Nr. Hump~ey advised that the
subject application was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission sub-
ject to compliance with Health Department regulations relating to sanitar7
facilities. On motion by ~r. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Carroll, unanimously
adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(4) EP-10 - Application of Charlie Wells to locate a mobile home on 2.23 acres
located on Route 16~.
Nfs. Wells was present in support of this application. No one appeared in op-
position. Nr. Humphrey advised that ~is application was recommended for ap-
proval by the Planning Commission subject to compliance with Health Department
regulations regarding sanitary facilities. On motion by Nr. Wood, seconded
by ~r. Gibson, and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning
Commission was accepted, subject also to the trailer being located on the land
by the Zoning Administrator to assure advantage being taken of the natural
(5) Use Permit. Application of F. 0. Cockerille petitioning this Board to
amend Article 2 of the County Zoning Ordinance as it relates to per-
mitted uses, under Article 2-t, to include wording permitting the
location of temporary facilities, including storage of materials for use
in highway construction during the period of such construction~
~r. Humphrey advised that ~. Tiffany, attorney, had advised that he wished to
withdraw or have the application deferred and had stated that a letter would be
submitted for this meeting but no such letterl.had been received. Nr. Humphrey
reported that the Planning Commission recommended denial of the application.
Several citizens appeared in opposition including Nr. Paul Delaney who submitted
petition, Nr. Lewis Brown, Sylvia Hayes and Nr. Herbert Stewart. After con-
sideration of the facts presented, motion was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded
by Nr. Wood, and unanimously adopted, accepting the recommendation of the Plan-
ning Commission.
Statements of expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office
and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the month of
August, 1969. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, these statements
were unanimously approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the month of August,
1969. On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, these statements were
unanimously approved.
.Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month of
August, 1969, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of
New s.L.H. Contracts for the fiscal year ending June ~0, 1970, were re-
ceived from the University of Virginia Hospital, Waynesboro Community Hospital
and the Medical College of Virginia, the per diem rate increasing from $43.52
to $50.01. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, unanimously carried,
these agreements were approved and the Chairman was authorized to execute same
on behalf of this Board.
The matter of pay allowance for Planning Commission members, including ex-
officio member from the Board, which was included in the current budget, was
brought to the Board's attention. The County Executive advised that although
this was included by the Board as a budget item, the Board had taken no formal
action in this regard. The County Attorney advised that the Planning Commis-
sion Ordinance would have to be amended to allow for compensation of'its
members and this could be made retroactive to July 1, 1969. On motion of
Mr. 'Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson, unanimously carried, it was ordered that
proper notice be g~tven of intent of this Board to amend the Planning Commission
Ordinance to allow for monthly compensation to its members in the smun of $~0.00
and 9:45 A.E. on October I~, 1969, was set as the time for public hearing on
such proposed amendment.
Mr. Carroll advised that his wife, Mrs. Birge W. Carroll, resigned from
the McIntire Library Board upon his appointment to the Board of Supervisors
and he wished to nominate Miss Virginia ~[o~re (Mrs. John Jefferson Hudgins) for
appointment to~con~l~te Mrs. Carroll's term. On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded
by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted, the resignation of Mrs. Carroll was
accepted with regret and the Clerk was directed, to write a~letter of apprecia-
tion to Mrs. Carroll for her service on the Library Board. Mr. Wheeler seconded
Mr. Carroll's nomination of Miss Virginia Eoore and Eiss Moore was unanimously
appointed to the Library Board to serve the unexpired term of Mrs. Carroll
which runs through June 30, 1971.
tleport was received from the S.P.C.A. for the month of August, 1969, and
on motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey, was unanimously approved.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. l~. L. Bailey for
one lamb killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson, Mr.
Bailey was allowed $20.00 for this lamb.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Guy A. Via for eighteen
sheep killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Carroll, Mr.
Via was allowed $20.00 each for six 80-90 lb. lambs; $1~.00 each for three
young ewes; $12.00 for one 60-70 lb. lamb; $10.00 for one ~0-1b. lamb; and $8.00
each for seven old ewes.
Mr. Leslie H. Walton, Superintendent of Schools, appeared v~th regard to
additions needed at the senion high school level. He sulmzitted drawings on
three phases of additions proposed at Albemarle High School estimated to cost
$~4,000.00, $139,000.00 and $174,000.00 respectively, and advised that shower
and locker rooms needed at Scottsville School were estimated at $33,000.00,
equipped. He also stated that an additional bay and pit was needed at the repair
shop and this cost was estimated at $20,000.00. After discussion with Mr. Walton
motion was offered by ~ir. V~eeler, seconded by Mr. Wood, authorizing ~r. Walton
to proceed with the employment of architects to prepare final drawings and specs
as soon as possible in order to meet needs by September, 1970. This motion was
adopted with Mr. Yancey casting the only dissenting vote.
The County Executive recommended that application be made to the Literary
Fund for $1 ,~00,000.00 and/that amount is not available in time, he offered
three alternatives. ( 1 ) Loan from Supplemental l~etirement System; (2) Loan
from the bank to carry over until funds are available from the Literary ~mud,
subject to approval by the bonding attorneys; and (3) Iteferendum, and he
pointed Out that the interest rate would be better on the open market. No
official action was taken b~ the Board regarding the financing of the program
at this meeting. However, it appeared to be the consensus of opinion that a
public referendum would not be wise at this time.
Agreement between the School Boards of Albemarle and Charlottesville for
the joint operation of a Vocational-Technical Education Center as approved by
said Boards was submitted to this Board~or approval. The County Attorney ad-
vised that he had been over this agreement with the City Attorney. Nr. Gibson
questioned that section which set three-year terms for members of the joint
committee since he felt a problem might arise when such members' terms ex-
pired on their respective School Board. After discussion of this matter, the
agreement as subm~Ltted was approved subject/the Cotuuty and City attorneys re-
viewing this section for agreeable re-wording, motion being made by Mr. Gibson,
seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously carried.
'~The County Attonney submitted contract for the purchase by the County of
the Jefferson Village Water System. After discussion, the following resolution
was offered by Mr. GibsOn, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT EESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that this Board does hereby approve contract for
the purchase of the Jefferson Village Water System as presented at
this meeting by D. B. Marshall, County Attorney, and further, does
hereby authorize ~r. E. N. Garnett, Chairman, to execute said contract
on behalf of this Board.
NOTE: The following is resolution prepared by County Attorney and referred to
8n pag~ 47 of these minutes.
BE IT RESOLVED i~by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County
that this Board takes this opportunity to express its deepest appre-
ciation and gratitudes, on behalf of all residents of Albemarle County,
to the officials and employees of the State of Virginia, the City of
Charlottesville, the many civic organizations of this community and
other organizations, the University of Virginia student organizations,
and the hundreds of individua~ volunteers who worked so untiringly and
contributed so unselfishly to assist in the relief efforts and clean-up
projects conducted in the portions of this Ootuuty ~nich were so
severely damaged by the tragic flood disaster which occurred on
August 19th and 20th, 1969.
This meeting was adjourned tuutil 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of hearing Mr.
t~obert Brugh and others with regard to service and rates of the Virginia Tele-
phone and Telegraph Company.
The Board reconvened at 7:30
Mr. Eobert Brugh made a presentation to the Board on the rates and ser-
vices of the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company. Mr. Brugh went into
detail on various monthly charges and rate increase that have been given to
V±rginia Telephone and Telegraph Company. Each member of the Board was given a
folder containing the various rates in comparison v&th other sufstems in the
State. After Mr. Brugh's presentation, various members of the public spoke in
opposition to the rate increase and complained of the poor service the telephone
company was rendering to the locality. Those speaking were C. F. Parks, Jim
Beckes, ~V. 'W. Winks, Harry Lyons, Dr. John Lange, Mrs. Wally Cox, Brite
Wnitely, Mrs. Elizabeth Amato, Dr. Eesloff, and Mrs. Zales. Representative of
the telephone company explained to the Board the problems that the telephone
company was having and told of the equipment that had been ordered and of the
better service they hoped to provide when this new equipment is installed. He
also told of the personnel problems and trying to get personnel and the long
training it took to have these people give efficient service to the customers.
After hearing everyone, motion was made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr.
Wheeler that the Board request the State Corporation Commission to investigate
the services being rendered to the citizens of Albemarle County by Virginia
Telephone and Telegraph Company and the rate increase recently enacted by Vir-
ginia Telephone and Telegraph Company. This motion was unanimously approved.
Claims against the County amounting to $906,611.60 were presented, examined
and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged
against the following funds:
General Revenue ~dnd
General Operating Ftuud
School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Virginia Public Assistance ~nd
Dog Tax ~knad
County Water Systems
Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account
32,33o. 62
5, ag~ 98
on motion, the meeting was adjourned.