HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-30SPECIALSeptember 30, 1969 Pursuant to the following waiver, the Board of County Supervisors met in special session at 3:00 P.M. on this date with members of City Council at City Hall, with the following members present: Nessrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Donald Carroll, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. and tt. A. Yancey. Absent: Mr. Gordon L. 'Wheeler. Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney. We, the undersigned, msmbers of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special service thereof of a meeting called for 3:00 P.E. on September 30, 1969, to be held jointly with City Council at City Hall, for the purpose of considering matters relating to the Vocational-Technical Center, Jail and Library, and we do hereby consent to any ahd all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabave mentioned as may be lawful, incident and neces- sary thereto. ~ ' E. N'. Garnet% "// /~ossphE. Gibson Gordo~ Wheeler ~. ~Yancey ~r. Tom Nichie, Chairman of the Vocational School Site Committee, appeared and requested formal approval of agreement for operation of the joint facility, authorization for the two School Boards to employ architects, and an appropria- tion of $25,000.00. ~r. ,~_ichie advised that five architects had been interviewed and a selection of aa architect had been made and approved by the School Boards. However, he did not wish at this time to reveal the name of the firm selected. He stated z~rther that funds were needed to carry through the de. sign and develop- ment stages and it was estimated that $2~,000.00 would be needed, one half of which would be appropriated by each governing body. Nr. Clyde Gouldman presented to Council copies of the agreement for operation of the Vocational-Technical Education center and reviewed this agreement with both bodies. Considerable dis- cussion was given to the agreement, after which the County Attorney pOinted out that this Board approved said agreement at its regular September meeting, subject to the County and City Attorneys revising that section relating to terms of office of the joint committee members so that their terms will coincide with their terms on the respective school boards. This change was agreeable to Council and was adopted as present'with this change. Eotion was made by ~Vood, seconded by Nr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted, authorizing the School Boards to employ architects. Similar action was taken by Council. Nr. Gibson asked if Council had any objection to adjusting school population in the year immediately following an annexation and was advised that there would be no ob- jection to this. The attorneys were requested to include this in the agreement. On motion by Nr. Wood, seconded by ~r. Gibson, rules with regard to second read- ing were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: (Similar ~esolution was adopted ~by Council on first reading.) BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $12,500.00 be and the same is hereby appro- priated as the County's one-half share of funds requested for the Joint Vocational-Techmical Education Center. The CountY Executive made report on the proposed joint jail site. He re- ported that the architect had run into difficulty with regard to topography of the present location selected and a study had been made with representatives of the Department of Welfare and Institutions of the location of the ~ old County dump joining l~oute 64 and a portion of the City's dump immediately adjacent thereto and it was felt that this latter site would be more feasible economically. Nr. Batchetor reporter further that his committee recommended the selection of the latter site and recon~nended proceeding with plans a~_d specifi- cations. In joint action, motion was made by Gibson, seconded by ~r. Joe WEight, and unanimously adopted, accepting the recommendation of the .jail committee and authorizing the employment of two independent appraisers to determine the value of the land involved in order to arrive at just compensation'. ~ayor Vogt read communication from ~r. Ken Lee, Chairman of the Joint Library Board, recommending that the governing bodies consider the establishment of a site selection committee for planning library expansion. It was the con- sensus of opinion that many critical issues are pending with higher priority. However, thought should be given to planning for the future. In joint action, motion was offered by Nr. VanYahres, seconded by Nr. Wood, accepting the recom- mendation of the Library Board and authorizing the Nayor and Chairman to~aame a site selection committee with the understanding that this action is taken in the interest of orderly planning and growth but in no way obligates the governing bodies to the expenditu~re of any funds at this time. Er. Yancey cast the only vote against this motion. On motion, the meeting was adjourned; Chairman