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~arch 26, 1970
A meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, adjourned from ~arch 19, 1970, was held at 11:00 A.~. on this
date in the Board Boom, County Office Building.
Present: ~essrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Donald Carroll,
Gordon L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The County Executive introduced Nr. R. C. Dodl, Jr. of Wiley and Wilson
w~ho reported on bids received ~arch 1 ?, 1970 on the Totier Creek Dam and
Reservoir project. Nr. Dodl advised that only two bids were received, the
low bid of $469,867.00 having been a joint bid submitted-by Norcarva Construc-
tors, Inc. and Halifax Builders, Inc. He stated that investigation revealed
that these companies have done work in this area and their qualifications are
satisfactory. Nr. Dodl recommended awarding contract to the low bidder al-
though the bid was over the estimate by approximately 8% since he did not feel
there was much chance of getting a better bid at this time. This recommenda-
tion was endorsed by the County Executive and the County Engineer.
A n~nber of citizens from the Scottsville area appeared and urged that
this contract be awarded and work on the.project be started as soon as possible.
Those supporting the project we~Nr. Fred Whites&de of the Chamber of Commerce,
Nr. George 0mohundro, Nr. Russell Brill, Nr. Tom Bruce, Nr. Forrest Paulett,
and Nr. Raymon Thacker, ~ayor. Nr. N. V. Baker of Farmers Home Administration
also appeared. He advised that when F.H.A. grant was approved, it was their
understanding that the Scottsville water supply would eventually come from
Totier Creek.
Nr. Carroll stated that land is available which has been viewed by the
Equalization Board who think the price is fair. Also, recent estimates indicate
growth of the County, some of which is bound to be in southside, and the water
supply of the entire County is of majo~ concern.. Nr. Carroll moved that the
project be approved and contract let as soon as possible. This motion was
seconded by Nr. Yancey. In discussion of the motion, Nr. Wheeler stated that
he is not prepared today to go ahead with this project and although he is
willing to go ahead with land acquisi~on now, he would not want to make a
decision on the.contract until after looking at the overall capital outlay.
Nr. Gibson concurred that he would like to look at demands of the entire
County befo~making a decision. Nr. Wood also expressed reservations about
proceeding .now. Nr. Yancey and Nr. Garnett stated that they felt comitted on
on the basis of priorities, established and. pr.evious groundwork for the pro-
ject after which Ar. Wood stated that perhaps priorities should be reviewed.
It was pointed out that bids are good for 60 days from Aarch 17th. The
County Executive advised that the staff would assemble information on the
complete budget picture as so. on as possible in order that a decision might
be made prior to deadline on bids..
Ar. Carroll withdrew original motion, with approval of Ar. Yancey, and
moved that the Board exercise options on laud acquisition promptly and also
complete ~vapping of land as planned and act on the total project before
expiration of bid. This motion was seconded by Ar. Gibson and unanimously
l~equest of Youth Employment Service for an appropriation of $600.00 for
a portion of Y.E.S. supervisor's salary, which was carried over from meeting
of February 19, was again, brought before the Board. After ik~rther discussion
of this request, motion was offered by Ar. Wheeler and seconded by Nr. Wood,
suspending rules for second reading and unanimously adopting the following
re so lution:
BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that $600.00 be and the same is he~.eby
appropriated toward the salary of supervisor of the Youth Em-
ployment Service.
On motion by Ar. Wheeler, seconded by Ar. Carroll and unanimously carried,
Aessrs. William L. Bennolds, Albert Austin, Edward Chapman, Legh Walker and
Franklin W. Yancey were appointed as Road Viewers for the year 1970, any three
who may serve.
On request of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, the following resolu-
tion was offered by Ar. Yancey, seconded by Ar. Gibson, and unanimously
.WHEREAS, Citizens Bank and Trust Company has requested the
release of certain securities held in escrow by Virginia National
Bank, Escrow Agent; and
WHEAEAS, it has been determined that said collateral is no
longer needed to secure funds on deposit with Citizens Bank and
Trust Company;
NOW, THEREFOBE, BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Virgini~a National Bank
be and is hereby authorized to release the following:
$200,000 U.S. Treas. Bills due Narch 23, 1970
BE IT F~qTHER i~ESOLVED that copy of this resolution be for-
warded to the Citizens Bank and Trust Company and to Virginia
National Bank.
On recommendation of the County Attorney, the following resolution was
offered by Er. Carroll, seconded by Nr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted:
'~W~E~EAS, the recent population growth in Albemarle County,
particularly in the area surrounding the City of Charlottesville,
has caused a marked disparity in the populations of the slx
magisterial districts of the County; and
WHEREAS, under the Constitution and Laws of Virginia, an
election will be held in each district in I971 for election of a
member of this Board by and from the voters in each district; and
~qEAS, this Board recognizes a legal and moral duty to ~ro-
vide for substantially equal representation on this Board for all
citizens of the C~ounty; and
'~EREAS, this Board is of the opinion that its membership of
six supervisors has ~roven to be an efficient and workable number;
NOW, THEREFOBE, ~ IT EESOLVED that the boundaries of the ~ix
magisterial districts should be rearranged in such a manner as to
provide for substantially equal population in each district;
ANON IT F~RTEERRESOLVED that ~. B. ~arshall, attorney for
this Board, is hereby directed to prepare and file on behal~ of this
Board a petition addressed to the 'Judge of the Circuit Court of
~lbemarle County, asking that commissioners be appointed for the
purpose_ .of such rearrangement of the magisterial districts and
that, upon consideration of their report and such other matters as
may properly come before t~e Court, the Court may order a rearrange-
ment of said districts in such a manner as to provide for substantially
equal population in the several districts, such rearrangement to be
concluded in time for adequate preparation for the primary and general
elections to be held in 1971.
Also in connection with the foregoing, motion was offered by Nr. Wood,
seconded by Nr. Gibson and unanimously adopted, authorizing the Chairman to
sign petition~o be submitted to the Court.
The matter of option to purchase 6.~8 acres from George T. Eddins for
joint vocational school site was again brought before the Board. The County
Executive reported that the full Equalization Board had viewed the tract and
a~ter some disagreement between $4500 and $~000 per acre had recommended
$4500. Nr. Batchelor recommended offering $4~00 per acre to Nr. Eddins and to
Nfs. Daisy Wetsel for adjoining property which will be required also, and if
that is not accepted, to go to condemnation. The County Attorney advised
that the Ci~ would have to be contacted. The Board was informed that the
City had approved $~7,000 for 6.~8 acres included in the Eddins option. Nr~
Wheeler expressed concern that the recommendation of the Equalization Board was
not made in writing and~directed the County Executive to get a written recom-
mendation from that body. After considerable discussion, motion was made by
Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously adopted, naming Nr. Wheeler,
the County Executive and the County Attorney as a committee with authority to
act on this matter.
Contract with Appalachian Power Company for the installation and main-
ten,rice of street lights in the Scottsville area which was discussed at the
regular March meeting was again brought uD for consideration. The County
Attorney advised that he had examined said contract and approved same. On
motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. ~eeler, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
~WHEREAS, there was this day presented to the Board of Super-
visors a proposed contract between the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County and the Ai~lachian Power Company providing for
street lighting, dated March 26, 1970, as set out in proposed con-
tract; and
~EREAS, the terms and conditions of said proposed contract
are agreeable and acceptable to the Board of Supervisors·
NOW, THEW~FORE, ~E IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle coUnty:
That said contract be and it hereby is approved and accepted
and that E. N. Garnett, Chairman, Board of County Supervisors,
be and he hereby is authorized to execute and deliver said
contract for and on behalf of Albemarle County; and
That June T. Noon, Clerk, be and she hereby is authorized and
directed to~L~affix the seal of Albemarle County to said contract
and attest the same.
The CoUnty Executive submitted copy of orders issued to the Vir~ nia
Telephone and Telegraph Company as a result of hearing before the State
Corporation Commission on January 22, 1970. On motion by Nr. Wood, seconded
by Nr. Carroll, and Unanimously adopted, it was ordered that the following
resolution be forwarded to ~r. A. G. Staples, Counsel for the State Corpora-
tion Commission:
WHEREAS, results of hearing before the State Corporation
Commission of Case No. 18727, Daniel G. VanClief and the Albe-
marle County Board of Supervisors vs. Virginia Telephone and
Telegraph Company, have this date been made known to this body;
WHEREAS, this Board is well pleased with the outcome of
said hearing;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Corporation Com-
mission and Nr. A. G. Staples, its counsel, be and they are
hereby thanked for the time and assistance rendered in an effort
to assure the citizens of this area improved telephone service.
Claims against the County amounting to $789,$73.73 were presented,
examined and allowed, and certified to the Director ofF inance for payment
and charged against the following funds;
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Dog Tax Fund
County Water Systems
Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct.
. ~.7 ~595
On motion, the meeting was adjourned~.