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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of' Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 18th day of
June, 1970 ·
Present: Eessrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Donald Carroll, Gordon
L. 'Wheeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. Garnett.
On motion by Nr. ~neeler, seconded by ~r. Yancey, minutes of the meetings
of Nay 14 and Bay 21, 1970, were unanimously approved as submitted.
Nr. Donald Carroll announced that he is being transferred out of the State
and has submitted his resignation to Judge Waddell to be effective July 17,
1970. Nr. Carroll stated that he had enjoyed very much serving on the Board
and would not have accepted appointment had he known that he would not be able
to serve the remainder of the term.
~r. '~heeler inquired about progress on industrial access funds for Route
640. The County Executive advised that he is working with American Tel. and
Tel. and the Highway Department on the financing of this project.
Request of C. C. and S. H. ~Voodson to abandon a portion of the 01d Lynch-
burg Road was deferred until 9:30 A.~.. on July 16, 1970.
Nr. Yancey stated that about a year ago Nr. Warner had advised that his
department would start work on Route 684 as soon as Nr. Burton had completed
his job and asked Nr. Coats the status of this project. Nr. Coats advised
that he would check with Nr. Warner, who is on vacation, on this matter.
~. Wood again called attention to the dangerous intersection of t~oute 29
North and Rio l~oad.
Nr. John Humphrey called attention to numerous complaints the County has
received about Ricky Road. Nr. Batchelor reviewed the problems that had been
encountered with a Nr. Evans in obtaining a deed which would allow the drainage
problem to be corrected. He advised that Ricky Road ser~es as a thoroughfare
for numerous residents of ~e County and is not a road serving just those citizens
living on the road. He recommended that this street be recontmended for accep-
tance into the Secondary-System. Nr. Coats advised that he did not feel the
Highway Department would accept t~icky l~oad since it is in a subdivision. After
lengthy discussion, Nr. Garnett requested that the County Engineer and the
County Attorney bring in all facts regarding this matter at the next regular
Communication was received from ~r. James H. Williams requesting that
certain streets in Jefferson Village be accepted into the Secondary System.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. 'Wood, seconded by ~r-. Yancey, and
adopted: (Mr. 'Wheeler d_id not vote on this resolution since he has an interest
in the subject subd/vision.)
HE IT tLESOLFED by the BOard of Jotuuty Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and
is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways
the following roads located in Jefferson Village Subdivision, A!be-
marle County:
That portion of Colonial Drive from Route 649 to the
intersection with Tompkins Drive, a distance of 900 ft.; and
Tompkins Drive, a distance of 887 feet.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby guarmuteed a 50' unobstructed right-of-way and
drainage easements on these requested additions as recorded by deed
and plat in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle
County in Deed Book 447, page 9, and Deed Book 4~.6, page 538, respec-
On ~ritten request from Mr. B. G. Warner, Mr. R. E. Tomlin, local train
master for C & 0 Railway Company, appeared to discuss with the Board the
railroad crossing on Route 240 at Eorton's in Crozet. Mr. Tomlin advised
that it was necessary to perform the switch between 9:00 AM and 1~.1,:00 ~ but
they were holding the traffic delay to a minimum and that the average switch
now requires one ~nute to ~one minute, twenty seconds. Mr. Coats of the
Highway Department advised that the railroad company had made tremendous im-
provements since so many complaints were made known to them. The County
Executive called attention to communication of October, 1966, in which C & 0
wa~ advised that permission for the crossing was granted on the basis that
the switching of cars would be at approximately 6:00 A.M. Mr. Tomlin stated
that this was impossible now. He did agree to attem~to get the crossing
smoother and to continue to hold traffic delays to a minimum. Mr. Coats also
stated that the Highway Department would keep in touch.
The request for acceptance of streets in Section 2, Orchard Acres, which
has been pending for some time, was again brought before the Board. Mr. Coats
advised that this section still does not quaii~ for acceptance since: there are
only two houses constructed there, only one of which is occupied. On motion by
Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey, unanimously carried, it was ordered that
the developer be advised to resubmit his request when this section of Orchard
Acres becomes eligible for acceptance.
Mr. Gibson was advised by Mr. Coats that their traffic engineer feels that
the lining on Route 2~0 at the West Leigh entrance is satisfactory.
The Chairman advised those present that public hearing on the proposed
1970-71 budget was held on June 11. In accordance with Section 15.1-162 of
the Virginia Code, motion was offered by Mr. V~aeeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey,
and unanimously carried, that the 1970-71 estimates be received and a synopsis
spread in the minutes of this meeting for informative purposes, as follows:
..... oo
Amount to be raised by current levy ..... $3,
Revenue other than from ctu~rent levy ......... 2,2 ,1 .90
Educational sources .................. 2,557,072.00
Textbooks ...................... 40,000.00
Cafeterias ................ 45,000 00
Virginia Public ~s~i~t~n~e' . ............. 482,600~00
TOTAL- GENERAL RE~ FUND ................. $9,071,830.90
~OI~IRE Um'rJST F~rO .................... $ 3,5oo. oo
~OmZET RANITARY DISTRICT FUND ............... $ 5,435.00
COUNTY OWNED WATER SYSTEMS ~.. ..... $ 59,000.00
DOG T.~X FUND ........................ $ 16~880.00
TOTAL REVENUE ESTIMATES - AI,L PLRP0~S ........... $9,156,645.90
GEKER~ B.w, VENUE FUND .................... $,
Board of County Supervisors .............
Miscellaneous Services ...............
County Executive's 0ffi~e ..............
Department of Finance_ .............
Collection of Delinquent Land ~a~e~ ..........
Board of Equalization and Assessment .........
Planning Department .............
Engineering-Public Wor~s Dept .............
Recording of Documents ......
Circuit Court .....................
County Court ................. __
Office of Comm~nSealth's Attorney ...........
Juvenile Court ..............
Policimg and ..............
Confinement and Care of Prisoners ..........
Fire Prevention and Extinction ............
Operation, Landfill ~1 .................
Operation, Landfill~2 .................
Lunacy Commission ...................
Public Health ..............
Agriculture and ~o~e E~o~o~i~s ............
Elections ..............
g.r BLti L Gfo & .........
28 , 545.oo
i , 000 · O0
,100 00
6,650 oo
2,800 O0
21,405 O0
5, oo
34,640. O0
91 , 200.00
28, 1 50.00
11 750 oo
TOTAL GENERAL. OPERATING FUND ................ $1,270,274.00
EDUCATIONAL PI~qPO~S $5' 768 871 90
FEDERAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS ................. $ 202 ~ 500.00
VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE ................. $ 670,115.00
Watershed Projects .................. $ 305,000.00
Airport Improvement s ................. 12, ~00. O0
Jail ................... 26,000.00
Payment ~n B~rie~ ~o~n. ............... 700,000.00
Driver Education Program ............... 20 ~ 000.00
TOTAL CAPITAL 0L~LAY .................... $I ,063, %00.00
TEXTBOOKS ........................... $ 40,000. O0
DOG TAX FUND ......................... $
MCINTIEE TRUST ~wJN-D ......................
3, op. op
.......... $9, ~ ~6,64~.90
On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by ~r. Gibson, and carried by the fol-
lowing recorded vote --
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Carroll, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey
N~IS: None --
the Board proceeded to lay the County levy for the year 1970 for General County
Purposes of Five Dollars and Ninety Cents ($~.90) on every One Hundred Dollars
worth of assessed value of real estate and personal property, and ordered that
the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle assess and collect on all
taxable real estate and all taxable personal property, including machinery and
tools not assessed as real estate, used or employed in a manufacturing business,
not taxable by ~e State on Capital; including Public Service Corporation pro-
perty (except the rolling stock of railroads) based upon the assessment fixed
by the State Corporation Commission and certified by it to the Board of Super-
visors both as to location and valuation; and including all boats and water-
craft under five tons as set forth in the Code of Virginia; and all veb_icles
used as mobile hames or offices as set forth in the Virginia Code; excluding
merchant's capital, farm. machinery, farm tools, farm livestock, smd household
goods as set forth in the Code of Virginia, Sections ~8-829 and ~8-829.1.
~RTHEIq, the Director of Finance shall make separate classifications of farm
machinery, farm tools and farm livestock.
Mr. Carroll stated that he is opposed to the utility tax as it now stands.
He questioned the legality of such tax on industry and stated that he also
thinks it is unfair to people on fixed income snd retired people. He stated
that he would support a reduction in the utility tax. offset by an increase in
real estate tax. Mr. Gibson stated that he concurred to the degree that the
utility tax should be studied. Mr. Yancey stated that he feels the utility
tax-is unfair to small business in that no ceiling is established. Mr. Gibs°n
also pointed out that he stands ready to reshuffle funds to defend annexation
even if it call~ for delaying some projects now included in the budget.
The County Executive presented proposed Annual Appropriation Ordinance
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971. This ordinance, which follows, was
offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by~. Carroll, and adopted by the following
recorded vote -
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Carroll, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS. None.
For the Fisca! Year Ending June 30, 1971
Au Ordinance making appropriation of sums of money for all necessary expendi-
tures of the COUNTY OF ALBE~L~l~LE, VIRGINIA, for the fiscal year ending June
30, 1971; to prescribe the provisos, terms, conditions, and provisions with
respect tothe items of appropriation and their payment; and to repeal all
ordinances wholly in conflict with this ordinance and all ordinmuces in-
consistent with this ordinance to the extent of such inconsistency.
BE IT OBi)AINED by the Board of County Supervisors of the COUNTY OF
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
from the General I~evenue Fund for the purposes specified herein for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1971:
1. Befunds
$ !1,570.0o
That the following sums of money be and the same hereby are appropriated
from the General Bevenue Fund and transferred to the General Operating Fund
for the proposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971:
1. Board of $~apervisors $ 31,450.00
2. County Executive 9,550.00
3. Planning Commission 25~,030.00
4. Engineering Department ,100.00
5. Board of Equalization and Assessment 6,950.00
6. Department of Finance and Collection of
Delinquent Land Taxes 283,545.00
l~ecording of Do cument s 48,8 55.00
~] Circuit Court 6,650.00
9. County Court -2,800.00
10. Commonwealth' s Attorney' s Office 21,405.00
11. Juvenile Court 5,440.00
12. Policing and Investigating 213,155.00
13. Confinement and Care of Prisoner s 34,640.00
14. Fire Prevention and Extinction 91,200.00
165 Operation of County Landfills 46,150.00
1 [ Lunacy Commission 6,000.00
187 Public Health 81,325.00
1 [ Advancement of Agriculture & Home Economics 38,290.00
19. Elections t I ,750.00
20. Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 38,490.00
21. Contribution to Charlottesville-Albemarle Library 96~589.00
22. Employee Benefits 57,000.00
23. Other Niscellaneous Items 51,910.00
Total G~AL OPERATING FUND appropriations for the
Fi seal year ending June 30, ~ 971 $1,270,274.00
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
from the General Revenue Fund and transferred to the School Operating Fund for
SCHOOL PHRPOSES herein specified fo~ the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971:
1. Administration - School Board
2. Instruction
3- Evening, Part-time Salaries
4. Other Instructional Costs
6~ Co-ordinate Activities
~ Auxiliary Agencies-Transportation of Pupils
7. Other Auxiliary Agencies
¢38,310 O0
8. Operation of School Plant
9. Maintenance of School Plant
I0. Fixed Charges
11. Capital Outlay
12. Debt Service
13. Vocational Rehabilitation Unit
14. Elementary & Secondary Education Act-Title I
1 5. Mandatory Hearing & Speech Program
Total SCHOOL 0PiI~ATING FUND appropriations for
the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1971
333,880 co
That the follov~ng sums of money be and the same hereby are appropriated
from the General Revenue 2knad and transferred to the Capital Outlay Fund for
the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971:
1. Watershed Projects
2. Joint Airport Improvements
3. County Jail
4. Driver Education Course
5. Purchase - Burley High School
Total CAPITAL OUTLAY FLRYD appropriations for the
Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1971
That the following sums of money be and the same are herelry appropriated
from the General Revenue Fund and transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance
Fund for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19Y1:
1. Administration
2. Public Assi stance
3- Institutional Care
492,69o. O0
20,200. O0
priations for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1971 9 670,115..0_0
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
from the General Revenue Fund and transferred to the Textbook Fund for the
purpose herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971:
1. Sale of Textbooks
$ 40,000.00
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
from the General Revenue Fund and transferred to Cafeterias for the purposes
herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971:
1. Cafeterias
Total appropriations from the GENERAL tLE~ FUND:
Section I - General Revenue Fund
Section II - General Operating ~-knad
Section III - School Operating Fund
Section IV - Capital Outlay l~d
Section V - Virginia Public AsSistance Fund
Section VI - Textbook 21nad
Section VII - Cafeterias
9 11,570.00
5,971, 371.90
1 , 063,500. O0
670,1 t 5.00
40,000 · O0
That the following sums of money be and the same are ke~mby appropriated
from the McIntire Trust ~-kmd for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1971:
1. ~cIntire Trust~und
3, oo. oo
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby ~ppropriated
from the Crozet Sanitary District ~uad for the purposes herein specified for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971:
t. Debt Service
That the following summs of money be and the same are hereby appropriated from
the Dog Tax ~nd for the purpose herein specified for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 197~.
1. Protection of Livestock and Fo~ls
$ 16,880.00
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
from the County Water Systems ~hnad for the purpose herein specified for the
fiscal year ending June[30, 1971:
1. County Water Systems
$ ,59,000.00
Total Appropriations from All Funds:
From General Revenue Fund
From ~cIntire Trust Fund
From Crozet Sanitary District Fund
From Dog Tax Fund
From County Water Systems Fund
Total Appropriations
1 88o.oo
, 59,000- O0
$9,1 ~6,64~. 90
All of the monies appropriated as sho~m by the contained items in Sections
I through XI are appropriated upon the provisos, terms and conditions and
provisions herein before set forth in connection with said items and those
set forth in this section.
Paragraph One
Subject to the qualifications in this ordinance contained, all appropria-
tions made out of the General Revenue Fund, the General Operating Fund, the
School Operating Fund, the Capital Outlay Fund, the Virginia Public Assistance
· -ku~d, the Textbook ~aud, the Cafeteria Fund, the ~cIntire Trust Fund, the
Crozet Sanitary District Fund, the Dog Tax ~%u~d and the County Water Systems
~aud are declared to be~maximum, conditional and proportionate appropriations--
the purpose being to make the appropriations payable in full in the amount named
herein if necessary and then only in the event the aggregate revenues collected
and availableLduring the fiscal year f~r which the appropriations are made are
sufficient to pay all the appropriations in full. 0therv~se, the said appro-
priations shall be deemed to be payable in such proportion as the total sum of
all realized revenue of the respective funds is to the total amount of revenue
estimated to be available in the said fiscal year by the Board of Supervisors.
Paragraph T~wo-
Al! revenue received by any-agency under the control of the Board of
Supervisors or by the School Board or by the Board of Public Welfare not in-
cluded in its estimate of revenue for the financing of the fund budget as
submitted to the Board of Supervisors may not be expended by the said agency
under the control of the Board of Supervisors or by the School Board or by the
Board of Public Welfare without the consent of the Board of Supervisors being
first obtained. Nor may any o£ these agencies or boards make expenditures
which will exceed a specific item of an appropriation or make transfers be-
tween specific items of appropriation without the consent of the Board of
Supervisors being first obtained.
Paragraph Three
All balances of appropriations payable out of the General Operating
Fund, the School Operating F~nd, the Capital Outlay ~Wkn~d, the Virginia Public
Assistance F~nd, the Textbook Fund, the Cafeteria Fund ~ud the Dog Tax ~wtuud
of the county treasury at the close of business on the thirtieth (30th) day of
June, 1970, except as otherwise provided for, are hereby declared to be
lapsed into the county treasury and shall be used for the payment of appro-
priations which may be made in the appropriation ordinance for the next fiscal
year, beginning July 1, 1970.~'
Paragraph Four
No obligations for goods, materials, supplies, equipment or contractual
services for any purpose may be incurred by any department, bureau, agency or
individual under the direct control of the Board of Supervisors except by~z
requisition to the director of finance; provided, however, no requisition for
contractural services--such as communications, travel, freight, express--
and membership fees and subscriptions shall be required; and provided further
that no requisition for contractual services involving the issuance of a con-
tract on a competitive bid basis shall be required, but such contract shall be
approved by the head of the contracting department, bureau, agency or individual
and the director of finance, who shall be responsible for securing such competi-
tive bids on the basis of specifications furnished by the contracting department,
bureau, agency, or individual.
In the event of the failure for any reason of approval herein required
for such contracts, said contracts shall be awarded through appropriate action
of the Board of Supervisors.
Any obligation incurred contrary to these requirements shall/be considered
obligations of the county and the director of finance shall not issue any
warrants in payment of such obligations.
Paragraph Five
Allowances out of any of the appropriations made in this ordinance by any
or all county departments, bureaus, or agencies under the control of the Board
of Supervisors to any of their officers and employees for expenses on account
of the use of such officers and employees of their personal automobiles in the
discharge of their official duties shall not exceed nine cents (9~) a mile of
actual travel.
Paragraph Six
All travel expense accounts shall be submitted on forms and according to
regulations prescribed or approved by the director of finance.
Paragraph Seven
All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions
of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed.
Y~. Wood requested that in the future county budgets be prepared earlier
so that the Department of Education will not be delayed in awarding teacher
At 10:00 A.E. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as
advertised in the Daily Progress on ~ay 29, June ~ and June 12, !970, as follows:
Z~P-117 - Application of Peyton G. Taylor to rezone 8.83 acres from A-1
Agricultural to RS-1 Residential. Property located in Shadwell Estates
Subdivision on the south side of Route 2~0 East.
~r. Taylor appeared in support of his application. No one appeared in opposi-
rich. ~r. Humphrey advised that the staff and Planning Commission recommended
approval as suhr~tted. On motion by ~r. Wood, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, and
unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission wzs accepted.
Z~P-122 - Application of Harriette Brown to rezone 2.08 acres located in
the southwest quandrant of the interchange of 1-64 ~ud i~oute 616 in the
Keswick area from A-! Agricultural to B-1 Business.
Mrs. Brown appeared in sn~pport of her application. No one appeared in opposi-
rich. Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff and the Planning 0ommission recom-
mended approval as submitted. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey
and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Plar~uing Con~nission was
Z~P-123 - Application of Robert H. Green to rezone 2.77 acres located
just south of 1-64 and east of Route 690 from RS-1 Residential to A-1
No one appeared with regard to this application. Mr. Humphrey reported that
the staff and Planning Commission recommended approval of the application. On
motion by ~. Yanoey, seconded by Mr. Carroll and unanimously carried, the
recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
Z~P-125 - Application of Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on its
own motion to rezone 20.94 acres from A-t Agricultural to RS-1 Residen-
tial. Property owned by Don Croxton and located on Route 759 near Boyd
Mr.-Wheeler asked that the record show that he did not vote on the applica-
tion. No one from the public was present. Mr. Humphrey advised that the
staff and Planning Con~r~ssion recommended approval. Nr. 'Wheeler, speaking
from the floor, stated that he was in favor of the Planning Commission studying
this matter but could not recommend acting without the owner being heard. After
discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Carroll and unani-
mously adopted, deferring action on this matter until the regular July meeting.
(5) CU-138 - Application of Tidbit, Incorporated for conditional use permit
to enlarge an existing motel in an A-1 Agricultural zone. Property is
located on south side of Route 250 ~st, between Eechum's River and
No one appeared with regard to this application. Mr. Humphrey advised that the
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to Health Department approval
for the addition to the existing septic system. On motion by Nr. Wood, seconded
by Nr. Carroll and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Com-
mission was accepted.
The County Executive reported that the Compensation Board did not approve
the full requests made on salaries for the year beginning July 1, 1970 and sug-
gested that the BOard of Supervisors and the constitutional officers make an
appeal. After discussion, the following resolution was offered by Nr. Wood,
seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted:
~U~qEAS, the Compensation Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
by communications dated and received June 1, 1970, notified this Board
of the salaries, expenses and other allowances tentatively fixed by the
Compensation Board for the offices of Sheriff, Commonwealth's Attorney
and I)irector of ~inance for Albemarle Cottuty for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1971; and
'WHEREAS, the amounts tentatively fixed by the 0ompensation
Board were less than the reasonable amounts requested by those
officers of Albemarle County in several particulars;
N0'~, TI~E~0]~E, BE IT RESOLVE. I) that this Board, pursuant to
the provisions of Section 14.1-5t of the Code of Virginia of 19~0
as amended, hereby objects to the allowances tentatively fixed by
the Compensation Board as aforesaid upon the ground that those
allowances are inadequate,
And this Board further reque'Sts that a hearing be held by the
Compensation Boaa~d on these objections after notice as provided
-by law.
And this Board designates ~essrs. Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd
F. '~?ood, Jr., two of its members, to serve as additional members of
the Compensation Board with each of them having one vote as provided
by law.
The County Executive also advised that the Compensation Board did not
allow request for overtime pay for Deputies during the recent disturbance at
the University. ~r. BatcheiOr stated that if the Board wished to pay such
overtime, the entire cost would have to be borne by the County. l~r. Batchelor
was instructed to advise the Sheriff that if he wished to submit request show-
ing time and cost involved, the Board would be glad to give this request con-
The Cotumty Executive advised that he had contacted the accounting firm
of Dulaney, Sattey and Company who offered to audit the accounts of the
County of Albemarle and the Service Authority for the year to end June 30,
1970, at a cost consistent vrith the maintenance of generally accepted
auditing standards. On motion by ~. Wheeler, seconded by ~r. Wood, the
follov~ng resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT t~ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that Dutaney, Saliey and Company, Certified Public
Accountants, be employed to examine accounts and financial records
of the County of Albemarle for the year ending June 30, 1970.
Statements of Expenses incurred in the Department of ~inance, the
Sheriff's Office and the Office of Commonwealth's Attorney were Submitted for
the month of Nfay, 1970. On motion by ~fir. Carroll, seconded by Mr. Wheeler,
these Statements were ~animously approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the 0ounty Jail was
2'5 '1
suhnitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the month of May,
1970. On motion by Mr. Carroll, seconded by Mr. Yancey, these Statements
were unanimously approved.
Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted in the amount of $21.00, of
which two-thirds is reimbursable by the State. On motion by Mr. ~neeler,
seconded by Mr. Yancey, this claim was approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month
of May, 1970, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of
S.L.H. Report for the month of ~ay, 1970, was received as information from
Dr. George Moore, Joint Health Director.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $220~.02
was submitted for hospitalization of indigents under SLH for the month of May,
1970. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, this claim was approved
for payment.
New SLH Contracts for the year beginning July 1, t970, were receivedfrom
the University of Virginia Hospital and from Waynesboro Community Hospital.
The Waynesboro contract included a per diem rate of $44.41. The University of
Virginia contract listed no per diem rate but noted that "ceiling rate is to
be established by the State Board of Welfare mud Institutions". The .County
Executive recommended that this latter contract not be executed until a figure
is entered and this recommendation was accepted. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded
by Mr. Gibson and unanimously adopted, the County Executive was a~thorized to
execute contract with Waynesboro Community Hospital.
Report of the County Executive was received for the month of Eay, 1970,
and was ordered filed.
The County Executive called the Board's attention to the fact that the
terms of ~yron E. Tremain and Edward F. Hoy on the Albemarle County Service
Authority expired April 16, 1970. The Board was advised that both Mr. Tremain
s~d Nr. Hoy had been contacted and agreed to cont~ue to serve in thi~ capacity,
On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Woad and unanimously adopted, Mr.
Tremain and Mr. Hoy were reappointed to the Service Authority for four-year
terms expiring April 16, 1974.
The County Executive submitted agreement of easement for right,of-way
across property owned by the County to Berkley Hills being developed by Daley
Craig, as received from Virginia Electric and Power Company and approved by the
County Attorney. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Carroll, the following
resolution was adopted in this regard:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of
County Supervisors of Albemarle County be and they are hereby autho-
2.5! 2
rized to execute a certain agreement of easement to bear date as of
June 18: 1970, conveying to the Virginia Electric and Power Company,
a corporation organized and existing tuuder the laws of the State of
Virginia, a right of way across the property of the County of
Albemarle, as shown by plat bearing Number CH-82-?0, exhibited to
the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, same to be
signed by the Chairman on behalf of the Board of County Supervisors
of ~klbemarle Cotumty and attested and seal affixed by the Clerk.
The County Executive submitted communication from Phoenix Mutual Life
Insurance Company submitting costs for covering twelve County employees who
will not be eligible for the State plan approved at the last regular meeting.
He recommended that the County continue coverage on ~Mr. J. Harvey Bailey and
~Mr. James W'. Cobbs until they reach age 6~. In discussion it was brought out
that evidence of insurability would be required for the insurance volume quoted.
After discussion, the Cotuuty Executive was directed to get further details and
also check with other companies on this matter and report back to the Board.
Dr. George t~oore, Joint Health Director, appeared with regard to unof-
ficial dumps in the Cotuuty. He stated that his department has been working
~with the zoning office to eliminate these. He suggested going back to the
1968 Solid waste Plan and setting up priorities on additional landfill sites
and stated that his office would be glad to assist in finding suitable property.
ilar. ~Wheeler stated that there is definitely a need for additional landfills,
particularly in the northeast and northwest areas of the County. Dr. Moore
advised that they also intend to launch educational programs in the schools
in the fall. The County Executive was directed to bring to the July meeting
a list of suggested names for a co~muittee to be appointed for the selection of
additional landfill sites.
Claim against the Dog Tax ~Sand was received from Mr. '~. R. Armstrong for
one pig killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by ~r. Carroll, Er,
Armstrong was allowed $20.00 for this pig.
S.P.C.A. ~eport was submitted for the month of May, 1970, and on motion
by ~r. Yancey, seconded by lat. aarroll, was unanimously approved.
l~epresentatives from the Earlysvi!le Ruritan Club appeared with regard to
their application for a temporary special permit to locate and operate a circus
on property owned by James Craig and located behind the Earlysvi!le Post Office.
They advised that in checking on license in the Department of Finance they had
been advised that the tax was ~100.00 per day. However, it was later learned
that this tax would be $500.00 per day. They advised that they could not
sponsor the circus under these circumstances and withdrew their application.
After the meeting adjourned, it was learned that the president of the
Earlysville t~urita~ Club had signed a contract with circus representatives and
would have to sponsor the ~ircus if special permit could be obtained. Therefore,
on a~vice of the County Attorney, the Clerk polled the Board by telephone and
public hearing on the special permit application was set for 9:00 A.~. on July
6, 97o.
.At 1:30 P.~. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as
advertised in the Daily ~rog~ess on ~ay 29, June ~ and June t2, 1970, as follows:
(1) SP-43 - Application of Herbert W. Gribble for special permit to locate a
mobile home on property located on Route 619, 0.~ miles north of 'Woodridge.
Mr. Gribble appeared in support of his application. No one appeared in
opposition. M~. Humphrey advised that the staff and the Planning Commission
recommended approval of this application subject to adequate septic facilities
approved by the Health Department along with a 30 foot minimum setback. On
motion by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Carroll, unsm. imously adopted, the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(2) ~-44 - Application of James w.. Hensley for special.permit to locate a
permanent mobile home on property located on Route 540, Rivanna District.
No one appeared with regard to this application. Mr. Humphrey reported
that the staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to ade-
Quate septic facilities approved by the Health Department along with a minimum
30 foot setback from the right of way. On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr.
Yancey and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Ptsm~uing Commission
was accepted.
(3) 2-46 - Application of Annie N. ~ttrr for special permit to locate a
permanent mobile home on property locatsd on Route 63~, south of t~oute 636.
~rs. ~urr was present in support of her application. No one appeared in
opposition. ~r. Ht~mphrey advised that the staff and Planning Commission recom-
mended approval of this application subject to a septic facility approved by the
Health Department and a minimum setback of ~0 feet from Route 63~. On motion by
Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Gibson and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of
the Pls~ming Co~mission was accepted.
(4) SP-4? - Application of Robert L. Butler for special permit to locate a
permanent mobile home on property located on Route 600 at Campbell.
Mr. Butler appeared in support of his application. No one appeared in
opposition, i~r. Humphrey advised that staff recommended approval subject to
Health Department approval of a septic field facility a~ong with a ~0 foot mini-
mum setback off of Route 600. However, after field insp~eetion, the Planning
Com~lission f~arther recommended condition that, if possible, the trailer be
located on the northeast side of the house. After ~iscussion with Mr. Butler and
1¢~. Humphrey, motion was offered by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Y~ncey and ~ani-
mousiy adopted~ approving this application, subject~the staff recommende~ con-
2'5 4
ditions mud subject to the trailer being located on the northwest side in trees
for screening purposes.
(~] ~-40 - Application of W. Sterling Carter for special permit to locate a
mobile home on property located on Route 784 to house an agricultural
Mr. Carter appeared in support of his application. No one appeared in
opposition. Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended ap-
proval of this application subject to Health Department approval of septic
system and that trailer being located no~ closer than 30 feet from Route ?84.
On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Carroll and unanimously adopted, the
recon~aendation of the Planning Co~mnission was accepted.
The chairms~u called for public hearing on proposed amendments to the Zoning
Ordinance in connection with conditional use. permits. Mrs. Elizabeth Rosenblum,
Mr. Randy Jones, Mr. Lionel Key and M~r. Carter Lynns appeared. After lengthy
discussion by the public and the Board, motion was offered by Mr. Gibson, secon-
ded by Mr. V~eeler, and unanimously adopted, to amend the existing conditional
use permit requirement in the A-l, RS-~., R-1, R-2, R-3, B-~, M-1 and M-2 to
special permit provisions with the exclusion of public utilities which are to
remain as conditional use; and in the M-1 zone, to change all conditional uses to
special per,mit use with the exception of public utilities, wholesale businesses,
warehouse facilities, truck terminals, moving and storage facilities, which remain
as~conditionat use permits.
Motion was offered by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Womd and unanimously
adopted, as follows: By resolution of intent, this Board proposes to amend the
Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance so as to permit animal hospitals in A-~ zones
with special permit, and to require in A-~, B-~, ~-1 and M-2 Special Use Permit
for all business signs, and to eliminate as a permitted use in R-2 zone multiple
dwellings designed for occupancy by more than two families, and to permit two-
family dwellings in the A-1 zone with Special Use ~ermit.
Communication was received from Sheriff W. S. Cook requesting the Board to
study and adopt a standard pay scale and yearly merit increases for the Sheriff's
Department and Jail and listing reco~nended salary scale. On motion by Mr. Wheeler,
seconded by ~r. Carroll and unanimously carried, it was ordered that this request
be included in the over-all study to be made in the near futu~e-'of the operations
and facilities of the ~heriff's office as suggested by the Chairman.
Claims against the County amounting to ~1,302,6~6.99 wer~ presented, exs~nined
and allowed, and certified to the ~irector of Finance for payment and charged
against the following funds:
General Aevenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School 0peratimg Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Dog Tax ~kmd
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
County Water Systems
Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
3 2.
b, lU1.10