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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the ~i6th day of
July, 1970.
Present: Ness~s. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Donald Carroll, Gordon
L. l~heeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. and R. A. Yancey.
.Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive .aud County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lordt s Prayer led by N~. 'Garnett.
On motion by Nr. l~heeler, seconded by Nr. Carroll, minutes of the meet~ugs
of June 11, June 18, and June 29, 1970, were unanimously approved as submitted.
Nfs. Virginia S. Narks, who is retiring as Superintendent of Public Welfare
at the end of the month, was recognized by the Board. Er. Gordon ~heeler, the
Board's representative on the Welfare Board, presented Nfs. Narks with a certifi-
cate of appreciation for twenty years of service and expressed to Nfs. Larks the
sincere appreciation of the Board and the citizens of the County for the out~
standing service which she has rendered.
The County Execntive stated that the Board had been informed of the employ-
ment of Er. James D. Ritchie to succeed Nrs. Narks as Welfare Superintendent,
which employment had been approved by members of the-Welfare Board, and requested
ratification of this employment. On motion by Er. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey
and unanimously carried, Nr. James D. Eitchie was ~ppointed 'Superintendent of
Public ~Welfare for Albemarle County.
On motion by Er. Wood, seconded by Nr. Carroll and unanimously carried, the
following resolution was adopted and the Clerk was directed to forward copy of
same to Nfs. Leslie Walton:
WEEREAS, Nr. Leslie H. Walton, Superintendent of Schools for
Albemarle County, Virginia, died suddenly and unexpectedly on July
11, 1970, after long and devoted service to the County and all of
its citizens; and
'~EREAS, this Board and all of its members desire to express
.publicly their deep gratitude for that service and their profound
sense of loss occasioned by his passing;
NOW, TEEREF0~, HE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County that in the death of Leslie Walton, the
County as a whole and this Board a~d the County School Board in
particular have lost the services of a uniquely capable public
servant, a man in whom were combined to an unusual degree the highest
qualities of personal inteErity, pro~essional competence, devotion to
duty, practical common sense and personal humility.
AND BE IT F~RT~ .RESOLVED that every member of this Board
feels a deep ~per.sonal sadness at the loss of an ,able. co-worker, a
respected citizen ~of the Connty and a close personal friend.
Mr. Wheeler asked Nr. Warner about progress on Route 660. Nr. Warner ad-
vised that preliminary plans have been retnrned and plans.should be completed
within~'~the next .thirty to sixty days.
Mr. Wheeler also asked about Route 650. The County Executive advised that
he had conferred with representatives from American Telephone and Telegraph Com-
pany and the Country Attorney and bill had been rendered to said company for the
amount necessary to cover right-of~way.
Mr. 'Wheeler stated that he wished to go. on record that developers of sub-
divisions must guarantee that roads will .be developed to~ state specifications.
Mr. Bathhelor stated that he ~had contacted Nfs. Burton and advised her that if
roads are not completed to specifications, no further building permits would be
issued. Nr. Wood stated that he felt regulations were sufficient to cover the
matter but these regulations must be enforced.
Mr. Yancey stated that the road by the railroad track· at' New Town is ex-
tremely rough. Mr. Warner advised that. his office is working up estimates on
improvements to this road so that the cost can be charged to the Interstate 65
Nr. Yancey also again called Mr. Warner's attention to the numerous and
constant complaints he receives with regard to Route 684. He stated that:it
would help to some extent if the State would widen its p~rtion of the road just
off Route ~0 West. Nr. "~arner made note of Nr. Yancey's request but made no
further commi ttment at this meeting.
Mr. Wood stated that at the last meeting Rickey Road was discussed at which
time the Board asked for a report from the County Engineer and County Attorney
at this meeting. Mr. Bailey reported that after an inspection of Ricky Road,
it had been determined that approximately $2,000 would be needed to restore the
surface of about 0.2 mile, He stated that the road in question was originally
built substantially in accordance with standards; however, drainage problems have
compounded the situation and corrective measures here (off-site drainage) would
cost approximately $~,000. He estimated the total cost of the pro~ect to be
between $7,000 and $7~00. He advised that his department could not recommend
acceptance into the State System until the situation is remedied. He further
stated that his views coincide with the Resident Highway Engineer' on what needs
to be done. The County Attorney advised that as long as this road is not in the
road system, he does not see how this Board can do anything other than exert
pressure on parties involved to correct the situation. -He stated, that this is
now a private way dedicated to public use. He advised that the original cor-
poration which developed., the~ subdivision was now bankrupt. Nr. Robert Evans,
who lives on 'Wayne Avenue but over whose property the drainage occurs,. Stated
that he feels the pipe is.large enough but it .needs a wing on_.ei.ther side;
debris washe,~ through f~om 'Queen CharlOt~te SuhiivisiGn and clogs the pipes.
Nr. Tom Guthrie, who lives on RiCkey Road where the pot holes exist, stated
that drivers put two wheels .on the sidewalk to drive through, causing constant
danger to children living and playing in the area. Dr. Charles Hurt explained
how this street has held.~up acceptance, of streets in the section which he
developed and which he has received Planning Commission approval on. Mr.
Marshall Butler of Chesapeake Capital Corporation advised that his company, in
conjunction with Virginia Laad Company, had contributed funds for the improvement
of this situation. Mr. Randy Wade advised that he om~es, twelve-duplexes in the
area and he is very concerned with the issue and its effect on so many people.
Mr. Woody Watson (Rickey Drive in City Limit.s) recommended if the County can't
recommend acceptance that the City be requested to close their portion of the
road. Mr. Grant Woodford (Rickey Road) stated that it was his understanding
that S Square Compmny applied for acceptance of ~ckey Road in 1966 and the road
was not inspected at that time because of Nr. Evans' complaint. The Chairman
stated that it seems this cannot be resolved in a public meeting and suggested
that the interested parties meet with Mr. 'Warner, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Narshall.
Mr. Gibson stated that the problem existing in one remote section of the sub-
division should not hold up acceptance of other streets. On motion by Mr.
seconded by Nr. Gibson, and unanimously carried, Mrs. Woodford, ~r. Wade, Nr.
Guthrie, Dr. Hurt, and Nr. Butler were asked to meet~..~th the County and High-
way engineers and Mr.. Lloyd Wood on the site at 10:00 A.M. July 20, 1970, and to
report back to the Board at its regular August meeting.
Mr. Ben Lear of the Nechums River area registered complaint about the con-
R ·
dition of cute 682 to the dump. He stated that gravel doesn't stay on the road.
Mr. Warner made note of this complaint.
Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advis-
ing that in accordance with resolution of this Board dated May 21, 1970, the
following streets in Carrsbrook Subdivision were accept~ into the
~ystem effective July 14, 1970:
Powhatan Court\ from the intersection of R.~-e~ 1~ to cul-de-sac, a
distance of 0.09 mile.
Cherokee Co~t from the intersection of Rte. 15~ to cul-de, sac, a
di stance of 0.08 mile.
The County Executive advised that attorneys for parties involved in the
proposed abandonment of a section of 01d Lynchburg Road had requested that this
matter be carried over to the r~gular August meetingl
Kr. Garnett advised ~%hat Dr. Thomas Summey had planted grass on banks of
Routes 614 an& 671 to prevent erosion and requested that the road crews not
plow this grass up.
.At 10:00 A.~. the Chairman called for public hearing on Zoning Requests as
advertised in the Daily Progress on June 26, July 3 and July 10, 1970:
(1) ~9~P-112 - Application of Elizabeth P. Sherrill to rezone 3.5 acres from
/%-1 Agricultural to N-1 Industrial. Located on Route 742, south of
Nrs. Sherrill was present. No one appeared in opposition. Nr. Humphrey advised
that Nr. Rosser Payne, consultant, had been contacted with regard to this appli-
cation and it had been preliminarily determined that the extension of the exist-
ing N-1 zone in this area would include this parcel of land. He further advised
that the Planning Commission recommended approval. On motion by Kr. Wood,
seconded by Nr. '~heeler, and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Plan-
ning 0ommission was accepted.
(2) ~P-126 - Application of H. E. Bromu and others to rezone 20 acres from A-1
Agricultural to RS-1 Residential. Located on Route 70~, 5 miles south of
No one appeared with regard to thais application but Nr. Humlmhrey submitted letter
requesting permission to withdraw without prejudice. On motion by Nr. Gibson,
seconded by Nr. ~Wood, and unanimously carried, this ~equest was granted.
(3) ZKP-128 - ApPlication of Henry Naclin Properties, Inc. to rezone. 2.96 acres
from R-2 Residential to R-3 Residential. Located on Peyton Drive in %~est-
field Subdivision.
Er. Tom ~hyant appeared on behalf of the applicant. No one appeared in opposi-
tion. Er. Humphrey advised that the staff recommended that the request be
granted to correct an apparent error in establishing zoning lines on the original
map and granting this request would be in keeping with the trend of development
in the immediate area. He further reported that the Planning Commission recom-
mended approval in keeping with the staff report. On motion by Nr. Wheeler,
seconded by Nr. Wood and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning
Commission was accepted.
(4) ~-129 - Application of W. T. Dettor, Jr. to rezone 48 acres from A-I
Ag~'icultural to B-1 Business, and 12 acres from A-1 Agricultural to RS-1
Residential. Located on Route 738 near Ivy.
Er. Humphrey advised that since this proposal involves a major element of the
Forthcoming Comprehensive Plan, his office contacted Nr. Rosser Payne, consulter1.
Nr. Humphrey read communication from Nr. Payne which in summary.advised that un-
less there are circumstances of which he is not aware, it appears that this case
could be processed without harming _the planning effort for the County. Er.
Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval with the
following amendments: "( 1 ) That the 48 acres requested for B-~I zoning be-re-
duced to 20 acres being generally defined by a line commencing at the eastern.
property line at its intersection with the railroad right-of-way; thence 1,000
feet in a northerly direction to a point .wher. e.it deviates from the existing
property line, a westerly dir, ection along a ~distance of approximately 1 ,SOO
feet; thence in a southerly direction following the center line of the course
of said stream where said stream intersects.the railroad' right of way; thence
in an easterly direction along the_railroad right of way to. the point of be-
ginning. Sai~ area involved being approximately. 20 acres. The remainder of
the 48 acres is to remain in the A-I Agricultur~al zone. (2) The 12.0 acres
requested for RS-1 zoning is recommended for approval." Nr. William Dettor
made presentation regarding h~s a~plications. A number of citizens appeared
concerning this application. Nr. and Nfs. William~Colony sent telegram in
opposition. Nr. Dettor submitted.petition with 76 signatures of persons who
stated the~ had no opposition and communication was received, from C & 0 Rail-
way 0ompany advising that said company,did not oppose the application. Nr.
Ben Laer, president of Murray P.T.A.,~xDressed concern about safety of chil-
dren who attend Nurray School. Mrs. Francis Nartin of the League of Women
Voters voiced the hope that the water situation would be given consideration.
Nr. Withers Fennil appeared as attorney for residents in the Ivy area who are
opposed. Nr. Paul Delaney, professional planner ,/that the propOSed use is
reasonable but consideration should be given to access. Nr. M. W. Willis ex-
pressed opposition. Nfs. Rosenblum suggested further study. Nr. Frank Kessler
stated that the business would be an asset to the area. Nr. Jack Narizano
stated that business would increase the traffic count, thereby increasing ~e
priority of the road for improvement. Mr. Wheeler stated that he would want to
know about chances of improvements to Route 6?6 before acting. Industrial ac-
cess fundswere discussed and Nr. Defter advised that he had been investigating
this possibility. Nr. Gibson offered to work with Nr. Detter on this m~_tter.
After discussion, motion was offered by ~r. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler and
unanimously carried, approving this application as recommended by the Planning
Oommi ssion.
(~) CU-140 - Application of W. T. Dettor, Jr. for conditional use permit to
allow a wholesale food distribution warehouse ia B-1 zone above approved.
The Board was advised that the Pl~ng Commission recommended approval subject
to the following conditions:
1. A 100 ft. buffer of existing cover be provided on the westernmost
property line within the area to remain A-1 Agricultural extending
north from the 'h~ilroad right of way to the RS-1 zoned land.
2. That a 100 foot buffer of existing cover be provided on the east
property line extending from the railroad right of way to the rear
line of the recommended RS-1 zone.
S- That the Soil Conservation Service be contacted to evaluate the pro-
posed lake site as suggested by Mr. Dettor on the site plan.
4. The Health Department's approval of septic system.
On motion by Nr.. 'Woo&, seconded by Nr.-Gib.son,'...a~d. unanimonsly carried, this
application was ~approvext .subj oct to the conditions ~as recommended, by the pm!a~-
ning Commission and subject I%tr~er to the condition that '20 feet be dedicated
along the 2font of the subject property.
0~-13.5 - Application of James C. 'Sams for conditional use permit to allow
a professional office to be located in his home located on Route 712, con-
raining 7~ acres.
Nr. S~_ms was present in s~pport of h~s petition. No one appeared in opposition.
N~,.-Humphrey.repor.t.e& that the staff recommended approval aud. the Planning Com-
mission recommended approvalpro~ided that there.be no change in the outward
appearance in the residential structure. Nr~ Same ad.Vised.that there would be
no 'outward alterations. On motion, by Nr. ~OOd_, seconded by Nr. 'Wheeler, and
unanimously carried, the recommendakion of the. Planning Commilszion was accepted.
CU-136 - Application. of H. H. Tiffany for conditionaluse pe~t
proval to a water system for the H. H. Tiffany Development Corp.
on Route 691 near Greenwood on proper'tycontaining 29U~ acreS. '
Lee NcOratty appeared on. behalf of Nr. Tiffany along with several other
representatives of the corporation. No one appeared' in opposition. The ocr-
poration was told several times during the lengthy consideration of this' appli-
cation that this permit should have been obtained before any work' was begun on
the subject water system. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Plarming Commission
recommended approval subject to the following conditions:
That the central system as covered under CU-136 serve only the 13 lots
as shown aud as approved by the Planning Commission and hence recorded
which is presently zoned R-1 a~d 8 additionaD lots, when ~hose lots
have been properly zoned by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
and the subdivision plat recorded.
2. That no other land is to be served by the subject central water supply
beyond total of 21 lots.
At conclusion of ledgthy discussion, motion was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded
by Nr. Wheeler, and unanimously adopted, accepting recommendation of the Planning
Commission with the additional condition that the pipe in the road way be made
four (4) inches throughout.
CU-141 - Application of C. B. Trainum, ~r. fo~/conditional use permit to
approve an antique shop on the south side of Route 2~0 East, across ~rom
Pittman's Store on property containing 0.~ acre.
Nr. Trainum appeared in support of his petition. No one appeared in opposition.
Nr. Humphrey advised that the staff and Planning Commission ~ecommended approval
subject to (1) a deceleration 8~d acceleration lane, (2) parking of customer
a',~tos be behind the ib2ont building line of the existing structure so as not to
impair sighting in both directions of Route 2~0, and (3) the present bank on the
west be cut down to assist in providing proper sight distance. Nr. Trainum
vised that the first condition above listed would be a hard~3ip financially.
After discussion motion was offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unani-
mously carried, accepting recommendation of the Plan~ing Commission with the excep-
tion that the deceleration and acceleration lane be subject to recommendation
the Highway Department.
(9) Z~P-12~ - Application of Albemarle CoUnty Board of Supervisors to rezone
.20.94 acres owned by D~on Croxton
CrmOm A-1 Agricultural to ES-1 Residential.
(Deferred from June l~th meeting. )
Nr. Humphrey advised~that 'Nr. Croxton had informed.his, office that he did not
wish his property to be rezoned. Notion was offered by Nr-. Gibson, seconded bY
Nr. "Wood, and unanimously adopted, to withdraw 'this petition. A resident of the
area appeared as representative for citizens who requested surrounding properties
to be resorted and stated that they were opposed to a trailer park being located
in this area.
At 1:00 P.N.. the Chairm~..u called for public, hearing on Zoning Requests as
advertised in the Daily Progress on June 26, July 3 and July 10, 1970:
( 1 ) CU- 137 - Application 'of North 'Water Company for conditional use; permit to
approve a sewerage treatment plant located ot~f Route 631 on Oak Hill
Drive on property containing 2~&.~ acres.
Nr. John Noore and Nr. Norris Foster appeared on behalf of the applicant. No one
appeared in opposition. Nr. Humphrey stated 'that the staff felt any approval
should be subject to the applicant and the County entering into an agreement where-
in the County has the opportunity to acquire the facility at some time and date.
Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval .subject
to the Following conditions:
1. That no more hookups be permitted beyond the present five until proper
approval has been given by the Health Department for the operation of
the facility.
2. .Subject to compliance with the requirements and standards having been
met of the State Health Department and State Water Control Board.
3. Tha~ no mobile homes be nearer than 600 feet from the treatment facility
to protect against possible contamination from flying insects and to
minimize possible odor nuisance.
Nr. Bruce Rohm, a neighbor, appeared and advised that he was concerned about the
adequacy of the sewer facility. After discussion, motion was offered by Nr.
~heeler, seconded by Nr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted, accepting t'he recommen-
dation of the Planning Commission with one exception; that the 600 feet speciCi-
fled in condition No. 3 be reduced to 100 feet.'
(2) ~-48 - Application of Ted Wilson for Special Permit to locate a permanent
mobile home on property located on Route 61~ and containing ~.68 acres.
Nr. 'Wilson was present to support his application. No one appeared in opposition.
Nr. Humphrey~- advised that the start and the Planning Commission recommended ap-
proval subject to Health Department approval of septic system and 300 foot setback
from right-of-way. On motion by Nr. '~neeler, seconded by Nr. 'Wood and_ unanimously
adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(3) ~-49 - Application of Donald Nobles for special permit to locate a permanent
mobile home on Route 690 on property contad~ing 2.03 acres.
~r. Nobles. was represented by his attorney. No one appeared in opposition. Nr.
Humphrey advised that the start and Planning Co~m~ ssion recommended aD, oVal sub-
j ect to Health Department approval for septic system and 30-ft. setback from
right-of-wa~. On motion by Nr..Yancey, seconded by Nr. 3Vood, and unmmimously
carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(4) ~-52 - Application of George L. Foster for special permit to locate a
permanent mobile home onRoute 720 on property containing 40.87 acres.
Nr. ~orris Foster appeared on behalf of the applicant. No one appeared in
position. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended ap-
proval subject to Health Department approval, for septic system and 300 foot
setback From the right-of-way. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr.
and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Co~n~ssion was ac-
(5) HP-53 - Application of E. R. Carroll For special permit to locate a
permanent mobile home on Nountain Drive oft of Route 690 on property
containing approximately 4 acres.
Nr. and Nfs Carroll were present in support of this application. Nfs. Arthur
Fox and Nr. Truman Southall appeared in opposition. Nr. Humphrey advised that
the staff recommended approval subject to several conditions; however, the Plan-
ning Commission recommended denial on the basis that this location for a mobile
home would not be compatible with the intent in establishing the residential area
of Blue Ridge Acres. On motion by )dr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. '~neeler, and
u~animously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(6) ~-54 - Application of Douglas Wood for special permit to locate a perma-
nent mobile home on Route 837 on property containing 3-5 acres.
No one appeared regarding this application. Nr. Humphrey advised that the staff
and the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to Health Department
approval for septic system and 30 Foot setback From right,of-way. On motion by
~r. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, unanimously carried, the recommendation of
the Planning Commission was accepted.
(7) ~-55 - Application of George A. ~urdock to locate a permanent mobile home
on 0.25 acres located on Route 691, west of Crozet.
No one appeared on behalf of the applicant. Several residents of the area. were
present with their attorney, Nr. Herbert Pickford, who spoke in' opposition.
Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended denial. On motion by
Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey and unanimously carried, the recommendation
of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(8) ~-130 - Application of Peter G. Hallock to rezone 1.0 acre From Residen-
tial R-2 to Business B-1. Property located on south side of Rio Road just
west of Route 29 North and Phillip's Building Supply.
Nr. Hallock appeared and advised that he wished to develop a garden center on this
land as he feels there is such a need in the area. No one appeared in opposition.
Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended denial b~. a Four to
two vote with one abstention. After discussion, motion was offered by Nr. ~ood,
seconded by Nr. Gibson, and unanimously Carried, to approve the application as
(9) Use Permit 70701
1~ ' Application of Peter G. Hallock petitioning the Board to
amend the permitted use section of Article 6, Business, General District,-
B~I, to allow "Retail Nursery Sales and Service".
Nr. Hallock was ale~ present for this discussion. No one else from the-public
appeared. Mr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended that
Article 6, Business, B-1 District be amended to .permit as a use "Retail Nursery
Sales and Service". On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unani-
mously carried, the Zoning Ordinance amendm~ut as recommended by the Planning
Commission and above spread was approved.
(10) Public hearing on following proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance:
(1) To amend the A-1, B-1, ¥-1 and M-2 zones to require Special Permits for
Business and Location Sig~s, (2) To amend the R-2 Residential zone to
eliminate as a ~Special Use Permit all multiple dwellings over two dwelling
units; ((3)a) To amend the A-1 Agricultural zone to include as a Special Use
Permit animal hospitals and (b) two-family dwellings.
Nr. Humphrey/amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission from minutes of
that body dated July 13, 1970, after which the Chairman called for discussion
from the public. Nr. Leroy Graves of Ivy Sign Company/that adoption of the first
proposed amendment would ruin his business and Nr. Roger Flint of Pepsi Cola 0om-
pany also appeared in opposition. At conclusion of discussion, the Board acted
on each of the proposed amendments separately.--On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded
by Mr. ~wheeler, with all voting for with the exception of Nr. Yancey, it was ordered
that A-1, B-1, N-1 and ~-2 zones be amended to require Special Permits for Business
and Location Signs in excess of 1 50 square feet and all such signs up to that size
.~ On motion by Mr Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson,
be handled aSm~nistratively ~-- .
and unanimously carried it was ordered that B-2 Residential zone be amended to
eliminate as a Special Use Permit all multi-dwellings over two dwelling units.---
On motion by Mr. ~Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried it .was
ordered that the A-1 Agricultural zone be amended to include as a Special Use
Permit (a) "Animal Hospitals" and (b) Two family dwellings on a minimum lo~ size
of two acres.
(11 ) Mr. John Humphrey requested the Board to reconsider Conditional Use Permit
for Safari Camp Ground.
Mr. Humphrey advised that request had been received from the Albees to reevaluate
the need for honeysuckle fence on the basis that the fence has become a potential
traffic hazard. He explained that travelers fail to see the campground sign and
make u-turns to return to the site. He advised further that the Planning Com-
mission recommended that this condition be removed. On motion by Mr. Yancey,
seconded by Mr. Wheeler and ~uanimously carried, it was ordered that this request
be granted.
Communication was received from Mr. Ben Kent, managing editor of the Daily
Progress with regard to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act passed by the
1970 General Assembly and effective June 26, 1970. Mr. D. B, ~arshall, County
Attorney, reviewed this act with the Board and advised that~,the Board continue to
be careful about holding meetings as in the past.
The Board was advised that Nr. Joseph Richmond, attorney for Southern
Railroad Company, had submitted copy of act of the last General Assembly to
provide for a credit upon cer~tain taxes~in cases of disaster. The County
Attorney advised that he had reviewed this act and that if the Board should
desire to make certain tax refunds because of the flood disaster of last
year, a resolution would have to be adopte&~ i~ accordance with the subject
act. This matter was .discussed and the Co~unty Executive was directed to
determine how much refund would be involved.
Nr. Garnett reported on the last meeting of the Planning District Charter
Committee. He advised that the committ.ee recomm~dedm, revising the Charter as
previously submitted to set the. membership as follows: Albemarle - 4, Char-
lottesville - 4, Fluvanna - 2, Greene - 2, L~uisa - 2 and Nelson.- 2. On
motion by Nr. ~heeler, seconded by Nr. WOOd, this change was unanimously approved.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office
and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted For the month of
June, 1970. On motion by ~r. Yancey, seconded by Nr. 'Wheeler, these statements
were unanimously approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with ~mmary statement of prisoner days for the month of June,
1970. On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Gibson, these statements were
unanimously adopted.
Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted For the month of June, 1970, in
the amount of $31.00, of which two-thirds is reimbursable by the State. On
motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, this claim was approved For payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted For the month
June, 1970, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
$.~.H. report for the month of June, 1970, was received as information from
Dr. George Noore, Joint Health Director.
Contracts were received from the University of Virginia Hospital and the
Nedical College of Virginia For the E~H program for the year ending J~ue 30, 197t,
at a per diem rate of $~8.82. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey,
these contracts were ~approved and the County Executive was authorized to sign same
on behalf of the County of Albemarle.
ReDor~ was received from the Auditor. of Public Accounts on audit of the Clerk
of the Circuit Court For the calendar years 1968 and. 1969. Nr. Batchelor advised
that copies were on ~ile if any member desired to go over them.
The Board was advised that .the terms of Gordon L. ~heeler, Comer ~mith and
W. A. SaGe, Jr. on the Welfare Board expired June 30, 1970. On motion by
Yancey, seconded by Nr. Gibson, these members were reappointed for a term of three
years, subject to their acceptance
Mr. Gibson gawe ~ief .progress report for the. life insurance committee and
advised that he hoped to.have final recommendation rea~ for the regular August
Notice was ~ received ~ from .the~ Statue ~Corporation Commission of public hearing
scheduled for 10:00 A.~.~ on September. 14, 1970, in its Court Room in Richmond on
aDplication of Virginia Sta§e ~Lines, Inc. to operate as~ a common..~ carrier from
junction of Route 2~0 and Int~erstate 64 (near ~Short Pump) over Interstate 64 to
its junction wi~h,Interstate 81, thence over Interstate 81 to its juaction with
Route 250 (near Sta~ton).
Notice was received, from the State Corporation Commission of public hearing
scheduled for I0:00 A.N. on 0c~ober 1, 1970, in its Court Room in Richmond on
petition of the Chesapeake and Ohio .Railway Company seeking authority to dis-
continue its dualized agency stations known as Howardsville in Albemarle County
and 'Wingina in Nelson County, and thereafter to-maintain the same as non-agency
or prepay stations for the handling of carload freight only.
Mr. Garnett submitted communication received from Nfs. Frances Martin regard-
ing the Lea$~e of 'm~omen Voter's project concerning water-supply, water quality,
and waste treatment. Mr. Garnett asked that this letter be acknowledged and ~
referred to the County Executive.
Communication was received from Sheriff W. S. Cook asking the Board to pay
time amd a half to those deputies who worked overtime during recent disturbances
at the University of ¥irginia. In consideration of this request, the Board was
advised by N~. Batchelor that the City of Charlottesville had allowed overtime
for police officers and the State of Virginia had given compensatory time to its
troopers. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr.
Yancey, and unanimously carried, that the County pay straight time' for the over-
time worked by the deputies.
On motion by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Gibson, and unanimously carried,
Dr. F. A. Iachetta and Mr. Gordon L. Wheeler, were re-appointed as the County's
representatives on the Community Action Organization Board. (For purposes of
record, note is made of the fact that the County's representation was reduc~dl
from five to two in the consolidation of the City and County with the Counties of
Fluvanna and Louisa.)
The County Attorney advised that a public hearing on re-districting would be ~
held at 9:B0 A.~. on July 24, 1970.
Mr. Gibson stated that the budget and audit report are difficult for the
general public to understand and requested that the County Executive prepare a
statement on the preceding year which would be easily understood by the ordinary.
Claims against the County amounting to $536,844.19 were presented, examined
and allowed, and certifie&~ to the Director of Finance for payment and charged
against the following ~ds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Textbook Fund
Oapitai Outlay
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Dog Tax ~-k~ud
County Water ~ystems
0harlottesville-Albemarle Mental Health
0ommonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct.
~ ,011.26
33,588 ._18
$ 536,844.19
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.