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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 21 st day of
January, 1971.
Present: Messrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, F. E. Paulett, Gordon
L. '~heeler, Lloyd F. ~Vood, Jr. and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Garnett.
On motion by Mr. ~heeler, seconded by Mr. Paulett and unanimously carried,
minutes of the meeting of December 17, 1970, were approved as submitted.
Mr. R. G. ~Warner, Resident Highway Engineer, stated that the Board should
give thought to setting date for annual road hearing. Mr. Warner was requested
to prepare a statement concerning public funds available, the approximate amount
of mileage that will qualify for acceptance during the coming year taking into
consideration traffic cuunt and funds available, and such other information as
necessary to inform the public of the limits which will be placed on recommenda-
tions to be made by the Board. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr.
Wheeler, seconded by ~. Yancey and unanimously carried, setting the time for
the annual road hearing for 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 2~, 1971.
At the suggestion of Mr. Warner, the following resolution was offered by
~r. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. 'Wood, and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, this Board has been advised by the Resident Highway
Engineer that public hearing on proposed improvements to Route
810 has revealed considerable opposition by the public and it
does not appear feasible to proceed with said project as currently
propo seal; and
WHEREAS, it has been suggested that funds currently allocated
to the project be transferred;
NOW, THEKEFOI~E, BE IT I~ESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department
of Hi ghwa¥.s .. be and is hereby requested to transfer the stun of
$80,000.00 currently allocated for improvements to Route 810,
Project No. 0810-002-126,C~01, to proposed improvements to Route
637, Project 0637-002-138;C501; and
BE IT Ft~q~ RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be requested to continue its study for improvements to Route'810,
Mr. Wheeler reported that there are holes in l~oute 78~ and that raw sewer-
age is washing into the road from Springfield Subdivision. Mr. Humphrey stated
that ha would check with the Health Department on this matter.
Nr. 'Wood asked Nr. Warner about snow removal on Berwick Circle in West-
moreland Subdivision. He stated that snow was removed on the roads in the Secon-
dary B~stem but this cul-de-sac does not receive snow removal and is further
hampered by snow removal up to that point. Nr. warner advised that the law
requires three-family occupancy and there is nothing ~¢nich his department can
do until such law is changed. The County Executive advised that he plans to
discuss this and other similar situations with Nr. Blundon of the State Highway
Department. ~r. Humphrey was requested to try to control such situations before
they develop in approval of site plans.
'~r. Wood also asked if there were any further developments fon improvements
to Rio Road (Route 631 ). }Ar. Warner advised that about all rights of way have
been appraised and they will soon be ready to start negotiating for acquisition
of land.
Communications were received from the State Department of Highways advising
that as requested in resolutions from this Board, dated November 19, t970, the
following additions to and abandonments from the Secondary System were approved,
effective January 1~, 1971:
Addition s:
Section 7 of new location of Route 631, Project 0064-002-102,P-410, from SCL of
Charlottesville to 0.~0 mile south of SCL of Charlottesville - length 0.50 mi.
Section 8 of new connection of Project 0064-002-102,P-410, from relocated 631,
Station 162+00, to old Route 631, length 0.06 mi.
Section ? of new location of I~oute 781, from Star,ion 116+70 to Station 126+00,
Project 0064-002-102,P-40~ - length 0.18 mi.
Section 8 of new location of l~oute 780, from WCL of Charlottesville to J0.1~ mile
southwest of WCL of Charlottesville, Project 0064-002-102,P-40~ - length 0.1 5 mi.
Abandonm en t s:
Section 6 of old location of Route 631, Pr~oject 0064-002-102 P-410 between
right o~ way limits north and south of 1-64 - length 0.20 mi'. '
Section ~ of old location of Route 781, from Station 116+70 to Stat%on 126+00,
Project 0064-002-102,P-40~ - length 0.20 mi.
Section 6 of old location of Route 780, from WCL of Charlottesville to 0.13 mile
southwest of '~CL of Charlottesville, Proj eot 0064-002-102,P40~ - length 0.13 mi.
Communication was received from the State Department of Highways advising
that as requested in resolution from this Board, dated December 17, 1970, the
following additions to and abandonments iTom the Secondary System were approved,
effective Ja~uuary 14, 1971:
Addition s:
Section ~ of new location of l~oute 731, Proje.ct 0064-002-102,P-407, from Station
16+20 (l~oute 731) to Station 27+~0 (Route 731) - length 0.28 mi.
Section 6 of new location of Route 744, Project 0064-002-102,P-407, from inter-
section of l~oute 2~0 to 0.~8 mile north of intersection of Rt. 2~0, length 0.38 mi.
Section 7 of new location of Route ,616, Prgject 00-64-002-102,P-407, from Station
14+20 (Route 616) to Station 46+~0 (Route 616) - length 0.7~ mi. ·
Abandonment s:
Section 1 of old location of i{oute 731, P. roject 0064-002-102,P-407, from Sta-
tion 16+20 (l{.oute 731) to Station 2?+50 {Route 731)- length 0.22 mi.
Section 2 of Route ?30, Project 0064-002-102,P-407, I~rom opposite Station
2919+00 to opposite Station 2980+00 - length 0.15 mi.
Section 3 of old location of Route ?44,.Project 0.064-002-102,P40~?, from inter-
section of Route 250 to Star, ion 2~_00 {Route 74~) - length 0.25 mi.
Section 4 of old location 9~f Route 616, .Project 0064-002-102,P-~.07, from Sta-
tion 14+20 (Route 616) to Station 46+50 {~oute 616) - length 0.69 mi.
On request of the Resident Engineer, the following resolution was offered
by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimouBly adopted:
i~YEAS, certain changes have resulted in the Primary and Secondary
Systems due to relocation and construction of Interstate 64; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that no public hearing will be
necessary in this instance due to the fact that property owners in-
volved have access to the new locations and/or own the property on
both sides of the old location;
NOW, TI{EREct, ~E IT ILESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of
Albemarle 0ottnty, Virginia, that the following changes in the Secon-
dary and Primary Systems be and the same are hereby approved, each
section listed being indicated on sketch presented to this meeting
with letter from R. G. Warner, Resident Engineer, dated January 14,
1971, and made a part of this Board's permanent file:
Section 1 - to be abandoned {0.25 mi.) 0.05 mi. short of Rt. 684
.. ':.:i~sec~ion: 2 - no action - in town
Section 3 - no action - in town
i~.~. Section 4 - to be abandoned ( 0.11 mi. )
Section 5 - to be abandoned {0.2~ mi.)
Section 6 - to be abandoned (0.29 mi.)
Section 7 - to be added to the Secondary System (0.60 mi.)
Section 8 - to be added to the Secondary System (0.26 mi.)
Section 9 - to be added to the Secondary System (0.28 mi.)
BE IT FURT~ tLESOLVED that copy of this resolution be forwarded
to the Virginia Department of Highways.
Communication was received from Mr. A. P. Williams requesting acceptance
into the Secondary System of that portion of Ridgemont l~oad from Route 743 to
its intersection with Viewmont Road in Earlysville Heights Subdivision. Mr.
Warner advised that the road has been built to specifications and drainage
has been checked out and drainage easement relocated. On motion by Mr. Wheeler,
seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimou¢ly adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia., that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is
hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways the
following section of road located in EarlySVille Heights SMbdivision,
Albemarle Cotuuty:
That portion of Ridgemont Road from Route 743 to the
intersection with Viewmont Road, a distance of 550 feet.
BE IT lCERTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby guaranteed a 50' unobstructed right of way and drainage
easements on this requested addition as recorded by plat in the office
of ~the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 452,
page 165, and by plat showing relocation of drainage easement recorded
in Deed Book 482, page 505.
Communication was received from Nr. John C. Mackie requesting acceptance
into the Secondary System of certain streets in Deerwood Subdivision. Er.
~¢arner advised that the sections requested are ready for acceptance. The
following resolution was offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, a~nd
unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virgiia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is
hereby requested to accept into the Secondax-*y System of Highways
the following roads located in Deerwood Subdivision, Albemarle County:
Deerwood Drive - from sra. 0+00 at its intersection With the
center of Route 649 to sra. 7+48 = an intersection with Lupine
Lane, a distance of .149 mile.
Deerwood Road - from sra. 0+00 Deerwood Road = sra. 3+11.74
Deerwood Drive to sta. 11+80.46 = intersection with Lupine
Lane, a distance of 0.224 mile.
HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby EUaranteed a 50' unobstructed right of way a~ud
drainage easements on these requested additions as recorded by
plats in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle
County in Deed Book 426, page 457, and Deed Book 45~, page 17.
Er. Clarence McClure, Superintendent of SchoolS, appeared along with Er.
Comer Smith, Chairman of the School Board, and presented proDe:sed five-year school
building program which he summarized in two phases as follows:
PHA~ I ~- Completion by September, 1973:
1. Purchase of sites - 1971
2. Northside Elementary School- 1972
3- Albemarle High School Expansion Program - 1972
4. Southside Junior High - 1973
~. Stony Point A~_dition - 1973
~. Red Hill Addition - 1973
7. Road and Parking at Albemarle High - 197~
$ 2~0,000.00
1 ~0,000. O0
7..5,.oo.o .oo
PHA~E II - Completion by September, 1975:
8. l~elocation of Bas Garage - 1974
9. Greenwood Addition - 1974
10. Broadus 'Wood Addition - 197~
1!. ~estside High School - 197~
$ 1~0,000.00
Mr. HcOlure requested that a bond issue for Phase I be approved by this Board
for early ~Spring, 1971, and.that the Board approve purchase of a site for the
elementary school to the north. He advised that two sites were under consider-
ation. A developer has offered to donate a site and this is being check~out by
the joint site selection committee. However, if this site is not selected, an
appropriation will be required for the alternate site. After discussion of the
foregoing matters,, motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and
unanimously carried, approving acquisition oS donated site by the site selection
committee with the understanding that if said site is not acquired, a special
meeting will be called for appropriation~of funds for purchase of the other site.
The request for approval of bond issue was ~aken under consideration.
In accordance with notice published in the Daily Progress on January 7 and
January 14, 1971, the Chairman ca$led for public hearing on proposed amendment
to the Plao_uing Commission Ordinance to allow for an. additional voting member.
Mr. John Humphrey read the proposed amendment. No one from the public appeared.
On motion by Mr.-'Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey, the following amendment was
unanimously adopted:
BE IT GRDAINED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County that
Section 2-$, Article II, of the Albemarle County Code, relating to the Albemarle
County Planning Commission be, and it hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 2-4 Composition; appointment, terms and compensation of members.
The Planning Commission of the County shall be composed of eleven members,
one of whom shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors from its own membership
for a term of one year who shall serve in an advisory capacity without voting
rights, one of whom shall be County Executive who s~hall also serve in an ad-
visory capacity without voting rights, and nine voting members who shall be
appointed by the Board of Supervisors for terms of four ~ars each. Each magis-
terial district shall be represented when practicable. All members of the Plan-
ning Commission except the County Executive shall receive compensation at the rate
of $~2'~.00 for each meeting actmally attended, payable monthly, but no mmmber
shall receive more than $~0.00 per month. The County Executive shall serve
without compensation."
The Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as advertised in
the Daily Progress on January 1, January 8 and January 15, 1971, as follows:
~!11) 'Z~P-149 - Application of PhiIlip and ~ary Beasley Estate to rezone 3.49
acres located on Route 29 No,th, across from the Hacienda Notel, from A-1
Agricultural to RS-1 Residential.
Several members _of the family were present in suppert of the application. No
one appeared in opposition. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission
recommended approval of the application m as submitted. On motion by Nr. ~wheeler,
seconded by Nr. ~Wood, unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning
Compression was accepted.
(2) ZEP-150 - _Application of H. C. Keller and ~W. W. Boss to rezone 1.36 acres
located in the southeast corner of the intersection of Routes 53 and 795
from A-I Agricultural to B-1 Business.
Nr. Keller appeared in support of the application as did Larry Sprouse, proposed
purchaser. Eiss Ellen Nash, attorney for several property owners in the area,
spoke in opposition. Communication expressing opposition was received from Nr.
Stanley 'Woodward and N~r. Humphrey noted that the Planning Commission received
several letters in opposition. Nr. Humphrey advised that the staff and the
Planning Comm~ ssion recommended denial of the application. NoZion was offered
by Nr. Paulett to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission which
motion was seconded by Nr. Wheeler. Nm. Yancey offered su~bstitute motion to
defer action until the next meeting in order that the site might be viewed by
members of the Board. Nr. Yancey's motion was secended by Nr. Wood, and una~-
mously adopted.
(3) Z~P-151 - Application of Charles W. Hurt to rezone 6.0 acres located on
Commonwealth Drive in Westfield Subdivision from R-3 Residential to B-1
No one appeared with regard to ~this application. Nr. Humphrey advised that the
Planning Commission recom~ended approval. On motiOn by ~. Wood, seconded by
~. Wheeler, unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission
was accepted.
(4) ~P-89 - Application of ~amie Dunbar to locate two mobile home$in an A-1
Agricultural zone , lots ~0 and 51 in Blue Ridge Acres off Route 690.
Nr. Dunbar appeared in support of the applicant. ~s. Fox, adjoining property
owner, appeared in opposition and stated that she also represented neighbors
who were unable to be present. Nr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commis-
sion recommended denial of the application. On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded
by Nr. Wood, and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commis-
sion was accepted.
Discussion was given to the number of applications which had been received
from landowners in the subdivision who apparently be~t the property without the
knowledge that mobile homes were not permitted unless special permit is obtained.
On motion by Er. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, and unanimously adopted, the
Planning Commission was requested to study Blue Ridge Acres with regard to need
For rezoning and recommend i~om A-1 to ,whatever 'zone they feel proper.
(5) 2P-92 - Application of John C. Vermillion to locate an Antique and Gift shop
in an A-1 Agricultural Zone on property located off of Route 20 near Key
west ~ubdiv~ sion.
Mr. and Mrs. Vermillion were present in support of their application'. Miss Muriel
MoNurdo appear~ed in opposition. Mr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Comm~s-
sion recommended approval subject to a detailed site plan being submitted to the
Zoning office prior to issuance of a Zoning Permit'. Mr.. Gibson stated that he
felt the site plan should be available before .giving approval if this is to be
a condition. Mr. Humphrey suggested a field trip in order that the site might
be viewed by Board members before taking action. After considerable discussion,
motion was ol~ered by Mr. -Wood, seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously carried,
that action be deferred until the February meeting in order that the site might
be viewed.
(6) ~F-93 - Application of David Shifflett to locate a mobile home on 13.0
acres on Boute 79~ near intersection with Route 620 - A-1 Zone.
No one was present regarding this application. Mr. Humphrey-reported that the
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to Health Department approval
for septic system and a 100 foot setback i~om Boute 795. On motion by Mr.
Paulett, seconded by Er. Yancey, ~ma~,imously carried, the recommendation of the
Planning Commission was accepted. At the afternoon session, Mr. George Gilmer
appeared on behalf-of client who was out of the country, advising that notice
received by his client with regard to hearing on this application gave the hour
as 1:30 P.E. It was noted that the newspaper advertisement stated 10:00 A.M.
N~. Gilmer also called the Board's attention to the fact that Mr. ST~ifTlett's
deed called for 3+ acres whereas his application has reference to 13 acres. In
view of the foregoing circumstances, t'he County Attorney recommended that action
on this application be deferred. On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr.
Wheeler, and unanimously adopted, action taken during the morning session was
rescinded. On motion by Mr. Paulett, seconded by Mr. Wheeler and unanimously
adopted, action on Mr. Shifflett's application was deferred until February and
it was ordered that hearing be re-advertised.
(7) 8~-94 - Application of Loyal Order of Moose to ma~.e an addition to the Moose
Lodge located on l~oute 2~0 East.
No one from the public appeared. Mr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Com-
mission recommended approval subject to State Fire Marshal's review and recom-
mendation and Health Department approval. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by
Mr. Yancey, and un~.uimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commis-
sion was accepted.
(8) Deferred until 2:30 P.M. on request of attorney Use Permit 70-04.
Mr. Wheeler advised that a chicken operation of great magnitude has been
located near Stony Point which has caused a rough situation in the community.
-On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Wood and unanimously adopted, the
Planning Commi ssion was requested to study control of such operation and make
recommendation to this Board.
Nr. Batchelor advised that the Connhy and City had an option to purchase
the Charles C. 'Sours property on Fourth Street which adjoins the building now
housing the County Welfare Department for the sum of $2~,000.00. He stated
t~at the City had adopted resolution to exceroise this option.if the County
concurs and it was felt this property could eventually be used for Juvenile
Court facilities. Er. Wheeler stated that he would'.have to see an appraisal
of the property before acting. Nr. l~ichard Florence of the Equalization Board
appeared later in the meeting and stated that he felt the property was well
worth the asking price,that the house is a good, substantial building. After
discussion, the following resolution was offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by
Nr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County S~pervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the County join with the City of Charlottes-
ville in the purchase of the Charles C. Sours property located at
418 Fourth Street, N. E., for the sum of $2~,000.00; and
BE IT ~-~T~ RESOLVED that rules with regard to second reading
be suspended and the sum of $12, ~00.00 be and the same is hereby
appropriated to cover the County's share of said purchase price.
Nr. C. K. Hawkes, District Sales Manager of the Chesapeake and Ohio Bailway
Company, gave a presentation of slides and talk with regard to the status of
railroads and stated that they are endeavoring to focus.~the nation's attention
on the necessity of maintaining a strong and virile transportation netvork.
Er. Keene Byrd and several other persons associated with the Youth Employ-
ment Service appeared. Nr. Byrd reviewed the proposed Summer '71 Program and
requested of the County an appropriation of $2,~00.00 and a pledge of t~n summer
jobs to be filled by 20 students (10 students for two ~-week periods) ~rom low-
income families who have been accepted into the job-education program. Er. Byrd
was told that the request for an appropriation would be considered in preparation
of the County's budget and it was also explained that the County could not pledge
the number of summer jobs requested due to limited areas of work available.
Nr. Wheeler requested ~at he be relieved of his appointment to the Y.E.S.
The County Executive reported on December 22 meeting of the Planning Dis-
trict 10 Charter Committee. He advised that the committee recommended formation
of the District to include Albemarle, Fluvanna and Nelson Counties and that the
proposed charter be amended to include Certain changes with reference to roping
which he reviewed. John Humphrey explained advantages of planning districts
pointing out mainly aid in obtaining fe&eral ~unds. Er. Gibson expressed con-
siderable concern over the ~fact that the City of Charlottesville chose not to
join the District. After ..discussion , motion was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded
by Er. ~heeler and unanimously adopted, authorizing the Chairman to enter into
written agreement with Nelson and Fluvanna Counties for the formation of
Planning District 10 and approving amendments to proposed charter~as follows:
1. Votes to be onthe following basis: Fluvanna 2; Nelson 2; Albemarle ~.
2. Voting throughout the life of the Planning District to carry a balance
by the urban governmental units and the rural governmental units so
that neither would have a majority vote. Subsequent joining by new
political subdivisions which would change this balance will have to
be agreed upon by a majority of all parties.
3. Any political subdivision joining after the creation of the Planning
District will be liable for the fUll year of current dues as well as
dues that would have been payable to the Planning District had that
political su~vision been a member in the preceeding year.
Use Permit ?0-04 - Petition of Mason B. Herring, Lessee of Cavalier Gulf Sta-
tion, to amend the Zoning 0rdinande to permit in the B-1
Business Zone storage of inoperative motor vehicles in con-
nection with service station and related wrecker services.
(Applicant has asked that certain restrictions be placed in
the proposed amendment so that the requested use can be
readily distinguished from an automobile graveyard or junkyard.)
Nr. Herring appeared in s~Dport of his application along with his attorney, Nike
Haden, who spoke in behalf of ~r. Herring. Nr. Humphrey reported that the staff
recommended that, if granted, approval be subject to the entire storage of ve-
hicles being wholly enclosed in structure with Special Permit. He further re-
ported that the Planning Commission recommended denial and that the operator be
given 30 days to move the operation. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr.
Wheeler and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was
accepted and Nr. Herring was given ~30 days from this date to move the operation.
In accordance with request received from Virginia National Bank, the follow-
ing resolution was offered by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously
WHERE,, Virginia National Bank, Depository, has deposited certain
additional collateral with Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Escrow
Agent, to secure deposits of the County in accordance with Escrow Agree-
ment by and between the said banks, T. N. Batchelor, Jr., Director of
Finance of Albemmrle County, and the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the deposit of such additional
collateral be and the same is hereby ratified as follows:
$1,8~0,000.00 U.S. Treasury Notes, 6-1/2%, due ~-1~-76.
BE IT FUBTHE~ BESOLVED that copy of this resolution be forwarded
to V~rginia National Bank and to the Federal Reserve Bank of Bichmond.
As requested .by First Virginia Bank/~onticello National, the following reso-
lution ~w~s offered by Nr. 'Wheeler, seconded by Nrc Yancey, and unanimously
adopt ed:
~HEBEAS, First Virginia Bank/..~onticello ~ational,
Virginia, Depository, has deposit.ed certain collateral with Federal
Reserve Ba~k of Richmond., Escrow Agent, to cover deposits of the County
in accordance with.Escrow Agreement by' and between the said banks,
T. ~. Batchelor, Jr., Director of Finance of Albemarle County; and the
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle. County;
NOW, T~BE, HE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle-County, Virginia, that the deposit of ~zch additional
collateral be and the same is hereby ratified as follows:
$100,000.00 U. S. Treasury Notes, 7-1/2%, due 2-15-72
HE IT i~jRTHER BESOLVED that copy of this resolution be forwarded
to First Virginia B~k/~onticello National and to the Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond.
In accordance with request received ~rom Citizens Bank and Trust Company, the
following resolution was offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, and
unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, .Citizens Bank and.Trust Company, Charlottesville, Virginia,
Depository, has requested substitution of certain securities held by
Virginia National. Bank, Escrow Agent, in accordance with Escrow Agreement
between said banks, T. N. Batchelor, Jr., Director of Finance of Albemarle
County, and the Board of S~pervisors of Albemarle County;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that Citizens Bank and Trust Company be ~nd
is hereby authorized to pledge the following:
$2~,000.00 Concord, N.C., P.H,A. 2-1/8% Bonds, due 8-1-81
$2~,000.00 Detroit, Nich., P.H.A. 2-3/8% Bonds, due 6-1-81
AND, upon pledge _and delivery of the foregoing securities, Virginia
National Bank be and is hereby authorized to release the following:
$50,000.00 U. S. Treasury 2-1/2% Bonds, due 9-1~-72.
HE iT FEBTHER RESOLVED that copy of this resolution be forwarded to
Citizens .Bank and Trust Company and to Virginia National Bank.
Nr. ~eeler stated that since., adoption of the sign ordinance requiring $2.00
fee for sign permits, perhaps thought should be given to fees for building
permits. Nr. Wheeler stated that in the past three months he had found several
houses not built with proper setback. The County Executive stated that building
permits have~ been require& to ,aid the real estate .department in making assessments.
Nr. Gibson stated that if we have a requirement we should police it. After some
discussion of the matter, motion was ol~fered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by
Gibson and unanimously adopted, ~requesting the staff to make a study of thiz
matter and report back to the Board.
The County Executive advised that the Board. of Equalization had employed
consulta~uts for certain real estate appraisals and recommended that an appropria-
tion of $6,000.00 be made to cover this expenses. On motion by ~. Yancey,
seconded by Nr. Wood, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the
following resolution .unanimously adQDted:
BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of ~o,unty Supervisors o£ Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $6,000..00 be and.the same~is hereby appro-
priated to cover cost of ;consultants' fees in the real estate de-
On motion by Nr. 'Wood, seconded by ~r. Gibson and u~animously carried, Nrs.
Isabel Palmer and Nr. William Stevens were reappointed to the Mental Health Ser-
vices~for a term of three years and Br. George Noore was. appointed to replace Dr.
Thomas Hunter for a three-year term, said appointments subject to .concurrence by
City Council.
Statements of expenses for the Department of'Finance, the Sheriff's 0I~fice,
and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the month of
December, 1970. On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. WoOd, these statements
were unanimously approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the month of December,
1970. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yanoey, these statements were
unanimously approved.
Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted for the month of December, 1970,
in the amount of $7.00, of which two-thirds is reimbursable by the State.
motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, this claim was approved for payment.
l~eports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month of
December, 1970, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of
S.L.H. report for the month of December, 1970, was received from Dr. George
Noore, Joint Health Director.
Claims were received from the University of Virginia Eospital in the total
amount of $2,2¢9.93 for hospitalization of indigent patients under S.L.E. for the
month of December, 1970, On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. ~, these
claims were approved for payment.
The County Executive advised that the General Assembly had adopted a new
schedule of holidays to allow three-day week ends where possib~and since the City
has adopted a similar schedule, recommended that the County do likewise for uniformity.
On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, and unanimously adopted, the
following hol&days were approved for County employees:
January 1
Third Monday in January - Lee-Jackson Day
Third Nonday in February - Washington's Birthday
April 13 - Jefferson' s Birthday
Las~ ~onday in May - Memorial Day
July ~
First Eonday in September - Labor Day
Fourth Monday in October - Veteran's Day
November - Thanksgiving Day
December 25
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. Garland Shifflett For
Five pigs killed by dogs. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. 'Wheeler and
unanimously carried, Nr. ~Shifflett was allowed $10.00 For each of these pigs.
On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by N~r. Wheeler, unanimously carried, ap-
pointment of an Equalization Board For 1971 was carried over until the next
S.P.C.A. reports For November and December, 1970, were received and ordered
On motion by ~r. 'Wheeler, seconded by Nr. ~ood, and unanimously adopted, Nr.
William S. Roudabush, Jr. was appointed to the Planning Commission For a term of
Four years.
Claims against the County amount±ng to $1,093,932.~8 were presented, examined
and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged
against the following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Dog Tax Fund
County ~ater Systems
~ental Eealth Service~
To~n of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Acct.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
$ 344.22