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A regular meeting of the Board of County_ S~pervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 18th day of
February, 1971 ·
Present: Nessrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, F. E. Paulett, Gordon
L. ~heeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
0FTicers present: County Executive and Clyde Gouldman for County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. Garnett.
On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. WoOd and unanimously ca~ried,
minuteS of the meeting of. Jauuary 21, 1971, were approved as submitted with the
following correction: ~otion with regard to approval of University of Virginia
Hospital claim seconded by Nr. Wood rather than Nr. Yancey.
Nr. Wood called attention to trash along Route 20 and the road to the old
County dump and the City Dump. He stated that he had called in about trash at
the old County dump and this was being taken care of. Nr. Humphrey advised that
his office has contacted City officials regarding the road to their dump.
Nr. Gibson stated that he received call From a citizen on Bio Road who was
concerned about the relocation of the road bed. Nr. Warner advised that his of-
lice had made recommendation to readjust alignment of the road bed and he felt
the complaint was-being ha~_dled satisfactorily.
Nr. ~neeler advised that he had received calls regarding 2.2 miles of Route
60~ which are almost impassable. Nr. Warner advised that he would check.on this.
Nr. Wheeler also inquired about status of road to Nurray ~s~uufactur~'~g and
Route 640 to American Telephone and Telegraph, Nr. Warner advised that his de-
partment iS contacting people on the road to ~urray Nanufact~ring and that work
has been started on rights of way on Route 640.
Nr. Wheeler aaked if there were any regulations which would apply to spill-
age on Route 784 from chicken operation located there. Nr. Warner advised that
he would investigate ~ determine if existing regulations would cover such an
Communication was received from ~r. John B. Noore, President of Oak Hill
Corporation, requesting that certain streets in Oak Hill Subdivision be recom-
mended for acceptance into the State Secondary System. The following resolution
was offered by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT I~ESOLVED by the Board of County S~pervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department. of Highways be and
is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways
the following roads located in Oak Hill S~bdivision, Albemarle
Windfield Circle - from Route 631 to cul-de-sac, length
500 feet.
Pinehurst Court - from Route 631 to aul de sac, length
875 feet.
BE IT F~RT~ RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby -guaranteed a 50' unobstructed right of way and
drainage easements on these requested additions as recorded by plats
in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County
in Deed Book 396, page 291; Deed Book %01, page 228; Deed Book 459,
page 452; and Deed Book 469, page 41.
CommunicatiOns were received from the State Department of Highways advising
that in accordance with resolution adopted by this Board on November 19, 1970,
the following changes in the Primary and Secondary Systems, made necessary by
relocation and construction of Route 64, were confirmed by the Highway Commis-
sion on January 21, 1971:
Sec~ion. s abandoned as Dro.vi.de~ under Section .~-~,,!,,,--148 of the .!950 Virginia Cod. e:
1. 01d location of Route 29, north and south of the new location of Inter-
state Route 64, from a point opposite Station. 559+35 (Route 29) southerly
0.28 mile to a point opposite Station 572+50 (Route 29).
01d location of Route 250, north and south of the new location of Inter-
state Route 64, from Station 39+00 (Route 250) southeasterly 0.22 mile.
Old location of Route 53, north and south of the new location of Inter-
state Route 64, from the old location of Route 20 easterly 0.20 mile.
01d location of Route 20, north and south of the new location of Inter-
state Route 64, from the South Corporate Limit of Charlottesville south-
westerly 0.55 mile to the intersection of relocated Route 20 at Station
01d location of Route 317, south of the new location of Interstate Route
64, from the old location of Route 20 southeasterly 0.04 mile to the inter-
section of relocated Route 317.
Sections transferred tothe Secondary System as provided under Section 33.1-35
of the 1950 Code of Virginia:
01d location of Route 29, north of the new location of Interstate Route
64, from the intersection of ROute 820 westerly 0.1 5 mile to the intersection
of Route 702.
Old location of Route 29, south of the new location of Interstate Route 64,
from a point opposite Station 572+50 (Route 29) southwesterly 0.35 mile
to Station 590+70 (Route 29).
01d location of Route 250, south of the new locat~ion of Interstate Route
64, from Station 22+00 (Route 250) northerly 0.06 mile.
01d location of Route 53, south of the new location of Interstate 64, from
the intersection of relocated Route 53 northwesterly 0.50 mile.
· 0omm-onication was received from the State Department of Highways advising
that as requested by resolution of this Board on January 21, 1971, the following
additions and abandonments from the Secondary System as shoe on sketch titled
"Cha~ges in Secondary System Due to Relocation and Construction on Route 64,
Project 0064-002-101 ,P-403,P-409, dated December 8, 1970", were approved effective
February 12, 1971:
Section ? - 0.60 mile
Section8 0.26 mile
Section 9 - 0.28 mile
Abandonment s:
Section 1 - 0.2~ mile
Section 4 - 0.11 mile
Section ~ - 0.25 mile
Section6 - 0.29 mile
The County Executive announced that a meeting had been scheduled for ?:30
P.M. on February 23 at the Crozet Elementary School to submit plans for the
Mint Spring Park to the public.
Communication was received from Mr. Lewis Smith advising that he had ac-
cepted position as District Agent in Northeastern Virginia effective March 1 st.
The following resolution was offered by Ar. Wood, seconded by Ar. Gibson,
unanimously adopted:
~AS, Lewis B. Smith has served as Extension Agent in Albe-
marle County (a position more familiarly known to many County citizens
as County Farm Agent) since January, 19~9; and
~HEREAS, it is the opinion of this Board that Ar. S~ith is
certainly one of the outstanding extension agents in the Commonwealth
and has rendered excellent services to the County of Albemarle; and
WHEREAS, during his years of residence in this community he has
also contributed much to this ~ommunity t~hrough his Church and various
civic activities; and
'~RAtEAS, Ar. Smith has this date submitted his resignation, ef-
fective March 1, 1971, to accept a position in Northeastern Virginia
as a District Agent with the V.P.I. Cooperative Extension Service;
NOW, TEEREFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SuperviSors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board recognizes Lewis B. Smith
for the outstanding ~ervice which he has rendered to the citizens of
the County in his position as Extension Agent and for his contributions
to the community; and
BE IT F~qTHER RESOLVED that this Board extends to Ar. Smith best
wishes for success and happiness in the future.
In response to call by the Chairman for matters from the public net listed
on the docket, Ar. Rich~rd Pietsch oF Crozet asked to be informed regarding
annexation. Ar. Pietsch was advised that there was no information that could
be given at this time other than the fact that the City!.~has instituted proceed-
ings with the Court.
With further regard to annexation and proposed legislation by the General
Assembly, the following resolution was offered by Mr. ~heeler, seconded by Ar.
Gibson, and unanimously adopted and it was ordered that copies be forwarded to
the County's representatives in the General Assembly:
~AS, Albemarle County has in the past undergone the un-
pleasantness of annexation fights, has expended large sums of
taxpayers' money in the defense of ann~exation, and_has seen the
good will and cooperative spirit between the City and the County
be interrupted and damaged because of these annexations; and
WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville has itself had to expend
large sums of money in attempting to expand its boundaries through
the costly process of annexation; and
~EEREAS, a poll taken, of the people in the City of Charlottes-
ville indicated that the citizens, by a great majority, felt settle-
ment other than court action in annexation was preferable, and a
similar poll taken in the County also found the citizens felt that
action other than court action was desirable; and
WHEREAS, this community has perhaps more joint efforts in such
things as airports, libraries and health facilities than ~y other
community in the Commonwealth; and
~AS, the City of Charlottesville's annexation proceedings
against Albemarle has resulted in the two governing ~bodies and the
people in the community drawing further and ik~rther apart as evidenced
in such instances as the City's not joining the Tenth Planning Dis-~
trict until such time as the City and County were not at odds. The
e~fect this and other action has because of annexation is that the
citizens of both communities are the loosers.
NOW, THERE~, HE IT BESOLVED that it is the feeling of the
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County that a moratorium from
annexation for five years for this locality should be implemented
immediately on our annexation case and other cases which have been
filed but not tried. This moratorium will also be a moratorium on
the City's eligibility to file a subsequent annexation case five
years after filing i~ last proceedings, this in order to preclude
one annexation after the other at the end of the moratorium.
~ IT F~RT~ BESOLVED that the Board of County Supervisors
feels that for the benefit of all the citizens of the Commonwealth,
both county and city, annexation is the poorest vehicle in Virginia
Law that is used to try to solve local problems.
On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted,
the following persons were named as Albemarle County's representatives to the
Tenth Planning District: Nr. Fred Scott, Jr., Er. John Humphrey, Er. E. N. Garnett,
and Nr. Joseph E. Gibson.
~ir. Yancey advised that he had contacted Nr. Dahney San&ridge of Crozet
regarding appointment to the Equalization Board and Nr. Sand_ridge has agreed
to serve. On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, and unanimously
carried, Messrs. Richard Florence, James. Nunnally and R. D. Wade were reap-
pointed to the ~Equalization Board andNr. Dabney Sand. ridge was added as a
fourth member of said Board..for the year 1971.
Nr. Lloyd 'Wood advised that there was a vacancy on the Highway Safety
Commission since Dr. Richard Narks found that he could, no longer serve. Nr.
'Wood recommended Nfs. Naxine C. Burton, a nurse at Stromberg-Carlson to fill
this vacancy. He stated that someone from the medical profession was desirable
and he felt it would, be well to also have a woman on this Commission. On
motion by Nr. 'Wood, seconded by Nr. ~heeler, Nfs._ Burton was appointed to the
Highway Safety Commission',_ for Albemarle County. Nr. Wood also asked that ap-
preciation be expressed to "Stromberg-Carlson for their willingness to have Nfs.
Burton serve in this capacity.
The following resolution was received from the Albemarle County School
1. It is hereby determined that it is n~cessary and expedient to
borrow the sum :of Six Hundred Fifty-Five housand Dollar~ ($655,000)
for the purpose of school construction in Albemarle County. It is
desired to contract v&th the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Sup-
lemental Retirement System to borrow such amount pursuant to Chapter
, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended.
2. A certified copy of this resolution shall be presented by the
Clerk of this Board to the Board Of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
with the request that the Board of Supervisors approve the resolution.
If the Board of Supervisors approves this resolution, then the Chair-
man of this Board and the Superintendent of Schools, or either of
them, are hereby authorized and directed to present a certified copy
of this resolution together with evidence of approval thereof by the
Board of Supervisors to, and to endeavor to negotiate an agreement
with, the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement
System for the borrowing of such money.
3- This resolution shall take effect immediately."
The following resolution was offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by ~%r. Wood, and
un~uimously adopted by recorded vote:
1. The resolution adopted by the County School Board of Albe-
marle County on the 1st day of Feb., 1971, determining the necessity
and expediency of borrowing Six Hundred Fifty-five Thousand Dollars
($655,000) from the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System pursuant
to Chapter 6, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, for
the purpose of school construction in Albemarle County is hereby
approved in all respects. A certified copy of such resolution shall
be filed with the minutes of this meeting.
2. A c~rtified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the
Clerk of the County School Board.
5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
'Statements of expenses for the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office
and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the mont~ o~
J~nuary, 1971. On motion by Nr. Paulett, seconded by ~. Yancey,
ments were unanimously approved.
Statement o~ expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the month of January,
1971. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, these statements were
unanimously approved°
Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted for the month of January, 1971,
in the amount of $94.00, of which two-thirds is reimbursable by the State. On
motion by Nr. Paulett, seconded by Nr. Wood, this claim was approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month of
January~ 1971, in accordance with Sections 6~-67.t and 65-67.2 of the Code of
Report of the County Executive for the month of January, 1971, was submitted
for information.
T. ~. Batchelor, Jr., County Executive recommended that the position of
Director of Taxation he abolished and that R. C. Sours be removed from office.
On motion by Nr. Gibson~.seconded by Nr. Wheeler, unanimously carried, this
recommendation was referred to the Board as a committee of the whole for study,
a hearing with Nr. So,rs, to be private in that it is a personnel matter, and
later report at a public meeting.
S.L.H. report for the month of January, 1971, was received from Dr. George
Noore, Joint Health Director.
At 9:~ A.N. the Chairman called for public hearing on proposed amendment
to the County Code regarding license tax on carnivals and circuses, as adver-
tised in the Daily Progress on December 19, December 26, January 2 and January
9. Nr. Clyde Gouldman read the amendment as proposed. ANr. Johnson, repre-
senting American Legion Post 74, stated that they would like to see a clarifi-
cation on side shows. Nr. Wood said he felt sufficient ikmds could be raised
without side shows. Nr. Wheeler said he had review~the need for such ordinance
for charitable organizations and that some Ruritan Clubs have suggested that
school grounds be made available for circuses. Nr. iGibson suggested that the
Planning Commission be requested to make recommendation with regard to zone re-
quirements on places for circuses to be held. After discussion, motion was made
by Nr. Gibson, seconded by ~r. Wheeler, and unanimously carried, that the ordi-
nance as proposed be adopted as follows:
BE IT GRDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County
that Section 11-1.2 of the Albemarle County Code entitled "Carnivals-
Exemptions from Section 11-1.1 ", shall be and hereby is amended and
re-enacted to read as follows:
No carnival which is produced or operated or owned primarily by
amateurs who are residents of this County or of the City of Charlottes-
ville, and the gross income of which inures exclusively to the benefit
of a school, church, or any organization allied therewith, or of any
locally sponsored non-profit organization operated for charitable and
benevolent purposes shall be subject to any license tax, but such
carnival will be required to apply for and receive a license pursuant
to Section 11-1.1.
No circus which is sponsored by a local non-profit organization
operated for charitable and benevolent purposes or by a local civic
organization and which does not include side shows or games of skill
or chance shall be subject to the license tax required by Section 11-1.1,
but each such circuh shall be required to apply for an& receive a license
pursuant to Section 1 t-1.1 and to pay a license tax of one hundred
dollars per day of operation.
At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as
advertised in the Daily Progress on January 29, February $ and February 11,
1971, as follow,s:
(1) SP-93 - Application of David Shifflett to locate a mobile home in an A-1
Agricultural Zone on Route 795 near intersection with Route 620.
Note is made of the fact that this application was advertised for 10:00 A.M. at
the January meeting and one of the adjacent property owners received certified
notice that the hearing would be at 1:30 P.M. This petition was re-advertised
for this meeting for that reason. Nr. George Gilmer again appeared in opposition
advising that many large tracts of land with valuable homes are located in this
area. However, in answer to inquiry from the Board, ~[r. Humphrey advised that
other mobile homes have been located in the area. Nr. Humphrey reported that the
Pls.uning Commission recommended approval subject to 100 ft. setback and Health
Department approval for septic field system. Mr. Wood moved that-the recommen-
dation of the Planning Commission be amended to require 1000 ft. setback with
screening by trees and the mobile home to be located where it would not be seen
from the road. This motion was seconded by Nr. Gibson and unanimously carried.
~P-96 - Application of W. A. Pace, Jr. to locate a mobile home sales lot
in a B-1 Business ~zone on property containing .566 acres and located on
the south side of Route 631 west. of Route 29.
~r. Pace appeared in support of his application. No one appeared in opposition.
Nr. Humphrey reported that the. Planning Commission recommended .. approval subject
to the site plan as submitted and conditioned upon the. following:
Approval of a two year permit for the propose&use with a one year re-
newal provision thereafter by the Zoning Administrator, after determin-
ing that.the use is not creating a vehicle safety hazard.
b. 'Subject to Health Department approval for ss~uitary facilities.
c. Subject to Highway Permit for access onto property from Route 631.
subject to water service being produced by the County if central water
is desired.
On motion ~y Nr. Wood., seconded by Nr. Yancey and unanimously carried, the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(3) EP-97 - Application of Clayton Birckhead to place a mobile home on 1.0 acres
zoned A-1 Agricultural and located on Route 729.
No one from the public appeared ~ with regard to this request. Nr. Humphrey re-
ported that the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to Health De-
Partzent approval of septic 2ield system and a minimum fifty foot setback from
the right-of-way of Route 729. On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Paulett,
the recommendation of the Planning Commission was unanimously adopted.
(4) 'Z~P-150 - Application of H. C. Keller and W. W. Ross to rezone I .36 acres
from A-1 Agricultural to B-1 Business. Proper~y is located at southeast
corner of intersection of Routes 53 and 795. (Application first considered
January 18, 1971, at which time action was deferred until this meeting.)
Nr. Keller spoke in support of his application as did Larry Sprouse, contrac~
purchaser. Speaking in opposition and referring to this as spot zoning were
Niss Ellen Nash, attorney for Stanley Woodward and Mr. David Spangler, The
Board was advised that the Planning Co~m~_ssion had recommended denial of the
application. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Paulett, seconded by
Nr. Wheeler, and unanimously carried, accepting the recommendatio~ of the Plan-
ning Commission.
(5) SP-93 - Application of John C. Vermillion to locate an antique and gift
shop in an A-i Agricultural Zone on 12.94 acres locate& off Route 20 near
Key West. (Application considered January 18, 1971, and action deferred
until this'meeting. )
Nr. Vermillion appeared in support of his application. No one appeared in oPPo-
sition. After discussion with Mr. Vermillion, motion was made by Nr. Woo&,
seconded by Nr. Yancey, and unanimously carried, to approved the subject reque st.
(6) SP-79 - Application of S. L. Williamson Co., Inc. to locate sand and gravel
operation in A-1 Zone on 77.7 acres located on 01d Route 20. (This request
was considered on December 17, 1970, and action deferred until this meeting.)
Nr. Humphrey advised that the applicant had requested permission to withdraw his
application without prejudice. On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Paulett
and unanimously carried, this request.was granted.
Er. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission, as requested by this
Board, had studied~ the possibility o-f rezoning Blue l~idge Acres Subdivision
to relieve pressures of moDile home applications. Er. Humphrey reported that
the Planning Commission .recommended that RS-1 Residential be considered for the
10~ lots in Blue Ridge Acres and Parcel ~A of Nap 69 adjacent thereto and that
a soil survey be conducted relative to the subdivision. Nr. Joe Richmond a~-
peared as attorney for Nfs. Fox who owns the adjacent property included in the
recommendation. Nfs. Fox was also present and stated that she was representing
other neighbors who did not wish mobile homes to be located in the subject area.
On motion by N~. ~ib,son, seconded by Nr. Wheeler and unanimously carried, the
Planning Commission was requested to hold public hearings on proposal to rezone
the subject property to l~S-1 Residential.
Nr. Humphrey also gave report of the Planning Commission in connection with
investigation of chicken operation on B~ute 784 near Stony Point. He advised
that it was the opinion of the Commission that the use was a bona fide agri-
cultural use and should not be restricted. The Commission considered the use
to be on a par with the raising of cattle and recommended no control other than
that which already exists, said control being under the Health Department and
Highway Department. Nr. Wheeler stated that he did not feel that this was an
agricultural operation but rather a commercial one in that thousands of chickens
are confined on very small acreage and he luther stated that perhaps the inves-
tigation should have been made in the summer when the problem is of the greatest
nuis~uce to the neighbors of the operation. Nr. Gibson recommended that the
Planning Office draft proper ordinance which would allow minimum control and
have the Planning Commission hold public hearings on same and make recommendation.
The County Executive suggested that a couple members from ~his Board ~ud?~the
Planning Commission work with John Humphrey's office on this. Nr. ~Gibson's
recommendation was seconded by Er. Wheeler and unanimously approved.
Claims were received from the University of Virginia Hospital in the total
amount of $3,0~8.6~ for hospitalization of ~_~digent patients under S.L.H. for
the month of January, 1971. On motion by Nr. Paulett, seconded by Nr. Gibson,
these claims were unanimously approved.
The County Executive advised that cost of design and engineering of the
airport tower must be borne by the County and City, the total cost of which will
be $7,000. He also submitted certain documents for lease of space at the Air-
Port Terminal Building to FAA for the operation of the traffic control tower;
namely, lease agreement, contract, and operation agreement. On motion by
Gibson, seconded by Er. Wood, rules with regard to second reading were suspended
and the following resolution unanimously adopted:
BE IT ~m~0LVF~ by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the sum of $3,500 be and the same is hereby
appropriated to cover the County's share of design and engineering
for the airport tower; and
BE IT F~RT~ RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board be and
he is hereby authorized to sign necessary agreements in connection
with lease of space to F.A.A. and for operation of this traf~c
control tower.
l~eport was received from the S.P.C.A. for the month of January, 1971. On
motion by ~r. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, this report was approved.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund w~s received from james F. Knight ,for one
hog killed by dogs. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Paulett, Nr.
Knig~ht was allowed $18.00 for this hog.
~r. Garnett submitted communication from Drs. Elsa Paulsen and William
Thurman of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Virginia Hospital.
They advised that a number from that department were interested in establishing
a health camp in the County for children with chronic medical disabilities.
Their specific request of this Board was help in locating a site close to the
City, possibly in the Preddyts Creek Watershed, and the possibility of a long-
term lease of County land For such a camp. The County Executive pointed out
that water line on Preddy's Creek has not been staked out. He also stated that
if the County were to begin donating land to legitimate agencies, it mi ght be
difficult to draw a line on later requests. Nr. Gibson suggested that the
munication be acknowledged with advice that in planning we hope areas will be
made available for such facilities. However, the County is not in a position
to donate land. Attention should also be called to the fact that plans for the
Preddy's Creek project have not been finalized.
On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Paulett, unanimously carried,
the County Executive was authorized to negotiate for acquisition of property
necessary for sewer plant at the Vocational School site from the Wetzels, up
to the limit set by the Equalization Board.
Nr. John A. Smart, President of the Board of Directors of the Albemarle
County Farm Bu~reau, introduced Nr. Henry Page who read a paper prepared by the
Farm Bureau honoring the farmers of the County for their accomplishments in con-
trolling the erosion on their farms and conserving wa~er, and also commending
the Board of Supervisors for their participation in conserving the resources
of the County.
~r. ~ood advised that he had been approached with regard:~to .~the appointment
of an additional member to the Planning Commission. On motion by Nr. Raulett,
seconded by Nr. Yancey, it was ordered that the membership be left at nine at
the present time.
3 o 8
Nfs. Shelby J. Earshalt, Clerk of the Circuit Court, appeared with regard
to request for increment in salary of her deputies effective January 1, 1971.
She stated that she had obtained an opinion from the Attorney General with regard
t0:; the Board of Supervisors approval of and participation in such salaries and
she felt that the opinion rendered was contradictory. After lengthy discussion
of the matter, the County Attorney was requested to study the opinion of the
Attorney General and to give the Board his opinion.
Nr. Batchelor urged the Library Committee to meet with the City's repre-
sentatives on this committee as soon as possible regarding the proposed library
The County Executive advised that a one-time grant of Federal funds had been
received -- $10,000.00 for purchase of library books and $6,984.00 for library
equipment, mainly shelving and filing cabinets. On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconv
deal by Nr. Wood, unanimously carried, receipt of this grant and expenditure of
the funds so allotted was approved.
Claims against the County amounting to $75:0,686.39 were presented, examined
and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged
against the following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Dog Tax ~k~ud
County "Water Systems
Eental Health Services
Town of Scottsville 1~ Local Sales Tax
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
$ 6,164.78
t ,026.17
~82 .o9
14~ 67.7.52...
$ ? 5:0,686.39