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372 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, vms held at the Office Building of said County on the 1 5th day of April, 1971. Present: Eessrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, F. E. Paulett, Gordon L. ~heeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. and l~. A. Yancey. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Co~anty Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Er. Garnett. On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Er. Paulett, minutes of the meetings of ~arch 18 and ~arch 25, 1971, were approved as submitted. As requested by Nr. l~. G. ?~arner, Eesident Engineer, the following resolu- tion was offered by Er. Paulett, seconded by Er. ~heeler, and unanimously adopt ed: ~HEREAS, certain changes have resulted in the Secondary 'System to due/~elocation and construction of l~oute 618 (Project 06t8-002-143, o-5o ); and 'WHEREAS, it ha.s been determined that no public hearing will be necessary in this instance due to the fact that property owners in- volved have access to the new locations and/or own the property on both sides of the old location; NOW, TH~qEFORE, BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following changes in the Secondary System be and the same are hereby approved, each sec- tion listed being indicated on sketch presented to this meeting with letter from R. G. Warner, Besident Engineer, dated Febrary 25, 1971, and made a part of this Board's permanent File: Section 1 - to be abandoned (0.08 mile) Section 2 - to be discontinue~ (0.47 mile) Section 3 - to be k.~a~udoned (0.09 mile) Section 4 - to be added to Secondary System (01.08 mile) Section 5 - to be added to Secondary System (0.38 mile) BE IT FL~T~ P~ESOLVED that copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Virginia Department of Highways. Er. Fred Foster and Er. ~arren Judge, representatives of Sperry ~arine Sys- tems Division on l~oute 29 North, called the Board's attention to a soil erosion problem directly behind the Sperry property. Er. Foster advised that the stream which runs through their property has been completely filled with silt as a re- sult .of grading by Virginia Land Company of land for possible future construc- tion. Nr. John Humphrey suggested that although nothing can be done under present 373 regulations to correct this particular situation, that a policy on grading plans be incorporated in the Albemarle County Code. He advised that l~osser Paine, Planning Consultant, is currently working on such an ordinance for Board con- sideration. Nfs. Nartin of the League of Women Voters, statinE that ~is was purely coincidental, submitted a prepared statement concerning an erosion con- trol program and requesting the Board to direct the County Attorney to proceed at once with the preparation of an ordinance along these lines. Nr. Bonr~e ~ayland of the Thomas Jefferson Soil Conservation District spoke briefly in support of this request. After discussion, motion was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler and unanimously adopted, directing the County Attorney to prepare s~ ordinance regulating soil erosion in the County and setting 1:30 P.N. on Nay 20, 1971, as time for public hearing on same. Nr. Garnett announced that he had requested Lloyd Wood to serve as this Board's representative on the Environmental Committee sponsored by the League of 'Women Voters and Nr. 'Wood had accepted this appointment. In accordance with request' ~eceived from Citizens Bank and Trust Company, the following resolution was offered by Nr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Yancey, and adopted: (Nr. Gibson requested that the record~:show that he did not vote. ) ~WHEEEAS, request has been~received from Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Depository, for authority to reduce the amount of collateral pledged to secure the County's funds on deposit with said Bank; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the amount of collateral now h~ld under escrow agreements substantially exceeds the amount of current deposits; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that bonds as listed by the Citizens Bank Trust Department in letter dated April t, 1971, do not in all instances agree with bonds listed in the County's ac- counting department; and WHEREAS, this Board does approve request for reduction in securities pledged but further desires that the subject bank's records and the County~'s records be in agreement; NOW, TH~qE~X~RE, HE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that bonds pledged to secure the County's funds on deposit with Citizens Bank and Trust Company shall be as follows: Virginia National Bank $ ~0,000 U.S. Treas. Bonds, 6-1/~, 2-1~-78 2~0,000 U.S. Treas. Bonds, 4-1/8~, 2-1~-7~ 200,000 U. S. Treas. Notes "B", 4-3/4%, 5-1~-72 374 Centrat National Bank $100,000..00 U.S. Treas. Notes, 6-t/4%, 2~15-78 $60o,000.oo HE IT ~T~ RESOLVED that the following bonds be released: Virgini. a National Ba_n__k $ 50,000 150,000 200,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 U.S. Treas. Bonds, 4~, 8-15-72. U.S. Treas. Notes, 6-1/4%, 2-15 7.8. Fed. Nat. Nort. Assn.,.8-3/4%, 2 10 71 Charlottesville, 3%, 6 1-80 Concord NC PHA, 2-178~, 8-1-U1 Danville School, 3.25%, 12-1-72 Detroit, Michigan PHEt 2-3/8%, 6-1-81 Fauquie~ County, 2.90~, 12-1X7~9 . ~orfolk Co. Water Bonds, 3.25%, 12-1 -75/.76/7U Peninsula Port Aut~. Va. Rev. Bonds, 3-1/2%, 12~1-74 Pittsylvania Co. School, 3%, 12-1-79780 Va. Beach Gen. Impr. Bonds, 3-1/4%, 12-1-75 Central National 50,000 25: ooo 25,000 25,000 25,000 ~0,000 $975,000 U.S. Treas. Notes "A", 5-1/4%, 5-15-71 Appomattox tliver 'Water Auth., _3.8.0%, 10-1-2004 Goochland Co. School Bonds, 4%, b-1~77 Nansemond Co., 3%, 1-1-81 Town of Salem Pub. Impr. Bonds, S. er.B,3~1 ~ 4-1 -83 univ. Va. ev. onds, 3.30 , HE IT F~RTHER P~ESOLVED that copy of this resolution be forwarded to CitiZens Bank and Trust Company, Virginia National Bank and Central National Bank. Statements of expenses for the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the month of March, 1971. On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood and unanimously adopted, these statements were approved. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted alOng ~lth ~ary statement o~ prisoner days for the month of Narch, 1971. On motion by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wood and unanimously carried, these statements were approved. Claim of the Jail Physician was Submitted for the month of March, 197t, in the amount of $100.00, of which two-thirds is reimbursable b~ the State. On motion by Er. Yancey, seconded by Er. Wood and unanimously carried, this claim was approved for payment. l{eports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month of March, 1.971, in accordance with SeOtions 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 o£ the Code of Virginia. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1,235.22 was submitted for hospitalization of indigent patients under S.%.H. for the month of March, ~971. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, this claim was unani- mously approved for payment. 375 S.L.H. report for the month of March, 1971, was received from Dr. George ~ioore, Joint Health Director. l~eport of the County Executive was ~bmitted for the month of ~arch, 197t, for information. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Dr. E. D. Davis, Jr. for one ewe killed by dogs. On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Dibson, and unanimously carried, Dr. Davis was allowed $15.00 for this ewe. S.P.C.A. report was received for the month of ~arch, 1971, and on motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. 'Wood, was approved. Nr. Gibson suggested that the request of the Youth Employment Service be increased to $2,500.00 and after some discussion offered this in form of a motion which was seconded by ~r. Wood. Nr. Garnett stated that he had nothing against the Y.E.S. progrmm but did not feel that funds should come from the County a~d stated that there was a possibility that other funds might be avail- able. Nr~. Nheeler stated that the request should be judged on the merits of the program. Mr. Yanoey called for roll call vote which follows: Ayes - ~essrs. Gibson, Wheeler and Wood. Nays - Eessrs. Garnett, Paul~tt and Yancey. Since it was time for zoning hearings, this matter was carried over until the after- noon session. At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as advertised in the Daily Progress on Earch 26, April 2 and April 9, 1971: (1) Z~n?'-153. - Application of Henry Browne to rezone 25.17 acres from A-1 Agri- cultural to B=l Residential. Property located at the intersection of l~outes 663 and 764 northwest of Earlysville Post Office. Nr. John Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission was of the opinion that the property within the Earlysville Village Center should be considered for one acre development to prevent the potential of inadequate and concentrated septic systems and unmuimously recommended the subject property for the nS-1 l~esiden- tial Zone. Mr. Humphrey further advised that Mr. Browne had stated that he was willing to accept the l~S-1 Zone pending arrival of water and sewer and would like to come back at that time. Nfs. David Yalden-Thompson, adjacent property owner urged that lot size in the area be kept at a minimum of one.acre. Mrs. Elizabeth l~osenblum stated opposition to the l~-lZone. On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Plan- ning Co~m~ ssion was accepted. (2) Z~P-15~ - Application of Clifford G. and Audrey C. Allen to rezone 50 acres located on l~outb~ 250.; ~es~Jaear l~oute 6?6 from A-1 Agricultural to 1~-1 l~esi- dential. Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning CommisSion recommended that the subject property be zoned l~S-1 and that Nr. Allen was agreeable to this zone classifica- tion. ~r. Allen was present along with his attorney, Mr. Lewis Nartin. Mrs. l~osenblum expressed opposition. On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by ~r. Wood and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. 376 (3) 'Z~P-156 - Application of Cushman Realty and Building Corporation to rezone 96.35 acres located on l~.oute 678, one-half mile north of l~oute 25, from A-1 Agricultural to R-1 Residential. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recg_mmended that the subject property be zoned RS-1. Kr. Cushman and his attorney, Nar. Fred Land[es, ap- peared in support of the application. Several persons spoke in opposition to the application but noted they would go along with the Planning Commission recommendation for RS-1. These included Nr. Bill Noon, speaking on behalf of a number of residents of West Leigh who were present, Er. Dave WoOd, speaking on behalf of St. Paul's Church, and Er. 'Warren Ballard. Er. Gibson advised that the residents of West Leigh maintain the roads in this subdivision and residents of the proposed subdivision would be using these roads. He also pointed out potential danger to children playing in the designated recreation area in 'West Leigh since the road going to the new subdivision would go by this area. After considerable discussion, motion was offered by ~r. Gibson, seconded by ~r. Wheeler and unanimously carried, the subject property was approved for RS-!.rt~esidential Zone with the request that site plan be submitted to this Board for approval. (4) 'Z~P-I~7- Application of Fountain Court Assoc. to rezone 2.18 acres located on l~oute 631, 500 feet northwest of Greenbrier Drive, from ~-2 Residential to -R-3 Residential. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended denial of this application. Er. Jack Schwab appeared in support. Appearing in opposition were a Er. Brill, Werner Frewer, Frances Dozier, ~ac Eoyer, and Harry Pond. After discussion, motion was offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Er. Wood and unani- mously carried, deferring action on this application until the next regular meeting. The Board indicated that a site inspection would be made before action is taken on this request. (~) Application of Northwest Limited Partnership to rezone 27 plus acres located on Hydraulic Road, one-half mile west of I{oute 29 North, from P,-2 to R-3 Residential. Er. Humphrey advised that the staff was of the opinion that the City sewer i~s inadequate to serve any further high density in that some 800 apartment units under construction have been committed to the Eeadow Creek Plant which is al- ready overloaded. He ~urther reportpd that after deferral for site inspection, the Planning Commission recommended by a six to two vote that 1~-3 be approved for approximately 13 acres of the subject tract of land. Er. William Perkins appeared as attorney for the applicant, requesting that the Board enlarge the R-3 area. Er. John Lowe appeared as attorney for twelve property owners who opposed the R-3 zone. Also appearing in opposition were Justin Logan, A. L. Scott, Elizebeth I{osenblum and Ers. J. R. Aunette. After considerable~, dis- cussion, motion was offered by Nr. Gibson, -seconded by Er. Wood and unanimously adopted, denying the applicant's request for 377 (6) '~P-159 - Application. of Ronald R. Norris to rezone 45 acres located on Park Road (Route 1204) in Crozet, from A-1 Agricultural to R-2 Residen- tial. Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval as requested. Mr. Norris was present in support of his application. No one appeared in opposition. On motion by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wood and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was ac- · cepted. (7) ZMP-160 - Application of Albemarle County Board of $~pervisors, by reso- luntion of intent, to rezone 128.7~ acres known as Blue Ridge Acres, located on Route 2~0 'West and Route 796, ITom A-1 Agricultural to RS-1 l~e sidential. Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval, noting that this rezoning did not constitute a precedent to consider all non-conforming subdivisions for similar rezonings. No one appeared in opposition to this ap- plication. On motion by Mr.Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wood and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Con,mission was accepted. (8) EF-104 - Application of H. C. K~ller and 'W. W. Boss for special permit to locate a general store and public garage on 1.36 acres at the intersec- tion of Routes ~3 and 79~. Miss Ellen Nash, Attorney, appeared and advised that the applicants wish to withdraw this application without prejudice. On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood and unanimously carried, this request was granted. (9) Z~-161 - Application of Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, by reso- lution of intent, to rezone 97.43 acres located on Route 742, and abutting 1-64 and Lakeside Subdivision, from E-! Eanufacturing to~ A-1 Agricultural to permit the construction of a Community College. Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval of this request. No one from the public appeared. On mOtion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion was accepted. (10) 2P-9~ - Application of John G. Dunn for s.~pecial permit to locate a mobile home in an A-1 Ag~icultural Zone on property containing six acres and located on Route 671 near its intersection with I~oute 609. Mr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to annual review by the Zoning Administrator, Health Department approval for septic system, and a 100 foot setback from Route 671. No one from the public appeared. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey and unanimously carried, the reco~nendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. (11 ) ~P-99 - Application of L. C. McAllister for special permit to place a permanent mobile home on land containing 80 acres a~d to.~aated on Route 614 near the intersection with Route 674 west of While Hall. Mr. Humphrey reported that at the Planning Commission Mr. McAllister advised that it was his intent to build a permanent dwelling over the next two years and that the mobile home would be temporary. He stated that the Planning Co~nission recommended approval subject to Health Department approval for septic field, 300 foot setback from Mormans River and that the permit be granted for a period of 12 months, renewal administratively for an additional 12 month period only. 3'7 8 ~r. ~cAllister appeared in support of his-application. Nr. ~el Bishop appeared and expressed strong opposition and also submitted letters of opposition from William Elsaesser, Terrence Allen and John Carter. Letter also was received from Dr. Richard Garnett. However, the Chairman advised that he had been in touch with Dr. Garnett and explained that this was to be a temporary permit, if approved. After considerable discussion with Er. Bishop-and Er. ~cAllister, motion was offered by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wood and unanimously carried, accepting the recommendation of the Planning Commission with the exception of the time limit only, which was reduced to 12 months. (12) ~P-100 - Application of Nelvin T. and Anne H. Dixon for special permit to locate a campground on Route 60~ on property containing 2?0 acres. Er. Hmmphrey reported that the Planning Commission, by a six to two vote, recom- mended approval of the application subject the the following conditions: 1. Internal roads be improved with a dust proof material and maintained in a dust proof condition. 2. Subject to Highway permit. 3. Health Department approval for sanitary facilities as proposed. 4. Conditional Use Permit for central water supply. 5. Approval of 7~ spaces as shown on the submitted site plan. Dixon was present in support of his application. No one appeared in opposi- tion. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted with the additional con- dition that the water systera be approved 'by Nr. John Humphrey, County Planner. (13) 2~-101 - Application of Carl D. Graves for special permit to place a perma- nent mobile home on property containing 2.~1 acres and located on Route 6~. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to a ~0 foot setback from the right-of-way of Route 63~ and Health Department approval for septic field system. No one from the public appeared. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by ~ir. Yancey and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. (14) ~P-102 - Application of Dr. Charles Hurt for special permit to locate a mobile home/travel trailer sales lot in a B-1 Business Zone located on Route 250 East across from Route 29 and containing ~4.90 acres. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval for a period of two yea~rs, renewable each year thereafter, subject to the following conditions: 1. That all vehicle travel ways and custon~.r parking area be graveled and maintained in a condition to prevent dust and mud. 2. That a setback be established of 80 feet from the right-of-way of Route 2~0 and for display of productions or parking of vehicles. 3- That no flags or pennants be permitted. 4. That a de-acceleration lane. be established to minimize potential areas in collision at this busy intersection of Routes 20 and 2~0. ~. No other access to this property be provided except at the existing driveway directly across from Route 2~0. John ~oore appeared on behalf of the applicant. No one appeared in opposi- tion. On motion by Nr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Yancey, and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted, and the permit approved for two years. 379 (15) ~P-103 - Application of Jerome Keys for special permit to locate a private airport in an A-1 Zone located on 250, one-third mile west of ~echums l~iver Bridge, and containing 169.41 acres. ~Ar. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to both State and Federal approval, with no permit being issued until evidence to that affect is submitted to the zoning office. Nr. Keys appeared in support of his-application. No one appeared in opposition. On motion by Nr. 'Wheeler, seconded by ~,r'. Paul~t~ and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. (16) ~-105 - Application of F. A. Guilford to locate a permanent mobile home on property zoned A-1 AEricultural, cdntaining three acres and located on l~oute 640 at Gilbert Station, off of l~oute 29 North. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to a 100 foot setback ITom the edge of l~oute 640 and Health Department approval of a septic system. No one appeared with regard to th~s application. On motion by Er. Gibson, seconded by Er. Wood and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. (17) '~P-106 - Application of Everett W. Breeden to locate a permanent mobile home on property zoned A-1 and located on l~oute 676 just north of l~oute 678 near Keriwether Lewis School and containing four acres. Er. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended denial. Er. Breeden appeared in support of his application. Nfs. Vivian Clapp and Ers. ~onica Baker appeared in opposition. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. (18) dP-107 - Application of Summer Camp for Childre~ (Keta Kelly and ~rs. Frank Nash) to locate a s~mmer camp on property zoned A-1, located on l~oute 810, three-tenths mile from the intersection of l~oute 674, and containing ap- proximately 826 acres. Er. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to Health Department approval for the operation of such a facility and for sanitary facilities. The applicants were present in support of their request. No one appeared in opposition. On motion by Nr. Wood, seconded by Er. Yancey and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was ac- cepted. (19) CUP-145 - Public hearing to consider Phase III and Phase IV of the North l~ivanna River Water Facility which involved two 700,000 gallon storage tanks with appurtenances, approximately 1~,600 lineal feet of water l~ine. One line to be extended from Kontvue to storage facility on Still House Nountain, a second extending from existing line on l~oute 29 North, wes- terly to Piney ~ountain to a second storage facility. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the following conditions: 1. That the two tanks as proposed not exceed 34 feet in height. 2. That the two tanks be painted with a suitable color to assist in screening the two ~facilities from view. 3. That acceptable~ suitable size evergreens be planted to supplement the existing tree cover and to take advantage of existing cover to assist in further screening of the two tanks. Er. Humphrey further advised that the County Engineer had stated that a problem 380 would be encountered in complying with the 34 foot restriction on the tanks. No one i¥om the public appeared with regard to this application. On motion by ~r. 'Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Gibson and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted except that approval was given to the b~ght of tanks to be as originally proposed by the engineer. At 3:00 P.N. the Chairman called for public hearing on proposal to change the boundaries of the election districts or precincts so as to conform to the recently rearranged boundaries of the magisterial district~ as advertised in the Daily Progress on April 1 and April 8, 1971. No one appeared for this hearing. Nr. Jack Kegley, Central l~egistrar, submitted map showing precinct lines as proposed by the Electoral Board. After consideration of the proposal, motion was made by Nr. 'Wheeler, seconded by Er. Yancey, and unanimously adopted, to approve the district boundaries as proposed by the Electoral Board. Er. Kegley called the Board's attention to four unnamed precincts shown on said map. After discussion, the following names were selected for these pre- cir~t s: Unnamed precinct #1 - "Monticello"; :~.mo. tion by Nr. Pauiett, seconded by Er. '~heeler. Unnamed precinct #2 - "Covesville"; motion by Er. 'Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Paulett. Unnamed precinct #3 - "Jack Jouett'; motion by Nr. Paulett, seconded ~y Nr. Gibson. Unnam.ed precinct #4 - "Woodbrook'; motion by Er. Wood, seconded by Nr. Gibson. Discussion of the proposed 1971-72 budget~was resumed. Ers. Judith Campbell, Er. Bob Stroh, Er. Keene Byrd and Nr. Jack Fulton spoke briefly in support of the request of Y.E.S. for an appropriation of $2,500.00. The chairman explained to thos~present that a vote during the morning session on such an appropriation had resulted in a tie vote. The Board went into executive session in an attempt to resolve this question after Zt was learned from the County Attorney that the term of the Board's Tie Breaker had expired. The Board ar~nounced after this session that they were unable to resolve the matter. Notion was then offered by Er. Gibson, Seconded by Nr. Paulett, to increase the Y.E.S. appropriation from $600.00 as proposed to $1,000.00. Phis motion was unanimously adopted. In accordance with Section 15.1-162 of the Virginia Code, motion was of- feted by Er. Gibson, seconded by ~r. Wood, and unanimously carried, that the 1971-72 estimates (as amended by the previous motion) be received and a synopsis spread in the minutes of this meeting for informative purposes, as follows: BEVENUE E SrINATE S Amount to be raised by current levy .Cafeterias .......................... ' i~'i!130~'000~00~ Educational sources ................. ~0,849 · 0'0 5,000.00 Virginia Public Assi stance .......... 697,1 ~0.00 TOTAL Gw~N-EBAL l~EVENUE ~u~ND ..................................... $9,54!, 203.20 381 AOINTIEE ~iRUST FUND ............................................ CRO~T SANITARY DIST~I~ BVJND .................................. ~NTAL HEALTH FUND ............................................. DOG TAX FUt~ ................................................... TOTAL tbEVENUE E STIifATE S - ALL PIRRP0 SE S ......................... 3,500, ;.00 5,507. 59,7o5.op 14,490.00 $9,624,405.7o PROP0 E2]) EXPENDITIKqE S: GENERAL REV~NU~ i~RfD ........................................... $ 11,350.00 GENERAL OPERATING FUArD: Board of County Supervisors ............................... Aiscellaneous Services ... oou=ty =eoutive's office ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Department of Finance .... Collection of Board of Equalization and Assessment ...................... Planning Department ~ecording of Documents .................................... Circuit Court ............................................. County Court Juvenile Court Policing and In~{~~ ................................. Fire Prevention and Extinction ............................ Operation, Landfill ~ .................................... Operation, Land_fill#2 .................................... Lunacy Commission ......................................... Public Health . ricult e ============================================== Elections .. TOTAL G~AL OPERATING FUND ................................... EDUCATIONAL PHRP0 ~S ........................................... FEDERAL EDUCATION PURP0 SE S ..................................... VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSlSTANGE ..................................... CAPITAL OUTLAY: Watershed Projects . Vocational-Technical Education Center ..................... TOTAL CAPITAL 0UTLA-i-i-i-i-i-i-i~f~ ........................................... CAFETERIAS ..................................................... ~ENTAL HEALTH S~RVI CE S ......................................... GROZET SANITARY DISTRICT D~BT SERVICE .......................... DOG TAX FUND ~CINTIRE TRUST ~TRfD ............................................ TOTAL. EXPENDITURE E STI~ATE S - ALL PURP© SE S ..................... $ 127,650.00 242,220.00 9,700.00 307,975.00 1,000.00 t5o.oo %2~.oo 345.oo 550.00 3,450.00 22,62~.00 5,250.00 22~,80~.00 3%,~6~.oo lO3,49o.oo 31,150.00 22,050.00 ,000O0 8 ,185:oo 33,37o.oo 21,350.00 43,115..00 $1,481,~20.00 $6,457,900.20 $ 231,295.00 $ 832,8.45~0p $ 350,000.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 $ 420,000.00 $. 85,.000.00 $ 80,998.00 $ 5, 5o7.5o $ t4,490.00 $ 3,500. O0 $9,624,405.70 On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by.Lt. Wood, and carried by the following recorded vOte -- AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey. NAYS: None -- the Board proceeded to lay the County levy for the year 1971 for General County Purposes of Five Dollars and Ninety Cents ($5.90) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of assessed value of real estate and personal property, and ordered that the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle assess and collect on all 3 8.2 tax~b!e real estate and all taxable personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate, used or employed in a manufacturing business, not taxable by the State on Capital; including Public Service Corporation property (except the rolling stock of railroads) based upon the assessment fixed by the State Corporation Commission and certified by it to the Board of Supervisors both as ~to location and valuation; and including all boats and watercraft under five tons as set f~rth in the Code of Virginia; and all vehic- les used as mobile homes or offices as set forth in the Virginia Code; excluding merchant's capital, farm machinery, farm tools~ farm livestock, and household goods as set forth in the Code of Virginia, Sections ~8-829 and ~8-829. I. FURTHER, the Director of Finance shall make separate classifications of farm machinery, farm tools and farm livestock. The County Executive reported on recent meeting with the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, advising that approval of grants requested for the Nint Spring and Chris Greene Projects is expected to be received within the next two weeks. He also submitted communication iTom Nr. Warren F. Cline of EcNair, Simmons and Cline, in which Nr. Cline advised that he had conducted an engineering inspection of the inactive water treatment plant located northwest of the tovm of Crozet and it was concluded that the present condition of this facility does not warrant expendit~re of funds to maintain it in an operable status and strorgly recommend- ing early demolition. After some discussion of the park projects, motion was offered by ~r. Wood, seconded by I~r. Wheeler, reaffirming previous action of this Board and directing the County Executive to proceed to see that Chris Greene and Nint Spring Park facilities are available to the people of the community as soon as possible, an& further directing that the County cooperate in every way possible with Nr. G. BoUrne 'Wayland, adjacent property owner to the ~int S~ring Park, to see that his property is protected. In discussion of the motion, Nr. Yancey stated that he has been seeking improvements to Route 684 for years and he does not believe the County will be any more successful in having the road to the Nint Spring Park[oimproved. Nr. Wood's motion carried with Nr. Yancey and Nr. Paulett casting the only negative votes. The Chairman called for appointment of Road Viewers for 1971 in the event applications are received for acceptance of roads into the Secondary System. On 'motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Paulett and unanimously carried, Nr. William Rennoids, Nr. Albert Austin, Nr. Ed Chapman, Nr. Legh Walker and Nr. Franklin Yancey were name~ l~oad Viewers for 1971, any three of whom may serve. Nr. Wheeler requested the Chairman to name a steering committee in connec- tion with the approa6hing Bicentennial Celebration. Ee asked that a committee ~ of five be appointed from the County to include one from this Board, one from the University and the County Executive and Chamber of Commerce Executive Secretary. 383 Claims against the County amounting to $1,269,422.80 were presented, examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged · against the following ikmds: General l~evenue Fund General Operating F~nd School Operating Fund Virginia Public Assistance Fund Capital Outlay ~tuud Cafeteria s Dog Tax Fund County Water Systems Eental Health Services Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account 217,322.30 116,320763 61.6,299.42 60,317.35 79,00 ~2.5~ 14, !4U.51 1,02~.U2 $,39U.95 ~1 .... 1 54,569.96 Total $1,269,~22.80 On motiQn, the meeting was adjourned. Chairman