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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia,_ was held at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of
July, 1971.
Present: Messrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, F. E. Paulett, Gordon L.
~neeler, Lloyd F. 'Wood, Jr and l~. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
OI~ficers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, unanimously adopted by
recorded vote, minutes, of the meeting of June 17, 1971, were approved as submitted
with the Following corrections: ( 1 ) Notion regarding David 'Wood, Jr. ' s zoning
request was seconded by Nr. Gibson rather than Nr. Yancey and (2) In the Tiffany
zoning request, Nr. Pat Haden appeared rather than Jack Peyton.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. Garnett.
Nr. Herbert Pickford, Attorney, presented petition on ~behalF of residents in
Liberty Hills and Bellair Subdivisions, opposing proposal by the University of
Virginia to construct connecting route for pedestrian and. vehicular traffic between
its Birdwood property and the main Grounds of the University. Nr. John .Ward, Presi-
bent of the Bellair~ Property O~zers' Association, spoke briefly as did Nr. William
Etevens. Nfs. Elizabeth l~osenblum referred to the need of coordination between
the Planning Departments of the University and the County' and the University and
the City. Nr. Paulett s~ated that he would like to hear from the University of
Virginia regarding this matter before the Board takes any action. Nr. Gibmon
offered motion, seconded by Nr. Paulett, referring this matter to the Planning
Commission with the request that officials of the University of Virginia come in
and discuss their ~roposal. This motion carried by ~he following vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Nr. Coats, representing the Highway Department, advised that it .had been
determined that rights of way For the Bio Boad Project would cost approximately
$450,000 and to proceed with this project would mean others would have to be de-
layed. The County Executive recommended that the Highway Committee review with
Nr. Coats priorities as now set up. AFter discussion, Nr. Batchelor was requested
to arrange a meeting with local Highway Department personnel and the entire Board.
~r. Yancey called Nr. Coats' attention to the rough condition of l~oute 637.
Nr. Garnett advised that he had also received a call on this particular road.
Nr. John Humphrey advised that one zoning case hinges on the status of Beagle
Gap Eoad. He stated that Nr. Walter Young has been attempting to obtain rights of
way. Nr. Young was present and advised that Nr. Warner has the deed but it still
has not been signed by one.:-~ando~ner. Nr. Coats was asked to bring an up to date
report on the status of this road to the next meeting.
Z lO
l~equest was received from Nr. C. E. Nc~urdo for up, dated resolution in con-
nection with request for acceptance of roads in Cedar Hills Su~xlivi si on into the
Secondary System. Resolution in this regard was adopted ~ay 20, 1965, but plat
of the 'Buhiivision was not recorded within the time limit and had to be resubmitted
to the Planning Commission. S~bsequently, there was a delay caused by connecting
road wit~-Key 'West Su~livision which has now been recommended for acceptance.
The following resolution, was offered by Kr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wood, and
adbpted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
BE IT I~ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is
hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of HiEhways the
following sec~ons of roads in Section III, Cedar Hills S~bdivision:
( 1 ) 1,693 lineal feet of Blueberry Road.
(2) 289 lineal feet of Juniper Lane.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby guaranteed a 50 ft. unobstructed right of way and
drainage easements along these requested additions as recorded by plat
in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in
Deed Book 410, page 577.
In a brief discussion of Route 660 from Route 743 to ~urray ~anufacturing
Corporation, it was decided that this would also be considered at the meeting of
the Board with the Highway Department On priorities.
Nr. C. Alphonso ~ith, President of the Charlottesville Tennis Patrons, ad-
vised that Van Sumner, Inc., one of the nation's leading builders of tennis
courts, is in Charlottesville now building courts for the University of Virginia
and has offered to resurface completely the four substandard courts at Albemarle
High School for the sum of $5,000. He pointed out that the cost of one court
generally is between $8,000 and $10,000 and recommended that the Board take
vantage of this opportunity. AFter discussion of this matter, motion was offered
by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Paulett, to refer this matter to the Superintendent
of Schools with the recommendation that funds appropriated in the current budget
for recreational purposes be used for this project if not already earmarked for
other purposes. This motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gib~on, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
At 10:00 A.N. the Chairman called for public hearing on Zoning Requests as
advertised in the Daily Progress on July 2 and July 9, 1971, as follows:
(l.) ZEP-170 - Application of Walter A. Young to rezone 5.32 acres from A-1 to
1~-1. Property located in Greenwood area at the end of a private road inter-
secting with Route 691.
Nr. Young was present in suppor~t of his application. N~s. Evelyn Pace appeared in
oPPosition. Nr. John Humphrey, County Planner, advised that the Planning Commis-
sion recommended denial at this time. After lengthy discussion with the opposition,
motion, was offered by Nr. '~NheeleG seconded by Nr. Yancey, deferring action on this
request pending report from the Highway Engineer on the status of this road which
was discussed previously in. this meeting. This motion carried by the following
~e¢orded.-v0te: _ :.
AYES: Aeszrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
(2) Z~P-I?I - Application of Land America Corp. to rezone 6.05 acres from A-1 to
B-1. Property located on Acute 20 north with frontage on 01d Btony Point
Nr. Steve Amato, Attorney, was present on behalf of the applicant. No one appeared
in opposition. Nr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended ap-
proval as requested. Notion was made by Nr. ~neeler, seconded by Mr. Wood, accept-
ing the recommendation of the Planning Commission. This motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, ~heeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
(3) SP-119 - ApplicAtion of Howard Leavitt to locate a mobile home on property
located near Alberene north of l~oute 630 and containing 15.07 acres.
No one appeared with regard to this application. Nr. Humphrey reported that the
Plao~_~ng Commission recommended approval subject to Health Department approval of
septic system and 100 ft. setback off of forest fire easement. Notion was made by
Mr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Paulett, to accept the recommendation of the Planning
Commission. This motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYE . Ne,ssrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, '~heeler, Hood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
(4) ~P-118 - Application of Albert C. Shifflett to locate a mobile home on 2.0
acres located south of Route 668 in the Browns Cove area.
No one appeared regarding this application. Mr. Humphrey reported that the Planning
Commission recommended approval subject to Health Department approval of septic
system and ~0 ft. setback from l~oute 668 and on the condition that plat is filed
and approved. On motion by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wood, the recommendation of
the Planning Commission was accepted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAY o None
~r. John E. Nanahan appeared with regard to recent incidents which happened on
his farm stat~g that he felt unprotected by the law. He advised that although he
was not seeking action by this Board, he called attention to the fact that he was
advised by a Justice of the Peace and the Commonwealth's Attorney that no crime had
been committed.
Statements of expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriffts Office
and the Office of the Commonwealthts Attorney were submitted for the month of
June, 1971. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, these statements
were approved by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett,~ Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days. Notion was made by
Yancey, seconded by Nr. 'Wood, approving these reports and carried by the following
recorded vote:
~S: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey. NAymS: None.
Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted for the month of June, 1971, in the
amount of $8~.00, of which two-thirds is reimburseable by the State. On motion
by Nr. Paulett, seconded by ~r. Yancey, this claim was approved by the following
recorded vote:
AYES~ Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, ~Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital was submitted in the amount of
$1,470.~0 for hospitalization of indigent patients under S.L.H. for the month of
June, 1971. On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. WOod, this claim was
proved for payment by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
1Keports of the Department of Public WeIfare were submitted for the month of
June, 197~, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Vir-
T~e County Executive suhnitted deed between Albemarle County and the Service
Authority conveying to the Authority perpetual right and emsement to cOnstruct,
install and maintain a sewer line consisting of pipes and appurtenances for the
transmission of waste water in and upon County land located south of Holy Comforter
'School. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, the Chairm~u was authorized
to sign this deed. Notion carried BY the following recorded vo~e:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
The County Executive advised that the present quarters on Fourth Street oc-
cupied by the Welfare Department were no longer large enough to accomodate the
personnel. He submitted lease agreement between the Board of Trustees of Char-
lottesville Lodge Nol 389 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and this
Board for lease of office space in the Elks Lodge located on East High Street.
z 13
Because of his interest in the Elk.s, ~r. Wood asked that the record show that he
did not participate in action on this matter. ~otion was offered by Nr. -Wheeler,
seconded by Nr. Yancey, authorizing the Chairma~ to execute this lease agreement.
The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
The Chairman advised that he had appointed Mr. Daley Craig, Mr. Michael
Gleason, Mr. Charles Long, Mr. Gordon L. Wheeler and Mr. William S. Willis as
the County's representatives on the Bicentennial Celebration Committee with the
County Executive, the City Nanager and the Executive Secretary of the Chamber
oF Commerce serving as ex-officiQ members. These appointments were ratified
by motion offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey. The motion carried by
the Following recorded vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS:- None.
Motion was offered by Mr. Wheeler to appoint: Nfs. Harold Hallock to the Joint
Library Board for a three-year term expiring June 30, 1974. Mr. Wheeler's motion
also included appreciation to Nr. Gerald Tremblay, whose term expired June 30,
1971, for the service he has rendered in this capacity. This motion was seconded
by Er. Gibson and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Appointment of a successor to Mr. Comer Sm~ th on the Welfare Board was de-
ferred until the August meeting.
Communication was received from Mr. Bay B. Jones advising that it would be
necessary to make a special appropriation in the amount of $1~,000.00 to the
Textbook Bental Fund. He explained that this item was not included in the current
budget and although it is the intent that this operation be a self-sustaining one
in the future, it would require an~ appropriation at this time. On motion by Mr.
Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, rules with regard to second reading were suspended
and the following resolution adopted by the Following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, 'Wheeler, 'Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
HE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $1~5,000.00 be and the same is hereby appro-
priated to the Textbook Bental Fund.
On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, the Following amounts were re-
appropriated as of July 1, 1971, by the following recorded vote:-~
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey!
NAYS: None.
7-299 Albemarle Volunteer Fire Departments $ 12,071 .~0
19E Watershed Projects 264,996.53
19L County Jail 21,542.61
19V Shenandoah Valley Detention Home 53 ~ 8.38.00
Total $3~2,448.64
The County Executive recommended, that Nelson County be added to the Joint
Health Department. He explained that this matter had received approval of City
Council and was recommended by the Joint Health Director. Mr. Batchelor pre-
sented resolution prepared by the State for this purpose. The resolution was
offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Y~cey, and adopted as follows by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
N~S: None.
The County of Nelson is now organized as part of the Albemarle-
Charlottesville health district. The Board of Supervisors of the
County of Albemarle does approve of the .dissolution. of the above
health district and the formation of a new health district including
the counties of Albemarle and Nelson and the city of Charlottesville.
This new health district will lie completelY within the boundaries of
Regional 10 Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission.
S.P.C.A. report ~o~ the month of May, 1971, was received and copies distri-
buted to each member of the Board.
The County Executive requested cancellation of check No. G9135 made payable
to the University of Virginia in the amount of $960.00 and dated June 22, 1971.
He explained that this check was issued for summer workshop tuition for 24 students
and only 19 enrolled. New check had to be issued. On motion by Mr. Gibson,
seconded by Nr. Wheeler, cancellation of this check was authorized by the follow-
ing recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, ~heeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
The Chairman name~ the following persons to the Soil Erosion Committee in ac-
cordance with action taken at the July 13, 1971, meeting:
Bourne Wayland, Chairman
Eddie 'Wood
Mrs. Frances Martin
C. N. Garnett, Jr.
Roy Patterson
W. Cullen Sherwood
Robin Lee
Howell Bowen
George Long
John Kauffman
R epr e senting:
Con servation
League of Women Voters
Farmer s
Citizens for Albemarle
Highway Research Bal., Univ. of Virgin2a
Contractor s
Home Builder s
State Biologist
z 15
Stai'f assistants to committee:
John Humphrey, County Planner
E. 0. Anderson, Soil Conservation Service
D. B. Marshall, County Attorney
Richard S. A~Lite, County Agent
On motion by Ar. Wheeler, seconded by Ar. Wood, the foregoing appointments were
approved by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, 'Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
The County Attorney submitted Redistricting Ordinance for consideration. On
motion by Nr. 'Wheeler, seconded by Ar. Gibson, it was ordered that public hearing
on this proposed ordinance be held at 1:30 P.~. on August 19, 1971, and the Clerk
was directed to publish proper notice of this hearing. This motion carried by
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, ~heeler, ~Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
On motion by Ar. Gibson, seconded by Ar. Paulett, the following over-expendi-
tures for the year ending june 30, 1971, were approved by the following recorded
AYES. Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, "Wheeler, rWood and Yancey
NAYS: None.
lA Board of County S~pervisors $ 12,475.46
5A Circuit Court 1,738.94
6~CC Juvenile Court 27.58
Confinement and Care of Prisoners 1,651.30
7 Fire Prevention and Extinction 1'227 !i54~
7C Operation of Landfill No. 2 9,161.
13 Elections
14 Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 1~,698 1~9
17.2 Instruction, Evening, Part-time Salaries 1~,900~
17.3 Other Instructional mCosts 17,072.00
17 · 4 Co-ordinate Activities 3,329 · 38
17 ~1 Other Auxiliary Agencies 1,327.76
17 ~~ Operation of School Plant 15, ~42.53
17.61 Maintenance of School Plant '363.08.
17 · 8 Capital Outlay 20,
17.10 Adult Basic Education 2,268.9~6
17.12 Elementary & Secondary Education, Title I 20,7~2.0~
17.14 Elementary & Secondary Education, Title III 11,4~.7. ~0
17.15 Vocational Rehabilitation 4,063.23
19.1 School Construction, Scottsville Jr. High 22,175.33
19.18 School Construction, Stone Robinson Elem. 5,529..20
19.19 School Construction, Albemarle High 907,29o.18
19.20 Scottsville Flood Damage 9,275.03
19.21 Albemarle County Bus Garage 33,885.00
19.22 Northside Elementary
19N North Rivanna Water Facilities 52,473.54
19R Vocational Technical Education Center 1,220.12
19S North Rivanna Sewerage Facilities 65,862.36
19T Driver Education l~ange 2~, 086.~7
19U Chris Greene Lake Recreation Project 10,91_~4
25 Cafeterias 81,1~9'02
80C Public Assistance 12,074.61
18 ~cIntire Trust Fund 218.62
41 Crozet Sanitary District Fund 2t 7. ~0
60.3 County Water Systems-Naintenance 6, ~52.70
60.4 County Water Systems-Capital 0utaly .3..,1..24..4_1
$ 1,397,936',03
Claims against the County ~amounting to $577,982.07 were presented, examined
and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged
against the following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay ~ktud
Textbook Rental Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Dog Tax Fund
County WaDer Systems
~ental Health Services
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account
Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
$ 56.00
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.