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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the County Office Building of said County on the 16th
day of December, 1971.
Present: Nessrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, F. E. Paulett, Gordon
L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. ~Wood, Jr. and ~. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
OFficers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. Garnett.
On motion by Nr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Paulett, minutes of the meeting of
November ;~8, 1971, were approved as submitted. ~his motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey~
NAYS: None.
In response to questions fTom the Board, Nr. l~. G. Warner advised that his
department is proceeding with plans on Boute 20, South; the last right of way
has been obtained on ~oute 6¢0; and the ~ichmond office has conducted a study
on Boute 29 North in the vicinity of Stromberg-Carlson and Sperry and should be
back around the first of the year for ~inalization of such stt~.
Nr. John Ward, Vice President of the Bellair. Property 0~ners Association,
appeared with regard to the proposed Birdwood Boad, After considerable dis-
cussion of this matter, the following resolution was offered by Nr. ~ood,
seconded 'by Nr. Gibson, and adopted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
WEEREAS, on July 1~, 1971, residents of Liberty Hills and Bellair
Subdivisions called this Board's attention to road proposed-.by the
University of Virginia to connect its main grounds with property owned
by the University and known as the Birdwood tract, which road would
utilize DeerPath Boad through said subdivisions as an access route; and
~E~EA8, at that time, motion was adopted by this body referring
this matter-to the Albemarle County Planning Commission with the re-
quest that officials of the University of Virginia come ini:,~o discuss
their proposal; and
~AS~ on September 16, 1971, a report was received., o~ ~he meet-
~g with representatives of the University of Virginia and resolution
was adopted requesting the University and the S~a~e HiEhway. De~artment
to join with the County! s Planning Department in a joint in,-deDth study
of the proposed road; and
~BAS, in response to the aforementioned resolution, Nr. Douglas
B. Fugate, State Highway Commissioner, by letter dated October 14, 1971,
advised that he did not helieve his department should become involved
in a study of a road that is Within the grounds of the University of
Virginia and~ involves land use planning which is properly a l~unction
of county government, and suggested Further t~at consi&eration be
given to .the employment of an independent consulting firm to determine
the proper location of said road; ancl
WHEREAS, by letter dated October 27, 1971, addressed to Ar. John
~. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the State Highway
Department, Ar. T. A. Batchelor, Jr., County Executive, pointed out the
impact that thi's road would have on the traffic pattern in this resi-
dential area as well as to the Secondary System in Albemarle County,
and requested reconsideration of the decision referred to above; and
- -~AR~A'S,. this Board has today again been approached by citizens
of the Bellair Subdivision and..after review of the situation, is of the
opinion that the. in-depth study originally requested is an obligation of
the 'State Department of Highways;
N0'~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bo. ard of County S~pervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commissioners be and
they are hereby rez3~ectfully requested to reconsider the decision made
by Ar. Fugate in this regard; and
HE IT F~RTHEE BESOLVED that Senator J. Harry Aichael, Jr., Delegate
Daniel G. Van Clief and Delegate Thomas J. Aichie, Jr. be and they are
respectfully requested to render all possible assistance to this Board
and to the citizens of Albemarle County in their efforts to have this
in-depth study conducted in fairness to all parties concerned.
0ommunication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising
that as requested in resolutions adopted by this Board on January 21 and June 17,
1971, the folloWing additions to the Secondary System were approved, effective
November 1, 1971:
Deerwood.Subdivi. . sion:
Deerwood Drive - from intersection of Route 649 to the intersection with Lupine
Lane, length 0.1 ~ mile.
Deerwood Road - i~rom Deerwood Drive to the intersection with Lupine Lane, length
0.22 mile.
Lupine Lane - From intersection with Deerwood Drive to Deerwood Road, length
0121 mile.
Communication was received From the Virginia Department of Highways advising
that in accordance with resolution adopted by this Board on September 16, 1971,
the following additions to the Secondary System were approved, effective November
18, 1971:
Camelot Suhii. vi sion:
Camelot Drive - from the intersection of Route 29 to approximately 900' north of
l~oute 29, length 0.17 mile.
St. Ives Road - from the intersection of Camelot Drive to 1,000' west of Camelot
Drive, length 0.19 mile.
Dorset Court - from the intersection of St. Ives Road, 800' south to cul-de-sac,
length 0.1 ~ mile.
Communication was received from Nr, R. G. 'Warner requesting Board approval
of certain changes in the Secondary System~ue to relocation of Route 764. The
following resolution was offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Wood, and adopted
by the following, recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gib~on, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYB: None.
WHEREAS, certain changes have resulted in the Secondary System
due to relocation of Route 764; and
'~tEREAS, it has been determined that no public hearing is
necessary in this instance due to the Fact that only one property
owner is involved and he was contacted, by the Highway Department
prior to said relocation;
NOW, THEREFOBE, ~E~ IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County that the following changes in the Secon-
dary System, as indicated on sketch presented to this meeting and
made a part of this Board's permanent file, be and the same are
hereby approved as follows:
(1) That section shown in red to be added to the Secondary System,
le~gth 488 feet.
(2) That section shown in green to be ab~_ndoned, length 32~ feet.
Request was received from Nr. A. H. ~rown for street sign to identify Oak
Hill Drive. ~ Nfs. Brown stated that delivery personnel had difficulty in locating
residents on this street. The following resolution was offered by Nr. Yancey,
seconded by Nr. Wood, and adopted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
~KEREAS, request has been received for street sign to identify
Oak Hill Drive at its intersection with Route 651; and
WHEREAS, residents of Oak Hill Drive have agreed to purchase
this sign, said sign to be purchased through the office of the County
ExeOutive and to conform with standards set by the 'State Department
of Highways;
NOW, TNERE~, BE IT ttESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby requested to install and maintain the above mentioned
s~reet sign.
Mr. Fred ~'~. Scott, chairman of the Civic League Fund l~aising CommittEe,
appeared and requested this Board's support in the League's efforts to raise
funds for the Nary Frazier Cash Memorial F~nd. He advised that they had chosen
as a memorial to Mrs. Cash the landscaping of the Stonewall Jackson Park, adjacent
to the Albemarle Court House and County .Office Building. The following resolution
was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, and adopted by the following
recorded vot~:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, 'Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
'WHEREAS, Mrs. Mary Frazier Cash, who died from injuries received
in-an automobile accident on October 9, 1971, was a great lady, a
truly distinguished citizen of Albemarle County and a good f~iend of
every member of this Board and of our predecessors in office.-for ~many
years; and
'~HEREAS, Nfs. Cash's unwavering devotion to good local government,
especially in Albemarle County, her l~tience and her knowledge and
understanding of the problems of local government were unsurpassed
among the citizens of Albemarle County; and
'~EREAS, the Charlottesville-Albemarle Civic League, an organiza-
tion in which Nfs. Cash played a leading part from its inception, is
sponsoring a project for the improvement of Stonewall Jackson Park in
Charlottesville as a memorial to Mrs. Cash to be financed by voluntary
contributions from citizens of Albemarle County and Charlottesville; and
WW~REAS, the Council of the City of Charlottesville which owns and
controls Jackson Park has publicly given its support for creation of
this memorial; and
W~r~REAS., this project will be a most suitable memorial to Mrs.
Cash, situated as it is, immediately adjacent to the Albemarle County
Court House and Office Building, the scene of so much of her effective
work in civic affairs;
N0~, TEEREFOBE, BE IT i~ESOLVED that this Board and all of its
members hereby give their wholehearted and enthusiastic support to the
Civic League's project to improve Jackson Park as a memorial to. the
late Mary Frazier Cash;
AND BE IT F~RTHER RESOLVED that this Bomrd urges the citizens of
Albemarle County to contribute generously to the Charlottesville-
A~bemarle Foundation, the non-profit tax-exempt organization which
has been selected by the Civic League to receive and administer the
~[ary ~azier Cash ~emorial Fund, designating their gifts for that Fund.
Mr. Lee Gallup appeared on behalf of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Jaycees
and requested permission to sponsor a circus, April 11,1972, on Bi~erbend Farm,
property located on Pantops and owned by Dr. Charles Hurt. Mr. Humphrey advised
that a special permit would be required for such circus and public/by this Board
only would be necessary. Mr. Humphrey was requested to advertise such hearing
for the next regular meeting.
Statements of expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office
and the Office of the Commonwealth's Atto.r~ney were submitted for the month of
November, 1971. On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. 'Wheeler, these state-
ments were approved by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, ~ood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the month of Novem-
ber, '¢~971. On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Paulett, these statements
were approved by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~es~rs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted ifor the month of
November, 1971, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of
Nr. Clarence NcClure and Nr. Thomas Hurlburt appeared and requested J special
appropriation of $160,000.00 in order that school.buses could be ordered earlier
tkfis year to assure delivery at the time needed. On motion by Nr. Yancey,
seconded by Nr. Wood, rules with regar& to second reading were suspended and
the following resolution adopted, by the following recorded vote.:
AYES: ~¢essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, '~neeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $160,000.00 be ~ud the same is hereby appro-
priated for the purchase of school buses.
At 10:00 a.m. the Chairman called for public hearing on Zoning Bequests as
advertised in the Daily Progress on December 3 ~r~ December 10, as follows:
(1) ~-188 - Application of Northwes~ Limited Partnership to rezone 1~.9 acres
from 1~-2 to B-~ and 14.6 acres from E-2 to B-1. Property located on north
side of Route 74~ approximately .4 mile west of intersection with Route 29
North. (Deferred From last regular meeting.)
Mr. John Humphrey reviewed the application and previous action thereon, after
which Nr. '~heeler reviewed consideration by the Board since deferral of this matter.
Mr. ~heeler stated that the Board wanted to establish a policy For zoning of the
area and would like '~to request the County Planning and Engineering Departments,
along with the Stat~ Highway Department, to mak~ an in-depth study before such a
policy is established -- no later than July 1, 197~ -- and suggested withdrawal
the petition at this time. Nr. John Lowe, attorney For the opposition composed
of seventeen families, explained that a compromise had been worked out which was
acceptable to all seventeen families and to S. '~. Heis~hman, the developer.
HeisC~an's attorney, Nr. George NcCallum, was also present and verified this
statement. ~r Ncgallum and Nr. Lowe req~e~sted that the Board approve amended
request which was explained in detail on sketch shown at this meeting. Notion was
made by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, to approve the amended request, after
which the matter was opened for public discussion. Those expressing opposition
were Mrs. Frances ~artin, Nrs. Elizabeth Rosenblu~ Mrs. Dorothy Owens and Mrs.
Kate Sandusky. Those speaking in favor of the amended request were Mr. A. L. Scott,
one of the l~udowners directly involved, Nr. Jim 'Witt and Nrs. Phyllis Garcia.
Notion carried by the following recorded, vote, with the understanding that the
developer will furnish to the Planning Department a cgmplete description of the
metes and bounds of the areas.to be rezoned:
AYES: Nessrs. Gibson, Paulett, Woo. d and Yancey.
NAYS: Messrs. Garnett and Wheeler.
On motion by N~. Wood, seconded by Nr. Gibson, it was ordered that an.. in-
depth study of the entire area, including land owned by adjacent property o~ners,
be instituted by the Plan~_iog and Engineering Departments, Planning Consultant,
and Highway Department, and that report be made to the Board in three to six
months. Notion carried by the. following vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NA~ None.
(2) ~-187 - Application of Peter A. Agelasto III to rezone 3.21~ acres From A. 1
to ~i. Property located ~etwee~ B~dtec~'~'~d ~.~.~Ch~o~:es¥~il~!e1~e~olr
on~':the~Ei~a..~b~j u~t!~'~.~8~h~'.'o~-~-'~ater section of Route 74~ with South Fork.
Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended denial by a five to
four vote and recommended that this Board initiate its own petition to rezone ad-
jacent property owned by the Sargeants back to A-1, advising that this would be
agreeable to Nfs. Sargeant. Nfs. Phylli~/appeare& in support of this recommenda-
tion and Nr. ~im ~Witt appeared on behalf of Nrs. Sargeant. Nro Agelasto appeared
in support of his peri,on. Nr. Cole Hendrix, City Nanager, .appeared and requested
that no rezoning requests be approved around the reservoir which would increase
density because of adverse affect on the City's water supply until a sanitary
sewerage system is installed. Nrs.. Frances Nartin appeared on behalf of Citizens
for .Albemarle and stated that total future developme~ should be considered and
lo,tensity around the reservoir would be most desirable. Notion was offered by Nr,
Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, to den~ this request. Notion carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
.AYES: ~ess~s. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, '~heeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Nr. Agelasto noted appeal.
On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, it was ordered that the
Planning Office initiate petition on behalf of this Board to rezone the Sargeant
Drop~rty,z~referred to in the foregoing hearing, back to A-1. Notion carried by
the following vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, -~heeler, '~ood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
(3) Z~P-190 - Application of Stack House Inc. to rezone 10.23 acres i~om A-1 to
N-~. ._P~_oper~y located on west side of Route 6~3, approximately
1000 i eet so~h of intersection with l~oute 7~.
z 79
Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended denial. He pre-
sented letter from Stack House, Inc., handdelivered to~ his o~ice~the day before
this meeting, requesting that.public hearing be deferred until the January meeting.
The letter advised ~hat the applicant's r~epresentative ha& to attend another
meeting on this date. It was noted, by the Board that. said letter was dated Sep-
tember 3, 1971. It was the expressed~feeling of the Bo~ard that perhaps the date
w~s a typographical error and meant to be December 9, 1971, but after considera-
tion of the facts at hand, it was felt that in fairness to the public present who
h~d waited for this ~hearing, even the December date would have given the applicant
ample time to arrange for someone to attend this meeting and the hearing should
proceed as advertised. Nfs. Hugh Wolfrey, representing the Broadus Wood P.T.A.,
spoke in behalf of the. Qpposition. ~otion was made by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr.
Gibson, to deny t~his request. No~tion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Ness~s. Garnett, ~Gibson, Pau~ett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None o
(4) ~-14~ -~Application of Louie L. Scribner, Jr. to locate a permanent mobile
home on 8.79 acres located just off Route 677 across from ~est Leigh S~b-
Divi sion.
Nr. Humphrey explained that this application was for a temporary permit to locate
a mobile home on this property while permanent home is being constructed rather
than for a permanent permit as advertised. He added that the planning commission
recommended approval for a temporary permit for one year subject to conditions as
recommended by the staff which included 200 foot setback from the edge of the
gravel road, no trees to be cut on any perimeter of the property so as to make the
mobile home visible from any of the adjoining properties, and Health Department
approval of a septic system. Nr. Scribner was present in support of his applica-
tion. No one appeared on opposition. On motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr.
Paulett, recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. Notion carried
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, ~ood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
(5) ~-146 - Application of William Nartin to locate a permanent mobile home on
2.0 acres located on Route 601 approximately 0.~ mile from Free Union.
Nr. Nartin was present in s~pport of his application. No one appeared in opposi-
tion. Nr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval on
a temporary basis with yearly renewal by the Planning Office, 100 ft. setback from
Route 601 and Health Department approval of Septic System. On motion by Nr. Wheeler,
seconded by Nr. Gibson, this request was denied. Notion carried by the Following
recorded vOte:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, ~bod ~id Yancey.
NAYS: None.
(6) ~-147 - Application of 0. G. Barnett to locate a permanent mobile home on
~6.75 acres (p~rt thereof) located on Route 29 South in the Covesville area.
Nfs. Barnett was present~ in support of the request. No one appeared in opposition.
Nr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to
Health Department approval of septic system. On motion by Nr. Paulett, seconded
by Nr. Yancey, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted. Notion
carried by the following recorded, vo~e:
~VES: Neszrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, ~neeler, ~Vood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
At 1:30 p.m. the Chairman called for public hearing on the following zoning
request as advertised in.the Daily Progress on December 3 and December 10, 1971:
(1) ~U-146 - Application of Virginia Electric and Power Company to place an elec-
tric substation on 1.76 acres located on Route 782 in the Nob Hill ~bdivi-
sion and to construct a transmission power line on a route near Route 708
south of Charlottesville on a line parallel to Route 651 to the proposed
Nr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommende~ approval of the line
as proposed with the provision that steel poles b~ used~. Nr. Bill Perkins, attor-
ney for VEPC0, introduced Nr. Bowlin Narshall, VEPC0 engineer, who spoke on behalf
of the applic~nt~ Nr. Earshall stated that it was their feeling that steel poles
should be used partially and lattice type towers partially. In discussion, several
alternate routes for the line were discussed. Appearing in opposition to the route
as advertised were Ian Stevenson, Ben Ninor ~iller, George Bailey, Catherine
~espass, H. N. Baler, Elizabeth Bosenblum and Jimmy Jessup. Eany were present in
opposition who did not s~eak but rose to be recognized at the suggestion of
Jessup. After lengthy discussion, motion was made by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr.
Yancey, to approve one of the alternate routes with steel poles, said alternate
route to run along the railroad right of way. This motion was later withdrawn
when it was pointed out that this hearing was advertised for the route requested
by VEPC0 and residents on the alternate routes should be given an opportunity to
be heard. Nr. Paulett offered motion to deny the request. This motion received
no second. Notion was offered by ~. Gibson, seconded by Er. ~ood, ~eferring this
matter until 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, J~nuary 2~, 1972, at which time further public
hearing would be held in the Court Boom and requesting the Planning Department to
give notice to all property owners along the three routes discussed at this meet-
ing. This motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: N~ssrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, ~neeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Nr. D. B. Narshall, County Attorney, advised that notice for hearing at 2:00
p.m. on proposed Site Plan Ordinance was improperly advertised in that such notice
failed to include the loaation at which a copy of the ordinance could be obtained.
~r. Humphrey presented third draft of the ordinance for the Planning Commission
and also read a letter i~om local surveyors setting forth their comments in re-
gard to the proposed ordinance, most of w~_ich were inclnded in this draft. He
urged public hearing as soon as possible. Nr. Louis Scribner, architect, was
present and requested that contractors and architects be allowed to assist in
a final draft as he had found many discrepancies in the ordinance as.proposed
by the Planning Commission. Nr. William Stevenson stated that he felt the ordi-
nance as proposed was inadequate and weuld be diiTicult to enforce. Nr. Forbes
Riback appeared for Daley Craig, stating that Nr. Craig would also like an op-
portunity to work in the preparation of the final proposal. After discussion,
motion was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, referring the ordi-
nance back to the Planning Commission with the request that hearings on the
Final draft be properly advertised. Notion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, 'Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted For the month~'~of November, 1971,
in the amount of $3~.00, of which two-thirds is reimbursable by the State. On
motion by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, this claim was approved For pay-
ment. Notion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~ess~s. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, ~ood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
l~eport of the County Executive was submitted for the month of November,
1971, as information.
Claim in the amount of $1,4~2.44 was received from the University of Virginia
Hospital for hospitalization of indigent patients unde~ SLH For the month of
December, 1971. On motion by ~r. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Gibson, this claim was
approved for payment. Notion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood s~ud Yancey.
NAYS: None.
The County Executive presented easement to Virginia Telephone and Telegraph
Company'For right-of-way to construct and maintain underground Facilities through
County property at Beaver Creek. On motion by Nr. ~neeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey,
the chairman was authorized to execute said easement on behalf of this Board.
~otion carried b~ the Following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Communicati°n was received from Nr. Cecil A. ~aupin, submitting his resigna-
tion as a member of the Planning Commission effective January 1, 1972. On motion
by ~r. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, Nr. Naupin's resignation was accepted with
deep regret and the Clerk was directed to write letter to Nr. Naupin expressing
this Board's appreciation for his long and faithi~l service.
the following recorded vote:
NOtion carried by
~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
Communication was received from Nfo D. B. Narshall, submitting his resigna-
tion as ~ounty Attorney effective December 51, 1971. On motion by Nr. Gibson,
seconded by Nr. Yancey, Nr. ~arshall's resignation was accepted with regret and
the Clerk was requested to convey to Nr. Narshall this Boarders deed appreciation
for the fine service he has rendered to the Board. ~otion carried by the follow-
ing recorded vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Communication was received from Nr. Comer Smith, submitting his resignation
as a member of the School Board. On motion by ~r. Yancey, seconded by ~r. Gibson,
Nr. Smith's resignation was accepted with regret, it being stated that he had served
with distinction, and the Clerk was directed to express to Nr. Smith this Board's
sincere appreciation for his services. Notion carried by the following vote:
~YES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Communication was received from Nr. Campbell F. Holt, submitting his resig-
nation as a member of the Board of the Virginia Piedmont Community College. On
motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, Nr. Holt's resignation was accepted
with regret and the Clerk was directed to write letter of appreciation to Nr. Holt
for his services. Eotion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~eszrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
The County Executive reported that the staff had found that the County is not
under pressure to enact ordinance regarding flood insurance prior to December 51,
as reported to the Board in communication dated October 14, 1971, and this matter
will be brought before the Board at a future date.
S.P.C.A. report was ~u~bmitted for the month of October, 1971, as information.
Claim against the Dog Tax ~nd was received from Nr. Charles S~ingler for six
hogs killed by dogs. On motion by Nr. ~neeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, Nr. Swingler
was allowed $40.00 for each of these .hogs. ~otion carried by the following vote:
~YES: Eessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, ~ood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Cherry Hill Farm for two
Lambs killed by dogs. On motion by Nr. ~neeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, the amount
of $1~.00 was approved for each of these lambs. ~otion carried by the following
Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, ~ood and Yancey.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from ~irs. Mildred S. Aud~erson for
five plymouth rock hens, three white rock hens, one~ithode Island hen and three
game hens. On motion by ~r. 'Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Yancey, Nfs. Anderson was
allowed $0.~0 for each of the game hens and $1.2~ for each of the other hens.
Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
Check No. H923, made payable to Orkin Exterminating Co., Inc. in the amount
of $24.00 and dated November 22, 1971, was returned. Mr. Batchelor explained that
this payment was returned in ~ew of additional business given Orkin by the Depart-
ment of Education. On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey, it was
ordered that this check be cancelled. Eotion carried by the follOwing recorded
Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
Communication was received, from the Planning Department requesting a s~pecial
appropriation in the amount of $126,796.00 in order that construction of the Mint
Springs Eecreation Area might be started as soon as weather permits. It was ex-
plained that the Co,3nty's share of this project would be only $32,000.00 but it
is necessary to appropriate the entire amount since Federal funds will not be re-
ceived until after construction is completed. On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by
Mr. Gibson, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following
resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, -Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: Nr. Yancey.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the sum of $126,796.00 be and the same is hereby ap-
propri~atedt~or~ the construction of Mint Springs Recreation Area..~
The County Executive and County Attorney discussed with the Board the need
for certain resolutions by this Board in connection with approval of Service
Authority Projects and advances for said projects. They advised that representative
from Farmers Home Administration visited the office on yesterday and stat.ed that
two separate resolutions were needed immediately.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey,
and adopted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: 'None.
BE IT ~SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, as follows:
Section 1: That it is the intention of this Board, having created,
pursuant to the Virginia Mater and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 28,
Title t~.1 of the Code of Virginia ~ 19~0) as amended, the Albemarle
County Service Authority, to designate the following water and sewer
projects to be undertaken by said Authority, which are described and
set forth in Attachment "A" to a report dated December 16, 1971, from
Ray B. Jones, Executive Director of said Authority, to this Board:
1. 'Water Pro_i ~cts
(a) To construct, operate and maintain a 12-inch main water
transmission line from the present terminus of the Authority's system
at Stillhouse Mountain in Albemarle County to the West Leigh .Sub-
division near the village of Ivy, a distance of about 20,000 feet,
at an estimated cost of $~0,000.00.
(b) To construct, operate and maintain additional water treat-
ment facilities at Crozet, Virginia, so as to provide a capacity of
two million gallons per day, at an estimated cost of $205,000.00.
(c) To construct, operate and maintain a two million gallon
water storage tank at Crozet at an estimated cost of $190,000.00.
(d) To construct, operate and maintain a 12-inch main water
trs~usmission line for a distance of 8,~00 feet at or near OTozet, at
an estimated cost of $155,000.0'0
(e) To construct, operate and maintain an 8-inch water trans-
mission line from the Authority's main line on U. S. Route 29 north
of the South Rivanna River to the new public school to be constructed
on the Hollymead property near Proffit, at an estimated cost of
2. Sewer Proc1 ects
(a) To construct, operate and maintain an advanced waste treat-
ment plant and facility on the Rivanna River near the confluence: of
said River and Powell's Creek with a treatment capacity of 7~0,000
gallons per day, to construct sewer lines leading from Albemarle High
School to said treatment plant, and to construct and equip two pumping
stations on said line, all at an estimated cost of $1,7~,000.00.
(b) To construct, operate and maintain a sewer line from the'
proposed public school at Hollymead to said treatment plant at an
estimated cost of $370,000.00.
Bection 2: No other authority has been created under the provisions
of said Act serving the whole or part of the same area, and none of
the powers granted by said Act shall be exercised by the Authority in
the construction, maintenance, extension or operation of any project
or projects which in whole or in part shall duplicate or compete with
existing ntilities, public or private, serving substantially the same
purposes and area.
Section ~: A public hearing will be held on this resolution at 1:30
P.E., January 20, 1972, in the Board Room at the Albemarle County
Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, at which time those
citizens affected can be present and make their views known.
Section 4~: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause a
notice of the public hearing, together with a copy of this resolution,
to be published once in the Daily Progress, a newspaper of general
circulation in Albemarle County, Virginia, at least ten (10) days jJ
prior to the date fixed for the hearing.
The following resolution was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey,
and adopted by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Eessra Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, '~ood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
~EREAS, this Board has this date by resolution signified
its intention to specify certain additional projects to be under-
taken by the Albemarle County Service Authority for the purpose
of constructi_ug and financing additional water transmission,
storage and distribution facilities, and sewer facilities in-
cluding treatment plant, pumping stationaud trunk lines in
Albemarle County; and
WHEREAS, in connection therewith, the said Authority has
requested a loan of $1,970,000.00 from the Farmers Home Admini s-
tration, a division of the United States Department of Agriculture,
to partially finance construction of these projects; and
~lEAS, the revenues to be derived from water and sewer
charges in those projects Will, during the first years of opera-
tion, be insufficient to meet operating costs and the debt service
charges for said loan of $1,970,000.00; and
WHEREAS, tY~is Board believes that the interests of all
citizens of Albemarle County will.be promoted by the construction
of those projects witheut unnecessary delay;
NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT BESOLVED, that this Bo~d hereby agrees
to ma~e loans to said Service Authority ~rom time to time in such
amount or amounts as may be necessary to enable said Service
Authority to make up the difference between its net revenues,
after paying operational and maintenance costs, and the amounts
necessary to pay the debt service costs required by the Farmers
Home Administration for said loan of $1,970,000.00.
AND ~E IT F~RTHER RESOLVED that this resolution and the
obligations hereby created shall not be repealable after said
loan has been made by the Farmers Home ~lministration to said
Service Authority.
~0 ~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all loans made to said
Authority pursuant hereto shall be repayable by the Authority
from revenues of said projects as soon as possible.
Nr. George ~W. Bailey, Sheriff, appeared with regard to proposed reorganization
of his department as of January 1, 1972. He stated that he wished to adopt a pay
schedule which would increase the salary of most of his personnel and also employ
an additional deputy for the night shift. He advised that if the Compensation
Board participates in the proposal, the County's cost for the last six months of
the fiscal year would be $2,~.4.00. On motion by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Wood,
rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution
adopted by the following recorded vote:
Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
HE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that pay scale presented by the Sheriff for personnel
in his de~partment, including employment of one additional Deputy, is
hereby approved, effective January 1, 1972; and
HE IT ~THE~ RESOLVED that the sum of $2,444.00 be and the same
is hereby appropriated to cover the Countyes sha~e of said salaries
for the six months ending June ~0, 1972; and
HE IT ~THER RESOLVED that Sheriff Bailey is hereby requested to
seek State Compensation Board approval for the salaries and position as
listed in his request with the understanding that this Board will sub-
sidize such pay in the event same is not approved by the Compensation
Certificates of Appreciation were presented to retiring Board members by
incoming members present at this meeking on behalf of the County as follows;
To 'Edgar N. Garnett for sixteen years on the Board of Supervisors, seven years
as its chairman.
To Joseph E. Gibson for four years as a member of the Board of Supervisors.
To l~. A. Yancey for eight years as a member of the Board of Supervisors.
To F. E. Paulett for 'five and one-half years on the Board of Supervisors~ one
year as its chairman.
Following presentation of these certificates, each present Board member
expressed deep appreciation and praise to Nr. Garnett for his long years of out-
standing service to Albemarle County.
Claims against the County amounting to $1,135,447, 01 were presented, examined
amd allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged
against the following funds:
General Bevenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Textbook Fun&
Textbook Bental Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
County Water Systems
~ental Health Fund
Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account
$ 49.9%
92,6t0 -79
14,171 -37
5,290 00
11,14 81
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.