HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-11-17 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTYj VlRGINIA~ WAS HELD AT THE OFFICE BUILDING OF SAID COUNTY ON THE 1?TH DAY OF NOVEMBER~ 1°~6o PRESENT= MESSRS, EDGAR N. GARNETT~ GARRETT W. KIRKSEY~ GEORGE C, PALMER~ lis F. E. PAULETT~ ROBERT THRAVES AND R, A. YANCEY. ABSENTt: NONE OFFICERS PRESENT= COUNTY EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, THE MEETING OPENED WITH THE LORDIS PRAYER LED BY MR. GARNETT. THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE INTRODUCED TO THE E~OARD STUDENTS FROM THE V~RIOUS COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS WHO HAD BEEN ELECTED AS SUPERVISORS IN CONNECTION WITH STUDENT GOVERNMENT WEEK AND THE CHAIRMAN WELCOMED THESE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES TO THE MEETING. MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF OCTOBER ~AND NOVEMBER ~ WERE APPROVED AS SUBMITTED. COMMUNICATION WAS RECEIVED REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE INTO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM OF CERTAIN STREETS IN SECTION ? OF WOODBROOK SUBDIVISION. AFTER DISCUSSION OF THIS REQUEST~ THE FOLLOW- ING RESOLUTION WAS OFFERED BY MR. KIRKSEY, SECONDED BY MR. THRAVES, AND UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED= BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY~ VIRGINIA~ THAT THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS BE AND IS HEREBY REQUESTED TO ACCEPT INTO THE STATE SECONDARY SYSTEM THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF STREETS LOCATED IN SECTION ?~ ~OODBROOK SUBDlVlSION~ SUBdECT TO APPROVAL BY ~HAT DEPARTMENTt PARKWOOD PLACE BEGINNING AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH IDLEWOOD ROA~ AND CONTINUING TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH EASTBROOK DRIVE~ A ~ISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY ~ FEET. 1DLEWOOD ROAD BEGINNING AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH PARKWOOD PLACE AND EXTENDING APPROXIMATELY 135 FEET IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION AND APPROXI- MATELY ~00 FEET IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION. EASTBROOK DRIVE BEGINNING AT ITS INTERSECTION ~ITH PARKWOOD PLACE AN~ EXTENDING APPROXIMATELY ~ FT. IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION AND APPROXI- MATELY ~ FEET IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS BE AND IS HEREBY GUARANTEED A ~O FTc UNOBSTRUCTED RIGHT OF WAY ALONG THESE REqUESTE~ A~ITIONS - ALONG WITH DRAINAGE EASEMENTS - AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOK ~1~ PAGE 359, IN THE OFFICE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY CLERK, THE FOLLOWING PLATS WERE PRESENTED= (1) FOR RE-DATING ONLY~ SECTION ~ WESTFIELD SUBDIVISION~ AS .PREPARED BY ~o AUBREAY HUFFM~N ARD APPROVED BY THE CITY AND COUNTy PLANNING COMMISSIONS. (~) DIVISION OF CHARLIE To PARRISH, dR. PROPERTY OFF STATE ROUTE 53 AS PREPARED BY WILLIAM S. ROUDABUSH AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION. (3) DIVISION OF ROBERT d. ~ANN PROPERTY ON ROUTES 710 AND ?08 AS PREPARED aY WILLIAM S, ROUDABUSH AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION. (~) DIVISION OF Wo E. ~!RCKHEAD PROPERTY ON ROUTE 250~ EAST AS PREPARED BY ~ILLIAM S, ROUDA- BUSH AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION. (5) TRANSFER OF CERTAIN PARCELS IN EDNAM FOREST AS PREPARED BY AMOS R. SWEET AND APPROVED BY THE CITY AND COUNTY F~LANNING COMMISSIONS. ON MOTION OF ~c~. YANCEY~ SECONDED BY MR. THRAVES~ THE FOREGOING PLATS WERE AP- PROVED AND THE CHAIRMAN AND CLERK WERE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN SAME ON BEHALF OF THE BOAR~. PETITION WAS PRESENTED REQUESTING PAVEMENT ON CERTAIN SECTIONS OF ROUTES ?~5 AND 723. HOWEVER~ THE PETITIONER DECIDED TO HOLD THIS REQUEST FOR THE REGULAR ROAD HEARING RATHER THAN LEAVE SAME ON FILE WITH THE BOARD. MR. RICHARD NORFORD AND MR. DARDEN TOWN APPEARED ON BEHALF OF THE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND PRESENTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION= -~/HEREAS THE FOOTBALL TEAMS OF ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL~ BURLEY HIGH SCHOOL, LANE HIGH SCHOOL~ AND ROCK HILL ACADEMY HAVE WON~DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIPS DURING ~E 196~ FOOTBALL SEASON~ AND ~/HEREAS THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THESE TEAMS MANIFESTS ~HE CON- TINUING EFFORTS OF THEIR HIGH SCHOOLS TO PROVIDE A BALANCED PROGRAM LEADING TO BOTH SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AND ATHLETIC RECOGNITION FOR THEIR STUDENTS~ AND ~JHEREAS THE MEMBERS OF THESE TEAMS~ THROUGH THEIR ~ISPLAY OF SPORTSMANSHIP AS WELL AS THROUGH THEIR ATHLETIC ABILITY~ HAVE REPRESENTED THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE IN A MOST FAVORABLE MANNER AND HAVE BROUGHT GREAT HONOR TO THE COMMUNITY; NO~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE THAT THE APPRECIATION AND COMMENDATION OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE BE EXTENDED TO THE COACHING STAFFS AND FOORBALL SQUADS OF ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL, BURLEY HIGH SCHOOL~ LANE HIGH $CHOOL~ AND ROCK HILL ACADEMY~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION BE PRESENTED TO THE AFOREMENTIONED SCHOOLS AS EVIDENCE OF SUCH APPRECIATION AND COMMEN- dATION. ON MOTION OF ~R. PALMER~ SECONDED BY MR. KIRKSEY~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY ENDORSED BY THIS BOARD, ~R. PAUL CALE APPEARED AT THE REQUEST OF THIS BOARD TO DISCUSS TECHNICAL EDUCA- TION FACILITIES IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY~ HE STATED 3HAT HE FELT ADEQUATE FACILITIES WERE AVAILABE IN THE HIGH SCHOOLS FOR STUDENTS NOT PLANNING TO GO TO COLLEGE AND CITED THE VARIOUS COURSES OFFERED IN OFFICE TRAINING~ INDUSTRIAL COOPERATIVE TRAtNtNG~ DIBTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION~ PRACTICAL NURStNG~ VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE~ ETC, HE ALSO PRESENT COMMUNICATION FROM DANA B. HAMEL~ ~IREC~OR OF THE VIRGINIA ~EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY COLLEGES, WITH REGARD TO COMMUNITY COLLEGES EITHER ESTABLISHED OR PLANNED AT VARIOUS PLACES THROUGHOUT THE STATE. ~R. CALE ADVISED THAT HE ENDORSES THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE PLAN AT THE POST HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL. SEVERAL PERSONS APPEARED WITH REGARD TO CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES AND APPROACHES ON ROUTES 676 AND 743 AND THE CONDITION WHICH THEY CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS WITH REGARD TO THIS CONSTRUCTION. ~v~R, Ac S. BROWN, RESIDE~ ENGINEER~ DISCUSSED THIS MATTER WITH THOSE PRESENT AND ON MOTION OF MR. PALMER, SECONDED BY MR. KIRKSEY~ MR. BROWN WAS REQUESTED TO ARRANGE A MEETING WITH REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE DISTRICT [NGINEERfS OFFICE TO VIEW AND DISCUSS THIS MATTER ON LOCATION WITH INTERESTED CITIZENS. STATEMENTS OF EXPENSES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE AND THE OFFICE OF THE COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY WERE PRESENTED FOR THE MONTH OF 0CTOBER~ 1966o ON MOTION OF MR. PAULETT~ SECONDED BY MR. THRAVES~ THESE STATEMENTS WERE UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. STATEMENT OF EXPENSES INCURRED IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE COUNTY ~AIL WAS SUBMITTED ALONG WITH SUMMARY STATEMENT OF PRISONER DAYS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1966o ON MOTION OF ~Ro ~ALMER, SECONDED BY ~R. YANCEY~ THESE STATEMENTS WERE UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, FINANCIAL REPORT ON STATE-LOCAL HOSPITALIZATION WAS RECEIVED FROM DR. STURKIE FOR THE MONTH OF 0CTOBER~ 1966, AND ON MOTION OF ~R. PALMER~ SECONDED BY ~R. KIRKSEY WAS AP- PROVED. CLAIM WAS RECEIVED FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA HOSPITALIZATION IN THE AMOUNT OF ~4~1,7~ FOR HOSPITALIZATION OF INDIGENT PATIENTS DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 196~ AND ON MOTION OF MR. THRAVES~ SECONDED BY MR. KIRKSEY, WAS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. REPORTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ~ELFARE WERE SUBMITTED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPT- EMBER, 1966, ~N ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 63-67.1 AND 63-67,2 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA. ~EPORT OF THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE FOR THE MONTH OF 0CTOBER~ 1966~ WAS PRESENTED AND ORDERED FILED. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS OFFERED BY MR. THRAVES~ SECONDED BY MR.. ~IRKSEY~ AND UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED~ RULES WITH REGARD TO SECOND READING BEING SUS~ENOED[ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOAR9 OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, THAT ~4~2~3.~3 BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY APPROPRIATED TO COVER CURRENT EXPENDITURES IN CONNECTION WITH SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION. COMMUNICATION WAS RECEIVED FROM CR~Z/'T VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY REQUESTING THE COUNTY TO ASSUME COST OF STREET LIGHTS IN CROZET AND OTHER AREAS OF THE COUNTY. THIS MATTER WAS DISCUSSED AND ACTION DEFERRED UNTIL TH/ REGULAR DECEMBER MEETING. THE MATTER OF NAMES FOR STREETS IN CROZET WAS AGAIN BROUGHT BEFORE THE ~OARD FOR DIS- CUSSION. COMMUNICATION WAS RECEIVED FROM THOMAS P. PEYTON~ JR., ALONG WITH PETITION, RE~ qUESTING THAT ST. GEORGE ROAD BE LEGALLY NAMED BY THIS NAME RATHER THAN GOODLOE ROAD AS PROPOSED. AFTER DISCUSSION, THE MATTER WAS ORDERED REFERRED TO THE LIONS CLUB COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION AT THE DECEMBER MEETING OF THIS BOARD. THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE REPORTED ON PROPOSED BUILDING CODE AS REQUESTED AT THE LAST REGULAR MEETING, HE STATED THAT HE FELT IF A BUILDING CODE IS ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY~ IT SHOULD BE IN LiNE WITH THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE CODE BUT FLEXIBLE ENOUGH TO BE ACCEPTABLE IN RURAL AREAS AND SHOULD BE EASILY UNDERSTOOD BY THE PEOPLE. AFTER CONSIDERABLE DISCUSSION of this matter, motion was offered by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Kirksey, instructing the County Executive to proceed with preparation of a building code to he presented for consideration. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Kirksey, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SuperVisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the County of Albemarle dispense with the publi- cation of delinquent list for-the current year as allowed under law. On motion of Mr. ?almer, seconded by Mr. Kirksey, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Otis L. Brown heretofore tendered his resignation as CountyExecutive and Director of Finance of Albemarle County to the Board of County Supervisors of said County, to take effect at the close of business on October 31, 1966, and T. M. Batchelor, Jr. was duly ap- pointed and has qualified as such County Executive and Director of Fi- nance for said County, assuming the duties of office on November 1, 1966; BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that the Virginia National Bank of Charlottesville, (including its Crozet Branch), the National Bank and Trust Company of Charlottesville, and the Citizens Bank and Trust Com- pany of Charlottesville, present depositories of State and County Funds, be and they are hereby directed to change the accounts and deposits in their respective institutions from "County of Albemarle, by Otis L. Brown, Director of Finance" to "County of Albemarle, by T. M. Batchelor, Jr., Director of Finance"; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that National Bank and Trust Company at Charlottesville, Virginia, be and it is hereby authorized to honor outstanding checks drawn by Otis L. Brown, Director of Finance, prior to November 1, 1966, in the amounts as follows: Payroll Account: Date of Check Check Number P~yee: Amount 2-28-66 3059 R.A. Yancey $ 57.37 7-29-66 6028 Juliet McCaffery 325.98 8-31-66 6251 Juliet McCaffery 325.98 9-30-66 6653 Rebecca A. Barlow 370.85 9-30-66 6954 R.A. Yancey 59.97 9-30-66 6955 Peggy H. Granger 60.81' 10-26-66 7037 Thomas H. Jenkins 47.90 10-26-66 7039 Lawrence R. Quarles 28.74 10-26-66 7042 Comer Smith 28.74 10-26-66 7043 Paul H. Cale 604.02 10-26-66 7061 Marjorie H. Webber 600.85 10-26-66 7064 George E. Hall 678.88 10-26-66 7068 DavidM. Armbrister 433.32 10-26-66 7072 Richard P. Spitler 437.32 10-26-66 7074 Hazel M. Ab~ll 409.67 Date of Check 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 I 0-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10- 26-66 10-26-66 10- 26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 I 0-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 I 0-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 I 0-26-66 I 0-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 I 0-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 Check Nu~.ber~ Payee: Amount 7079 7080 7082 7083 7085 7088 7089 7092 7096 7100 7101 7104 7106 7108 7110 7111 7112 7116 7117 7120 7122 7123 71 25 71 28 7129 7130 7134 7135 7143 7145 7146 71 51 71 52 7155 71 57 7159 7161 7164 7166 7167 7168 7177 7180 7181 7182 7183 7185 7186 719O 7191 7198 7201 7202 7204 72O6 7207 7214 7224 7232 7234 7236 7237 7239 7244 7248 7250 7252 7254 7258 7261 7266 7271 7272 7273 7275 7277 7278 Susie B. Bailey Elizabeth T. Baker Isabelle D. Bing Mary A. Boggs Grace W. Broddus Alice Ann G. Burgess Janie S~ Cmaldwell Juanita R. Carter Barbara K. Clark Jane B. Crapnell Bernice T. Critzer Elizabeth B. David Margaret M. Dawson Patricia O. Davine Dorothy E. Drake Sarah T. Dunn Loda F. Dunton Anne B. Faris Vada 0. Foster Addle M. Gentry Rochelle Ginsberg Carolyn S. Golladay Patricia H. Hall Karen T. Handwork Sally M. Harris Alma C. Harris Lydia A. Holsinger Susan B. Houle Lynn S. Kneedler Sheila D. Kupec Nellie K. Kurzmann J~lie A. Maiolo Dorothy P. Martin Beverly W. Maury Viola W. McComb Elsie M. Minix Patricia M. Moore Corrinne D. Norvelle Carrington H. Obrian Rebecca J. Page Mary W. Palmer Patricia Richardson Shirley S. Saunders Anne T. Scott Gene F. Shirley Elizabeth S. Siegel Goldie B. Stargell Bertha L. Stu~zman Frances D. Tindall Ora P. Toms Mary Frances H. Walton Margaret Williamson Susan L. Woodward Melody G. Young Elizabeth B. Zimmerman Charles R. Baylor Evelyn J. Carter VivianJo Ann Johnson Asalie M. Preston Carrie J. Sampson Doris G. Smith Onedia J. Smith Sara P. Tucker EdwardL. Drake Harold S. Estes Thomas W. Gregory Waldo E. Johnson Anthony L. Laquintano Fulton W. Marshall, Jr. Charles C. Rainey, Jr. William F. Steigman, Jr. Robert J. Wilkinson, Jr. Dina Y. Abell Dorothy B. Adams Agnes J. Anderson Catherine B. Armbrister Rebecca A. Barlow 406.98 379.91 434.76 431.42 363.38 350.58 537.60 363.38 376.54 505.19 420.44 384.63 535.73 364.15 363.38 473.95 528.00 385.58 435.06 506.34 51.33 363.93 354.25 35O.58 384.82 434.22 516.52 349.15 157.46 348.41 389.81 374.73 475.23 368.51 485.57 427.53 -368.38 467.43 384.63 389.81 .382.13 377.2O 409.19 367.51 477.79 391.93 5O6.78 501.53 420.4O 434.62 358.51 393.43 378.9O 9.12 400.01 521.78 499.74 403.01 439.4O 471.43 460;91 516.57 399.51 343.69 372.23 431.55 448.58 453.35 451.39 400.00 433.15 389.73 394.89 547 · 59 427.42 198.54 370.85 Date of Check 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 I 0-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66' 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26'66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26--66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 I o-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 1 o-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 1 O- 26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 1 O-26-66 Check Number 7280 7283 7285 7288 7289 7290 7291 7293 7296 7297 7298 7299 7303 7306 73O8 7310 7312 7313 7315 7316 7319 7322 7324 7325 7327 7329 7330 7332 7333 7334 7337 7339 7342 7344 7347 7349 735O 7352 7355 7356 7361 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7373 7374 7377 7378 738O 7381 7383 7384 7387 7388 7392 7393 7395 7396 7399 74OO 7401 74O2 74O5 7406 74O7 7408 7409 7410 7411 7413 7414 7416 Marleta L. Bell Cynthia A. Blankenship Laura H. Braham LindaE. Clark Betty J. Clark Clara F. Conner Virginia K. Costenbader Catherine L. Diehl Hazel C. Dorrier Linda R. Eddy Dee Ann W. Epes Joyce M. Evans Margaret P~ Fowler Marjory R. Goodall Lucretia H. Graham Dale B. Griggs Katharine W. Hancock Jonatha A. Hennrich Charlotte M. Holmes Alice A. Hood Peggy Hyde Betty Ann C. McMichael Dorothy W. Nix Nancy Ann Palantzas Katherine P. Phillips Elizabeth S. Powell VivianM. Reynolds Ann R. Robson Rebecca E. Russell Barbara Sanders Marguerite H. Sheppard Karen S. Smith Shelby Short Stacy Brenda F. Steigman Patricia K. Tollison Shirley C. Turner Andrea D. Vest Shirley M. Wells Howard E. Conrad' Carl E. Gollimore Rebecca B. Miller Louise H. Sullivan Ruth G. Updike Nettle A. Welford Mabel F. Adams Frances V. Bailey Eunice B. Birdsall Elizabeth H. Burke Nancy Elliott Willie Mae Fewell Catherine M. King Joy M. Oder Theresa C. Payne Betty J. Rainey Alma S. Smith Carl O. Stewar~ Marguerite B. Washington Carol S. Wilson Maria A. Hurt Myrtle W. Nichols John R. Turner, Jr. Nella B. Via Zadie D. Martin Virginia Birdsong Ava A. Forrest Elizabeth P. McGinn Elizabeth H. Beard Phyllis L. Brown Katherine Burnette Katherine Burnette or Otis L. Brown, Director of Finance Deane W. Butler Doris M. Fitzgerald Emma J. Flint Joanne S. James Helen F. Jones Etta T. Lotts Amount 376.55 399.11 46o.14 355.85 392.06 377.41 389.81 409.43 296.27 378.38 364.15 35O.58 548.OO 494.75 386.10 408.81 474.52 370.85 377.41 378.93 594.60 389.81 508.62 405.50 487.33 522.06 358.51 370.85 483.62 364.15 388.71 376.55 363.38 350.58 386.35 418.03 374.73 386.10 415.14 385.12 522.95 372.02 414.66 399.63 11.50 38~32 26.27 88.54 28.74 21.69 88.21 26.84 9.39 18.08 9,58 11.50 34.49 78.97 11.50 67.06 31.49 57.48 599.55 486.89 4~z~.36 225.74 233.77 189,66 219,83 1 O0.08 251.16 200.21 9O.59 101.79 199.56 101.79 Da~e of Check 10-26-66 1 O-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 1 O-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 90-26-66 1 O-26-66 10-26-66 1 O-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 Check 7417 7418 7420 7422 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 7432 7434 7437 7438 7443 7444 7445 7448 7454 7455 7458 7459 746O 7461 7463 7465 7470 7471 7472 7474 7476 7482 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7493 7497 7498 75OO 7501 7503 7510 7511 7512 7514 7515 7516 7518 7519 7522 7524 7525 7530 7532 7533 7534 7541 7542 7543 7544 7549 755O 7552 7553 7555 7556 7557 7558 7560 7565 7567 7573 7574 Number P~¥ee: Maggie L. Maupin Maggie L. Maupin or Otis L. Brown, Director of Finance Frances G. Napier Betty A. Propst Bertha S. Via Peggy Woodson Hugh N. Clark William Baber Milton L. Baker Oma A. Barnett Clara B. Brown Ernest H. Bruce Allie F. Canody Evelyn G. Carter Cecil Collier Mary E. Coltrane Vallie V. Craddock Bernard L. Curry James M. Fretwell Earl Gentry Carl Graves Harold Graves George Greene Donald Herring Eddie Howard Wilbert P. Howard Joseph H. Jones Gary H. Kennedy George T. Kennedy Lucille Lamonds John Layne O. T. Martin Aubrey M. Mays Jessie N. McDaniel Helen P. Moon Amos E. Morris Daniel A. Morris Eleanor M. Pound Gilbert F. Scruggs Donald C. Shifflett James Shifflett William L. Shifflett Edward Spradlin Ronald G. Vanderveer Albert G. Walker Randolph Walker Ray Watkins John R. Anderson Samuel A. Birckhead Randolph Davis Bobby W. Faris Charles Vanderveer Robbie K. Williams Daniel H. Cowan John Armstead George G. Beale Edward Brooks Joh_u L. Brown Frank Craig Randolph L. Davis Wayne W. Davis Edith M. Durrette George Johnson Roy Jones Lady M. Mawyer William T. Mawyer Mary V. Mills Charles R. Raines Doffie M. Raines Viola H. Raines Rufus Rush Mortimer Whiting George 0. Wood A. T. Stephenson Sandra K. Marshall .Amount $ 121.44 111.86 103.46 88.19 101.79 1 O1.79 282.42 73.57 138.91 121.70 125.73 119.16 135.74 101.66 119.62 136.43 125.73 147.86 75.00 137.11 110.35 66.80 191.60 72.71 130.99 121.20 66.80 127.86 134.43 136.09 143.22 137.11 73.57 210.39 124.23 161.95 49.47 125.73 148.49 66.80 66.80 75.00 148.49 66.80 136.89 144.29 75.00 1.75 3.50 2O .42 1.75 7.18 7.18 274.7O 184.20 213.95 50.00 225.13 336.63 230.80 50.00 147.86 2O2.25 50.00 50 .O4 216.09 1.44.63 23.95 230.50 78.31 220.31 191.60 230.07 356.78 91.72 Date of Check 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 Regular Account: 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 1 O- 26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 Check Number 758O 7583 7584 7586 7588 7592 7594 7597 7599 7600 7601 7602 76O5 7610 7611 7626 7627 7628 7629 7630 7631 7641 7644 7648 7649 7653 7656 7657 7658 766O 7665 7675 7676 7678 47O 471 472 474 476 478 479 48O 481 482 483 484 4.85 486 488 49o 491 492 493 Pave e: Diane M. Teixeira Christine H. Charters Emily B. Chesnutt Emma P. Fonda Gullet McCaffery Peggy H. Romer Sally C. Shafer Edgar N. Garnett George C. Palmer, II Forrest E. Paulett Robert Thraves R~;~Q~ Yancey M. M. Pence Peggy H. Granger P. Dianna Halle R. Claude Graham James B. Murray William C. Porter William W. Rowan Fred P. Scott Eva. W. Maupin Randolph F. Davis Fulton F. Marsh Raymond S. Via Jim G. ~¢nite Margaret C. Albert Julian D. Thomas WilliamS. Powell Harry W. Morris James R. Butler Jack N. Kegley Barbara S. Oliver Betty H. Thraves Samuel B. ,Robertson Treasurer of Virginia Treasurer of Virginia Treasurer of Virginia Treasurer of Virginia State Tax Commissioner Virginia Hospital Serv. Assoc. Frank Smith, Jr. Agency Equitable Life Assurance Soc. of the U. S. Albemarle County School Board Virginia Education Association Virginia Teachers Association John Lewis Ritter Finance Co. J. H. Carver Western Auto Raymond Pace, City Sergeant Treasurer of Virginia Treasurer o~ Virginia Treasurer of Virginia Rochelle Ginsberg Amount $ 240.60 374.05 405. O0 287.24 368.3'8 281.91 382.05 64.76 62.42 71.85 71 .'85 59.97 219.24 224.11 203.25 42.82 11.97 29.74 21.25 21.25 537.20 297.83 336.19 247.14 270.02 106.59 14.60 95.80 140.95 181.85 179.72 310.79 202.75 ~9.o7 $ 73,897.54 $ 979.2O 9,166.81 955.63 279.47 5,348.00 366.16 1,378,72 280.46 25.00 4,275.00 360.00 30.00 10.00 20.00 25.OO 17.50 63.25 8,893.03 1,441.57 $ 33,939.30 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia National Bank of Char- lottesville be and it is hereby authorized to honor outstanding checks drawn by Otis L. Brown, Director of Finance, prior to November 1, 1966, in the amounts as follows: 10-17-63 11-21-63 11-21-63 7-16-64 3822 4142 4233 64~5 Crozet Lumber Co. P. C. Kelley White Hall Community Center Crozet Lumber Co. 89.52 15.00 5.00 26.94 Date of Check 3-18-65 8-19-65 11 '18-6~ 3-17-66 4-21-66 5 - 19 -66 7-21-66 7-21-66 7-21-66 9-22-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 10-2O-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 10-20-..66 I O-2O-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 I 0-20-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 10-2O-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 10-20-66 1 O- 20-66 10-20-66 10-2')-66 1 O-2O-66 10-20.-.66 10-20-66 10-20-66 I 0-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-26-66 10-28-66 10-31-66 Check Number Pmvee: .Amount 8492 996? 1 O645 72O 952 1228 1664 1 ?42 1745 2419 2514 2534 2540 2547 2550 2551 2554 2559 2~565 2566 2589 2602 261 5 2621 2625 26~0 2653 2656 266O 2661 2695 2697 2713 27~ 2737 2745 2749 2751 2753 2754 2755 2756 2758 2759 Dr. Leo J. Falk, Jr. $ 125.00 James R. Kiolighan 34.37 B. D. Mundy 30.30 George~ownVeterinaryHosp. 5.40 Kathryn E. Farrell 6.58 C. S. Hammond & Co. 34.88 M. K. Edmunds 15.00 White Hall Community Center c/o W. D. Maupin 5.00 Virginia F. Wood 15.00 Forbes Garden Supply, Inc. 3.60 Commissioner of Revenue Assoc. of Virginia, Robert H. Waldo, Sec'y- 15.00 Treas. Charlottesville Supply Co. 8.65 The Continental Press, Inc. 27.33 Department of Pediatrics, Univ. of Virginia School of M6dicine 80.00 Dictaphone Corp. 9.80 Disneyland Records 17.17 Electrolux Corp. 358.51 Garrard Publishing Co. 71.49 Richard A. Goodling 3.92 Dr. R. Claude Graham 9.10 Philip H. Mann 150.00 James B. Murray 3.36 Princeton University Press 4.65 Edwin O. Russell 77.35 Pierson Scott 18.90 Standard Drug Co. 13.49 Dr. John J. Whelan 10~00 H. W. Wilson Company 133.00 American Book Company 60.50 American Heritage Pub. Co., Inc. 7.55 J. Hartman & Co. 65.30 I. B. M. Corp. 49.64 National Education Association 30.95 Comer Smith 54.20 Treasurer of Virginia 829.44 Virginia State Dept. of Health 12,438.72 H. W. Wilson Co. Yancey Elementary School Virginia Tel. & Tel., Co. Virginia Tel. & Tel,, Co. Virginia Elec. & Power Co. Wingate Appraisal Service Virginia Hosp. Serv. Assoc. Citizens Bank& Trust Co. 67.44 332.50 653.02 309.18 590.06 3,375.00 467.44 2.134.60 $ 22,888.85 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville, be and it is hereby authorized to honor outstanding checks drawn by Otis L.~Brown, Director of Finance, prior to November 1, 1966, in the amounts as follows: ~volving Fund Account: 7- 8-63- 11-13-63 11-26-63 12-13-63 12-19-63 1-24-64 2- 4-64 4-14-64 4-14-64 5- 1-64 5- 1-64 9-14-64 12- 4-64 12-1 O-64 4253 4368 443O 4485 4496 4553 4595 4739 474O 4761 4762 5042 5182 5240 George E. Durrette Edna H. Bryan H. Lloyd Gibson Donald J. & Dorothy M. Tombini Alice Jones Forrest W. Gloves Crozet Lumber Co. Jessie Jackson, III Virginia Williams William L. Beas!ey Lucy Johnson Lewis Margery C. Budd Jacob H. Chapman Federal Communications Comm. .45 .58 6.68 .89 3.24 .54 8.74 .30 .45 .33 .50 5.00 6.82 10.O0 Date of Check Check Number Payee: Amount 1-18-65 5310 1-28-65 5334 4-12-65 5474 5- 5-65 5517 7- 9,65 5662 7-13-65 5666 9-22-65 5763 11- 3-65 5812 11- 5-65 5814 12- 7-65 5901 12-13-65' 5936 12-31-65 5962 1-31-66 5989 2-21-66 6054 2-23-66 6056 3-23-66 6080 3-23-66 6092 3-23-66 6095 5-12-66 6175 5-26-66 6208 5-31-66 6222 6- 9-66 6267 6-15-66 6291 6-17-66 6315 7-20-66 6353 1 O-20-66 6491 10-26-66 6497 10-27-66 6499 10-27-66 6500 10-27-~6 6501 Board of Public Welfare Account: 10- 1-66 9656 10- 1-66 9859 10- 1-66 9860 10-31-66 9861 10-31-66 9862 10-31-66 9863 10-31-66 9864 10-31-66 9865 10-31-66 9866 10-31-66 9867 10-31--66 9868 10-31-66 9869 10-31-66 9870 10-31-66 9871 10-31-66 9872 10-31-66 9873 10-31-66 9874 10-31-66 9875 10-31.66 9876 10-31-66 9877 10-31-66 9878 10-31-66 9879 I 0-31-66 9880 10-31-66 9881 10-31-66 9882 10-31-66 9883 10-31-66 9884 10-31-66 9885 10-31--66 9886 10-31-66 9887 10-31-66 9888 10-31-66 9889 10-31-66 9890 10-31-66 9891 10-31-66 9892 10-31-66 9893 10-31-66 9894 Henry Chiles $ 7.24 Henry Barbour .74 Mrs. Logania F. Mickey .56 Morris F. Moon 1.00 U.S. Gov't. Prin~ing Office .25 Margaret Jones .28 Thomas Proffitt .28 Langhorne Gibson 1.50 Edward Urguhart .95 McCrory's, Inc. 3.40 John C. Slocum 3.83 Roy B. Thomas .38 Primitiro A. Abiera 1.04 Arthur Cobbs .45 George M. Mitchell .30 Lawson Roberts 1.25 Thomas R. Proffitt 14.20 Thomas F, Ke!sey 6.68 Gary S. Walsh 6.37 George E. Lipscom~ .69 Madelon B. Leeward 2.10 Delphine D. MacDonald .47 James W. Moore 2.89 Charles F. Parks .60 Major Young .43 Jesse Nixon, Jr. 3.33 The Economics Press, Inc. 1.00 The C & 0 Railroad Co. 75.00 C. K. Steakhouse 2.70 Postmaster 10.00 $ 194~43 Mary Barbour 90.00 District Home ~03.56 Treasurer of Virginia 884.10 Mrs. James E. Critzer 45.00 Mrs. Charles Herring 47.00 Mrs. Henry Dudley 92.00 Mrs. Russell Morris 131.00 Mrs. Tessie Jackson 141.00 Mrs. Ellen Bowles 47.00 Frances Brown 92.00 Myrtle White 47.00 Mrs. Everett Thomas 45.00 Tros-Dale Home for Boys 100.00 Mrs. James Dade 135.00 Mrs. L. O. Phillips 45.00 Mrs. Wilson Coleman 45.00 Business Office, Virginia Treat- ment Center for Children 15.00 Mrs. Cecil Knight 43.00 Mrs. Norman Morris 45.00 Mrs. Ida Blakey 35.00 Mrs Kathleen Jackson 86.00 Mrs. Jessie W. Johnson 45.00 Mrs. Irene Kaufman 68.00 Virginia Baptist Home 90.00 Mrs. Matson Rose 43.00 Bloomfield~ Inc. 43.00 Catholic Family & Child Service 50.00 Faith Mission Home 50.00 Mrs. Rosa Randolph 88.00 Mrs. Ida Jackson 88.00 Mrs. Dorothy Plum 43.00 Mrs. Kyle Wood 88.00 Mrs. J.S.~Batten 86.00 Mrs. LoreanMoore 25.00 Mrs Ward McLaughlin 43.00 Dr. Marshall T. Garrett 10.O0 Medical Arts Pharmacy 8.20 Date of Check 10-31-66 10-31-66 10-31-66 10-31-66 10-31-66 Check Number Payee: 9895 9896 9897 9898 9899 Amount Dr. Warren Rucker 6;00 Tros-Dale Home for Boys 11.40 Emergency Room-Univ. of Va. Hosp. 5.00 Dr. E. D. Davis, Jr. 6.00 Myrtle White , ~.QO,, $ 3,512.26 S. peqial Welfare Funds .Account: 10-27-66 922 10-28-66 923 Lulita Owen 35.00 Brown's Grocery 5.00 $ 40.00 Report of the S.P.C.A. for the month of October, 1966, was presented and ordered filed. Report was received from Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk, on results of referendum on election of supervisors. However, shortly after the meeting, Mrs. Maupin advised that the figures submitted were incorrect and submitted the following tabulation for minutes of this meeting: QUESTION: Shall Section 15.1-589.1 of the Code of Virginia providing for an election 'to determine in what manner members of the board of supervisors shall be elected, become effective in this county? For: 3874 Against: 471 QUESTION: Shall the county board of supervisors be elected by the qualified voters of each magisterial district, or by the qualified voters of the county at large? By qualified voters of each magisterial district - 3,110 By qualified voters of the county at large' - 1,197 Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Dr. J. C. Andrews for two ~o. ats killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Yancey, Dr. Andrews was allowed $5.00 for the mother goat and $3.00 for the kid. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Harriet B. Smith for twenty-two chickens killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Yancey, Mrs. Smith was allowed $1.00 for each of these chickens. Communication was presented from Hugh F. Sims, Jr., requesting refund in the amount of $5.52 to Mrs. May E. Vebber to correct erroneous real estate assessment. On motion of Mr. Kirksey, seconded by Mr. Paulett, refund in the amount of $5.52 was approved for Mrs. Vebber. CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY AMOUNTING TO $850,782.33 WERE PRESENTED, EXAMINED AND ALLOWED, AND CERTIFIED TO THE DiREOTOR OF FINANCE FOR PAYMENT AND CHARGED AGAINST THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL OPERATING FUND SCHOOL OPERATING FUND VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND TEXTBOOK FUND CAFETERIAS $341,914.39 267,583.35 25,075.92 181,917.68 24,575.48 2,315.27 Do6 TAx FUND COMMONWEALTH OF VA. CURRENT CREDIT ACCOUNT LOOAL SALES TAX TO TO~N OF $COTTSVtLLE TOTAL ON MOTION, THE MEETING WA8 ADJOURNED. 1,000.56 6,355.64 44.04 $850,782.33 -- / CHA I ~MAN ....