HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-20 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia, was held at the Office Building of smaid County on the 2Oth day ofI July, 1967. Present: Messrs. Edgar N. Garnett~ Gar~ett W. Kirksey, George C. Palmer~ II, F. Em. Paulett, Robert Thraves and R. A. Yancey. Absent: None. Officers present: Cou~lty Executive and Administrative Assistant. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Garnett. On motion of Mr. Kirksey~ seconded by Mr.~ Yancey~ minutes of the meet- ings of June 15 and June 22, 1967, were approved as submitted. Communication~.was received from Mr. C. W. Kestner expressing apprecia- tion for the resolution adopted by this Board at the June meeting. Mr. Phillip Lo Tate, Secretary of the Planning Commission, presented the following plats: (1) Redivision of Lots ~ and 5~ Section 2~ West Leigh, as prepared by R.' 0. Snow and approved by the County Planning Commission. (2) Rio Park Subdivision platted for Kiddie Kollege, Inc., as prepared by 0. R. Randolph and approved by the City and County Planning Commissions. (3) One-half acre parcel east of Route 29 South surveyed for Alma Williams Jackson by O. R. Randolph~ approved by the County Planning Commission. (~) Parcels B and C on Route 797 owned by Cynthia W. Rogers~ prepared by R. 0. Snow and approved by the County Planning Commission. (5) Parcel A on Route 68~ owned by Cynthia W. Rogers, prepared by R. O. Snow and approved by the County Planning Commission. (6) Lirty L. Awkward property on Route 758~ prepared by James E. Dorsey and approved by the County Planning Commission. (7) Deer Run Subdivision on Route 7~3, prepared by Thoma~ D. Blue and ap- proved by the County Plar~uing Commission. (8) Deed o~ vacation of Hartwelt Clarke property o~ Route 20 North~ approved by County Planning Commission. (9) Redivision of Lots 2~ and 25, Block J~ Section 7~ Woodbrook, prepared by WilliamS. Roudabush and approved by the City and County Planning Commissions. - (10) Eedivision of Lot 8, Block A~ Flordon subdivision for re-dating only. (Note: approval subject to sub-standard road clause.) (11) 1.07 acre tract near Afton owned by S. P. Goodloe~ prepared by T. W. Saunders and approved by the County Planning Commission. On motion of Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Palmer~ the foregoing plats were approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. The following plats were~also presented and it was pointed out that these plats have not been before the Planning Commission. (1) Lots 1 and 2~ a division of Virgil So Tomlin property on-Route 1209, prepared by 0. R. Randolph. (2) Division of Williams Estate at intersection of Routes ~29 and 692~ prepared by William S. Roudabush. On motion of Mr. Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Palmer, the foregoing plats were approved, subject to approval by the County Planning Co~ission~ Communication was presented by Mr. Allen Kendrick on behalf of Strom- berg-Carlson Corporation requesting industrial access funds for certain access improvements. Mr. Kendrick noted the growth of Stromber-Carlson since initial construction and po~ted out the needs for the requested improvements. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Palmer~ seconded by Mr. Kirksey~ and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS~ request has been received from Stromberg-Carlson Corporation for improvements under the Industrial Access Law (Section 22-1~6.1 of the Code of Virginia) and representatives of s~id Corporation have appeared at this meeting and pointed out the needs for such improvements; and ~LEREAS~ it is the opinion of this Board that improvements as requested are needed due to the growth of said Corporation; NOW~ THE~FORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that the Virginia Department' of Highways be and is hereby requested to make the following, improveme,nts ~uuder the Industrial Access Law: (1) Close the existing crossing in front of Stromberg- Carlson's entrance on Route 29 and replace it with a new crossover to the North ~th the storage lanes as illustrated by drawing on page ~ presented at this meeting. (2) Equip the new crossover with traffic control lights which would allow for the proper movement of all traffic without- undue delay. (~) Provide an additional entrance as shown by the orange access strip on page ~ of drawing. (~) Provide an additional roadway as s~e~n by the shaded brown area on page 6 of drawing~ this would remove approximately 2~%of traffic of Stromberg-Carlson from the Route 29 con- jestion. Communications were received from the Virginia Department of Highways recommending certain abandonments and discontinuances in connection with con- struction and relocation on Routes 676, 743 and 660. Mr. Coats, representa- tive of the Highway Department at today's meeting~ was questioned as to his department's reasons for desiring discontinuance in some instances and Mr. Coats was not able to give this information. After discussion~ Mr. Coats was requested to submit further information in this regard at the next meeting and action on this matter was held over. Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, and the office of the Commonwealth's' Attorney were submitted for the month of June, 1967. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Yancey~ these statements were unanimously approved. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days. On motionof Mr. Palmer~ seconded by M~~. Yancey~ these statements were unanimously ap- proved. Regular jail inspection report was received from the Department of Welfare and Institutions in which recommendation was made to employ additional personnel in order to shorten the work load of present jailors and allow for a regular vacation and sick leave schedule. The County Executive recom- mended that he and the Sheriff be permitted to request the Compensation Board to approve additional personnel to remedy this situation. Onmotion of Mr. Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Palmer~ the County Executive's request was ~n~mously approved. The County Executive reported that he~ the Chairman and the Common- wealth's Attorney had met with a similar committee from the Citywith reEard to a joint jail and it was the opinion of the committee that a joint jail has sufficient merit to warrant further study. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Paulett~ and unanimously carried~ this committee was re- quested to continue its study. At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on proposed abandonments of certain sections of roads in connection with construction and relocation on Routes 614, 663 and 29~ in accordance ~th notice pub- lished in the Daily Progress, posted at the Cou~t House~ and posted on each of the roads to be abandoned. It was also pointed out that letters had been forwarded to each property owner on ~hese roads by the County Execu- tive's office. After a discussion of all three locations~ it was decided to abandon and discontinue as recommended by the Highway' DeDartment on Routes 663 and 29. However~ since it was the feeling of one of the land- owners on Route 61~ that discontinuances as recommended would create a problem with regard to maintenance, action on this matter was deferred. On motion of Mr. Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Yancey, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted with regard to Routes 663 and 29. (1) WHEREAS certain changes have resulted in the Secondary System due to relocation and construction on Route 663; and WHEREAS public hearing was held on this date in accor- dance with notice published in the Daily Progress and posted at the Court House; and WHEREAS there appears to be no opposition from the public with regard to such proposed changes; NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that the following sections~ as indicated on sketch presented to this meeting and made a part of the Board's permanent.filer be abandoned pursuant to Section 33-76.I2 of the Code of Virginia: Section 1 - Length -0~6 mile. Section 2 - Length - 0.12 mile. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following sections be added to the Secondary System: Section ~ - length - 0.18 mile. Section ~ - length - 0i17 (2) WHEREAS~ certain changes have resulted in the Secondary System due to relocation and construction on Route 29; and WHEREAS public hearing was held on this date in accor- dance with notice published in the Daily Progress and posted at the Court House; a~d WEEREAS there appears to be no opposition from the public with regard to such proposed changes; NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia~ that ~he following sections~ as indicated on sketch presented to this meeting and made a part of the' Board's permanent file, be abanoned pursuant to Section 33-76,12 of the Code of Virginia: Section ~ - length - 0.06 mile. BE IT FUR~EER RESOLVED that the following sections be discontinued pursuant to Section 33-76.7 of the Code of Virginim: Section 1 - length - 0.09 mile. Section 3 - length - 0.0~ mile. Section 5 - length - 0.04 mile. Section 9 - length - 0.17 mile. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following sections be added to the Secondary System: Section 2 - length - 0.$7 mile. Section 6 - length - 0.002 mile. Section 7 - length - 0.07 mile. Section 8 - length - 0.15 mile. The Chairman called for public hearing on propose~ Building Code in cordance with notice published in the Daily Progress on June 21 mnd June 28, 1967. The County Executive gave a brief summary of the proposed code after which several persons from the public raised a number of questions.~ Those appearing included Mr. Ken Lee~ Mr. L. A. Lacy and~ Mr. Masse¥ Jarmanwho served on the building code committee~ Mr. Ki~leston of Sperry Piedmont, Mr. Don Reed and Mr. James Marshall. Mr. E. O. McCue~ Jro~ appeared a~ attorney for an unstated number of farmers who were opposed to the adoption of the building code. Mr. Edward VanLaer stated that a building code is drasticly needed for Albemarle County. Communication was received from Mr. William~ Dan- cey. After considerable discussion~ motion was offered by Mr. Palmer and seconded by M~. Kirksey~ to adjourn the hearing on this matter to 10:00 A.M. on August 17~ 1967~ and the building code committee was requested to study all suggestions which had been or might be received and to hold a public hearing before the Board's next meeting in order that recommendations might be made at that time. Several citizens who live near the Esmont dump appeared and urged that this dump be closed. They were advised that the County is in the process locating new dump sites and hope to relieve this situation ~as soon as possible. Report of the County Executive was presented for the month of June and was ordered filed. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month of June, 1~967~ in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. S.L.H. Report for the month of June was sNbmitted and the~County Execu- tive advised that S.1.H. Agreement for the coming year had also been received. However~ per diem rate had not been established and he advised that action should be withheld ~ending further information from the State. On motion of Mr. Kirksey, seconded byMr. Paulett, action on this matter was deferred. Communication was received from Hantzmon, Wiebel & Company suggesting the Board clarify Section 3 of resolution adopted June 18~ 196~ (Minute Book No. 6~ page 268) which reads as follows: "That upon completion of the construction of the improvements ~thin the Authority, s jurisdictional area~ which have been a~$horized by'the Board~ the same be transferred in ownership to the Authority~ including land acquisition, easements~ aud right-of-ways.. It was suggested that the resolution be clarified to the effect ~hat the com- pleted construction of the improvements~ including land acquisition, easements and right-of-ways does not include the Beaver Creek facilities but only the use of the same as set forth in Section ~ ("That the Board of Supervisors grant the Authority the use of Beaver Creek facilities and water supply for treatment and distribution.,) On motion of Mr. Palmer~ seconded by Mr. Yancey~ unanimous approval was given to the foregoing recommendation of Hantzmon~ Wiebel and Company. The County Executive advised that he had received request from the Virginia Association of Counties for additional office space in the County Office Building and suggested that if it were the wish-of the Board to provide such additional space that the capital expenditure be ammortized as quickly as possible~ certainly no longer than ten years. This matter was given considerable discussion after which it was tabled for the present time. On motion of Mr. Kirksey~ seconded by Mr. Yancey~ rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bca rd of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that $689.11 be and the same is hereby appropriated to cover cost of rental of voting machines used for the July primary. On motion of Mro Palmer~ seconded by Mr. Kirksey~ the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Cou~.~ Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia~ that the following amounts be re-appropriated at July 1, 1967: laa-700.1 Scottsville Sewer Project Engineering $ ~96.00 7-19 Balance due on Fire Truck 89~.00 19-E Watersheds 60~9~2.11 19.13-403 Equipment for Braodus Wood School 3~010.80 $'73 On motion of Mr. Yancey~ seconded by Mr. Paulett~ and unanimously carried~ the following over-expenditures during the year ended June 30~ 1967, were approved: IA lB 1D 1E 6A 7C 1 17 Board of County Supervisors County Executive's Office Collection of Delinquent Land'Taxes Board of Equalization and Assessment Commonwealth Attorney's Office Policing and Investigating Operation of County Landfill #2 Elections Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds Administration - School Board 17.1- Instruction 17.6 Operation of School Plant 17.7 Fixed Charges 19 ~ Construction - Stone-Robinson Elem. School 19~-= Construction Henley Jr. High School 19.15 Construction - Jouett Jr. High School 19.16 Construction - Brownsville Elem. School 19.17 Construction - Woodbrook Elem. School 19C Capital Outlay - School System 19J Capital Outlay - Airport Improvements 25 Cafeterias 41 .k Crozet Sanitary District Debt Service 12 Dog Tax Fund Total $ 9,g0k. k3 342'.13 752.20 8~ 597.95 38.26 4,664.58 226 .k3 1,0~5.66 6,3 '5. Ok 2~:376'19 118_.28 20 ~ 220.32 7,3~70.36 287.65 ~ ~9.6~ 3 230'. 50 3 ~8~ .28 ~ 709.00 1 2 ~37.31 21,9~-7.98 ~36.7o $~ 53,077.76 On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Paulett~ the following checks were ordered cancelled for the reasons indicated: Date 6-1 5-67 6-23-67 Check No. .P.a. yee . . Amount k9.97 Rebecca Hancock ¢J+5.00 /511% Western 'Auto 1.20 Reason for Cancellation Billed through error. Duplicate payment. Notices were received from Railway Express Agency of application to the State Corporation Commission for authority to discontinue Express Agencies at Keswick-'and Ivy. No action was taken on these notices. Report of the S.P.C.A. for the month of June~ 1967, was submitted and on motion of Mr. Kirksey~ seconded by Mr. Pau2ett~ was unanimously approved. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. George R.. Paschal for one pullet and two ducks killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Kirksey~ seconded by M'~'.~:'Paulett, Mr. Paschal was allowed $0.75 for the pullet and $2.00 for each of the ducks. Summary of the" School Building. Program for 196~ - 19-67 was received from Mr. Leslie H. Walton and copies were submitted to each member of the Board. Communication was received from the Montgomery' County Board of Super- visors soliciting serious consideration of support and endorsement for their request for additional state funds through the State Legislature for control of musk and curled thistle in accordance with procedures outlined in letters addressed-to its representatives and to V.P.I.~ copies of which were sub- mitted. On motion of Mr. Kirksey, seconded by Mr. Yancey~ it was ordered that Albemarle County support this request. The County Executive advised that request had been received for an extension of time of one hour for the sale of beer during daylight saving time. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Kirksey, seconded by M~. Paulett~ and unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of .Albemarle County, Virginia, that the sale of beer be ex- tended from 1'2:O0 o' clock midnight to 1: 00 o' clock A.M. during Daylight Saving Time; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLYED that copy of this resolution be sent to the A.B.C. Board for their approval, and that upon approval~ the retail outlets be allowed to make sales of beer during these extended hours during Daylight Saving Time only. Claims against the County amounting to $319~072.48 were presented~ examined~ and allowed~ and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charge~ against the following funds: General Operating Fund School 0peratingFund Virginia Public Assistance Fund Capital 0utl~y F~nd Cafeterias Dog Tax Fund Town of Scottsville Local Sales Tax Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct. On motion~ the meeting was adjourned. $ 81,890.71 192,902. ~7~6 26 ~ 001. 1.01 60.59 6, N-8~+. 31 $3i9,072.48