HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-09-21 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County~ Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the
21st day of September, 1967.
Present: Messrs. Edgar N. Garnett, Garrett W. Kirksey, George C.
Palmer, II, F. Eo Paulett, Robert Thraves and R. A. Yancey.
~.~ ~ -Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive, Administrative Assistant, and
Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Garnett.
On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Kirksey, minutes of the
meeting of August 17, 1967, were approved as submitted.
Mr. Garnett advised those present that the Supervisors had been de-
layed in getting to the meeting-by Mr. C. Armonde Paxson, attorney for
several citizens inLthe County, who had advised that a ruling had been
received from the assistant Attorney General to the effect that a referendum
on zoning does not apply to Albemarle County. Mr. Garnett stated that th~
matter had been referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney for study.
Mr. Ridmrd C. Fegan, President of Commonwealth Consultants, Inc.
peared and presented report prepared on the feasibility of data processing
applications to the operations of the County Department of Finance. On
motion of Mr. Paulett, seconded by Mr. Yancey, this report was received for
Mro Palmer discussed the relocation of Route 678 in connection ~th
box culvert on Ivy Creek with Mr. R. G. Warner, Resident Highway Engineer.
After discussion, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Palmer,
seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of
Highways be and is hereby ~equested to abandon old sections
of Route 678 when relocations are made in connection with
box culVert on Ivy Creek, if property owners give rights-of-
way in connection with this project.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr.
Paulett~ and unanimously adopted:
NHEREAS, certain changes have resulted in the Secondary
System due to relocation'and construction on Route 660~ and
W?LEREAS, public hearing was held on this date in accor-
dance with notice forwarded to each property owner effected; and
WHEREAS, there appears to be'no opposition from the public
with regard to such proposed changes;
NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that the follow-
ing sections~ as indicated on sketch presented to this
meeting ~nd made a part of the Board's permanent files be
abandoned' pursuant to Section 3~-76.12 of the Code of Virginia:
Section 1 - length 0.I8 mile
Section 2 - length 0.2k mile
BE IT ~JRTHER RESOLVED that the following sections be
added to the Secondary System:
Section ~ - length 0.17 mile
Section k - length 0.1k mile.
On motion~ duly made and seconded~ action on changes in the Secon-
dary System' due to relocation and construction on Routes 6'76 and 7k3 was
carried over pending receipt of reply to correspondence from this Board
with regard to abandonments and discontinuances.
Communication was received from the Department of~Hi~ghways advising
that the~-fol~owing changes as approved by resolution of-this Board under
date of July 20, 1967~ had been approved by that Department effective
September 6, 1967:
Sections 3 and ~ of new location of Route 6~3, from Station
13+30 to Station 31+50, Project 0663-002-12~-501 - length
0.28 mile.
Sections 1 and 2 of old location of Route 663~ between
Station 13+3.0 and Station 31+50, Project-0663-O02-12g~C-501,
length 0.3~ mile.
Mr. Dallas Wilfong appeared and presented petition signed by land-
owners in Sherwood Farms~ requesting this Board to recommend to the
Southern Railway that train warning signals be installed at the railroad
crossing into Sherwood Farms and to investigate the possibility of moving
the lights which are no longer used at Red Hill to said crossing. After
discussion of this matter~ motion was offered by Mr. Kirksey~ seconded by
Mr. Palmer, instruc~ng the County Executive to forward this Petitionalong
with communication to the Southern Railway Company and to the Department of
The Board's attention was called to the fact that when this Board
agreed to the Route 2kO railway crossing for Mortons~ it was agreed that
the siding activity would be limited to certain hours~ and letter was sent
from the County Executive,s office advising that approval was being "granted
on the basis that there will be a minimum traffic delay at the crossing and
on the basis that the switching of cars will be at approximately 6:00 o'clock
A.M.~' However~ it appears that the switching of cars is now at a time when
traffic into and out of Crozet is considerably heavy. On motion of Mr.
Yancey~ seconded by Mr. Palmer~ it was ordered that communication be ad-
dressed to Mortons in regard to this matter.
The Co~uty Executive advised that the Building Code Committee wished
to have the public hearing on the proposed Building Code continued until
the next meeting. On motion of Mr~ Kirksey~ seconded by Mr. Palmer~ said
public hearing was continued until 10:00 A.M. on October 19~ 1967.
~he Chairman called for public hearing on Trailer 0rdinance~ deferred
from the last regular meeting° Mr. William Neff~ representing the State
Mobile H~me Association~ appeared in this regard. He stated that a com-
mittee from this association is preparing a model ordinance which will be
submitted to the Virginia Association of Counties and to the State Industrial
and Plar~uing Commission~ and it was their hope that counties could adopt more
or less uniform ordinances ba~ed on their model which will be completed
before the end of the year. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr.
Palmer~ seconded by Mr. Kirksey~ and unanimously carried~ to discontinue dis-
cussion of the amended ordinance~ to continue under the present ordinance~
and to review this matter when the Mobile Home Association's ordin~uce is
The Chairman called for public hearing on proposed amended Subdivision
Ordinance in accordance with public ~notice published in the Daily Progress
on September 7 and September I~ 1967. Mr. Floyd Johnson~ Chairman of the
Planning Commission~ presented the proposed ordinance and Mr. Phillip Tate
went over the amendments to the present ordinance. Several citizens appeared
with regard to this matter including Mr. Gordon Wheeler~ Mr. William Rouda-
bushy Mr. Leroy Bruton~ Mr. Walter Cushman~ Mr. John Miller~ Mr. Joe Gibson~
Mr. Don Reid. Mr. %~eeler requested that care be taken to see that our road
requirements do not exceed State requirements and Mr. Rouda~ush stated he
would like to see constructions become a part of the ordinance. Mr. Bruton
spoke with regard to side lots. After considerable discussion~ motion was
offered by Mr. Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Kirks~y~ and unanimously carried, to
continue this hearing until IO$00 A.M. on 0ctober~ 19~ 1967.
Mr. Paulett advised Reverend Ford who was present at this meeting that
the request of his group to use the old Esmont School had been referred to
him for a recommendation. However~ since this was property of the School
Board, request would have to be acted upon by that body. After considerable
discussion of this matter~ motion was offered by Mr. Palmer~ seconded by
Paulett~ and unanimously carried~ requesting the School Board to study this
matter further and to meet with the Community Action Organization and advise
Reverend Ford in order that he might attend such meeting.
The following was received from the Charlottesville ~nd Albemarle
Chamber of Comn~rce:
"0n August 8~ 1967~ the Charlottesville and Albemarle Chamber
of Commerce Board of Directors passed a motion requesting the
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County to adopt and support
a resolution requesting that legislation be passed permitting
the residents of Charlottesville and/or Albemarle County the
constitutional prerogative to decide for themselves whether
or not Alcohol$c beverages might be served in restaurants and
other such establishments. The Board of Directors initially
adopted such a resolution in March of this year. The action
was subsequently followed by a complete survey of the member-
ship from which 92% responded in favor of the 'Virginia Hos-
pitality Bill'.
NOW~ THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors of
the Charlottesville and Albemarle County Chamber of Commerce
formally requests the Board of Supervisors of Albemarl'e County
to adopt a motion favoring the enactment~ by the !968 Legis-
lature~ of a local option alcoholic beverage control bill.
Herewith~ to be kuown as the ,Virginia Hospitality Bill'."
Mr. Keene Byrd~ Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce~ and Mr.
Wyatt Owens~ President of the Junior Chamber~ appeared in support of the
foregoing. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Palmer~ seconded by
Mr. Eirksey:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County~ Virginia~ that this Board favors enactment
by the 1968 Legislature of a local option alcoholic beverage
control bill~ generally known as the "Virginia Hospitality
Mr. Yancey requested a roll call vote on this resolution. In discussion
which followed before final poll~ Mr. Paulett expressed strong opposition to
alcohol in any form~ particularly liquor by the drir~ and Mr. Garnett stated
that although he was opposed to the bill~ he felt the people should have the
opportunity of deciding the ~ssue. The resolution was adopted by the follo~,~ng
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Garnett~ Kirksey~ Pa~mer and Thraves.
NAYES: Messrs. Paulett and Yancey.
Mr. Phillip Tate presented the following plats:
(1) Division of Waller property on Route ~0~ near Ivy Depot~ prepared by Mr.
William S. Roudabush and approved by the County Planning CommisSion.
(2) Division of Evernghim Blake property off Route 61~ prepared by Thomas
D. Blue and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(3) Division of Lot 2~ Block Ay Oak Hill Subdivision~ prepared by Thomas
D. Blue mud approved by the County and City Planning Commissions.
Revision of Lots 1 and 2~ Block C, Cedar Hills Subdivision, ~repared
by B. Aubrey HurDman and approved by the County and City Planning Com-
Division of Mamie S. Boykin property on Route ?b3~ prepared by B. Aubrey
Huffman and approved by the County and City Planning Commissions.
(6) Revision of Lots 8 and 7~ Sherwood Farms Subdivision~ prepared by Bo
Aubrey Huffman and approved by the County and City Pls~uning Commissions.
(7) Division of R. K. G~iesbach property on Route 631~ prepared by Frank A.
Gregg and approved by the County and City Planning Commissions.
(8) Exchange of property on Route 600 betWeen W. R. Dearie and Florence Co
Clapp~ prepared by Thomas D. Blue and approved by the County Planning
(9) Division of Lester and James Seale property off Route 68~ prepared by
-Warren F~ Wade and approved by the County Planning Commission.
On motion of Mr. Kirksey~ seconded by Mr. Yancey~ and unanimously adopted~
the foregoing plats were approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized
to sign s~me on behalf of this Board.
The County Executive advised that it was necessary for the Board to
authorize purchase of land for Totier Creek impoundment and plant site. This
matter was ~iscussed and the County Executive was directed to refer same to
the Planning Commission for study and report: preferably at a special meeting
to be called prior to the regular October meeting if possible.
On motion of Mr. Kirksey~ seconded by Mr. Paulett~ the following resolu-
tion was proposed and un~uimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County~ Virginia~ that the Safety Engineer of the
Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to
make a study of the entrance to the McIntire Elementary
School on the Route 2~0 By-Pass and submit recommendation to
this Board.
Statements of ExDenses of the Department of Finance~ the Sheriff's of-
lice and the office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the
month of August~ 1967. On motion of Mr. Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Kirksey~
these statements were unanimousl~ approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail
was submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days. On motion of
Mr. Yancey~ seconded by Mr. Paulett~ these statements were unanimously ap-
............ i8'7 '
S.L~H. report, as prepared by Dr. S. D. Sturkie, was submitted for the
month of August, 1967.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of 963.45
was submitted for the month of August fOr hospitalization of indigent patients.
On motion of Mr. Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Yancey~ this claim was approved for
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month
of August, d967~ in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code
of Virginia.
Report of the County Executive was presented for the month of August
and was ordered filed.
Mr. Yancey~ Chairman of the Sanitary Landfill Committee~ reported that
his committee had contacted the o,~mer of a large tract of land suitable for
a d~mp and hoped to complete a transaction within the next thirty days whereby
approximately thirty acres of the tract could be leased at a time. It was
noted that the location of such property is in the vicinity of the present
Mechums River Dump and Mr. Kirksey s2ated that he felt the site was too far to
the West for those people now using the Charlottesville dump. After discussion
of the matter, motion was offered by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Paulett,
authorizing the County Executive and the Sanitary Landfill Committee to
negotiate for the lease of the property under consideration.
The following resolution was proposed by Mr. Paulett, seconded by Mr.
Yancey~ and unanimously adopted:
~gHEREAS~ certain salary requests have been received from the
Sheriff, which requests have been approved by the State Compensation
Board~ subject to ~pproval by this Board~
NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County~ Virginia~ that the following salaries
be and are hereby approved~ effective-September 1, 1967:
Daniel O. Albert, Jailor - increase to $5~000.00
R. L. Dunn~- Asst. Jailor - increase to ~u 600~00
A. L. Wood~ Asst. Jailor - increase to $~500.00
J. H. Majors~ new Assistant Jailor - ~,500.00
W. A. Lowe~ new Assistant Jailor - $~,500.00
M. J. Marshall, Dpty. Shf.- increase to $4~840.00
James G. ¥~nite~ Dispatcher - $~030.00
E. M. Feggans, new Deputy Sheriff - ~840.00
The County Executive advised that the dictaphone used in the Circuit
Court Room is no longer available and that Statutes provide that each County
shall provide such service for the Circuit Court. He further advised that
he had investigated the purchase of Dictaphone equipment and had found the
purchase price to be $1,~62o~0 and that maintenance would be $90.00 per
year. On motion of Mr. Y~ucey~ seconded by Mr. Paulett~ ~ule~ with regard
to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously
adopted, However~ the County Executive was instructed to investigate the
feasibility of renting such equipment before making such purchase.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia~ that $1~62o50 be and the same
is hereby appropriated for the purchase of Dictaphone equip-
ment for the Circuit Court.
The Count~-Executive submitted report of actuary on the County's re-
tirement system which indicates the employer's rate of retirement to be
increased from ~,17% to ~.51~, effective April 1~ 1968.
Reports of the S.P.C.A. were presented for the months of July and
August, 1967, and on motionof Mr. Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Kirksey~ were
unanimously approved.
On motion of Mr. Kirksey~ seconded by Mr. Paulett~ rules with regard to
second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County~ Virginia~ that $2~988,00 be and the same
is hereby appropriated to cover current School Construction.
Recommendation was received from the Airport Commission that the County
authorize proceeding ~th construction of a fire house ~t the Joint Airport~
the total cost of which would be $27~000.00. One-half of this amount~ or
$t3~500.00 would be divided equally between the County ~ud City. The Com-
mission also asked for authority to proceed to hire architects before February.
On motion of'Mr. Th~es, seconded by Mr. Yancey~ and unanimously carried~ the
foregoing request was approved,
The County Executive advised that he had received request for a con-
tribution of $500.00 for the Rescue Squad and that such amount was included
~r. Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Kirksey~ the
in the current budget. On motion of ~
County Executive was authorized to forward contribution of $500,00 to the
Rescue Squad.
Comm~uuication was received from the Citizens Ba~ and Trust Company re-
~r. Thraves~
questing substitution of collateral held in escrow, On motion of ~
seconded by Mr. Kirksey~ the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
W~EREAS~ Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville,
Virginia, Depository~ has requested the substitution of certain
securities held in escrow by Chemical Bank New York Trust Company;
N0W~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Citizens Ba~ and Trust
Company be and is hereby authorized to pledge the following:
$300,000 Federal Home Loan Bank Bonds~ 5.45%, due 7-25-68
iND~ upon the pled§e and delivery of the foregoing~ the Chemical
Ba~k New York Trust Company is hereby authorized to release the
$300,000 Federal Home Loan Bank Bonds~ 6~/o, due 9-27-67.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copy of this resolution be for-
warded to the Citizens Bank and Trust Company and to the Chemical
Bank New York Trust Company.
Communica~on was submitted from Mr. Phillip L. Tate submitting his resig-
nation, effective October 6, 1967. The following resolution was offeredbyMr.
Paulett~ seconded by Mr. Kirksey, and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, Phillip L. Tate has submitted his resignation to
be effective October 6, 1967; and
W~REAS~ Mr. Tate has faithfully served the County of
Albemarle since May 24, 1965 in various capacities, including
Administrative Assistant to the Co~muty Executive, Executive
Director of the Albemarle County service Authority, Secretary
of the Albemarle County Planning Commission and Director of
Civil Defense; and
~qEREAS~ Mr. Tate is leaving the County of Albemarle to
accept a position with the Federal government;
NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the resignation
of Mr. Tate be and the same .is hereby accepted with regret$ and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board 'does extend to Mr.
Tate best wishes for success in his D~ture work.
Annual report was received from the Virginia Division of Forestry and
copies were distributed to members of the Board.
The County Executive advised that he had received request from certain
Justices of the Peace for payment on acquitted County cases. He explained
that in State cases~ report of acquitted cases ~s submitted to the Clerk~i:of
the Circuit Court at the end of each year, and after such report is audited.
by State A~d~tors~ the J.P. is paid $1.00 for each acquitted case. He further
stated that report forms similar to those used for State cases could be designed
for County cases and handled in the same manner except that reports would be
certified to him and audited by County additorso It was pointed out that
since the adoption of the County Coder more cases are tried under County warrants
than under State warrants~ and this was the reason for the request at this time.
On motion of Mr. Kirksey~ seconded by Mr. Yancey~ the foreoing request was
unanimously approved.
Claims against the County amounting to ~14~091.80 were presented,
examined~ and allowed~ and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and
charged against the following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating ~%uud
School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct.
To~n~ of Scottsville Local Sales Tax
On motion~ the meeting was adjourned.