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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the
1 6th day of November, 1967.
Present: Messrs. Edgar N. Garnett, Garrett W. Kirksey, George C.
Palmer, II, F. E. Paulett and Robert Thraves.
Absent: Mr. R. A. Yaucey.
Officers present: County Executive.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Garnett.
On motion of Nr. Paulett, seconded by Mr. Kirksey, minutes of the
meeting of October 19, 1967, were approved as submitted.
Three con~mtuuications were received from the Virginia Department of
Highways as follows:
"As requested in resolution by your Board on July 20, 1967, the
following section of road is hereby discontinued as a part of
the Secondary System of Albemarle County. This was confirmed
by the Highway Commission at its meeting on 00tober 26, 1967:
Di sc0ntin, u..anc, e ~.
Sections 5 & 9 of old location of Route 708,
from Route 29 to connection Station 302+00,
Project 0029-002-031,C-~02
0.2! mi."
"As requested in resolution by yourBoard on July 20, 196~, ~he
following addition to and abandonment from the Secondary sysvem
of Albemarle County are hereby approved, effective October 27,
Addition LenM~h
Sections 6, 7 and 8 of new construction of Routes
712, 760 and 708, between station 762+60 and
Station 841~10, Project 0029-002-031-C-502
Section 4 of old location of l~oute 760, from new
construction to Station 832+10, Project 0029-002-
031, 0502.
"As requested in resolution by your Board on
September 21, 1967, the following addition to and
abandonment from the Secondary System of Albemarle
County are hereby approved, effective October 27, 1967:
Sections 3 and 4 of new location of Route 660,
between Station 24+00 and Station 44+80, Project
0660-002-119, 0-501
0.06 mi."
0.31 mi.
~band. onment
Section 1 and 2 of old location of Route 660,
between Station 24+00 and Station 44+80, Project
0660-002-119, C501 0.42 mi."
Mr. W. A. Townes, Engineer, advised that he had received communication
addressed to the Board at 4:30 on yesterday requesting acceptance into the
Secondary System of certain roads in Westmoreland Subdivision, said request
being from Virginia Land Company. Nr. Townes recommended that this request
be tabled in order that it might be checked out before action is taken. On
motion of ~r. Thraves, seconded by ~r. Kirksey, this communication was re-
ferred to the County W,n~ineer and action thereon deferred until the next
regular meeting.
Also, on motion of ~r. Palmer, seconded by ~r. Kirksey, The County
Engineer was instructed to bring procedUres up to date on the acceptance of
streets into the Secondary System and make same available to developers and
intere steal citizens.
Communication was presented from 0. R. i~andoiph requesting acceptance
into the Secondary System of certain roads in Deerwood S~bdivision. since
final approval had not been received from the Highway Dep~rtment and cost of
maintenance bond established, motion was offered by ~r. Palmer, seconded by
Nr. Paulett, and unanimously adopts'd, that said communication be referred to
the Highway Department.
Communication from Virginia Land Company requesting acceptance into the
Secondary System of a portion of Carrsbrook Drive in Wesbmorelaud Subdivision
was again brought before the Board. Nr. Coats of the Highway Department
vised that this was not a proper request and a~tion was again deferred.
On motion of Nr. Palmer, seconded by Er. Kirksey, and unanimously ap-
proved, Er. W. A. Townes was appointed acting secretary of the Planning
Commission pending appointment of a full-time County Planner.
The following plats were presented by Er. Townes:
(1) 1.56 acre tract on Route 729 owned by E. L. and B. J. Hensley, prepared by
Frank A ~regg and approved by the County Planning Con,mission. (Signature
to be withheld pending correction of B. J. Hensley's initials on plat.)
(2) Division of lot 12, Laurel Hills Subdivision, prepared by James E. Dorsey
and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(3) Parcels A, B and C, a division of James Rush Estate on Route 71~, prepared
by R. 0. Snow and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(4) Division of property of Nfs. Christine F. Kent and heirs of Albert Kent,
located at intersection of l~outes 6 and 726, prepared by William S. Rouda-
bush and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(5) Division of John W. and Dora A. Earshall tract on Route 614, prepared by
William S. Roudabush and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(6) Division of Holland B. Garth property on Routers600, prepared by William~
S. Roudabush and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(7) Division of University Irn~, Inc. property on U. S. Route 29, South, pre-
pared by William S. Roudabush and approved by the County and City Planning
(8) 1.22 acre tract of F. 0. Cockerille on Route 690 near Greenwood, pre-
pared by Warren F. Wade ~ad approved by the County Planning Commission.
On motion of Mr. Paulett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, and unanimously
carried, the foregoing plats were approved and the Chairman and Clerk were
authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board.
Copy of letter from W. A. Townes to Orchard Acres, Inc. with regard
to utilities conforming to rules and regulations adopted by the Service
Authority in connection with the development of ninety-two additional lots
was presented to the Board.
~r. Job~ O. Higginson appeared and presented petition t~rging the
~oard to consider other locations than the Continental Can Company property
on Route 637 for a sanitary landfill. Mr. Higginson requested that the Board
postpone action at this time. A'~umber of citizens appeared in support .of
the petition and among those speaking were Mr. Link, Rev. Boogher, Mr.
Giannini, ~ason Frazier, Phillip Gibson, ~ed Shearer and Herzry Tiffany, At-
torney. The County Executive explained the history of the need for relocating
the Charlottesville area dump and advised that the Continental Can property
meets a~t of the criteria faced. After a lengthy discussion of the matter,
motion was offered by Mr. ~almer, seconded by Mr. Paulett, and unanimously
carried, to proceed with the matter as follows:
(1) Interested citizens in the area should work with the County and
Soil Conservation Servi.c~'~ to locate another site which would be
accessable and suitable for landfill pt~rposes.
(2) That the County again contact City officials in an effort to
determine if a mutual agreement can be worked out for a joint
(3) Proceed v~th condemnation of Continental Can property as planned
with the understanding that should either of the above two itmms
prove to work out satisfactorily, condemnation proceedings will
be stopped.
Resolution was received from the Albemarle County Farm Bureau requesting
that action on the Building Code be ~ostponed until after January 1, 1968, and
further requesting that the Code be made applicable only to subdivisions,
public buildings and buildings within one hundred feet of a property line.
In a short discussion of the proposed Code, ~Lr. Palmer suggested that an item
be added which would allow capable "moon-lighters" to operate subject to pnoper
inspection. On motion of Mr. Kirksey, seconded by Mr. ~&ulett, action on the
Building Code was postponed until the next regular meeting. This motion was
unanimously approved.
2i5 '
Mr. Palmer stated that he v~ished to advise the public that the
Planning Commission has submitted to each member of the Board a proposed
Zoning Ordinance and that the Commission was holding public hearing on this
ordinance on November 28, 1967, at Albemarle High School~.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's
Office and the Office of Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the
month of October, 1967. On motion of Mr. KirkSey, seconded by ~r. Thraves,
the se statement s were unanimously approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County JaiI
was submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days. On motion of
Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Kirksey, these statements were unanimously ap-
Report of the County Executive was presented for the month of October,
1967, and was ordered filed.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the
month of October, 1967, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of
the Code of Virginia.
Communication from Dr. S. D. Sturkie with regard to project entitled
"Comprehensive ~edical Care of Children :and Youth" was presented, advising
that such program would be sponsored jointly by the Department of Pediatrics,
University of Virginia Hospital, and the State Health Department. Under such
program, ten new positions would be available to the local Health Department.
It was pointed out that the local governments would,/be expected to make any
commitments in the form of financing. After discussion, the program was
given general approval but it was the expressed opinion of the Board that
if funds should be needed in this connection at a later date, the request
must come before this Board for consideration.
S.L.H. report, as prepared by Dr. S. D. Sturkie, was submitted for the
month of 0c~Ober, t 967.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $342~.8~
was submitted for the month of October, 1967, for hospitalization of indigent
patients. On motion of ~f~. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Kirksey, this claim was
approved for payment.
On motion of t~r. Kirksey, seconded by Mr. ?almer, rules with regard to
second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously
~E IT RESOLFE. D by the Board of County SUpervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that .~1,36~.00 be and the same
is hereby appropriated for current expenses in connection
with School Construction.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from ~Ar. E. L. Suther!and
for one ewe killed by dogs. On motion of .Mr. Palmer, seconded by ~r.
Kirksey, unanimously approved, Mr. Sutherland was allowed ~12.00 for this
S.P.O.A. report for the month of October was presented and on motion
of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Paulett, was unanimously approved.
The follovv~ng resolution was received from the Albemarle County Ser-
vic e Authority:
"'WHEREAS, there has been considerable evidence of some magnittmle
in residential, commercial and industrial development stimulated
by recent highway programs; and
~AS, Albemarle County Service Authority has been designated
by the Board of Supervisors as an agency of the County with
expressed p_.u~_pose of providing w~ter~ sewerage and sanitary
facili tie s ~n~ se~vi~ew'areas2 so ~ desi~at~.d- by t ~he~'~ ~0ard of
Supervisors; and
~S, Albemarle Cm~nty Service Authority in accordance with
authority of ~oard of Supervisors is proceeding to receive bid
proposals for construction of water improvement facilities for
the Town of Scottsville and its environs;
NOW, THEBEFORE, ~ IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle County Service
Authority does request the ~oard of Supervisors to evaluate those
areas and sections of the County of Albemarle showing evidence of
development and essential to the health and well being of the
ci.t~zens of the County and to establish jurisdictional service
areas as may be deemed necessary, and to enlarge the Jurisdictional
service areas in and around the Town of Scottsvilte to include the
area that may be served by the facilities to be constructed."
On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Kirksey, and unanimously carried, the
request of the Service Authority was approved.
The County Executive advised that Mr. Allan B. Kindrick was again
offering to purchase from the County approximately twelve acres obtained
in connection with the Earlysville Dam l~roject. The County Executive further
advised that he wished to investigate this matter further and action t~reon
was deferred until the next regular meeting.
Communication was received from the Crozet Lions Club thanking the
Board for its assistance in obtaining and havin~ installed new street sighs
in the Crozet area.
The County Executive advised that bids had been obtained on a chassis
for a new bookmo~iieiand estimates on a body and that it appeared replacement
of the bookmobile would be approximately ~,000 more than ~was available at the
present time. On motion of Mr. Kirksey, seconded by M~. Palmer, Mr. Batchelor
was requested to investigate the condition of the present bookmobile body and
action on thi.s matter was deferred until the next regular meeting.
On motion of Mr. Paulett, seconded by Mr. Kirksey, rules v.~th regard to
second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously
.................. '
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of 'County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that $38,463.75 be and the same
is hereby re-appropriated for the Scottsville Sewer Project.
Claims against the County amounting to $549,027.6t were presented,
examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment
and charged against the following funds:
General l~evenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Textbook s
Capital Outlay
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Dog Tax Ftuud
Town of Scottsville LOcal Sales Tax
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct.
6,34O. 63
Total $549,027.61
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.