HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-12-21 A regular meeting of the ~oard of Cotunty SuperVisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 21 st day of
December, 1967.
Present: Messrs. E. N. ~arnett, George C. ?almer, II, F. W.. Paulett,
Robert Thraves and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: Mr. Garrett W. Kirksey.
0ffl'c'~rs.:present: County W. xeuutive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Garnett.
On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by 'Mr. Yancey, minutes of the meeting
of November 1~ 6, 1967, were approved as submitted.
Communication from Mr. 0. R. Randolph, requesting acceptance of certain
roads in Deerwood Subdivision into the State Secondary SyStem, was again sub-
mitted for consideration. The Board was advised that the roads in question now
meet State standards although maintenance bond has not been posted. The follo'~ng
resolution was offered by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of COunty Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is
hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways the
following roads located in Deerwood Subdivision, Albemarle County,
subject to posting of maintenance bond:
Deerwood Drive from sra. 0+00 at its intersection with the
center of state road 649 to sra. ~+00 = end of pavement,
length 0.09~ mile.
Deerwood Road from sra. 0+00 Deerwood Road = sra. 3+1
Deerwood Drive to sra. 9+~0 = end of pavement, length 0.~8
~E IT FURTHWR RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby guaranteed a ~0-ft. unobstructed right-of-way along
these requested additions, along with drainage easements, the same
having been recorded by plat in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court in Deed ~ook 426, page 4%7.
Three communications from Virginia Land Company which have been pending
were again presented and the highway representative, Mr. Coats, advised that
the roads in Canterbury were the only ones which meet State standards. On
motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Palmer, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted, and the Clerk was directed to advise Virginia Land Company
that other roads in their requests still do not meet necessary requirements for
acceptance into the State Secondary System.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SuPervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is
hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways the
following roads located in Canterbury Hills Subdivision, Albemarle
Westminster Road from Barracks Road to its intersection
with Bennington Road, length approximately 625 feet.
Chaucer Road from Barracks Road to iis intersection with
Bennington Road, length approximately 550 feet.
Surray Road from Barracks Road to its intersection with
Bennington Road, length approximately 430 feet.
Lancaster Court from Bennington Road to cul-de-sac, length
approximately 225' feet.
BE IT FURTKER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby guaranteed a 50-ft. unobstructed right-of-way along
these requested additions, along with drainage easements, the same
having been recorded by plats in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court in Deed Book 38'8, page 576; Deed Book 392, page 374; and Deed
Book 393, page 295.
Communication was received from the Department of Highways enclosing copy
of Operational and Fiscal Sun, nary for Albemarle County for the fiscal year 1966-
67 as required by Section 33-47.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia as amended. Copy
of this report was given to each member of the Board.
Co=~nunication was received from the Department' of Highways advising that
as requested in resolution or.this Board on October 19, 1967, the following
changes in the Secondary System were approved, effective December 8, 1967:
Sections 6 ~hrough 10 of new location of Routes 614 and 678 between
Station 26+00 and Station 61+60, PrOject 0614-002-104,C-501, length
0. 501 mile.
Sections 1 through 5 of old location of Routes 614 and 678 between
Route 678 and Station 61460, Project 0614-002-10~,C501 B606, length
0.48 mile. '
Con~nunication was received from the Department of Highways advising that
in accordance with resolution of this Board on September 21, 1967, study was
made of the entrance to M~Intire School. It was ordered that photostatic
copy of this communication be forwarded to the School Department and the or,gin&2
was placed in the Board's permanent file on the matter.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr.
Thrave s, and unanimously adopted:
~S, ~r. R. G. V[arner, Resident Engineer, presented to
this Board 1967-68 Secondary System Budget for Albemarle County
on August 17, 1967, at[~w~hich time the Clerk was directed to pre-
pare photostatic cgpies for each Board member to study; and
~EREAS, through oversight, formal action has not been
taken on this budget;
NOW, Tt[EREFORE, ~E IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the final Secondary
System Budget for the fiscal year ending June.'.:30, 1968, beand
is hereby approved as follows:
Ordinary Maintenance ...... ~
Maintenance Replacements .....
Incidental Construction ......
80,000. O0
State ~tunds Project Construction . . .. 349.439.00
TOTA% ............... ¢1,047,562.00
Resolution ~ras received from the Broadus ~ood School P.~.A. reEuesting
immediate action be taken with reference to the removk! of the hazardous ap-
proach to the school. It was ordered that this resolution be referred to the
State Department of Highways.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's
Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the
month of November, 1967. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Palmer, these
statements were unanimously approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with ~mmmmary statement of prisoner days. On motion of ~r.
Thraves, seconded by Mr. Yancey, these statements were unanimously approved.
Reports of the Department of Public ~elfare were submitted for the momth
of November, 1967, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the
of Virginia.
S.L.H. report, as prepared by Dr. S. D] Sturkie, was submitted for the
month of November, 1967.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $2,387.51
was submitted for the month of November, 1967, for hospitalization of indigent
patients. On motion of Mr. ~almer, seconded by l~r. Paulett, this claim was
approved for payment.
Rep~r~ of the County Executive was presented for the month~.of November,
1967, a~d was ordered filed.
2 2!
The following resolutions were offered, by Mr. Palmer, seconded by ~r.
Yancey, and unanimously adopted:
( 1 ) WNEREAS, National Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville,
Virginia, Depository, has requested the substitution of certain
securities held by State-Planters Bank of Commerce and TrustS,
Escrow Agent, in accordance ~th Escrow Agreement by and between
the National Bank and Trust Company, State-Planters Bank of
Commerce and Trusts, T. M. Batchelor, Jr., Director of Finance of
the County of Albemarle, and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that National Bank and Trust
Company be and is hereby authorized to pledge the following:
$25,000.00Albemarle County, Virginia, School Bonds,
3.20~ due 7-1-75
AND, upon the pledge and delivery of the foregoing, the State-
Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts is hereby authorized to
release the following:
$25,000.00 Albemar&e County, Virginia, School Bonds
1½~ due 1-1-68. '
BE IT FURT!TER RESOLVED that copy of this resolution be for-
warded to the National Bank and Trust Company and to State-Planters
Bank of Commerce and Trusts.
(2) WEEBEAS, additional funds havetbeen placed on deposit with
National Bank and Trust Company which required the pledge of
securities to cover same;
NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board does hereby
approve the following securities deposited by National Bank and
Trust Company, depository, with State-Planters Bank of Commerce
and Trusts, escrow agent:
$1,000,000.00 U.S.A. Treasury Notes, ~, due 11-15-68
$ 500,000.00 U.S.A. Treasury Notes, 4-3/4% due 5-15-68
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be
forwarded to National Bank and Trust Company and to State-Planters
Bank of Commerce and Trusts.
Communications were received from Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Director of Real
· ~Estate Assessment, requesting refund ~o several taxpayers to correct erroneous
assessmen, ts. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Paulett, the following
refunds were unanimously approved:
· ~irst Mortgage Corporation ...... ~623.2~
Lloyd Boston ............ ~8.0~
Hattie R. Craig ........... 6.30
The matter of the proposed Building Code was again brought before the
Board and the County Executive stated he felt it should be better understood
by the public before adoption and recommended that the matter be dropped at
this time, to be brought up at a later date. On motion of Mr. Palmer,
seconded by Mr. Yancey, the recommendation of the County Executive was accepted.
Mr. Ruel Wiebe! appeared and presented report on audit of the County's
records for the year ended June 30, ~967, and submitt.ed the following recom-
mendati on s:
Stores InventorF:
In previous years we have recommended procedures for obtaining adequate
controls in connection with stores inventory. Although the board has
determined that it is presently not feasible to effect these changes,
we recommend that the board continue to give consideration to this matter.
Accountin~ for Materials:
In previous years we have also made recommendations concerning controls
over the purchase and receipt of materials. We have observed considerable
improvement in tb~s regard including the recent distribution to all de-
partments of a manual which details procedures to be followed. Although
we have not had a~ opportunity to test the effectiveness of the procedures
outlined in the manual, we feel that if properly administered, the use of
the manual by all departments will create more uniform purchasing policies
and greatly improve the internal control of county affairs.
Vehicle Licenses..'.
Following our audit for the year ended June 30, 1966 we recommended that
a special numerical series of auto license stickers be designated for use
as transfers and duplicate issues and that the face of these stickers be
prestamped with the word "duplicate". Although this recommendation was
not adopted for the 1967 sales, it is our understanding that it will be
effected for future sales. In addition, the county has recently made
arrangements with ~[r. Thomas ~. Wingfield to have him handle the 1968
license sales on a commission basis at his office on East High Street.
Besides relieving co~mty personnel of a burdensome task during the period
when income and property tax returns are being processed, this method of
handling auto license sales will introduce an additional measure of control
over sales and we approve of this action by the county.
Albemarle County Service Authorit~:
Our examination revealed that the receivable of ~,22~ ~3, which was due
from the Albemarle County Service Authority at Jtn~e 301 ~966, was still
uncollected at June 30, 1967. We again emphasize that this amount should
be collected and cleared from the county's records.
We encountered some difficulty in reconciling the details of the uncollec-
ted University parking fines maintained by the Sheriff's office with the
control account kept by the Director of Finance. We have instructed the
personnel in the Sheriff's office in the use of procedures which should
correct this situation in the futur~; however, we recommend that greater
collection of these fines which were in excess
emphasis be placed on the
of $~,000.00 at June 30, 1967.
Mr. Floyd Johnson, Chairman of the ~lanning Commission, presented Land Use
Flan and.accompanying ordinance, and advised that the Commission was unanimous
in recommending adoption of same. ~r. George Palmer read the following pre-
pared statement:
"~irst, ~r. Kirksey and I would like to remind this Board how much
we and the citizens of Albemarle are indebted to the members of the
Planning Commission for the tremendous Job that they have completed
after two years of continuous work. The land use maps and the sup-
porting zoning ordinance are, in our opinion, far superior to the
ordinance offered to the citizens of Albemarle in 1963. ~or a
rapidly urbanizing and suburbanizing agricultural area of 741 square
miles, this ordinance is not only excellent in principal, but in
substance as well.
~r. Kirksey and I would like to have seen this ordinance passed by
this board in 1967. ~ge planned to call a special meeting of the
Board to give due notices for the public hearing to be held at this
meeting December 21, 1967. itowever, the chairman and the majority of
the members of the Planning Commission advised us that although the
citizens of the County favored zoning, many were concerned that if we
called a special meeting to effect passage of the ordinance in
December, it would appear hasty and rushed. On December ?, after
meeting with ~r. Johnson and ~r. Garnett, I agreed that time was not
of the essence.
As you know, ~r. Lloyd %.~ood who will represent the Charlottesville
district and ~ir. Joe Gibson who will serve Ivy District have indicated
that they would support a proper zoning ordinance designed by your
~_annin~ Commission for Albemarle County. Both were willing to have
this board hold the hearing and pass the ordinance. Yontr chairman,
~r. Garnett, has indicated that he felt the need of a zoning ordinance
but he has not committed himself to voting for it in 1967. ~r. Thraves
has had mixed emotions~ ~r. ~aulett opposed zoning; ~r. Yancey opposed
voting for the ordinance in this board. '~hen ~r. Johnson and ~r.
Garnett met with me~ YLr. Garnett stated that ~r. Yancey had assured
him that he would support this ordinance when the new board was seated,
and ~ir. Garnett told me that the new board could count on his affirma-
tive vote.
~r. Johnson, ~Lr. Garnett and I all agreed that a zoning ordinance for
Albemarle County was of utmost importance, and based on ~ri Garnett's
..as.sur _anoe I phone~ ~r. Kirksey and he and I decided not to call aspeciat
meeting for a hearing on December 21. ~ge agreed to receive the ordinance
at the regular December meeting and ~Sk this board to keep faith with the
people of this community by voting for a hearing at the regular meeting
in January or ~ebruary.
With this background, ~r. Chairman, I move support of this ordinazuce in
~rinci~al and sub. stance and that we publish the due notices of a hearing
for the January or ~ebruary meeting. 'When this ordinance l~hich we have
received today has been properly reviewed by the Board and the public
and any necessary revisions made, we look to you for the leadership for
its passage.
~[r. Thraves said he wanted sufficient study so people would go along
vrith the ordinance and seconded ~ir. Palmer's motion. In discussion preceeding
vote on the motion, Zr. Paulett state~ that he was not in favor of the ordinance
as presently proposed but was not opposed to zoning. He further stated that
although the Planning Commission has done a wonderful job, he still thinks
some work is needed, and would like to see a change in its administration. ~r.
Garnett advised that zoning has come up before ten regular meetings of the
Virgin.i.'.a Association of Counties ~d he feels it is past due in Albemarle
County. Following discussion, the motion was adopted with Mr. ~aulett cashing
the only dissenting vote.
~r. Floyd Johnson proposed that the following statement by Thomas
22Z; ..............
Jefferson be appropriately displayed in;[~he Board Room:
"For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may
lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left
free to combat it..."
On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Thraves, and unanimously adopted,
the suggestion of Mr. Johnson was approved.
The County Executive advised that/bids were received on December 1~,
1967, on all county officials and employees ~or the four-year period beginning
January 1, 1968, from the following companies for the total sums indicated:
Cabell and Story
Minor-Duke Autual Insur.ance Agency
Hanckei-Citizens Insurance Corp.
City Mortgage & Insurance Co.
On motion of Mr. Paulett, seconded by Mr. Yamcey, the low bid of Minor-Duke
Mutual Insurance Agency was accepted.
Several certificates of appreciation for services were a~m~rded to re-
tiring County officials. To Mrs. Eva E. Maupin, retiring Clerk of the Circuit
Court, Mr. Thraves presented certificate in appreciation for 47 years of faith-
~1 service. Mr. Yancey presented certificate to Mr. George C. Palmer, II,
retiring Supervisor from Ivy District and noted that a like award would be
given to Mr. Garrett W. Kirksey of Charlottesville District who is absent
today. Mr. Garnett presented certificates to Mr. Robert Thraves and to Mr.
F. E. Paulett, retiring Supervisors from Rivanna ~nd Scottsville Districts,
respectively. Certificate was also given to Mrs. June T. Moon for 25 years
service with the County, most of which she has served as Clerk tol-this Board.
Mr. Dave Carr and Mrs. Mary ~. Cash also expressed appreciation as private
citizens to retiring Board members and commended them for their guidance and
leader ship.
Mr. Robert Thraves presented the following suggestions and requested that
they be made a part of the minutes of this meeting:
"1. That a study be made of feasability of the joint ownership ,
management and control of the entire Albemarle County and
City of Charlottesville. (Any additional annexation of
County property by the City will make it impossible for the
remainder of the County to function in providing services
such as schools, water, sewage facilities, etc.]
2. That the group in'surance company employed by the Supervisors
to protect their employees be required to extend this protec-
tion service to all employees who have served Albemarle Co~mty
for a period of 10 years or more at the same rate or an
equitable rate to the employees as in such cases made and
provided by other clients of the insurance companies.
3. All future supervisors elected to the Board of Supervisors be
paid a minimum salary of ~3,000.00 per annum - and that all
"Financial Directors and Purchasing Agents" be elected by the
people of Albemarle County."
Mr. D. B. Marshall, attorney, submitted resolution prepared in connec-
tion with condemnation of Continental Can property needed for sanitary landfill
site. The resolution, which follows, was offered for adoption by Mr. Yancey
and was seconded by Mr. Palmer with the understanding that the County continue
full cooperation with the citizens group whic~h is endeavorin~ to locate another
satisfactory site. This resolution was unanimously adopted:
Wt~S, the County Executive, acting pursuant to authority
heretofore granted by this Board, has made a bona fide offer on
behalf of the County of Albemarle to purchase from the owner,
Continental C~an Company, at the price of $100.00 per acre, a ~0-
acre tract of land situated in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District
of Albemarle County, Virginia, being a pa~rt of the lands designated
as Parcel 28, on Section 73 of the Albemarle County Tax Map, to be
used by the County as a public dumping place for waste materials
which will be disposed of by sanitary landfill methods; and
VfHEREAS, Continental Can Company has refused to accept said
NOW BE IT RESOLVED that it is necessary in the public interest
that the County of Albemarle acquire said %0-acre tract of land for
the purpo se afore said; and
FURTI~R RESOLVED that, a bona fide offer to purchase said land
having been made and refused, this Bsard shall proceed to acquire the
same by exercise of its power of eminent domain, and agents of the
County shall enter upon and take possession of said land as soon as
practicable; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive and D. B. Marshall,
special attorney engaged by this Board for this purpose, be, and they
hereby are directed to notify Continental Can Company by registered
mail on December 22, 1967, or as soon thereafter as possible, that the
County imtends to enter upon and take possession of said lands; they
are further directed to pay to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albe-
marle County the sum of ~,000.00 which is hereby estimated to be the
fair value of the land taken and damage done; they are further directed
to proceed ~th appropriate condemnation procedures under the applicable~
laws of Virginia, and to take such other action as they ~eem advisable in
or,er to acquire title to said land in the name of the County of Albemarle
and to give to the County the right to enter upon and take possession of
said land.
The County Executive advised that he had inspected the bookmobile and found
the condition of the body to be marginal. He stated that to stay with what we
have would be a bs~t investment, although purchase of a new one would require
226 ........
an appropriation of approximately ~4,000.00 in the next fiscal year's budget.
It was the expressed feeling that this Board should not act on an appropria-
tion for the coming year. However, on motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr.
E -
Yancey, and unanimously adopted, the County xecutlve was authorized to
proceed with obtaining bids in this regard.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that check was issued to
the Standard Drug Company for an incorrect amount and that the same had been
recalled and new check issued. On motion of ~r. Thraves, seconded by Mr.
~aulett, it was ordered that check No. 6612 in the amount of ~3~.4~, made
payable to the Standard Drug Company, be cancelled.
Communication was received from the Auditor of Public Accounts advising
that Hantzmon, Wiebel & Company had forwarded copies of report on audit of
the accounts and records of the County of A!bemarle[.for the fiscal year
ended June 30, 1967, and further, that a review of the report indicated that
it ha~ been prepared in acoordance with specifications and had been accepted
by that office.
Communication was also received from the Auditor of Public Accounts
vising that during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1967, the amount of money
collected by the Director of Finance exceeded the amount of his bond and that
according to Section 1~.~-621 of the Code of Virginia, this Board is charged
with the responsi.bility of increasing such bondl The letter further advised
that the current bond is deficient in the amount of ~273,133.67. On motion,
duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the Bond of the Director of Finance
be increased as required by law.
The County Executive presented offer of Lawrence Wood to purchase from
Mrs. Emmet C. Dickenson, a Welfare recipient, one acre of land located at
Hil!sboro for the sum of $600.00. Notation from Mrs. Virginia S. Marks advised
that the total acreage involved, ~.8 acres, was appraised at $1,800.00, and
that if an acre is sold, the money would go towards reimbursement of aid which
~rs. Dickenson has received. Mr. Yancey advised that he was fa~liar with the
land in question and that he felt it to be far more valuable than $600.00 an
acre. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr.
Yancey, and unanimously adopted, that the offer of Mr. Wood be denied.
An offer of Allan ~. Kindrick to purchase twelve acres of land located
at the west end of the Earlysville water impoundment for the sum of ~22~.00
per acre was again brought before the Board for consideration. The Co~mnty
Executive advised that adjoining property was assessed from $40.00 to .~2]0.00
per acre and '~hat Mr. Simms of the real estate department felt this to be a
227 '
good offer. The tract of land in question is not accessible by land and is
adjoined by property ovaa'ed by Mr. Kindrick's father-in-law. The County
Executive recommended acceptance of this offer. After discussion, motion
was offered by ~r. Thraves, seconded by ~r. Yancey, that action on this re-
quest to purchase be defe~rred until the regular January meeting.
The County Executive advised that the County does not have clear title
to the property purchased early in the year from ~rank Yancey and since it is
not felt that this property will be needed, recommended that it be sold back
to ~r. Yancey. On motion of ~r. Palmer, seconded by ~r. Paulett, sale of this
property back to ~¥ank ~ancey was approved and the Chairman was authorized to
execute deed on behalf of the County. This motion was unanimously adopted
with ~r. R. A. Yancey abstaining.
~r. T. ~. Batchelor, Jr., as Director of Finance, requested per~ssion to
defer the sale of delinquent lands until APril, ~968. On motion of ~r. ~almer,
seconded by ~. Yancey, an~ unanimously carried, it was ordered that the sale
of delinquent lands to the Commonwealth be deferred until April, 1968.
Several c~ims against the Do~ Tax ~und were received from ~r. ~. J.
Crawford for sheep killed by dogs. However, since there was some question as
to the ~tue of these sheep, motion was offered by ~r. Thraves~ seconded by ~r.
Yancey, and unanimously carried, to defer action on these claims until the
regular January meeting in order that the ~og Warden might be contacted re-
~ardin ~ ~alue s.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fand was received from ~r. Scott ~orris for
thirty-five hens killed by dogs. On motion of ~r. ~aulett, seconded by ~r.
yancey, ~r. ~orris was allowed ~1.00 for each of the~ hens.
Claim against the Dog Tax Eund was received from ~r. W. A. ~anderploeg
for two pigs, 60 and 70 lbs., killed by do~s. On motion of ~r. ~almer,
seconded by ~r. Yancey, ~r. Vanderploeg was allowed ~2.00 and ~.00 respec-
tively for these pigs.
S.?.C.A. report was submitted for the month of Novem~er~ ~967, and on
motion of ~r. Thraves, seconded by ~r. Yancey, was approved.
The County Executive advised that the reorganization of the ~lanning
Department would require a transfer of funds in the amount of ~?~800.~0 for
the remainder of the fiscal year, as follows:
Budgeted for the year
Transfer, Asst. Co. W~xec. Salry.
Total amount needed for":year
Special appropriation
18 2o8.oo
$ 1,767.00
On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Thraves, rules with regard to
second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously
BE- IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, ¥irginia, that ~1 ,~67.00 be and the ss~me
is hereby appropriated for the Planning Department and that
~6,033.00 be transferred from the office of County Executive
to the Planning Department.
On motion of ~r. Thraves, seconded by ~r. Yancey, rules with regard
to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously
HE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that $1,96~.26 be and the same-
is hereby appropriated for current expenses in connection
with School Construction.
The County Executive recommended that the County of Albemarle trans-
fer its group life insurance plan from Phoenix Nutuat Life Insurance Company
to the State's plan. He advised that some of the present employees and the
Board of Supervisors would not be eligible under the State's plan. However,
more insurance could be obtained for a lesser cost to the County. This
matter was given some discussion after which motion was offered by
Palmer, seconded by ~r. Yancey, and unanimously carried, directing the County
Executive to go over these plans with ~r. Garrett Kirksey and report back
the Board at its next regular meeting.
t~eport on audit of the Juvenile and Domestic I~elations Court and the
Albemarle County Court for the fiscal year ended June 30, t967, was received
from the Auditor of Public Accounts.
Communication was received from the City' of Charlottesville advising
that ~r. F. R. Lentzsch was appointed to the Airport Co~nission subject to
approval by this Board. On motion of ~r. Palmer, seconded by ~r. Paulett,
approval was given to the appointment of Nr. F. R. Lentzsch to the Joint
Airport Commission.
~r. W. A. Townes, acting secretary to the Planning Commission, sub-
mitted the fol!ov~ng plats:
1. George N. Tapscott property on James River, prepared by Carroll Gillespie,
approved by the County Planning Eommission.
2. Richard L. Nann property on Route 649, prepared by Thomas D. Blue and
approved by the County Planning Commission.
229 '
Mrs. James L. Camp property in Flordon Subdivision, prepared by B. Aubrey
Huffman, approved by the County and City ~lanning Commissions.
4. Lots 4-10, Block B, Oak Hill Subdivision, prepared by B. Aubrey Huffman,
approved by the County and City Planning Commissions.
5. Greenwood Telephone Co. Switchboard property located at Greenwood, off
Route 2 50, We st, prepared by John W. McNair, Jr., approved by the County
~lanning Commission.
6. Cynthia Smith property on Route 240, prepared by 0. R. Randolph, approved
by the County ~lanning Commission.
7. Albert R. Sprad~'in property on Route 618, prepared by 0. R. Randolph, ap-
proved by the County Planning Commission.
8. For re-dating only, Section II Ednam Forest, prepared by Amos Swe~ ap-
proved by the County and City Flanning Commissior~
On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Paulett, unanimously carried,
the foregoing plats were approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorize~
to sign same on behalf of this Board.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. ~almer, seconded by
~aulett, and unanimously adopted:
WI~W~EAS, it is the feeling of this Board t.hat regional
jails should receive a like amount of State aid as jails
manned by consti_tutional officers presently receive;
NOW, T~FORE, BE IT P~SOLVED by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State
Department of Welfare and Institutions be and is hereby
requested to give like support to all jails with no distinction
being made between jails manned by constitutional officers and
regional jails established to serve combinations of local
government s.
Claims against the County amounting to $576,407.54 were presented,
axamined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment
and charged against the following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay
Virginia Public Assistance
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Sanitary Di strict Fund
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct.
Town of Scottsville Local Sales Tax
On motlon, the meeting was adjourned.