HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-03-21 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
~ t
marie County, Virginia, was held. at the Office Building of said ~oun y on
the 21 st day of March, 1968.
l~resent: Messrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph ~.. Gibson, Peter T. Way,
Gordon L. ~Fneeler, Lloyd E. ~ood, Jr., and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive.
The meeting opened with the Lord's l~rayer led by Mr. Garnett.
On motion of Mr. Wheeler~ seconded by Mr. Way, and unanimously
carried, minutes of the meeting of Eebruary l~, 1968, were approved as
submi tt ed.
The Chairman Welcomed student government representatives present for
the meeting who were introduced by Mr. T. M. Hurlburt as follows:
Board of Supervisors: Barbara Grinde, Chairman_
Janice Trenholme
Chris Car son
Warren Judge
Jeanette Southatl
Linda Burton
Sheriff - Jim Wade
Commonwealth's Atty. - James ~ite
County Clerk - Judith Warren
County Executive- Sally Floyd
School ~oard Chairman -Nancy Scott
Planning Comm. Ch~m..~ Gloria Walker
~r. Lloy~ Wood presented to the Chairman flag which was previously
presented to him, Mr. Way and Mr. Batchelor by Congressman John 0. Marsh.
This flag, he advised, has flown over the United States Capital. On
motion of ~r. Wood, seconded by Mr. Gibson, the Clerk was instructed to
write a letter of appreciation to Congressman Marsh.
Communication was received from Senator J. Harry Michael advising
that he would be unable to meet with the Board today as planned due to in-
volvement in a court case but hoped to report to the Board at its next
meeting. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge ~rk Michael's letter
and to advise him that the Board looks forward to having him at its April
Mr. R; G. Warner, Resident I~ghway Engineer, presented sketch on
proposed abandonments on Route 680 at ~eaver Creek Lake. He stated that
all land involved was owned either by the County or the State. ~[r. Warner
advised that he would submit complete description at the next meeting in
order tha~ the ~oard might adopt proper resolution in this regard.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by
Way, and unanimously adopted:
~S, certain changes have resulted in the Secondary
'System due to relocation and construction on l~oute 742; and
'W~EAS, public hearing was held on this date in ac-
cordance with notice forv~rded to each property ovaser effected;
~¥~ER~AS, there appears to be no opposition from the
public with regard to such proposed changes;
N0W~ T~F0i~B, B~ IT tLESOLVED by the Board of Co~_nty
SupervisOrs of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following
dispositions be made of the old right of way on Route ?42
suant to Section 33~76.12 of the Code of Virginia as amended,
each section listed being indicated on sketch presented to
this meeting and made a part of the Board's perraanent file:
Section 1 - To be abandoned - 0.08 mile.
Section 2 - To be abandoned - 0.19 mile.
Section 3 - To be assigned a new route number and retain~ed in
the secondary system since at present it serves 3
dwellings and 1 new commercial property. ^
Section 4 - To be ad~ed to the secondary system - 0.0~ mile.
Section ~ - To be a~ded to the secondary system - 0.19 mile.
Section6 - ~o be added to the secondary system - 0.~4 mileo
Communication was received from the Crozet Lions Club requesting eon-
sideration of the parking situation on Route 240 between Mortons Frozen
~oods and the Route 810 intersection. ~r. Warner advised that his depart-
ment is investigating this situation at the present time as a result of
communication received at the last meeting of the Board.
~s. John Humphrey, County ~lanner~ submitted the following plats:
(1) Division of Bernice W. Dunn property on Route 601. ~repared by Wil!ia~a
F. ~inley, Jr. and approved by the County ~lanning Commission.
(2) For re-dating only - ~.66 acres on Route 600 surveyed for ~re~witt
Sermmes, Jr. by Thomas D. Blue~ approved by County ~lanning Co~mission.
(3) Division of Wesley Sprouse property on Route ~3 near Simeon - prepared
by Wi!lia~s S. Roudabush~ Jr. and approved by the County ~lanning Corn-
mi s si on.
(4) Division of Stephen 0. Swingler property on Route 676 at its inter-
section with Route 601 - prepared by William S. Roudabush, Jr. and
approved by the County ~lanning Commission.
(~) Division of John Rush Webb property on Route 71 ~ - prepared by William
S. ~oudabush, Jr. and approved by the County ~lanning Co,remission.
On motion of ~r. Way, seconded by ~. Wheeler, the foregoing plats
were approved unanimously and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign
sane on behalf of this Board.
296 ...........
~.as. ff. E. ~aulett appeared with regard to pro~ress on the Totier
!~roject and was advised by the County Executive that he hoped to start
negotiations within the next thirty days. ~. ?aulett urged immediate
steps to proceed on this project and again requested that funds be in-
cluded in the proposed budget for same.
On motion of ~..~. ~Tay~ seconded by ~r. Yancey~ and unanimously
carried, it was ordered that communication be forwarded to Dr. Hamei
with regard to location of the ~on~aunity college proposed to serve this
~r. G. C. Gentry~ Attorney, appeared on behalf of landovaaers on
l~oute 20, South~ who opposed the location of a service station and 100-
unit trailer court proposed by Charlottesville 0il Company on Route 20.
~r. Gentry stated that he realized this Board has no authority under the
Zoning Ordinaance to prohibit this action until after the effective date
of said~ ordinance and that the trailer ordinance does not offer the pro-
tection desired. However~ he requested a resolution of appeal to Char-
lottesville 0il Company not to locate such a business on i~oute 20. ~ir.
~red Landes, Attorney~ also appeared on behalf of a group o~ landowners
and a n~sber of landowners appeared in opposition. After considerable
discussion of the matter, motion was offered by }~r. Gibson, seconded by
~r. ~ood~ requesting the Chairman to appoint a committee to contact
representatives of ~harlottesville Oil Company with regard to the matter.
~. Garnett appointed ~r. Lloyd ~'. Wood, Jr., ~tr. ~eter T. Way, ~r. T. ~.
Batchelor, Jr. and ~r. John L. Humphrey to serve on this committee.
Statements of w~xpenses of the Department of ~inance~ the Sheriff's
Office and the Office of the ~ommonwealth~s Attorney were submitted for
the month of ~ebruary, ~968. On motion of ~r. Yancey, seconded by ~.
~¢ay, the se statement s were unanimously approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail
was submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days for the month
of February, ~968. On motion of ~ir. Gibson, seconded by ~r. Yancey,
these statements were unanimously approved.
l~eports of the ~epartment of Public V/elfare were submitted for the
month of ~ebruary, ~968, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-6?.2
of the Code of ¥irginia.
S.L.H. report for the month of F. ebruary, 1968, was received from
Dr. S. D. Sturkie and on motion of ~r. Gibson, seconded by l~r. Wheeler,
was unanimously approved.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amotunt of $344.43
was submitted for hospitalization of indigent patients for the month of
February, 1968. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Gibson, this
claim was unanimously approved for payment.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that from time to time
Albemarle County has indigent patients confined at Eedical College of Vir-
gini~ and now has one patient at Waynesboro Community Hospital. Agreements
under State-Local Hospitalization were received from Dr. S. D. Sturkie,
administrator of the SLH pr.ogrs~n, for approval by this Board in order that
such cases might be billed at State rates. The contract with MCV is at
$37.46 per day, the contract with Waynesboro Community Hospital is at
$33.09 per day. After discussion of the proposed agreements, motion was
offered by ~f~r. -Way, seconded by Mr. Gibson, authorizing the Chairman to sign
said .agreements on behalf of the County of Albemarle.
Report of the County Executive for'She month of February, 1968, was
received and ordered filed.
Communication was received from City Council advi'sing that Messrs.
~inehart, Vogt and Bowen had been appointed as the City's representatives on
a committee to meet with Mr. Jay W. Worrall to discuss the future management
of the Community Action Organization as required by recent changes in the
anti-poverty laws. The Chairman appointed Mr. Gibson, Mr. Wheeler and Er;
Batcheior to serve as the County's representatives on this con~nittee.
To complete appointment of the Equalization Board, Mr. Yancey nominated
~r. Sam Page, which nomination was seconded by Mr. ~heeler and unanimously
approved. Mr. Gib~on nominated Dr. W. H. Paine, subject to Dr. Paine' s ac-
ceptance. This nomination was also unanimously approved.
The County Executive advised that Albemarle County's total share in ad-
ditions to the District Home according to bids received was $63,833.74, of
wlzich $7,621.94 was appropriated in October, 1967, to cover payments due at
that time. On motion of Mr. Way, seconded by ~r. '~Fneeler, rules with regard
to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County-Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that $ ~6,211.80 be and the same
is hereby appropriated as the balance of Albemarle County's
share of additions to the District Home.
The County Executive advised that check No. 7769, dated February 15,
1969, and drawn to the J. W. Pepper &' Son, Inc. in the amount of $9.26 had
been returned by said company with advice that the County's account is paid.
Although the County's records indicated this account not previously paid,
the County Executive reconmaended cancellation of this check since two
communications had been forwarded regarding the matter. On motion of ~r.
~aeeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson, unanimously carried, it was orde~that the
above mentioned check be cancelled.
Mr. Ray ~. Joi~es, Asst. Director of ~insmce, recommended re~kmd in
the amount of $47.2% to Mr. Thomas S. ~cCormick based on contractor's
license pumhased in the County which included work done in the City of
Charlottesville. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, this
refund was unaniraously approved.
~'~r. Hugh F. Simms, Director of Real Estate Assessment, reco~mmended
refund in the amount of ~$63.78 to Mr. Randolph L. ~iooney to correct assess-
ment on real estate which was erroneously computed by his office. On motion
of ~. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, this refund was unanimously approved.
The County Executive submitted bids received for the purchase of a
bookmobile and recommended that the County proceed with the purchase of a
bookmobile to replace the one currently in use but that no further funds be
set aside for future replacements. After a short discussion, it was decided
to consider this matter along with consideration of the Library ~udget as a
l~eport of the S.P.C.A. for the month of February, 1968~ was subr~tted
and on motion of ~Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. ~hCeler, was ~mnanimously ap-
Communication was received from Mr. William Eassie Smith, President of
Community Services Council of Charlottesville and A~bemarle, soliciting the
participation of this body in its program, and requesting ~embership, the
dues for which a~lount ~to' $%.00. The Clerk was directed to advise Mr. Smith
that the Board declines ~embership in this organization.
At 1:30 P.M. the Chairman called for annual raad hearing in accordance
with notice posted at the Court House and published in the Daily Progress.
The following requests were received:
District Petitioner, Address
Charlottesville Dr. Chas. Hurt
Rt. 29, North- City
S~muel ~i lier
Walter Young
Greenwood, Va.
F. A. Iachetta
R~ ~, Box 1%% - City
Request ~iade
A~dition to Sec. System - Road
through Northfields and portion of
~ge s tmor e i and.
Addition to Sec. System -Road from
Rt. 691, ½ rmile from Country~ Store,
to C & 0 railroad. (VIE~S~
Widen and surface if possible,
Rt. 643 between Rt. 29 mhd Rt. 649.
Di strict
White Hall
Samuel Miller
SamDei I~iller
Scott sville
Scott sville
Scott svitle
Scottsville )
Samuel Miller)
White Hall
Ch' vilte.
Scott svilie
White Hall
Ch ' vi lie.
Petitioner ~ Address
Jo seph E. Blue
l~t. 4, Box 215 - City
ReQue st ~[ade
Full gravel coverage and side
drains,_ Rt. 784 between Rt. 640
and Rt. 600.
Charles F. Schultz
Hard surface Route 637 from Rt. 6
to Rt. 692 (Petition also in-
cluded Rt. 758)_.
James A. Wadsworth
Rt. 662, Earlysville
Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson
Rt. 7, Box 141 - City
Hard surface Rourt 662 from Rt.
660 to Rt. 665.
Addition to Sec. System - Road
off 250 East, 2 mi. f~rom City
just beyond Hearth. (VIEWERS)
John G. Dunn
Free Union
Straighten and hard surface
Rt. 671, road to White Hall.
Elizabeth Starge!t
Bane Snow
Widen, strai$hten and hard sur-
face, Route 630.
Widen and improve Rt. 603 to
Greene County line.
Marion J. Wood
Chamber of Commerce
Widen and straSghten curves,
684, from Rt. 591 to Rt. 250.
Widen and stabilize Route 649
from Rt. 29 to Airport.
George W. Eilinger
Hard surface Route 691 from Rt.
690 to Rt. 250.
Rev. Roger Ford
E smont
Hard surface Route 71 5 and~RoUte
723 from Rt. 715 to Rt. 676.
Mayor Raymond Thacker
Scott svitle
Widen and hard surface Route 627
and hard surface Route 712.
J. F. Cannon
Widen mud surface Route 708, east
from Carters Bridge, also treat
for dust control.
County Executive
Rt. 704) Improvement
Rt. 637) area roads.
to landfill
Edwin Mayfietd
Addition to Sec. System - roads
in Airport Acres. (Mr. Coats
advised of procedure whereby
residents match State funds to
b~ing roads to State standards.)
Lacy Hutchinson et al
Tar and pave balance of Route
County Executive
Hard surface Route 606 from Int.
Rt. 649 to Earlysville Dam.
~s. Helen F. McLean
Howard svi lle
Hard surface Route 602, Howards-
ville- Schuyler Road.
Fa~rview Swim Club et al Pave Route 6~1 from Rio Road.
John Rawlings et al
Black top Route 762 in Rose Hill
James P. Cab_ill
Free Union
Miscellaneous improvements to
Route 671.
RayDond Madison et al Addition to Sec. System - road
200~ E. Market St. - City ruuning parallel to C & 0 rail-
road, south of East ~arket St.
near old Woolen ~ills ~VIEWERS).
The foregoing requests for improvements were referred to Mr. i~. G.
Warner, t~esident Highway Engineer, for consideration in the preparation of
budget for the coming year. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way,
the following persons were appointed as Viewers to ~iew requests for ad-
ditions to the Secondary System, other than subdivision roads:
Mi~. ~lonza Jones'
Mr. William L. Rennolds
Nr, Edward Chapman
Mr. Albert Austin
~r. Kenneth Wood
On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way, and unanimously
adopted, April 4, 1968, was set as the time for meeting of the foregoing
Board Of Viewers.
Checkpoint form for the Charlottesville-Albemarle Community .Action
Organization was received from Col. Jay W. Worrall, Executive Director. On
motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way, the chairman was unanimously
authorized to execute this form on behalf of the Board.
The following resolution, to impose a local county use tax in Albe-
Narie County, Virginia, pursuant to Section ~8-441 .49:1 of the Code of
Virginia (Chapter 191, Acts of Assembly, 1968), at the rate of one per cent
to provide revenue for the general fund of the county, was offered for
adoption by ~f~r. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way, and adopted by the following
recorded vote:
Nay s:
~es~rs. Garnett, Gibson, Way, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
'WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle has heretofOre~::imposed
the local sales tax authorized by Section ~8-441.49 of the
Code of Virginia; and
WKEREAS, Section ~8-441.~9:1 of the Code of Virginia (Chap-
ter 191, Acts of Assembly, t968), provides that a county which
has previously imposed the local sales tax authorized by Section
~8-441.49 of the Code of Virginia may impose a local use tax by
the adoption of a resolution by the governing body of the county
by a majority of all the members thereof, by a recorded yea and
nay vote, stating its purpose and referring to Section ~8-441.49:1
of the Code of Virginia; and
W}U~REAS, the said Section 58-441.49:1 further provides that
the local use tax shall be come effective on the first day of a
month at least 60 days after the adoption of the resolution, but
not earlier than July 1, 1968; and
~gH~P~EAS, the said Section 58-441.49:1 also provides that the reso-
lution authorized thereby may be adopted in the manner stated
notwithstanding .any other provision of law;
NOW, TtE~d~FORE, BE IT ~SOLVED by the Board of SMpervisors
of the County of Albema~ie, Virginia, as follows:
1. Pursuant to Section ~$-441.49:1 of the Code of Virginia
(Chapter 191, Acts of Assembly, 1968), there is hereby
imposed in the County of Albemarle a local county use
tax at the rate of one per cent to provide revenue for
the general fund of the cotu~ty. The said county use tax
shall be added to the rate of the State use tax imposed
by Chapter 8.1, Title %8, of the Code of Firginia, and
shall be subject to all the provisions of that chapter, a~nd
all a~aendments thereof, and the rules and regulations
published with respect thereto. Therefore, the pt~rpose
of this resolution is to impose the local use tax authorized
by Section ~8-441.49:1 of the Code of Virginia.
2. The effective date of the use tax imposed by this reso-
lution shall be the first day of July, 1968, and the same
shall be in force on and after that date.
3. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Albemarle shall forthwith forward to the State Tax Com-
missioner of the Commonwealth of Virginia a certified copy
of this resolution so that it will be received within five
days after its adoption.
At 4:00 P.~. the Board met in joint session with City Council to
receive proposed 1968-69 Library Budget. Mr. Ken Lee, member of the
Library Board, presented this proposed budget. Considerable dis-
cussion ~vas given to the budget, including purchase of bookmobile and
necessity for same, after which ~ayor Burkett Reynolds advised that the
budget as submitted has approval of City Council. Council was advised
that this Board wished to consider library requests with the County's
overall budget and would advise Council of its decision with regard to
the library budget ~thin the next week.
Claims against the County amounting to ~477,011.2~ were presented,
examined, and a~lowed, and certified to the Director of l~inance for pay-
ment and charged against the following funds:
General Revenue [Fund ~ 1,61 ~. 23
General Operating ~und ~4,334. ~6
School Operating Fund ~34~,313.22
Cafeterias ~,.044 14
Capital Outlay ~18~!33
Dog Tax ~and 42
Commonwealth of Fa. Current Credit Acct.34,153.72
Town of Scottsville 1~ Local Sales Tax 52.14
Virginia Public Assistance Fund 30,698.49
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.