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April 9, 1968
Pursuant to the following waiver, the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session at 5.:00 ?.~o on this
date in the County Office B~milding, Charlottesville, Virginia, with the
following members present: l~essrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph w.. Gibson, Peter
T. Way, Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. Absent: ~tr. Il. A.
We the undersigned, members of the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia~. do hereby waive
notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be
held at 7:00 ~.~. on the 9th day of April, 1968, for the
purpose of considering the disposition of Buriey High
School property, and we do hereby consent to any and all
business and the taking of such action at said meeting
upon the matter~ hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful,
incident, and necessary thereto.
/-//0J~se~h ]~. Gibson
· Gordon L.. Wheeler~
It. ~ Ya~ncey
Others present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and members of
the School Board.
The following resolution was received from the Council of the City
of Charlottesvilie:
"WHEREAS, the Burley High School property located on Rosehitl
Drive is owned one-half by the City of Charlottesville and
one-half by the County of Albemarle, and
WHE2~AS, the School ~oards of the City and County have decided
that this building is no longer needed for a jointly operated
City-County school, and
WHEREAS, the City School Board has advised the Council that
there i's a need for this building in the Oity school program
and in the event that this building is not to be wholly
and controlled by the City by June 30, 1969 other facilities
must be planned and constructed, and
t~AS, several meetings have been held by the City and County
Con~ttees on 'this matter to determine ways and means of buying
or selling to the other political suhlivision one-half of the
property, and
WHA_V~AS, the City has proposed that either the County or the
City determine the value of the building, land, equipment,
fixtures, etc., which is jointly ovaued and that the other
party have the option of buying or selling their one-half to
the other partner at one-half of the value fixed for the total
property, and
WKEREAS~ in a letter dated ~arch 25, 1968, the Chairman of the
County Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County has requested
the City to determine the total value of the property and submit
the amount to his Board for consideration with the understanding
that the County willy w~thin ten days, either agree to buy the
City's one-half or will agree ~to sell to the City the County's
one-half of the amount determined by the City as the value of
the total property.
NOW, T~EFORE, HE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of
Charlottesville that the Council hereby agrees to deter~nine the
total value as requested by the County mud, at the option ~f
the County, to either buy the County's one-half of the value
determined by the City for the whole property, or to sell its
one-half to the County for this same one-half amount of the
total value, and
HE IT FURT~ ~SOLVED that the settlement date of June 30, 1969
be and the same is hereby agreed to and that the terms of the
settlement shall be cash, and
BE IT ~WffRT~ t~ESOLVED that the Cotuncil, after giving considera-
tion to the City School Board's advice that the Burley property
is rzeeded in the City School system and also after having given
consideration to the value of the property for recreational use
when not in use for school punch.poses, hereby declares the total
value of the Burlgy property which is jointly owned by the City
and County to be $1,400,000.00, and
HE IT ~WJRTHER RESOLWED that a copy of this resolution be trans-
mitted by the Mayor to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
of Albemarle County."
Report from School Board on use was favorable for present and future
needs and the County Executive reported that price set by the City was
within values established by County appraisers.
On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, unanimously approved
by the members present, the following resolution was adopted:
~AS, the Bu~ley High School located on Rose Hill
Drive, owned jointly by the City of Charlottesville and the
County of Albemarle, has been found to no longer be feasib!y~
operated jointly by the City and County; and
~AS, it is the recommendation of the County study
co~nission that the County should either buy or sell this
property; and
~S, the City has consented to determine the value
of the property and submit it to the Board of Supervisors to
either purchase within ten days or to sell to the City one-half
of the amount proposed by the City of all buildings, land, equip-
merit, fixtures, etc.; and
~AS, the Albemarle County School Board feels that this
building is needed for the present county school system and
will be needed to meet future school needs; and
~AS, the Board of Supervisors have received appraisals
that indicate that the value set by the City is equitable and
NOW, TW~W~EF01~E, BE IT P~ESOLVED that the Board of Super-
visors accepts the proposition of the City of Charlottesville
and will pay them on or before June 30, 1969, $700,000.00 for
its half interest in the Burley property valued at $1,400,000.00.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copytof this resolution be
forwarded to the Mayor and to the Council of the City of
Char lo t t e svi lle.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors ex-
presses its gratitude to the com~f~ttee representing the County
for its work on the disposition of Burley High School, to the
committee of the City, and to the Council for the cooperative
spirit and congeniality in this joint venture of sale of the
property and for the joint venture of operating Burley School
throughout the years of co-sponsorship.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.