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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, ~Yirginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the
18th day of April, 1968.
Present: ~essrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph ~. Gibson, Peter T. Way,
Gordon L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. Wood~ Jr., and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County W. xecutive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's 2rayer led by ~Lr. Garnetto
On motion of ~r. ~ay, seconded by ~r. Wheeler, minutes of the
meetings of ~rch 21 and April 9, 1968, were approved as submitted°
The County ~,xecutive advised that ~. R. G. Warner, Resident High-
way ~ngineer, had suffered a heart attack and was not expected to be
able to return to his duties until around the first of July. On motion
of ~Lr. Gibson, seconded by ~. ~.~ood, and unanimously carried, the Clerk
was directed to communicate the concern and best wishes of this Board to
JEr. Warner.
~r. Wheeler advised that interested citizen have been requesting
improvement to the entrance to Broadus Wood School for some time now and
inquired of ~Lr. Coats as to the status of this matter. ~. Coats stated
that this matter had only recently come to his attention. He advised
that a shift of the road on the right side is the only improvement
feasible and no cost estimates have been made, nor have property owners
been ascertained. He advised further that this project would have to be
programmed and considered with other needs next year.
The County ~xecutive requested that the bridge to the new sanitary
landfill be reinforced in order that the larger trucks will be able to
haul dump materials to this landfill. ~r. Coats advised that this could
not be accomplished before the opening of the landfill and that the pro-
ject would have to be set up in next year's budget. ~r. Coats was ad-
vised of the urgency of this bridge to serve the public and after some
discussion, ~r. Coats finally stated that said bridge would be fixed next
Communication was received from the Department of Highways en-
closing allocations for the Secondary System for the fiscal year 1968-
1969. ~ach member of the Board was given a copy of this communication.
Communication was received from the Resident W, ngineer submitting
sketch showing his recommendations for the disposition of the old right-
of-way on the ]~eaver Creek Dam project on Route 680. In discussion with
the Cormnonwealth's Attorney, it was determined that no public hearing
with regard to abandonments in this instance would be necessary since
the County is the only landowner involved. The follov~ing resolution was
offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, certain changes have resulted in the
Secondary System due to construction of the Beaver Creek
Dam project on Route 680; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that no public
hearing is necessary in this instance due to the fact that
the County of Albemarle is the only landovmer to be effected
by the proposed aba~ndonment;
NOW, THEREff0~E, BE iT t~ESOLVED by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, ~Virginia, that the following
dispositions be made of the old right of way on Route 680,
each' section listed being indicated on sketch presented to
this meeting and made a part of the Board"s permanent file:
Section 1 - Add to Secondary System (0.28 mile)
Section 2 - Abandon (0.08 mile)
Section 3 - Discontinue (due to necessit.v for access to County pumping facility) [0.20 mile).
BE IT FURT~ RESOLVED that copy of this resolution be
forwarded to the Virginia Department of Highways.
The following report was received from Road Viewers:
"On April 4, 1968, we the undersigned Road Viewers, visited the following
three roads for which applications were received for acceptance into the
Secondary Road System. We were accompanied by R. G. Warner, Resident
Highway Engineer, and Mr. Coats, his as~sistant, and W. A. Townes, County
Engineer. After viewing these roads, we wish to make the following
recommendation s:
(1) Road off Route 2~0 East, 2 miles from City of Charlottesville - We
recommend acceptance of this road into the Secondary System, pro-
vialed the necessary right-of-way can be obtained from all land-
owners involved.
(2) Road running parallel to C & 0 railroad south of East Market Street-
We cannot recommend this roa~ for acceptance since it is impossible
to get sufficient right-of-way.
(3) Road from Route 69~, ½ mile from Country Store to C & 0 railroad -
Since_there is some question regarding this road serving potential
subdiyision, we recommend that this request be referred to the
~lanning Commission for clarification and recommendation from that
(Signed) Albert P. Austin
Edward Chapman
Aionza R. Jones
W. L. Rennolds
On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by ~f~. Way, the foregoing rec-
ommendations of Road Vi'ewers were unanimously accepted.
I~r. Alfred Dofflemyer appeared and expressed concern over a
in the County known as "The Rock" (formerly Blue Hole), where youth are
congregating at night. He stated that this is located on ~ree Union Road.
Mr. Goats advised that he would check to see if this location had been
abandoned or discontinued and that if it were absandoned, he would see
that it is closed.
~r. Julian Thomas appeared on behalf of the Division of Forestry.
He stated new construction by the Highway Department resulted in a cut
through the forestry nursery which had made entrance to half of the
nursery extremely difficult. He advised that if'_the road through the
property owned by the ¥irginia Commission for the Blind could be widened,
this road could be used by his department. ~ir. Coats advised that he
would check on this matter.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mrs. Ann Page
Stoffstall for four ewes and two lambs killed by dogs. On motion of ~¢~.
Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. Stoffsta!l was allowed ~8.00 for
each ewe and .~4.00 for each lamb.
Claim against the Dog Tax ~nad was received from J. H. Thompson for
one pig killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. ~heeier, seconded by Mr. Gibson,
~r. Thompson was allowed ~8.00 for this pig.
As requested at a previous meeting, Mr. Sam Robertson, Dog Warden,
reported on calls he received with regard to vicious dogs. Mr. Robertson
stated that in the last thirty days he had received twelve such calls
but that all could not be classified as vicious. He stated that at the
present time he is able to handle such problems and feels he will be
a~ed by the nicotime gun which the County has ordered for him. The
Cotmty Executive explained that by shooting a dog with this nicotine gun
Mr. Robertson could capture a dog without har~ to anyone since the nicotine
acts as a temporary tranquilizer. Mr. Wood stated that he has received
a number of "dog calls" in his dlstrict. ~. Robertson was requested to
call any serious calls to the attention of this Board.
Mr. John L. Humphrey, Secretary to the Planning Commission, sub-
mitted the following plats:
(1) Lots I - 4, Block B, itockbrook Subdivision, as prepared by William
S. Roudabush and approved by the County and City Planning Commissions.
(2) Lot ~?, Block C, an addition to Section ~ of Hessian Hills
division, as prepared by William S. Roudabush and approved by the
County~ and City Planning Commissions.
(3) Lots 1 and 2, a portion of Brinnington Farm, prepared by William
S. Roudabush and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(4) Tract of 0.626 acre surveyed for Arthur E. Bourne on Route 649,
prepared by William S. Roudabush and approved by the County
Planning Commission.
(5) Parcel 10A, a portion of Lot 10 added to Lot 11, Block C, Far-
n~ngton Inc., prepared by Thomas D. Blue, approved by the City
and County Planning Commissions.
(6) Lot 1, Block A and Lot 1, Block B, Section 1, Earlysville Heights,
prepared by B. Aubrey Hufi~uan and approved by the County Planning
C o~mi s si on.
(7) Division of Nary E. Schultz property on Route 789, prepared by
R. O. Snow and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(8) Division of L. R. Hubbard property on Route 250, east of Yancey
~kEitis, prepared by Warren F. Wade and approved 'by the County
Planning Commission.
(9) Division of Richard ~. Brandt property on Route 691, prepared by
Warren F. Wade and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(10) Division of ~arjorie Shifflett property on Route 810, prepared by
Frank A. Gregg and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(11 ) Division of John L. ~anahan property on Route 6, prepared by T. W.
Saunders and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(12) Lot 1, Block B, Section 2, Westfield Subdivision, prepared by B.
Aubrey Huffman and approved by the County and City Planning Corn-
mi ssions.
(13) Division of Dirk DeHooge property on Route 743, prepared by R. O.
S~ow and approved by the County Planning Commission.
(14) Division of Raymond F. Turner property on Route 742, prepared by
B. Aubrey Huffman and approved by the County and City Ptarming
Commi ssi on s.
Mr. H~np~zrey also read the following extract from minutes of the Planning
"-Any final plat that was submitted to the Albemarle County
Planning Commission or the office of its Secretary before
April 15, 1968;~shall be considered in compliance with the
Zoning Ordinance and shall be allowed as a nonconforming 'tot~.
This resolution is in a form of recommendation to the Albe-
marle County Board of Supervisors."
On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by I~r. Yancey, smd unanimously
adopted, the foregoing recom~nendation of the Planning Commission was
On motion of ~r. ~ay, seconded by ~[r. ~ood, the plats were approved
and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this
Mr. Thomas H. Jenkins, Chairman of the School Board, presented to
this Board budget for the Department of Education as adopted by the
School Board.
~r. Carl Van Eossen, President of the Lions Olub of Crozet, pre-
sented to the Chairman a gavel as a gift of his club. ~r. Garnett ex-
pressed his appreciation for this gift and later in the meeting motion
was offered by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by ~. 'Way, and una~nimousty adopted,
instructing the Clerk to forward letter of appreciation to the Lions
Club of Crozet.
Col. ~V-ittkap of Greenwood submitted to the Board a reproduction of
an article taken from Reader's Digest entitled "Vfest Virginia's Big
Cleanup". Col. Wittkap requested that consideration be given to this
article for he felt Virginia could follow the same policy in ridding it-
self of litter along the highways.
Student government representatives~ Barbara Grinde (Board Chairman)
and Sally l~ioyd (County Executive), were present for this meeting and
submitted to the Board certain recommendations of their group. ~iss
Grinde advised that their report would be submitted in written form as
soon as it is completed. These young ladies were thanked for their
interest and report a~nd it was ordered that said report be spread in the
minutes when it is received.
Mr. B. N. Barnes of Scottsville stated that he was interested in
the effect the Scottsville water project would have on surrounding land
and would like to meet with representatives of the County regarding the
use of staked property. The County Executive advised that he expected
the first of final plats by next week and that county officials would
walk the lake at ~0:00 A.M~ on May 7th. Mr. Barnes was invited to join
in this walk. He further advised that land acquisitions would be started
iF~ediately after May ?th. Mr. Don Carroll, representing Uniroyal stated
that water is needed in this area for g~owth of industry and for at-
tracting people to the area. Mr. Way submitted the following resolution
adopted by the Tri-County Citizens Association:
"V~ereas the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors at their
Eebruary meeting of ~968 recognized the great need for a
water system for the t~vm of Scottsviiie and autt~orized the
expenditure for temporary facilities :to accomplish this
objective instead of developing the Totier watershed, money
for which was appropriated in the Albemarle County budget
of i9~?-1968 fiscal year, but was not spent due to the
length of time required in preliminary engineering surveys
and working up other related data and:
Whereas the completion of this project is essential to the
future development and growth of the Scottsvilie area both
from an industrial and a recreational standpoint:
Therefore Be it Resolved
That the Tri-County Citizens Association~ a group of
interested citizens in the Scottsvi!le area hereby supports,
endorses and encourages the Albemarle County Board of Super-
visors to re-allocate the sum of ~26%,000 in the Albemarle
County budget for 1968-t969 for the inwaediate development
of the Totier watershed project."
Mr. F. E. ?aulett appeared in this regard and questioned the foregoing
request. He stated he is still asking for the appropriation in the
present budget and urged prompt engineering. On motion of Mr. Way~
seconded by Mr. Wheeler~ and unanimously approved~ the resolution of
the Tri-County Citizens Association was accepted and endorsed.
Senator J. Harry ~ichael appeared and reported on the 1968 session
of the General Assembly. He especially urged the Board to be alert for
opportunities to work with other political subdivisions in planning~
both now and in the future. He also stated that revenue must be met
in some way if bond issue is not approved. Senator Michael was thanked
for his assists~nce to the County a~nd the Commonwealth's attorney ex-
pressed particular appreciation for the fine way zoning was handled.
Statements of Expenses incurred by the Department of Finance,
the Sheriff's Office and theOf~lce~' of the CoF~nonwealth's Attorney were
submitted for the month of March, 1968. On motion of ~[r. Wheeler,
seconded by Mr. Yancey~ these Statements were unanimously approved.
Statements of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County
Jail was submitted along ~th Su~ffaary Statement of ~risoner ~ays for
the month of March, 1968, and on motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr.
Yancey, th'a.se~ statement s were unanimousl~ approved.
Reports of the Department of ~ublic Welfare were submitted for
the month of March, 1968, in accordance with Sections 6~-67.1 sand 63-67.2
of the Code of Virginia.
S.L.H. report for the month of ~arch, ~968, was received from Dr.
S. D. Sturkie and on motion of ~f~. ~ay, seconded by Mr. Yancey, was
unanimously approved.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of
~1,989.76 was submitted for hosp. italization of indigan~ patients, for the
month of March, 1968. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way~
this claim was unanimously approved for payment.
l~epo~rt of the County Executive for the month of Earch, 1968, was
received and ordered filed.
Communication dated April 1t, 1968, was received from ~itrs. Ethel
Irwin, Attorney for the Citizens Association of Alben~mrle County, re-
questing delay of the effective date of the Zoning 0rdinsnce, and also
requesting consideration of problems Which she considered to be in need
of correction before adoption. ~r. 'Wheeler stated that he felt any
specific requests or suggestions the Association might have should be
taken first to the Planning Commission. After discussion, motion was
offered by ~'. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, directing the Clerk to
acknowledge receipt of this communication.
Communications were received from the Charlottesville-Albemarle
Fair Housing Conmaittee, the League of Women Voters and the Council on
Human Relations requesting adoption of resolution and/or ordinance with
regard to open housing. The County Executive advised that he had con-
ferred with the Commonwealth's Attorney and it was their opinion that
in view of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 recently enacted by the federal
government, local action is no longer necessary. On motion of Mr. Wood,
seconded by Mr. Way, it was ordered that the communications be ack-
nowledged on the basis of the foregoing.
Contract and Agreement was received i~£om the Shenandoah Valley
Juvenile Detention Home Commission ag~eeing to accept juveniles from
Albemarle County, when space permits, on a per diem basis of $~.30.
This agreement was approved on motion of Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Wood,
and the Chairman was authorized to execute same on behalf of this Board.
The Boarg~ attention was called to the fact that resolution adopted
on February 1~, 1968, authorized the Clerk's Office to be closed on
Saturdays, subject to review at this meeting. Since no response from
the public was received during this trial period, motion was offered by
~ir. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously adopted, authorizing
the Clerk's Office to be closed on Saturdays on a permanent basis.
Mr. Gibson advised that Dr. Paine had declined to accept appoint-
ment to the Equalization Board. After discussion, motion was offered by
Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted, toL.have
a four-m~n Equalization Board for the current year.
Communication was received from the Monticello National Bank re-
questing release of certain securities. The following resolution was
offered by t~r. ~-ibson, seconded by Y~r. Way, and unanimously adopted:
........... 3i3
'V~AS, ~onticelio National Bank, Charlottesville,
Virginia, Depository~ has requested the release of certain
securities held by State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts,
W. scrow Agent, in accordance with Escrow Agreement by and
between ~onticello National Bar£k~ State-Placaters Bank of
Commerce and Trusts, T. ~I. Batchelor, Jr., Director of Finance~
Albemarle Comnty, and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County; and
-~WHERF~S, it has been determined that said collateral is
no longer needed to secure funds on deposit with ~onticello
National BaLk;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that State-Planters
Bank of Co~m~erce and Trusts 'be and is hereby authorized to
r~lease the follov~ng:
~40,000.00 U.S. Treasury Bills, due A-p?i! 22, 1968.
~W. IT ld~I-ITtEBE RESOL~D that copy of this resolution be
f5rwarde~ to ~onticeito National Bank and to State-Planters
Bank of Commerce and Trusts.
Communication was received from the National Bank and Trust Company
requesting release of certain securities. The foltov~ng resolution was
offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopte~:
W~EAS, National Bank and Trust Company~ Charlottes-
ville, Virginia, Depository, has requested the release of
certain securities held by State-~lanters Bank of Commerce
and Trusts, Escrow Agent, in accordance with Escrow Agreement
by and between the National Bank and Trust Company, State-
Planters Bank of Oon~aerce and Trusts, T. ~. Batcheior~ Jr.,
Director of Fi~a~ce of Albemarle County, and the Board of
Supervisors of Albemarle County~ and
~AS, it has been determined that said collateral is
no longer needed to secure funds on deposit with National Bank
and Trust Company;
N0~g, THEREF~, BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that State-Planters
Bank of Commerce an~ Trusts be and is hereby authorized to release
the foilowing:
~00,000.00 U.S. Treast~ry Notes, 4-3/4~, due ~-~-68.
RE IT FSRTK~R RESOLVED that copy of this resolution
be forwarded to the National Bank and Trust Company and to
State-~lantSrs Bank of Commerce and Trusts.
The County Executive advised that the Use Tax Resolution adopted at
the last regular meeting would have to be re-adopted. He explained that
said resolution was spread in the minutes and forwarded to the Department
of Taxation as soon as draft was received from that office. However,
Judge. Morrissett had ruled that such resolution must be forwarded within
five days after adoption. Accordingly, the follo~ng resolution vms
offered by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted by
recorded vote:
A resolution to impose a local cotunty use tax in Albemarle
Cotuaty, Virginia, pursuant to Section ~8-441.49:1 of the
Code of Virginia, (Chapter 191, Acts of Assembly, 1968),
at the rate of one per cent to provide revenue for the
general fund of the County:
~AS, the County of Albemarle has heretofore imposed
the local sales tax authorized by Section ~8-441.49 of the
Code of Virginia; and
'~WEREAS, Section %8-441.49: 1 of the Code of Virginia
(Chapter 191, Acts of Assembly, 1968), provides that a county
which has previously imposed the local sales tax authorized by
Section %8-44~ .49 of the Code of Virginia may impose a local
use tax by the adoption of a resolution by the governing body
of the county by a majority of all the members thereof, by a
recorded yea and nay vote, stating its purpose and referring
to Section ~8-441.49:1 of the Code of Virginia; and
WHERF~IS, the said Section ~8-44~.49:1 further provides
that the local use tax shall become effective on the first day
of a month at least 60 days after the adoption of the resolution,
but not earlier than July ~, 1968; and
WHEREAS, the said Section ~8-44~ .49:1 aisc provides that
the resolution authorized thereby may be adopted in the mazaner
stated notwithstanding any other provision of law;
NOW, T~F~P~Eff0~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors
of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, as follows:
Fursuant to Section ~8-441.49:~ of the Code of Virginia
(Chapter 191, Acts of Assembly, ~968), there is hereby
im~sed in the County of Albemarle a local county use tax
at the rate of one per cent to provide revenue for the
general fund of the county. The said county use tax shall
be added to the rate of the S~ate use tax imposed by Chapter
8.1, Title ~8, of the Code of Virginia, and shall be subject
to all the provisions of that c~apter, and all amendments
thereof, and the rules and regmlations published with respect
thereto. Therefore, the purpose of this resolution is to
impose the local use tax authorized by Section ~8-441.49:~
of the Code of Virginia.
The effective date of the use tax isposed by this resolution
shall be the first day of July, 1968, and the same shall be
in force on and after that date.
The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Albemarle shall forthwith forward to the State Tax Commissioner
of the CoF~nonwealth of Virginia a certified copy of this
resolution so that it will be received v~ithin five ~ays after
its adoption.
The County Executive advised that ~.he Service Authority had started
with a lack of ~apital and now found itself with insufficient funds to pay
certain past-due bills and to purchase needed equipment, including the
replacement of a truck. He also stated that the Authority is going to
quarterly billing and_ will need funds to meet current expenses durin~ the
first quarter. He requested that the Cotmty give to the Service Authority
~30,000.00 until such time the Authority is financially able to repay
such amount. After considerable discussion, motion was offered by ~r.
Yancey, seconded by Mr. -Wood to loan the Service Authority $30,000.00
±~om the General ~und until June 30, 1968. The County Executive advised
that the Authority would be unable to repay this loan by that time.
Substitute motion was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by M~. ~heel.~r,
to make a 90-day loan of ~30,000.00 to the Service Authority, at which
time this loan would be subject to review, and the County Executive was
instructed to confer with the Commonwealth's Attorney and the auditors
to determine the most feasible way to handle this matter prior to the
expiration of this 90-day pariod. This motion was unanimously adopted.
The County Executive requested special appropriation to cover
feasibility studies previously authorized in connection with water
improvements in the County. On motion of ~. Wood, seconded by Mr. Way,
rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following
resolution unanimously adopted:
B~ IT ~SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, ¥irginia, that $7,%00.00 be and the sa~ae
is hereby appropriate~ for Feasibility Studies.
On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Way-, rules with regard to
second~"reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously
~ IT I%ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that ~306.00 be and the same is
hereby appropriated for current expenses in connection with
School Construction.
Report of the S.P.C.A. for tae month of March~ 1968, was received
and on motion of Mr. Wood~ seconded by ~[r. Yancey, was unanimously
Mr. John Humphrey advised that the original request to the State
on the Comprehensive ?lan was amended which requires pledge of the County
in its share of costs. He stated that the maximum cost to the Cotm_ty
would be ~20,000.00 and of this amount~ portions of salaries in his
office as well as supplies, materials, etc. furnished by the County would
count as the County's share. The following resolution was offered i by Mr.
Way, seconded by Yar. Wood, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT ~SOLVE. D that the Albemarle County Board Of
S~pervisors hereby pledges the County's share of the
cost of the Comprehensive Plan, lwhich is presently being
pursued ~th the assistance of the Virginia State Division
of Planning, and the County will abide by the State
Division of Planning's proced~e for revision of the
anticipated plan proposals.
Mr. Humphrey inquired as to the policy the Board wished him to
follow in the posting of zoning notices with regard to requested change~.
On motion of ~r. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, unanimously carried, it was
ordered that the applicant for a zoning change be required to post notice,
furnished by the Planner's office~ in a conspicuous place on the property
proposed for re-zoning.
~r. Humphrey also advised that the Planning Commission recommended
deletion of lot size requirements from the Subdivision Ordinance since
this has been incorporated ih the Zoning Ordinance. On motion of Mr.
Wood, seconded by ~Er. Yancey, and unanimously carried~ it was ordered
that proper notice be given of proposed amen.~.ent to the Subdivision
Ordinance to accomplish the aforementioned recon~nendation, setting 10:00
A.M. on June 20, ~968, as time for public hearing on same.
The following resolution was received from the Charlottesville-
Albemarle Bar Association:
"RESOLVED, That the Bar Association make the follo~g
reque st s:
(1) That the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County,
Shelby J. Ma~shall, install a deed indexing system similar
to that used in the Clerk's Office of the Corporation Court
of the City of Chartottesville~ each index book indexed to
be made from typed sheets with the information from copies
of these sheets later to be computerized for an alphabetic
and printed index covering an appropriate specific period of
(2) That the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County authorize
the installation and use of this new method of indexing to
co~mnence immediately; that a re-in~.exing of deeds in Deed
Book Indices numbered 16 through 2i be s~arted; and that the
Board of Supervisors undertake to pay the costs of the new
indexing system and the re-indexing of back Deed Books.
(3) That the Clerk of the Court set forth in future indices a
brief description of the land conveyed or in the case of lots,
the lot~ block and subdivision.
That these requests are made in the ~eiief that the installation
of the new system and the further descriptions requested will
constitute an improvement of great benefit to surveyors,
........................ 3!7
realtors, lav~fers, and many other persons using the Clerk's.
Office, speeding the work of title examination and reducing
the ~anger of error."
On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. ~ay, it was ordered that the
foregoing resolution be acknowledged. However, it was the opinion of
the Board that the microfilming of the records in the Clerk's Office
should have priority over re-indexing.
The County Executive advised that amended Utility Tax Ordinance,
increasing rates from 10~ to 20~, had been prepared and the Board should
set time for public hearing on such proposed amende~ ordinance. On motion
of Mr. Gibson, seconded by M~. Wood, the Clerk was directed to give
notice in accordance ~[th law for public hearing to be held at 1:30 P.~.
on June 20, 1968, on this ordinance.
The Cotunty Executive requested authorization for the expenditure of
~20,000.00 for purchase of a new bookmobile. On motion of .Mr. Wood,
seconded by Mr. Way, unanimously adopted, this expenditure was given
Communication was received from the Chamber of CoF~nerce advising
that it had been requested by a number of citizens of Charlottesville and
.Albemarle County to form a committee which would conduct a complete
feasibility study of merging both City and County into one governmental
unit. The Chamber requested the support of this Board for forming such
a con~ittee an~ guidance for the above mentioned study, l~r. Wheeler
stated that he felt this Board should appoint a committee consisting of
six representatives from Albemarle County to make such a study, indepen-
dent of the Chamber's committee. This was given considerable discussion
an~ it was the expressed feeling of the Board that perhaps such a County
committee could be appointed after the Chamber has set up its committee.
After further discussion motion was offered by ~r. Gibson~ seconded by ~r
~8od, endorsing the Chamber's project and offering any assistance
po s sible.
On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. ~Vood, this meeting was
adjourned until 3:00 P.~[. on ~ay 9, 1968.