HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-07-18 A regular meeting of the Board of County ~apervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the
18th day of July, 1968.
Present: Nessrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Peter T. Way,
Gordon L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorn.ey.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Garnett.
Minutes of the meeting of June 20, 1968', were approved as submitted.
Communication was received from the Resident Highway Engineer request-
ing approval of certain chS~uges necessary as a result of construction and
relocation of Route 6 in Albemarle and Nelson Counties. It was stated that
those sections in Nelson County had been acted upon. Mr. Coats of the High-
way Department advised that public hearing in this instance was not required
since the residents on the short sections in Albemarle to be abandoned are
served by the new locations. The following resolution was offered by Mr.
Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted:
WEEB~AS, certain changes have resulted in the Secondary
System due to construction and relocation of Route 6, (Pro-
ject 0006-002-101,C-~01); and
~S, it has been determined that no public hearing
is necessary with regard to proposed abandonments in this
NOW, T~FOP~E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following
changes in the Secondary System be and are hereby approved,
each section listed being indicated on sketch presented to
this meeting and made a part of the Board's permanent file:
Section 1 and Section 2 - ~bandon.
Section 3 and Section 4 (old l~oute 6) - transfer into
Secondary System.
Section 5 - add to Secondary System.
HE IT FGRTHER RESOLVED that copy of this resolution be
forwarded to the Virginia Department of Highways.
Communication was received from the Resident Engineer advising that
this Board's letter with regard to Buckingham Circle has been forwarded to
the Highway Department's Traffic Engineer for study and recommendation.
Communication was received from the Highway Department advising
that in accordance with resolution of this Board adopt~i March 21, 1968,
the following addition and abandonment were approved, effective May 14,
Addition - Sections 4, ~ and 6 of new location of Route 742,
between Station 18+~0 and S~ Charlottesville,
Project 0742-002-11~,C-~01, length 0.41 mile.
Abandonment - Sections 1 and 2 of old location of Route 742,
between Station 18~0 and Station 44+00, Project
0742-002-11 ~,C-~01 ,. length 0.27 mile.
Communication was received from the Highway Department advising
that in accordance with resolution of this Board adopted Eprili~8, 1968,
the following addition and abandonment were approved, effective June 17,
Addition - Section 1 of new location of Route 680, from Station
26+2~ to Station 41+2~, Project 0680-002-117,C-~01,
length 0.28 mile.
Abandonment - Section 2 of old Route 680, from Station 27±00 to
Station 31+2~, Project 0680-002-117,C-~01, length
0.08 mile.
The resolution of the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors recom-
mending that the Highwgy Department discontinue the Warren and Hatton
ferries was again brought before the Board for consideration. Nr.
Douglas White appeared on behalf of the Albemarle Historical Society
and many interested citizens, and also submitted petitions signed by
approximately one thousand persons, requesting continued operation of
these ferries. Communications supporting the ferries were received from
the Albemarle Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the
National Society of Colonial Dames of America, and ~iss Jean Printz.
Way advised tha~ he had received more communications on this matter than
on any other issue to come before the Board. After discussion, motion
was offered by Nr. Way, seconded by Nr. Wood, that the Hatton and Warren
ferries be continued. This motion carried v~th Nr. Yancey casting the
only dissenting vo3e.
The matter of railroad crossings at West.Leigh and at Keswick was
brought up and the Couuty Executive advised that his office had con-
ducted a traffic count at West Leigh on July ~ and July 9, 1968, showing
a count of 391 and 3~6 respectively. He stated that a traffic counter
has been ordered for the Planning Department and that this would be
used to conduct a count at Keswick.
The County Executive stated that the Highway Department budget in-
cludes an appropriation for a subdivision inspect0r,~ a position which
has not been filled and which he felt was needed in the beginning of
sulx[ivision work. Mr. Coats advised that the position to which Mr.
Batchelor referred was that of a resident inspector. The following
resolution was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unani~
mously adopted:
BE IT I~ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Depart-
ment of Highways be s_nd is hereby respectlh~lly requested
to fill the po.~ition of resident inspector F~r Albemarle
County which this Board understands is included in the
Highway Department' s current budget.
Mr. Way advised that he had been approached by residents who wished
to use the old Esmont Dump road for teaching driving. It was pointed out
that this road is not being used and has been closed and locked. Mr. Way
stated that he would keep the key to the lock and supervise the use of
this road. On motion of Mr. 'Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unani-
mously carried, Mr. Way was given permission to supervise the use of this
road for driver training purposes until such time that the property is
Mr. Yancey questioned Mr. Coats with regard to getting into Yancey
Mills. Mr. Coats advised that Route 684 would remain but that it could
not be widened. He did agree to cut bushes along the old road.
Mr. Wood stated that traffic directions were needad at the inter-
section of Route 29 and Rio Road similar to those at the K-Mart inter-
section. Mr. Coats advised that their Traffic Engineer is looking into
At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning re-
quests in accordance with notices published in the Daily Progress on
June 28, July ~ and July 12, 1968: (Nots is made of the fact that the
July 1 2th publication was misprinted by the Daily Progress and was re-
printed correctly on July 1 5th. )
(a) Application of Edwin'L. and Lucille M. ~eake. Request for change
of zone from Agricultural A-1 to Residential R-1 on 2.67 acres to
accomodate cottages on half acre lots fronting on Route 649 near
Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff and the Planning Commission
recommended approval of this request. No one from the public appeared
in this regard. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, this
request was given unanimous approval.
(b) Application of R.0.B. Corporation for ~ change of zone from Agri-
culture A-1 to Residential R-3 on 6.877 acres situated on Route
65? to permit extension of two family dwelling development.
Mr. Humpb~rey advised that the Planning Commission voted 5-4 to
deny this request. Mr. and N_rs. R. 0. Burton appeared and Mr. Burton
submitted statement - copy of which is filed in the permanent records
of this Board - in which it was pointed out that six duplexes were al-
ready on the property before zoning. Mr. Burton requested that the Board
approve R-2 if the R-3 is turned down. Nr. Hershall Porter submitted
petition signed by ten families in the area requesting the Board to up-
hold the recommendation of the Planning Board. This petition is also made
a part of the Board's permanent files. Mr. Bedford Moore, Mr. Harrison
Alley, Mrs. James Lockhart, and Mr. James Walker also appeared in oppo-
sition to the request of R.0.B. Corporation. Mr. Forbes Riback appeared
as attorney for citizens in the area opposed to a change in zone classi-
fication, stating tluat they do not want a compromise and recOmmended that
the R.0.B. Corporation's request be denied. After discussion, Mr. Lloyd
Wood moved that the R.0.B. CorpOration be granted s~u R-2 zone classifica-
tion on the property in question due to development which was started
prior to zoning. This motion was seconded by Mr. Gibson and unanimously
(c) Application from Goldine R. Wells for conditional use permit to
allow an extension of an existing trailer park on 23.4 acres
situated on Route 53, five miles east of Charlottesville.
Mr. Humphr~y advised that the Planning Commission recommended denial
for expansion of this trailer park. After discussion with Nr. Wells and
his attorney, Mr. 0rbin Carter, Mr. Wells requested that hearing on his
application be continued until the site could be viewed and given further
study. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously
carried, Mr. Well's request for continued hearing was granted.
The Chairman called for public hearing on three proposed amendments
to the Zoning Ordinance in accordance with notice published in the Daily
Progress on July 6 and July 13, 1968. No one from the public appeared
The three proposed amendments were considered individual-
in this regard.
ly as follows:
Proposal No. 1:
Revise Sections 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, and 5-1 to read: "Eobile
Homes, Occupied": 0nly one on a lot owned by the owner
of the mobile home, provided a dwelling is under con-
struction for the owner of the lot, and for not more
than one (1~) year.
On motion ~of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way, and unanimously
carried, this amendment was not accepted.
Proposal No. 2: Under Section 9-6, Non-Conforming Lots. Said re-
vision to read: "All preliminar~y and final sub-
division plats approved prior to April 15, 1968
by the County of Albemarle, as provided by law
then applicable, are exempt from the terms hereof
arid allowed as non-conforming lots."
On motion of Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Gibson, this amendment was
approved, Nr. Way cas.ting the only dissenting vote.
Proposal No. 3: Article II, Agricultural A-i Uses Permitted: Public
schools, post offices and other public buildings and
public facilities owned or operated by agencies of the
national, state or local government subject to site plan
On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously ap-
proved, this amendment was approved.
The Chairman called for public hearing on proposed amendment to the
l~ecreation Ordinance as advertised in the D&ily Progress on July 6 and
July 13, 1968. No one from the public appeared with regard to said pro-
posed change. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, and tuuani-
mously carried, it was ordered that the annual fee for boating and fishing
under this ~rdinance, as stated in Section 7, be reduced from $10.00 to
$5..00, effective July 18, 1968!z
The Chairman called for public hearing on proposed amendment to the
Automobile Gr~eyard Ordinance as advertised in the Daily Progress on
July 6 and July 13, 1968. No one from the public appeared with regard to
the proposed amendment. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler,
and unanimously carried, it was ordered that Section I of the Automobile
Graveyard Ordinance be amended to read as follow~¥ effective July 18, 1968:
"Automobile graveyards" defined. -- As used in this chapter,
the term "automobile graveyard" shall maan any lot or place
which is exposed to the weather upon which more than five
motor vehicles of any kind incapable of being operated, and
which it would not be economically practical to make operative,
are placed, located or found,
Mr. Thomas Watson, Vice President of Virginia State Beauty School
Association and owner of Watson's School of Hair Design, appeared and re-
quested that private vocational training institutions be used when more
efficient or economical than public trade schools. Mr. Watson stated that
he fully supported public trade schools but he did feel that qualified
private institutions should receive government Support when their
facilities were more readily available. He asked that the Board give
this matter consideration in future planning.
Mr. Walter Smith, Attorney, appeared and requested that the County's
ordinance regulating fortune tellers be amended to require a year's
residence in Albemarle County before being eligible for a license. He
stated that his client was the only fortune teller in the County and had
been here for five years, having caused no trouble in the community as
far as he could determine through the Sheriff's Office. Mr. Smith stated
that his client had many cousins who tended to follow members of the
family who were doing well and set up a business in the same community.
On motion of Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Wood, this matter was referred
to the County Attorney for recommendation.
Discussion was also given to:[~proposal made by the County Executive
at a previous meeting to increase the daily lic.ense of carnivals.
D. B. Marshall advised that this matter was also referred to him by the
County Executive and he hoped to have a report ready for the next meeting.
Statements of Expenses incurred by the Department of Finance, the
Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the
month of June, 1968, were sul~nitted. On motion of Mr. Way, seconded by
Mr. Wheeler, these statements were unanimously approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the Co~muty Jail
vms submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month
of June, 1968. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wood, these
statements were unanimously approved.
l~eports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted ~ the
month of June, 1968, in accordance with Sections .63-67. I and 63-67.2 of
the Code of Virginia.
S.L.H. Report for the month of June, 1968, was received from Dr. S.D.
Sturkie and on motion of Mr. Yanoey, seconded by Mr. WaN, was unanimously
New S.L.H. Contracts were received for the fiscal year ending June ~0,
1969, as follows:
University of Virginia Hospital - ceiling rate to be established by
State Board of Welfare and Institutions.
Waynesboro Community Hospital - $3~.56 per day.
Medical College of Virginia - $43.52.
After due consideration, the foregoing contracts were unanimously approved
on motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, and the Chairman was
authorized to sign these contracts on behalf of the County.
The County Executive advised that his monthly report was not ready due
to closing out books for the fiscal year and would be mailed at a later date.
~ir. Humphrey submitted plat: of 0.642 acre tract off t{oute 673 added
to property of Herbert L. Sipe as prepared by 0. R. Randolph and approved
by the County Plmuning Commission. On motion of ~. Wood, seconded by
Yancey, this plat was unanimously approved, subject to owner's signature.
Nr. Humphrey submitted plat of d~ision of Nathan Wright property on
Route 663 as prepared by R. O. Snow and approved by the County Planning
Commission. On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, this plat
was unanimously approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to
sign same on behalf of this Board.
Nr. Humphrey also:::~submitted the following plats:
(1[~). For redating only - Division of Holland Garth property on Route 600
as prepared by W. S. Roudabush and approved by the County Planning Corn-
mi ssion.
(2) Division of H. K. Eppard property on Route 729 as prepared by Warren
F. Wade and approved by the County Plauning Commission.
(3) Lots 9 and 10, Block A, and Lots 2-~, Block B,
division, as prepared by B. Aubrey Huffman and approved by the
County Planning Commissinn.
(4) Lot B, a portion of Wesley Sprouse property off Route ~3 near Simeon
as prepared by William S. Roudabush and ~pproved by the County
Planning Commission.
(5) Lots !A, lB and 116, a division of Raymond Turner property on Route
742 as prepared by B. Aubrey Huffman and approved by the County
Planning Commission.
(6) Lots 1 and lA, Block C, Flordon, as ~repared by B. Aubrey Huffman and
approved by the County and City Planning Commissions.
On motion of Nr. Way, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, the foregoing plats
were approved unanimously and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to
sign same on behalf of this Board.
The County Executive recommended that since most plats are not con-
troversial and can easily be checked by the staff, that Nr. Humphrey be
aUthorized to approve same and they no longer be brought before the Board
of Supervisors. On motion of Nr. Yaucey, seconded by Nr. Wood, it was
ordered that the Subdivision Ordinance be amended to authorize Nr. John
Humphrey to sign plats not of a controversial nature as agent of the Board
of Supervisors. This motion was adopted. Nr. Gibson abstained from voting.
The following report was received from the Joint ~Lirport Committee:
"The Joint Airport Committee has considered needed improvements
at the Charlottesville-Albemarl.e Airport and feels that the City
and County should proceed as soon as possible wi~'_th the construc-
tion of a south taxiway and the construction of additional ramp
or apron space at the airport. These improvements were recom-
mended by the Airport Commission at~ueir meeting on June 4, 1968.
The use of the airport is constantly increasing which necessitates
additional ramp area. The south taxiway should be completed in'
order to expedite the use of the runway and more important, for
safety reasons. We estimate that the total cost of these improve-
ments will amount to approximately $300,000.00, ~0% of which would
be FAA I~unds and 2~% would be paid by City and 2~% by the County.
Therefore, your Joint Committee respectfully recommends that the
City Eanager and the County Executive be authorized, on behalf of
the City and County, to file au application with FAA for matching
funds for the above improvements.
Your Committee further recommends that the City Manager and the
County Executive be authorized to enter into a contract with an
engineer for the preparation of plans and specifications for these
improvements in order that the project can be advertised as soon
as FAA funds are assured."
On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously
carried, the foregoing report was approved.
:Et". Wood advised that he had received a number of calls from the air-
port with regard to relationship between Piedmont and the fixed base
operator. This matter was discussed and the Chairman referred the matter
to the Board's Airport Committee to investigate with the Airport Commission
and report back to this Board.
The following report was received from the Join~ Jail Committee:
"The joint Jail Committee at a meeting held on this date
(July 11, 1968) agreed to recommend to the City Coun2il and
the Board of Supervisors that the City and County proceed
with the necessary steps for the construction of a Charlottes-
ville-Albemarle Joint Jail.
The Committee recommends that the costs of the new facility
be shared as follows.;
Cost of land to be on a %0-50 basis (the County land which
is to be used will be appraised and the v~lue agreed to by
the Committee).
Cost of the portion of the building housing the cells, and
the cells, to be shared on the number of cells recommended
by the State for each political subdivision. Other parts
of the building to be on a ~0-50 basis. The City's and
County's share of the cost of the building based on the
foregoing formula is to be estimated by the architect and
agreed to by the joint committee.
The Committee recommends that the site of the joint jail be
on 4th Street, N..E. in the area previously approved by the
State, and that the County Executive and the City Manager
be authorized to employ an architect to prepare the plans
and specifications for the building.
The Committee recommends that it should be continued and
authorized to work out details, approve plans, etc."
On motion Of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, the foregoing report ~was
unanimously approved with one exception recommended by the County Executive.
Under item 1 the phrase "County property" was substituted for "County ~and".
......................... 3'6 ?
Report was received from George Bailey, Chief Deputy, on proposed
use of radar by the Sheriff's department. Mr. Bailey listed points in
favor and points against such proposal and suggested a thorough study be
made by the Commonwealth's Attorney, the Sheriff, and the County
Executive to determine the need, cost and effectiveness of such a pro-
gram. 'Mr. Wood recommended appropriation of funds for the purchase of
radar and employment of one or two additional deputies. Mr. Gibson stated
that he was in favor of buying radar. Mr. Batchelor recommended purchase
of radar by the County- Executive to be under control of his office. After
discussion, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Wood, second
reading being suspended, seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that $1,000.00 be and the same
is hereby appropriated for the purchase of radar by the
County Executive for use by the Sheriff's office; and
BE IT Fb~THER RESOLVE~D that the Board act as a committee
to meet with the Sheriff in working out details of use of
radar and employment of additional personnel.
Report of the Albemsa~le S.P.C.A. for the month of June, 1968, was
Communication was received from Mr. 'Joel ~. Cochran suggesting that
the Board consider dedicating the Earlysville Lake to Mr. Chris Greene who
Mr. Cochran stated had devoted many years of his life for the betterment
~The Chairman stated that the Board
of our community and natural resources~wg.u,ld receive suggestions & a com_-
Jmi~vea. would be appt' d. to consider
On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Way, the following resolu-
tion was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following uuexpended
funds in the 1967-68 Budget be and the same are hereby re-
appropriated for the fiscal year 1968-69:
tl-2~9 Soil Survey
19E-~10 Watershed Projects-Construction
19J-899A Joint Airport Improvements Comm.
Total Re-appropriations
1~,. 4~ ...9.7
On recommendation of the County Executive, rules ~th regard to
second reading were suspended an~ the following resolution unanimously
adopted, motion being made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Wheeler:
BE IT P~SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that $30,000.00 be and the
same is hereby appropriated for the installation of au
elevator in the CoUnty Office Building.
The Chairman submitted the following joint statement issued by
Burkett A. l~ennolds, ~ayOrm, 8lrld himself:
"In the interest of exploring all methods available for the
furnishing of community and governmental services and of
continuing the cooperative effort that has existed in the
past between the City of Charlottesville and the County of
Albemarle, we have agreed
to appoint a committee composed of members of each political
subdivision to study the feasibility of the provision or sale
of water by the City at a bulk rate to the County to be used
in its systems for distribution in certain portions of the
The scope of this study will include but will not be limited
to investigation of such factors as the present capacity of
the City water system and supply of water, population growth
and trends in the area, present and future industrial needs,
regulations promulgated by State Board of Water Control and
related needs for sewage utilities in the County of Albemarle.
The join~ committee will be reGuested to make its preliminary
report within the next thirty [30) days or as soon thereafter
as practicable.
Nr. Garnett appointed Nr. Wood, Er. Whbeler, Er. Gibson and Er. Batchelor
to serve on this joint commLittee.
Claims against the County amounting to $338,173.~8 were presented,
examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment
and charged against the following funds:
General i~evenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Textbook Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Comm. of ~girginia Current Credit Account
Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
161 .O7
16, 98.12
On motion the meeting was adjourned.