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369 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 1 ~th day of August, 1968. Present: Nessrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Peter T. Way, Gordon L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr., and R. A. Yancey. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive, County Attorney, and Common- wealth' s Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. Garnett. Minutes of the meetings of July 9 and July 18, 1968 were approved as submitted, motion being made by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously carried. Y~r. Lloyd Wbod stated that he has received numerous calls regarding the dust problem on Route 6~1 due to increased traffic to the Fairview Swimming Club. Nr. Warner advised that this road is scheduled for im- provements within the fiscal year and completion time will depend largely on obtaining rights-Of-way. Nr. W. A. Townes requested maintenance on l~oute 70~ and a landfill sign at the intersection of Routes 704 and 714. He stated that with roads under construction in the area of the Samuel Niller laudfill, more people are using the Scottsville landfill resulting in increased travel on Route 70¢. The County Executive inquired about completion date for industrial access to Stromberg-Carlson. Er. Warner advised that work is under way on drains and sidewalks and the project should be completed within 60 days. The County Executive also requested Er. Warner to inform his office of planned schedule for work on l~oute 606, the road from the Airport to the Earlysville lake in order that work planned by the County in the vicinity could coincide with the Highway Department's schedule. Communication was received from Er. R. G. Warner returning resolution adopted July 18 with regard to the position of resident inspector for sub- division work in the County. Nr. Warner advised that his department does not have a position as such set up. However, a position for handling struction permits and general subdivision work has been established but~ said position does not Dr~vide for inspection of subdivisions during their construction. Nr. Warner stated at the meeting that this person could possibly work with the County from time to time in a joint effort for closer su?~veillance. The County Executive stated that the Board would be willing 370, to meet with Nr. Warner and Nr. Hope of the Culpeper office here or in Culpeper to pursue this matter. Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that in accordance with resolution of this Board adopted April 18, 1968, the follov&ng section of road was~discontinued as a part of the Secondary System, effective July 18, !968: Section 3 of old Route 680 ~ from Station 31+2~ to' Station 41+7~ near Beaver Creek Dam, Project 0680-002-117, C-~01~, length - 0.20 mile. Communication was received from Nr. R. G. Warner advising that the District Traffic Engineer had reviewed Buckingham Circle in response to recent request from this Board. It is his opinion that the posted speed limit of 2~ miles per hour is correct and that all necessary signs are now in place. It is his recommendation that if excessive speeds are encountered, that this is an enforcement problem which should be handled by the Sheriff's Office or the State Police. Nr. Johu Humphrey presented plat of Je~erson Village Subdivision. He stated that the Soil Conservation Service was requested to study this sub- division and came up with the following recommendations: During construction, avoid complete clearing or denuding of vegetation on large areas. Shade trees and grassed areas will be of great value to home owners and will assist in reducing soil and water losses· As much as possible, avoid disturbing present cover in natUral drains or waterways to minimize serious gully erosion and down- stream damage by siltation. No houses should be located where they will block the natural waterways or where basements v&ll be affected by flooding. Lots 6, 8, and 9 in Block "A" and lots 31, 32 and 33 in Block "B" are some examples of where this may be a problem. The construction of a desilting basin should be seriously con- sidered on the lower end of the main stream. After it serves its usefulness during construction it could possibly be converted into a small lake. That topsoil be stockpiled at the start of each construction operation to be used around building areas. Topsoil will be limited on much of the area. 5. That temporary vegetative cover be established on areas that will not be seeded with permanent grasses in the near future. ge SubJ eot to proper bond being set and approval of Highway Plans by the Virginia State Department of Highways. Humphrey recommended that this plat be approved subject to the above recommendations. The County Executive advised that the water system is to be given to the County when it is installed. Mr. Wheeler suggested that Er. Batchelor get this in writing. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, the foregoing plat was approved with the recommendation that the developer comply with suggestions of the Soil Conservation Service. Mr. Wheeler abstained from voting. ..................... 37 _ At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning re- quests in accOrdance with notices published in the Daily Progress on July 26, August 2 and August 9, 1968. (a) Application of William N. Woodzell and Victoria H. B~urton. Request to rezone Deerwood Subdivision from AgricultUral A-1 to Residential 1~-1 for construction of single family homes. On recommendation of the County Executive, motion was offered by Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried, to defer action on this request until the September meeting. (b) Application of Walter A. Young. Bequest to rezone ten acres on Rt. 691 from Agricultural A-1 to Residential 1~-1 for construction of single family dwellings, z~w © ~ ~ The Board was advised that this request was approved by the Planning Commission since in their opinion the~rezoning of this property would be in keeping with the existing development of the area. No one from the public appeared on this application. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, Mr. Young's request was given unanimous approval. (c) Application of C. T. O'Neill and C. Wright. Request to rezone 2.~ acres between Moore's Creek and Southern City Limits from Agricul- tural A-1 to Manufacturing M-2 to accommodate a contractors shop and storage yard. ~ w o ~ Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended Manufacturing instead of the M-2,~: with approval of the applicant, and in- structed him to initiate an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow as a permitted use in the N-1 Manufacturing zone "Contractors, offices and storage yards". Mr. Wright appeared in support of his application, no one appeared in opposition. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously adopted, this request was approved along with amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as outlined above. (d) Application of Walter H. and Andrea Withers. Request to rezone 3.17 acres west of West Leigh and east of I~vy Depot from Agricultural to Residential R-1 to accomodate single family dwellings on lots less than two acres. ~\ ~ ~ The Board was advised that the Planning Commission approved this re- quest on the basis that rezoning would be compatible with adjacent land use and the location of this rezoning is in an area which should be considered for a zone allowing lots less than two acres. On the basis of the Planning Commission's recommendation and statements made by Nfs. Withers ~¢no was present, this request was unanimously approved, motion being made by Mr. Wood and seconded by ~r. Yancey. (e) Application of Newman and Nary Sullivan for Conditional Use Permit to locate trailer on 7.7~ acres on Route 663 near Earlysville. Advice was received that the Planning Commission approved this appli- cation. No one from the public appeared in opposition. On motion of Er. 372 ............ Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, this request was unanimously approved. (f) Application of Samuel and ¥. J. Hager, Jr. for Conditional Use Permit to locate trailer on 3.9 acres west of Route 63~ near ~idway. The Board was advised that the Planning Commission approved this re- quest and no one from the public appeared in opposition to same. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, this application was given unsm~imous approval. (g) ApplicatiOn of Inez and John Blake for Conditional Use Permit to locate trailer on property located on Route 717. Advice was received of unanimous approval to this request by the Planning Commission. Mr. Blake appeared in support of his application, no one appeared in opposition. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood,~ this request was unanimously approved. (h) Application of John Gibson, Jr. for Conditional Use Permit to locate trailer on land situated on Route 660 between Routes 743 and 661. Mr. H,mmphrey advised that the staff recommended denial of this request, however, unanimous approval was given by the planning Commission. Gibson appeared in support of his application, no one appeared in opposition. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Gibson, this request was unanimously approved. (i) Application of Dewey S. and Clara ~. Kingreas for Conditional Use Permit to locate trailer on 4.37 acres situated on Route 61~ at Lindsay. Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff and the Planning Commission recom? mended approval of this application. No one from the public appeared in this regard. On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, Mr. Kingrea's application was unanimously approved. (j) Applications of Leroy Snow for Conditional Use Permit to locate trailers on three contigious lots situated on Route 640 between ROute 29 and Stony Point. The Board was advised that the Planning Commission recommended denial of these applications. No one from the public appeared. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way, and unanimously carried, the applications of Mr. Snow were denied. (k) Application of Kelsey L. Lamb for Conditional Use Permit to locate trailer on land situated at Cismont, west of Route 600 and south of Route 22. The Board was advised that the Planning Commission gave unanimous approval to this request and no-one from the public appeared. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, this request was unanimously approved. (l) Application of James E. Payne for Conditional Use Permit to locate trailer on 17 acres situated on Route 649 at Proffit. The Board was advised that the Planning COmmission gave approval to 373 ' this application, subject to the requirements of the Charlottesville- Albemarle Health Department regarding septic field and well location. No one from the public appeared. On motion of Er. Wood, seconded by Way, this application was unanimously approved. (m) Application of Elias T. Kanarek for Use Permit to allow as a per- mitted use in Agricultural A-1 an "Irm, serving food and offering lodging", subject to a Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission approved this use permit and noted that the applicant would have to come baCk.:~and reapply for a conditional use permit for the proposed "inn". No one from the public appeared in this regard. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yaucey, this request was approved and the Zoning Ordinance was amended to include au "inn, serving food and offering lodging" as a permitted use in Agricultural A-l, subject to conditional use permit. This motion was unanimously adopted. Er. John Humphrey submitted the following suggested amendments to the Zoning Ordinance as .proposed by the Planning Commission: 1. 13-1-2. By the filing vzith the Zoning Administrator of a petition by o-muers or contYact owners of land Proposed to be rezoned, which petition shall be accompanied by a fee of $20.00. 2. 13-1-3. By the adoption by the Board of County Supervisors of a resolution of intention to amend, which resolution, upon adoption, shall be referred to the Planning Commission. 3. 13-1-4. By the adoption by the Planning Commission of a resolution of intention to propose an amendment. The foregoing amendments would be added under Article 13 of the present ordinance if approved. On motion of Mm~. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried, it ~ras ordered that proper notice be given of intent to amend the Zoning Ordinance and of public hearing on same at 10~00 A.M. on September 19, 1968. As suggested at the previous meeting, Mr. Humphrey submitted proposed changes of wording in the Subdivision Ordinance to allow the designated agent of the Board to sign plats rather the Chairman and Clerk. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Er. Way, and unanimously carried, it was ordered that proper notice be given of intent to amend the Subdivision Ordinance and of public hearing on same at 10:00 A.M. on September 19, 1968. The County Executive presented Grant Offer from the Federal Aviation Administration for the improvement at the Charlottesville and Albemarle Airport, Project #9-44-016-C905. He explained fully the contents of the offer and advised that it would be necessary for both the City and County to execute this document in order to secure the grant named therein. On motion of Nr. Wood, seconded by .~tr. Gibson, it was unanimously RESOLVED: (l) That the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County enter into a Grant Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration for the purpose of obtaining Federal Aid in the construction of fire and rescue building at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. (2) That the Chairman, E. N. Garnett, be and he is herby authorized and directed to execute said Grant Agreement on behalf of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, and that the Clerk of the Board, June T. ~oon, is hereby authorized and directed to affix and attest the official seal of. the County of Albemarle; (3) That the Grant Offer referred to above is incorporated herein by reference and a copy is attached. (NOTE: Said copy i~ on permanent file in the office of the Clerk of the Board. ) The County Executive advised the Board that in conference with Curtis F. Greve, Chief, Airports Branch in Falls Church, Virginia, on August 1, 1968, in regard to improvements at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, Nr. Greve had suggested that a new "layout plan" should be made showing the future needs at the airport in order to provide for theLantici- pated growth of this facility, Nr~;; Greve explaJz~ed that FAA matching funds were available for a suzch plan. The County Executive also advised that he had discussed this matter with the Airport Co~nission and that the Com- mission was very much in favor of a such plan. On motion of Nr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Yancey, the County Executive was authorized to file on behalf of the County an application with FAA for matching funds to prepare a "layout" or "master" plan for the t~ture development of the airport, provided, of course, that the Charlottesville City Council concurs and adopts a similar resolution. Nr. Gibson advised that he had been contacted by Mr. Sam Crickenberger and others who recorded that the Earlysville Lake be named for Chris Green. The Chairman appointed Nr. Gibson and Nr. Wheeler as a committee to consider suggested names for the Earlysville Lake and make recommendation to the Board. ~r. D. B. Marshall, County Attorney, reported that he had conferred with the Commonwealth's Attorney on suggested amendments to the fortune teller's ordinance and carnival ordinance. He advised that they shared the feeling that there is no need at this time for a change in the fortune teller's ordinance. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Gibson, this report was received as information and the Clerk was directed to advise Mr. Walter Smith, Attorney, that the Board took no action on this matter. Mr. Marshall submitted proposed Carnival Ordinance, amended, for the Board's consideration. After discussion of the proposal presented, motion was offered by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson, and unanimously carried, directing proper notice to be given of intent to amend the Carnival Ordinance and setting 10: 00 A.M. on October 17, 1968, as the time for public hearing on same. Mr. W. 0. Lewis, Secretary of the Electoral Board, appeared and pre- sented communication in'..which the Electoral Board submitted proposal for consolidation of certain precincts within the magisterial districts and for the installation of additional voting machines. He stated that tuuder the suggested plan, ten voting machines, in addition to the four now in use, would have to be obtained, the rental of each machine being $16~.80 aunually. Discussion was given to the plan as submitted and since the Board was not in agreement with all suggested changes, they made their views kno~m to Mr. Lev~_s and requested that he submit a revised proposal which would meet v~lth the approval of %his Board. After consideration of a revised plan, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, and adopted by a five to one vote, Mr. Way casting the 'ali ssenting vote: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that in accordance with Section 24-46 of the Code of Virginia, the Albema~le County Circuit Court is hereby petitioned to consolidate the following precincts, all of vfnich consolidations are within their respective magisterial districts: Charlottesville .District - Consolidate Wingfields Precinct into the Monticello Precinct w~.Dh the voting place to be known as Monticello Precinct. Rivanna Distric~t - Consolidate Lindsay into the Kes~ck Precinct with the surviving precinct to be known as the Ke swick Precinct. Scottsville District - Consolidate the Alberene and Ho~wardsville Precincts into the Porters Precinct with the precinct to be knowu as Porters Precinct. Consolidate Carters Bridge into the Scottsville Precinct with the surviving precinct to be known as the Scottsville Precinct. Samuel Niller District - Consolidate Batesville into the Hills- boro Precinct with the name of the precinct to be known as Hillsboro Precinct. Consolidate Covesville into the North Garden Precinct with the surviving precinct to be known as the North Garden Precinct. White Hall District - Consolidate Blackwells into ~¥ee Union with the surviving precinct to be known as the Free Union Pre- tinct. Consolidate the White Hall Precinct into the Crozet Precinct with the s~&rviving precinct to be known as the Crozet Precinct. BE IT F~qTHER~L~D that if the foregoing changes are approved by the Albemarle County Circuit Court, the County Executive is directed to ..extend lease on four voting machines currently in use and to lease nine additional voting machines to be located as follows: l~ivanna District - Keswick Precinct. Earlysvitte Precinct. Scottsvil!e District - Porters Precinct. Scottsville Precinct. S~mue! ~ailler Di strict - Hiltsboro Precinct. North Garden Precinct. White Hall District - Crozet Precinct. Ivy District - Ivy Precinct. Owensvilte Precinct. The following Court Order was received: ESTABLI~NT OF TEE EIGHTH REGIONAL JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT FOR THE CITY OF CHA~Jh0TTESVILI~ AND THE COUNTIES OF NADISON~ GREENE, ALHEI~hRI~ AND FLUVANNA ORDER The governing bodies of the City of Charlottesville ~nd the Counties of Nadison, Greene, Albemarle and Fluvanna, having es- tablished, by appropriate resolution adopted by the governing bodies of said City and of said Counties, the Eighth Regional Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, subject to the approval of the Judge of the Corporation Court of the City of Charlottes- ville and of the Judge of the Circuit Courts of said Counties. Now,~ therefore, the undersigned Judge of the said City and the Judge of said Counties do hereby approve the establishment of the Eighth Regional Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court for the City of Charlottesville and the Counties of Nadison, Greene, Albemarle and Fluvanna. Said Court shall be knov~ as the Eighth Regional Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. It is ordered that a copy of t~_is order shall be fur- nished to the governing bodies of said City and of said Counties and to the Department of Public Welfare amd In- s%itutions of the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is also ordered that a copy hereof be entered in the Law Order Books of the Clerk's Offices of the Corporation Court of the City of Charlot~esvil!e and the Clerk's Offices of the Circuit Courts of 'the Counties of ~adison, Greene, Albemarle and Fluvanna. Signed: George ~. Coles Signed: Lyttelton Waddell Judge of the Corporation Court of the City of Charlottesville Judge of the Circuits Courts of the Counties of Nadison, Greene, Albemarle & Fluvanna The County Executive presented to the Board Airport Area Development Plan as prepared by s~mmer interns in the Planning'Department under the supervision of Nr. John L. Humphrey, Co~uuty Planner. Nr. Humphrey gave a brief summary of this preliminary plan. The Bond received this report as information. Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were presented for the month of July, 1968. On motion of Nr. Yaucey, seconded by Nr. Way, and unanimously carried, these Statements were approved. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of July, 1968, was submitted along with summary statement of prisoner days. On motion of Nr. Way, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, and unanimously carried, these statements were approved. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month of Julys 1968, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of Code of-Virginia. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1,026.30 was presented for hospitalization of indigent patients under ELH for the month of July and on motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey aud unanimously carried, was approved for payment. The following statement on ambulance service was received over signa- tures for Hill & irving Funeral Home, Inc., Preddy-Teague Funeral Home, Hawkins Funeral Chapel, J. F. Bell Funeral Home, Ferguson's Funeral Home and Johnson Brothers Funeral Home, Inc.: "We, the undersigned, constituting all of the funeral homes in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia and one in Albemarle County, Virginia, make this statement concerning the discon- tinuance of ambulance service. For many years we have been furnishing ambulance service to d~is community as a public service and at a financial loss. Recently, the Wage and Hour Law of the United States Government has in- creased the financial burdens. Charlottesville and Danville are the only cities in Virginia where the service is still furnished by funeral homes. 378 In addition-,-~the General Assembly of Virginia of 1968 passed laws strictly regulating these activities. A permit must be obtained. The ambulance shalli:be occupied by at least one person who possesses~ an Emergency Medical Care Attendant's Certificate issued by authority of the State Board of Health. The vehicle must be equipped and have supplies required by the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons. A franchise or permit may be required by local govermments which regulate the number of ambulances, areas of operation, charges for services, insurance coverage, equipment and other matters. These regulations prohibit us from operating a funeral home and a licensed ambulance service. We regret that we are com- pelled to notify the public through the Council of the City of Charlottesville and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County that we will discontinue ambulance service on November t968. This Notice is given in order to allow the proper authorities sufficient time to install some other system and we will be pleased to cooperate with this transition. The local governments are authorized to furnish these services." No action was taken on this matter. Communication was received from Nr. G. H. Story, Jr., President, United Givers Fund of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, requesting the County to offer payroll deduction to the employees who wish to use it in making their United Givers ~ud donation. The County Executive advised the Board the payroll system now has only one vacant column available for additional deduction and he anticipated that this column would be needed in the ~ar future. On the basis of the County Executive's statements, motion was o£~ered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously adopted, to acknowledge Nr. Story's communication with advice that the County's payroll system cannot accomodate this request. The following over-expenditures for the year ending June 30, 1968, were presented by the County Executive and on motion of~r. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Way, were unanimously approved: Code 0bi ect Amount . 0 General Revenue Fund $ 5, 01 ~. 91 !C Department of Finance 16~ 614.49 1E Board of Equalization and Assessment 93~.99 ~ G County Planning Commission 1,069.41 4 l~ecording of Documents ~, 734.19 5B County Court ~2. ~7 6~I Commonwealth' s Attorney' s Office 6~. 69 .Policing and Investigating 6,24~.39 6C Confinement and Care of Prisoners 3,928.10 7B Operation of Landfill #,1 7,~0~.82 7C Operation of Landfill ~2 2,~64.48 7E Operation of Landfill~4 3,241.4~ 9 Public Health 12,411.9 1 3 Elections 3,6~3.40 14 Maintenance of Building and Grounds 2,299.2~ 17.1 Instruction 32,211. 2~ 17.2 Evening, Part-time salaries 1 ~, 626.00 17.3 Other Instructional Costs 8,032.1~ 1~'~1 Eaintenance of School Plant 323.30 17.9 School Debt Service 144.00 17 · 11 Nanpower Training 1 5, 128.10 Code 0.bj e, ct Amount 25 Cafeterias $ 22,1 27.63 80B Va. Public Assistances Administration 1,9~6.70 41 Crozet Sanitary District Fund 1,114.68 20 Textbook Fund 19 ~ 245.81 Total $186,491.58 Statement from the S.P.C.A. was received ~r the month of July in the amount of $1 50.1~ and on motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, was unanimously approved. The County Executive advised that it was estimated that approximately $~,000.00 in additional i~auds would be needed for current and planned renovations to the County Building during the fiscal year. On motion of Er. Yancey, seconded by Nru Gibson, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, She sum of $5,000.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for renovations to ~.~he County 0f¢ice Building. Cla~n against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. C. ~. Walker for one pig killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Way, Walker was allowed $8.00 for this pig. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Horance C. Niller, Jr. for one calf killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, ~. Niller was allowed $15.00~for this calf. The Chairman advised that he had received resignation from Nfs. Nary ~osher, effective August 23, 1968, as Assistant Home Demenstration Agent. Nfs. ~osher plans to move from this area. On motion of Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Gibson, Nfs. Nosher's resignation was received and ac- cepted with regret and the Clerk was directed to w~ite Nfs. Nosher ex- pressing the Board's appreciation for her services. Nr. Gibson, reporting for the Water Committee, advised that comm~uui- cation had been forwarded to the members of the City Water Con~mittee asking the City to sell water to the County at reasonable bulk rates for supplying residents in the County who are not presently being supplied by the City~ This report was received as information. Claims against the County amounting to $%28,822.~7 were presented~ examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for Payment and charged against the following funds: General Revenue Fund General Operating Fund School Operating Fund $ 125' 73,15 ' 191,5o .58 380 Capital Outlay Fund Cafeterias Dog Tax Fund Crozet Sanitaz~y Di strict Fund Virginia Public Assist~uce Fund Tov~ of Scottsville 1~ Local Sales Tax Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account 200,000. O0 7,190.38 7~4.33 87. ~o 29,6 ~99 26,294.30 Total $5~28,822.57 On motion, the meeting was adjourned. Chairman