HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-09-19 A regular meeting of the Board of County ~upervisors of Albemarle
County~ Virginia~ vas held at the Office Building of said County on the
19th day of September ~ 1968.
Present: ~essrs. w.. N. Garnett~ Joseph E. Gibson~ Peter T. Way~
Gordon L. ~heeler~ and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: ~Lr. Lloyd ~. Wood~ Jr.
Officers Present: County W, xecutive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by ~r. Garnett.
On motion of ~. Gibson~ seconded by ~r. Wheeler~ m~nutes of the
meeting of August ~, ~968~ were approved as submitted.
~r. ~hee!er inquired of ~r. Warner as to progress .on improvement to
~arlysvitle School entrance and ~r. Warner advised that his department was
pretty well straight to begin work.
~tr. ¥~eeler also asked about Route 743 from ~arlysville to Advance
~itts ~nd was advised that nothing was planned for t~is i~oute in the current
budget with the exception of maintenance.
~tr. ~eeler made inquiry with reference to t~oute 600 from Stony ~oint
to ~oute 22 and to Louisa County ~ad noted that there had been a recent bus
wreck on this road. ~r. Warner stated that he would check on this and al-
though nothing was planned~ bad conditions can be resolved.
~aro Yancey again inquired about entrance to Yancey ~ills and was ad-
vised by ~r. Warner that his department is working on this matter and a
plan will be devised to work out relocation for access at the eastern :end.
With regard to deceleration lane from t~oute 2~0 West into West Leigh~
~r. Gibson asked time limit on the Highway's budget. ~r. Warner stated
that all information should be received before ~arch.
~r. Garnett stated that part of the road from ~ree Union to ~arlysvit!e
was gra~ed and stabalized last year and asked if there are any funds in the
current budget for completion of this project. ~r. Warner stated that there
is not sufficient traffic for surface but further improvements are planned
in next year's budget.
The Board was advised that a tour of Interstate 64 was planned by the
t~esident Engineer's office for September 2~th at 9:00 A.~. l~owever~ since
this date conflicted w~th certain other meetings~ this date was changed by
~r. Warner to September 26th with transportation to be provided from his
Communication was received from the State Highway ~epartment advising
that in accordance with resolution of this Board adopted July 97 196~8, the
382 ..............
following additions to the Secondary System, located in Colthurst ffarm
Snhiivision, were approved, effective July l, 1968:
Colthurst Drive from Route 6~4 and running in a southerly
direction for 0.~ mile.
Reynard Drive from Co!thurst I~ive, 0.22 mile south of Route
6~4, and extending in a southwesterly direction for 0.30
mile to Tally-Ho Drive.
Taliy~Ho Drive from Co!thurst Drive, 0.39 mile south of
Route 6~4, ~n~d extending in ~ westerly direction for 0.2~
mile to Reynard ~rive.
Cavalier Drive from Colthurst Drive, 0.~1 mile south of t~oute
6~4, and extending in a westerly direction for 0.26 mile.
Falcon Drive from Colthurst Driver 0.39 mile south of Route
6~4, thence forming a loop of 0.~9 mile on the eastern side
of Colthurst Drive and again intersecting Co!thurst Drive
0.1 ~ mile south of t~oute 6~4.
The County W. xecutive advised that the ~968 General Assembly enacted
legislation requiring each locality to have a local highway safety com-
mission to be accomplished by resolution or ordinance. ~r. D. B.
Marshall presented to the Board draft of suggested ordinance establishing
such a commission for Albemarle County. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded
by Mr. Way, it was ordered that 9:30 A.M. on October l?, 1968, be set as
the time for public hearing on said ordinance ~ud the Clerk was directed
to publish proper notice of such hearing.
Mrs. E. G. Covington inquired of Mr. ~arner regarding plans for ~oute
602 now that the Howardsville-t~ockfish ~idge has been completed. Mr.
Warner stated that there are no immediate plans for 602 but he hoped to
have'sit programmed later.
Mrs. ~lossie Giles presented petition requesting that the Howards~ille
Precinct be retained. This petition was presented to the County Attorney
who advised that notice of consolidat2on of certain precincts had been
posted at all voting locations effected and this notice would have to remain
posted for thirty days before the Judge could enter an order, at which time
it was possible that Judge Waddelt would call for a public hearing on the
Statements of Expenses of the I)epartment of Finance, the Sheriff's
Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were presented for
the month of August, ~968. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Way,
and una~£mously carried, these statements were approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the Ootunty Jail
was submitted for the month of August, ~968, along with summary statement
of prisoner days. On motion of Mr. V~eeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and
unanimously carried, these statements were approved.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the
month of August, 1968, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2
of the Code of Virginia.
S.L.H. reports were received from ~r. S. D. Sturkie for the months
of July and August, ~968, and were ordered filed.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of
$3,?%2.08 ~s presented for hospitalization of indigent patients under
SLH for the month of August, 1968, and on motion of Mr. Way, seconded by
~. Ya.ncey, was unanimously approved for payment.
Report of the County Executive was submitted for the month of
August, 1968, and was ordered filed.
The County Executive submitted C~perative Agreement between the
Board of Supervisors and the Soil Conservation Service relative to soil
survey of Albemarle County and recommended that this program be started
now. He advised that sufficient funds are included in the c~rrent budget
for work which would be done this year. After discussion, motion was
offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by ~Lr. Wheeler, and unanimously approved,
authorizing the Country to enter into this agreement for a s0il survey and
further authorizing Nr. Garnett as Chairman to execute said agreement on
behalf of this Board.
~ne Cot~uty Executive submitted communication from Mr. Bill V. Neff
suggesting certain local legislation with regard to mobile homes. ~Lr.
Batchelor stated that the proposals suggested would require State enabling
legislation and requested that a committee be appointed before preparation
of the County's next budget to review this and other tax policies. The
Clerk was directed to acknowledge ~Lr. Nell's communication and to advise
that his proposals would be considered by a committee of the Board at a
later date.
Mr. Batchelor advised that when the Board authorized acquisition of
certain ~ter systems in July, no appropriation was made to cover the cost
of same. On recommendation of Nr. Batchelor, the following resol~ion was
offered by Nr. Gibson, rules with regard to second reading being suspended,
seconded by Nr. Yancey, and ~unanimously adopted:
HE IT tLESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
,Albemarle County, Virginia, that the sum of $39~ ,000.00 be
and the same is hereby appropriated to cover purchase of
water systems as follows:
Sydnor systems
Commonwealth Utili ti e s
Hessian Hills
384 .................
Communication was received from Stewart Evans, Summer Interne,
pressing appreciation for the opporttunity to work in local gove~ament.
The Clerk was directed to acknowledge Mr. Evans' letter and to wish him
S.~.O.A. report was received for the month of August, 1968, and was
ordered filed.
The County Executive advised that Mrs. Eva W. ~aupin, former County
Clerk, had given to the Clerk's Office a collection of invaluable infor-
mation compiled by the late Mr. ~aupin which would be of great help to
attorneys, surveyors and persons doing ancestry work. On motion of
Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted, it wa.s ordered
that th_is gift be acknowledged with appreciation.
The County Executive presented communication from the Service
Authority requesting approval of revenue a~nd expenditure estimates for the
County ov~aed water systems and also recommending adoption of schedule of
rate and connection charges ~or the County ovmed systems on the same basis
as charges made by the Authority. After discussion of this matter, the
following resolution was offered by Mr. Ymncey, seconded by ~Er. Wheeler,
and unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virgiflia, that the Albemarle County
Service Authority be and is hereby authorized to fix rates
for sale of water from the water systems owned by this
Board and operated by the Service Authority as agent for
th~s Board~ such rates to be uniform with the rates charged
by the Service Authority in the systems which it owns. The
same uniformity shall apply to deposits and connection charges.
Also, in connection with the foregoing communication, the following resolution
was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVFYD by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following budget for
County owned water systems be and the same is hereby approved:
Water Rents:
Colthurst Connections 17 (Ave. 1967 7.80 mo.)
Flordon " 33 " " ?. 68
West Leigh " 4.9 " " 7., ~
~ontvue "26 " " 7,4.0
Water connections and account charges:
10 @ 300.00
Total Revenue
~xpendi ture s:
60.1 Maintenance and Operations - Administration
t02 Engineering Services
21 2 Insurance
298 Social Security, Retirement, Group Ins.
410 Authority Contract
3! 9 Office Supplies
399 Miscellaneous
602 Maintenance and Operations - ~Systems & ~uipment_
Compensation of Assistants
Electric Current
Mi sce~lsm_eous
Maintenance of Motor Vehicle
Service Connections
60.3 ~aintenance and Operations - 1{epair & t{eplacements
21 65 Meters
21 Valves, boxes, clamps
217 Mains
222 Plants and Pumping Stations
225 Tools and Equipment
60.4 Capital 0mtlay
Total Expenditures
2,000. O0
I, 500.00
1 , 000.00
I , 000. O0
1,500. O0
500. O0
1,000. O0
1 , 000. O0
1 , 500.00
At 10:00 A.~. the Chairman c~iled for public hearing on zoning re-
quests in accordance ~Lth notices published in the Daily Progress on
August 30, September 6 mhd September 13, 1968.
(a) Application of William N. Woodzell and Victoria H. Burton. l~equest
to rezone Deerwood Sulxlivision from Agricultural A-1 to i~esidential
1{-1 for construction of single family homes. (Deferred from regular
August meeting. )
Mr. 0thin Carter, Attorney, ~ir. Harvey Bailey, Mr. Willi~m Woodze!l
and }frs. Vicki ]~urton appeared in support of this request, iV~r. Humphrey
advised that the staff recommended denial on the basis of incompability
v~th planned growth and rea~ a letter from ~. Greve of F.A.A. which stated
that future additions and improvements to the airport would not be compat-
ible with residential growth. The Bcsrd was advised that the Planning
Commission ga~e approval to this request by a five to ~our vote with one
member abstaining. Communication was received from Mr. and Mrs. William
Christopher, residents of Deerwood, urging the B~rd to approve the con-
tinuation of the subdivision.After lengthy discussion, motion was offered
by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson, deferring action on this request
until the re~alar October meeting in order to obtain ~dditional information
and give the matter further study. This motion was unanimously adopted.
(b) Application of Henry B® Goodloe and Herary B. Gordon. 1{equest to re-
zone from Mm~ufacturing M-1 to Business B-1 approximately 90,000
square feet fronting on 1{cute 240 in the Crozet area to accomodate
an A.B.C. store.
Those appearing in support of l~he appl±oation inotuded Mr. Herbert
~ickford~ attorney for the contract purchaser, ~ir. Alvin Toms, the con-
tract purchaser~ and ~r. Carl ~;an Fossen for the Orozet Lions Olub.
Communication was received from Col. Goodloe in support of his applica-
tion. Appearing in opposition were Forbes Reback, attorney for citizens
in the area, Mr. Martin of Greenwood, Mr. Adiington for the management of
Acme, Mrs. James Garth, and others who did not speak before the meeting.
Letters of o~position were received from ~fr. and Mrs. ¥irgi~ James, I~r.
Mr. Leslie H. Walton
L. V. Ruc~aman/and Mr. J. Mason Belew. Mr. Humphrey advised that he did
not feel the requested change would be compatible, however, the Planning
Commission recommended approval. After lengthy discussion, motion was
offered by Mr. Yancey, seconded by ~r. Wheeler, to approve said request.
The motion failed to carry by the following recorded vote:
Ayes: ~essrs. Wheeler and Yancey.
Nayes: ~essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Way.
Absent: Mr. Wood.
After voting on this request, the Board directed the Planning staff to
proceed with whatever may be necessary to help Crozet find necessary land
for con~aercial grov~th.
(c) Request of Amon P. and Maxine L. Williams to rezone 2.1~ acres from
Agricultural A-1 to Business B-1 to acComodate a shopping center.
Land located on north side of Route 743, showing approximately 230
feet of frontage on Route 743 some 400 feet west of intersection of
Routes 743 and 660.
Mr. Humphrey advised that the Staff and the ~la~r~aing Commission recom-
mended approval of this request. No one appeared in opposition to same. On.-
motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, the request of Mr..~and Mrs.
Williams was given unanimous approval.
(d) Application of Wilson Trucking Corp. for conditional use permit for a
shop, office, tez~inai building and truck storage on land zoned M-I
Eanufacturing, containing 81~ acres and located 1 .~ miles south of
Charlottesville on the west side of l~oute 20.
Mr. Humpha~ey advised that the staff and the Plar~uing Commission recom-
mended approval of this request, subject to planting screen or buffer. Mr.
Umstedder appeared on behalf of the Wilson T~ucking Corp. in support of the
request. No one appeared in opposition. On motion of Mr. Way, seconded by
Mr. Wheelzer, the request of Wilson Trucking Corp. -~as given unanimous ap-
(e) Application of Rivanna Rifle and Pisto~J~ Club, Inc. to permit a club
house and indoor pistol range in an Agricultural A-l-District, land
located approximately six miles south of Charlottesville on 01d Lynch-
burg l~oad.
~r. Hmmphrey advised that the staff and the Planning Commission recom-
mended approval, subject to the building being constructed in accordance
with National regulations. No one appeared in opposition. On motion of Mr.
-Yancey, seconded by NLr. Wheeler, this request was unanimously approved.
(f) Application of ~¥ank J. Tare for conditional use permit to allow
mobile home on two acres of land on ~ilier ~School Road off Route
2~0 west near Crozet.
Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff and the Plar~ning Con,mission recom-
mended approval of this application s~nd no one appeared in opposition to
same. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Way, t~r. Tare' s request
was unanimously approved.
Application of Stephen Storr ~ack for conditional use permit to allow
mobile home on fifteen acres near Scottsvil!e about 2700 feet from
Biemheim on Route
i~cco_ding to Mr. Humphrey, this application received approval from
the staff and the Planning Commission. No one appeared in opposition. On
motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Gibson~ l~r. ~ack's application was
given unanimous approval.
(h) Application of Holmes ~. ~ayne for conditional use permit to allow
mobile home on Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block A~ Royal Acres Su~mlivision,
having frontage on East Kesv~ck Drive.
Mr. Humphrey advised that the application in this instance is for
location of trailer for a period of one year while the construction of a
single family house is completed, and the Planning Commission gave approval
on this basis. Mr. Bob Blodinger, Attorney, stated that he represented him-
self, a Mr. Liveley and a Mr. Hammond who were neighbors opposed to the
location of a trailer in Royal Acres. The matter was discussed extensively
~[th Mr. Blodinger and with Mr. Payne and the possibility of a screen was
given consideration. However, after several aspects were considered, it
'was moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Ymncey, and unanimously approved
to defer this matter until the next regular meeting and Mr. Humphrey was
instructed to review the application with Mr. Payne and bring a recommen-
dation to the Board at that time.
(i) ApPlication of Edward L. Bowles for conditional use permit to locate
mobile homes on 33.2~ acres located on Route 63~ one mile south of
Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff and Planning Commission recommended
approval of this application. No one from the public expressed opposition.
On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Way~ this application was given
unm~imous approval.
(j) Application of Arlene Blackwell for conditional use permit to locate
mobile home on approximately three acres (Lots 94 and 9~ of Blue Ridge
Acres Sub~ivision] off Route 2~0 at Alton Mountain.
Mr. Humphrey advised that the location of a trailer by the applica~nt
was n~cessary due to a family conflict. He stated that normally a trailer
in a single-family subdivision would be considered incompatible, however,
in this case it is debatable since the subdivision exists only on tax books
and two trailers are located to the immediate south fronting on Route 2~0.
388 ...........
~Lr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission recommended denial of
this request. After considerable discussion of the circumstances with
l~s. B!ackwell, motion was offered by ~r. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey,
and unanimously carried, approving the application on a 30-day temporary
basis conditioned upon starting a suitable screen that is prescribed by
the So$1:::Conservation Service to be completed within six months.
(k) Application of Cecil Hamilton for conditional use permit to allow a
mobile home park on 13 acres located on Route 640 at Gilbert's
Mr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission approved this ap-
plication subject to the regulations of the Health Department regarding
the establishment of lagoon systems which is to serve this develotmmnt,
and he concurred on this condition. Mr.-:~obbie Myers appeared in opposition
to this application stating that he was building a home in the area and he
felt a mobile home park would decrease the value of his investment. After
consideration, Mr. Hamilton's application was approved, subject to the same
conditions as set forth by the Planning Commission, motion being made by Mr.
Gibson, seconded by Mr. Ways and tmanimously carried.
(1) .Application of Cur!ey C. Rush for conditional use pe~it to allow a
~eh.~a! store on t~o acres located three miles from ~smont on Route
This application was approved by the Planning Commission and staff. No
one z~rom the public appeared in opposition. On motion of Mr. Way, seconded
by Mr. Yancey, Mr. Rush's application was unanimously approved.
Mr. Humphrey was requested to adver,.tise requests for rezo~:~ng for 10:00
A.M. and requests for conditional use permits for 1:30 ~.M. for future
In response to request from th_is Board, Nms. Shelby J. Marshall appeared
v~th regard to use of Plat Books in the Clerk's Office. Mrs. ~arshall
vised that she would prefer not to use plat books since she did not feel they
accomplished anything in a county of this size. She said she based her opinion
on the fact that she had checked vz[th a number of attorneys and surveyors and
it was their feeling that plat books were not needed. After discussion,
motion was offered by ~r. V/heeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson, mhd unanimously
carried~ requesting the Bar:~Aasociation and the Surveyors Association to sub-
mit recommendation in this regard. Mr. Barry Marshall advised that he would
contact the Bar Association.
The Chairman called for public hearing on proposed amendments to the Sub-
division Ordinance in accordance with notice published in the Daily Progress
on September 6 and 13, 1968. No one from the public appeared in this regard.
On motion of Mr. VIay~ seconded by ~r. Wheeler, the following amendments to
the Sulkiivision Ordinance were unanimously approved:
(1) (a) ~kmend Section I, Definitions, by adding subparagraph 1 under
paragraph (f) as follows:
"Private Access Easement - A grant by a property o%mer of a private
right-of-way for access to other property."
(b) Amend Section t, Definitions, by adding paragraph (q) as
"Designated agent of the Board of Supervisors - That person, who by
resolution of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors is authorized
to approve and sign final plats in their name, for recordation."
(2) Amend Section 2 to add para~aph (j) as follows:
"Any subdivision involving the creation of a new private access ease-
ment shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission in its
discretion~ but such approval shall be limited to the particular sub-
division and the particular use of the access easement then presented.
Approval of such subdivision and access easement shall not be con-
strued to approve any further use of said easement or further sub-
division of the land involved. Any such further sulxlivision of such
land involving additional use of said easement will be considered as
a subdivision involving a new access easement and will not be exempt
from these regulations."
(3) Amend Section 6 - Final Plats, A, (12) to read as follows:
(' Signature panels shall be provided as follows:
(a) For land lying in Albemarle County, but within three (3) miles of
the Corporate Limits of the City of Charlottesville, for the
Chairman of the Albemarle County Blanning Commission; and the
designated agent of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors;
and for the Chairma~n and Secretary of the Charlottesville Pla~ming
C ommi s si on.
(b) For land lying in Albemarle County but more than three (3) miles
from the Corporate Limits of the City of Charlottes~ilie, for the
Chairman of the Albemarle County P!amming Commission; and the
designated agent of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors."
(4) Amend Section 7 - Approval and Recordation of Plats, B. Final Plats,
to read as foIbws:
"The Charlottesville Blanning Com~nission and the Charlottesville City
Engineer, and/or the Albemarle County ~lanning Commission and the Board
of Supervisors or its designated agent in addition, shall indicate ap-
proval or disapproval of all subJ_ivisions received for consideration
390 .............
within thirty (30) days from the date of the first meeting fo!lo~ing
the filing of the final plat. Where concurrent jurisdiction is held
by the Co~cunty of Albemarle and the City of Charlottesville; the ap-
proval of the County Planning Commission shall be secttred first.
Approval of a final plat shall be void unless the approved plat is
recorded within a period of six (6) months.
Approved final plats for land lying in Albemarle County shall be filed
in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. No such plat of
suhlivision shall be recorded by the Clerk of the Court having juris-
diction unless and until it shall have been sublmitted to and approved
by the ~lanning Commission of the City of Charlottesville, the Albemarle
County ?tanning Commission, and the Albemarle County Board of Super-
visors or its designated agent for land lying ~tb_in the tbzree (3) mile
li~t of the Corporate Limits of the City of Charlottesville; by the
Albemarle County Planning Commission and the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors or its designated agent for land lying three (3) miles or
more from the Corporate Limits of the City of Charlottesville, all as
required by the ~firginia Land Subdivision Law'
The Chairman called for public hearing on proposed amendments to the
Zoning Ordinance as advertised in the ~aily Progress on September 6 smd
1968. No one from the public appeared in this regard. On motion of Mr.
Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Way, the following amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
were unanimously approved:
~. ~Lmendment to allow as a permitted use in the Manufacturing M-~ zone,
?-~-23 "Contractors office and equipment storage yar~".
2. The follov~ng amendments under ~krticle ~3:
13-~-2. "By the filing with the Zoning Administrator of a petition by
owners or contract owners of land proposed to be rezoned, which
petition shall be accompanied by a fee of ~20.00.
~3-~-3. By the adoption by the Board of County Supervisors of a resolu-
tion of intention to amend, which resolution, upon adoption,
shall be referred to the ~lanning Commission.
13-1-4. By the adoption by the ?lamming Commission of a resolution of
intention to propose an amena~ment."
Mr. ~[heeler offered the following resolution which was seconded by Mr.
Yancey and unanimously adopted:
~EAS, the membership of the Charlottesville-Albemarle
Chapter of the Izaak ~falton League of America, in tribute to
their fellow member, Chris Greene~ has earnestly petitioned the
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County to name the new lake near
Ear!ysville in memory of Chris Greene, and
V~AS, the Sport ~ishing Institute of Washington, D. C.,
!ike~ise requested that the new lake be named in honor of Chris
Greene an~[ in recognition of his dedication and effectiveness as
a laymmn conservationist, and
~VHEREAS, editorials have appeared in local and state news-
papers paying high tribute to C.hris Greene's contribution to the
outdoor life of his community and the State of Virginia., and
~AS, countless individuals fr~m every walk of life have
expressed unusual praise and thanksgiving for his promotion of
so many worthy programs and efforts so essential to the P~ujo~v~nt
of the recreational activities available in Virginia.
THEREFOBE, be it resolved by the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors this day in lawful meeting assembled,
First, that the petitions and requests heretofore set out
are hereby granted.
Second, that as a proper, suitable and enduring memorial to
the memory of Chris Greene the new lake near Earlysvi!le, Virginia,
is hereby named Chris Greene, official ceremony to take place at
time of dedi~cation.
The Chairma~ stated that he would name a committee to work on said dedica~
tion at the October meeting and requested that this matter be placed, on the
Communication was received from City Council advising that Mr. G. A.
Vogt mud Mr. W. A. Rinehart, III had been appointed as a committee to con-
fer ~vith a like committee from this Board to fill the vacancy on the Air-
port Commission. The Chairman appointed Mr. Wood e~ud Mr. Wheeler to serve
on the County's committee.
Comm~anication was received from Mr. Leslie H. Walton, Asst. Superin-
tendent of Schools, stating that the School Board had authorized .him to
request a special appropriation of $11,7~0.00 for the purchase of two
portable classrooms in mn effort to ease the space requirements at Wood-
brook and Broadus Wood Schools. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by M~.
Way, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the follov~ng
re so lution 'ananimously adopted:
BE IT t~ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the sum of $11,7~0.00 be
and the same is hereby appropriated for the purchase of
two portable classrooms.
Mr. Gibson presented report of the Board's Water Committee. He read
to the Board letter of August 13, 1968, from ~his committee to the City
Council Water Committee and reply of September ~0~ 1968, over the signature
of G. A. Vogt, copies of both communications being a part of the County's
permanent file. After discussion, of these communications, Iff. Gibson
~ffered motion to empower the County Executive to make preliminary contacts
v~ith engineering firms to obtain cost estimates and plan~ and specifications
for possible construction of a county water system to serve the area on the
n~rthwest section of town v~th prospects of serving the other areas of the
County. This motion was seconded by M~~. ~fheeier and unanimously approved.
M~. Garnett stated that he hopes this action doesn't shut the door to working
with the City.
~. ~ay advised that the citizens who inspected T~tier last spring and
were told that the County would proceed with the project in the near futture
had inquired of him as to the delay. The County ~xecutive ~dvise~ tha,~ the
delay of engineers to get final plats to us and also the fact that the power
company's transmission lines have to be moved are the major reasons for the
unforseen delay.
Claims ag&inst the County amounting to ~663~28~o23 were presented~
examined, amd al!owed~ and certified to the Director of ~inance for payment
and charged ag&inst the following fun~s:
General ~evenue Eund
General Operating ~d
School Operating Fund
Capital Outlay ~-~nd
¥irgi~ia ~ublic Assistance
])og Tax Eund
To~m of Scottsville 1~ Local Sales Tax
Comm. of Va. Ctu.~rent Credit Acct.
On mo~ion~ the meeting was adjourned.
8 .00