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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the
17th day of October, 1968.
Present: ~essrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Peter T. Way,
Gordon L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. WoOd, Jr. and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and. County Attorney~
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. Garnett.
On motion of Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Way, ~i~utes of the
meeting of September 19, 1968, were approved as sulm~itted.
Nr. Yancey stated that a number of citizens in the area of the
Yancey Nill intersection have expressed concern that nothing is being
done here. Nr. Warner advised that he had not anticipated this project
taking so long and~ that he had just contacted Nr. Hope, District Engineer,
regarding the matter. Nr. Warner also advised that there is some work to
be done on Route 684.
The County Executive advised that copies of the 1968-69 Secondary
Road Budget were mailed to the Board prior to the September meeting._ How-
ever, action was not taken at the September meeting through oversight.
The following resolution was offered by Nr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Way,
and unanimously adopted:
BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the final Secondary System
Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, as sub-
mitted by Nr. R. G. Warner, Resident Engineer, be and the
same is hereby approved as follows:
Ordinary Naintenance ........ $ 437~780.00
Naint enance Replacement s ...... 72,204.00
Incidental COnstruction ...... 136,607.28
State Fund's Project Construction . . 336,057.72
Total ................ $ 982,649.00
Communication was received from Nr. Richard F. Pietsch regarding
traffic delay caused by the grade crossing at Norton Frozen Foods. It
was ordered that Nr. Pietsch's communication be referred to the Highway
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's
Office and the Office of the Commonwealth' s Attorney were submitted for
the month of September, 1968. On motion of Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr.
Wheeler, these statements were unanimously approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail
was submitted for the month of September, 1968,~ along with summary state-
ment of prisoner days. On motion of Nr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Yaucey,
and unanimously carried, these statements were approved.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the
month of September, 1968, in accordance with Sections 6~-67.1 and 63-67.2
of th~ Code of Virginia.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of
$1,563.20 was presented for hospitalization of indiigent patients under
SLH for the month of September, 1968, and on motion of Nr. V~ood, seconded
by Nr. Yancey, was unanimously approved for payment.
S.L.H. report' was received from Dr. S. D. Sturkie for the month of
September, 1968, and was ordered filed.
Report of the County Executive was submitted for the month of Septem-
ber, 1968, and was ordered filed.
The Joint Airport Committee appointed to recommend replacement for
Nr. Gerald Tremblay whose term has expired on the Airport Commission made
report on meeting held October 9th. The committee recommended that the
Airport Commission Ordinance be amended to increase the size of the Air-
port Commission from five to seven members. The Board was advised that
three persons had been selected for appointment to the Commission if the
suggested amendment is approved. It was the feeling of this Board that
the expiration of Airport Commission terms should be uniform Md it was
suggesSed that the County and City Attorneys work together in preparing au
amendment to the Ordinance which would increase the size of the Commission
to seven members with all terms expiring December of the year of termina-
tion. On motion of Er. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously
approved, 9:30 a.m. on November 21, 1968, was set as the time for public
hearing on this proposed amendment and the Clerk was directed to publish
proper notice of said hearing.
At 9:30 a.m. the Chairman called for public hearing on Ordinance
Establishing the Albemarle County Highway Commission as advertised in the
Daily Progress on October 4 and October 11, 1968. No one from the publi~
appeared in this regard. On motion by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wood,
the ordinance as submitted at the regular September meeting was unanimously
adopted as follows:
Be It Ordained by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle Co~uty, Virginia, as follows:
(1) The Albemarle County Highway Safety Commission is
hereby established pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.1-
64.19 of the Code of Virginia as amended.
(2) Said Commission shall consist of five members to be
appointed by this Board, who shall be residents of Albemarle ~
County, at least one of whom shall be a member of this Board.
(~) The original members appointed as aforesaid shall
qualify and take office no later than the l~th of the month
next following final adoption of this ordinance. As soon as
practicable after qualification of the originat members, said
Commission shall hold an organizational meeting at which one
member shall be elected Chairman, one Vice Chairman and one
Secretary of the Commi ssion. At that meeting, the members
shall draw lots to determine which two of their number shall
serve for a term ending December ~1, 1970, and the remaining
three members shall serve for a termoending December ~1, 1972.
Upon expiration of the original members' terms, they Will be
reappointed or replaced by this Board fOr terms of four years.
(4) Said Commission shall meet as often as desirable but
not less than four times in each year, and it i~z hereby
charged with the responsibility for recommending to this Board
plans for a highway safety program for Albemarle County to be
submitted to the Governor of Virginia pursuant to Sections
2.1-64.19 and 2.1-6~.21 of the Code of Virginia as amended,
and thereafter, said Commission is Ik~rther charged with the
reSPonsibility for per&odic reviews of the operation and effect
of such program.
. (~) Said Commission shall also have the responsibility for
such duties as are now-or hereafter may be delegated to it by
the laws enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia or by
ordinances of this Board.
CommUnication was received from the Industrial Commission regarding
suggested renaming to Charlottesville-Albemarle Economic Developn~ent
Commission and the possible establishmen$ Of an Industrial Developw~.nt
Authority. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Wood, this matter
was taken under advisement until the regular November meeting for dis-
cussion with the City prior to that time.
A number of citizens appeared urging the adoption of a Food Stamp
Program for Albemarle County. Those who presented prepared statements
were Mrs. Bessie Guy, Mrs. Clara Brown, Mrs. Helen J. Wright, and ~iss
Jane Vaught. Letters were received from the Ivy Neighborhood Association
and Niss Elizabeth Andrews, County Extension Agent. Mrs. Virginia S.
Marks, Superintendent of Public Welfare, advised that she planned to take
this matter up with the Welfare Board at its next meeting and a recommen-
dation would be made to this Board in November.
At 10:00 am the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning re-
quests in accordance with notices published in the Daily Progress on
September 27, October ~ and October 11, 1968.
(1) Application of William N. Woodzell and Victoria H. Burton to rezone
Deerwood Subdivision from Agricultural A-1 to l~esidential ~-1 for
construction of single family homes. (Def.ezTed from prior meeting.):
Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission approved this re-
quest by a 5-4 vote; however, F.A.A. had advised, by letter that
zoning would not be compatible in the airport .area. The County Executive
pointed out that the Planning Commission is recorded originally as be-
lieving this was not a place for a suhiivision~ Nr. 0rbin Carter,
Attorney for the applicants, made note of persons appearing and letters
received at previous meetings in favor of the expansion of the subdivision.
$otion was offered by Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wood, to accept the
Planning Commission recommendation. In discussion of this motion,
Gibson stated that ~ was unalterably opposed~. He said that it does not
make sense for the Co~unty and City to go that far from high density
residency to locate an airport~a~d then give approval to this request.
Nr. Wood stated that he agreed with future growth of the airport and the
County's obligation for such continuation but this situation was started
some time ago under laws in effect at the time. Nr. Wheeler stated that
he would support the motion if it were changed to include only the first
two sections of the plat before the Board. Nr. Wheeler offered substitute
motion, seconded by Nr. Yancey, to approve rezoning from A-1 to R-1 Section
I and Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-and 7 of Section II of Deerwood Subdivision as
shown on plat, ~ of O. R. Randolph, Engineer, dated July 24, 1968. In dis-
cussing the substitute motion, Nr. Garnett stated that he.would have to
vote against it because of the County' s involvment with F.A.A. The sub-
stitute ~motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Nessrs. Way, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAIVES: Nessrs. Garnett and Gibson.
Application of Charles Hurt to rezone 50 acres from Agricultural A-1
to Nanufacturing ~-2 for the purpose of operating a quarry and re-
lated facilities on a part of the "Kegley Farm" located just off of
Route 29 South on Route 745.
No one appeared in support of this application. ApI~roximately twenty
residents of the area appeared with their attorney, ~r. Forbes Reback, in
opposition. Nr. Humphrey reported that the staff recommended denial of the
request and the Plauning Commission was ~uanimous in recommending denial.
On motion of Nr. Way, seconded by Nr, Wheeler, and unanimously approved,
the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(3) Application of Nathaniel Breeden to rezone 2 acres from Agricultural
A'I to l~esidential R-1 to accomodate a second dwelling located 'on
Route 708, Assessment Nap 114, -Parcel 48A.
Nr. Humphrey advised that the staff~ considered this to be spot zoning
and that the Planning Commission in a 7-3 vote recommended denial. Nr.
Wood described the location and stated that a second dwelling would not be
incompatible with the surrounding property. After consideration of the
facts before the~ Board, motion was offered by ~r. Way, seconded by Mr.
Wood, and unanimously approved, to grant the request, the second dwelling
to be constructed, however, on rOad frontage rather than on the back of
the land as originally proposed.
(5) Application of Eloise A. Yancey to rezone 22.8 acres from Business
B-1 and Residential R-3 to Business B-1 and Agricultural A'-I to
accommodate commercial activity and a mobile home park, located
immediately west of Brownsville School on Route 2~0. Also, appli-
· cation for conditional use permit to locate a mobile home park on
part of the 22.8 acres. ~f~..fF~ c~ ~_~
Mr. J. P. Yancey, co-owner, appeared as did a Mr. Nichols, his em-
ployee, Mr. Thomas Blue, surveyor, and Mr. Forbes Reback, Attorney. Mr.
Humphrey advised that the staff recommended approval, and the Planning
Commission concurred in this recommendation, the conditional use permit
being approved with certain conditions. The discussion w~ich followed
broug~ht out the fact that the Yanceys had participated in the cost of
certain utilities for the school with the understanding that a trailer
park would be located on land across from the school. Mr. R. A. Yancey
stated that there was considerable opposition to the proposed new location
and asked Mr. J. P. Yancey if he wou&d consider the original proposal.
Mr. Yancey said his plans were changed because of a feasibility study,
but rather than cause any friction with neighbors in the area, he would
be glad to go back to the original location for the mobile home park. Nr..
Yancey then withdrew his application for A-1 zoning and conditional use
permit without prejudice. On motion of Mr. R. A. Yancey, seconded by Mr.
Wheeler, unanimously approved, the Board granted request for extension of
Business B-1 for 200 feet to accomodate commercial activity on the stated
22.8 acres.
(5) Application of Frances F. Guy to rezone 8.~ acres from Agricultural
A-1 to Business B-1 to accommodate a service s~ation to be located
at the intersection of Route 616 and Interstate 65.
Mrs. Guy appeared withZher attorney, Nr. Gerald Tremblay, in support
of the application. No one appeared in opposition. The Board was ad-
vised by Nrl Humphrey that this request was given approval by the staff
and the Planning Commission. On motion of Er. Wood, seconded by Er.
Wheeler, unanimously carried, Ers. Guy's application Jwas approved.
(6) Application of R.0.B. Corporation for conditional use permit to allow
three-family~ dwellings in a Residential R-2 zone involving five
structures to be located on Route 6~7 0.7 miles from Albemarle High
Mrs. Burton appeared in suppOrt of her.' application. Er. Humphrey
advised that the Planning Co,ma ssion approved the application subject to
the following Conditions:
1. That the 1 ~ foot easement following the south property line of
the site be expanded ~o 25 feet and that a paved road be pro-
vided within that 2~ foot easement to the extent of 20 feet.~
2. That a paved road for a width of 20 feet be provided on the
internal driveway on which the existing structure fronts.
3. That a 6 foot high wood fence be constructed on the north
property line for a distance of 361 feet. Said wood fence
would be of a type to completely screen from view the develop-
ment of the R.0.B. Corporation for a height of six feet.
~. That a sufficient planting o.f trees and/or shrubs be provided
on the south proper~ty line paralleling the existing 1 5 foot
easement to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator and
extending east from the intersection of said easement from
Lamb's Road to the existing white board fence surrounding
the two-story brick structure on the site.
~. That the application for five~ three-family dwellings apply to
existing two three-family dwellings and the two units presently
under construction and one additional unit to be constructed
at a later date. ~
6. No more than 2~ f~mi-ly units to be provided on the site.
On motion of Nr. ~Wheeler, seconded byNr. Gibson, and unanimously carried,
approval was~given~by this Board to the R..0.B. application subject to the
conditions set forth by the Planning Commission.
(7) _~pplication of Stanley Bishop for conditional use permit to locate
mobile home on 1.6~ acres situated on Route 79~ approximately one and
one-half~ miles south of Route 620,
Mr. Humphrey advised that this application had been withdrawn and no
action would be required by this Board.
(8) App'lication of Roy E. Chapman to locate mobile home on ~.0~ acres
on Route 6~1.
Mr. Humphrey advised that Mr. Chapman's application indicated Route
6~0 and the advertisement designated this Route. The County Attorney
ruled that because of improper ~advertisement action could not be taken on
this request today. Nr. Chapman was present and was advised that his ap-
plication would be re-advertised for action at the next regular meetings
of the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.
(9) Application of Mrs. Eugene Garrison for conditional use permit to
locate mobile home on approximately four acres at Lindsay, Virginia.
~. Humphrey advised that the Planning commission approved granting
this permit subject to screening being' provided according to State
Forestry recommendations. No one from the public appeared in this regard.
On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, unanLmously approved, this
Board gave approval to the permit withthe s~me conditions specified by the
Planning Commission.
(10) Application of Luther Dallas for conditiob.al use permit to locate
a mobile home on 9.%~ acres situated on Route 6%0, one mile north of
No one ~rom the public appeared in opposition to this application.
Nr. Humphrey advised~ that it received the unanimons approval of the
Plauning Commission. On motion of ~r. Wood, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, aud
unanimously carried, the permit of Nr. Dallas was graute&.
(11) Application of Ronald N. Bishop for conditional use permit to locate
a mobile home on 2.16 acres near Albemarle Lake on Route 669.
No one from the public appeared in opposition to this application.
However, communications opposing the mobile .home were received~ from Nr. R.
Baxter GriI~fith of Richmond and his son Nfo R. Baxter Griffith, Jr. of
Alexandria. Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning COmmission felt the
natural screening was sufficient and gave unanimous a~proval to the re-
quest. On motion of Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Way,~unanimously
carried, the Planning Commission's recommendation was accepted.
(12) Application of John S. Homer for conditional use permit to locate
a mobile home on 6.8 acres behind West Leigh and off of Route 677.
Nr. aud Nfs. Homer were the only persons 'appearing. Nr. Humphrey
advised that the Planning Commission gave ~uuanimous approval to this
permit subject to the same being granted for a period of six months com-
mencing November 1, 1968 anti,at an extension for an additional six months
may be granted by the Zoning Administrator upon evidence being submitted
that construction of a permanent dwelling has been i~itiated. On motion
by Nr. Wood, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, unanimously approved, this Board
granted Nr. Homer's permit with the same conditions specified by the
Plauning Commi ssion.
(13) Application of Gregory ~ud Teresa Pendleton fo~ conditional use
permit~ to locate mobile home on 11.91 acres located a~ EsmOnt olaf
of Route 71 5.
No one i~om the public appeared. Nr. Humphrey advised that this
application received unanimous approval of the Planning Commission
subject to proper screening being provided and setba&k being established
as determined by the Zoning Administrator. On motion by ~r. Way, seconded
by Er. Wheeler, unanimously carried, this Board gave approval to this
application, subject to the same conditions set by the Planuing Commission.
(1~) Application of Eugene Woods for conditional use permit to locate
m~bile home on approximately ~ acres off of Route 676.
Nr. Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission gave unanimous
approval to this application for one year, subject to screening being
provided along Route 676 in accordance with recommendations of the State
Forestry Service, said permit to be reviewed at the termination oF one year
to determine if screening conditions hare been met and proper maintenance
of the property accomplished. On motion of Er. Wood, seconded by Nr.
Wheeler, this Board gave approval to Nr. Woods' permit subject to the
same conditions.
(1~) Application of E. L. Floyd for conditional use permit to locate
mobile home on four acres located on Route 785 off of Route 29,
Mr. Floyd. appeared in support of his request. No one appeared in
opposition. The Board was advised, that the Plauning Commission gave
unanimous approval to this application as sulmitted.. On 'motion of 'Nr.
Wheeler, seconded by':':.I~r. Way, unanimously carried, Mr. Floyd's applica-
tion was approved.
(1 ~) Application of Edith S. Batten for conditional use permit to locate
mobile home on 48.3 acres located on State Route ~3 adjacent to
Wells' Trailer Park~
No one other than Mrs. Batten appeared. ,Mr. Humphrey advised-that
the Planning Commission gave unanimous approval to this request. On motion
of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, unanimously adopted, Mrs. Batten's
application was approved.
(17) Application of Oscar ForSberg for conditional use permit to locate
mobile home on 24.75 acres located on Route 53, one-half mile east
of. Route 627.
Mr. Forsberg appeared. No one appeared in opposition. Mr. HUmphrey
stated that the. Planning Commission approved this permit with no condi-
tions.. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, unanimously carried,
approval was given to this application.
(18) Application of Albert Norris for conditional use permit to locate
mobile home on 50~acres situated on Route 668 approximately 2.5
miles from Route 510.
No one from the public appeared~ -in opposition to this request. Mr.
Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission gave approval to this permit
subject to the mobile' home being placed on the site in accordance with
recommendations of' the Zoning Administrator with the approval of the
Health Department and Mr. Morris. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by
Wheeler, unanimously adopted, this Board gave approval to this permit with
the same conditions as set forth by the Planning Commission.
(19) Applicationoof June and Wiley Dorsey for conditional use permit to
locate mobile home on 8 acres located on .Route 20 North.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey appeared in support of this application; no one
appeared in opposition. The Board was advised that the Planning Commission
approved this permit subject to screening being provided along Route 20 in
accordance with recommendations of the State Forestry Service. On motion
of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, unanimously approved, approval was
given to this perm__Jt with the same condition.
(20) Application .of Nary E. Lang for conditional use permit to locate
mobile home on1.~ acres ~t Shadwell on Route 729 behind Stone-
Robinson School.~
Nfs. Lang appeared in support of her(~reQuest; no one appeared in
opposition. Nr. Humphrey advised that. this pm~l~mit was approved, by the
Planning Commission subject to the existing screening being retained and
that the mobile home will be made a part of the existing dwelling. On
motion ofNr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Way, unanimously adopted, this
application was approved by the Board with the same conditions.
(2!) Application of Holmes ~. Payne for conditional use permit to locate
mobile home on Lots 2-~74, Royal Acres Subdivision. (Carried over
from September meeting.)
Nr. H~nphrey advised, that he had beau.unable to contact Nr. Payne
since the last meeting and oh motion of Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Way,
this matter was carried over.
The Chairman .called for public hearing on proposed amended Carnival
Ordinance in accordance with notice published in the Daily Progress on
September 20 and 27 and October 4 and 11, 1968, and posted at the Court
House and each Post Office in the County. No one from the public appeared
regarding this matter. A~ter discussion, the ordinance as follows was
propo seal for adoption by Nr, Way, seconded by Nr. Y~ncey, and unanimously
adopted. Nr. Wood st~ed that he felt this amended ordinance was a step
in the right direction but was not nearly strict enough.
BE IT 0BDAINED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, as follows:
That "Sec. 11-1. Carnivals!' of the Albemarle County Code
be and it is here;by repealed.
That the following ordinance, to be effective immediately
upon repeal of Sec. ~!.~- 1 of said Code, be and it is hereby
Section 11-1.1 ~
No carnival which is located within this county shall be
permitted to open For business or engage in business until the
owners or operators of such carnival have registered with the
office of the Director of Finance 8f Albemarle County, Virginia,
obtained a carnival license and paid th~ license tax. The car-
nival tax shall be Five hundred dollars per day of operation.
S~id license tax must be paid in i~ull at the time of registration
for all days of operation of said carnival. 0nly one carnival
license may be issued to any single owner or operator or related
group of owners and o.perators .in any given thirty-day period,
but said single license may permit such owner or oper.ator or
owners or operators to operate a carnival for a~period ef more
than one day. No carnival license shall be i zsued until the
application therefor has been on file with the said Director
of Finance for at least one week.
Section 11-1.2 Exemption ~
No carnival which is produced or oDerate& or~ owned pri-
marily by amateurs who are residents of this County or of the
City of Charlottesville, and the gross income of which inures
exclusively to the benefit of a school, church., or any organi-
zation allied therewith, or of any locally-sponsored non-profit
organization operated for charitable and benevolent purposes
shall be subject to the license tax required by this section,
but such carnival~.will be required to apply for and receive a
license pursuant, to Section 11-1.1.
Section 11-1 -3 Definition
For the purposes of Sections 11-1.1 and 1t-1.2-of this
Article, the definition of a carnival shall include any type of
show or exhibition mentioned and described in Sec. ~8-283 of the
Code of Virginia (1950) as amended.
The Chairman appointed Nr. Gordon Wheeler, Nr. Peter .Nky, and Nr.
T. N. Batchelor to serve on the committee for dedication of th~ Christopher
A. Greene Lake. This committee appointment was approved by motion of Nr.
Wood, seconded by Nr. Yancey, and unanimousl~ adopted.
Report of the S.P.C.A. was received for the month of September, 1968,
rand was ordered filed.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received ~rom Er. Curtis ~oon for
forty-one mixed fowl killed by dogs. On motion of Er. Wood, seconded by
Nr. Yancey, Nr. ~Oon was allowed '$0.~0 each for 2~ leghorn roosters, $1.00
for 1 red rooster, $0.25 each for 1~ bantam hens, and $1.00 each for 3
mature hens.
On motion of N~. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, and unanimously ap-
proved, the following persons were appointed to serve on the newly created
Albemarle County Highway Safety Commission, subject to their acceptance.
1. Sgt. N. F. Ritter - School representative.
2. Er. George Bailey - Law enforcement represenbative.
3. Dr. Richard Narks - Eedical profession representative.
¢. Nr, H. C. Lanahan - Citizen representative.
5. Nr. Lloyd Wood ~ Board of Supervisors representative.
Nr. Way stated that he was deeplY concerned over the litter in Albe-
marle County and felt the problem was of sufTicient magnitute that the
County Government should display some leadership., and consider the location
of additional dumping areas. He proposed a committee to study the problem
and make recommendation to this Board. The Chairman asked the Sanitary
Landfill Committee (Nr. Yancey, Nr. Way, Nr. Wood and Nr. Gibson) to
serve in this capacity. The County Executive suggested that a couple
members of the Planning Commission be asked to work with this committee.
The County Executive advised that he and the County Attorney had
discussed the time this Board was devoting to consideration of conditional
use permits during its regular meetings and they were of the opinion that
this matter could be and perhaps should be handled by the Board of Zoning
Appeals on authority designated by this Board. It was pointed out that a
proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance with regard to trailers wauld
eliminate approximately 90~ of conditional use per-it hearings. Lotion was
oiTered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Way, to delegate authority for
fixing conditions relating to conditional use permits to the Board of
Zoning Appeals, effective November 1, 1968. However, in discussion which
followed, this motion was withdrawn and the Clerk was directed to place
this matter on the November docket.
Claims against the County amounting to $546,2171~60 were presented,
ex~mined~ and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment
and charged against the following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Capital 0U~lay Fund
Dog Tax Fund
County Water Systems Fund
Town of Scottsville 1% Lo~al Sales Tax
Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account
On motion,
$ 1t2.26
Total $5¢6,217.60
the meeting .was adj ourned.~~~_~.~~~
~ Chairman