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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the
19th day of December, 1968.
Present: ~essrs. w.. N. Garnett, Joseph w~. Gibson, Peter T. Way,
Gordon L. V~eeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr., and t~. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by ~r. Garnett.
On motion of ~r. Wheeler, seconded by ~r. Yancey, minutes of the
meeting of November 21, 1968, were approved as submitted.
Tr. 1~. G. Warner, I~esident Highway ~ngineer, advised that survey has
been completed on the Br~adus Wood School entrance and also signs have been
installed on Route 600.
~r. Warner also explained that priority #1 of Viewers recommendations,
road off Route 2~0 ~ast, could not be accepted into the Secondary System
since it was impossible to obtain right-of-way through the property of the
first property owner without ruining such property and that his office was
now working on priority ~2 of such recommendations. He stated that the
right-of-way through ~r. Walter Young°s property would have to be relocated
and requested the Board to ~ite ~r. Young regarding this matter.
~r. Gibson made inquir~T regarding the traffic light at the intersection
of the l~oute 2%0 By-Pass with Route 2~0 West. ~r. Warner advised that his
department is aware of the problem existing here. He stated that the caution
cycle is not long enough and a malfunction in equipment is suspected. ~his
matter is being studied and will be corrected.
~r. Yancey advised that parking at the Cfozet Drug Store on the south
side of the road caused dangerous traffic jams. ~r. Warner advised that he
would check into this.
The ~ounty Executive requested ~ro Warner to check on the crossing at
~orton's on which the ~railroad company is to make repairs and advise the
Board at its next meeting regarding the status of this matter.
~ommunication was received from the State Department of Highways ad-
vising that in ~ccordance with resolution of this Board adopted July
~968, the following addition to the Secondary System was approved, effective
November 20, ~ 968:
Section ~ of new connection - from old l~oute 6 to Station
430+40, Project 0006-002-101 ,C-~01 - Length 0.02 mile.
Communication was received also from the State Department of Highways
advising that in accordance v~[th resolution of this Board adopted July 18,
the following changes in the Primary and Secondary Systems were aDDroved,
effective November 21, 1968:
Section 1 - 01d location of Route 6, ~outh cf new location, from the Nelson
County Line northerly 0.06 mile to the new location at
Station 599+25.
Section 2 - 01d location of RQute 6, north of the new location~ from the
new location at Station 425+25 easterly 0.1 ~ mile to the new
connection oppo site Station
Section ~ - 01d location of Route 6, north of the new location, from the
new connection opposite Station ~30+~0 northeasterly 0.38
mile to the intersection of Route 7~0.
Section 4 - 01d location ~f Route 6, north of the ~new location, from the
intersection of Route 7~0 easterly 0.0~ mile to the intersection
of Route 250.
Communication was r~ceived from Dr. Charles William Hurt requesting
acceptance into the Secondary System of certain roads in Carrsbrook, ~est-
moreland and Northfields Sm~livisions. Nr. Warner advised that his office
does not have the necessary plans on the roads in question and Nr. Humphrey
advised that his o~fice had just received Dr. Hurt's letter and he had not
had an opportunity to check with the Highway Department on the re~uest.
This matter was deferred until January or such time as the roads are com-
The County Executive advised that he had just received from auditors
notification that the current audit report was still being examined by the
Auditor of Public Accounts and could not be presented at this meeting. How-
ever, as soon as this audit is returned, copies will be mailed to Board
members and if there are any questions, the auditors will appear at a later
meeting of the Board.
At the request of T. N. Batchelor, Director of Finance, the following
resolution was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, aud ~unanimously
adopt ed:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the sale of 1967 delinquent laud
taXes to the Commonwealth be deferred ~uutil April, 1969, and
that publication of said delinquent list be omitted; and
HE IT F~RTNk~ RESOLVED that the omission of the publication
of the 1966 delinquent land tax list be and the same is hereby
Statements of expend, es of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's
Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for
the month of November, 1968. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr.
Wheeler, these statements were unanimously approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the. maintenance of the County Jail
was submitted for the month of November, 1968, along with summary state-
ment of prisoner days. On motion of Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Gibson,
unanimously carried, these statements were approved.
The County Executive advised ~hat he is giving serious consideration
to recommending increasing costs to localities participating in the County
Jail and after further study, he will bring this matter back before the
Reports of the Department of Pub.'ic Welfare were submitted for the
month of November, 19168, in accordanc( with~ections 6S-67.1 and 63'-67.2
of the Code of Virgin~ia.
S.L.H. report for the months of ctober~ and November was received from
Dr. S. D. Sturkie and on motion of Mr. Yance , seconded by Mr. Way, was
unanimously approved.
Report of the County Executive was submitted for the month of November,
1968, and was ordered filed.
Mr. Batchelor reported on the sta
County. He stated that he had gone
Dorney and had found that an ordinance
desire of the Board for Mr. Graves to
under franchise; however, this service
since it would be. governed by laws of
license. He further stated that Mr. J
~us of_ ~mbulance service for Albemarle
~r franchise.laws with the County At-
would be necessary if it were the
,perate an ambulance in the County
may be operated without .: ~anchi se
~he Sta~e of ¥irginia and under State
T. Gr wes was willing to offer this
service to the County without franchis~ agree~
tire recommended not granting franchis6, no ac
the Board.
mt. Since the County Execu-
.tion was ~eemed necessary by
Communication from the Executive
which was presented the Baard in Octob~
again submitted. After discussion, mo
seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously c
Committee of the Industrial Co~mm~ssion
~ and taken under advisement, was
ion was offered by Mr.. Gibson,
arried, approving changing the name
of such bOdy from "Charlottesville-Albemarle I~dustriai Commission" to
"Charlottesville-Albemarle Economic Dev~lopmen~ Commission". . -
Communication' was received from MoSticell9 National Bank requesting
release of certain securities. The following~~resolution was offered by Mr.
Gibson, seconded, by ~. Way, and unanimously adopted:
WEEREAS, Eonticello National Bank., Charlottesville, Virginia,
Depository, has requested~the release of certain securities held
by State-Planters B~uk of Commerce aud Trusts, Escrow Agent, in
accordance with EscrOw Agreement by and between Eon.ticello National
Bank, State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts, T. E. Batchel°r,
Jr., Director of Finance .of Albemarle County, and the Board of
S~pervisors of Albemarle County; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that said collateral is no
longer needed to secure funds on deposit with ~onticello National
NOW, TNEREF0~, BE IT I~ESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that State-Planters Bank of
Commerce and Trusts be and is hereby authorized to release the
$100,000.00 U.S. Treas. ~-5~8% Notes due 2-1~-69
100,000.00 U.S. Treas. ~'5/4% Notes due 2-1~-72
100,000.00 U.S. Treas. Notes due 2-15-7~
BE IT FUR~ RESOLVED that copy of this. resolution be for-
warded~ to Nonticello National Bank and to State-Planters Bank of
Commerce and Trusts.
Communication was received from the Cumberland County Board of Super-
visors advising that said County will not participate in the Region
Comm~nity College if a site is chosen at or near Charlottesville but will
be interested in participating if the site chosen is nearer to the center
of Region 18.
Communication was presented from Ray B. Jones, Asst. Director of
Finance recommending refund of 1968 personal property tax in the amount of
$46.28 to Elizabeth ~. Wadsworth. ~r. Jones explained that this taxpayer,
although working in the County, is a resident of the City of Charlottesville
and paid tax on her automobile to the City. On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded
by Nr. Wood, this refund was approved.
Communication was also received from Nr. Jones recommending refund in the
amount of $~7.4¢ to Garnet E. Harrington who had paid a like tax to the City
of Alexandria. On motion of Nr. Way, seconded by Nr. Yancey, this reihmd was
unanimously approved.
The Chairman recognized Nfs. Haynie's 9th Grade History ~Class of Vocational
l~ehab Unit at Henley Jr. High who attended for a portion of today's meeting.
Report of the S.P.C.A. for the month of November was submitted,and on
motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, was tmanimously approved.
Mr. Batchelor advised that another site is being considered for the
To'tier Project and requested authorization for further engineering studies,
test borings, etc. and also requested appropriation of funds for same from
impoundment funds. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Yancey,
seconded by Mr. Way, approving the County~ ~ Executive's request and
authorizing up to $20,000.00 for this purpose. Mr. Gibson made note of the
fact that this is not inconsistent with the overall plan.
Pe"£itior~ was received from citizens of the Batesville Precinct requesting
this Board to take whatever action is necessary to resto?e the Batesville
Voting Precinct to its original status prior to the November ~, 1968,
National Election. On recommendation of the Cou~y Executive and on motion
of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, it was ordered that this petition be
referred to the Electoral Board for study and recommendation to this Board.
At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests
as advertized in the Daily Progress on November 29, December 6 and December
13, 1968, as follows:
(1) Request of George T. Lyons to rezone 2.~ acres from Residential R-2 to
to Business B-1 for the purpose of operating an antique shop located
on Rio Road approiimately 700 feet north of the City-County line.
Mrs. Lyons appeared in support of this application. No one appeared in op-
position. Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff and the Planning Commission
recommended approval of this application. On m~tion of Mr. Gibson, seconded
by Mr. Way, Nr. Lyons reques~ was unanimously approved.
(2) Request of George A. Cason to rezone 13.49 acres from Agricultural A-1
to Industrial M-1 to accommodate a retail nursery and landscape outlet
located off of Route 20, North.
Mr. Cason appeared in support of his request; no one appeared in opposition.
Nr. Humphrey advised that the staff recommended denial on the basis that
changing to M-1 would not be in the best interest of the public and that the
Planning Commission concurred in this recommendation. Mr. Cason voiced heated
opposition to the action of the staff and Planning Commission a~ud was advised
that the present zone allowed the accommodation applied for in his request
but Mr. Cason expressed a desire to have M-1 so that other businesses might be
allowed at some time in the f~ture. After much discussion motion was offered
by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously adopted, accepting the
recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny the application.
(3) Request of J. Hubert Carver to rezone ~.2~ acres from Agricultural A-1
to Residential R-1 to accommodate lots less tha~u two acres, property
located on the north side of Route 240 west of intersection with.Rt. 680.
No one appeared in regard, to .this application. Mr. Humphrey advised that
this site is best suited for residential development and. that the applica-
tion received unanimous approval of the Planning Commission. On motion df
Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Carver's application was unani-
mously approved.
(4) Bequest of Rogan-Hhea to rezone Parcel 1, Map 59D( 1 ) from l~esidential
R-1 to Business B-l, proper~y "located in Ednam Forest Subdivision.
Mr. William Thacker appeared in support of this application; no one appeared
in opposition. Mr'. HUmphrey advised that this request was approved by the
staff and the Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr.
Yancey, the application was given unanimous approval..
(5) Request of Margaret E. Pekri to rezone 18,09 acres f2m Agricultural A-1
to Residential B-2 to develop apartments on Route 250, West one mile
east of Brownsville.
No one appeared ~n support of this application. Mr. Clover appeared on behalf
of petitioners who were opposed to such request. Mr. HUmphrey advised that
the staff and Planning Commission recommended denial. On. motion of Mr. Yamcey,
seconded by Mr. Way, Mrs. Pekri's application was denied. This motion carried
The Chairman called for public hearing on three amendments to the Zoning
Ordinance as advertised in the Daily Progress on November 29, December 6 and
December 13, 1968. No one from the public appeared with regard to these pro-
posed amendments. Mr. HUmphrey advised that the Planning Commission deferred
action on the first proposed amendment, relating to Section 2-1-22 (Mobile
homes) for further study. Therefore, action on this amendment was also de-
ferred by this Board. Mr. Humphrey advised that th~ Plying Commission
recommended adoption of the two amendments to Article 10 as follows.j
(a) Amend 10-9-4 to read as follows:
"Each mobile home space shall be provided with an individual connection
to a public sewer system where the same may be made available as an
addition or extension to existing facilities; provided, however, that
in those areas where existing facilities are not available, individual
connections to sanitary septic systems serving one, two or three mobile
home spaces may be approved upon the recommendation of the City-County
Health Officer and in accordmace with the sanitation Ordinance of Albe-
marle County. Where sanitary septic systems are approved, the Planning
Commission may increase the lot area requirements in the case of un-
usual soil conditions or other physical factors which may impair the
health and safety of the neighborhood and upon the recommendation in
writing of the City-County Health Officer."
(b) Add 10-9-7 - Public Water Supply, to read as follows:
"Each mobile home space shall be provided with an individual conaection
to a public water supply."
On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded .by Mr. Yancey, the first amendment above
listed was unanimously approved. 0n motion of Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Wheeler,
the latter amendment was unanimously approved.
The County ExeCutive advised that the State mileage allo~ce had been
increased to nine ce~ts per mile and recommended that the County i~crease
its mileage allowance from seven to,ne cents per mile. On motion of Mr.
Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, .uR~mously approved, it was ordered that
all mileage paid by the Co~ty of Albemarle be increased to nine cents per
mile, effective January 1, 1969.
The County Executive recommended that County offices be closed
Christmas Eve in addition to the regular holiday of Christmas Day. 0~ motion
of Nr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, Mr. Batchelor's recommendation was given
tm~mous approval.
The Co~ty Executive advised that the terms of Messrs. William P. Moore,
Cecil Maupin and David Carr and Dr. Richard Marks on the Plann~ Commission
will expire December 31, 1968, and also resignations had been received from
Mr. Noore and Mr. Floyd Johnson. Mr. Batch~lor stated that the Planning Com-
mission is rather large and suggested that the Plarming Commission 0rdina~ce
be amended so that its size might be reduced. After discussion, it was the
feeling of the Board that its representative and the COLuuty Executive should
serve in aa advisory capacity smd the voting membership be limited to eight.
Motion was offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, ~amimously adopted,
setting 10:00 a.m. on January 16, 1969, as time for public hearing to consider
so amending the County's Pl~ng Commission Ordinance. Also, on motion of
Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, the resignations of Mr. Noore and
Johnson were accepted with regret and the Clerk was directed to write each of
these gentlemen expressing the Board's appreciation for their services. On
motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Gibson, Nr. Cart and Mr. Maupin were
reappointed for four-year ~erms. On motion of Nr. Way, seconded by Mr. Wheeler.,
Dr. Narks was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Johnson which runs
through December 31, 1970, since Dr. Marks had indicated ~that he could not
accept appointment for a full four-year term.
At 1:30 p.m. the Chairman called for public he.ariags ~on applications for
coaditional use permits as adwertised ia the Daily Progress on November 29,
December 6 and December 13, 1968, as follows:
(1) Application of Harry 0. Martin, Jr. to locate a mobile home on 2 acres on
Route 73~ just off Route 79~.
No o~ appeared with regard to this application. Nr. Humphrey advised that
~his request was unanimously approved as submitted. On motion of Mr. Yancey,
seconded by Mr. Way and unanimously carried, this Board gave approval to the
application of Mr. Martin.
(2) Application of C. IVoe Hall to locate a mobile home on 1.81 acres on
Route 664 north of Earlysville.
No one appeared with regard to this application. Mr, Humphrey advised that
this application was approved~hy the Planning Commission az submitted. On
motion of Nr. Way, seconded by Mr, ~Wheeler and unanimously carried, the
application of Mr. Hall was appraved.
(5) Application of Roy E. Chapman to locate,_ mobile home on ~.04 acres
located on Route 641, 12 miles from the City~ of Charlottesville.
Mr. Chapman appeared in support of his request. No one appeared, in oppo-
sition. Mr. Humphrey advised that the. Planning Commission approve~ said
application subject to screening being provided along Route 641 according
to recommendations of the. State Forestry Service and subject to the permit
being granted for a period of one year with renewal by the Zoning Adminis-
trator on a year to year basis thereafter, so long as the ~applicant's mother
or father occupy the mobile home. On motion of, Mr. Gibs.on, secon&ed by Mr.
Wood, unanimously carried, Mr. Chapman's application was approved with the
sane conditions set out by the Planning Commission.
(4) Application of Barbara B. Turner to locate ~ble for light pony and
horse in .Flordon Subdivision on. Flordon Drive.
No one appeared with regard to this sDplication. Mr. Humphrey advised that
the application ~as approved by the Planning Commission subject to oontinued
compliance with Heal th Department requirements being maintained with regard
to disposal of manure. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Way and unani-
mously carried, Mrs. Turner's application was approved with the same condition
imposed by the P~anning Commission.
(5) Application of Clyde W. McAllister to locate a mobil~ home on Route 810.
No one appeared with regard to this application. Mr. Humphrey advised that
the Planning Commission approved this application as submitted. On motion
of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, unanimously carried, Mr. McAllister's
application was approved.
(6) Application of Francis 0. Black to locate antique shop in an A~I zone
located on Route 2~0 West.
Mrs. Black appeared in SUpPOr t, I , O f t ~S .application. No one. appeared~ in op-
position. Mr. Humphrey advised that said application was approved by the-
Planning .Commission subject to a site plan. review by the. Planning Staff to
determine proper zoning requirements. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Black's application was approved subject to the same
dition stipulated by the Planning Commission.
(7) Application of Pinckney Corporation to locate mobile home park in an
A-1 zone located south of Route 2~0 West immediately west of Browns-
ville Schools, behind Hillsboro Baptist Church Cemetery.
Nr. Forbes Riback, attorney, appeared on behalf of the Pinckney Corporation.
No one appeared in opposition. Nr~ Humphrey advised that this application
was approved by the Planning Commission subject~ to compliance where possible
with recommendations of the Soil Conservation Service and subject to the
following conditions:
(1) Screen of existing tree cover remain between mobile home park and
(2) That the existing tree cover on the parcel of land involved in
this request remain intact as much as possible. No wholesale
scarring of the ~d.
(3) That the main access road be shown as a 50 ft. R/W extending to
the south development line.
On motion of Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Gibson and unanimously carried, ap-
proval was given to the Pinckney Corporation application with the same con-
ditions set forth by the Planning Commission.
(8) Application of James A. Garrison to locate mobile home on land contain-
ing approximately 4 acres on Route 61 5, 1/4 mile i~rom Lindsay.
No one appeared with regard to this request. Nr. Humphrey advised that the
Planning Commission gave unanimous approval with no conditions. On motion of
Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Way and unanimously carried, Nr. Garrison's ap-
plication was approved.
(9) Application of Dennis R. Whiteman to operate an antique shop in an A-1
zone located at Advance Nills on Route 743.
No one appeared with regard to this application. Nr. Humphrey advised that
this request was approved by the Planning Commission subject to the following
(1) A minimum of four off-street parking spaces be provided in accor-
dance with the zoning ordinance.
(2) If access is to be provided to the site via the existing dirt road
paralleling the east property line that it be maintained in a good
condi ti on.
On motion of Nr. Wheeler,~ seconded by· Nr. Way and unanimously approved,
Whiteman's application was approved with the same conditions set forth by
the Planning Commission.
(10) Application of Reginald C. Yest to locate a mobile home on land con-
taining 50 acres located on Route 795 at Blenheim.
No one appeared with regard to this application. However, letter was re-
ceived from Nr. Theodore H. Price opposing the location of a mobile home at
this site. Nr. Humphrey advised that this application was given unanimous
approval by the Planning Commission as submitted. On motion of Nr. Way,
seconded by Nr. Wheeler and unanimously carried, Nr. Vest's application was
(11 ) Application of Gertrude Taylor to locate a mobile home on land con-
taining 31 .~ acres located on Route 6 between Scottsville ~ud E~mont.
No one appeared with regard to this request.. Nr. Humphrey advised that the
request was unanimously approved as submitted by the Planning Commission.
On motion of Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Way, Nfs. Taylor's application
was unanimously approved.
(12) Application of Robert W. Smith to establish a drive-in theater on
19.63 acres located on U.S. Route 250 East diagonally across from
Charlottesville Stone Company.
Nr. Smith appeared with~his attorney in support of his application. No one
appeared in opposition. Nr. Humphrey advised that the .Planning Commission
~pproved this application, 9 to 0 with one abstaining, subject to screening
and compliance with Health Departmmnt recommendatiQns. On motion of Nr.
·heeler, seconded by Nm. Wood, Nr. Smith's application was unanimously
(t3) Application of Rose Allen Reid to place a permanent mobile home on
~.1 acres located on Route 72~ between Routes 722 and~ 626.
No one appeared with regard to this request. Nr. Humphrey advised that the
Planning Commission recommended approval as submitted. On motion of Nr.
Gibson, ~econded by Nr. Way, Nrs. Reid's application was unanimously ap-
proved ~
(14) Public hearing to consider adoption of the "North Rivanna l~i~er Water
Facilities Plan" as prepared by John EcNair & Associates, as a part
of the Comprehensive Plan for Albemarle County, Virginia, as authorized
under Title 1~.I, Chapter 11, Virginia State Code.
The County Executive advised that EcNair and Associates were. employed to
prepare this water and sewer project in the planning for future growth of
the County. Nr. Humphrey advised that this matter was referred to the
Planning Commission in November aud public hearing wa .~held by that body in
December at which time the Commission recommended said Plan be approved as
a part of the Comprehensive Plan of Albemarle County. ~r. William Colony
appeared and questioned the Plan as submitted. He stated that he felt the
plan for development of a water system covered only a small segment of the
County and seems to be a plan completely void of planning for the County as
a whole or even for the Rivanna River Basin. Nr. F. A. Iachetta appeared
and stated that as an engineer he regarded the proposal as an insult to his
common sense. It was pointed out that the County had been working on this
problem for a long time and hoped to have the Easter Plan for the entire
County completed within eighteen months. However, immediate steps are de-
manded at this time and the proposal as submitted is imperative to take care
of these demands. Nr. Wheeler also pointed out that the door hasn't been
closed on working with the City but the County must go ahead with its plans.
Mr. Colony~ and Mr. Iachetta were thanked for their concern and for their
constructive suggestions. After public hearing, the following resolu$ion
was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle CuuntY, Virginia, that the ,North Rivanna River
Water Facilities Plan" as prepared by John NcNair and
Associates, be and the same is hereby adopted as a part of
the Comprehensive Plan for Albemarle County in accordance
with Title 1 5.1, Chapter 11, Virginia State Code.
Dr. R. W. Garnett, Jr., Director of the Nental Health Clinic at the
University of Virginia, appeared with the Ad Hoc Committee on Nental Health
consisting of Nr. David Parrish, Dr. David Hawkins, Er. Channing W. Daniel,
Jr., Dr. Ernest B. Harper, and Er. George H. Gilliam. This group proposed
that the County and City jointly avail themselves of the services authorized
by sections 37.1-194 to 37.1-202 (Chapter 10, Title 37.1) of the Code of
Virginia, specifically to appoint a community mental health services board
of not less than ~ nor more than 1 ~ ~embers to draft a plan for future
services, with the inclusion of neighboring counties and the establishment
of a comprehensive mental health and retardation center. After lengthy
discussion by various members of the group appearing, Mr. Gibson offered
motion, which was seconded by Mr. Wood and unanimously approved, endorsing
the program submitted, and subject to like action by City Council, appoint
a committee at the next meeting empowered to draft program and suggest
members to be appointed to the community mental health services board.
Mr. L$oy~ F. Wood, Jr., Chairman of the Albemarle County Hig~'~o~
sion, appeared with Mr. George Bailey and Mr. Carol Lanahan, msmbers of the
Commission, and presented progress report. Mr. Wood advised that three
programs have been set up for Albemarle County. (1) Improve the driver
education program to include adults, school dropouts at age prior to driver
education, and to work with Courts in training people who have lost their
license to drive. (2) Surveillance of accident prone locations in the
County. (3) Training of deputies in the safety aspects of working acci-
dents. Mr. Wood submitted drawing of driver range proposed for location
on property owned by the School Board, and located at Albemarle High School.
Mr. Wood estimated the cost of the driver range and operation of cars at
$39,490.00 and the cost of trai6ing deputies at $5,000.00 and stated that
the program would be on a 50-50 basis between the County and the Federal
Government, with application for Federal funds to be su~tted to the State
by January 1 5, 1969. After discussion, the following resolution was
offered by Nr. Gibson, seconded by. Nr. Way, a~&~,unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVE~ by the.Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, ~.~hat the three-phase program
submitted by the Albemarle County Highway Commission be
and the same is hereby approved, the total estimate& cost
of $4~,4.90.00 to be shar~ed on a 50-50 basis by the County
and the Federal governments; and
BE IT FURT~ RESOLVED that the Albemarle County High-
way Commi ssion is hereby authorized to make application to
the State of Virginia for Federal funds for said ~ program.
The County Executive advised, that the Regional Juvenile Court
Judge has been a~pointed an& he is serving on a committee to find.suit-
able housing for this.new office. He also stated that the County will
have to participate in the cost of Lsaid office. On motion of Nr. Wheeler,
seconded by Nr. Yancey, unanimously carried, approval was given to the
County's participation in the cost of office space for the Regional
Juvenile Court Judge.
Claims against the County amounting to ts677,983.35 were presented,
examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment
and charged against the following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
'Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Dog Tax Fund
County Water Systems
Orozet Sanitary District
Comm. of Va. Current Credit AccoUnt
Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
tS 25. 8
754.-. 2~
14-3,64.8. ~o 1
Total $ 677,983.35
On motion, '~h~e meeting was adjourned.