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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 20th day of
February, 1969 ·
Present: ~ess~s. E. N~ Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, Peter T. Way, Gordon
L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr., and l~. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord, s Prayer led by Nr. Garnett.
On motion of Nr. Way, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, minutes of the meeting of
January 16, 1969, were approved as submitted.
The t~esident Highway Engineer advised that St. George Avenue could now
be recommended for acceptance into the Secondary System if the Bo~ard so de-
sired. The following resolution was offered by Nr. Yancey, seconded by
'Wood, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT tLESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of
Highways be and is hereby requested to accept the following
section of road into the Secondary System, said road being
listed as Priority No. 3 in recommendations of Road Viewers
dated April 8, 1964, accepted by the Board of ~pervisors on
~ay 21, 1964:
l~oad beginning on Route 1202 at corner of St. George
Avenue and Wayland Drive in Crozet, Virginia, and
extending 32~ feet to entrance of V. L. NcCauley.
BE IT FL~qTHER RESOLVED that the County of Albemarle hereby
guarantees the Virginia Department of Highways a ~0-ft. unob-
structed right-of-way along this requested addition as recorded
in the Albemarle County Clerk's Office, Deed Book 317, page 21~,
and Deed Book 327, pages 490 and 492.
Nr_. ~:.B.~_G..~-. Warner~,~ l~'siden~:~Engine~.~ -i~ adv,-~sed~ ~.th~ L~es0~uti~o~'~-adoD~ad~ .by
Shi's ~B0_ard on .~archi'~ t~6,. t96~.,, i~th. regard~..~o~ Indus~tr. ia~ ~-AcC~ss_L~ds: was ap-
parently not received by the Highway Department or was lost in the change-
over of personnel at that time and this matter had been called to his atten-
tion by .~nerican T~tephone and Telegraph Company who received a copy of said
resolution. On motion of Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Way, updated resolution
in this regard was unanimously adopted as follows:
WHEREAS, communication has been received from American
Telephone and Telegraph Company requesting improvement to a
Section of Route 640; and
I~J~EAS, it is the opinion of this Board that .the afore-
mentioned request merits favorable consideration;
NOW, T~FOP~E, BE IT I~ESOLVED bythe Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, l~at the Virginia
Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to allocate
Industrial Access Funds for the immediate improvement of Route
640 between Route 231 and the access road of American Telephone
and Telegraph Company., For informative purposes, copy 0£ letter
from ~q~ericanI Telephone and Telegraph Company is attached to
this resolution.
On recommendation of Nzr. R. G. Warner, the following resolution was
offered by Nr. ~neeler, seconded by ~r. Wood, and unanimously adopted:
'WHEREAS, Nr. R. G. Warner, Resident Engineer, .has advised
that the Highway Department has been unable to obtain rights-of-
way on Routes 608 and 646;
NOW, TKERF~01~E, BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia
Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to transfer
funds contained in the 1968-69 Secondary Road Budget for said
Routes to Route 64~.
Nr. Warner advised that the Board should be giving ;thought to-setting a
date for annual road hearing in the near future. After discussion it was de-
cided that the 1969 Road Hearing be set for 7:30 P.E. on ~arch 13, 1969.
(NOTE: Sk~bsequent to this meeting, it was found that the Resident Engineer
had a conflict on the above date and suggested 7:30 P.E. on the
27Dh..:of.~.~a~bk~~ The Clerk contacted each Board member by mail and
it was agreed that-the Road Hearing be set for Narch 27, 1969 at
7:30 P.~. with ~due public notice to be given.)
Er. Wheeler advised that just recently there was a school bus-train wreck
at the Campbell crossing where vision is good and that this points to the need
for signals at the Ivy and Keswick cr. ossings where vision is limited.
Wheeler stated that he felt the Board's efforts to obtain signals at these
crossings should be renewed and he would be willing to go along with ikmds
from any source to remedy the situation. The railroad crossing into Sherwood
Farms was also brought into the discussion. The County Executive suggested
that the Board request the State Highway Commission/for support and participa-
tion in this regard. On motion of Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Nr. Gibson, the
recommendation of the County Executive was accepted and it was ordered that
a copy of the Board's request to Nr. Fugate be forwarded to the Albemarle
Highway Safety Commission with a request for their support also.
Mr. Way inquired as to the status of request for change in speed limit
on Route 6 and at Keene. Mr. Warner advised that apparently his traffic
department does not feel a change is warranted at this time but he will
continue his efforts in this regard.
Communication was received from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hite regarding
Route 637. It was ordered that this letter be acknowledged and held for
the annual Road Hearing.
~r. Yancey again called to Mr. Warner's attention the parking situation
in Crozet. Mr. Warner advised that the proper~ in question belongs to the
railroad and Mr. Garnett stated that the County has an agreement wiDh C&0
for the use of this property. The Clerk was directed to forward a copy of
such agreement to Mr. Warner.
Mr. Walter Yotung appeared and requested the County's assistance in ob-
taining rights-of-way on road off Route 691. Mr. Warner advised that it was
the responsibility of the property ovmers involved to obtain such rights-of-
way and he advised Mr. Young that he would be glad to work with him on this
Statements of expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office
and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney were submitted for the month of
January, 1969. On motion of Nr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, these
statements were unanimously approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted for the month of January, 1969, along, with summary statement of
prisoner days. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wood, unanimously
carried, these statements were approved.
Communications were received from the Board of Supervisors of Madison
and Greene Counties agreeing to increase charge for care of prisoners from
$1.00 to $2.00 per day, plus the base cost of $70.00, effective March 1, 1969.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month
of January, 1969, in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code
of Virginia.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1,349.12
was submitted for hospitalization of indigent patients under SLH for the
month of January, 1969, and on motion of Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Wheeler,
this statement, was unanimously approved for payment.
The County Executive advised that one member of the Equalization Board
had resigned and recommended that this Board be reduced to three members, the
three who are currently serving, for the year 1969. On motion of Er. Wood,
seconded by ~r. Wheeler, the recommendation of ~tr. Batche_ior was accepted
and Messrs. Richard Florence, Randolph Wade, and J. T. Henley, Jr. were re-
appointed to the Equalization Board for the year 1969.
The Chairman advised that he had appointed Mr. Lloyd ~ood to the joint
Mental Health Committee which is to make recommendations to this Board
to City Council on appointments to the Charlottesville-Albemarle Community
Mental Health Services Board.
Communication was received from Mr. Louie L. Scribner, Chairman of the
Charlottesville-Albemarle Economic Development Commission, advising that the
terms of the six representatives of the County on this Commission had ex-
pired. The Board was advised that those presently serving ha~ all agreed to
continue. On motion of Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously
adopted, Messrs. t~oscoe Adams, Jr., Joseph w.. Gibson, James Nottingham, John
Rogan, Cecil Smith, and ~Villiam B. Trevillian were re-appointed to the Econo-
mic Development Commission (formerly the Industrial Commission).
Mr. Lloyd Wood called the Board'~ attention to the fact that Mr. Edward
Guthrie, Deputy Sheriff, was severely wounded while serving alone on night
duty. He stated that it was his feeling, and the feeling of a number of
citizens in the County, that personnel in the Sheriff's department should be
sufficient for deputies to work in pairs during the night hours or that the
County investigate the possibility of training dogs through the Canine Corps
to work with night men, and requested permission for the County Executive to
explore the situation~ On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, Mr.
Wood's recommendation was accepted and Mr. Wheeler recommended that the
County Executive work with the Sheriff in this regard.
At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearings on zoning requests
as advertised in the Daily Progress on January 31, and February ? and
1969, as follows:
(~) Request of Mildred Macon and Lyttleton Yates to rezone 133.63 acres
from Agricultural A-1 to Manufacturing M-2 located between Routes
689, 688 and 684 in Samuel Miller District.
Mr. Ed Deers appeared as attorney for the applicants. Mr. Humphrey
vised that the staff recommended that no action be taken on this application
until hearing application for another quarry scheduled for March 20th, that
today's hearing be adjourned and both be heard at the same time. The County
Executive recommended on site inspection of the locations the date of the
meeting or before. After discussion, it was agreed that the Board would
make on site inspections beginning at I :00 P.M. on Friday, March 21st, and
public hearing on quarry applications was set for 7:00 P.M. onthe same date
at the Court House. Mr. Deers agreed to this action.
(2) Application of Stanley L. and Virginia G. Patterson to rezone 54.4
acres from Agricultural A-1 to Nanufacturing ~-1, located on l~oute
684 and having 700 feet o~ frontage on subject to&d, Samuel Niller
Di strict.
Mr. ttumphrey advised that hearing on this application was concluded at
meeting of the Planning Commission and later request was received to with-
draw application and the Planning Commission accepted the request~ and
recommended to this Board that the applicants be allowed to withdraw with-
out prejudice. On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unani-
mously adopted, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
(3) Application of Gordon Burton to rezone 36 acres from Agricultural A-1 to
Residential R-1 to permit less than two acre lot development. Located
at "~idway" with frontage on l~outes 635, 688 and 684.
Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff and Planning Commission recommended
that action on this request be deferred since the outcome of this application
was definitely effected by the zoning case pending with regard to a quarry
across from this location. ~r. Burton was present and stated that he would
like for the Board to act on part of his application so that he could begin
development. However, it was the feeling of the Board that the request should
be handled a's a whole. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, action
on this request was deferred until Narch 21st. Mr. Burton agreed to this
(4) APplication of Goldene R. Wells to permit a general store in an Agri-
cultural A-1 district. Located on Route 53 approximately one half mile
west of intersection with Route 792.
No one from the public appeared with regard to this application. Mr.
Humphrey advised that the Planning Commission approved this request subject
to the store being located at a minimum distance of 50 feet from the right-of-
way line of Route 53 and subject to all normal zoning regulations. On motion
of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, unanimously adopted, Mr. Wells' applica-
tion was approved with the same conditions set by the Planning Commission.
(5) Application of City. of Charlottesville for conditional use permit for
sewer transmission facility in the Canterbury Hills area along Route
29 and the 250 By-Pass.
No one appeared with regard to this ~pplication. Mr. Humphrey advised
that the Planning Commission approved this application as submitted. On
motion of Nr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Gibson, unanimously carried, the applica-
tion of the City of Charlottes~zille was approved.
(6) Application of L. George Kirby for conditional use permit to locate a
mobile home on 13.49 acres on Route 6 at Es~aont. '
Mrs. Kirby appeared in support of this application. No one appeared in
opposition. Discussion brought out the fact that this trailer was. parked at
the proposed location before application was applied for and Mr. Wheeler ex-
pressed opposition to this practice which apparently is happening in nt~nerous
instances throughout the County. After some discussion, motion was offered
by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, and un~n~mously adopted, giving appr.Sval
to Mr. Gibson's application.
In further discussion, Mr. Wheeler sta~ed ~hat the Board should seek
strict enforcement with regard to trailers immediately. The County Attorney
suggested that the Zoning Administrator be instructed to write all mobile home
dealers in and selling to the area. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Er.
'Wheeler, Mr. Narshatl's recommendation was unanimously accepted.
(7) Application of Herbert F. Spradlin for conditional use permit to locate a
mobile home on 15.25 acres in Woodridge are~on Route 618.
No one from the public appeared with regard to this request. Mr. Humphre~
advised that the Planning Commission approved this application and he recom-
mended approval subj~cttto 100 ft. setback and approval by the Health Depart-
ment on location of septic tank and well. On motion of Mr. Way, seconded by Mr.
Yancey, Er. Spradlin's application was unanimously approved, subject bo con-
ditions recommended by the PlanninE Staff.
The County Executive sulmzitted suggested resolution and proposed escrow
agreement with State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts. He recommended
adoption-of the resolution and agreement designating said bank as a depository
for County funds so that said bank could be requested to bid on monies to be
deposited af~ter tax collections in the fall. Mr. Yancey offered motion to
accept the County EXecutive's recommendation, which motion was seconded by Mr.
Way. Mr. Gibson stated that he felt more could be gained by keeping funds on
deposit locally than the few percentage points of interest which might be re-
ceived from the RichmOnd bank. Mr. ~heeler stated that he supported Mr. Gibson
in this matter. Mr. Way withdrew his second in light of this discussion and
the motion died for lack of a second. On motion of Mr. Gibson, secondei by
Mr. Wheeler, unanimously carried, the request of State-Planters Bank of Com-
merce and Trusts was denied.
Communicztion was received from ~. Ray B. Jones, Asst. Director of Finance,
advising that James C. Billet was assessed for an automobile in Albemarle County
and paid taw on same in the amount of $91.52. He stated that his department
made the assesmflent .on the basis of local license purchased in April, 1965.
However, he had been advised by the Commissioner of Revenue of Shenandoah
County that this vehi, cle was located in that county and taxed as of January,
196.8. On motion of Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wood, unauimously adopted, re-
fund in the amount of $91.52 was approved for Mr. Billet.
Notice was received from the State Corporation Commission of public
hearing at 10:00 A.M. on April 8, 1969, on application of Southern Railway
Company 'for authority to discontinue agency station and dismantle the depot
building at North Garden.
Communication was received from J. W. Jones, Secretary of the District
Home, enclosing copy of deed conveying au easement to the City of Waynesboro
for the construction of a sewer line to serve the District Home property.
On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, unanimously carried, said
deed was approved and the Chairman was authorized to sign same on behalf of
the County of Albemarle.
Notification was received from T. Edward Temple, Director, Division of ~
State Planning and CommUnity Affairs, of public hearing for proposed planning
: 0
districts to be held at 7 3 P.M. on February 26th at Newcombe Hall.
The County Executive reminded the Board that the Legislative Conference
of the National Association of Counties would be held March 2-~, 1969, at the
~ariott Twih Bridges Motor Hotel, .Washington, D.C. ~
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Gordon M. Buck for two
ewes killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nrm. Gibson, unani-
mously carried, Er. Buck was allowed $18.00 for each of these ewes.
The County Executive submitted 60-day option agreement signed by Eliza-
beth E. Fitch for option to purchase at a price of $1~,000 land situated on
or near the waters of Preddy's Creek in Albemarle-Orange County, Virginia, in
connection with development of the Preddy's Creek Watershed Project. On motion
of Er. Way, seconded by Er. Wood, and unanimously approved, the County Executive
was authorized to exercise this option. The County Executive also advised that
he had exercised agreement with A1 Dwyer for purchase of ~00 acres and re-
quested ratification. On motion of Er. Wood, seconded by Er. Yancey, unani-. ~
mously adopted, this action was approved.
On recommendation of the County Executive, the following resolution was
offered by Er. Gibson, seconded by Er. Wood, and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Albemarle County~ Board of Supervisors is
interested in participating in the Statewide Law Enforcement t
Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors find~the
planning grant available to them inadequate and county sAaff
participation unavailable;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle County Board
of Supervisors hereby requests the Virginia~State Law Enforce-
ment Council, in cooperation with the State Council on higher
education courses, make available a planning team to assist
Albemarle County in preparing it~ component of the State Law
Enforcement Plan in lieu of receiving the planning Grant of
Communication was received from the Louisa County Board of 'Supervisors
requesting that this Board adopt a resolution approving the proposed North
Anna River Power Station Project of Virginia Electric and Power Company as
originally designed with a minimum release of 40 cfs of water down stream.
Since the information furnished with regard to draw down of the waters of
the reservoir was insufficient for this Board to act upon, the CoUnty
Executive was requested to write a letter to Nr. Dean Agee, Executive
Secretary of Louisa County, advising that this Board supports plans for
recreational facilities but does not feel it has sufficient in~ormation to
adopt the resolution proposed.
Communication was received from t~r. George Long, Executive Director of
the Virginia Association of Counties, advising that Albemarle County's pro-
portionate part of the total estimated cost of counsel in connection with
petition of Virginia railraod assessnmts before the State Corporation Com-
mission. On motion of ~. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Yancey, rules with regard
to second reading were~suspended and the following resolution unanimously
BE IT P~SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that $9~8.00 be and the same is
hereby appropriated to the Virginia Association of Counties
as this County's share of counsel employed in connection with
hearing before the State Corporation Commission on railroad
The following resolution was received from the School Board:
"BE~'IT BESOLVED: That the Albemarle County School Board does hereby re-
quest the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County to join with the said
School Board in making application for a Literary Loan of $3~0,000.00 for
the purpose oN building a permanent addition of nine classrooms to the
Stone-Robinson Elementary School located at Shadwell, Virginia."
The following resolution was offered by Nr. Wheeler, seconded by Er. Way,
and adopted by the following recorded vOte:
AYES: Nessrs. Garnett, Gibson, Way, Wheeler and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT (during this portion of meeting): Er. Wood
WHEREAS, The School Board of Albemarle County, ontthe 20th
day of February, 1969, presented to this Board, an application
addressed to the St~ale Board of Education for the purpose of
borrowing from the Literary Fund.$3~0,000.00 for the new school
building (or for adding to or improving the present school build-
ing) at Shadwell, Virginia, to be paid in 20 annual installments,
and the interest thereon at 3 per cent paid annually, provided
there are sufficient funds in the Literary Fund at the time the
money is called for by the School Board.
If, in the discretion of the State Board of Education, it
appears advisable to provide money for this loan through assign-
ment to the Virginia Retirement System, the rate of interest on
this loan will be not less than two nor more than four per cent
per annum.
BESOLVED, That the application of the County School Board to
the State Board of Education for a loan of $3~0,000.00 from the
Literary Fund is hereby approved, and authority is hereby granted
the said County School Board to borrow the said amount for the
purpose set out in said application.
The Board of Supervisors for said County will each year
during the life of this loan, at the time they fix the regular
levies, fix a rate of lewy for schools or make a cash appropriation
sufficient for operation expenses and to pay this loan in annual
installments and the interest thereon, as required by law~ regulat-
ing loans i~rom the Literary Fund.
Communication was received from James Jordan, President, CA0, requesting
funds to help support the operation of the W. D. Ward Center at Esmont. The
County Executive recommended th. at the letter be acknowledged with advice that
an appropriation of County funds for this project would set a precedent and
that all such funds must be channeled through the Community Action Organiza-
tion. On motion of Nr. Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, unanimously adopted,
the recommendation of the County Executive was accepted.
Communication was received from Thomas E. Bruce, Jr. requesting that the
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors exercise every means at their command
to attempt to change the decision with regard to the location of the Community
College for the 18th Region. Resolution was also received from Town Council
of Scottsville urging this Board to refuse to participate financially in the
acquisition and development of the Charlottesville site selected for Region 18,
to reaffirm its endorsement of a Scottsville area site as the most practical
and suitable location, and to continue efforts along with the governing
bodies of other Counties of the Region to secure approval by the State Board
of Community Colleges of a Scottsville site as an alternate location. There
were a number of citizens present From the Scottsville area with regard to
this matter. The Connty Executive gave a detailed background of the matter,
referring to the guidelines first laid down by the Community Dollege Board,
the numerous letters, telephone calls, and trips of various County officials
in support of the Scottsville site, and the las~ guide lines received which
were completely different From the original. Nr. Way stated that he is con-
cerned over the participation of other counties in this region and the way
the Community College Board handled this situation. Nr. Pearson 'Scott,
speaking for the group present, stated that southside residents are unani-
mously opposed to the Board of Supervisors committing itself to the purchase
of the Shoik~ner tract. AFter much discussion, motion was offered by Nr.
Gibson, seconded by Nr. Wheeler, to SusDend rules with regard to second
reading and adopt the following resolution. This resolution was adopted with
Nr. Way casting the only vote against it:
BE IT P~ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that $6,089.37 be and the same is hereby
appropriated as Albemarle County~ s share of down payment on pur-
chase of land for the Community College in Region 18.
Statement was received in the amounDc0~f $8,~74.1 ~ From Hantzm~n, Wiebel
and Company for audit of the County's accounts for the year ending June 30,
1968. On motion of Nr. Yancey, seconded by Nr. Way and unanimously adopted,
this bill was approved for payment and it was ordered that this firm be en-
gaged for the audit of accounts for the current fiscal year.
At 2:00 P.E. the Chairman called for public hearing on proposed ordi-
nance entitled"An Ordina~uce to Amen& Chapter 9 of the Albemarle County Code
by Adding Thereto Article VI s_ud Section 9-,22 Relating to Collection of Real
Estate Tax in Semi-Annual Installments" as advertised in the Daily Progress
on February 6 and 13, 1969. Eotion was offered by Nr. Gibson to table the
proposed ordinance and adjourn the public hearing. This motion was seconded
by Nr. Wheeler. ~r. Landon Birckhead asked if the Board ordered publication
of this hearing and was advised that the matter was handled administratively.
Nr. Joe Stevens asked if the split billing was proposed for this year or all
years to come and~was advised that the motion before the Board was to table
the ordinance. After brief discussion, the Chairman called for vote on the
motion of Nr. Gibson and the motion was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Lloyd Smith appeared with request to revise the COunty's contract
with the S.P.C.A. for the keep oF dogs. The Board was advised that since
the contract was made in 19~9, their expenses have increased 5~%. It was
requested that the contract be amended to increase the per diem cost From
$0.6~ to $1.00. Nr. Wheeler said he felt this was a reasonable request
and moved to approve the new contract, which motion was seconded by Nr.
Yancey. Nr. Gibson offered substitute motion to take the contract under
advisement and consult with the City of Charlottesville before taking
action, which motion was seconded by Nr. Way and unanimously adopted.
Iteports of the S.P.C.A. for the months of December and January were
CommUnication was received from the Agriculture Committee of the
Scottsville Chamber of Commerce advising that thistles arum increasing
rapidly throughout the county, particularly in that area where there are a
sizable number of absentee landowners. They requested, if possible, that
this Board enact an ordinance which would require landowners to spray to
control thistle. Nr. Lewis Smith, County.~Agent, appeared with regard to
this matter on request of the CountY Executive. He confirmed the problem
which does exist in Albemarle County and advised that there is enabling
legislation For Counties to adopt. : such an ordinance. He advised that
Pulaski, Clarke, Botetourt and Washington Counties have adopted ordinances
but that Clarke County has experienced difficulty with the spray damaging
oak trees. An Alberene resident presented copy of communication from the
Virginia Commercial Beekeepers' Association with regard to bee losses re-
sulting from the use of pesticides. After discussion, it was ordered tb~t
ordinances be obtained from the aforementioned counties before ZhZther
action is taken by this B°ard.
Claims against the County amounting to $61~, 203 . 31 were presented,
examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment
and charged against the' following funds:
General Revenue Fund
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Textbook Fund
Cafeteria Fund
Capital Outlay Fund
Dog Tax Fund
County Water Systems Fund
McIntire Trust Fund
Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
Crozet 'Sanitary District Fund
CommonWealth of Va. Current Credit Account
$ 16.6~
$ 61 ~, 203.31
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.