HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-03-01 March 1, 1962 Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, at !i:00 A.M. with the following present: Messrs. John W. Williams, H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Garnett, George C. Palmer, II, N. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Also present: County Executive, Asst. County Executive, and Commonwealth, s Attorney. We~ the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at ll:00 A.M. on the 1st day of March, 1962, for the purpose of considering matters and pertaining to rabies among predatory animals, the Beaver Creek Dam Project,/the advisability of an annuat~ highway meeting, and we do hereby consent to any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting,.~,upon the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary %he~gto. · H. As ~- rris George Co Pa!mer,~-iT ~. Y. Suther_an~,f~r. Robert Thraves Written report was received and read as submitted by the County's Committee on Hunting with regard to its study of the problem of rabies among predatory animals in the County, and was accepted and ordered filed. Dr. Martin B. Marx, Public Health Veterinarian of the State Department of Health was present and discussed with the Board and others present the State's cooperative program of trapping predatory animals for the control of rabies. Dr. Marx explained that if such program is instituted in Albemarle County, permission would have to be obtained from landowners and suggested that a survey should be made during April with the program beginning Nay 1st and continuing through the month of June. After a general discussion of the matter, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Suther- land, and duly carried by unanimous recorded vote, it was ordered that~ because of the existence of rabies in the wildlife of this County and/or its adjacent areas, this Board request the services of the State Predator Trappers or any part of the services they can furnish to carry out the objectives of the State Cooperative Predator Rabies Control Program, said program to be initiated as soon as possible and to continue as long as is deemed advisable by its administrators. It is further ordered that a certified copy of this order be forwarded to Dr. Martin B. ~arx, Public Health Veterinarian, State Department of Health, Richmond 19, Virginia, and to Dr. S. D. Sturkie Local Health Director of Albemarle County. Also on motion of ~r. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, it was ordered that the above program be begun in Albemarle County Nay l, 1962 and continue for a forty-six day period, and it was ordered that in the trapping of predatory animals, all coons be turned loose. In connection with the Beaver Creek Dam Project, the following resolution was offered by Palmer~ seconded by Mr. Thraves, and unanimously adopted: V~EREAS, a committee of members of this Board and County citizens has been working for some time on plans for the County of Albemarle to a~quire land, construct a dam and perform other necessary acts for the purpose of creating a watershed project in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and of providing a source of public water supply for the agricultural, residential, governmental and industrial development of Albemarle County, said project to be located on the w~ters of Beaver Creek near Nechum's River in this County; and V~EREAS, said committee has recommended that it is necessary for said purposes to acquire certain lands in that vicinity as shown within red lines upon a certain Land Nap prepared by O. R. Randolph,Engineer,' dated August 25, 1960, and revised December 20, 1960 and December 24, 1960 which has been exhibited before this meeting; and ' -WHEREAS, negotiations have been carried on vdth the owners of said lands looking to the purchase thereof by the County of Albemarle; and WHEREAS, said negotiations have, in some cases, led to agreement by certain of the owners for~sale by them to the~County of their~lands required by.the County; and WHEREAS, bona~fide offers to purchase by the County have been rejected by the ov~ers in some cases$ and V~qEREAS, it'h~s been discovered in some cases that owners of interests in certain of the lands cannot be found or are not legally competent to convey said interests;~ - NON, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board should proceed to acquire the lands shown~on said Land Nap or the portions thereof as are necessary for the purposes set out above, purchasing such lands as can be acquired through voluntary sale and instituting eminent domain proceedings to acquire such lands as cannot be acquired in that manner; AND BE IT FURT~ERRESOLVED that D. B. Marshall, Attorney, engaged by this Board for that purpose,~is hereby authorized to examine title to said landm, to prepare deeds, accept delivery of deeds, institute condemnation'suits and tske such other action in the name of this Board as shall be necessary, in his judgment, to . compl/ete the acquisition by this Board of said lands, including the following parcels. 1. ~4.76 acres owned by Percy R. Abell and Hazel M. Abell which the owners have agreed to sell for $14,952.00. 2. 4.39 acres owned by John 'G.~Waller. 3. 0.39 acres owned by Silas C. Tomlin. 4. 0.73 acres o~med by Albert Jones. 5. 1.31 acres owned by John W. Clayton. 6. 1.~2 acres owned by John W. Clayton. 7. 0.13 acres ov~aed by John N. Clayton. 8. *~Z~. acres owned by John W. Clayton. 9. 0.46 acres owned by John ~. Clayton. 10. 5.33 acres owned-by Eva B. Hall. ll. 39.92 acres owned by C. ~. Niddleton. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive is hereby authorized to offer in writing to purchase from ~rs. Ida J. Cart 49.66 acres of her land as shown on said Land Map at a price of $200.00 per acre, to purchase from Mrs. Jennie P. WOodson 43.20 acres of her land as shown on said Land ~p at a price of $200.00 per acre, and if either or both of said offers are not accepted within ten days from~ delivery, said attorney is directed to institute suits forthwith to acquire said lands from Mrs. Carr and/or Mrs. Woodson by eminent domain proceedings; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said attorney is directed to institute a suit forthwith to acquire from ~rs. John H. Lamb and her infant grandson, Carroll Lamb, 9.89 acres of their land as shown on said Land ~ap by eminent domain proceedings. On motion of ~r. Palmer, seconded by ~r. Garnett, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that O. R. Randolph, Engineer, be and is hereby instructed to proceed with preparation of plats for recordation in connection with acquisition of land for the Beaver Creek Dam Project, and $750.00 be and the-same is hereby appro- priated for the completion of this work. The advisability of holding an annual highway meeting for the purpose of considering requests for improvement to roads in the Secondary System was discussed and after considerable discussion and on motion of ~r. Harris, seconded by Nr. Palmer, it was ordered that such a meeting be held this year and ~arch 15, 1962, at 1:30 P.N. was set as time and date for said meeting and the Clerk was instructed to give notice of same in accordance with. Law. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman