HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-03-15 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office B-~ilding of said County on the 15th day of March, 1962. Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, George C. Palmer, II, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive, Asst. County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M. Pence. Minutes of the meetings of February 15, 1962 and March. l, 1962 were read and approved. Mrs. E. H. Joslin appeared and requested acceptance into the Secondary System of Roads, a short road leading off of Route 685. Mrs. Joslin was advised that this was a matter for consideration by the Roan Viewers and was given an application to be executed and returned before the Viewers meet. Request was received from R. A. Saunders for inclusion in the Secondary System of certain streets in the Meadows Subdivision. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the follow- ing resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the following sections of streets in the Meadows Subdivision have been completed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the Virginia Department of Highways with the exception of several minor detai~s, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that subject to final inspection by the Resident High- way Engineer that such streets have been completed in all ~respects to Highways specifications, and subject further to the posting of sufficient performance and standards bond and maintenance costs, the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways the following ..... section~ of streets in the Meadows Subdivision: Angus Road from Route 29, North, to Ricky Road ..... 1863 feet. Dellmead Lane from Cedar Hill Road to Ricky Road ....... 613 feet. Wayne Avenue from Angus Road to Ricky Road ...... 2030 feet. Cedar Hill Road from Angus Road to Wayne Av~n~e ..... 878 feet. Ricky Road from Angus Road to Wayne Avenue ........ 747 feet. Linda Court from Angus Road to Cul de Sac ........ 450 feet. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby guaranteed a fifty foot unobstructed right of way along these requested additions, the same having been dedicated along with drainage easements and recorded in Deed Book 337, pages 515-16, Deed Book 339, page 584, and Deed Book 343, page 146, in the Office of the C~erk of the Circuit Court. Request was received ~rom Mr. Amos R. Sweet for inclusion in the Secondary System of certain sections of streets in Orchard Acres Subdivision. On motion of Mr. Palm, r, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the following sections of streets in Orchard Acres Subdivision, Crozet, Virginia, have been completed in accordance with standards and specifica- tions of the Virginia Department of Highways, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that, subject to the posting of sufficient performance and standards bond and maintenance co.ts, the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, the following streets in Orchard Acres Subdivision, a total distance of 1300 lineal foot: Orchard Drive from its intersection with Peach Tree Drive to York Road. York Road from its intersection with Orchard Road to its intersection with Peach Tree Drive. BE ITFL~THERRESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and additions, the same having been~ dedicated along with drainage easements and recorded in Deed Book 322, page l&6 in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Communication was received from Mr. Sylvester O'Grince, Director of. Buildings and Grounds of the University of Virginia, offering to the County a large number of trees from l0 to 25 feet in height for planting along the Route 250 By-Pass. He stated that these were the trees referred to by Mr. Thomas J. Michie, Jr.~ at the last Board meeting. He further stated that this was an offer of the University of Virginia and that the trees would be given free, the only cost involved being $10~00 for the moving o£ each tree. accepted. After further consideration of this matter, it was moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by ~r. Thraves, and unanimously carried, that the County would~ accept the above .mentioned trees, provided the interested Civic Clubs would bear the expense of moving same, the dead- line for the moving of the trees to be established by Mr-. O'Grince. Plat was received on Division of Lt~ 25 and 26, Block B, Royal Acres Subdivision into Lots A~ B and C, as prepared by Mr, B. Aubrey Huffman and approved ~by the County Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, this plat was approved and tke Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of tkis Board. Plat was received on division of Lot 3, Block A,~ Section 2, Glenorchy S~bdivision, as additions to Lots 2 and ~ as prepared by Mr'. Amos R. Sweet and approved by the County and City Plannin Commissions. On motion of Mr. Garne%t, seconded by Mr. Harris, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board, subject to signatures being obtained from the City Planning Commission. Plat was received on Parcels A, B and C, division of Charley Winston Estate, with substandar~ reads being noted thereon, as prepared by Mr. O. R. Randolph and approved by the County Planning Com- miesion. Om mmotion of Mr. Garnett, secondsd by Mr. Palmer, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to .sign same on behalf of this Board, subject to signatures being obtained from the CoUnty Planning Commission and the owners. Plat was received on Section 2 and revisions to a portion of Section 1, West Leigh Subdivisio with substandard roads being noted thereon, as prepared by Mr. Amos R. Sweet and approved by the County Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Thraves, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Plat was received on division of 2.0161 acre lot from J. Ashby Adams, Sr. tract, located on the east side of Emerson Drive, West ~eigh Subdivision, with substandard road being noted thereon, as prepared by Mr. Amos R. Sweet and approved by the County Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Palmer seconded by Mr. Garnett, this plat was approved and the Chairm~n and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Plat was received on division of land of R. Ashby Maupin, conveying 2.02 acres near Free Union on Route 609 to Larry W. Maupin, as prepared by Mr. T. W. Saunders and approved by the County Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Plat was received on the division of land belonging to Harry T. Napier, located on the north side of U.S. Route 250, .5 mile eash of Yancey Mills, as prepared by Mr. O. R. Randolph and approved by the County Planning Commission. On motion of Mrl Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, this plat was approved and the Chairman and C~erk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of February, 1962, were presented and on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Palmer, were examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along wi~h Summary Statement ef Prisoner Days for the month of February, 1962. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, these Statements were examined, verified and approved. ~ o~ ~e +~b~ Jail Ph:~sician for the month of February, 1962, in the amount of $1~.00 was Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of February, 1962,~were presented in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the following resolution was unanimouslyi~' BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, 1 Virginia, .that this Board wishes to call to the attention of the Board of Public Welfare recent legislation which allows boards of public welfare to vary grants to welfare recipients from the standard form~ula by ten per cent (10%) in instances where case workers find by investigation that such variance is warranted. Claim in the amount of $714.85 was received from the University of Virginia Hospital for the hospitalization of indigent patients and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, was approved for.payment. Report of the County Executive for the month of February, 1962, was presented, approved and ordered filed. ~-On~motion of Mr. Suth~rland, seconded by Mr. Harris, rules with regard to second reading were suspended, and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following appropriations be and the same hereby are made for the month of April, 1962 from the funds and for the functions or purposes indicated: GENERAL REVENUE FUND: For the operation of General County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Opera- ting F~ud and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: l& Board of County Supervisors 1AA Miscellaneous Services lB County Executive's Office lC Department of Finance 1D Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes 1E Board of Equalization 1F Tax Map 1G County Planning Commission 1H Industrial Advancement & Development 4 Recording of Documents 5A Circuit Court 5B County Court 5C Commonwealth Attorney's Office 6A Policing and Investigating 6C Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 Fire Prevention and Extinction 7B Operation of County Dump No. 1 7C Operation of County Dump No. 2 TE Operation of County Dump No. 4 8D Public Welfare - Lunacy Commission 9 Public Health ll Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 13 Elections 14 Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 15 General S~ores TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO GENERAL OPF~ATING FUND $ 45.5.OO 325.00 5,575.00 "0-- 750.00 354.14 100.00 2,173.31 50.00 85.OO 650.00 5,596.66 1,448.33 ~140.~ 290.00 640.00 600.O0 3,500.00 975.00 1,275.00 '0-- $ 34,007.79 For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assis- tance Fuud and expended only by the Welfare Board $ 22,984.52 For the operation of Public Schools, to be trans- ferred to the School Eund and expended only on order of the School Board, as follows: 17 17.1 17.2 17.3 17%4 17.5 17.51 17.6 17.61 17.7 17.10 17.8 17.9 Administration Instruction Evening, Part-Time, Etc. Other Instructional Costs Co-Ordinate Activities Auxiliary Agencies - Transportation of Pupils Other Auxiliary Agencies Operation of School Plant Maintenance of School Plant Fixed Charges Operating Costs - Jackson P. Burley High School C~pital Outlay Debt Service $ 2,575.83 111,764.99 2,020. O0 10,700.00 370.00 18.~10.00 7, O10. O0 ll, 400. O0 500.O0 1,075.00 16,858. O0 -Ow Total for Operating Public Schools $182,483.82 For scholarships in aid of education, to be trans- ferred to the Scholarship Fund, and expended only on order of the School Board For the operation of the $oin% Health Department, to be transferred to the Joint Health Department Fund and e~ended ohly on order of the Joint Health Board Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund DOG TAX FUND: $ $ 7,837.50 $247,313.63 For~the protection of livestock and fowl and other operations of the Dog Tax Fund, to be expended only on ordero£ the~Board'of Supervisors CENTRAL FIRE DIST~!~~ FUN~: For the operation of the Central Fire District, to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND:. $ 450.00 $ 6,300.00 For the operation of the Crozet Sanitary District, to be expended Only. on order of the Board of Supervisors GRAND TOTAL OF ALL APPROPRIATIONS FROM AM. FUNDS - 275,~OO.,SA $ i,960.00 $256,298.63 The Chairman 'Called for public hearing as per the following notice which was published in She Daily Progress on January,~27 and FebrUary 3, 1962, the said hearing having been postponed at the regular February l5, 1962, meeting to this date: "Notice is hereby given that at a regular meeting of the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle,County, Virginia, to be held on February 15, 1962, it is intended to amend and re-enact the County's Subdivision Ordinance in those sec- tions which deal with joint jurisdiction with the City of Charlottesville and the Town of ScOttsville, and public hearing on same has been set for 10:00 A.M. on said date. By Order of the Board of County Supervisors." During the public hearing Mr. Robert .Musselman, Attorney, appeared and requested one further techmical cha~ge in Section 9 of~'said'Ordinance which would.include that territory lying within the three-mile radius of the City of Charlottesville. Mr. Palmer stated that when this ordinance was drafted, s~h-section 9(b) was inserted whereby the authority to recommend to the Board of Supervisors any exceptionwas definitely vested in the Planning Commission and that said section would cover the point requAsted by Mr. Musselman. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the Planning Commission was requested to pursue study to determine if an exception should be granted in Mr. Mussel- man's clients~case. Following public hearing, and on motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the following Amended Subdivision Ordinance was adopted and ordered published in synopsis form in the 'Daily Progress in accordance with law, with the ful text being filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, by the following recorded vote: A · yes. Messrs. William§, Gannett, Harris, Palmer, Sutherland and Thraves. Nays: None. (Ordinance follows on Rage AN ORDINANCE P__.~,OVERN1NG SUE~'IVISION OF LAND WITHIN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. ADOPTED MAY 18, 19/-+9. AMENDED AND REENACTED dULY 16, 1958. ,r,- T AME~',,E)EDAND RcENAC ED dANUARY 1.8, 1961. AMENDED AND REENACTED MAY 1'7, 1961. AMENDED AND REENACTED dUNE 21, 1961, AMENDED, AN.D BEENACTED /Y/~,~.c~ I~. ! ~ ~ g., SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS A. Sua~lyISlOU, (1) FOR_PROPERTY__L¥.I~G .IN ALBEMARLE'C~NTY: BUT WITHIN 3 MILES. OF T.__HE..CoRPORATE LINtTS OF. THE CI. TY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE: THE DIVISION OF A LOT~ TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND INTO TWO OR MORE LOTS) PLOT$~ SITES OR OTHER DIVISION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE, WHETHER IMMEDIATE OR FUTURE OF SALE AND OF BUILDING DEVELOPMENT.. DIVISION OF LAND 1N~O LOTS OF 3 ACRES OR MORE NOT INVOLVING THE ES- TABLISHMENT OF A NEW STREET OR ACCESS EASEMENT SHALL BE EXEMPT FROM THESE REGULATIONS. (2) FOR PROPERTY LYINg, IN ALBEMARLE COUNT¥,~.,BUT 3 MrlLE~ OR MORE ~RoM TH~ CoRpoRATE,LIMITS ~F,TH,E CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE: THE DIVISION OF A LOT~ TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND INTO TWO OR MORE LOTS~ PLOTB~ SITES OR OTHER DIVISION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE~ WHETHER IMMEDIATE OR FUTURE OF BALE AN~ OF BUILDING ~EVELOPMENT. DIVISION OF LAN9 INTO LOTS OF 3 ACRES OR MORE NOT INVOLVING THE ES- TABLISHMENT OF A NEW STREET OR ACCESS EASEMENT OR THE DIVISION OF LAND FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES ONLY~ SHALL BE EXEMPT FROM THESE:REGULATIONS. B. LOT. A PARCEL OF LAND OCCUPIED OR INTENDED FOR OCCUPANCY 'AND HAVING ITS PRIMCIP'/JrE' FRONTAGE UPON 'AN OFFICIALLY APPROVED STREET OR PLACE-. C, ~TREE~, A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE THOROUGHFARE WHICH AFFORDS PRINCIPAL MEANS OF ACCESS TO ABUTTING PROPERTY. D. MAdOR STREET. A STREET SHOWN ON THE CHARLOTTESV¥~i~E MAdOR'STREET PLAN. E. AL,LE~.. A THOROUGHFARE WHICH AFFORDS ONLY SECONDARY MEANS OF ACCESS TO ABUTTING PROPERTY. Fo S__E.ERV,!CE DRIVE, A PUBLIC THOROUGHFARE GENERALLY"PARALL'ELiI~NG AND CON- TIGUOUS TO A MAdOR STREET DESIGNED PRIMARILY ~O PROMOTE SAFETY BY PROVIDING FREE ACCESS TO A:DUOINING PROPERTY AND LIMITED ACCESS TO THE ~AuoR STREET.. EASEMENT. A GRANT 'BY THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE USE OF LAND FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE". H. PLAT~ A MAP OR ~RAWING UPON. WHICH THEPLAN OF A SUBDIVISION IS PRE- SENTED FOR ~PPROVAL AND~ IN FINAL FORM~ FOR RECORD. lNG, Request was received that this Board recommend to the Commissionof Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, secondBd by Mr. Palmer, the following resolution was ~nanimously adopted: WH~EAS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle County; and WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season inuthis County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle County, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to mail copies of the above resolution to the Counties of Buckingham and Cumber- ~and with the request that they give consideration to the adoptio~ of a like resolution. SECTION 2. GENERAL FROVISIONS IT SHALL BE UN!~.AWFUL FOR /~IY OWNER OR PROPRIETOR OF ANY TRACT OF LAND LOOATE~ WITHIN THE CORPORATE 1.!M~?'8 OF THE CiTY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE OR WITHIN THE OOUNTY OF ALBEMARLE TO MA~,~E ~UB~.t~JIS~ON THEREOF A~ HEREINABOVE DEFINED~ W1THOBT MAKING A PLAT:~ SECURING APPROVAL THEREOF AS HEREIN PROVIDED AND RECOR;DING SAME IN THE PROPER OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COURT WNEREIN :DEE:DS ARE RECORDE:D~ AS PRO- VIDE:D IN THESE REGULATIONS AND THE VIRGINIA LAND SUBDIVISION LAW. B, BEFORE PREPARING A PRELIMINARY PLAN~ A SUBDIVIDER SHOULD CONFER WITH THE CiTY ENGINEER OR THE STAFF OF THE CITY PLANNING COIVIMISSION OR IF OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMIT8 HE IS A~V~SED TO CONFER IN THE S~ME MANNER WITH THE STAFF OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING ~OM~I~S~ON RELATIVE TO THE REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE AND THE CONTENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE OITY PLAN, C, ~gHENEVER REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE ARE DIFFERENT FROM REGULATIONS CONTA!NED IN OTHER ORZ)[NANOE$~ THE MOST RESTRI(~TIVE REGULATIONS SHALL PREVA IL.. SECTION 3. STANDARDS OF,DESIGN A. STREET ALIGNMENT, (1) PROVISION SHALL BE MA~E, WHEREVER PGSS!BLE, FOR THE CONTINUATION OF PRINCIPAL EXISTING OR PLATTE~ STREETS INTO A~dOINING AREAS, (2) RESIDENTIAL ~TREETS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO ;DISCOURAGE THROUGH TRAFFIC~ !~'UT OFF--SET OR dOG 3TREETS SHALL BE AVOi.;DE"D, (~) THE ANGLE OF INTERSECTION BETWEEN STREETS ~HALL BE AS CLOSE TO A RIGHT ANGLE AS POSSIBLE. STREETS OF LESS THAN FULL RIGHT-OF--WAY SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. HOWEVER~ WHERE HALF STREETS EXIST ON ADdOINING PROPERTY~ THE REMAINING RIGHT-OF- WAY REQUIREMENT SHALL BE PLATTE~. WHEREVER A SUBDIVISION A:DdOINS A MAdOR STREET, THE PLANNING COIVtlVlISSlON MAY REQUIRE THAT ACCESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTY BE PROVIDED FROM SERVICE DR IVES* B. STREET AN~ ALLEY WIDTH. (1) THE WIDTHS FOR MAdOR STREETS SHALL CONFORM TO THE WIDTHS DESIG- NATE9 ON THE ~AdOR STREET PLAN. (2) THE Wt~TH$ FOR MINOR OR RESIDENTIAL STREETS SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN FIFTY (50) FEET. (~) CU[.--~E--SACS OR ~EAD-END STREETS SHALL PROVIDE A TERMINAL TURN- AROUN~ HAVING A RA~US OF NOT LESS THAN FIFTY (~0) FEET. CUL--DE--SACS SHOULD NOT EXCEED SEVEN HUN~RE~ (?00) FEET IN LENGTH EXCLUSIVE OF THE TURN AROUN;Do (~) STREETS THAT TERMINATE TEMPORARILY~ AND THEREBY TAKE ON THE CHARACTER OF'A;DEAD--EN~ STREET~ SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A TEMPORARY TERMINAL TURN-AROUND HAVING A RADIUS ~OF NOT LESS THAN FIFTY (~0) FEET. Request was received that this Board recommend to the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Palmer, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle County; and WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season inuthis County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle County, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to mail copies of the above resolution to the Counties of Buckingham and Cumber-!! ~and with the request that they give consideration to the adoption of a like resolution,ii! (3) (5) ALLEYS NOT LESS THAN TWENTY (~.30) FEET IN WIDTH SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE REAR OF ALL OOMUEIR¢~AL AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS UNLE~ OTHER PROVISIO~ ARE UA~E ~OR P~KI~G A~D ~ERVIGE. ALLEYS SHALL NOT B~ PERUITTEO IN REGI~TIAL OI~TRICT~. ~ DEA~N~ ALLEY~ ~HALL eE PERUITTEO. (~) ~ESERVE 8TRIP8 RESTRiGTiNG AOGE~ TO STREETS OR ALLEY~ ~ICL ~OT BE PERUITTE~. C. ~AXIUUU STREET GRADEG PERUITTE~ 8HALL BE ~0 PER CENTs HOW~VER~ GRADE~ tN EXCE88 O~ 8 PER C~T ~HOUL~ BE AVOIDED. D. ~A~MENTS. EASEMENT80~ NOT L~SS THAN 8IX (~) FE~ IN WIDTH 8HALL BE PROV[DE~ ON EAOH SIDE OF ALL REAR LOT LINE8 AN~ ALONG $1~E LOT LINE8 ~H~RE NEOES~ARY FOR UTILITY INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE. ~ASEMENT8 OF GREATER WIDTH MAY BE REQUIRED FOR ~RAINAGE PURPOSES~ OR FOR THE LOOATION OF MAIN UTILITY (1) ~O RESIDENTIAL BLO~ SHAEL BE LONGER THAN FIFTEEN HUNDREa (1500) FEET, (2) THE GREATER ~IMENSION8 OF BLOCKS A~JOIN. ING A MAJOR STREET 8HALL~ WHEREVER POSSIBLE~ BE PARALLEL TO SUCH UAdOR STREET. F. LO;S. (1) (A) ALL LOTS SHALL ABUT OR HAVE DIRECT AN~ ADEQUATE ACGE58 TO EITHER (i) APPROVED MAJOR, MINOR OR RESIdENTIAL:STREETS AS HERE1NABOVE DEFINED MEETING THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS THEREFOR A8 HEREIN SET FORTH, STREETS OONSTITUTING A ~ART OF THE VIRGINIA sTATE ~IMARY OR SEOON~ARY SYSTEM~ (B) ALL LOTS SHALL OONTA!N A SATISFACTORY BUILDING 8ITE. (~) SI~E LINES OF LOTS SHALL BE PERPENOlOULAR TO STRAIGHT STREET LINES AN~ RA~IAL-TO CURVEO STREET LINE8 UNLESs A VARIATION TO THIS REGULATION WILL PROVIDE A BETTER STRE~ OR LOT LAYOUT. (3) ~UBLE ~RONTAGE OR ~ SE FRONTAGE LOTS CEPT ~ERE ESSENTIAL TO PROVidE OF RES t~ENT MA~OR THOROUGHFARES OR TO OVEROOME ~ISAgVAt IES OF TOPOGRAPNY. (~) ~VIgE A MINIMUM LOT AREA NOT THAN THE REQUIREMENT OF ZONING RESUEA1 'lNG TO THE AREA BEING (~) THE MINIMUM LOT ~EA 8 IALL ~ONFORM TO THE FOL~ING PUBL lC WATER (65) FEET ovIDE A WIDTH ( L PROVIDE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF E (A) RESlDENTI, SUPPLYiSHALL PROVIDE A 9UILDING LINE EXCEPT THAT ? ' SEVENTy-FIVE ( 5, .UN~RED AND TWENTY-rlW Request was received that this Board recommend to the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Ur. Palmer, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle County; and WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season inuthis County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NOW, TME~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle County, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to mail copies of the above resolution to the Counties of Buckingham and Cumber- (t) (B,). RESIDENTIAL LOTSSERVED. BY EITHER SANITARY gEWERS O~ Pp~LI0 WATER 8UPPL, Y~ BUT NOT BOTH~ SHALL pROViDE A MINIMUM WIDTH OF EIGHTY (50) FEET AND A MINIMUM AREA OF TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (12~500) FEET. {C) RESIDENTIAL LOTS NOT SERVED BY A PUBLIC SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AHa A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM WIDTH OF ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET AND A MINIMUM AREA OF TWENTY THOUSAND (20,000) SQUARE FEET. (D) ]N'OASE OF UNUSUAL SOIL CONDITION OR OTHER PHYSIOAL FAOTOR WHIOH MAY IMPAIR THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD~ UPON RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY OR COUNTY HEALTH OFFIOER~ THE CITY PLANNING COMMJ$SION MAY INOREASE THE LOT AREA REQUIREMENTS SPEO'IF'IED UNDER '5(B) AND (E) UNLESS ~ SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM IS AVAILABLE WHIOH HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE dOINT HEALTH DEPAR;MENT~ THE SUBDIVIDER SHALL PRESENT TO THE COUNTY PLANNING COMMI~SI'ON SATISFACTORY PROOF THAT SUCH PERCOLATION TEST.8 AS. ARE REQUIRED BY THE dO IHT HEALTH DEPARTMENT HAVE BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD PRODEDURE RECOMMENDED BY THE'VIRGINIA STATE ~HEALTH DEPARTMENT~ AN~ THAT THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF. SQUARE FEE~ OF AREA WHICH SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ABSORPTION OF EFFLUENT FROM THE 8EPTIO TANK SYSTEM FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL LOT SHALL BE BASED EITHER ON THE RESULTS OF A PERCOLATION TEST OR INSPEOTION OF THE SOIL CONDITION BY A SANITARIAN OF THE ~OINT HEALTH OEPARTMENT. ~HERE THE SUBDIVIDED AREA lB NOT UNDER ZONING CONTROL AND IS TO BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSEB~ THE SUBDIVIDER SHALL ESTABLISH BUILDING LINES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARACTER' OF THE DEvELOPMENT~ BUT IN NO CASE SHALL THE FRONT BUILDING LINE BE LESS THAN THIRTY (~0) FEET FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE STREET OR THOROUGHFARE UPON WHICH THE LOT FRONTS. RESTRICTIONS RE~U[RING BUILDINGS TO BE SET BACK OF SUCH BUILDING LINES SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PLAT. H. PARKS~ SOHOOL~ ,,AN~ PUBLI'O' LAN~. ~'N SUBD, IVIDI~G PROPE~Y~ OONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO SUITABLE SITES FOR PARKS~ $OHOOLS AND OTHER AREAS O~ PUBLIC USE AS CONTAINED IN THE . COMPREHENSIVE CITY PLAN., SUCH PLANNED LOOATION FOR PARKS~ SCHOOLS OR OTHER PUSLIO LAND SHOULD BE INOICATED ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. IN ORDER THAT IT MAY BE DETERMINE/) IFj WHEN AND tN WHAT MANNER* SUCH AREAS WILL BE DEDICATED TO~ RESERVED FOR OR ACQUIRED BY THE. APPROPRIATE GOVERNING BO~Y FOR THAT USE. THIS REGULATION 8HALL NOT BE OONSTRUE~ TO PREOLUDE THE DEDICATION PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC USE NOT' INCLUDED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE OITY PLAN PROVIDED SUOH PROPERTY IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE OITY OR COUNTY' FOR DEDIOAT'ION AND MAINTENANCE. Io EA~EMENTa, ALONG [~HENEVER ANY STREAM OR-IMPORTANT SURFAOE DRAINAGE COURSE IS LOOATED IN THE AREA BEING SUBDIVIDED~ PROVISION SHALL BE MADE FOR AN A~EqUATE EASEMENT ALONG EAOH SIDE OF THE STREAM OR ~RA~NAGE COURSE FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING~ DEEPENING~ RELOGATING~ tMPROVING~ OR PROTECTING THE STREAM FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES. SUOH EASEMENTS SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED PART OF A RE~UJRED STREET WIDTH. d.. L~I~ INAD,~UA~ELY ,,]~,AINEA, O....R. SUBdECT TO.~LOODINA. THE RIGHT I.$ RESERVED TO DISAPPROVE ANY SUBDIVISION ~HIOH IS SUBJECT TO PERIODI~ FLOODING~ OR WHiOH IS INADEQUATELY DRAINED. Request was received that this Board recommend to the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Er. Palmer, the following resolution was ~nanimously adopted: WH~EAS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle County; an~ WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season i~uthis County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve smch population, NOW, THF~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle County, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to mail copies of the above resolution to the Counties of Buckingham and Cumber- SECTION 4. UINtlViUM IMI:ROVEU£NTS REQUIRED Ac FOR PROPERTY LYING ~,ITHIN THE ,C. ORPORATE LIMITS or, THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESV I LLE. (1) ALL STREET8 SHALL BE GRADED TO THEIR FULL WIDTH WITH SIDE SLOPES AND FILLS OUTSIDE THE RIGHT'OF--WAY. (2) ALL STREETS SHALL BE SURFACED TO A WIDTH OF NOT LES8 THAN FORTY (kO) FEETm MEASURED FROM THE FACE OF THE' curs LINE AND SUCH SURFACING SHALL CON-, Slat OF CRUSHE~3 8TONE AND SCREENINGS HAVING A THICKNESS OF SIX (6) INCHES AFTER COMPACTION. CONCRETE 81DEWALK WITH CURB HAVING A MINIMUM WIDTH OF FIVE (~) FEET 8HALL BE ~NSTALLED ALONG ALL STREETS, (3) MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUOTION OF THE ABOVE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANOE WITH SPEOIFICATION8 OF THE OITYo (4) ALL NECESSARY ~RAINAGE FACILITIES INCLUDING UNDERGROUND PIPE, INLETSm CATCH BASINS OR OPEN DITCHES TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADEQUATE DISPOSAL OF SURFACE WATER AND TO MAINTAIN ANY NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSE SHALL BE INSTALLED~ SUBUECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. ALL PIPE INSTALLED IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS SHALL BE REINFOROED CONORETE PIPE AND SHALL MEET STATE HIGHWAY STANDARDS, (5) ALL THE FOREGOING IMPROVEMENT8 8HALL BE MADE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE SUBDIVIDER. UPON THE EXECUTION OF A SATISFACTORY CONTRACT THAT SUCH IM- PROVEMENT8 ~ILL BE MADE, AND UPON THE PAYMENT BY THE SUBDIVIDER OF ONE-HALF OF THE ESTIMATED COST OF GAS, WATER AND 8E~ER MAINS AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY, GAS~ WATER AND SEWER MAINS WILL BE INSTALLED BY THE CITY ~N SUCH SUBDIVISlON~ OR THE PORTION THEROF~ IN ~HICH THE ABOVE IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. THE CITY ~ANAGER MAY REQUIRE IN ANY SUCH OONTRACT~ SUCH GUARANTEE8 BY ~AY OF DEPOSIT OR BON~ AS MAY BE PROPER TO 8EOURE THE PERFORMANCE THEREOF. (6) THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT APPLY TO SUBDIVISIONS HERETOFORE AP- PROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. B. Fqs PROpERTY,,LY!NG IN_ ALBEMARLE. COUNTY...BUT.~!THjN THREE [3} MIL~S O~:?HE..~OR~ORAT~.L1M!~S, OF,~HE'CiTY,oF,'C~ARLOTTESVi~CE, (i) THE RIGHT'OF-WAY OF ALL STREETS SHALL BE GRADED TO THEIR FULL WIDTH WiTH SIDE 8LOPES AND FILL8 OUTSIDE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. SURFAO!NG CONSISTING OF CRUSHED 8TONE OR GRAVEL 8HALL BE INSTALLED TO A WIDTH OF THIRTY (30) FEET AN~ TO A DEPTH OF SlX (6) INCHES AFTER COMPACTION. PAVED DITOHE$~SHALL BE PROVIDED ON ALL GRADE8 OF FIVE (~) PRE CENT OR OVER; HOWEVER~ CURBS, GUTTERS, AND SIDEWALKS ARE NOT REQUIRED. (2) ALL NEOESBARY DRAINAGE FACILITIES INCLUDING UNDERGROUND PIPE~ INLETS~ BATCH BASINS OR OPEN DITO'HES TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADEQUATE DISPOSAL OF SURFACE WATER AND TO MAINTAIN ANY NATURAL DRAINAGE OOURSE~ SHALL BE INSTALLED,.IN CONFORMANCE WITH STANDARDS AND SUBdECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE STATE HIGHWAY DE- PARTMENT. ALL PIPE INSTALLED IN CONNECTION WITH THE OONSTRUOTION OF STREETS SHALL BE REIN~OROED OONORETE~ EXCEPT IN SUCH CASE8 WHERE SPECIAL CONDITION8 EXIST~ PERMISSION MAY BE GRANTED BY THE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE USE OF OTHER MATERIALS, ~equest was received that this Board recommend to the Commission-of Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Palmer, the following resolution was ~nanimonsly adopted= E~EkS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle County; and WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season i~:~this County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NOW, T~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle County, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to mail copies of the above resolution to the Counties of Buckingham and Cumber- FOE PROPERTY LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, BUT THREE (3,),,,,MILE,S oR MORE FROM THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, (1) THE' RIGHT-OF-WAY OF ALL STREETS' SHALL BE GRADED TO A MINIMUM WIDTH OF TWENTY-EIGHT (28) FEET EXCLUSIVE OF DITCHES. SURFACING CONSISTING OF CRUSHED 8TONE OR' GRAVEL SHALL BE INSTALLED TO A WIDTH OF TWENTY (~0) FEET AND TO A DEPTH OF SIX (6) INCHES AFTER COMPAOTION, SURFAClNe SHALL BE OF BITUMINOUS OIL OR ITS EQUIVALENT, PAVED DITCHES SHALL BE PROVIDED ON ALL GRADES OF FIVE PER GENT (~) OR OVER~' I"IOWEVER~ CURBS GUTTERS AND 8.1DEWALK$ ARE NOT REQU.tRED. (2) ALL NECESSARY-DRAINAGE FAOILITIES INCLUDING UNDERGROUND. PIPE~ INLETB, CATOH BAS[NS OR OPEN DITOHES TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADEQUATE DISPOSAL OF SURFACE WATER AND TO MAINTAIN ANY NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSE SHALL BE INSTALLEO IN CONFORMANCE WITH STANDARDS ANO SUBUECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE STATE HIGHWAY DE- PARTMENT. ALL PIPE INSTALLED IN CONNECTION WiTH THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREETS SHALL BE REINFORI~ED OONCRETE EXCEPT IN SUCH CASES WHERE SPECIAL CONDITIONS EXIST, PER~ MISSION, MAY BE GRANTED BY THE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE USE OF OTHER MATERIALS. FOR ALL SUBDIVISIONS. PERMANENT MONUMENTS OF STONE OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL BLOCK CORNERS OR AT THE TANGENT POINTS OF CURVES CONNECTING INTERSECTING STREET LINES; AT THE POINTS OF CURVATURE AN~ TANGENCY~ AT ALL ~ORNER9 IN 'THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY OF THE SUBDIVISION, EXCEPT AT SUCH CORNERS THAT ARE INACCESSIBLE DUE TO ?OPOGRAPHY~ AND AT SUCH OTHER POINTS AS MAY BE DESIGNATED BY THE PLANNING COM- MISSION OF THE C~TY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE OR THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING FOR SUBdiVISIONS LYING IN THE AREAS OF RESPECTIVE UURISDlCTION. THE LOCATION AND CHARACTER OF ALL SUCH MONUMENTS SHALL BE CLEARLY DESIGNATED ON THE FINAL PLAT. SUCH MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET FLUSH WITH THE SURFACE OF THE GROUN~ OR FINISHED BRACE. MONUMENTS SHALL BE OF PRE-CASE CONCRETE TWO (2) FEET IN LENGTH AN~ FOUR (~) INCHES SQUARE OR EIGHT (~) INCHES IN ~IAMETER, HAVING A METAL PIN THEREIN~ OR THE MONUMENT MAY BE A STEEL OR IRON PIN FIVE-EIGHTS (~/~) INCH BY THIRTY (30) INCHES~ OR LARGER~ SET IN A BLOCK OF CONCRETE EIGHTEEN (18) INCHES DEEP AND TEN (10) INCHES SQUARE AT TOP AN~ BOTTOM~ MARKING THE POINT REPRESENTE~ ON THE FINAL PLAT. SECTION 5. PRELI~IN^RY PLAT A SUBDIVIDER SHALL FILE FOUR (~) PRINTS OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT PRE- PARED BY A SURVEYOR OR CIVIL ENGINEER LICENSED BY THE STATE, WlTHTHE 0FFtGE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OR COMMISSIONS HAV'[NG UURISDICTiON AT LEAST FIVE ~AYS PRIOR TO THE MEET:lNG AT WHICH THE PLAT IS TO BE CONSIDERED. THE PLAT SHALL BE DRAWN ON A SINGLE SHEET AT A SCALE OF ONE HUNDRED (100) ~EET TO THE INCH. A, PRELIMINARY PLAT SHALL (1) THE TITLE UNDER WHICH THE SUBDIVISION tS TO BE RECORDED~ AN~ THE NAMEi AN~3 ADDRESSES OF THE RECORDED OWNER AND SUBDIVlDER~ AND HOLDERS OF ANY ENCUMBRANCES OR EASEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTY. (2) A VICINITY SKETCH SHOW;NG THE RELATION OF THE PROPOSED SUB-- ~lVlSlON TO A~dOINING PROPERTY AND THE FIELD TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WITH A CONTOUR INTERVAL OF FIVE (~) FEET ~equest was received that this Board recommend to t~e Commission~o£ Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for ~lbemarle Connty. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, second, ed by Mro Palmer, the followin~ resolution was ~nanimously adopted: W~RF~S, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for ~lbemarte County; and ~tERE~S, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season ~n~this County would not only be harmless to the deer pop~Lla- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT ~ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of ~lbemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hnnting doe in Albemarle Connty, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to mail copies o£ the above resolution to the Counties of Buckingham and Cumber- REFERRED TO OITY DATUM FOR LAND WITHIN THREE (~) MILES OF THE CITY OF CH~RLOTTES- .VILLE OF[ TO 'COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY'DATUM FOR OTHER LANDS LYING WITHIN THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE SHOWING THE BOUNDARY LINES OF THE TRACT TO BE SUBDIVIDED. (4) THE LOCAT'[ON~ WIDTH AND NAME8 OF ALL EXISTING OR PLATTED STREETS OR OTHER PUBLIC WAYS WITHIN OR ADdACENT TO THE SUBDIVISION, EASEMENTS, RAILROAD RIGHTS--OF-WAY AND LAND LOT LINES. (5) LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF PROPOSED STREETS~ ALLEYS~ LOTS, BUILDING LINES AND EASEMENTS. (6) GRADES OF ALL PROPOSED STREETS. (7) ALL PARCELS OF LAND INTENDED TO BE DEDICATED OR RESERVED FOR PUBLIC USE OR TO BE RESERVED IN THE DEE"D FOR THE O0MMON USE OF PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE SUBDIVISION. AREAS SH~N IN THE COMPREHENSIVE CITY PLAN AS PROPOSED SITES FOR SCHOOLS~ PARKS OR OTHER PUBLIC USES WHICH ARE LOCATED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHIN THE LAND BEING SUBDIVIDED. (9) PRELIMINARY SKETCH PLANS INDICATING .THE PROPOSED METHOD OF AC- COMPLISHING DRAINAGE~ WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE ~ISPOSAL,. APPROVAL OF SUCH PRE- LIMINARY PLANS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL. OF FINAL UTILITY PLANS REQUIRED AS A PART OF THE FINAL PLAT. PRELIMINARY CROSS SECTIONS= PROFILES AND ROAD GRADES. (11) THE LOCATION OF EXISTING ZONING DISTRICT LINES AND THE PROPOSED USE OF THE PROPERTY BEING SUBDIVIDED. (12) ]:)ATE~ NORTH POINT AN]3 SCALE. SECTION 6. FINAL P~ATS A SUBDIVIDER SHALL FILE THE ORIGINAL LINEN TRACING AND FOUR PRINTS THEREOF OF THE FINAL PLAT PREPARED BY A SURVEYOR OR CIVIL ENGINEER L[GENSE~ BY THE STATE AND SUPPORTING DATE LISTED HEREIN~ WITH THE OFFICE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OR COMMISSIONS HAVING UURIGDICATION AT LEAST SEVEN (?) DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE PLAT IS TO BE CONSIDERED. THE PLAT SHALL BE DRAWN AT A SCALE OF T~O HUAIDRED (~00) FEET TO THE INCH UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED B'Y THE PLANN.[NG COMMISSION. THE MAXIMUMSHEET SHALL BE SEVEN AND TRREE (?-3/~) BY SEVENTEEN (17) INOHES. THIS SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A CERTIFICATION FROM THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT STATING THAT HIGHWAY SPE01FICATIONS AS TO STREET LAYOUT~ GRADES AND ~RAINAGE HAVE BEEN MET. A. FINAL PLAT SHALL_SHo~. (1) THE TITLE UNITER WHICH THE SUBDIVISION IS TO BE RECORDED AND THE NAME OR NUMBER OF THE SECTION IF A PART OF A LARGER TRACT. (2) A STATEMENT THAT THE SUBDIVISION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN IS WITH THE FREE CONSENT OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, PROPRIETORS AND TRUSTEES. (~) THE BOUNDARY LINES OF-THE AREA BEING SUBDIVIDED WITH ACCURATE ~ISTANGES AND BEARINGS. THE BOUNDARIES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY AN ACCURATE FIELD SURVEY. r£ Request was received that this Board recommend to the Commission'of Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and en motion of Mr. Thraves, secondBd byMr. Palmer, the following resolution was Unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle County; and WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season ink, this County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle CoUnty, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to mail copies of the above resolution to the Counties of Buckingham and Cumber- (Z~) THE EXACT LAYOUT IN GENERAL OONFORM.ITY WITH THE PRELIMINARY PLAT INOLUD ING.-' (A) STREET NAMES. (NAMES OF NEW STREETS 8HALL NOT DUPLICATE EXISTING OR' PLATTED STREET NAMES UNLESS THE NEW STREET IS A CONTINUATION OF EXISTm lNG OR PLATTED STREETS), ALL DIMENSIONS, BOTH LINEAR AND ANGULAR~ FOR LOCATING LOTS~ STREETS~ ALLEYS~ PUBLIC EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE EASEMENTS. THE LINEAR DIMEN- SION SHALL BE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND HUNDRETHS OF A 'FOOT, AND ALL ANGULAR MEASURE- MENTS SHALL BE EXPRESSED BY BEARINGS OR ANGLES. ALL OURVES SHALL BE DEFINE*D BY THEIR RADIUS~ CENTRAL ANGLE~ TANGENT~ DISTANCES, TANGENT BEARING AND ARC LENGTHS. SUCH CURVE DATE SHALL BE EXPRESSED BY A CURVE TABLE LETTERED ON THE FACE OF THE PLAT, EACH CURVE BEING TABULAT~"D AND NUMBERED TO CORRESPOND WITH THE RESPECTIVE NUIV~BERED CURVES SHOWN THROUGHOUT THE PLAT, (5) LOTS NUMBERED IN NUMERICAL ORDER, AND BLOOK IDENTIFICATION. LOCATION OF ALL MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK LINES. (?) TaR LOCATION AND MATERIAL OF ALL PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENTS. (8) ALL PARCELS OF LAND INTENDED TO BE DEDIOATED OR RESERVED FOR PUBLIC USE~ OR FOR THE COMMON USE OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITH.IN THE SUBDIVISION. (9) A DEFINITE BEARING AND DISTANOE TIE SHALL BE SHOWN BETWEEN NOT LESS THAN TWO PERMANENT MONUMENTS ON THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY OF THE SUBDIVISION~ AND TO EXISTING STREET INTERSECTIONS WHERE POSSIBLE AND REASONABLY OONVENIENTo (10) DATE AN~ NORTH POINT. (11) PRIVATE RESTRICTIONS AND THEIR PERIOD OF EXISTENCE. SHOULD THESE RESTRICTIONS BE OF SUCH LENGTH AS TO MAKE THEIR LETTERING ON THE PLAT IM- PRACTICABLE AND THUS NECESSITATE THE PREPARATION OF A SEPARATE INSTRUMENT, REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE THERETO ON THE PLAT, SIGNATURE PANELS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS FOLLOWSt (A) FOR LAND LYING .WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE FOR THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. (B) FOR LAND LYING IN, ALBEMARLE COUNTY BUT WITHIN THREE MILES OF THE 0ORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, FOR THE CHAIRMAN AND SEORETARY OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMI$SION~ THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. (c) FoR LAND LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY BUT MORE THAN THREE (3) MILES FROM THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, FOR THE CHAIRMAN AN~ SECRETARY OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. (13) TEMPORARY TURN-AROUNDS WHERE NEEDED. ~HEN ONE OR MORE TEMPORARY TURN-AROUNDS ARE SH~N~ THE FOLLOWING NOTE SHALL BE INCLOSED ON THE PLAT. THE AREA ON THIS PLAT DESJGNATED AS ~E ORARY TURN-AROUND" WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AI~ USED AS OTHER STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION UNTIL (.*~.'_~ IS/ARE Request was received that this Board recommend to the Commissionof Game and Inland Fisherie~ a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Tnraves, secondBd by Mr. Palmer, the following resolution was Unanimously adopted: WH2~EAS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe seasonfor Albemarle County; and WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season imuthis County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NOW, TMEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boa=d of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle County, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the COmmission. The clerk was directed to mail copies of the above resolution to the Counties of Buckingham and Cumber- EXTENDED TO (.~'~ ) AT ~HICH T'IM~ THE LAND IN THE TEMPORARY TURN--AROUND ARE~ WILL BE ABANDONED FOR STREET PURPOSES AN~3 WILL REVERT TO ADJOINING LOT OWNERS IN AC- ~OI:~DANOE WITH SPECIFIC PROVISIONS IN THEIR RESPEOTIVE DEE~S. INSERT STREET NAME. ~ INSERT STREET NAME IF POSSlBLE~ OTHERWISE INSERT THE FOLLOW- ING NOTE] A CONNECTING STREET OR TO ANOTHER TURN--AROUN~ WHICH IS APPROVED BY PLAT BY THE PLANNING CO~MISSlON'. B. S~UPPOR?ING DATA SHAL (1) PLANS FOR DRAINAGE, STREETS~ INCLUDING CROSS SEOTIONS AND PRO-- FILES, WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL~ INCLUDING DRAINAGE COURSES, EXISTING SEWERS~ WATER MAINS~ CULVERTS' AND OTHER UNDER-GROUND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE TRACT SHOWING PIPE SlZES~ INVERT ELEVATIONS AN~ GRADES. SECTION '7. APPROVAL AND RECORDATION 'OF PLATS PRELIMINARY. PLAT. THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING eOM- MISSION SHALL INDICATE APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF ALL SUBD.[VISIONS WITHIN THEIR dURlSDIOTION~ REOEIVE~ FOR CONSIDERATION WITHIN THIRTY (~0) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST MEETING FOLLOWING THE FILING OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT DOES NOT OONSTI~UTE A FINAL APPROVAL OF THE PLAT AND 8HALL BE VALI~ FOR A PERI09 OF ~'YEAR~ BUT M~ SE EXTENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAVING dURISDICTION. B. FINAL PLAT. THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CiTY ~NGINEER~ AND/OR THE ALBe- MARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN ADDITION, SHALL INDICATE APPROVAL OR. DISAPPROVAL OF ALL SUBDIVISIONS RECEIVED FOR CONSIDERATION WITHIN 'THIRTY (30) SAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST MEETING FOLLOWING THE FILING OF THE F~NAL PLAT.~HERE CONCURRENT dURISDICTION IS HELD BY THE'COUNTY OF ALBE- MARLE AND THE CiTY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE~ THE APPROVAL OF THE COUNTY PLANNING eOM- MISSION SHALL BE SECURED FIRST. APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT SHALL BE VOl~ UNLESS THE APPROVED PLAT IS REOORDED WITHIN A PERIO~ OF ~t~. (~ MONTHS, A SUBDIVIDER MAY SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL FOR LAN9 LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY BUT THREE (3) MILES OR MORE FROM THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THECIT¥ O? CHARLOTTESVILLE IN LIEU OF A PLAT~ AN INSTRUMENT TO BE SUBMITTED FOR RECORDA- T!ON~ AND IF IN THE OPINION OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AND BOARD O~ SUPERVISORS THE DESCRIPTION CONTAINED IN SUCH INSTRUMENT IS A~E~UATE~ APPROVAL OF SUCH SUBDIVISION MAY SE GRANTED. APPROVED FINAL PLATS FOR LAND LYING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE SHALL BE FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CORPORATION COURT. ~OR LAND LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY~ THE APPROVE9 FINAL PLAT OR INSTRUMENT CONTAINING DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVISION SHALL BE FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. NO SUCH PLAT OR INSTRUMENT OF SUBDIVISION SHALL BE RECORDE~ BY THE OLERK OF THE COURT HAVING dURISDI'OTION UNLESS AND UNTIL IT SHALL HAVE BEEN SUB- ~eqnest was received t~at this Board recommend to the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle Connty. Considerable discnssion was given to the m~tter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, secondBd by Mro Palmer, the following resolution was nnanimonsly adopted: W~E~EkS, this Board has been reqnested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle Connty~ and EE~E~S, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season im~this County wonld not only be harmless to the deer pop~la- tion bnt, in effect, wo~ld improve snch popnlation, NO~, THEREFORE, ~E IT ~ESOLV-ED by the Board of County Snpervisors of ~lbemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for h~nting doe in Albemarle Connty, subject to snch limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to m~il copies of the above resolution to the Counties of Bnckingham and Cnmber- MITTE~ TO'AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE FOR'PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE Li~ITB OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE OR BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERViSORS~ ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CHARLOTTESVILLE PLANNING OOrv1MISSlON FOR PROPERTY WITHOUT SAID ~ORPORATE BOUNDARIES AND IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY-AND LYING WITHIN ~ MILES OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY OR BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY {~,OARD OF SUPERVISORS AND THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMIB$10N FOR PROPERTY 3 MILEB OR MORE FROM THE COR- PORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY'OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, ALL AS REQUIRED BY THE nVIRGINIA LAND SUBDIVISION LAW", Co IMPROVEMENTS TO BE.~,!~?~C~ED BEFqRE APPROV~ QF, F!,NAL BLAT, PRIOR TO FILING FOR APPROVAL WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COM- MISSION THE FINAL PLAT OF A SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY~ AL~ IMPROVE- MENTS REQUIRED UNDER THESE REGULATIONS SHALL BE IN~TALLEO AND OOMPLETED BY AND AT THE COST OF THE SUBDIVIDER IN ACOORDANOE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS'ORDINANCE OR PROVISIONS MADE THEREFOR BY ONE OF 'THE FOLLOWING METHODSt (1) THE FURNISHING BY THE SUBDIVIDER TO THE COUNTY EXEOUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT OF A OERTIFIED OHECK OR SURETY BOND APPROVED BY THE LEVEL REPRE- SENTATIVE OF THE COUNTY SUFFICIENT TO COVER THE OOGT OF ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS RE- qUIRED TO BE INSTALLED BY THE SUBDIVIDER AS ESTIMATED ElY THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT TO GUARANTEE THE INSTALLATION AND COMPLETION OF SAID IMPROVE- MENTS; (2) THE FURNISHING BY THE BUBDIVI~3ER TO THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR ~IS APPOINTED AGENT OF' EVIDENCE OF THE EXi'STENOE OF AGREEMENT ("OR AGGREEMENTS) BETWEEN THE SUBDIVIDER AND A qUALIFIE"O CONTRAOTOR (OR' OONTRAOTOR$) FOR THE INSTALLATION AN~I COMPLETION OF THE SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND THE CONTRAOTOR (OR OONTRAOTOR$) PER- FORMANOE BOND SATISFACTORY TO THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COUNTY IN AN AMOUNT TO COVER THE COST OF ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED BY THE SUB-- IOlVIDER A8 ESTIMATE~ BY THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTEO AGENT. IN THE EVENT THAT THE SUBDIVi~ER ELEOT~ TO PROOEEO BY METHODS I OR ~ AS OUTLINED ABOVE~ THE SUBDIVIDER SHALL SET A TIME~ SUBdECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT~ BY WHICH IT tS ESTIMATED THE IM- PROVEMENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND COMPLETED.. UNLESS AN EXTENSION OF THAT TIME IS APPROVED BY THE COUNTy EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTE~ AGENT AN~ A NEW ESTIMATED DATE OF COMPLETION ESTABLISHE"D~ THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT SHALL TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO PROCEED WITH THE AOOOMPLIBHMENT AND COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS~ MAKING USE OF THE OERTIFIE~ CHEOK OR OALLING ON THE SURETY OF THE ~0 BUILDING PERMITS BHALL BE ISSUED UNTIL FINAL APPROVAL OF THE PLAT. CERTIFICATIONS UPON COMPLETION OF .IMPROVEMENTS. UPON THE OOMPLETiON OF THE INSTALLATION OF ALL tMPROVEMENTB Iff A SUBDIVISION OF LANO IN ALBEMARLE OOUNTY~ THE SUBDIVIDER SHALL FURNISH A STATEMENT BY A OERTI~IE~ SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER~ TO THE EFFECT THAT ALL CONSTRUOTION IS IN ~U~STANTIAL CONFORMITY TO THE REGULATIONS AN~ REQUIREMENTS OF THE WITHIN OROl, ~ANCE~ AND THE PLANS AS APPROVE~ BY THE ALBEMARLE OOUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, ~N THE EVENT THE SUBDIVIDER HA$~ IN THE OPINION OF SAaD PLANNING COMMlSSION~ dUST ~AUSE FOR NOT OOMPLETING THE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ENTIRE SUBDIVISION WHERE EITHER A OERTIFIED OHEOK OR S~RETY BOND OR PERFORMANCE BON~ HAS BEEN POSTED~ SAID PLAN- NING COMMISSION MAY RELEASE THE SUBDIVIDER FROM HIS OBLIGATION TO COMPLETE ALL OF THE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SAID SUBDIVISION PROVIDED THE SUBDIVIDER FURNISHES A Request was received that this Board recommend to the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, second, ed by Mr. Palmer, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle County; and WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season imuthis County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NOW, TMM~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be And is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle County, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to mail copies of the above resolution to the Counties of Buckingham and Cumber- STATEMENT 8Y A CERTIFIED SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TO THE EFFEOT THAT ALL CONSTRUCTION WHICH HAS BEEN COMPLETED CONFORMS TO THE REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND THE PLANS AS APPROVED BY SAID PLANNING COMMISSION AND PROVIDED FURTHER THAT THE SUBDIVIDER HAS FURNISHED SATISFACTORY EVIDENOE THAT THE UN- DEVELOPE'~3 PORTION OF THE SAID SUBDIVISION HAS BEEN VACATED BY PROPER AUTHORITY~ SECTION 8. APPEAL IN THE EVENT A SUBDIVISION PLAT IS DISAPPROVED~ A SUBDIVIDER MAY APPEAL SUOH DECISION TO THE COURT HAVING dURIS~iOTION AS PROVIDED BY THE STATE STATUTES., SECTION 9. VARIATIONS AND EXECPTIONS A. ANY OWNER OR PROPRIETOR OF ANY LAN~) WHO SUBDIVIDES A TRACT OF LAND :~ MILES OR MORE FROM THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND WHO DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ORDINANOE AS TO STREET WlDTHS~ GRADES~, :DRAINAGE~ GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND SUCH OTHER REQUISITES OF THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION AS TO QUALIFY SUCH STREETS FOR ACCEPTANCE INTO THE STATE ROAD SYSTEM FOR MAINTENANCE SHALL BE GRANTED AN EXCEPTION; PROVlDED~ HOWEVER~ (I) THAT THE PLAT OF SUCH SUB~IIVIBION SHALL SHOW A FIFTY-FJVE (55) FOOT BUILDING SET-BACK LiNE FROM THE OENTER LINE OF THE STREETS; (2) THAT 'THE PLAT OF SUCH SUBDIVISION AND DEEDS TO LOTS THEREIN SHALL RECITE.' "THE STREETS IN THIS SUBDIVISION ARE SUB- STANDARD TO THE SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR .STATE HIGHWAY MAINTENANOE) BUT WILL HAVE TO BE MAINTAINED PR.iVATELY BY LOT OWNERS°" Bo WHENEVER~ BECAUSE OF UNUSUAL SlZE~ TOPOGRAPHY OR SHAPE OF THE PROPERTY~ OR OTHER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS~ THE STRICT APPLI.CATION OF THESE REGULA- TIONS WOULD RESULT IN PRACTICAL DIFFICUTLIES~ THE REQUIREMENTS MAY BE VARIED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAVING dURlSDICTION TO PERMIT SUBDIVISiON~ YET PROTEOT THE PUBLIC ~EgFARE, SECTION 10. ENFORCEMENT A. ANY OWNER OR PROPRIETOR OF ANY TRACT OF LAND WHO SUBDIVIDES THAT TRACT OF LAND AND WHO VIOLATES ANY OF .THE PROVISIONS OF THiS ORDINANCE SHALL RE GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR~ PUNISHABLE BY A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN TEN (10) DOLLARS AND NOT MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (2~0) ~OLLARS~ AN~ EACH DAY DURING WHICH VIOLATIONS SHALL CONTINUE, SHALL CONSTITUTE A SEPARATE VIOLATION. B. THE CITY COUNCIL OR COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN ADOITION TO OTHER REMEDIES~ MAY INSTITUTE ANY APPROPRIATE ACTION OR PROCEEDINGS TO PREVENT VIOLATION OR ATTEMPTED VIOLATiON~ TO RESTRAIN~ OORRECT OR ABATE SUCH VIOLATION OR ATTEMPTED V]OLATION~ OR TO PREVENT ANY ACT WHICH ~OUL9 CONSTITUTE SUCH A VIOLATION. ;..ECTtON 11, CHANGES AN9 AMENDMENTS ANY REGULATION OR PROVISIONS OF THiS ORDINANCE MAY BE CHANGED OR AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME AS SPECIFIED IN THE VIRGINIA LAN9 SUBDIVISION ACT. Request w~s received that this Board recommend to the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, second'ed by Mr. Palmer, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WH~EAS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle County; and WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season ink, this County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle County, subject to such limitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. The Clerk was directed to mail copies of the above resolution to the Counties of BuckinEham and Cumber- SECTION 12, VALIDITY IF ANY SECTION, SUBSECTION, CLAUSE OR PHRASE OF THIS ORDINANCE IS FOR ANY REASON HELD TO BE UNCONSTITU.TIONAL OR VOID, SU(~*H ~EQISlON SHALL NOT EFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THIS OR:OINANCEo SECTION 13. WHEN EFFECTIVE THE FOREGOING REGULATIONS SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR LAND LYING 1N ALBEMARLE COUNTY BUT WITHIN 3 MILES OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE UPON PASSAGE BY THE E~OARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF SAID OITY, OR IN ~HE ABSENCE OF SUCH ADOPTION BY SAID CITY COUNCIL~ A~ PROVIDED IN THE VIRGINIA LAND SUBDIVISION ACT' AND AFTER DUE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF PASSAGE AS PROVIDED IN THE STATUTES OF VlRGINIA~ FURTHER SAID REGULA- TION8 SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR LAN9 LYING tN ALBEMARLE COUNTY BUT WITHIN 2 MILES OF THE TOWN OF SCOTTSVlLLE UPON PASSAGE BY THE BOAP~ OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE AND THE TOWN COUNCIL OF SAID mo~1, OR IN THE ABSENCE OF SUCH ADOPTIO~ BY SAID TOWN COUNCIL, AS PROVIDED BY THE VtRG[NIA LAND SUBDIVISION /~CT AND AFTER ~UE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF.PASSAGE AS PROVIDED IN THE STATUTES OF V~RGINIA] AND FURTHER~ SA~ REGULATIONS SHALL BE EFFECTIVE'FOR ALL OTHER LANDS LYING tN THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE UPON PASSAGE BY THE ~OARD OF SUPERVISORS AS PROVI~E~ BY THE ViRGINIALAND SUBDIVISION' ACT AND AFTER' DUE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF PASSAGE AS PROVIDE9 BY THE STATUTE~ OF VIRGINIA. Request was received that this Board recommend to the Commissionof Game and Inland Fisheries a doe season for Albemarle County. Considerable discussion was given to the matter, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, second'ed by Mr. Palmer, the following resolution was ~animously adopted: WH~EAS, this Board has been requested to recommend a doe season for Albemarle County; and WHEREAS, considerable evidence has been presented which would indicate that a doe season i~uthis County would not only be harmless to the deer popula- tion but, in effect, would improve such population, NOW, TM~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the CommiSsion of Game and Inland Fisheries be ~nd is hereby recommended to establish a season for hunting doe in Albemarle County, subject to suchlimitations as deemed desirable by the Commission. WHEREAS, it appears that due to inclement weather, Small game hunting is limited during the present h~mting season, and WHEREAS, in recent years the hmnting of quail has been drastically cur- tailed due to snow and cold weather; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, does hereby recommend that an early season for the h~mting of quail be allowed, preferably to begin November I and to continue to the closing date of the reg~ar hmnting season, in an effort to allow quail hunters to ehjoy their sport prior to the opening of regular hunting season andthe beginning of inclement weather. A delegation from the Crozet Lions Club appeared and requested more. adequate police pretec- tion in the Crozet community. They specifically referred to the excessive amount of loitering in the main business area of Crozet and the increased number of break-ins in the County generally. The Board gave considerable discusSion to the matter and advised the group that they would pursue study of their request. At a later point in the meeting the Board resumed discussion of the request concerning additional police Protection in the Crozet area. After consideration, it was moved byMr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, that the Sheriff be authorized to temporarily employ an additional deputy in the Crozet area. It was stipulated that $250.00 per month be set as the amount of federation for this position. After adoption of the above, the Chairman advised that he was of the opinion a committ, should be appointed to determine from what ~ds an additional deputy should be paid. The COmmon- wealth's Attorney stated he was of the opinion that such expenditure could be paid from the Crozet Sanitary District Fund. The Chairman appointed Mr. Garnett and Mr. Palmer as a committee to study the details of the employment and financing of this special officer. Communication was received from the Auditor of Public Accounts advising that Mr. Robert M. Musselman, had forwarded to that office copies of the report on audit of the account and records of the County of Albemarle for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1961, and that 'such report had been accepted. Communication was also received from the Auditor of Public Accounts advising that the above audit indicated that according to funds collected by the Director of Finance, said bond was deficient in the amount of $111,908.59. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, it was ordered that the bond of the Director of Finance be increased by $125,000.00. In accordance with audit report, the following resolution was offered by Mr~ Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, and unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle CoUnty, Virginia, that the following checks be cancelled, the respective banks so notified, and the amounts be returned to fund surplus as indicated: Bank .... Date Ck.No. Payee ~et. to Fd. Suro. Amount Peoples National Bk.-Regular Nat. Bk. & Trust Co.-Payroll Nat. Bk. & Trust Co.-Payroll Nat. Bk. &-Trust Co.-Payroll Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving Cit. Bk. & Tr. Co.-Revolving 4-22-59 297 12-22-58 3144 5-29-59 797 6-30-59 5129 11-6-58 1251 11-20-58 1261 12-1-58 1305 12-I-58 1306 t2-2~55 1317 12-4-58 1321 1-8-59 1369 2-9-59 1431 2-20-59 1446 2-27-59 1453 5-6-59 1580 5-6-59 1582 Home Laundry Teddy Sprouse Alvin Morris Theodore Sprouse John T. Ashby Edith Marie Dearie Louise Gibson Trea~s. of Virginia Thomas Devort Clark Jeanette I. Parrish Edna Hall Bryan Effie Thomas Susie M. Jones Evelyn Gray Hester Mae Beverly Mrs. E. R. Wood General Rev. Fund $ 19.00 General Re~. Fund 4,44 General Rev. Fund 1.11 General Rev. F~nd 4.44 General Rev. Fund 1.O0 General Rev. Fund- .74 General Rev. Fund .60 General Rev. Fund 1.O0 General Rev. Fund 1.44 General Reg. Fund 1.2t General Rev. Fund .60 General Rev. F-~nd .57 General Rev. Fund .3t General Rev. Fund .47 General Rev. Fund 1.20 General Rev. Fund Total $ 40.12 Mr. Dallas Wilfong of the State Forestry Department appeared and gave ann~al report of that department for the past year. He stated that Albemarle County had been most fortunate in the number and size of fire in recent years. ~ ~ Claim against the Dog Tax Ftuud was received from Mr. Robert Howard for one lamb and one ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Er. Suthe~land, seconded by~r. Harris, ~r. Howard was allowed $16.00 for the lamband $1g. O0 for the ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from ~r. C. R. Pennington for five hens killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Harris, seconded'byMr. Thraves, Nr. Pennington was allowed $1.00 for each of these hens. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nfs. Evia Hoover for 13 hens and one rooster killed by dogs. On motion of Er. Harris, seconded by~r. Thraves, Nfs. Hoover was allowed $1o50 for each of the hens and $1.OO for the rooster. Mr. Sutherland made comment regarding the increasing amount of litter along the highways in the County. After considerable discussion of this matter, the Chairman appointed a ~ommittee consistin of Nessrs. Sutherland, Harris and Thrav~s to make a study of the matter and give report on their finding~ at the next regular meeting of the Board. Request was received from the Citizens Bank and Trust Company for authority to make substitu- tion of securities held in escrow by the Peoples National Bank. On motion of Er. Palmer, seconded by ~r. Harris, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ~ERE&S, the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville, Virginia, Depository, has requested the substitution of certain securities held by fhe Peoples National Bank, Escrow Agent, in accordance with Escrow Agreement by and between the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, the Peoples National Bank, N. M. Pence, Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle, and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County. NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO~ED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Citizens Bank and Trust Company be and is hereby authorized to pledge the following: $10,000.00 U. S. Treasury &% Bonds due Aug. 15~ 1971. AND, upon the pledge and delivery of the foregoing, the Peoples National Bank is hereby authorized to release the following: $10,000.00 U. S. Treasury 2-5/8% Bonds due Feb. 15, 1965. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copy of this resolution be mailed to the Citizens Bank and Trust Company and to the Peoples National Bank. Report was received on sale of'dog tags and disbursements on lives%o~k and fowl claims for the current year as compared with the preceding year and was ordered filed. The following reorganization plan of the Department of Finance was received from the Finance Committee, and on motion of ~r. Harris,~ seconded by~r. ~ut~erland, was adopted and ordered spread in the minutes of this meeting: DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION: 1. There shall be a Department of Taxation whose head shall be the Director of Taxation, who shall also have the additional title of Assistant Director of Finance. As Director of Taxation and Assistant Director of Finance, he shall be accountable for the ~ministration, supervision and control of the opera- tions of such Department, including office organization and personnel management. The duties under this section shall include: (a) The maint'enance of employee records and proper notification of such matters to the County Executive's Office. (b~The distribution of work load and the close supervision of job responsi- bilities, including office personnel an~ field assessors. (c)The hearing of all personnel griwvances and the execution of.adminis- · trative policies as set forth by the County Executive. 2. It shall be the duty of the Director of Taxation and Assistant Director of Finance to: (a)~ake assessment and collection of State and locml taxes, other than the assessment of real estate.~ .......... ~~ ~s and other revenue, including (c) (e) (f) Receive payment on behalf of the County of all moneys for and in connec- tion with business of the County. The honoring of warrants drawn on the County only upon properly drawn checks bearing required signatures. Collect and prepare for remittance all State taxes and fees collected by tDe Department of Finance. This will include the preparation and execution of forms and reports required by the State. To execute on behalf of the County such forms as may be necessary to prosecute collection of accounts in bankruptcy. (g) Shall perform such other duties as may be req~Lired by him by the County Executive and Board of Supervisors. DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE AND PLANNING: The head of this Department shall be known as the Director of Real Estate and Planxuing, and shall be responsible with the following general duties: As DirectOr of said Department, ~e shall be acco,mutable for the administration, supervision and control of the operation of the department, including office organization and personnel management. The duties under this section shall include: (a) The maintenance of employee records and proper notification of such matters to the County Executive's Office. (b) The disbribution of workload and the close supervision of job responsi- bilities. ('c) The hearing of all personnel grievences and the execution of administra- tive policies as set forth by the County Executive. 2. It shall be the duty of the Director of Real' Estate and Planning to: (a) Make proper ~amsfer of real estate transactions as recorded by deeds and wills in the records of the Clerk of the Circuit (b) Maintain the property identification maps and records relatingthereto. (1~) Make appraisal and. determine assessment of all real estate (including improvements) as determined by !aw. (d) Prepare real estate tax bills and land books. 3. Other duties of the Director of Real Estate and Planning shall be: (a) To act as Secretary to the Albemarle County Equalization Board. (b) Maintain County maps relating to all private and public ~mVelopments, including public service facilities. (c) Such other duties as may be imposed by the County Executive and the Board of Supervisors. The Board was advised that Dr. Martin B. Marx, Director,-Veterinary Public Health, had recommended that the trapping program in Albemarle County be begun Apri~ 1st, or as soon as possible, in view of recent rabies cases in the County. After discussion of this~m~tter, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, it was ordered that this program be instituted in the County as soon as possible, April 1st being the recommended date.' On motion of Mr. Harris,~.s~onded by Mr. Sutherland, it was directed that the hunt clubs and fox hunters in the C~unty be commended for their cooperation with regard to the trapping program. Also, on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Palmer it was ordered that dog owners in the County be requested to confine their dogs during the trapping program for their owm protection and the County Executive was authorized to request the service of additional game wardens during the program in an effort to pickup all unlicensed and all~minoculated dogs. At 1:30 P.M., in accordance with notice published in the Daily Progress on March 5 and March 12, 1962, and no~ice posted at the Court House on March 2, 1962, the Board held annual highway meeting to receive requests for improvements to r0a~s in the Secondary System of Highways. The following requests were recemved. 1. David J. Wood, Jr. - request for hardtop on Route 676 between Meriwether LewSs School and Sunset Lodge. George Huff - request for blacktop on Route 601, eaa~ o£ Moorman'w River. Cecil McAlister - request for any type improvement on Route 614 west of White Hall. Mrs. George Rex - request for b~acktop on Route 614. Robert Th~aves - request for improvement, Route 663 from Route 664 at Earlysville to Route 66~ I 8. 9. 10. J. F. Branham - request for blacktop on Route 671, 2.1 mile from John Daviz Store to E. B. Morris Store. , ~ Hugh Garth - gravel request for Route~829. . Charles Nimmo - request for surface treatment on Route 660 to Earlysville. W. G. Leake- request for harttop on Route 606 from Airport. Campbell Holt - improvement request for Route 712, connecting Routes 20 and. 795. 11. W. M. Shafer - request for blacktop on Route 630 from Route 6, north. 12. Frank Mothes - request for paved ~oad on Route 717. 13. Bruce Lowery - request for gravel, Route 729 from Palmyra to Route 618. 14. W. R. ~Kidd - request for improvement to Route 622 betWeen Routes 795 and 618. 15. Hoyt Sprad!in - request for blacktop on Route 6~8. 16. D. F. Cox -,request for blacktop on Route 627 between Carters Bridge and Route 727~ 18. Jack Camblos - request for blacktop, Route 682 from Route 250 to County Dump. 19. John White - request for blacktop of Route 684. 20. Mrs. Fred P. Reinhard - request for blacktop, Route 694 off Route 693. ~ MOTION OF MR. HARRIS, SECONDED BY MR. PALMER, THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: WHEREAS, DURING THE PAST SEVERAL MONTHS, THE (~<:)UNTY EXECUTIVE, DUE TO AN ILLNESS, HAS BEEN ABSENT FROM HIS OFFICE AND HiS DUTIES HAD TO BE ASSUMED BY OTHER COUNTY EMPLOYEES, AND WHEREAS, ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS D~Ci$1ONS HAD TO BE' MADE AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASSUMED BY BOARD CLERK ~UNE T. MOON OVER AND ABOVE HER NORMA~ DUTIES~ AND WHEREAS, SHE PERFORMED THESE ADDED RESPONSIBILITIES IN A MOST EFFICIENT AND DEDICATED MANNER, MAKING EVERY EFFORT TO INSURE THAT THE ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY CONTINUED TO FUNCTION PROPERTY, AND WHEREAS, IT IS FITTING AND PROPER THAT THIS BOARD RECOGNIZE THIS OUTSTANDING PUBLIC SERVANT, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THIS BOARD DOES HEREBY COMMEND AND EXPRESS ITS APPRECIA- TION TO MRS. ~UNE To MOON FOR HER FINE, EFFICIENT SERVICE TO THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DURING THE ABSENCE OF THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE. CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY AMOUNTING TO ~345,858.48 WERE PRESENTED~ EXAMINED AND ALLOWED AND CERTIFIED TO THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE FOR PAYMENT AND CHARGED AGAINST THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL FUND SCHOOL FUND DOG TAX FUND CROZET FIRE DISTRICT FUND CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND OOINT HEALTH FUND TEXTBOOK FUN~ VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND SCHOLARSHIP FUND CENTRAL FiRE DISTRICT FUND WOOLEN MILLS SANITARY DISTRICT FUND COMM. OF VA. CURRENT CREDIT ACCOUNT TOTAL 45,513.71 73,979.41 983.64 15.40 1,572.77 6,808.27 1,621.67 ~9,822.~8 36,153.28 588.17 3.OO 58,796.98 $345,858.48 ON MOTION, THE MEETING ADdOURNED. ? CHA ! RMAN