HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-27SPECIALappoint a committee from this Board to investigate this matter. The Chairman stated that he would ap-
point a committee at the next regular meeting.
Claims against the County amouuting to $128,814.49 were presented, examined and allowed, and
certified-to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following fund:
General F~ud
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
Comm. of Virginia Current Credit AcCoUnt
Comm. of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account
$ 3~+~ 594.76
~+, 80 J .02
t _-201.8~
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
April 27, 1956
Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County office Building, Charlottesville,
Virginia at 9:00 A.N with the following members present: Nessrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith,
Edgar N. Garnett, N. Y. Sutherland, Jr., and Jo.hn ~. ~Yilliams. Absent : Mr. Robert Thraves.
We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, hereby.waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held
at 9:00 A.N. on the twenty-seventh day of April, 1956, in the County Office Building,
Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of discussing the employment of an assis-
tant Jailor, and we do hereby consent to the transaStion of any and all business and
the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as
may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto. ~ ~
. Ash ris~
Edward L. Smith
Y. Suther!and, Jr.g~
~2R0bert T~hraves .... ~
Officers present: Couuty Executive and Comm' th's Attorney'.
The matter with respect to the employment of an assistant Jailor was presented. Considerable
discussion was given them matter and it was the sense of the Board that due %o increased activity at the
Jail, being a regional Jail, that it was necessary that steps be taken to employ an assistant Jailor.
After due consideration, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Sheriff be and he is hereby authorized to employ an Assistant
Jailor at an annual s~lary not to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.O0), ef-
fective Nay l, 1956, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Compensation Board be requested
to give favorable consideration to this action and to amend the 1956 calendar year
budget to the extent as to include the salary of such person,
Upon motion,
the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, virginia, w~s h~Id~
at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of May, 1956.
~Present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Garnett, Edward L. Smith, M~ Y. Sutherland, Jr.,
and Robert Thraves.
Absent: Mr. John W. Williams.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
.Minutes of the meetings of April 18 and April 26, 1956 were read and approved.
Petition was received requesting acceptance into the SeCondary System of road beginning on
Route 250, west Of Shadwell ~o the location of Thomas Jefferson's birth place, a distance of .27 of a
mile. Mr. W. S. Hildreth and Mr. R. H. Perry appeared in-support of this petition. After considerable
discussion of this matter, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr.
Smith, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED hy the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, ~at the State Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to take
into the Secondary System road beginning on Route ~250, west of Shadwell and ending
ai~tl the birth place of Thomas ~efferson, a diStance of .27 of a mile.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Department of Highways be and is
here~ guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right-of-way along this requested addition.
Mr. Shields advised that he and Mr. Williams had been over Rougemont Avenue which is in the?t
Secondary System and found one section of ,1 of a mile not surface~ .which needs some improvement. He
stated that he felt that with s~me support o£ the residents, the Highway Department should improve this
section. Mr. Pence adVised that he ~ad received 'check for $75.00 from residents en this section. On
motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, said check was accepted for improvement te~.the af~re-~
mentione~ .1 of a mile of Rougemont Avenue.
¢Sm~unication was received from the Departmentef HighWays advising that as requested in
resolutions of th~s Board of March 21, 1956, the following additions to the Secondary System were ap-
proved, effective May 3, 1956:
(~) From ~eadend'ofRt. 803 in MauryHill in a ~ertherndirectien for 0.14 Mi.
to Rt. 29 S. of SCL of Charlottesville - Length - 0.14 Mile.
(2)From end of State Maintenance on Rt. 645. W. of Gerdonsville te 0.30 Mi.
S.W. dead end at Church - LenEth 0.30 Mile.
(3)From end of State Maintenance on Rt. 610, 1.8 Mi~East of Rt. 20, to dead
end 2,15 Mi. E. of Rt. 20, near Eastham - Length~. ~..35 Mile.
Communication was received from the'~Department ef Highways explainimg Chapter 161, Actm of
1956, whereby funds were set aside for industrial access roads, and'was ordered filed.
Mr.~ Pence' advised that he~ Mr~ Shields, and the Commonwealth's Attorney had prepare~'m~p~l~ey
prefacing acceptance ef subdivision roads into them~Secondary System and presented copies of same to the
Board. On motion of Mr, Smith, s®cendedbyMr. Sutherland, this policy was accepted on first reading
and carried over for second reading at the next regular meeting of the Board.
Mrs. Carter appeared before the Board and presented plat'of proposed subdivision in
the area of Kenwood Earth. She s~ated that in order ~te construct her hard smrface roads as planned, it
would be necessary to close a small section of Route 653., although in doing so, those persons being
served by this Route would be furnished~a nicer outlet. Mrs. Carter was adVised that the Board would