HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-24 Mr. M. ~. Pence advised that the had emp!~yed Miss Dorothy Sprouse in the real estate office and~MissRoxie Hurst in the Department of Finance, effective May !, 1956, at a salary of $165.00 per month to be increased to $170.00 per month, effective July 1, 1956. on motion of Mr. GarnetS, seconde~' by Mr. Smith, employment of Miss Sprouse and Miss Hurst w~s approved. Mr. Pence advised the Board that the Building Permit Ordinance. adopted by the Board of Super- visors in December, 1940, was net being complied with and that it was his~intent to begin enforcement of this Ordinance. Claims against the County amounting to $124,988.28 were presented, examined and allowed, and certifie~ to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax FU-nd Crozet Fire DistrictFund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Department Fund McIntire Trust Fund Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account Total $ 29,131.56 85,022.72 421~10 67.68 550.04 5,317.!2 514.37 3.963.69 $124,988;28 On motion, the meeting adjourned. - H~~ Harris May'24, 1956 Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Beard of CoUnty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special sessiom en this date in the County Office Huilding~ Charlottesville, Virginia, at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Garnett, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr., Robert Thraves and John W. Williams. Absent: None'. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M. on the twenty-fourth day of May, 1956, in the County Office Building~ Charlottesville, Virginia, for the followingpurpeses: Consideration of (1) Route 653 in CartertOn Subdivision. (2) Route 679 near Ivy, Virginia. (3) Federal Aid - Routes 602, 601 and 654. (4) Orchard Road in Be!lair Subdivision. (5) Railway Agency at Burnle~, Virginia. (6) Name of Charlottesviile-Albemarte ~irper~.- (7) Escrow Agreement with P~ep~es National Bank. (8) Cons~ructionof Night Jailor's Quarters, ~ (9) District Home Board Matters. And, we do hereby consent to the transaction cf any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereina~eve mentioned as may be law- ~ ' dga~ ~. Garnett ' Edward L. Smith ~Rohert Thraves / / John W. Williams A matter with respect to Secondary Route 653 in the Cartezton Subdivision was 'presented. It appeared that due to the construction of new roads as shew~ on the Carterton plat, it would be necessary to close a certain portion of Route 653 temporarily; a~d that ~pea completion of the construction new under way, Route 653 would be relocated and opened to the public which it now serves. Mrs. Carter, the developer of the Cartorton Subdivision, explained t,be relocation of this road and advised the Board as to her intentions with respect to the work. Mrs. Eleanor Barnes appeared in her own behalf and ex- plained to' the Board that the present Route 653 served her Place as well as that of a Mr. Crawford whose property Joins hers. She stated that she would like the assurance that her property would have service during the period of construction and that when completed, the road would be in as servicable condition as at preSent. After considerable discussion, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and Unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Body recommends to the State Highway Department that Secondary Route 653 be taken from the State System and that such recommendation by conditioned upon agreement between Mrs. Carter, the developer, ~in one inStance, and Mrs. Barnes and Mr. Crawford in the ether instance, that the latter parties would have geed ingrees and egress to ther properties during construe%ion; and that proper evidence. ef the agreement Between Said parties be presented to the Director of Finance prier to resumption of construction; Mr. Ralph W. Querry and Mr. Erb of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company appeared Before the Board with reSpect to Secondary Route 679 near Ivy, Virginia. Mr. Querry advised that his company, the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, intended te locate a loading station adjacent to this Route and that since installation would involve a considerable sum of money, he-requested that the Board of Supervisors recommend to the State Highway Department that Route 679 be widened and placed in condition to permit traffic to reach +Joe intended leading site. Mr. Shields, State Resident Engineer, advised the Beard that considerable work would have to be undertaken in this instance and that perhaps the acquisi~ tion of land for additional right of way may be involved. After considerable discussion, Mr. Shields was requested to obtain information with regard te the necessary improvement of th'is road and to present the same at the next regular meeting of the Board. Mr. Shields, State Resident ~.ngineer, appeared before the Board and outlined the Federal Aid Program. Considerable discusSion was given to the matter and after due study, on motion of Mr. Williams. seconded by Mr. ThraVes, the following resolution was unanimously adopted~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be~mnd is hereby requested to program Secondary' Federal Aid Pro~ects for Albemarle County as fellows: (1) 'Route 602 from Route 626 at Howardsville to Route 800 near Schuyler -~ distance 6.45. miles. We recommend stage con- structien on this project with grading, stabilizing and Bridges as first step. (2) Routes 601 and 654 at IT Creek, 167.42 truss bridge with approaches totaling . 5 mile. This is on said Federal Secon- dary Route and is carrying approximately one thousand VPD's' Due to the heavy traffic on this last project, we recommend project No. 2 to be programmed and constructed prier to com- pletion of Route 602. Mr. William T, Stevens, appearing on behalf of the successor company of Bellair Corporation, came before the Board with respect to Orchard Road located in the Bella+r Subdivision. He advised that Orchard r~ad was Built in 1951 er 1952 in what was thought to be the then standard for second~ry roads residents in that area were under the impression that the same was under State maintenance and it was net until recently that it was found that the same had never ~een accepted into the Secondary System. ~r. Stevens asked if the people in that a~ea would furnish a certain sum of money in order to prepare the road, if the Board of Supervisors would recommend to the State Highway Department that the same be placed in the Secondary Highway S~Stem. Mr. Shields, State Resident ~Engineer, advised, that considerabl work would be necessary in order to bring Orchard Road up to standard and he ~did not believe that the State could accept the same until all condi%iens for acceptance had been met. After due study, Mr. Stevens was advised that the Board could net recommend the acceptance of this road into the State Syst~ until the same had been brought up' to standard. Notice from the State Corporation Commission that application had been received from the Rail- way Express Agency, Incorporated, te discontinue its agency at Burnley, Virginia, was presented. The notice advised that a hearing would be held in this regard em June 28, 1956, at the Commission's Office in Richmond, Virginia~ This matter was refe Mr. Williams presented a matter wi Albemarle Airport. He stated that he was of name which would identify the Airport with % Williams, seconded by Mr. Smith, this matter presented at the next meeting of that body. The Director of Finance presented in the escrow agent from the First and Mere~ T~.~easury, Richmond, Virginia. After due dis Sutherland, the following resolution was una ~E~EAS, the Director ef Charlottesville as depository of ¢ ficial capacity, and said seleetie Supervisors of Albemarle County, a moneys have been, p-d~suant to sect deposited in escrow by said deposi Richmond under agreement dated Jun the said depository, the First and bank and this Beard; and WHEREAS Peoples National sires that said securities be held and Merchants National Bank ef Ric of the Cede of Virginia, as amende ~red teMr. Thraves, Supervisor of the Rivanna District. th regard to a change in the name of the Charlottesville- the opinion that the present name was unsuitable and that a ae entire area would be more fitting. On motion by Mr. was referred te the members of the ~Airpor% Committee to be request from the Peoples National Bank, requesting a chang ~nts National Bank, Richmond, Virginia, tothe State ~ussienand on motion ofMr. Williams, seconded by Mr. aimeusly adopted: Finance has selected Peoples National Bank of ertain public money received by him in his cf- a has been. approved by the County Board of ad securities pledged for protection ef such ~on 58-9/% and 58-945 of the Cede of Virginia, tory with First and Merchants National Bank ef e 9, 1953, executed by the Director of Finance, Merchants National Bank ef Richmond, escrow Bank of Charlottesville, the depository, de- by the Treasurer ef Virginia instead of First mend, Virginia as permitted by section 58-94~ RESOLVED that securities pledged, pursuant to section 58-944 and 58-945, by Peeples National Bank of Charlottesville for protection of public money de- posited by the Director of Finance with it, be deposited in escrow with the Treasurer of Virginia pursuant to section 58-946 of the Cede as amended under agreement dated May 24, 1956 as presented at this meeting and which is ordered spread with the minutes of th~s meeting, and H. Ashby Harris, Chairman of this Board, is authorize~ en ~ehalf ef this Board te execute the approval of such agreement. · greement referred to in above resolution and ordered spread by said resolution fellows~ Te the TREASURER OF VIRGINIA.. Date: May 24, 1956 The Eadersigned Depository Bank deposits with you the securities herein described - $2oo,eeo. s. 2 $300,~0. U. S. ~$~Y BO~S 2~ d~e 11/15/61 Said deposit is made to secure the repayment of deposits made by the Director of Finance of Albemarle County, Virginia, with the undersigned DepositeryBank, PUrsuant to the provisiomof Section ~8-938 to Section 58-952, ef Article 2, of Chapter 20, of the 1950 Code of Virginia As Custodian, you are to observe and be guided by the following terms and conditions: (1) Until you receive fromttbe ~eard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County written direc- tion to the contrary, you are to surrender the interest or ether income accruing to these securities to the undersigned Deposit~ry Bank, or its order. (2) While these securities are held under the~eonditions as set forth herein, they are sub- ject to the sole order of the Boa~d of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, whose instructions as to disposition, however, shall be limited te the return of the securities to the undersigned Depository Bank, or its order, except as-hereinafter provided. (3) Substitutions, additions to or reduction in the amount of securities held are to be per- mitted en request ef the Depository Bank, when approved by the. Board of CountySupervis~rs of Albemarle ¢ount~. (4) You are to deliver these securities in whole or in part to the Said Director of Finance ef Albemarle County upon the written demand of the Board ef Co~ty Supervisors, but only when such de- mand is aceomp .a~ied by proof satisfactory te you that the Depository Bank has defanlted in payment of part er all of the funds secured by the said securities. (5) Upom repayment of the deposits by the Depository Bank, satisfactory proof ef such repay- ment will be iltrnished y~u, upon the receipt of which you are to return the securities to the Bank. (6) This agreement is to be executed in quadruplicate by the parties concerned, each of whom is to retain one copy for their records. Approved.' By.' BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGI.NIA I%~ ' Chairman At, est: Its Clerk Director"ofFin~nce ef Albemarle County, Virginia PEO,'BLES NATIONAL BANK of Charlottesville (Depository Bank) Exec. Vice President Ac cepte~t: "' Treasurer of Virginia Date Also in connection with the foregoing, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, depository of certain public money received from the Director of Finance of Albemarle County, has requested that securities be held in escrow by the Treasurer of Virginia~ i~stead of the First and Merchants National Bank of Richmond, as permitted by Section 58-946 of the Cede of Virginia, as amended, and WHEREAS, said request has been approved by the Board of County SuperviSors ef Albemarle County, Virginia, NOW, T~O~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the First and Merchants National Bank of Richmond, ~irginia, be and is hereby authOrized to release to the Treasurer of Virginia the following: $200,000. U. $. Treasury' 'Bonds', 2~ due 8/15/63.. S3~0~000. U. S. Treasury Bonds, 2~% due 11/15/61. BE.<IT..F.UR~ T-~H~ RE~OL.,VED tha~ ~cep~.~f~.~th!s~_~_e..s~!~tion~be s~ubmi%ted to the First and Merchants National Bank, the Peoples National Bank and to the Treasurer of Virginia. The County Executive presented plans for the construction of a night jailer's quarters. He advised that' it had been estimated that the cost of such construction would approximate $1,~00.00. On motion by Mr. ~lilliams, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board cf County Supervisors ef Albemarle County, Virginia, that rules be suspended as te second reading and that $1.,500.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the construction of a night jailor's quarters. On motion by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Thrives, the Director of Finance was authorized to proceed with obtaining bids with regard to the above project and to ~nter into contract for said work. The County Executive presented audit of the DistriCt Home for the calendar year ended December 31, 1955. He advised that in a discussion of the Board meeting held on this date at Waynes- bore, Virginia, a matter with respect to the enlargement ef the. home was disenssed and that a Committee from that body had been appointed to proceed with the preparation of preliminary drawings in order to obtain a .cost figure. He requested that the Board give approval to this p~an since it wo~ld be necessary that the participating members of the District Home furnish funds at such time as construction plans materialize. On motion of Mr. Suther!and, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the following resolution was unani- BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board hereby endorses the prbgram ef the DiStrict Home Board with respect to the building program new in its initial stage. On motion, the meeting adjourned. June 8, 1956 Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia,. at 2:00 P.M. with the following members present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Garnett, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr., Robert Thraves and John W. Williams, Absent: None° We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be h~ld at 2:00 P.M. on the eighth day of June, 1956, in the County Office Building, Char- · lottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering appropriations to the School Board and matters pertaining to the Joint Airport, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto. Edward L. Smith Officers present: County Executive and Com~w~alth' s Attorney. The Board discussed at length the matter of month-to-month appropriations to the School Board and was advised by the Commonwealth's Attorney that such procedure would be legal. M. M. Pence, County Executive, advised the Board that this procedure would involve a great deal more bookkeeping in his offi¢~ which would require the employment of an additional worker, in addition to one more worker which would be required after January 1st as a result of the new State income tax law. After full discussion, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Williams and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes~ Messrs. Harris, Garnett, Smith, Sutherland, Thraves and Williams. Nays: None. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board intends to adept an Appropriation Ordinance on June 20, 1956 in which funds will be appropriated to the School Board on a month-to-month basis, which Ordinance will become effective July l, 1956. The Board then met at approximately 3:00 P.M. at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport with members of the City Council and members of the Joint Airport Commission. Mr. LlewellynP. Ha~en, Chairman of said Commission, advised the Board that due to the large number of airplanes being parked on the field a ramp to serve that it had become necessary to construct additional apron and taxi way and also, to build/doOrs in the