HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-20forthcoming from the Federal Government, in order ~that the Commission might seek matching funds and
proceed with the necessary work as outlined. After considerable discussion, motion was offered by Mr.
Eilliam, seconded by Mr. Sntherland, and unanimously carried, ordering that funds received from the
Federal Government for work completed be left with the Joint Airport Commission and that said Commission
be authorized to proceed' with plans to be presented back to the governiag bodies for approval, and carried
over for second reading.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 20th day of Juhe, 1956,
Present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Garnett, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr.,
Robert Thraves and John W. Williams.
Absent: None.
OffiCers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Minutes of the meetings of May 16, May 24, and June 8, 1956 were read and ad0proved.
Mr. Wright Harrison appeared on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and requested that the Count2
increase its appropriation to the Chamber's AdvertisingFund from $-500.00 to $7~0.00 for a two year perle
After discussion of this matter, 'motion was offered by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. S~utherland, and
unanimously carried, in which the request of the Chamber of Commerce was approved, appropriation for same
to be made from the 1956-57 Budget.
C&mmunication was received from Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, in which he estimated the
costs of an industrial access road to the pulp loading plant at Ivy on Route 679 to be $6,000.00. On
motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Smith, and ~nanimously carried, Mr. M. M. Pence was instructed
to write Mr. S. D. Crute, Secondary Road Engineer, advising him of the intent of this Board to request
$6,000.00 to $7,000.00 to provide industrial access:~road to the loading plant of the West Virginia Pulp
and Paper Company located on Route' 679 at Ivy, Virginia.
The Board was advised that roads in Hessian Hills had been completed according to standards of
the Department of Highways. Mr. A. L. Cushman, of the Cushman Realty and-Building Corporation, the
developer of Hessian Hills appeared in this regard and requested acceptance into the Secondary System.
On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, this Board went on record on December 21, 1955 as to its intent to
recommend acceptance of the road system in Hessian Hills into the Secondary System,
provided that the completed construction would conform to standards and specifications
of the State Highway Department and pending final approval of that Department, and
WHEREAS, advice was received this date that said roads have been completed
in accordance with standards of the Department of Highways and approved by that De-
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of COunty Supervisors of Albe-
marle Couuty, Virginia, that the Department of Highways be and is requested to accept
into the Secondary System of Highways, roads in Hessian Hills as follows:
Beginning at Route 654 and continuing to dead end, distance 2,170 ft.
Beginning at Hessian Hills and continuing in a westerly direction
te Route 824, a distance of 72 ft.
AND BE IT FUK~HER RESOLVED that the State Department of Highways be and is
hereby guaranteed a 50 ft. unobstructed right of way along this requested addition.
Mr~H~ynes L. Settle, Secretary-Treasurer of the Central Virginia Development Corporation, ap-
peared and requested acceptance into the State Highway System Willard Drive in Green Valley Subdivision,
a distance of approximately 1,3&O feet from the City Limits of Charlottesville to Harris Road. On motio~
of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that this Board will recommend to the State Department of Highways ac-
ceptance into the Secondary System/Will~d Drive in Green Valley Subdivision, a
distance of 1,3~0 feet (approx.) from the Corporate Limits cf the City of Char-
lettesville to/intersection with Harris Road, when completed construction of said
road conforms to standards and specifications of the State Highway Department and
final approval is given by that 'Department.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that Mr. W. W. Shields~ Resident Engineer, had stated to him that
the resolution adopted by this Board on Nay 24, 1956, with regard to~ Route 653 in Carterton Subdivision
would .not be necessary. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution
was ,m~animously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that resolution adopted by this Board on May 24, 1956, with regard te
closing a portion of Route 653 in Carterton Subdivision be and the same is hereby
Communication was received from ~the Department cf Highways advising that as request in reso-
lution of this B~ard, the addition of road from Route 250, west of Shadwell, to the birthplace of Thomas
Jefferson, had been approved for acceptance in the secondary system, effective June 6, 1956.
Communication was received from Edward O. McCue, III, requesting on behalf of the owner of
Meadowcreek Service Station, the L. F. Wood, Estate, the Board of Supervisors to abandon any and all
rights the County of Albemarle may have in the right of way of the old Barracks Road lying across the
Meadowcreek Service Station property, in order that the owner might take f~ll possession of the property
free of any easements for road purposes. This matter was discussed and there was some question as th
the County's right to act on same since this property now lies in the City of Charlottesville. On m0tiol
of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and unanimously carried, this matter was referred to the
Commonwealth' s Attorney.
Request wms received from Mr. Ray W. Warrick for acceptance of the road system in the Wayland
Park Subdivision at Crozet, Virginia, into the Secondary Road System. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded
by Mr. Garnett, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that this Board will recommend to the State Department of Highways ac-
ceptance into the Secondary Road System of roads in the Wayland Park Subdivision,
Crozet, Virginia, when said roads have been completed in accordance with standards
and specifications of the Department of Highways and have been given approval by
that Department, and when unobstructed rights of way have been secured.
Communication was received from the Department of Highways inviting the Board and other County
officials to a celebration of its Fiftieth Anniversary on Friday, June 29, 1956, at lO:~O A.M. at the
Fairgrounds, just north of Culpeper.
Mr. Williams advised the Board that he had received the resignation of Mr. Charles Woltz, membE
of the School Board from the Charlottesville District. Mr. Williams stated that he f~lt Mr. Woltz's
contribution to the School Board and to the County had been outstanding and it was with reluctance and
regret that he accepted his resignation. On motion of Nr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and
unanimously carried, the resignation of Mr. Woltz was accepted with regret.
Nr. Williams nominated Mr. Wright Harrison to represent the Charlottesville District on the
School Bo~rd as successor to Mr. Woltz, which nomination was seconded by Mr. T~raves and unanimously
Petition was received, signed b~ a number of citizens of Albemarle county residing in the area
adjacent to Gordonsville, requesting the Board of Supervisors to give financial assistance to the Gor-
donsville' Fire Department in their efforts t~ purchase a water truck for use in fighting fires in Albe-
marle County. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Thraves, and unanimously carried, this petition
was carried over to the next regular meeting after a lengthy discussion of the matter,
Mr. Williamson of the Scottsvi!le Volunteer Fire Department appeared in regard to the question
before this Board with regard to payment of mileage to fire companies outside their individual districts.
Mr. Williamson stated that the Scottsville Company was interested only in continuance of the $1,200.00
annual appropriation. He further stated that he was in complete favor of maintaining the Central Fire
District but felt that individual contributions should be strived for by the company. At the request of
the Board, Mr. Pence again stated his feeling with~ regard to payment of mileage outside of districts in
that he felt no mileage should be paid in these instances and that all companies ~should be on a like
basis. Considerable discussion was given to the matter and on motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr.
Thraves and unanimously carried, the payment of mileage to fire companies was tabled for the time being.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mrs. James B. Murray for one ewe killed by
dogs. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mrs. Murray was allowed $15.00 for this ewe.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received for a total of 221 ~urkeys belonging to Mr. Robert
Crile and killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Crile was allowed
$1.00 for each of these turkeys.
Communication was received from Dr. S. D. Sturkie, Joint Health Director, advising that rabies
vaccination clinics would be held every four months in the future,
Mr. ThraVes advised that he had contacted the residents in the Burnley area and had been ad-
vised that there was no need for a Railway Agency Station at Burnley.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department cf
Finance for the month of May, 1956, of which one-third is to be borne by the State. On motion, duly mad~
and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office
for the month of May, 1956, of which two-thirds are tc be borne by the State. On motion, duly made and
seconded, this statement was examined, verified and approved~
Mr. M, M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses' of the Commonwealth's
Attorney's Office for the month of May, 1956, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. On motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement cf Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the 'month of May, 1956
was submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion, duly made and seconded, these
Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of May, 1956, were presented in ac-
cordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 ef the Cede of Virginia.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $294.00, of which one-half is
reimbursable by the State, was presented and on motion of Williams, seconded by Mr. Smith, was unanimous~
a~proved for payment.
Report of the County Executive for the month of May, 1956, was presented, approved, and ordere~
The matter of the appointment of a member to the Planning Commission to succeed Mr. E. D. Tayl¢
deceased, was again brought before the Board. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
that the membership of the Albemarle County Planning Commission be increased from
nine members to twelve members, effective January l, 1957, and that each Magisteral
District shall be reoresented by such increase.
M~v~J~aves nominated Mr. William~Smith, Proffit, Virginia, to succeed Mr. E. D. Tayloe fro~
the Rivanna District on the Planning Commission, which nomination was seconded by Mr. ~illiams and
unanimously approved. (The Unexpired term of Mr. Tayloe runs to December 30, 1958.) Nr. Sutherland,
appointed Mr. John Powell, Covesville, Virginia, to represent the Samuel Miller District for a term of
four years, beginning January l, 1957 and expiring December 30, 1961. Mr. Smith advised that he would
nominate a member from the Ivy District at the next regular meeting.
Mr. E. O. McCue, Jr., Senator, appeared before the Board and outlined his plan with regard to
segregated schools which he plans to offer to the General Assembly. Mr. McCue's plan would place the
entire responsibility of the operation of schools with the General Assembly rather than the localities
by following Section 129 of the Virginia Constitution in connection with Section 132. He stated that
the School Board would be appointed by the General Assembly but would still have the power of appointing
teachers, etc. Ail payments of salary to teachers would come directly from the State. He advised that
by the General Assembly assuming the operation of schools, 'that body would be liable to suit rather than
the localities. Mr. McOue was thanked for his explanation of his plan and was assured by the Board that
he would have .the backing of the Board of Supervisors should it be needed.
The Board was advised that the term of Mrs. Lindsay Pitts on the Library Board would expire on
June 30, 1956. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Williams, and u~animously carried, Dr. Paul
McFarland was appointed to succeed Mrs. Pitts on the Library Board for a term of three years, expiring
-June 30, 1959.
Communication was received from the Albemarle County Electoral Board requesting confirmation
in writing of the Board's desire to have assistant registrars appointed for each of the twenty-four voti~
precincts in the County and asking for suggestions from the individual supervisors of suitable persons t¢
be appointed in their districts. On motion, made by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board cf County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Albemarle County Electoral Board be and is hereby requested
te appoint an assistant registrar for each of the County's twenty-four precincts.
In connection with the foregoing, Mr. Williams submitted the names of Violet Duffer and John
Walker, Jr. as assistant registrars for the Court House Precinct and the Wingfie!d Precinct, respectivel
stating that He would submit name for the Monticello Precinct to the Electoral Board. Mr. Pence urged
that all supervisors submit their suggestions to the Electoral Board, or to his office for transmital to
~he Electoral Board, before July 1, 1956.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Ann~al Appropriation Ordinance
for the year 1956-57. On motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Thraves, rules with regard te
second readings were suspended and the appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the following
recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. Harris, Garnett, Smith, Sutherland, Thraves and Williams. Noes: None.
For the Fiscal Year ~Ending June 30, 1957
An Ordinance making appropriation of sums of money for all necessary expenditures
of the COUNTY OF ALBE~£~WJ~E, VIRGINIA, for the fiscal year-ending June 30, 1957:
to prescribe the provisos, terms, conditions, and prov~sions with respect to the
items of appropriation and their payment~ and to repeal all ordinances wholly
conflict with this ordinance and ali ordinances inconsistent with this ordinanc~
to the extent of such inconsistency.
Be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of the coUNTy OF ALBE~i~RLE, VIRGINIA:
That the following sums of money be and the same hereby are appropriated
for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 195'7:
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the function of COUNTYAD~NISTR~TION the sum
of nine thousand two hundred and ninty dollars and no cents ($9,290~00) is
zppropriated from the General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Beard of Supervisors $ 6,11Oo00
2o County Executive 2,830'.00
3. Planning Commission 350.00
Paragraph Two
For the current expenses of the function of ASSESSMENT OF TAXABLE PROPERTY
the sum of ten thousand three hundred seventy dollars and no cents ($10,370.00)
is a~ppropriated from the General.Fund to be apportioned as follows:
!. Real EstateAsseSsers (Equalization Board) $ 7,105.00
2. Preparation of Tax Naps 3,265~00
Paragraph Three
For the current expenses of the function of CDLLECTION AND DISBURSEMENT OF
TAXES AND OTP~R' RECEIPTS the sum of fOrtF,~fou~, thousand ~ four hundred seventy
dollars and no cents ($44,470.00) is appropriated from the General Fund to be
apportioned as follows:
1. Director of Finance $43,970.00
2. Col[eetion of Delinquent Land Taxes 500.00
Paragra~'.M Four
For *the current expenses of the function of RECORDING OF DOC~.~ENTS the sum
o£ twenty-two thousand six hundred ninty dollars and no cents ($22,690.00) is
appropriated from %he General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Office of ~he 0ounty Clerk and Clerk of
the Circuit Court $22,690.00
Comm~nication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that in compliance with
request of the Director of Finance, and subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, said Board
had approve~ an.additional allowance for premium on official bonds of employees in the office of the
Director of Finance for a four-year period in the sum ef $404.70, and an additional allowance to cover
premium on burglary, money and messenger service for a four-year period in the sum of $214o40. and also,
and additional allowance 'of $69.27 to cover premium on bond of the Sheriff and deputies fora four-year
period, maR~g a total allowance in each instance respectively of $644.70, $~14.40, and $139.27. On
motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RES0LVED by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be, and is hereby, requested te parti-
cipate in i~s proportionate share of the following premiums which cover a four-
year period:
Official Bonds - Employees of Dept. of Finance ..... $644.70
Burglary, money and messenger service ......... 414.40
Official Bonds - Sheriff and Deputies ......... 139.27
sum of
3. Commonwealth's Attorney's 0ffiee
Paragraph Six
~or the current
the sl~
For the c,mrrent
of P~isoners
~ragraph Seven
of the
is appropriated from the General
District i
~cottsvitle Fire Company
$ 3.865.00
s end no cents
as follows:
as follows$
the funo~on
h~mdred e~ five dollars an~
from the General Fund to be apportioned as
Assistance- Federal, State, Local
3: Institutional Care
4. .Other Welfare Aid
~. Lunacy Commission
~he mm of ~'wO
5,.;~0 is appropriate~
1 4, o.0o
Paragraph Nine
apportioned as follows:
1. Jo!.ntHealthDepartment $18~600.00
2o Other Public Hea~th Activities:
the sum of twenty,
Paragraph Tea
For the ~urrent expenses of the function of ADVA~OEMENT OF A~IO~LT~E
HO~ ECONO~,~/CS the sum of twelve thousand seven hundred fo~tT-one ~ollars
no cents ($12,741,00) is appropriated from the ~enerai Fund,
Paragraph Eleven
For the current expenses of the ~nction of ELECTIONS the s..,m of
thousand three hundred forty-five dollars and no cents '($6,34~.00) is appro-
priated fr~n the ~eneral Fund..
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that in compliance with
request of the Director of Finance, and subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, said Board
had approved an additional allowance for premium on official bonds of employees in the office of the
Director of Finance for a four-year period in the sum of $404.70, and an additional allowance to cover
premium on burglary, money and messenger service for a four-year period in the sum of $214.40. and also,
and additional allowance of $69.27 to cover premium on bond of the Sheriff and deputies for a four-year
peri~d, maR[hg a total allows.nee in each instance respectively of $644.70, $414.40, and $139.27. On
motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ~f County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be, and is hereby, requested to parti-
cipate in i~s proportionate share of the following premiums which cover a four-
year period:
Official Bonds - Employees of Dept. of Finance ..... $644.70
Burglary, money and messenger service ......... 414.40
Official Bonds - Sheriff and Deputies ......... 139.27
Paragraph Twelve
For the of
C~.~-OUNDS the six
~,-~,~ ~0.00) from the
Paragraph Thirteen
For the current expenses of
seventeen thousand four hundred
~pproppiated: from the General F~ to be
2. Civilian Defense
4. Other ~f~scellaneous Items
Total GE~ FUND Appropriations for the. Fiscal
year ending June 30, 1957
To be
as follows:
balance at July 1, 1956
Nonrevenue eceipts
Total ~.,~. FU~) resources aVailable for
the FiScal Year Ending June 30, 1957
no cents
the sum of
2, 00
That the following sums of money be and
purposes specified herein for the fiscal
30, 1957,
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the function of PROTEC!TIONOF LIVESTOCK AND FOWLS
the sum of ten thousand five hundred dollars and no Cents ($10,500.00) is ap-
propriated from the Dog Tax Fund.
Total DOG TAX FUND appropriation for the
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1957
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1956
Sale of Dog Tags (net)
Receipts fromInnoculation
Total DOG TAX FUND resources for the
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1957
$10 00
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that in compliance with
request of the Director of Finance, and subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, said Board
had approved an additional allowance for premium on official bonds of employees in the office of the
Director of Finance for a four-year period in the sum of $404.70, and an additional allowance to cover
premium on burglary, money and messenger service for a four-year period in the sum of $214.40. and also,
and additional allowance of $69.27 to cover premium on bond of the Sheriff and deputies for a four-year
period, maR~g a total allowance in each instance respectively of $644.70, $414.40~ and $139.27. On
motion of Mr. Garnet%, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOL~ED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be, and is hereby, requested to parti-
cipate in i~s proportionate share of the following premiums which cover a four-
year period:
Official Bonds - Employees of Dept. of Finance ..... $644.70
Burglary, money and messenger service ......... 414.40
Official Bonds - Sheriff and Deputies ......... 139.27
Paragraph One
For of the function of the
the sum of ~ thousand five hundred dollars and no
1. Administration
2. Naintenance and Operation
3. Capital Outlay, Distribution System
4. Debt SerVice
for the FisCal Year Ending June 30, 1957
To be'
for as follows.
balance at July 1, 1956
' as
for the
sums of money be
herein for the
Paragraph One'
For the current expenses of the function of'the CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT the
sum of nine thOUSand ~ sixty-five dollars and no cents ($9,i065.00)
is herehy appropria%edfrom the CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND.
Total CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT appropriation
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1957
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1956
Appropriation from General Fund
Tax Levy
Outside Use of Fire Truck
available for Fiscal Year Ending June 30,
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that in compliance with
request of the Director of Finance, and subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, said Board
had approved an additional allowance for premium on official bends of employees in the office of the
Director of Finance for a four-year period in the sum of $404.70, and an additional allowance to cover
premium on burglary, money and messenger service for a four-year period in the sum of $214.40. and also,
and additional allowance of $69.27 to cover premium on bond of the Sheriff and deputies for a four-year
period, maR~g a total allowance in each instance respectively of $644.70, $414.40, and $139.27. On
motion of Mr. Garnet%, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be, and is hereby, requested to parti-
cipate in its proportionate share of the following premiums which cover a four-
year period:
Official Bonds - Employees of Dept. of Finance ..... $644.70
Burglary, money and messenger service ......... 414.40
Official Bonds - Sheriff and Deputies ......... 139.27
fiscal 30, 1957:
Paragrap~ One
For current expenses of th.e JOINT HEALTH DEPART~NT the sum of fifty-nine
eol'_,zr.~ ~:~d n° cents ($59,970~00) is hereby ap-
D~PARi~i~ i' FUND.
Total JOINT i bion
for , 1957
! for as follows:
at July 1, 1956
Revenue from Local Sources:
University of Virginia
County of Albemarle
City of Charlottesville
Revenue from the Commonwealth
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1957
2,000. O0
18, 507.00
2,118. O0
That the f~llowing sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
for SCHOOLpurposes herein specified forthefiscalyearending' June 30, 1957.
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the COUNTYSCH00L SYSTEM the sum of two hundred
fifty thousand five hundred twelve dollars and no cents ($250,512~00) is ap-
Paragraph Two
For capital outlay of the COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTF~ the sum of szx' thousand
dollarsandno cents ($6,000.00) is appropriated from the School Fund to be
apportioned as follows~
1. Equipment for Buildings $ 5,000.00
2. Improvement to Sites 1,000.00
Paragraph Three
For the payment of interest on and retirement of debt of the County School
56 , 50.00) is aPPropriated from the School Fund to be apportioned as fo/lOWs:
1. Literary Fund Loans $25,000.00
2. Interest on Literary Fund Loans 13,000.00
3. Bonds 25,000.00
4.. Interest on Bonds 5,250.00
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that in compliance with
request of the Director of Finance, and subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, s~id Board
had approved an additional allowance for premium on official bonds of employees in the office of the
Director of Finance for a four-year period in the sum ef $404.70, and an additional allowance to cover
premium on burglary, money and messenger service for a four-year period in the sum of $214.40. and also,
and additional allowance of $69.27 to cover premium on bond of the Sheriff and deputies for a four-year
period, ma~g a total allowance in each instance respectively of $644.70, $~14.40, and $139.27. On
motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLI~ED by the Board .of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be, and is hereby, requested to parti-
cipate in i~s proportionate share of the following premiums which cover a four-
year period:
Official Bends - Employees of Dept. of Finance ..... $644.7~
Burglary, money and messenger service ......... 414.40
Official Bonds - Sheriff and Deputies ......... 139.27
Total for the
Fig 1957
That the
the purposes
s of money be a~? the same are
for the fiscal year ending
Paragraph One
For the function of SPECIAL SCHOOL CAPITAL one h~ndred
twenty-one thousand four hundred ten dollars and no ~,410~00) is
hereby appropriated from the Special School Capital Outlay Fund.
Total Special School Capital Outlay Fund
Appropriation for the Fiscal Year
E~ing JU~e 30, 1957
To be prOVided for as follows:
AntiCipated balance at July l, 1956 $ -O-
Revenue from Local Sources
Revenue from the Commonwealth -O-
Revenue from the Federal Government ~O-
Nonrevenue -O-
Appropriation from Geners~l Fund -O-
Total Special School Capital 0u~ay Fund ~-
Resources for Fiscal Yr. Ending 6/30/57
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
for the purposes specified herein for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1957:
Paragraph One
For the function of the MCINTIRE TRUST FD~D the sum of two thousand seven
hundred sevety-five dollars and no cents ($2,775.00) is hereby appropriated from
the McIntire Trust Fund.
Total McIntire Trust Fund Appropriation for
the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1957~
To be provided for ~s follows:
Anticipated balance at July i, 1956
$ 2,775.00
Communication was receiVed from the State Compensation Board advising that in compliance with
request of the Director of Finance, and subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, said Board
had approved an additional allowance for premium on official bondS of employees in the office'of the
Director of Finance for a four-year period in the sum of $404.70, and an additional allowance to cover
premium on burglary, money and messenger service for a four-year period in the sum of $214.~0. and also,
and additional allowance of $69.27 to cover premium on bond of the Sheriff and deputies for a four-year
period, maR~g a total allowance in each instance respectively of $644.70, $414.40, and $139.27. On
motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimouslyadopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be, and is hereby, requested to parti-
cipate in i~s proportionate share of the following premiums which cover a four-
year period:
Official Bonds - Employees of Dept. of Finance ..... $644.70
Burglary, money and messenger service ......... 414.40
Official Bonds - Sheriff and Deputies ......... 139.27
$ 1,350.00
Total NcIntire Trust Fund resources for
the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1957
Total Appropriations Mentioned in Sections I through VIII in
This Ordinance For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1957.
Section I
Section II
Section III
Section IV
Section V
Section VI
Section VII
Section VIII
Grand Total
$ 465,986°.00
2 ~ 775. O0
Ail of the monies appropriated as shown by the contained items mn' Seetmons'
I through VIII are appropriated upon the provisos, terms, conditions and pro-
visions herein before set forth in connection with said items'and those set
forth in this section.
Paragraph One
Subject to the quali~cation in this ordinance contained, all appropria.
tions made out of the General Fund, the Dog Tax Fund, the Crozet Sanitary Dis-
trict Fund, the Central Fire District Fund, the Joint Health Department Fund,
the.School Fund, the Special School Capital Outlay Fund, and the McIntire Trust
Fund are declared to be maximum, conditional and proportionate appropriations--
the purpose being to make the appropriations payable in full in the amount
named herein if necessary and then only in the event the aggregate revenues
collected and available during the fiscal year for which the appropriations are
made are sufficient to pay all the appropriations in full. Otherwise, the said
appropriations shall bedeemed to be payable in such proportion as the total ~sum
of all realized revenue of the General Fund, the Dog Tax Fund, the Crozet Sani-
tary District Fund, the 0entral Fire District Fund, the Joint Health Department
Fund, the School Fund, the Special Capital Outlay Fund, the NcIntire Trust Fund
is to the total amount of revenue estimated to be available in the said fiscal
year by the Board of Supervisors, the School Board, and the Board of Public
Ail revenue received by any agency under the control of the Board of Super-
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that in compliance with
request of the Director of Finance, and subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, said Board
had approved an additional allowance for premium on official bonds of employees in the office'of the
Director of Finance for a four-~ear period in the sum of $404.70, and an additional allowance to cover
premi,mm on burglary, money and messenger service for a four-year period in the sum of $214.40. and also,
and additional allowance 'of $69.27 te cover premium on bond of the Sheriff and deputies for a four-year
period, maE~g a total allowance in each instance respectively of $644.70, $414.40, and $139.27. On
motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be, and is hereby, requested to parti-
cipate in its proportionate share of the following premiums which cover a four-
year period:
Official Bonds - Employees of Dept. of Finance ..... $644.70
Burglary, money and messenger service ......... 414.40
Official Bonds - Sheriff and Deputies ......... 139.27
of t~ Board
a spe-
items of ap-
first obtained°
Paragraph Three
appropriations payable out of the General Fund of the
close of business on the thirtieth (30th) day .of J~ne,
~ otherwise provided for, are hereby declared to be lapsed into
r treasury and shall be Used for the payment of the appropriations
which may be made in the appropriation ordinance for the next fit be-
ginning July 1~ 1956~ However, nothing in this paragraph shall to
be app~icabie to the School Fund (or any other especially restricted fund).
Paragraph Four
on a competitive bid basis shall be required, but such contract shall be ap-
proved by the head of the contracting department, bureau, agency or individual
and the director of finance, who shall be responsible for securing such com-
petitive bids on the basis of specifications furnished by the contracting de-
p~rtment, burear, agency or individual~
In the event of the failure for any reason of approval herein required for
such contracts, said contracts shall be awarded through appropriate action of
~e Board of Supervisors,
Any obligations incurred contrary to these requirements shall not be con-
sidered obligations of the county and the director of finance shall not issue
~.uy warrants in payment for such obligations°
Paragraph Five
Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing any reduction to
'be made in the amounts appropriated in this ordinance for the payment of interest
Code of Va.)
' ' a
or prmncmp i on indebtedness of the County of Albemarle. (22-124,
Paragraph Six
Allowances out of any of the appropriations made in this ordinance by any
or all county departments, bureaus, or agencies under the control of the Board
of Supervisors to any of their officers and employees for expenses on account
of the use by such officers and employees of their personal automobiles in the
of their official duties shall not exceed seven oents (75') a mil~ of
discharge ~
z~ual traVei ~
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that in compliance with
reques~ of the Director of Finance, and subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors~ said Board
had approved an additional allowance for premium on official bonds of employees in the office of the
Director of Finance for a four-year period in the sum of $404.70, and an additional allowance te cover
premium on burglary, money a~d messenger service for a four-year period in the sum of $214.40. and also,
and additional allowance of $69.27 to cover premium on bond of the Sheriff and deputies for a four-year
period, maR~g a total allowance in each instance respectively of $644.70, $414.40, and $139.27. On
motion of Mr. Garnet%, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLIrED by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be, and is hereby, requested te parti-
cipate in its proportionate share of the following premiums which cover a four-
year period:
Official Bonds - Employees of Dept. of Finance ..... $644.70
Burglary, money and messenger service ........ · 414.40
Official Bonds - Sheriff and Deputies .........
Paragraph S~ven
All travel e~r~Dense accounts ~hall be submitted on forms and according to
r~o~lations pr~scrib~d or ~pprov~d by the director of finance. Each ~ccount
~h~.ll show the d~t~s ~xpen~es w~e incurred or paid, points between w~_ich tra-
?clod, number of miles trai;oeled~ ~e. thod of t~'avel, whether by railroad, steam-
~.hip,. bu~. /pri'va. tel~'~..~'~nsd/or coumty-owned aut0mobi!~ ~ ~ilman
fare ~to ~e separately from reg~ar far~), hoteI expense, meals, and in-
cidental expenses s~h as t~legr~s, telephone calls, etc. mus~ be specified
in each instance, and a couoise statement of the purpose of or reason for such
travel expenses° The director of fin~ce is specifically directed to withhold
the issuance of warrmut-checks in payment of ~xpense a$counts submitted for
'~lump sum~ accounts~
Parag~,~ph Eight
The o£ each employee who enters the service of the County of
lbemar~e ~ermod which begm~s July l, 1956 and ends June 30, 1957,
.~hall' be fixed for the said fiscal yea~ at such rate as shall be determined by
the. County executive in writing a~.~.d as approved by the Board of Supervisors,
and no incres~se shall be made in *~he cOmpensation of any employee of the County
of Albemarle during the ss. id except v~th the approval of the Board
of Supervisors being first 'ovided, however, that this resSriction
shall not apply to officers or employees of the School Board and the Board of
Public ~elfareo ~here any employee appointed or employed to fill a vaoancy
in a position the county fix the salary of such employee who
enters the service of any agency the control of the Board of Smpervisors)
or is promoted to such position d~tu~ing the period which begins July l, 1956
and ends June 30, 1957 at a lower rate or amount than was appro~ved for the
position at them time it became vacant~ ~t is provided, however, that such em-
ployment shall be subject to the approva1 of the Board of Supervisors°
Paragraph Nine
Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed to vest with the
county executive the employment or promotion of personnel for the School Board
or the Board of Public ~elfareo
Paragraph Ten
The f~n~d budgets in Sections I through VIII are hereby adopted and made the
official budget doc~ent of the County o£ Albemarle but it is expressly provided
that the re~trictions with respect to the expenditure of fhmds appropriated shall
~ly only to the lump sum amo~uts for the respective items of appropriations
w]~ch h~ve be~n included in this ordinance.
P~zagraph Eleven
All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of
this ordinance be and the same a~-s hereby repealed~
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that in compliance with
request ef the Director of Finance, and subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, said Board
had approved an additional allowance for premium on official bondS of employees in the office of the
Director of Finance for a four-year period in the sum of $404.70, and an additional allowance to cover
premium on burglary, money and messenger service for a four-year period in the sum of $214.40. and also,
and additional allowance of $69.27 to cover premium on bond of the Sheriff and deputies for a four-year
period, ma~g a total allowance in each instance respectively of $644.70, $414.40, and $139.27. On
motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard ef County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be, and is hereby, requested to parti-
cipate in i~s proportionate share of the following premiums which cover a four-
year period:
Official Bonds - Employees of Dept. of Finance ..... $644.70
Burglary, money and messenger service ........ . 414.40
Official Bonds - Sheriff and Deputies ......... 139.27
The matter of leaving funds to be received from the Federal Government with the Airport Com-
mission for additiona3, taxi-my and ramp at rear of hanger at the Airport ,~s brought up f~r second.
reading and on motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland,-w~s.given final unanimous approval.
The matter of increasing the SalarY of the Superintendent of Schools from $8,000.00 to $8,500.00
in compliance~with state, law aas brought up' for second' reading and on motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded
by Mr. Smith, was given final unanimous approval.
Mr. M. M, Penceadvised ~hat since the State Compensation Board'operates ena calendar year
basis and the County on a fiscal year basis, that requeSt should be made to the Compensation Board at
this time for participation in increased salaries in the Department of Finance as approved in the County's
Budge% for the yeari~6-5?. Motion was offered by Mr. Williams,seconded by Mr. Smith~i.~- and unani-
mously approved, increasing the salary ef M. M. Pence from $7,700~00 t°$8,200.00~ effective July l, 1957,
as recommended by the Salary Committee.
On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the following resolution was unanimously
WHEREAS, the following salary adjustments of certain County officer and
employees of the Albemarle County Department of Finance have been approved and in-
corporated in the County's 1956-57 budget, effective July 1, 1956:
NOW, THER~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors ef
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Compensation Board of the State of Virginia
be and is hereby requested to approve these salary adjustments and to participate
in its proportionate share of same:
Approved by
Name and Position ComoenSation Bd.
Anti, Approved
in 1956-19.57
Bud~e~. _
Robert C. Sours, Asst. D.F.
Hugh F. Simms, Jr.,Dhf.Assessor
(Replacing S. S. Clark)
June T. Moon, Clerk
Virginia CaSsidy, Bookkeeper
Mary A. Lynch, Clerk
$5,320.00 $5,580.00
Umella H. Norman (M. 0zella Hicks," 2,280.00
Pansy MCClanahan, Clerk
Dorothy A. Sprouse, Clerk
(Replacing Halstead & Critzer)
Roxie Hurst, Clerk
(Replacing Doris Desper)
Extra Help*
5,340.00 3,600.00
3,480.00 3,720.00
2,820.00 3~000.00
2,280.00 2,460~00
2,280.00 2,460.00
2,040.00 2,040.00
1,920.00 2,0~0.00
6,000.00 6~ooo.0o
1~000.00 .... 1~000.00
$ 260.00
180. O0
180. O0
$34,760.00 (a)$34,360.00 $(400.00)
*Names to be furnished: )
(a) Exclusive of salary of Director of Finance - $7,700.00 to $8,200.00 - $500.00 )
~r. Pence advised the Board that the Compansation Board would participate in the cost of office
supplies, furniture and equipment in the Department of Finance effective July 1, 1956, and that request
should be ~made at this time for the remainder of the calendar year for said participation. He presented
form prepared requesting $4,200.00 for office supplies and $524.08 for office files, stating that reques~
for machines was being withheld pending notification from the Department of Taxation with regard to the
billing a~d collection of State income as changed by the new law. On motion of Mr, Garne.tt,~seconded
by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle CoUnty,
Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be and is hereby requested to parti~
cipate in its proportionate share of office equipment and supplies for the Depart-
merit of Finance for the period beginning July 1, 1956 and ending December 31, 1956,
in the total sum of $4,724.08.
Communication was received from Mr. Edward Van Laer, Contractor, endorsing the County's enfor~
mmnt of the Building Permit Ordinance and ~rging that steps be taken toward setting up a building code
in the County to cover new construction.
Communication was received from the United States Department of Agriculture advising that the
lease of office space rented for the Soil Conservation Service in the County Office Building was extendedl
to cover the period beginning July l, 1956 and ending June 30, 1957.
Mr. M. M. Pence, County Executive, advised that he had be~n to see Mr. Herbert B. Wheeler who
has application pending before this Board for permit to operate automobile .graveyard at Keene, Virginia.
He advised further that Mr. Wheeler now has a new shop under construction and plans to place all automo-
biles behine said shop and over the hill out of view. Mr. Pence suggested that this application be held
in abeYance until Mr. Wheeler has had time to relocate. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr,
Thraves, and unanimously carried, Mr. Wheeler's application was tabled until a later date.
An offer of $I00.O0 was received from Mr. C. R. Marshall for two acres ef County owned property
located in the Scottsville District formerly owned by Fred Ross. No action was taken on this matter
since the County is nog allowed under law to sell property to a County employee.
The policy prefacing recommendation for the acceptance ef subdivision roads into the State
Secondary System as presented to the Board at the last regular meeting was brought -ap for second reading
and on motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, was unanimously approved as follows:
All of their ~ptat and plans by the Albemarle
Commission of the City of Chariot-
County , .. ~
tesv±!le shall be req~_ed to present such plat and plans to the County Board
of S;2pervisors of Albemarle County for its signature before the same can be
No reecmmendation for the acceptance of the dedication of any road or street
for mzlnter~nce ~:to the secondary system v~ll be approved until the following
conditions and provisions have been fulfilled.
(1) ~ streets in ne~ subdivisions must be constructed te conform
in geners~ to standards for streets as established by the State
Highway Commissioner, namely:
(a) Right-of-Way Width shall not be less than 50 feet.
(b) Roadway shall be .g~aded to a minimum width of 24 feet ex-
clusive of side ditches to standards approved by the Resi-
dent Engineer Of the State HighWay Department.
(c) Drainage facilities approved by the State NighwaY Depart-
ment shall be provided.
(d) Base for pavement shall be at least 20 feet in width and
compacted 5 inches in depth and be of stone, gravel or
ot:h~sr satisfactory stabilizing material approved by the
State Highway Department.
(e) P~vement width shall be a minimum of 20 feet with a
bituminous oiled surface or its equivalent.
~A!I road taus% be
f~m~ liar with the 1~ used,
Of compaction, stabilization and ~d~ainage,
The sub-divider must provide continuous inspection bY a persc~
who knows proper construction methods in accordance with the
specifications of the Virginia Department of Highways.
~ Street drainage, whether By surface gutter ~itches, or
g~-cu;~ &~.ains, or both, must be carried ~o the most
of ~a'h~ral drainage, and must be of sufficient size to
maximum flow i~ accordance with the calculated drainage area..
The sw.~h-divider must provide for the recorded easements
t.oc~hion of drainage, in the event the
such ~s~m. er as to provide drainage for adjoining or surrounding
!a~d, the same shall be required.
Ail culverts shall be of size and material to conform to standards
of the State Highway Department, using length on same as required
in State construction.
( Continued )
'9§6I '0~ eun£ uo pIeq ~uz.%eem
-eqIV $o ~,xoesn,.zedug &%uno3 $o pa'eoff eq% Eq
Claims against the County amounting to $141,1~44o96 were pre~ented, examined, and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Department Fund
McIntire Trust Fund
Central Fire District Fm~d
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Acco~mut
$ 31,289.51
$141, I~4.96
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
June 29, 1956
Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County Office Building, Charlottesville,
Virginia, at 9:00 A.M. with the following members present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Garnett,
Edward L. Smith, ~. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and John W. Williams. Absent: ~r. Robert Thraves. ~
We, the undersigned, members of the Board' of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, hePeby waive notice, ~nd special service thereof, of a meeting to be held
at 9:00 A.M. on the twenty-ninth day of June, 1956, in the County Office Building,
Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering the School Budget for the
month of July, 1956, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all busi-
ness and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabove men~
tioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto.
Officers present:
~ ~ ~obert Th~aves ~
County Executive and Com~o~a!th's Attorney.
A matter with respect to receiving the School Budget for the month of July, 1956, was presented
Budget for the month in question in the total sum of $250,512.00 was received along with letter from Mr.
Paul H. Cale, Superintendent of Schools. ~E~E~er due consideration, a motion by Mr. Williams, seconded by
Mr. Sutherland, that the sum of $250,512~00 be allocated for operation of the schools for the month of
July was unanimously adopted~and said budget request was ordered filed with the minutes of this meeting.
On motion, the meeting adjourned~-