HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-17SPECIALAugust 17, 1956 Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County 6upervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, at ?:00 P.M. with the following members present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Garnett, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr., and John W. Williams. Absent: Mr. RObert Thraves. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at ?:00 P.M. on the seventeenth day of August, 1956, in the County Office Building, Oharlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of receiving and considering matters per- raining to the Crozet Sanitary District, and we do hereby consent to the transaction- of any and all business and the taking cf such action at said meeting upon the matter hereinabeve mentioned~ as may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto. ' / ~ H. Ashb~arris~ Edward L. 6mAth M. Y. Sutherland,'.Jr'. Robert Thraves Officers present~ County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The Board met at the time and place indicated. Due to the fact that certain members of the Crozet Water Committee were unable to attend the-meeting in the Board Room due te .seasonal occupation, it was suggested that the meeting be held at' the Fruit Growers Cooperative Building, Crozet, Virginia, in order that all might ~ticipate in the discussion. On motion, duly made and Seconded, the meeting adjourned to the office 'of the Fruit .Growers Cooperative, Crozet, Virginia. Considerable discussion was given to matters relating to the shortage of water in the Sanitary District. The County Executive explained that within a period of a few hours, the water disappeared from the clear water basin. He advised that he was unable to explain the disappearance of this water. How- ever, he was of the opinion that a leak had occurred somewhere. It appeared to be the sense of the meeting that arrangements be made to install a temporary line to Mr. Ray Warrick's well in order to augment the District's water supply. Mr, Warrick advised- that he would permit the using of his well again this year. However, this would be the last year that such arrangemen~ would be allowed unless a permanent galvanized line was installed from ~hfs well to his. pack- ing shed located on White Hall Road. Mr. WarriCk explained that for two years in the pazt, considerable inconvenience and much damage had.been experiences due to the fact that he had permitted the temporary arrangement. The County Executive advised that due to the drilling of the second well early in 1956, the fund had some outstanding obligations which would over expend the ~fumd. He stated that altho.ugh~ the expenditure of such funds had been authorized by the Board, he did not feel that he could permit~ further ever expenditures ~-~ess funds were made available, the-Commonwealth's Attorney explained legal angle of the matter and stated that in view of the dire emergency existing, he believed a temporary loan from the ~eneral Fund was justified. After discussion of the matter it was moved by Mr. William~, seconded by Mr. Garnett, with rules being suspended as te the second reading, that a loan of $7,500.00 be advanced from-the General Fund to 'the ~rozet Sanitary District Fund for the purpose of installing a temporary line from Mr. Ray Warrick's well on the White Hall Road and that a permanent galvanized line be laid in accordance with On motion, the meeting adjeurned~ August 24, 1956 PurSuant to the following waiver, .members of .the Beard ef County Supervisers of Albemarle Coumty, Virginia, met in special ~session on this date in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, ~at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present: Messrsj H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Garmett, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland~ Jr., Robert Thraves and John W. Williams. Abesent: None. We, the undersigned, members ef the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive n~tice, and special service thereof, for a meeting to be held at 7:00 P.M. on the twenty-fourth day of August, 1956, in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of discussing the following: 1. 0rozet sanitary District. 2. Legislation re: construction of farm pendsj 3. Report of Committee re: access road at Ivy. 4. Petition to operate private ~ystem. And we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all businesS'and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabeve mentioned as may be law- ful, incident and necessary thereto. Edward L. Smith .... M.Y. Sutherland, J~. Robert Thraves John W. wi~iiams Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The committee appointed at the last regular meeting consisting of Messrs. Smith and Thraves, reported that they had-conferred with representatives of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company with regard to operational policies and also with respect tothe improvement of the road leading to their pro- posed site at Ivy, Virginia. They stated they had met with Mr. Querry and Mr.'" Erb of' the abov~e ~ompany amd :were of the opinion that effort should be made to obtain 'sufficient money from the Industrial Access Road Fund, in order te improve the questioned road. It was the sense ef the meeting that'the thought of the committee in this instance be pursued to the end suggested and they were so instructed by the Chair. The following communication from the Sydnor Pump and Well Company with respect ~e operating a water system in Albemarle County, was presented: TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ~ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA am4 THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF VIRGINIA Richmond, Virginia Gentlemen: "August 21, 1956 Pursuant to Chapter 455 of the Acts of Assembly of 1954, Sydner Pump and Well Company, Incorporated, hereby gives notice that it proposes to establish, and hereby makes application for approval to establish, in the County of Albemarle, Virginia, in and about: